def transitive(self, other=None):
     if other is None:
         raise ValueError, "Enter a reduction map as a parameter"
     elif self.get_B() != other.get_A():
         raise ValueError, "These are not good candidate sets for reduction mapping"
         dic_h = dict()
         dic_h0 = dict()
         A = self.get_A()
         B = self.get_B()
         C = other.get_B()
         f = self.get_SRWP()
         f0 = self.get_SPWP()
         g = other.get_SRWP()
         g0 = other.get_SPWP()
         for elm in A:
             if elm in fixed_points(f):
                 if f0(elm) in fixed_points(g):
                     dic_h0[elm] = g0(f0(elm))
                     dic_h[elm] = elm
                     dic_h[elm] = inverse(f0)(g(f0(elm)))
                 dic_h[elm] = f(elm)
         h = FiniteSetMaps(A, A).from_dict(dic_h)
         h0 = FiniteSetMaps(CombinatorialScalarWrapper(dic_h0.keys()),
         return ReductionMaps(A, C, h, h0)
 def transitive(self,other=None):
     if other is None:
         raise ValueError, "Enter a reduction map as a parameter"
     elif self.get_B() != other.get_A():
         raise ValueError, "These are not good candidate sets for reduction mapping"
         dic_h = dict()
         dic_h0 = dict()
         A = self.get_A()
         B = self.get_B()
         C = other.get_B()
         f = self.get_SRWP()
         f0 = self.get_SPWP()
         g = other.get_SRWP()
         g0 = other.get_SPWP()
         for elm in A:
             if elm in fixed_points(f):
                 if f0(elm) in fixed_points(g):
                     dic_h0[elm] = g0(f0(elm))
                     dic_h[elm] = elm
                     dic_h[elm] = inverse(f0)(g(f0(elm)))
                 dic_h[elm] = f(elm)
         h = FiniteSetMaps(A,A).from_dict(dic_h)
         h0 = FiniteSetMaps(CombinatorialScalarWrapper(dic_h0.keys()),C).from_dict(dic_h0)
         return ReductionMaps(A,C,h,h0)
    def __init__(self, A, B, f, f0):

        if type(A) != CombinatorialScalarWrapper:
            raise ValueError, "The first input must be a Combinatorial Scalar Wrapper"
        elif type(B) != CombinatorialScalarWrapper:
            raise ValueError, "The second input must be a Combinatorial Scalar Wrapper"
        elif not (bool(
                A.get_generating_function() == B.get_generating_function())):
            raise ValueError, "The generating functions of the scalars are not equal"
        elif type(f) != FiniteSetMap_Set and type(f) != FiniteSetEndoMap_Set:
            raise ValueError, "The third input must be a map in FiniteSetMaps"
        elif type(f0) != FiniteSetMap_Set and type(f0) != FiniteSetEndoMap_Set:
            raise ValueError, "The fourth input must be a map in FiniteSetMaps"
        elif set(f.domain()) != set(A):
            raise ValueError, "The third input must have domain of first input"
        elif set(f0.domain()) != set(fixed_points(f)):
            raise ValueError, "The fourth input must have domain of fixed points of third the input"
        elif set(f0.image_set()) != set(B):
            raise ValueError, "The fourth input must have image of second input"
        elif not (is_SRWP_involution(f)):
            raise ValueError, "The third input must be an SRWP involution"
        elif not (is_SPWP_bijection(f0)):
            raise ValueError, "The fourth input must be an SPWP bijection"
            self._A = A
            self._B = B
            self._f = f
            self._f0 = f0
 def __init__(self, A,B,f,f0):
     if type(A)!=CombinatorialScalarWrapper:
         raise ValueError, "The first input must be a Combinatorial Scalar Wrapper"
     elif type(B)!=CombinatorialScalarWrapper:
         raise ValueError, "The second input must be a Combinatorial Scalar Wrapper"
     elif not(bool(A.get_generating_function()==B.get_generating_function())):
         raise ValueError, "The generating functions of the scalars are not equal"
     elif type(f)!= FiniteSetMap_Set and type(f) != FiniteSetEndoMap_Set:
         raise ValueError, "The third input must be a map in FiniteSetMaps"
     elif type(f0) != FiniteSetMap_Set and type(f0) != FiniteSetEndoMap_Set:
         raise ValueError, "The fourth input must be a map in FiniteSetMaps"
     elif set(f.domain()) != set(A):
         raise ValueError, "The third input must have domain of first input"
     elif set(f0.domain()) != set(fixed_points(f)):
         raise ValueError, "The fourth input must have domain of fixed points of third the input"
     elif set(f0.image_set())!=set(B):
         raise ValueError, "The fourth input must have image of second input"
     elif not(is_SRWP_involution(f)):
         raise ValueError, "The third input must be an SRWP involution"
     elif not(is_SPWP_bijection(f0)):
         raise ValueError, "The fourth input must be an SPWP bijection"
         self._A = A
         self._B = B
         self._f = f
         self._f0 = f0
 def confluence(self, other=None):
     Returns the reduction of C to B, where the usage is:
     r1.confluence(r2), and r1 maps A to B, B fully cancelled,
     and r2 maps A to C.
     if other is None:
         raise ValueError, "Enter a redution map as a parameter"
     elif self.get_A() != other.get_A():
         raise ValueError, """ "A" """ " sets have to match"
     elif not (self.get_B().is_fully_cancelled()):
         raise ValueError, """ "B" """ " on the left is not fully cancelled"
         dic_h = dict()
         dic_h0 = dict()
         A = self.get_A()
         B = self.get_B()
         C = other.get_B()
         f = self.get_SRWP()
         f0 = self.get_SPWP()
         g = other.get_SRWP()
         g0 = other.get_SPWP()
         fxd_f = fixed_points(self.get_SRWP())
         fxd_g = fixed_points(other.get_SRWP())
         for c in C:
             x = inverse(g0)(c)
             while True:
                 if x in fxd_f:  #a fixed point of h
                     dic_h[c] = c
                     dic_h0[c] = f0(x)
                     x = f(x)
                 if x in fxd_g:  #not a fixed point of h
                     dic_h[c] = g0(x)
                     x = g(x)
         h = FiniteSetMaps(C, C).from_dict(dic_h)
         h0 = FiniteSetMaps(CombinatorialScalarWrapper(dic_h0.keys()),
         return ReductionMaps(C, B, h, h0)
 def confluence(self,other=None):
     Returns the reduction of C to B, where the usage is:
     r1.confluence(r2), and r1 maps A to B, B fully cancelled,
     and r2 maps A to C.
     if other is None:
         raise ValueError, "Enter a redution map as a parameter"
     elif self.get_A() != other.get_A():
         raise ValueError, """ "A" """ " sets have to match"
     elif not(self.get_B().is_fully_cancelled()):
         raise ValueError, """ "B" """ " on the left is not fully cancelled"
         dic_h = dict()
         dic_h0 = dict()
         A = self.get_A()
         B = self.get_B()
         C = other.get_B()
         f = self.get_SRWP()
         f0 = self.get_SPWP()
         g = other.get_SRWP()
         g0 = other.get_SPWP()
         fxd_f = fixed_points(self.get_SRWP())
         fxd_g = fixed_points(other.get_SRWP())
         for c in C:
             x = inverse(g0)(c)
             while True:
                 if x in fxd_f: #a fixed point of h
                     dic_h[c] = c
                     dic_h0[c] = f0(x)
                     x = f(x)
                 if x in fxd_g: #not a fixed point of h
                     x = g(x)
         h = FiniteSetMaps(C,C).from_dict(dic_h)
         h0 = FiniteSetMaps(CombinatorialScalarWrapper(dic_h0.keys()),B).from_dict(dic_h0)
         return ReductionMaps(C,B,h,h0)
def reduction_identity_matrix(mat,st=None,involution_dict=None):
    When a matrix reduces to the identity, this returns
    a ReductionMapDict of from a matrix to I.
    dim = mat.nrows()
    if involution_dict is None:
        fs = _involution_dict(mat)
        fs = involution_dict
    f0s = dict()
    I = identity_matrix(dim)
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            if i==j:
                tmp = CombinatorialScalarWrapper(set(fixed_points(fs[i,j])))
                f0s[i,j] = FiniteSetMaps(tmp,I[i,j]).from_dict({tmp.get_set().pop():CombinatorialObject(1,1)})
                f0s[i,j] = FiniteSetMaps(set(),set()).from_dict({})
    d = dict()
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            d[i,j] = ReductionMaps(mat[i,j],I[i,j],fs[i,j],f0s[i,j])
    return ReductionMapsDict(d,st)
def reduction_lemma_28_68(mat, red_adjAA_to_I, st = "an application of lemma 28, reduction_68"):
    Because only one matrix here has a nontrivial SRWP map,
    we need not apply the formal indexing given in the proof
    of lemma 28.  Simply enter a matrix (adj_AA)BA and the
    reduction of adj_AA to I.
    d = dict()
    dim = mat.nrows()
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            dic_f = dict()
            dic_f0 = dict()
            newset = set()
            for elm in mat[i,j]:
                #break tuple apart
                tmp0 = elm.get_object()[0]
                tmp1 = elm.get_object()[1]
                tmp2 = elm.get_object()[2]
                row = tmp0.get_row()
                col = tmp0.get_col()
                f_row_col = red_adjAA_to_I[row,col].get_SRWP()
                f0_row_col = red_adjAA_to_I[row,col].get_SPWP()
                #assign map
                tmp = f_row_col(tmp0)
                sign = tmp.get_sign()*tmp1.get_sign()*tmp2.get_sign()
                weight = tmp.get_weight()*tmp1.get_weight()*tmp2.get_weight()
                dic_f[elm] = CombinatorialObject((tmp,tmp1,tmp2),sign,weight)
                if tmp in fixed_points(f_row_col):
                    tmpfxd = CombinatorialObject((f0_row_col(tmp0),tmp1,tmp2),elm.get_sign(),elm.get_weight())
                    dic_f0[elm] = tmpfxd
            f = FiniteSetMaps(mat[i,j],mat[i,j]).from_dict(dic_f)
            f0 = FiniteSetMaps(dic_f0.keys(),newset).from_dict(dic_f0)
            d[i,j] = ReductionMaps(mat[i,j],CombinatorialScalarWrapper(newset),f,f0)
    return ReductionMapsDict(d,st)