Ejemplo n.º 1
def _explode_embedding_list(v0,M,emblist,power = 1):
    p = v0.codomain().base_ring().prime()
    list_embeddings = []
    for tau0,gtau_orig in emblist:
        gtau = gtau_orig**power
        verbose('gtau = %s'%gtau)
        ## First method
        for u1 in is_represented_by_unit(M,ZZ(gtau[0,0]),p):
            u_M1 = matrix(QQ,2,2,[u1**-1,0,0,u1])
            gtau1 = u_M1 * gtau
            tau01 = tau0 / (u1**2)
            if gtau1[0,0] % M == 1:
            elif gtau1[0,0] % M == -1:
        ## Second method
        if M > 1:
            a_inv = ZZ((1/Zmod(M)(gtau[0,0])).lift())
            for u2 in is_represented_by_unit(M,a_inv,p):
                u_M2 = matrix(QQ,2,2,[u2,0,0,u2**-1])
                gtau2 = u_M2 * gtau
                tau02 = u2**2 * tau0 #act_flt(u_M2,tau0)
                if gtau2[0,0] % M == 1:
                elif gtau1[0,0] % M == -1:
    verbose('Found %s embeddings...'%len(list_embeddings))
    return list_embeddings
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _explode_embedding_list(v0,M,emblist,power = 1):
    p = v0.codomain().base_ring().prime()
    list_embeddings = []
    for tau0,gtau_orig in emblist:
        gtau = gtau_orig**power
        verbose('gtau = %s'%gtau)
        ## First method
        for u1 in is_represented_by_unit(M,ZZ(gtau[0,0]),p):
            u_M1 = matrix(QQ,2,2,[u1**-1,0,0,u1])
            gtau1 = u_M1 * gtau
            tau01 = tau0 / (u1**2)
            if gtau1[0,0] % M == 1:
            elif gtau1[0,0] % M == -1:
        ## Second method
        if M > 1:
            a_inv = ZZ((1/Zmod(M)(gtau[0,0])).lift())
            for u2 in is_represented_by_unit(M,a_inv,p):
                u_M2 = matrix(QQ,2,2,[u2,0,0,u2**-1])
                gtau2 = u_M2 * gtau
                tau02 = u2**2 * tau0 #act_flt(u_M2,tau0)
                if gtau2[0,0] % M == 1:
                elif gtau1[0,0] % M == -1:
    verbose('Found %s embeddings...'%len(list_embeddings))
    return list_embeddings
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _compute_padic_splitting(self, prec):
        verbose('Entering compute_padic_splitting')
        prime = self.p
        if self.seed is not None:
            self.magma.eval('SetSeed(%s)' % self.seed)
        R = Qp(prime, prec + 10)  #Zmod(prime**prec) #
        B_magma = self.Gpn._get_B_magma()
        a, b = self.Gpn.B.invariants()
        if self._hardcode_matrices:
            self._II = matrix(R, 2, 2, [1, 0, 0, -1])
            self._JJ = matrix(R, 2, 2, [0, 1, 1, 0])
            goodroot = self.F.gen().minpoly().change_ring(R).roots()[0][0]
            self._F_to_local = self.F.hom([goodroot])
            verbose('Calling magma pMatrixRing')
            if self.F == QQ:
                _, f = self.magma.pMatrixRing(self.Gpn._Omax_magma,
                                              prime *
                self._F_to_local = QQ.hom([R(1)])
                _, f = self.magma.pMatrixRing(self.Gpn._Omax_magma,
                    self._goodroot = R(
                except SyntaxError:
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        "Magma has trouble finding local splitting")
                self._F_to_local = None
                for o, _ in self.F.gen().minpoly().change_ring(R).roots():
                    if (o - self._goodroot).valuation() > 5:
                        self._F_to_local = self.F.hom([o])
                assert self._F_to_local is not None
            verbose('Initializing II,JJ,KK')
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(1)).Vector()
            self._II = matrix(R, 2, 2, [v[i + 1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(2)).Vector()
            self._JJ = matrix(R, 2, 2, [v[i + 1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(3)).Vector()
            self._KK = matrix(R, 2, 2, [v[i + 1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            self._II, self._JJ = lift_padic_splitting(self._F_to_local(a),
                                                      self._II, self._JJ,
                                                      prime, prec)
        self.Gn._F_to_local = self._F_to_local
        if not self.use_shapiro():
            self.Gpn._F_to_local = self._F_to_local

        self._KK = self._II * self._JJ
        self._prec = prec
        return self._II, self._JJ, self._KK
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def _split_hyperbolic(L) :
            cur_cor = 2
            Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())
            while not is_positive_definite(Lcor) :
                cur_cor += 2
                Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())

            a = FreeModule(ZZ, L.nrows()).gen(0)
            if a * L * a >= 0 :
                Lcor_length_inc = max(3, a * L * a)
                cur_Lcor_length = Lcor_length_inc
                while True :
                    short_vectors = flatten(QuadraticForm(Lcor).short_vector_list_up_to_length( a * Lcor * a )[cur_Lcor_length - Lcor_length_inc: cur_Lcor_length], max_level = 1)
                    for a in short_vectors :
                        if a * L * a < 0 :
                    else :
            n = -a * L * a // 2

            short_vectors = E8.short_vector_list_up_to_length(n + 1)[-1]

            for v in short_vectors :
                for w in short_vectors :
                    if v * E8_gram * w == 2 * n - 1 :
                        LE8_mat = L.block_sum(E8_gram)
                        v_form = vector( list(a) + list(v) ) * LE8_mat
                        w_form = vector( list(a) + list(w) ) * LE8_mat
                        Lred_basis = matrix(ZZ, [v_form, w_form]).right_kernel().basis_matrix().transpose()
                        Lred_basis = matrix(ZZ, Lred_basis)

                        return Lred_basis.transpose() * LE8_mat * Lred_basis
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_BT_reps(self):
        reps = [self.Gn.B(1)] + [None for i in xrange(self.p)]
        emb = self.get_embedding(20)
        matrices = [(i + 1, matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [i, 1, -1, 0]))
                    for i in xrange(self.p)]
        if self._matrix_group:
            verbose('Using hard-coded matrices for BT (Bianchi)')
            if F == QQ:
                wp = self.wp()
                return [self.Gn(1).quaternion_rep] + [
                    1 / self.p * wp * matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1, -i, 0, self.p])
                    for i in xrange(self.p)

                pi = self.ideal_p.gens_reduced()[0]
                B = self.Gn.B
                BTreps0 = [
                    Matrix(self.F, 2, 2, [0, -1, 1, -i])
                    for a in range(self.prime())
                BTreps = [self.Gn(1).quaternion_rep] + [
                        B([(o[0, 0] + o[1, 1]) / 2, (o[0, 0] - o[1, 1]) / 2,
                           (-o[0, 1] - o[1, 0]) / 2,
                           (-o[0, 1] + o[1, 0]) / 2])).quaternion_rep
                    for o in BTreps0
                return BTreps

        for n_iters, elt in enumerate(self.Gn.enumerate_elements()):
            new_inv = elt**(-1)
            embelt = emb(elt)
            if (embelt[0, 0] - 1).valuation() > 0 and all([
                    not self.is_in_Gpn_order(o * new_inv)
                    for o in reps if o is not None
                if hasattr(self.Gpn, 'nebentypus'):
                    tmp = self.do_tilde(embelt)**-1
                    tmp = tmp[0, 0] / (self.p**tmp[0, 0].valuation())
                    tmp = ZZ(tmp.lift()) % self.Gpn.level
                    if tmp not in self.Gpn.nebentypus:
                for idx, o1 in enumerate(matrices):
                    i, mat = o1
                    if is_in_Gamma0loc(embelt * mat, det_condition=False):
                        reps[i] = set_immutable(elt)
                        del matrices[idx]
                            '%s, len = %s/%s' %
                            (n_iters, self.p + 1 - len(matrices), self.p + 1))
                        if len(matrices) == 0:
                            return reps
Ejemplo n.º 6
def matrix_of_independent_rows(field, rows, width):

    M = matrix(field, rows, sparse=True)
    N = matrix(field, 0, width, sparse=True)
    NE = copy(N)

    for i in range(M.nrows()):
        NE2 = NE.stack(M[i, :])
        if not NE2[-1, :].is_zero():
            NE = NE2
            N = N.stack(M[i, :])

    return N
Ejemplo n.º 7
def matrix_of_independent_rows(field, rows, width):

    M = matrix(field, rows, sparse=True)
    N = matrix(field, 0, width, sparse=True)
    NE = copy(N)

    for i in range(M.nrows()):
        NE2 = NE.stack(M[i, :])
        if not NE2[-1, :].is_zero():
            NE = NE2
            N = N.stack(M[i, :])

    return N
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _hecke_operator_on_basis(B, V, n, k, eps):
    Does the work for hecke_operator_on_basis once the input
    is normalized.


        sage: hecke_operator_on_basis(ModularForms(1,16).q_expansion_basis(30), 3, 16) # indirect doctest
        [   -3348        0]
        [       0 14348908]

    The following used to cause a segfault due to accidentally
    transposed second and third argument (#2107)::

        sage: B = victor_miller_basis(100,30)
        sage: t2 = hecke_operator_on_basis(B, 100, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The given basis vectors must be linearly independent.
    prec = V.degree()
    TB = [hecke_operator_on_qexp(f, n, k, eps, prec, check=False, _return_list=True)
                for f in B]
    TB = [V.coordinate_vector(w) for w in TB]
    return matrix(V.base_ring(), len(B), len(B), TB, sparse=False)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _matrix_(self, R):
        Return Sage matrix from this matlab element.


            sage: A = matlab('[1,2;3,4]')       # optional - matlab
            sage: matrix(ZZ, A)                 # optional - matlab
            [1 2]
            [3 4]
            sage: A = matlab('[1,2;3,4.5]')     # optional - matlab
            sage: matrix(RR, A)                 # optional - matlab
            [1.00000000000000 2.00000000000000]
            [3.00000000000000 4.50000000000000]

            sage: a = matlab('eye(50)')         # optional - matlab
            sage: matrix(RR, a)                 # optional - matlab
            50 x 50 dense matrix over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        from sage.matrix.all import matrix
        matlab = self.parent()
        entries = matlab.strip_answer(matlab.eval("mat2str({0})".format(self.name())))
        entries = entries.strip()[1:-1].replace(';', ' ')
        entries = map(R, entries.split(' '))
        nrows, ncols = map(int, str(self.size()).strip().split())
        m = matrix(R, nrows, ncols, entries)
        return m
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def transition_matrix(self, basis, n):
     Returns the transitions matrix between self and basis for the
     homogenous component of degree n.
         sage: HLP = HallLittlewoodP(QQ)
         sage: s   = SFASchur(HLP.base_ring())
         sage: HLP.transition_matrix(s, 4)
         [             1             -t              0            t^2           -t^3]
         [             0              1             -t             -t      t^3 + t^2]
         [             0              0              1             -t            t^3]
         [             0              0              0              1 -t^3 - t^2 - t]
         [             0              0              0              0              1]
         sage: HLQ = HallLittlewoodQ(QQ)
         sage: HLQ.transition_matrix(s,3)
         [                        -t + 1                        t^2 - t                     -t^3 + t^2]
         [                             0                  t^2 - 2*t + 1           -t^4 + t^3 + t^2 - t]
         [                             0                              0 -t^6 + t^5 + t^4 - t^2 - t + 1]
         sage: HLQp = HallLittlewoodQp(QQ)
         sage: HLQp.transition_matrix(s,3)
         [      1       0       0]
         [      t       1       0]
         [    t^3 t^2 + t       1]
     P = sage.combinat.partition.Partitions_n(n)
     Plist = P.list()
     m = []
     for row_part in Plist:
         z = basis(self(row_part))
         m.append(map(lambda col_part: z.coefficient(col_part), Plist))
     return matrix(m)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def space(self):
     Calculates the homology space as a Z-module.
     verb = get_verbose()
     V = self.coefficient_module()
     R = V.base_ring()
     Vdim = V.dimension()
     G = self.group()
     gens = G.gens()
     ambient = R**(Vdim * len(gens))
     if self.trivial_action():
         cycles = ambient
         # Now find the subspace of cycles
         A = Matrix(R, Vdim, 0)
         for g in gens:
             for v in V.gens():
                 A = A.augment(matrix(R,Vdim,1,list(vector(g**-1 * v - v))))
         K = A.right_kernel_matrix()
         cycles = ambient.submodule([ambient(list(o)) for o in K.rows()])
     boundaries = []
     for r in G.get_relation_words():
         grad = self.twisted_fox_gradient(G(r).word_rep)
         for v in V.gens():
             boundaries.append(cycles(ambient(sum([list(a * vector(v)) for a in grad],[]))))
     boundaries = cycles.submodule(boundaries)
     ans = cycles.quotient(boundaries)
     return ans
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def hecke_matrix(self, l, use_magma = True, g0 = None, with_torsion = False): # l can be oo
        verb = get_verbose()
        if with_torsion:
            dim = len(self.gens())
            gens = self.gens()
            dim = self.rank()
            gens = self.free_gens()
        R = self.coefficient_module().base_ring()
        M = matrix(R,dim,dim,0)
        coeff_dim = self.coefficient_module().dimension()

        for j,cycle in enumerate(gens):
            # Construct column j of the matrix
            new_col = vector(self.apply_hecke_operator(cycle, l, use_magma = use_magma, g0 = g0))
            if with_torsion:
                    invs = self.space().invariants()
                    M.set_column(j,[o for o,a in zip(new_col,invs) if a == 0])
                except AttributeError:
        return M
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def weil_representation(self) :
        - A pair of matrices corresponding to T and S.
        disc_bilinear = lambda a, b: (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, a.lift())) * self._L * (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, b.lift()))
        disc_quadratic = lambda a: disc_bilinear(a, a) / ZZ(2)
        zeta_order = ZZ(lcm([8, 12, prod(self.invariants())] + map(lambda ed: 2 * ed, self.invariants())))
        K = CyclotomicField(zeta_order); zeta = K.gen()

        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x'); x = R.gen()
#        sqrt2s = (x**2 - 2).factor()
#        if sqrt2s[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0 :        
#            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][0][0]
#        else : 
#            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][1]
        Ldet_rts = (x**2 - prod(self.invariants())).factor()
        if Ldet_rts[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0 :
            Ldet_rt  = Ldet_rts[0][0][0] 
        else :
            Ldet_rt  = Ldet_rts[0][0][0]
        Tmat  = diagonal_matrix( K, [zeta**(zeta_order*disc_quadratic(a)) for a in self] )
        Smat = zeta**(zeta_order / 8 * self._L.nrows()) / Ldet_rt  \
               * matrix( K,  [ [ zeta**ZZ(-zeta_order * disc_bilinear(gamma,delta))
                                 for delta in self ]
                               for gamma in self ])
        return (Tmat, Smat)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def transition_matrix(self, basis, n):
     Returns the transitions matrix between self and basis for the
     homogenous component of degree n.
         sage: HLP = HallLittlewoodP(QQ)
         sage: s   = SFASchur(HLP.base_ring())
         sage: HLP.transition_matrix(s, 4)
         [             1             -t              0            t^2           -t^3]
         [             0              1             -t             -t      t^3 + t^2]
         [             0              0              1             -t            t^3]
         [             0              0              0              1 -t^3 - t^2 - t]
         [             0              0              0              0              1]
         sage: HLQ = HallLittlewoodQ(QQ)
         sage: HLQ.transition_matrix(s,3)
         [                        -t + 1                        t^2 - t                     -t^3 + t^2]
         [                             0                  t^2 - 2*t + 1           -t^4 + t^3 + t^2 - t]
         [                             0                              0 -t^6 + t^5 + t^4 - t^2 - t + 1]
         sage: HLQp = HallLittlewoodQp(QQ)
         sage: HLQp.transition_matrix(s,3)
         [      1       0       0]
         [      t       1       0]
         [    t^3 t^2 + t       1]
     P = sage.combinat.partition.Partitions_n(n)
     Plist = P.list()
     m = []
     for row_part in Plist:
         z = basis(self(row_part))
         m.append( map( lambda col_part: z.coefficient(col_part), Plist ) )
     return matrix(m)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _hecke_operator_on_basis(B, V, n, k, eps):
    Does the work for hecke_operator_on_basis once the input
    is normalized.


        sage: hecke_operator_on_basis(ModularForms(1,16).q_expansion_basis(30), 3, 16) # indirect doctest
        [   -3348        0]
        [       0 14348908]

    The following used to cause a segfault due to accidentally
    transposed second and third argument (#2107)::

        sage: B = victor_miller_basis(100,30)
        sage: t2 = hecke_operator_on_basis(B, 100, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The given basis vectors must be linearly independent.
    prec = V.degree()
    TB = [
                               _return_list=True) for f in B
    TB = [V.coordinate_vector(w) for w in TB]
    return matrix(V.base_ring(), len(B), len(B), TB, sparse=False)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def element_of_norm(self,N,use_magma = False,return_all = False, radius = None, max_elements = None, local_condition = None): # in nonsplitcartan
         if return_all:
             return [self._element_of_norm[N]]
             return self._element_of_norm[N]
     except (AttributeError,KeyError):
     if not hasattr(self,'_element_of_norm'):
         self._element_of_norm  = dict([])
     eps = self.eps
     q = self.q
     M = self.level
     llinv = (self.GFq(N)**-1).lift()
     if M != 1:
         while llinv % M != 1:
             llinv += q
     found = False
     for a,b in product(range(q*M),repeat = 2):
         if (a**2*llinv - b**2*eps*llinv - 1) % (q*M) == 0 and (b*eps) % M == 0:
             verbose('Found a=%s, b=%s'%(a,b))
             found = True
     assert found
     m0 = matrix(ZZ,2,2,[a,b*llinv,b*eps,a*llinv])
     a,b,c,d = lift(m0,q*M).list()
     candidate = self.B([a,N*b,c,N*d])
     assert self._is_in_order(candidate)
     assert candidate.determinant() == N
     self._element_of_norm[N] = candidate
     if return_all:
         return [candidate]
         return candidate
Ejemplo n.º 17
def k2s_matrix(kmatrix):
    Convert an array of ECL to a matrix of Sage.
    dimensions = array_dimensions(kmatrix).python()
    kmatrix_list = make_array_to_lists(kmatrix).python()
    return matrix(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], kmatrix_list)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, G, V, trivial_action = False):
     self._group = G
     self._coeffmodule = V
     self._trivial_action = trivial_action
     self._gen_pows = []
     self._gen_pows_neg = []
     if trivial_action:
         self._acting_matrix = lambda x, y: matrix(V.base_ring(),V.dimension(),V.dimension(),1)
         gens_local = [ (None, None) for g in G.gens() ]
         def acting_matrix(x,y):
                 return V.acting_matrix(x,y)
                 return V.acting_matrix(G.embed(x.quaternion_rep,V.base_ring().precision_cap()), y)
         self._acting_matrix = acting_matrix
         gens_local = [ (g, g**-1) for g in G.gens() ]
     onemat = G(1)
         dim = V.dimension()
     except AttributeError:
         dim = len(V.basis())
     one = Matrix(V.base_ring(),dim,dim,1)
     for g, ginv in gens_local:
         A = self._acting_matrix(g, dim)
         self._gen_pows.append([one, A])
         Ainv = self._acting_matrix(ginv, dim)
         self._gen_pows_neg.append([one, Ainv])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def Cube_deformation(self,k, names=None):
        Construct, for each `k\in\ZZ_{\geq 0}`, a toric variety with
        `\ZZ_k`-torsion in the Chow group.

        The fans of this sequence of toric varieties all equal the
        face fan of a unit cube topologically, but the
        ``(1,1,1)``-vertex is moved to ``(1,1,2k+1)``. This example
        was studied in [FS]_.


        - ``k`` -- integer. The case ``k=0`` is the same as
        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.


        A :class:`toric variety
        `X_k`. Its Chow group is `A_1(X_k)=\ZZ_k`.


            sage: X_2 = toric_varieties.Cube_deformation(2)
            sage: X_2
            3-d toric variety covered by 6 affine patches
            sage: X_2.fan().ray_matrix()
            [ 1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1]
            [ 1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1]
            [ 5  1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
            sage: X_2.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7)


        ..  [FS]
            William Fulton, Bernd Sturmfels, "Intersection Theory on
            Toric Varieties", http://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9403002
        # We are going to eventually switch off consistency checks, so we need
        # to be sure that the input is acceptable.
            k = ZZ(k)   # make sure that we got a "mathematical" integer
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("cube deformations X_k are defined only for "
                            "non-negative integer k!\nGot: %s" % k)
        if k < 0:
            raise ValueError("cube deformations X_k are defined only for "
                             "non-negative k!\nGot: %s" % k)
        rays = lambda kappa: matrix([[ 1, 1, 2*kappa+1],[ 1,-1, 1],[-1, 1, 1],[-1,-1, 1],
                                       [-1,-1,-1],[-1, 1,-1],[ 1,-1,-1],[ 1, 1,-1]])
        cones = [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[0,1,7,6],[4,5,3,2],[0,2,5,7],[4,6,1,3]]
        fan = Fan(cones, rays(k))
        return ToricVariety(fan, coordinate_names=names)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def normalize_square_matrices(matrices):
    Find a common space for all matrices.


    A list of matrices, all elements of the same matrix space.


        sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.finitely_generated import normalize_square_matrices
        sage: m1 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
        sage: m2 = [2, 3, 4, 5]
        sage: m3 = matrix(QQ, [[1/2,1/3],[1/4,1/5]])
        sage: m4 = MatrixGroup(m3).gen(0)
        sage: normalize_square_matrices([m1, m2, m3, m4])
        [1 2]  [2 3]  [1/2 1/3]  [1/2 1/3]
        [3 4], [4 5], [1/4 1/5], [1/4 1/5]
    deg = []
    gens = []
    for m in matrices:
        if is_MatrixGroupElement(m):
        if is_Matrix(m):
            if not m.is_square():
                raise TypeError('matrix must be square')
            m = list(m)
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(m[0], (list, tuple)):
            m = [list(_) for _ in m]
            degree = ZZ(len(m))
            degree, rem = ZZ(len(m)).sqrtrem()
            if rem != 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'list of plain numbers must have square integer length')
        gens.append(matrix(degree, degree, m))
    deg = set(deg)
    if len(set(deg)) != 1:
        raise ValueError('not all matrices have the same size')
    gens = Sequence(gens, immutable=True)
    MS = gens.universe()
    if not is_MatrixSpace(MS):
        raise TypeError('all generators must be matrices')
    if MS.nrows() != MS.ncols():
        raise ValueError('matrices must be square')
    return gens
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def get_relation_matrix(self):
     # Define the (abelian) relation matrix
     rel_words = self.get_relation_words()
     relation_matrix = matrix(ZZ,len(rel_words),len(self.gens()),0)
     for i,rel in enumerate(rel_words):
         for j in rel:
             relation_matrix[i,ZZ(j).abs() - 1] += ZZ(j).sign()
     return relation_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def set_wp(self, wp):
     epsinv = matrix(QQ,2,2,[0,-1,self.p,0])**-1
     assert is_in_Gamma0loc(self.embed(wp,20) * epsinv, det_condition = False)
     assert all((self.is_in_Gpn_order(wp**-1 * g * wp) for g in self.Gpn_Obasis()))
     assert self.is_in_Gpn_order(wp)
     self._wp = wp
     return self._wp
Ejemplo n.º 23
def normalize_square_matrices(matrices):
    Find a common space for all matrices.


    A list of matrices, all elements of the same matrix space.


        sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.finitely_generated import normalize_square_matrices
        sage: m1 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
        sage: m2 = [2, 3, 4, 5]
        sage: m3 = matrix(QQ, [[1/2,1/3],[1/4,1/5]])
        sage: m4 = MatrixGroup(m3).gen(0)
        sage: normalize_square_matrices([m1, m2, m3, m4])
        [1 2]  [2 3]  [1/2 1/3]  [1/2 1/3]
        [3 4], [4 5], [1/4 1/5], [1/4 1/5]
    deg = []
    gens = []
    for m in matrices:
        if is_MatrixGroupElement(m):
        if is_Matrix(m):
            if not m.is_square():
                raise TypeError('matrix must be square')
            m = list(m)
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(m[0], (list, tuple)):
            m = [list(_) for _ in m]
            degree = ZZ(len(m))
            degree, rem = ZZ(len(m)).sqrtrem()
            if rem!=0:
                raise ValueError('list of plain numbers must have square integer length')
        gens.append(matrix(degree, degree, m))
    deg = set(deg)
    if len(set(deg)) != 1:
        raise ValueError('not all matrices have the same size')
    gens = Sequence(gens, immutable=True)
    MS = gens.universe()
    if not is_MatrixSpace(MS):
        raise TypeError('all generators must be matrices')
    if MS.nrows() != MS.ncols():
        raise ValueError('matrices must be square')
    return gens
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _compute_padic_splitting(self,prec):
        verbose('Entering compute_padic_splitting')
        prime = self.p
        if self.seed is not None:
        R = Qp(prime,prec+10) #Zmod(prime**prec) #
        B_magma = self.Gn._B_magma
        a,b = self.Gn.B.invariants()
        if self._matrix_group:
            self._II = matrix(R,2,2,[1,0,0,-1])
            self._JJ = matrix(R,2,2,[0,1,1,0])
            goodroot = self.F.gen().minpoly().change_ring(R).roots()[0][0]
            self._F_to_local = self.F.hom([goodroot])
            verbose('Calling magma pMatrixRing')
            if self.F == QQ:
                _,f = self.magma.pMatrixRing(self.Gn._O_magma,prime*self.Gn._O_magma.BaseRing(),Precision = 20,nvals = 2)
                self._F_to_local = QQ.hom([R(1)])
                _,f = self.magma.pMatrixRing(self.Gn._O_magma,sage_F_ideal_to_magma(self.Gn._F_magma,self.ideal_p),Precision = 20,nvals = 2)
                    self._goodroot = R(f.Image(B_magma(B_magma.BaseRing().gen(1))).Vector()[1]._sage_())
                except SyntaxError:
                    raise SyntaxError("Magma has trouble finding local splitting")
                self._F_to_local = None
                for o,_ in self.F.gen().minpoly().change_ring(R).roots():
                    if (o - self._goodroot).valuation() > 5:
                        self._F_to_local = self.F.hom([o])
                assert self._F_to_local is not None
            verbose('Initializing II,JJ,KK')
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(1)).Vector()
            self._II = matrix(R,2,2,[v[i+1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(2)).Vector()
            self._JJ = matrix(R,2,2,[v[i+1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            v = f.Image(B_magma.gen(3)).Vector()
            self._KK = matrix(R,2,2,[v[i+1]._sage_() for i in xrange(4)])
            self._II , self._JJ = lift_padic_splitting(self._F_to_local(a),self._F_to_local(b),self._II,self._JJ,prime,prec)
        self.Gn._F_to_local = self._F_to_local
        if not self.use_shapiro():
            self.Gpn._F_to_local = self._F_to_local

        self._KK = self._II * self._JJ
        self._prec = prec
        return self._II, self._JJ, self._KK
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def positive_quadratic_form(self) :
        Find the Gram matrix of a positive definite quadratic form
        which is stabily equivalent to `L`.
        E8_gram = matrix(ZZ, 8,
                [2, -1, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,
                -1, 2, -1, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, -1, 2, -1,  0, 0, 0, -1,
                0, 0, -1, 2,  -1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, -1,  2, -1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0,  -1, 2, -1, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0,  0, -1, 2, 0,
                0, 0, -1, 0,  0, 0, 0, 2])
        E8 = QuadraticForm(E8_gram)
        L = self._L
        ## This is a workaround since GP crashes
        is_positive_definite = lambda L: all( L[:n,:n].det() > 0 for n in range(1, L.nrows() + 1) )
        def _split_hyperbolic(L) :
            cur_cor = 2
            Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())
            while not is_positive_definite(Lcor) :
                cur_cor += 2
                Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())

            a = FreeModule(ZZ, L.nrows()).gen(0)
            if a * L * a >= 0 :
                Lcor_length_inc = max(3, a * L * a)
                cur_Lcor_length = Lcor_length_inc
                while True :
                    short_vectors = flatten(QuadraticForm(Lcor).short_vector_list_up_to_length( a * Lcor * a )[cur_Lcor_length - Lcor_length_inc: cur_Lcor_length], max_level = 1)
                    for a in short_vectors :
                        if a * L * a < 0 :
                    else :
            n = -a * L * a // 2

            short_vectors = E8.short_vector_list_up_to_length(n + 1)[-1]

            for v in short_vectors :
                for w in short_vectors :
                    if v * E8_gram * w == 2 * n - 1 :
                        LE8_mat = L.block_sum(E8_gram)
                        v_form = vector( list(a) + list(v) ) * LE8_mat
                        w_form = vector( list(a) + list(w) ) * LE8_mat
                        Lred_basis = matrix(ZZ, [v_form, w_form]).right_kernel().basis_matrix().transpose()
                        Lred_basis = matrix(ZZ, Lred_basis)

                        return Lred_basis.transpose() * LE8_mat * Lred_basis

        while not is_positive_definite(L) :
            L = _split_hyperbolic(L)
        return L
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def compute_cusp_stabiliser(self,cusp_matrix):
        Compute (a finite index subgroup of) the stabiliser of a cusp
        in Q or a quadratic imaginary field.

        We know the stabiliser of infinity is given by matrices of form
        (u, a; 0, u^-1), so a finite index subgroup is generated by (1, alpha; 0, 1)
        and (1, 1; 0, 1) for K = Q(alpha). Given the cusp, we use a matrix
        sending infinty to that cusp, and the conjugate by it, before taking powers
        to ensure the result is integral and lies in Gamma_0(N).

            - a cusp (in matrix form: as output by cusp_set)
            - N (the level: an ideal in K).

        Outputs a list of the generators (as matrices).

        P = self.get_P1List()
        if hasattr(P.N(),'number_field'):
            K = P.N().number_field()
            ## Write down generators of a finite index subgroup in Stab_Gamma(infinity)
            infinity_gens = [matrix(K,[[1,1],[0,1]]), matrix(K,[[1,K.gen()],[0,1]])]
            N_ideal = P.N()
            K = QQ
            infinity_gens = [matrix([[1,1],[0,1]])]
            N_ideal = ZZ.ideal(P.N())

        ## Initilise (empty) list of generators of Stab_Gamma(cusp)
        cusp_gens = []

        ## Loop over all the generators of stab at infinity, conjugate into stab at cusp
        for T in infinity_gens:
            T_conj = cusp_matrix * T * cusp_matrix.adjugate()
            gen = T_conj

            ## Now take successive powers until the result is in Gamma_0(N)
            while not gen[1][0] in N_ideal:
                 gen *= T_conj

            ## We've found an element in Stab_Gamma(cusp): add to our list of generators
        return cusp_gens
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def padic_regulator(self, prec=20):
        Computes the canonical `p`-adic regulator on the extended Mordell-Weil group as in [MTT]
        (with the correction of [Wer] and sign convention in [SW].)
        The `p`-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
        predicts that this value appears in the formula for the leading term of the
        `p`-adic L-function.


        - ``prec`` - the `p`-adic precision, default is 20.


        - [MTT] B. Mazur, J. Tate, and J. Teitelbaum,
          On `p`-adic analogues of the conjectures of Birch and
          Swinnerton-Dyer, Inventiones mathematicae 84, (1986), 1-48.

        - [Wer] Annette Werner, Local heights on abelian varieties and rigid analytic unifomization,
          Doc. Math. 3 (1998), 301-319.

        - [SW] William Stein and Christian Wuthrich, Computations About Tate-Shafarevich Groups
          using Iwasawa theory, preprint 2009.


            sage: eq = EllipticCurve('130a1').tate_curve(5)
            sage: eq.padic_regulator()
            2*5^-1 + 1 + 2*5 + 2*5^2 + 3*5^3 + 3*5^6 + 5^7 + 3*5^9 + 3*5^10 + 3*5^12 + 4*5^13 + 3*5^15 + 2*5^16 + 3*5^18 + 4*5^19 + O(5^20)

        prec = prec + 4

        K = Qp(self._p, prec=prec)
        rank = self._E.rank()
        if rank == 0:
            return K(1)

        if not self.is_split():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The p-adic regulator is not implemented for non-split multiplicative reduction."

        basis = self._E.gens()
        M = matrix.matrix(K, rank, rank, 0)

        height = self.padic_height(prec=prec)
        point_height = [height(P) for P in basis]
        for i in range(rank):
            for j in range(i + 1, rank):
                M[i, j] = M[j, i] = (-point_height[i] - point_height[j] +
                                     height(basis[i] + basis[j])) / 2
        for i in range(rank):
            M[i, i] = point_height[i]

        return M.determinant()
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def set_wp(self, wp):
     epsinv = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [0, -1, self.p, 0])**-1
     assert is_in_Gamma0loc(self.embed(wp, 20) * epsinv,
     assert all((self.is_in_Gpn_order(wp**-1 * g * wp)
                 for g in self.Gpn._get_O_basis()))
     assert self.is_in_Gpn_order(wp)
     self._wp = wp
     return self._wp
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def P(self, n, names='z+', base_ring=QQ):
        Construct the ``n``-dimensional projective space `\mathbb{P}^n`.


        - ``n`` -- positive integer. The dimension of the projective space.

        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.

        - ``base_ring`` -- a ring (default: `\QQ`). The base ring for
          the toric variety.


        A :class:`CPR-Fano toric variety


            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3)
            sage: P3
            3-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 4 affine patches
            sage: P3.fan().rays()
            N( 1,  0,  0),
            N( 0,  1,  0),
            N( 0,  0,  1),
            N(-1, -1, -1)
            in 3-d lattice N
            sage: P3.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2, z3)
        # We are going to eventually switch off consistency checks, so we need
        # to be sure that the input is acceptable.
            n = ZZ(n)  # make sure that we got a "mathematical" integer
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("dimension of the projective space must be a "
                            "positive integer!\nGot: %s" % n)
        if n <= 0:
            raise ValueError("only projective spaces of positive dimension "
                             "can be constructed!\nGot: %s" % n)
        m = identity_matrix(n).augment(matrix(n, 1, [-1] * n))
        charts = [
            list(range(i)) + list(range(i + 1, n + 1)) for i in range(n + 1)
        return CPRFanoToricVariety(Delta_polar=LatticePolytope(
            m.columns(), lattice=ToricLattice(n)),
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def padic_regulator(self,prec=20):
        Computes the canonical `p`-adic regulator on the extended Mordell-Weil group as in [MTT]
        (with the correction of [Wer] and sign convention in [SW].)
        The `p`-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
        predicts that this value appears in the formula for the leading term of the
        `p`-adic L-function.


        - ``prec`` - the `p`-adic precision, default is 20.


        - [MTT] B. Mazur, J. Tate, and J. Teitelbaum,
          On `p`-adic analogues of the conjectures of Birch and
          Swinnerton-Dyer, Inventiones mathematicae 84, (1986), 1-48.

        - [Wer] Annette Werner, Local heights on abelian varieties and rigid analytic unifomization,
          Doc. Math. 3 (1998), 301-319.

        - [SW] William Stein and Christian Wuthrich, Computations About Tate-Shafarevich Groups
          using Iwasawa theory, preprint 2009.


            sage: eq = EllipticCurve('130a1').tate_curve(5)
            sage: eq.padic_regulator()
            2*5^-1 + 1 + 2*5 + 2*5^2 + 3*5^3 + 3*5^6 + 5^7 + 3*5^9 + 3*5^10 + 3*5^12 + 4*5^13 + 3*5^15 + 2*5^16 + 3*5^18 + 4*5^19 + O(5^20)

        prec = prec + 4

        K = Qp(self._p, prec=prec)
        rank = self._E.rank()
        if rank == 0:
            return K(1)

        if not self.is_split():
            raise NotImplementedError("The p-adic regulator is not implemented for non-split multiplicative reduction.")

        basis = self._E.gens()
        M = matrix.matrix(K, rank, rank, 0)

        height =   self.padic_height(prec= prec)
        point_height = [height(P) for P in basis]
        for i in range(rank):
            for j in range(i+1, rank):
                M[i, j] = M[j, i] = (- point_height[i] - point_height[j] + height(basis[i] + basis[j]))/2
        for i in range(rank):
            M[i,i] = point_height[i]

        return M.determinant()
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def padic_regulator(self, prec=20):
        Compute the canonical `p`-adic regulator on the extended Mordell-Weil group as in [MTT]_
        (with the correction of [Wer]_ and sign convention in [SW]_.)

        The `p`-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture predicts
        that this value appears in the formula for the leading term of
        the `p`-adic L-function.


        - ``prec`` -- the `p`-adic precision, default is 20.



        .. [Wer] Annette Werner, Local heights on abelian varieties and
           rigid analytic uniformization, Doc. Math. 3 (1998), 301-319.



            sage: eq = EllipticCurve('130a1').tate_curve(5)
            sage: eq.padic_regulator()
            2*5^-1 + 1 + 2*5 + 2*5^2 + 3*5^3 + 3*5^6 + 5^7 + 3*5^9 + 3*5^10 + 3*5^12 + 4*5^13 + 3*5^15 + 2*5^16 + 3*5^18 + 4*5^19 + O(5^20)

        prec = prec + 4

        K = Qp(self._p, prec=prec)
        rank = self._E.rank()
        if rank == 0:
            return K.one()

        if not self.is_split():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The p-adic regulator is not implemented for non-split multiplicative reduction."

        basis = self._E.gens()
        M = matrix.matrix(K, rank, rank, 0)

        height = self.padic_height(prec=prec)
        point_height = [height(P) for P in basis]
        for i in range(rank):
            for j in range(i + 1, rank):
                M[i, j] = M[j, i] = (-point_height[i] - point_height[j] +
                                     height(basis[i] + basis[j])) / 2
        for i in range(rank):
            M[i, i] = point_height[i]

        return M.determinant()
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def _get_O_basis(self):
     if not hasattr(self.B, 'invariants'):
         return [matrix(ZZ,2,2,v) for v in [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,self.level,0],[0,0,0,1]]]
     elif self.B.invariants() == (1,1):
         i, j, k = self.B.gens()
         Pgen = self.level.gens_reduced()[0]
         tmpObasis_F = [(1 + i)/2, (j+k)/2, (Pgen/2)*(j-k), (1-i)/2]
         return [self.F.gen()**i * o  for o in tmpObasis_F for i in range(self.F.degree())]
         O_magma = self._get_O_magma()
         return [magma_quaternion_to_sage(self.B,o,self.magma) for o in O_magma.ZBasis()]
def matrix_generating_function(m):
    returns the generating function of each scalar as a matrix
    num_var = 10
    dimx = m.nrows()
    dimy = m.ncols()
    d = dict()
    for x in range(dimx):
        for y in range(dimy):
    return matrix(PolynomialRing(ZZ,['x'+str(i) for i in range(num_var)]),d)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def generate_wp_candidates(self, p, ideal_p, **kwargs):
     eps = self.eps
     q = self.q
     for a,b in product(range(q),repeat = 2):
         if (p**2*a**2 - b**2*eps - p) % (q) == 0:
             verbose('Found a=%s, b=%s'%(a,b))
     c = (self.GFq(p)**-1 * b * eps).lift()
     d = a
     a,b,c,d = lift(matrix(ZZ,2,2,[p*a,b,c,d]),q).list()
     Fp = FiniteField(p)
     if c % p == 0:
         c += a*q
         d += b*q
     assert c % p != 0
     r = (Fp(-a)*Fp(c*q)**-1).lift()
     a += q*c*r
     b += q*d*r
     ans = matrix(ZZ,2,2,[a,b,p*c,p*d])
     yield ans
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def generate_wp_candidates(self, p, ideal_p, **kwargs):
     eps = self.eps
     q = self.q
     for a, b in product(range(q), repeat=2):
         if (p**2 * a**2 - b**2 * eps - p) % (q) == 0:
             verbose('Found a=%s, b=%s' % (a, b))
     c = (self.GFq(p)**-1 * b * eps).lift()
     d = a
     a, b, c, d = lift(matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [p * a, b, c, d]), q).list()
     Fp = FiniteField(p)
     if c % p == 0:
         c += a * q
         d += b * q
     assert c % p != 0
     r = (Fp(-a) * Fp(c * q)**-1).lift()
     a += q * c * r
     b += q * d * r
     ans = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [a, b, p * c, p * d])
     yield ans
Ejemplo n.º 36
def lift(A, N):
    Lift a matrix A from SL_m(Z/NZ) to SL_m(Z).

    Follows Shimura, Lemma 1.38, p21.

    assert A.is_square()
    assert A.determinant() != 0
    m = A.nrows()
    if m == 1:
        return identity_matrix(1)

    D, U, V = A.smith_form()
    if U.determinant() == -1:
        U = matrix(2, 2, [-1, 0, 0, 1]) * U
    if V.determinant() == -1:
        V = V * matrix(2, 2, [-1, 0, 0, 1])
    D = U * A * V
    assert U.determinant() == 1
    assert V.determinant() == 1
    a = [D[i, i] for i in range(m)]
    b = prod(a[1:])
    W = identity_matrix(m)
    W[0, 0] = b
    W[1, 0] = b - 1
    W[0, 1] = 1
    X = identity_matrix(m)
    X[0, 1] = -a[1]
    Ap = D.parent()(D)
    Ap[0, 0] = 1
    Ap[1, 0] = 1 - a[0]
    Ap[1, 1] *= a[0]
    assert (W * U * A * V * X).change_ring(Zmod(N)) == Ap.change_ring(Zmod(N))
    Cp = diagonal_matrix(a[1:])
    Cp[0, 0] *= a[0]
    C = lift(Cp, N)
    Cpp = block_diagonal_matrix(identity_matrix(1), C)
    Cpp[1, 0] = 1 - a[0]
    return (~U * ~W * Cpp * ~X * ~V).change_ring(ZZ)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def lift(A, N):
    Lift a matrix A from SL_m(Z/NZ) to SL_m(Z).

    Follows Shimura, Lemma 1.38, p21.

    assert A.is_square()
    assert A.determinant() != 0
    m = A.nrows()
    if m == 1:
        return identity_matrix(1)

    D, U, V = A.smith_form()
    if U.determinant() == -1 :
        U = matrix(2,2,[-1,0,0,1])* U
    if V.determinant() == -1 :
        V = V *matrix(2,2,[-1,0,0,1])
    D = U*A*V
    assert U.determinant() == 1
    assert V.determinant() == 1
    a = [ D[i, i] for i in range(m) ]
    b = prod(a[1:])
    W = identity_matrix(m)
    W[0, 0] = b
    W[1, 0] = b-1
    W[0, 1] = 1
    X = identity_matrix(m)
    X[0, 1] = -a[1]
    Ap = D.parent()(D)
    Ap[0, 0] = 1
    Ap[1, 0] = 1-a[0]
    Ap[1, 1] *= a[0]
    assert (W*U*A*V*X).change_ring(Zmod(N)) == Ap.change_ring(Zmod(N))
    Cp = diagonal_matrix(a[1:])
    Cp[0, 0] *= a[0]
    C = lift(Cp, N)
    Cpp = block_diagonal_matrix(identity_matrix(1), C)
    Cpp[1, 0] = 1-a[0]
    return (~U * ~W * Cpp * ~X * ~V).change_ring(ZZ)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def P(self, n, names='z+', base_ring=QQ):
        Construct the ``n``-dimensional projective space `\mathbb{P}^n`.


        - ``n`` -- positive integer. The dimension of the projective space.

        - ``names`` -- string. Names for the homogeneous
          coordinates. See
          for acceptable formats.

        - ``base_ring`` -- a ring (default: `\QQ`). The base ring for
          the toric variety.


        A :class:`CPR-Fano toric variety


            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3)
            sage: P3
            3-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 4 affine patches
            sage: P3.fan().rays()
            N( 1,  0,  0),
            N( 0,  1,  0),
            N( 0,  0,  1),
            N(-1, -1, -1)
            in 3-d lattice N
            sage: P3.gens()
            (z0, z1, z2, z3)
        # We are going to eventually switch off consistency checks, so we need
        # to be sure that the input is acceptable.
            n = ZZ(n)   # make sure that we got a "mathematical" integer
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("dimension of the projective space must be a "
                            "positive integer!\nGot: %s" % n)
        if n <= 0:
            raise ValueError("only projective spaces of positive dimension "
                             "can be constructed!\nGot: %s" % n)
        m = identity_matrix(n).augment(matrix(n, 1, [-1]*n))
        charts = [list(range(i)) + list(range(i + 1, n + 1))
                  for i in range(n + 1)]
        return CPRFanoToricVariety(
            Delta_polar=LatticePolytope(m.columns(), lattice=ToricLattice(n)),
            charts=charts, check=self._check, coordinate_names=names,
Ejemplo n.º 39
        def _split_hyperbolic(L):
            cur_cor = 2
            Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())
            while not is_positive_definite(Lcor):
                cur_cor += 2
                Lcor = L + cur_cor * identity_matrix(L.nrows())

            a = FreeModule(ZZ, L.nrows()).gen(0)
            if a * L * a >= 0:
                Lcor_length_inc = max(3, a * L * a)
                cur_Lcor_length = Lcor_length_inc
                while True:
                    short_vectors = flatten(
                            a * Lcor * a)[cur_Lcor_length -
                    for a in short_vectors:
                        if a * L * a < 0:
            n = -a * L * a // 2

            short_vectors = E8.short_vector_list_up_to_length(n + 1)[-1]

            for v in short_vectors:
                for w in short_vectors:
                    if v * E8_gram * w == 2 * n - 1:
                        LE8_mat = L.block_sum(E8_gram)
                        v_form = vector(list(a) + list(v)) * LE8_mat
                        w_form = vector(list(a) + list(w)) * LE8_mat
                        Lred_basis = matrix(
                            ZZ, [v_form, w_form
                        Lred_basis = matrix(ZZ, Lred_basis)

                        return Lred_basis.transpose() * LE8_mat * Lred_basis
def matrix_generating_function(m):
    returns the generating function of each scalar as a matrix
    num_var = 10
    dimx = m.nrows()
    dimy = m.ncols()
    d = dict()
    for x in range(dimx):
        for y in range(dimy):
            d[(x, y)] = m[x, y].get_generating_function()
    return matrix(PolynomialRing(ZZ, ['x' + str(i) for i in range(num_var)]),
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def padic_regulator(self, prec=20):
        Compute the canonical `p`-adic regulator on the extended Mordell-Weil group as in [MTT]_
        (with the correction of [Wer]_ and sign convention in [SW]_.)

        The `p`-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture predicts
        that this value appears in the formula for the leading term of
        the `p`-adic L-function.


        - ``prec`` -- the `p`-adic precision, default is 20.



        .. [Wer] Annette Werner, Local heights on abelian varieties and
           rigid analytic uniformization, Doc. Math. 3 (1998), 301-319.



            sage: eq = EllipticCurve('130a1').tate_curve(5)
            sage: eq.padic_regulator()
            2*5^-1 + 1 + 2*5 + 2*5^2 + 3*5^3 + 3*5^6 + 5^7 + 3*5^9 + 3*5^10 + 3*5^12 + 4*5^13 + 3*5^15 + 2*5^16 + 3*5^18 + 4*5^19 + O(5^20)

        prec = prec + 4

        K = Qp(self._p, prec=prec)
        rank = self._E.rank()
        if rank == 0:
            return K.one()

        if not self.is_split():
            raise NotImplementedError("The p-adic regulator is not implemented for non-split multiplicative reduction.")

        basis = self._E.gens()
        M = matrix.matrix(K, rank, rank, 0)

        height = self.padic_height(prec=prec)
        point_height = [height(P) for P in basis]
        for i in range(rank):
            for j in range(i + 1, rank):
                M[i, j] = M[j, i] = (- point_height[i] - point_height[j] + height(basis[i] + basis[j])) / 2
        for i in range(rank):
            M[i, i] = point_height[i]

        return M.determinant()
def matrix_remove_row_col(mat, row, col):
    Return matrix with row, col removed
    L = list()
    newrows = range(mat.nrows())
    newcols = range(mat.ncols())
    for x in newrows:
        for y in newcols:
            L[len(L) - 1].append(mat[x, y])
    return matrix(mat.parent().base_ring(), len(newrows), len(newcols), L)
def matrix_remove_row_col(mat,row,col):
    Return matrix with row, col removed
    L = list()
    newrows = range(mat.nrows())
    newcols= range(mat.ncols())
    for x in newrows:
        for y in newcols:
    return matrix(mat.parent().base_ring(),len(newrows),len(newcols),L)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def _compute_acting_matrix(self, g, M):


        - ``g`` -- an instance of
          or :class:`sage.matrix.matrix_generic_dense.Matrix_generic_dense`

        - ``M`` -- a positive integer giving the precision at which
          ``g`` should act.


        #tim = verbose("Starting")
        a, b, c, d = self._adjuster(g)
        # if g.parent().base_ring().is_exact():
        #     self._check_mat(a, b, c, d)
        #k = self._k
        base_ring = self.domain().base_ring()
        #cdef Matrix B = matrix(base_ring,M,M)
        B = matrix(base_ring, M, M) #
        if M == 0:
            return B.change_ring(self.codomain().base_ring())
        R = PowerSeriesRing(base_ring, 'y', default_prec = M)
        y = R.gen()
        #tim = verbose("Checked, made R",tim)
        # special case for small precision, large weight
        scale = (b+d*y)/(a+c*y)
        #t = (a+c*y)**k # will already have precision M
        t = R.one()
        #cdef long row, col #
        #tim = verbose("Made matrix",tim)
        for col in range(M):
            for row in range(M):
                #B.set_unsafe(row, col, t[row])
                B[row, col] = t[row]
            t *= scale
        #verbose("Finished loop",tim)
        # the change_ring here is annoying, but otherwise we have to change ring each time we multiply
        B = B.change_ring(self.codomain().base_ring())
        #if self._character is not None:
        #    B *= self._character(a)
        if self._dettwist is not None:
            B *= (a*d - b*c) ** (self._dettwist)
        return B
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def add_unimodular_lattice(self, L=None):
        Add a unimodular lattice (which is not necessarily positive definite) to the underlying lattice
        and the resulting discriminant group and an isomorphism to ``self``.
        - `L` -- The Gram matrix of a unimodular lattice or ``None`` (default: ``None``).
                 If ``None``, `E_8` will be added.
        - A pair of a discriminant group and a homomorphism from self to this group.
        if L is None:
            L = matrix(8, [
                2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2,
                -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0,
                -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2
            if L.base_ring() is not ZZ or all(e % 2 == 0 for e in L.diagonal()) \
              or L.det() != 1 :
                raise ValueError(
                    "L must be the Gram matrix of an even unimodular lattice")

        nL = self._L.block_sum(L)
        n_disc = DiscriminantForm(nL)

        basis_images = [
            sum(map(operator.mul, b.lift(), self._dual_basis.columns()))
            for b in self.smith_form_gens()
        basis_images = [
                       b.list() + L.nrows() * [0])).list()
            for b in basis_images
        coercion_hom = self.hom([
                map(operator.mul, map(ZZ, b),
                        FreeModule(ZZ, nL.nrows()).gens())))
            for b in basis_images

        return (n_disc, coercion_hom)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def matrix(self, p, i, j):
        Return the matrix that determines the differential from the
        ``i,j``'th group of the ``p``'th page.


        - ``p`` -- the page.

        - ``i`` -- the column of the differential domain.

        - ``j`` -- the row of the differential domain.


            sage: from sage.interfaces.kenzo import Sphere   # optional -- kenzo
            sage: S3 = Sphere(3)                             # optional -- kenzo
            sage: L = S3.loop_space()                        # optional -- kenzo
            sage: EMS = L.em_spectral_sequence()             # optional -- kenzo
            sage: EMS.table(1, -5, -2, 5, 8)                 # optional -- kenzo
              0   Z   Z + Z + Z   Z + Z + Z
              0   0   0           0
              0   0   Z           Z + Z
              0   0   0           0
            sage: EMS.matrix(1, -2 ,8)                       # optional -- kenzo
            [ 3  3  0]
            [-2  0  2]
            [ 0 -3 -3]
        klist = spectral_sequence_differential_matrix(self._kenzo, p, i, j)
        plist = klist.python()
        if plist is None or plist == [None]:
            i = len(self.group(p, i, j).invariants())
            j = len(self.group(p, i - p, j + p - 1).invariants())
            return matrix(i, j)
        return matrix(plist)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def get_BT_reps(self):
        reps = [self.Gn.B(1)] + [None for i in xrange(self.p)]
        emb = self.get_embedding(20)
        matrices = [(i+1,matrix(QQ,2,2,[i,1,-1,0])) for i in xrange(self.p)]
        if self._matrix_group:
            verbose('Using hard-coded matrices for BT (Bianchi)')
            if F == QQ:
                wp = self.wp()
                return [self.Gn(1).quaternion_rep] + [1 / self.p * wp * matrix(QQ,2,2,[1,-i,0,self.p]) for i in xrange(self.p)]

                pi = self.ideal_p.gens_reduced()[0]
                B = self.Gn.B
                BTreps0 = [ Matrix(self.F,2,2,[0, -1, 1, -i]) for a in range(self.prime()) ]
                BTreps = [self.Gn(1).quaternion_rep] + [self.Gn(B([(o[0,0] + o[1,1])/2, (o[0,0] - o[1,1])/2, (-o[0,1] - o[1,0])/2, (-o[0,1] + o[1,0])/2])).quaternion_rep for o in BTreps0]
                return BTreps

        for n_iters,elt in enumerate(self.Gn.enumerate_elements()):
            new_inv = elt**(-1)
            embelt = emb(elt)
            if (embelt[0,0]-1).valuation() > 0 and all([not self.is_in_Gpn_order(o * new_inv) for o in reps if o is not None]):
                if hasattr(self.Gpn,'nebentypus'):
                    tmp = self.do_tilde(embelt)**-1
                    tmp = tmp[0,0] / (self.p**tmp[0,0].valuation())
                    tmp = ZZ(tmp.lift()) % self.Gpn.level
                    if tmp not in self.Gpn.nebentypus:
                for idx,o1 in enumerate(matrices):
                    i,mat = o1
                    if is_in_Gamma0loc(embelt * mat, det_condition = False):
                        reps[i] = set_immutable(elt)
                        del matrices[idx]
                        verbose('%s, len = %s/%s'%(n_iters,self.p+1-len(matrices),self.p+1))
                        if len(matrices) == 0:
                            return reps
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def transition_matrix(self, basis, n):
        Returns the transitions matrix between ``self`` and ``basis`` for the
        homogeneous component of degree ``n``.


        - ``self`` -- a Hall-Littlewood symmetric function basis
        - ``basis`` -- another symmetric function basis
        - ``n`` -- a non-negative integer representing the degree


        - Returns a `r \times r` matrix of elements of the base ring of ``self``
          where `r` is the number of partitions of ``n``.
          The entry corresponding to row `\mu`, column `\nu` is the
          coefficient of ``basis`` `(\nu)` in ``self`` `(\mu)`


            sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t']))
            sage: HLP = Sym.hall_littlewood().P()
            sage: s   = Sym.schur()
            sage: HLP.transition_matrix(s, 4)
            [             1             -t              0            t^2           -t^3]
            [             0              1             -t             -t      t^3 + t^2]
            [             0              0              1             -t            t^3]
            [             0              0              0              1 -t^3 - t^2 - t]
            [             0              0              0              0              1]
            sage: HLQ = Sym.hall_littlewood().Q()
            sage: HLQ.transition_matrix(s,3)
            [                        -t + 1                        t^2 - t                     -t^3 + t^2]
            [                             0                  t^2 - 2*t + 1           -t^4 + t^3 + t^2 - t]
            [                             0                              0 -t^6 + t^5 + t^4 - t^2 - t + 1]
            sage: HLQp = Sym.hall_littlewood().Qp()
            sage: HLQp.transition_matrix(s,3)
            [      1       0       0]
            [      t       1       0]
            [    t^3 t^2 + t       1]
        P = sage.combinat.partition.Partitions_n(n)
        Plist = P.list()
        m = []
        for row_part in Plist:
            z = basis(self(row_part))
            m.append( [z.coefficient(col_part) for col_part in Plist] )
        return matrix(m)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def degeneracy_matrix(self, p=None):
        Map from self to QuaterniocModule of level self/p.

            sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_hmf import F, QuaternionicModule
            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(2*F.prime_above(31)); H
            Quaternionic module of dimension 4, level 10*a-4 (of norm 124=2^2*31) over QQ(sqrt(5))
            sage: H.degeneracy_matrix(2)
            [1 0]
            [0 1]
            [0 1]
            [0 1]
            sage: H.degeneracy_matrix(F.prime_above(31))
            sage: H.degeneracy_matrix()
            [1 0 1]
            [0 1 1]
            [0 1 1]
            [0 1 1]
            sage: H.degeneracy_matrix() is H.degeneracy_matrix()
            sage: H.degeneracy_matrix(2) is H.degeneracy_matrix(2)
        if self.level().is_prime():
            return matrix(QQ, self.dimension(), 0, sparse=True)
        if self._degeneracy_matrices.has_key(p):
            return self._degeneracy_matrices[p]
        if p is None:
            A = None
            for p in prime_divisors(self._level):
                A = self.degeneracy_matrix(p) if A is None else A.augment(self.degeneracy_matrix(p))
            self._degeneracy_matrices[None] = A
            return A
        p = sqrt5_ideal(p)
        if self._degeneracy_matrices.has_key(p):
            return self._degeneracy_matrices[p]
        d = self._icosians_mod_p1.degeneracy_matrix(p)
        self._degeneracy_matrices[p] = d
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def transition_matrix(self, basis, n):
        Returns the transitions matrix between ``self`` and ``basis`` for the
        homogenous component of degree ``n``.


        - ``self`` -- a Hall-Littlewood symmetric function basis
        - ``basis`` -- another symmetric function basis
        - ``n`` -- a non-negative integer representing the degree


        - Returns a `r \times r` matrix of elements of the base ring of ``self``
          where `r` is the number of partitions of ``n``.
          The entry corresponding to row `\mu`, column `\nu` is the
          coefficient of ``basis`` `(\nu)` in ``self`` `(\mu)`


            sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t']))
            sage: HLP = Sym.hall_littlewood().P()
            sage: s   = Sym.schur()
            sage: HLP.transition_matrix(s, 4)
            [             1             -t              0            t^2           -t^3]
            [             0              1             -t             -t      t^3 + t^2]
            [             0              0              1             -t            t^3]
            [             0              0              0              1 -t^3 - t^2 - t]
            [             0              0              0              0              1]
            sage: HLQ = Sym.hall_littlewood().Q()
            sage: HLQ.transition_matrix(s,3)
            [                        -t + 1                        t^2 - t                     -t^3 + t^2]
            [                             0                  t^2 - 2*t + 1           -t^4 + t^3 + t^2 - t]
            [                             0                              0 -t^6 + t^5 + t^4 - t^2 - t + 1]
            sage: HLQp = Sym.hall_littlewood().Qp()
            sage: HLQp.transition_matrix(s,3)
            [      1       0       0]
            [      t       1       0]
            [    t^3 t^2 + t       1]
        P = sage.combinat.partition.Partitions_n(n)
        Plist = P.list()
        m = []
        for row_part in Plist:
            z = basis(self(row_part))
            m.append( map( lambda col_part: z.coefficient(col_part), Plist ) )
        return matrix(m)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def _make_CPRFanoToricVariety(self, name, coordinate_names, base_ring):
        Construct a (crepant partially resolved) Fano toric variety
        and cache the result.


        - ``name`` -- string. One of the pre-defined names in the
          ``toric_varieties_rays_cones`` data structure.

        - ``coordinate_names`` -- A string describing the names of the
          homogeneous coordinates of the toric variety.

        - ``base_ring`` -- a ring (default: `\QQ`). The base ring for
          the toric variety.


        A :class:`CPR-Fano toric variety


            sage: toric_varieties.P2()           # indirect doctest
            2-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 3 affine patches
        rays, cones = toric_varieties_rays_cones[name]
        if coordinate_names is None:
            dict_key = (name, base_ring)
            coordinate_names = normalize_names(coordinate_names, len(rays),
            dict_key = (name, base_ring) + tuple(coordinate_names)
        if dict_key not in self.__dict__:
            polytope = LatticePolytope( matrix(rays).transpose() )
            points = map(tuple, polytope.points().columns())
            ray2point = [points.index(r) for r in rays]
            charts = [ [ray2point[i] for i in c] for c in cones ]
            self.__dict__[dict_key] = \
        return self.__dict__[dict_key]
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def _dft_seminormal(self):
     Returns the seminormal form of the discrete Fourier for self.
         sage: QS3 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ, 3)
         sage: QS3._dft_seminormal()
         [   1    1    1    1    1    1]
         [   1  1/2   -1 -1/2 -1/2  1/2]
         [   0  3/4    0  3/4 -3/4 -3/4]
         [   0    1    0   -1    1   -1]
         [   1 -1/2    1 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2]
         [   1   -1   -1    1    1   -1]
     snb = self.seminormal_basis()
     return matrix( [vector(b) for b in snb] ).inverse().transpose()
def matrix_identity_multiply_scalar(scal,nrows,ncols):
    Currently this method only returns for
    the same number of rows and columns.
    if nrows!=ncols:
        raise ValueError, "check dimensions"
        L = list()
        for i in range(nrows):
            for j in range(ncols):
                if i == j:
        return matrix(CombinatorialScalarRing(),nrows,ncols,L)