Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: braid.py Proyecto: chos9/sage
    def plot3d(self):
        Plots the braid in 3d.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot3d()
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import bezier3d
        b = []
        braid = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        for i in range(len(braid)):
            m = braid[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]]))
                elif -m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]]))
                elif m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]]))
                elif -m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]]))
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+1)]]))
        return sum(b)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plot3d(self):
        Plots the braid in 3d.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot3d()
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import bezier3d
        b = []
        braid = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        for i in range(len(braid)):
            m = braid[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]]))
                elif -m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]]))
                elif m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]]))
                elif -m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]]))
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+1)]]))
        return sum(b)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def plot3d(self, color='rainbow'):
        Plots the braid in 3d.

        The following option is available:

        - ``color`` -- (default: ``'rainbow'``) the color of the
          strands. Possible values are:

            * ``'rainbow'``, uses :meth:`~sage.plot.colors.rainbow`
              according to the number of strands.

            * a valid color name for :meth:`~sage.plot.plot3d.bezier3d`.
              Used for all strands.

            * a list or a tuple of colors for each individual strand.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot3d()
            sage: b.plot3d(color="red")
            sage: b.plot3d(color=["red", "blue", "red", "blue"])
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import bezier3d
        from sage.plot.colors import rainbow
        b = []
        n = self.strands()
        if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)):
            if len(color) != n:
                raise TypeError("color (=%s) must contain exactly %d colors" % (color, n))
            col = list(color)
        elif color == "rainbow":
            col = rainbow(n)
            col = [color]*n
        braid = self.Tietze()

        for i, m in enumerate(braid):
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]], color=col[j]))
                elif -m==j+1:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j+0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+0.75), (0, j+1, i+1)]], color=col[j]))
                elif m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j, i+0.25), (-0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(-0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]], color=col[j]))
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                elif -m==j:
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j, i+0.25), (0.25, j-0.5, i+0.5)],
                                       [(0.25, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+0.75), (0, j-1, i+1)]], color=col[j]))
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                    b.append(bezier3d([[(0, j, i), (0, j, i+1)]], color=col[j]))
        return sum(b)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def plot3d(self, z=0, **kwds):
        Returns a 3D plot (Jmol) of the Bezier path.  Since a ``BezierPath``
        primitive contains only `x,y` coordinates, the path will be drawn in
        some plane (default is `z=0`).  To create a Bezier path with nonzero
        (and nonidentical) `z` coordinates in the path and control points, use
        the function :func:`~sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2.bezier3d` instead of


            sage: b = bezier_path([[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0)]])
            sage: A = b.plot3d()
            sage: B = b.plot3d(z=2)
            sage: A+B


            sage: bezier3d([[(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,1,1)]])
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import bezier3d
        options = self._plot3d_options()
        return bezier3d([[(x, y, 0) for x, y in self.path[i]]
                         for i in range(len(self.path))], **options)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def plot3d(self, z=0, **kwds):
        Returns a 3D plot (Jmol) of the Bezier path.  Since a ``BezierPath``
        primitive contains only `x,y` coordinates, the path will be drawn in
        some plane (default is `z=0`).  To create a Bezier path with nonzero
        (and nonidentical) `z` coordinates in the path and control points, use
        the function :func:`~sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2.bezier3d` instead of


            sage: b = bezier_path([[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0)]])
            sage: A = b.plot3d()
            sage: B = b.plot3d(z=2)
            sage: A + B
            Graphics3d Object

        .. PLOT::

            b = bezier_path([[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0)]])
            A = b.plot3d()
            B = b.plot3d(z=2)
            sphinx_plot(A + B)


            sage: bezier3d([[(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,1,1)]])
            Graphics3d Object

        .. PLOT::


        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import bezier3d
        options = self._plot3d_options()
        return bezier3d([[(x,y,0) for x,y in self.path[i]] for i in range(len(self.path))], **options)