Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, generator_orders):


            sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap import AbelianGroupGap
            sage: A = AbelianGroup((2,3,4))
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
        category = Groups().Commutative()
        if 0 in generator_orders:
            if not libgap.LoadPackage("Polycyclic"):
                raise ImportError("unable to import polycyclic package")
            G = libgap.eval("AbelianPcpGroup(%s)" % list(generator_orders))
            category = category.Infinite()
            self.Element = AbelianGroupElement_polycyclic
            G = libgap.AbelianGroup(generator_orders)
            category = category.Finite().Enumerated()
        AbelianGroup_gap.__init__(self, G, category=category)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_packages(packages, only_failures=False):
    Return list of all installed packages.


    - ``packages`` -- a list/tuple/iterable of strings. The names of
      GAP packages to try to import.

    - ``only_failures`` -- boolean, default ``False``. Whether to only
      include failures in the table.


    A table of the installed packages and whether they load


        sage: from sage.tests.gap_packages import all_installed_packages, test_packages
        sage: test_packages(['GAPDoc'])
          Status   Package   GAP Output
                   GAPDoc    true

    All packages, including user-installed ones::

        sage: pkgs = all_installed_packages()
        sage: test_packages(pkgs)    # random output
          Status    Package      GAP Output
                   Alnuth       true
                   GAPDoc       true
                   HAPcryst     true
                   Hap          true
                   QPA          true
                   aclib        true
                   atlasrep     true
                   autpgrp      true
                   cohomolo     true
                   corelg       true
                   crime        true
                   cryst        true
                   crystcat     true
                   ctbllib      true
                   design       true
                   factint      true
                   gbnp         true
                   grape        true
                   guava        true
                   happrime     true
                   hecke        true
                   laguna       true
                   liealgdb     true
                   liepring     true
                   liering      true
                   loops        true
                   mapclass     true
                   polycyclic   true
                   polymaking   true
                   quagroup     true
                   repsn        true
                   sla          true
                   sonata       true
                   tomlib       true
                   toric        true
    rows = [['Status', 'Package', 'GAP Output']]
    for pkgdir in packages:
        # to allow weird suffixes e.g. 'qpa-version'
        pkg = pkgdir.split('-')[0]
        orig_warning_level = libgap.InfoLevel(libgap.InfoWarning)
        # Silence warnings about missing optional packages that might occur
        # when loading packages; they're not important for the purposes of this
        # test code
        libgap.SetInfoLevel(libgap.InfoWarning, 0)
            output = libgap.LoadPackage(pkg)
            # Restore the original warning level
            libgap.SetInfoLevel(libgap.InfoWarning, orig_warning_level)

        ok = bool(output)
        status = '' if ok else 'Failure'
        if ok and only_failures:
        rows.append([status, pkg, str(output)])
    from sage.misc.table import table
    return table(rows, header_row=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        sage: from pGroupCohomology.auxiliaries import _gap_reset_random_seed
        sage: libgap.eval('exportMTXLIB') == "MTXLIB=%s; export MTXLIB; "%sage.env.MTXLIB

    The _gap_reset_random_seed function is automatically executed as well. Calling it again will
    reset libGAP's random seed.

        sage: libgap.eval('List([1..10],i->Random(1,100000))')
        [ 45649, 49273, 19962, 64029, 11164, 5492, 19892, 67868, 62222, 80867 ]
        sage: _gap_reset_random_seed()
        sage: libgap.eval('List([1..10],i->Random(1,100000))')
        [ 45649, 49273, 19962, 64029, 11164, 5492, 19892, 67868, 62222, 80867 ]

    from sage.all import set_random_seed
    gap.eval('Reset(GlobalMersenneTwister, {})'.format(seed))
    gap.eval('Reset(GlobalRandomSource, {})'.format(seed))

#  Gap initialisation code that should be executed once

gap.InstallValue(gap.exportMTXLIB, "MTXLIB=%s; export MTXLIB; " % (MTXLIB))