def test_satisfy_inter(self):
   v_space = VectorSpace(QQ,4)
   sub = v_space.subspace([[1,-1,1,1],[2,-3,4,5]])
   comp = orth_complement(v_space,sub)
   zero = v_space.subspace([])
   inter = sub.intersection(comp)
 def homology(self,varient="complement",*args):
   hom = {}
   cc = self.chain_complex(varient,(-1,self.poly_ring.ngens()+1),*args)
   #Some need wider return range
   for i in range(self.poly_ring.ngens()+1):
     vs_am = VectorSpace(QQ,len(cc[i]))
     if len(cc[i])==0:
       hom[i] = []
     if len(cc[i-1])!=0:
       d_im = []
       for b in cc[i-1]:
         d_b = self.differential(b,varient,*args)
       img = vs_am.subspace(d_im)
       img = vs_am.subspace([])
     if len(cc[i+1])!=0:
       d_ker = []
       for b in cc[i]:
         d_b = self.differential(b,varient,*args)
       ker = (matrix(QQ,d_ker)).left_kernel()
       ker = vs_am
     quo = ker.quotient(img)
     hom[i] = []
     for b in quo.basis():
       vec = quo.lift(b)
       part_sum = LogarithmicDifferentialForm.make_zero(i,self)
       for c,f in zip(vec,cc[i]):
         part_sum = part_sum + c*f
   return hom
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def rel_deformation(self, deformation, local=False, limit=100):
        Perform a rel deformation of the surface and return the result.

        This algorithm currently assumes that all polygons affected by this deformation are
        triangles. That should be fixable in the future.


        - ``deformation`` (dictionary) - A dictionary mapping singularities of
          the surface to deformation vectors (in some 2-dimensional vector
          space). The rel deformation being done will move the singularities
          (relative to each other) linearly to the provided vector for each
          vertex. If a singularity is not included in the dictionary then the
          vector will be treated as zero.

        - ``local`` - (boolean) - If true, the algorithm attempts to deform all
          the triangles making up the surface without destroying any of them.
          So, the area of the triangle must be positive along the full interval
          of time of the deformation.  If false, then the deformation must have
          a particular form: all vectors for the deformation must be paralell.
          In this case we achieve the deformation with the help of the SL(2,R)
          action and Delaunay triangulations.

        - ``limit`` (integer) - Restricts the length of the size of SL(2,R)
          deformations considered. The algorithm should be roughly worst time
          linear in limit.


        - Support arbitrary rel deformations.
        - Remove the requirement that triangles be used.


            sage: from flatsurf import *
            sage: s = translation_surfaces.arnoux_yoccoz(4)
            sage: field = s.base_ring()
            sage: a = field.gen()
            sage: V = VectorSpace(field,2)
            sage: deformation1 = {s.singularity(0,0):V((1,0))}
            sage: s1 = s.rel_deformation(deformation1).canonicalize()
            sage: deformation2 = {s.singularity(0,0):V((a,0))}
            sage: s2 = s.rel_deformation(deformation2).canonicalize()
            sage: m = Matrix([[a,0],[0,~a]])
            sage: s2.cmp((m*s1).canonicalize())
        s = self
        # Find a common field
        field = s.base_ring()
        for singularity, v in iteritems(deformation):
            if v.parent().base_field() != field:
                from sage.structure.element import get_coercion_model
                cm = get_coercion_model()
                field = cm.common_parent(field, v.parent().base_field())
        from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace
        vector_space = VectorSpace(field, 2)

        from collections import defaultdict
        vertex_deformation = defaultdict(
    # dictionary associating the vertices.
        deformed_labels = set()  # list of polygon labels being deformed.

        for singularity, vect in iteritems(deformation):
            # assert s==singularity.surface()
            for label, v in singularity.vertex_set():
                vertex_deformation[(label, v)] = vect
                assert s.polygon(label).num_edges() == 3

        from flatsurf.geometry.polygon import wedge_product, ConvexPolygons

        if local:

            ss = s.copy(mutable=True, new_field=field)
            us = ss.underlying_surface()

            P = ConvexPolygons(field)
            for label in deformed_labels:
                polygon = s.polygon(label)
                a0 = vector_space(polygon.vertex(1))
                b0 = vector_space(polygon.vertex(2))
                v0 = vector_space(vertex_deformation[(label, 0)])
                v1 = vector_space(vertex_deformation[(label, 1)])
                v2 = vector_space(vertex_deformation[(label, 2)])
                a1 = v1 - v0
                b1 = v2 - v0
                # We deform by changing the triangle so that its vertices 1 and 2 have the form
                # a0+t*a1 and b0+t*b1
                # respectively. We are deforming from t=0 to t=1.
                # We worry that the triangle degenerates along the way.
                # The area of the deforming triangle has the form
                # A0 + A1*t + A2*t^2.
                A0 = wedge_product(a0, b0)
                A1 = wedge_product(a0, b1) + wedge_product(a1, b0)
                A2 = wedge_product(a1, b1)
                if A2 !=
                    # Critical point of area function
                    c = A1 / (-2 * A2)
                    if < c and c <
                        assert A0 + A1 * c + A2 * c**2 >
                        ), "Triangle with label %r degenerates at critical point before endpoint" % label
                assert A0 + A1 + A2 >
                ), "Triangle with label %r degenerates at or before endpoint" % label
                # Triangle does not degenerate.
                    label, P(vertices=[, a0 + a1, b0 + b1]))
            return ss

        else:  # Non local deformation
            # We can only do this deformation if all the rel vector are parallel.
            # Check for this.
            nonzero = None
            for singularity, vect in iteritems(deformation):
                vvect = vector_space(vect)
                if vvect !=
                    if nonzero is None:
                        nonzero = vvect
                        assert wedge_product(nonzero,vvect)==0, \
                            "In non-local deformation all deformation vectos must be parallel"
            assert nonzero is not None, "Deformation appears to be trivial."
            from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix
            m = Matrix([[nonzero[0], -nonzero[1]], [nonzero[1], nonzero[0]]])
            mi = ~m
            g = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 2]], ring=field)
            prod = m * g * mi
            ss = None
            k = 0
            while True:
                if ss is None:
                    ss = s.copy(mutable=True, new_field=field)
                    # In place matrix deformation
                ss.delaunay_triangulation(direction=nonzero, in_place=True)
                deformation2 = {}
                for singularity, vect in iteritems(deformation):
                    found_start = None
                    for label, v in singularity.vertex_set():
                        if wedge_product(s.polygon(label).edge(v),nonzero) >= 0 and \
                        wedge_product(nonzero,-s.polygon(label).edge((v+2)%3)) > 0:
                            found_start = (label, v)
                            found = None
                            for vv in range(3):
                                if wedge_product(ss.polygon(label).edge(vv),nonzero) >= 0 and \
                                wedge_product(nonzero,-ss.polygon(label).edge((vv+2)%3)) > 0:
                                    found = vv
                                                                vv)] = vect
                            assert found is not None
                    assert found_start is not None
                    sss = ss.rel_deformation(deformation2, local=True)
                    sss.apply_matrix(mi * g**(-k) * m)
                    return sss
                except AssertionError as e:
                k = k + 1
                if limit is not None and k >= limit:
                    assert False, "Exeeded limit iterations"
 def test_full(self):
   v_space = VectorSpace(QQ,4)
   zero = v_space.subspace([])
   comp = orth_complement(v_space,v_space)