Ejemplo n.º 1
def primes_iter(K, bound=oo, cache=True):
    if cache and not hasattr(K, "_prime_factorizations_cache"):
        K._prime_factorizations_cache = {}

    for p in primes(1, bound):
        if cache and p in K._prime_factorizations_cache:
            F = K._prime_factorizations_cache[p]
            F = (K * p).factor()
            if cache:
                K._prime_factorizations_cache[p] = F

        for pp, _ in F:
            if pp.absolute_norm() < bound:
                yield pp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def split_primes_iter(K, bound=oo, cache=True):
    if cache and not hasattr(K, "_prime_factorizations_cache"):
        K._prime_factorizations_cache = {}

    for p in primes(1, bound):
        if cache and p in K._prime_factorizations_cache:
            F = K._prime_factorizations_cache[p]
            F = (K * p).factor()
            if cache:
                K._prime_factorizations_cache[p] = F

        if not len(F) == K.absolute_degree():

        for pp, _ in F:
            yield pp
Ejemplo n.º 3
def deg_one_primes_iter(K, principal_only=False):
    Return an iterator over degree 1 primes of ``K``.


    - ``K`` -- a number field
    - ``principal_only`` -- bool; if ``True``, only yield principal primes


    An iterator over degree 1 primes of `K` up to the given norm,
    optionally yielding only principal primes.


        sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(-5)
        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gal_reps_number_field import deg_one_primes_iter
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (2, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 2),
         Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 4)]
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K, True)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (-2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (a + 6),
         Fractional ideal (a - 6),
         Fractional ideal (-3*a + 4)]
    # imaginary quadratic fields have no principal primes of norm < disc / 4
    start = K.discriminant().abs() // 4 if principal_only and K.signature(
    ) == (0, 1) else 2

    from sage.arith.misc import primes
    from sage.rings.infinity import infinity
    for p in primes(start=start, stop=infinity):
        for P in K.primes_above(p, degree=1):
            if not principal_only or P.is_principal():
                yield P
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Step4Test(E, B, oldB=0, verbose=False):
    Apply local Q-curve test to E at all primes up to B.


    - `E` (elliptic curve): an elliptic curve defined over a number field

    - `B` (integer): upper bound on primes to test

    - `oldB` (integer, default 0): lower bound on primes to test

    - `verbose` (boolean, default ``False``): verbosity flag


    Either (``False``, `p`), if the local test at `p` proves that `E`
    is not a `\QQ`-curve, or (``True``, `0`) if all local tests at
    primes between ``oldB`` and ``B`` fail to prove that `E` is not a

    ALGORITHM (see [CrNa2020]_ for details):

    This local test at `p` only applies if `E` has good reduction at
    all of the primes lying above `p` in the base field `K` of `E`.  It
    tests whether (1) `E` is either ordinary at all `P\mid p`, or
    supersingular at all; (2) if ordinary at all, it tests that the
    squarefree part of `a_P^2-4N(P)` is the same for all `P\mid p`.


    A non-`\QQ`-curve over a quartic field (with LMFDB label
    '4.4.8112.1-12.1-a1') fails this test at `p=13`::

        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.Qcurves import Step4Test
        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([3, 0, -5, 0, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([-3,-4,1,1]),K([4,-1,-1,0]),K([-2,0,1,0]),K([-621,778,138,-178]),K([9509,2046,-24728,10380])])
        sage: Step4Test(E, 100, verbose=True)
        No: inconsistency at the 2 ordinary primes dividing 13
        - Frobenius discriminants mod squares: [-3, -1]
        (False, 13)

    A `\QQ`-curve over a sextic field (with LMFDB label
    '6.6.1259712.1-64.1-a6') passes this test for all `p<100`::

        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.Qcurves import Step4Test
        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(R([-3, 0, 9, 0, -6, 0, 1]))
        sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([1,-3,0,1,0,0]),K([5,-3,-6,1,1,0]),K([1,-3,0,1,0,0]),K([-139,-129,331,277,-76,-63]),K([2466,1898,-5916,-4582,1361,1055])])
        sage: Step4Test(E, 100, verbose=True)
        (True, 0)

    from sage.arith.misc import primes
    K = E.base_field()
    NN = E.conductor().norm()
    for p in primes(B):
        if p <= oldB or p.divides(NN):
        Plist = K.primes_above(p)
        if len(Plist) < 2:

        EmodP = [E.reduction(P) for P in Plist]

        # (a) Check all are ordinary or all supersingular:
        ordinary = [Ei.is_ordinary() for Ei in EmodP]
        consistent = all(ordinary) or not any(ordinary)
        if not consistent:
            if verbose:
                print("No: inconsistency at the {} primes dividing {} ".format(
                    len(Plist), p))
                print("  - ordinary: {}".format(ordinary))
            return False, p

        # (b) Skip if all are supersingular:
        if not ordinary[0]:

        # else compare a_P^2-4*N(P) which should have the same squarefree part:

        discs = [(Ei.trace_of_frobenius()**2 - 4 * P.norm()).squarefree_part()
                 for P, Ei in zip(Plist, EmodP)]
        if any(d != discs[0] for d in discs[1:]):
            if verbose:
                    "No: inconsistency at the {} ordinary primes dividing {} ".
                    format(len(Plist), p))
                print("  - Frobenius discriminants mod squares: {}".format(
            return False, p
    # Now we have failed to prove that E is not a Q-curve
    return True, 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def field_of_constant_degree_of_polynomial(G, return_field=False):
    r""" Return the degree of the field of constants of a polynomial.


    - ``G`` -- an irreducible monic polynomial over a rational function field
    - ``return_field`` -- a boolean (default:`False`)

    OUTPUT: the degree of the field of constants of the function field defined
    by ``G``. If ``return_field`` is ``True`` then the actual field of constants
    is returned. This is currently implemented for finite fields only.

    This is a helper function for ``SmoothProjectiveCurve.field_of_constants_degree``.

    from sage.rings.function_field.function_field import RationalFunctionField
    from sage.rings.function_field.constructor import FunctionField
    from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberFields
    from sage.arith.misc import primes
    from mclf.semistable_reduction.reduction_trees import make_function_field
    F = G.base_ring()
    assert isinstance(F, RationalFunctionField)
    K = F.constant_base_field()
    R = F._ring   # the polynomial ring underlying F
    n = G.degree()
    if K.is_finite():
        d = 1    # will be the degree of the field of constants at the end
        for p in primes(2,n+1):
            while p.divides(n):
                    K1 = K.extension(p)
                    # if K is not a true finite field the above fails
                    # we use a helper function which construct an extension
                    # of the desired degree
                    K1 = extension_of_finite_field(K, p)
                F1 = FunctionField(K1, F.variable_name())
                G1 = G.change_ring(F1)
                G2 = G1.factor()[0][0]   # the first irreducible factor of G1
                if G2.degree() < n:      # G becomes reducible over K1
                    d = d*p              # we replace G by G2 and adapt
                    K = K1               # the values of n, d, K, G
                    G = G2
                    n = G.degree()
                else:                    # G is irreducible over K1
                    break                # we try the next prime
        if return_field:
            return K
            return d
    elif K in NumberFields():
        from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
        from sage.rings.all import GaussValuation
        if return_field:
            raise NotImplementedError('Computation of field of constants for number fields is not yet implemented.')
        d = n
        count = 0
        for p in K.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(ZZ(1000)):
            vp = K.valuation(p)
            v0 = F.valuation(GaussValuation(R, vp))
            v = GaussValuation(G.parent(), v0)
            if v(G) == 0:
                Gb = v.reduce(G)
                Fb, _, _ = make_function_field(Gb.base_ring())
                Gb = Gb.change_ring(Fb)
                if Gb.is_irreducible():
                    dp = field_of_constant_degree_of_polynomial(Gb)
                    d = d.gcd(dp)
                    count += 1
            if d == 1 or count > 10:
        return d
        raise NotImplementedError('Constant base field has to be finite or a number field.')