Ejemplo n.º 1
def point(points, **kwds):
    Return either a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional point or sum of points.


    -  ``points`` - either a single point (as a tuple), a list of
       points, a single complex number, or a list of complex numbers.

    For information regarding additional arguments, see either point2d?
    or point3d?.

    .. SEEALSO::

        :func:`sage.plot.point.point2d`, :func:`sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2.point3d`


        sage: point((1,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point((1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: point([(0,0), (1,1)])
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point([(0,0,1), (1,1,1)])
        Graphics3d Object

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)], frame=True)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)]).show(frame=True) # These are equivalent


    One can now use iterators (:trac:`13890`)::

        sage: point(iter([(1,1,1)]))
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: point(iter([(1,2),(3,5)]))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
    if isinstance(points, Iterator):
        points = list(points)

        return point2d(points, **kwds)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        return point3d(points, **kwds)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def point(points, **kwds):
    Returns either a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional point or sum of points.


    -  ``points`` - either a single point (as a tuple), a list of
       points, a single complex number, or a list of complex numbers.

    For information regarding additional arguments, see either point2d?
    or point3d?.

    .. SEEALSO::

        :func:`sage.plot.point.point2d`, :func:`sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2.point3d`


        sage: point((1,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point((1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: point([(0,0), (1,1)])
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point([(0,0,1), (1,1,1)])
        Graphics3d Object

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)], frame=True)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)]).show(frame=True) # These are equivalent


    One can now use iterators (:trac:`13890`)::

        sage: point(iter([(1,1,1)]))
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: point(iter([(1,2),(3,5)]))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
    if isinstance(points, collections.Iterator):
        points = list(points)

        return point2d(points, **kwds)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        return point3d(points, **kwds)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: point.py Proyecto: bukzor/sage
def point(points, **kwds):
    Returns either a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional point or sum of points.


    -  ``points`` - either a single point (as a tuple), a list of
       points, a single complex number, or a list of complex numbers.

    For information regarding additional arguments, see either point2d?
    or point3d?.


        sage: point((1,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point((1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: point([(0,0), (1,1)])
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point([(0,0,1), (1,1,1)])
        Graphics3d Object

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)], frame=True)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)]).show(frame=True) # These are equivalent
        return point2d(points, **kwds)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        return point3d(points, **kwds)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def point(points, **kwds):
    Returns either a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional point or sum of points.


    -  ``points`` - either a single point (as a tuple), a list of
       points, a single complex number, or a list of complex numbers.

    For information regarding additional arguments, see either point2d?
    or point3d?.


        sage: point((1,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point((1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: point([(0,0), (1,1)])
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: point([(0,0,1), (1,1,1)])
        Graphics3d Object

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)], frame=True)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: point([(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in srange(0, 2*pi, pi/8)]).show(frame=True) # These are equivalent
        return point2d(points, **kwds)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        return point3d(points, **kwds)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def plot3d(self, z=0, **kwds):
        Plots a two-dimensional point in 3-D, with default height zero.


        -  ``z`` - optional 3D height above `xy`-plane.  May be a list
           if self is a list of points.


        One point::

            sage: A=point((1,1))
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d()

        One point with a height::

            sage: A=point((1,1))
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d(z=3)
            sage: b.loc[2]

        Multiple points::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1)])
            sage: p=P[0]; p
            Point set defined by 2 point(s)
            sage: q=p.plot3d(size=22)

        Multiple points with different heights::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1)])
            sage: p=P[0]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=[2,3])
            sage: q.all[0].loc[2]
            sage: q.all[1].loc[2]

        Note that keywords passed must be valid point3d options::

            sage: A=point((1,1),size=22)
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d()
            sage: b.size
            sage: b=a.plot3d(pointsize=23) # only 2D valid option
            sage: b.size
            sage: b=a.plot3d(size=23) # correct keyword
            sage: b.size


        Heights passed as a list should have same length as
        number of points::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1), (2,3)])
            sage: p=P[0]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=2)
            sage: q.all[1].loc[2]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=[2,-2])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Incorrect number of heights given
        from sage.plot.plot3d.base import Graphics3dGroup
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        options = self._plot3d_options()
        zdata = []
        if isinstance(z, list):
            zdata = z
            zdata = [z] * len(self.xdata)
        if len(zdata) == len(self.xdata):
            all = [
                point3d(list(zip(self.xdata, self.ydata, zdata)), **options)
            if len(all) == 1:
                return all[0]
                return Graphics3dGroup(all)
            raise ValueError('Incorrect number of heights given')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None, label=None, parameters=None, **kwds):
        For real manifolds, plot ``self`` in a Cartesian graph based
        on the coordinates of some ambient chart.

        The point is drawn in terms of two (2D graphics) or three (3D graphics)
        coordinates of a given chart, called hereafter the *ambient chart*.
        The domain of the ambient chart must contain the point, or its image
        by a continuous manifold map `\Phi`.


        - ``chart`` -- (default: ``None``) the ambient chart (see above); if
          ``None``, the ambient chart is set the default chart of
        - ``ambient_coords`` -- (default: ``None``) tuple containing the 2
          or 3 coordinates of the ambient chart in terms of which the plot
          is performed; if ``None``, all the coordinates of the ambient
          chart are considered
        - ``mapping`` -- (default: ``None``)
          :class:`~sage.manifolds.continuous_map.ContinuousMap`; continuous
          manifold map `\Phi` providing the link between the current point
          `p` and the ambient chart ``chart``: the domain of ``chart`` must
          contain `\Phi(p)`; if ``None``, the identity map is assumed
        - ``label`` -- (default: ``None``) label printed next to the point;
          if ``None``, the point's name is used
        - ``parameters`` -- (default: ``None``) dictionary giving the numerical
          values of the parameters that may appear in the point coordinates
        - ``size`` -- (default: 10) size of the point once drawn as a small
          disk or sphere
        - ``color`` -- (default: ``'black'``) color of the point
        - ``label_color`` -- (default: ``None``) color to print the label;
          if ``None``, the value of ``color`` is used
        - ``fontsize`` -- (default: 10) size of the font used to print the
        - ``label_offset`` -- (default: 0.1) determines the separation between
          the point and its label


        - a graphic object, either an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.graphics.Graphics` for a 2D plot (i.e. based on
          2 coordinates of the ambient chart) or an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3d` for a 3D plot (i.e.
          based on 3 coordinates of the ambient chart)


        Drawing a point on a 2-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X)
            sage: print(g)
            Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
            sage: gX = X.plot(max_range=4) # plot of the coordinate grid
            sage: g + gX # display of the point atop the coordinate grid
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(X)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        Actually, since ``X`` is the default chart of the open set in which
        ``p`` has been defined, it can be skipped in the arguments of

            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$', \
                       label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        Use of the ``parameters`` option to set a numerical value of some
        symbolic variable::

            sage: a = var('a')
            sage: q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            sage: gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2}, label_offset=0.2)
            sage: g + gX + gq
            Graphics object consisting of 22 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$', \
                       label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2}, label_offset=0.2)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        The numerical value is used only for the plot::

            sage: q.coord()
            (a, 2*a)

        Drawing a point on a 3-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((2,1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: print(g)
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: gX = X.plot(nb_values=5) # coordinate mesh cube
            sage: g + gX # display of the point atop the coordinate mesh
            Graphics3d Object

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='P_1',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics3d Object

        An example of plot via a mapping: plot of a point on a 2-sphere viewed
        in the 3-dimensional space ``M``::

            sage: S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological')
            sage: U = S2.open_subset('U') # the open set covered by spherical coord.
            sage: XS.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
            sage: p = U.point((pi/4, pi/8), name='p')
            sage: F = S2.continuous_map(M, {(XS, X): [sin(th)*cos(ph),
            ....:                           sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)]}, name='F')
            sage: F.display()
            F: S^2 --> M
            on U: (th, ph) |--> (x, y, z) = (cos(ph)*sin(th), sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))
            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, mapping=F)
            sage: gS2 = XS.plot(chart=X, mapping=F, nb_values=9)
            sage: g + gS2
            Graphics3d Object

        Use of the option ``ambient_coords`` for plots on a 4-dimensional

            sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinate z is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), nb_values=5)  # long time
            sage: g + gX # 3D plot  # long time
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinate x is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), nb_values=5)  # long time
            sage: g + gX # 3D plot  # long time
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinates t and x are skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))
            sage: g + gX # 2D plot
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('t x y z'); t,x,y,z = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z), label_offset=0.4)
            gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))

        from sage.plot.point import point2d
        from sage.plot.text import text
        from sage.plot.graphics import Graphics
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d, text3d
        from sage.manifolds.chart import Chart

        if self._manifold.base_field_type() != "real":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "plot of points on manifolds over fields different" " from the real field is not implemented"
        # The ambient chart:
        if chart is None:
            chart = self.parent().default_chart()
        elif not isinstance(chart, Chart):
            raise TypeError("the argument 'chart' must be a coordinate chart")
        # The effective point to be plotted:
        if mapping is None:
            eff_point = self
            eff_point = mapping(self)
        # The coordinates of the ambient chart used for the plot:
        if ambient_coords is None:
            ambient_coords = chart[:]
        elif not isinstance(ambient_coords, tuple):
            ambient_coords = tuple(ambient_coords)
        nca = len(ambient_coords)
        if nca != 2 and nca != 3:
            raise TypeError("invalid number of ambient coordinates: {}".format(nca))

        # Extract the kwds options
        size = kwds["size"]
        color = kwds["color"]
        label_color = kwds["label_color"]
        fontsize = kwds["fontsize"]
        label_offset = kwds["label_offset"]

        # The point coordinates:
        coords = eff_point.coord(chart)
        xx = chart[:]
        xp = [coords[xx.index(c)] for c in ambient_coords]
        if parameters is not None:
            xps = [coord.substitute(parameters) for coord in xp]
            xp = xps
        xlab = [coord + label_offset for coord in xp]
        if label_color is None:
            label_color = color
        resu = Graphics()
        if nca == 2:
            if label is None:
                label = r"$" + self._latex_name + r"$"
            resu += point2d(xp, color=color, size=size) + text(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
            if label is None:
                label = self._name
            resu += point3d(xp, color=color, size=size) + text3d(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
        return resu
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def plot(self,
        Plot the current point (``self``) in a Cartesian graph based on the
        coordinates of some ambient chart.

        The point is drawn in terms of two (2D graphics) or three (3D graphics)
        coordinates of a given chart, called hereafter the *ambient chart*.
        The domain of the ambient chart must contain the point, or its image
        by a differentiable mapping `\Phi`.


        - ``chart`` -- (default: ``None``) the ambient chart (see above); if
          ``None``, the ambient chart is set the default chart of
        - ``ambient_coords`` -- (default: ``None``) tuple containing the 2 or 3
          coordinates of the ambient chart in terms of which the plot is
          performed; if ``None``, all the coordinates of the ambient chart are
        - ``mapping`` -- (default: ``None``) differentiable mapping `\Phi`
          (instance of
          providing the link between the point `p` represented by ``self``
          and the ambient chart ``chart``: the domain of ``chart`` must
          contain `\Phi(p)`; if ``None``, the identity mapping is assumed
        - ``size`` -- (default: 10) size of the point once drawn as a small
          disk or sphere
        - ``color`` -- (default: 'black') color of the point
        - ``label`` -- (default: ``None``) label printed next to the point;
          if ``None``, the point's name is used.
        - ``label_color`` -- (default: ``None``) color to print the label;
          if ``None``, the value of ``color`` is used
        - ``fontsize`` -- (default: 10) size of the font used to print the
        - ``label_offset`` -- (default: 0.1) determines the separation between
          the point and its label
        - ``parameters`` -- (default: ``None``) dictionary giving the numerical
          values of the parameters that may appear in the point coordinates


        - a graphic object, either an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.graphics.Graphics` for a 2D plot (i.e. based on
          2 coordinates of the ambient chart) or an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3d` for a 3D plot (i.e.
          based on 3 coordinates of the ambient chart)


        Drawing a point on a 2-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
            sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X)
            sage: print g
            Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
            sage: gX = X.plot() # plot of the coordinate grid
            sage: show(g+gX) # display of the point atop the coordinate grid

        Actually, since ``X`` is the default chart of the open set in which
        ``p`` has been defined, it can be skipped in the arguments of

            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: show(g+gX)

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: show(g+gX)

        Use of the ``parameters`` option to set a numerical value of some
        symbolic variable::

            sage: a = var('a')
            sage: q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            sage: gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2})
            sage: show(g+gX+gq)

        The numerical value is used only for the plot::

            sage: q.coord()
            (a, 2*a)

        Drawing a point on a 3-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M')
            sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((2,1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: print g
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: gX = X.plot(nb_values=5) # coordinate mesh cube
            sage: show(g+gX) # display of the point atop the coordinate mesh

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='P_1',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: show(g+gX)

        An example of plot via a differential mapping: plot of a point on a
        2-sphere viewed in the 3-dimensional space ``M``::

            sage: S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2')
            sage: U = S2.open_subset('U') # the open set covered by spherical coord.
            sage: XS.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
            sage: p = U.point((pi/4, pi/8), name='p')
            sage: F = S2.diff_mapping(M, {(XS, X): [sin(th)*cos(ph),
            ....:                         sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)]}, name='F')
            sage: F.display()
            F: S^2 --> M
            on U: (th, ph) |--> (x, y, z) = (cos(ph)*sin(th), sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))
            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, mapping=F)
            sage: gS2 = XS.plot(chart=X, mapping=F, nb_values=9)
            sage: show(g+gS2)

        Use of the option ``ambient_coords`` for plots on a 4-dimensional

            sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M')
            sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y))  # the coordinate z is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), nb_values=5)
            sage: show(g+gX) # 3D plot
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z))  # the coordinate x is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), nb_values=5)
            sage: show(g+gX) # 3D plot
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))  # the coordinates t and x are skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))
            sage: show(g+gX) # 2D plot

        from sage.plot.point import point2d
        from sage.plot.text import text
        from sage.plot.graphics import Graphics
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d, text3d
        from sage.geometry.manifolds.chart import Chart
        # The ambient chart:
        if chart is None:
            chart = self.containing_set().default_chart()
        elif not isinstance(chart, Chart):
            raise TypeError("the argument 'chart' must be a coordinate chart")
        # The effective point to be plotted:
        if mapping is None:
            eff_point = self
            eff_point = mapping(self)
        # The coordinates of the ambient chart used for the plot:
        if ambient_coords is None:
            ambient_coords = chart._xx
        elif not isinstance(ambient_coords, tuple):
            ambient_coords = tuple(ambient_coords)
        nca = len(ambient_coords)
        if nca != 2 and nca != 3:
            raise TypeError("Bad number of ambient coordinates: " + str(nca))
        # The point coordinates:
        coords = eff_point.coord(chart)
        xx = chart[:]
        xp = [coords[xx.index(c)] for c in ambient_coords]
        if parameters is not None:
            xps = [coord.substitute(parameters) for coord in xp]
            xp = xps
        xlab = [coord + label_offset for coord in xp]
        if label_color is None:
            label_color = color
        resu = Graphics()
        if nca == 2:
            if label is None:
                label = r'$' + self._latex_name + r'$'
            resu += point2d(xp, color=color, size=size) + \
                    text(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
            if label is None:
                label = self._name
            resu += point3d(xp, color=color, size=size) + \
                    text3d(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
        return resu
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: point.py Proyecto: bukzor/sage
    def plot3d(self, z=0, **kwds):
        Plots a two-dimensional point in 3-D, with default height zero.


        -  ``z`` - optional 3D height above `xy`-plane.  May be a list
           if self is a list of points.


        One point::

            sage: A=point((1,1))
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d()

        One point with a height::

            sage: A=point((1,1))
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d(z=3)
            sage: b.loc[2]

        Multiple points::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1)])
            sage: p=P[0]; p
            Point set defined by 2 point(s)
            sage: q=p.plot3d(size=22)

        Multiple points with different heights::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1)])
            sage: p=P[0]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=[2,3])
            sage: q.all[0].loc[2]
            sage: q.all[1].loc[2]

        Note that keywords passed must be valid point3d options::

            sage: A=point((1,1),size=22)
            sage: a=A[0];a
            Point set defined by 1 point(s)
            sage: b=a.plot3d()
            sage: b.size
            sage: b=a.plot3d(pointsize=23) # only 2D valid option
            sage: b.size
            sage: b=a.plot3d(size=23) # correct keyword
            sage: b.size


        Heights passed as a list should have same length as
        number of points::

            sage: P=point([(0,0), (1,1), (2,3)])
            sage: p=P[0]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=2)
            sage: q.all[1].loc[2]
            sage: q=p.plot3d(z=[2,-2])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Incorrect number of heights given
        from sage.plot.plot3d.base import Graphics3dGroup
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d
        options = self._plot3d_options()
        if isinstance(z, list):
        if len(zdata)==len(self.xdata):
            all = [point3d([(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(self.xdata, self.ydata, zdata)], **options)]
            if len(all) == 1:
                return all[0]
                return Graphics3dGroup(all)
            raise ValueError('Incorrect number of heights given')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def plot(self,
        For real manifolds, plot ``self`` in a Cartesian graph based
        on the coordinates of some ambient chart.

        The point is drawn in terms of two (2D graphics) or three (3D graphics)
        coordinates of a given chart, called hereafter the *ambient chart*.
        The domain of the ambient chart must contain the point, or its image
        by a continuous manifold map `\Phi`.


        - ``chart`` -- (default: ``None``) the ambient chart (see above); if
          ``None``, the ambient chart is set the default chart of
        - ``ambient_coords`` -- (default: ``None``) tuple containing the 2
          or 3 coordinates of the ambient chart in terms of which the plot
          is performed; if ``None``, all the coordinates of the ambient
          chart are considered
        - ``mapping`` -- (default: ``None``)
          :class:`~sage.manifolds.continuous_map.ContinuousMap`; continuous
          manifold map `\Phi` providing the link between the current point
          `p` and the ambient chart ``chart``: the domain of ``chart`` must
          contain `\Phi(p)`; if ``None``, the identity map is assumed
        - ``label`` -- (default: ``None``) label printed next to the point;
          if ``None``, the point's name is used
        - ``parameters`` -- (default: ``None``) dictionary giving the numerical
          values of the parameters that may appear in the point coordinates
        - ``size`` -- (default: 10) size of the point once drawn as a small
          disk or sphere
        - ``color`` -- (default: ``'black'``) color of the point
        - ``label_color`` -- (default: ``None``) color to print the label;
          if ``None``, the value of ``color`` is used
        - ``fontsize`` -- (default: 10) size of the font used to print the
        - ``label_offset`` -- (default: 0.1) determines the separation between
          the point and its label


        - a graphic object, either an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.graphics.Graphics` for a 2D plot (i.e. based on
          2 coordinates of the ambient chart) or an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3d` for a 3D plot (i.e.
          based on 3 coordinates of the ambient chart)


        Drawing a point on a 2-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X)
            sage: print(g)
            Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
            sage: gX = X.plot(max_range=4) # plot of the coordinate grid
            sage: g + gX # display of the point atop the coordinate grid
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(X)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        Actually, since ``X`` is the default chart of the open set in which
        ``p`` has been defined, it can be skipped in the arguments of

            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$', \
                       label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        Use of the ``parameters`` option to set a numerical value of some
        symbolic variable::

            sage: a = var('a')
            sage: q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            sage: gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2}, label_offset=0.2)
            sage: g + gX + gq
            Graphics object consisting of 22 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('x y'); x,y = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$', \
                       label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2}, label_offset=0.2)
            gX = X.plot(max_range=4)

        The numerical value is used only for the plot::

            sage: q.coord()
            (a, 2*a)

        Drawing a point on a 3-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((2,1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: print(g)
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: gX = X.plot(number_values=5) # coordinate mesh cube
            sage: g + gX # display of the point atop the coordinate mesh
            Graphics3d Object

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='P_1',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: g + gX
            Graphics3d Object

        An example of plot via a mapping: plot of a point on a 2-sphere viewed
        in the 3-dimensional space ``M``::

            sage: S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological')
            sage: U = S2.open_subset('U') # the open set covered by spherical coord.
            sage: XS.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
            sage: p = U.point((pi/4, pi/8), name='p')
            sage: F = S2.continuous_map(M, {(XS, X): [sin(th)*cos(ph),
            ....:                           sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)]}, name='F')
            sage: F.display()
            F: S^2 --> M
            on U: (th, ph) |--> (x, y, z) = (cos(ph)*sin(th), sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))
            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, mapping=F)
            sage: gS2 = XS.plot(chart=X, mapping=F, number_values=9)
            sage: g + gS2
            Graphics3d Object

        Use of the option ``ambient_coords`` for plots on a 4-dimensional

            sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
            sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinate z is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), number_values=5)  # long time
            sage: g + gX # 3D plot  # long time
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinate x is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), number_values=5)  # long time
            sage: g + gX # 3D plot  # long time
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z), label_offset=0.4)  # the coordinates t and x are skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))
            sage: g + gX # 2D plot
            Graphics object consisting of 20 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
            X = M.chart('t x y z'); t,x,y,z = X[:]
            p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z), label_offset=0.4)
            gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))

        from sage.plot.point import point2d
        from sage.plot.text import text
        from sage.plot.graphics import Graphics
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d, text3d
        from sage.manifolds.chart import Chart
        if self._manifold.base_field_type() != 'real':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'plot of points on manifolds over fields different'
                ' from the real field is not implemented')
        # The ambient chart:
        if chart is None:
            chart = self.parent().default_chart()
        elif not isinstance(chart, Chart):
            raise TypeError("the argument 'chart' must be a coordinate chart")
        # The effective point to be plotted:
        if mapping is None:
            eff_point = self
            eff_point = mapping(self)
        # The coordinates of the ambient chart used for the plot:
        if ambient_coords is None:
            ambient_coords = chart[:]
        elif not isinstance(ambient_coords, tuple):
            ambient_coords = tuple(ambient_coords)
        nca = len(ambient_coords)
        if nca != 2 and nca != 3:
            raise TypeError(
                "invalid number of ambient coordinates: {}".format(nca))

        # Extract the kwds options
        size = kwds['size']
        color = kwds['color']
        label_color = kwds['label_color']
        fontsize = kwds['fontsize']
        label_offset = kwds['label_offset']

        # The point coordinates:
        coords = eff_point.coord(chart)
        xx = chart[:]
        xp = [coords[xx.index(c)] for c in ambient_coords]
        if parameters is not None:
            xps = [coord.substitute(parameters) for coord in xp]
            xp = xps
        xlab = [coord + label_offset for coord in xp]
        if label_color is None:
            label_color = color
        resu = Graphics()
        if nca == 2:
            if label is None:
                label = r'$' + self._latex_name + r'$'
            resu += (point2d(xp, color=color, size=size) +
                     text(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color))
            if label is None:
                label = self._name
            resu += (point3d(xp, color=color, size=size) +
                     text3d(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color))
        return resu
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None, size=10,
             color='black', label=None, label_color=None, fontsize=10,
             label_offset=0.1, parameters=None):
        Plot the current point (``self``) in a Cartesian graph based on the
        coordinates of some ambient chart.

        The point is drawn in terms of two (2D graphics) or three (3D graphics)
        coordinates of a given chart, called hereafter the *ambient chart*.
        The domain of the ambient chart must contain the point, or its image
        by a differentiable mapping `\Phi`.


        - ``chart`` -- (default: ``None``) the ambient chart (see above); if
          ``None``, the ambient chart is set the default chart of
        - ``ambient_coords`` -- (default: ``None``) tuple containing the 2 or 3
          coordinates of the ambient chart in terms of which the plot is
          performed; if ``None``, all the coordinates of the ambient chart are
        - ``mapping`` -- (default: ``None``) differentiable mapping `\Phi`
          (instance of
          providing the link between the point `p` represented by ``self``
          and the ambient chart ``chart``: the domain of ``chart`` must
          contain `\Phi(p)`; if ``None``, the identity mapping is assumed
        - ``size`` -- (default: 10) size of the point once drawn as a small
          disk or sphere
        - ``color`` -- (default: 'black') color of the point
        - ``label`` -- (default: ``None``) label printed next to the point;
          if ``None``, the point's name is used.
        - ``label_color`` -- (default: ``None``) color to print the label;
          if ``None``, the value of ``color`` is used
        - ``fontsize`` -- (default: 10) size of the font used to print the
        - ``label_offset`` -- (default: 0.1) determines the separation between
          the point and its label
        - ``parameters`` -- (default: ``None``) dictionary giving the numerical
          values of the parameters that may appear in the point coordinates


        - a graphic object, either an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.graphics.Graphics` for a 2D plot (i.e. based on
          2 coordinates of the ambient chart) or an instance of
          :class:`~sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3d` for a 3D plot (i.e.
          based on 3 coordinates of the ambient chart)


        Drawing a point on a 2-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
            sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X)
            sage: print g
            Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
            sage: gX = X.plot() # plot of the coordinate grid
            sage: show(g+gX) # display of the point atop the coordinate grid

        Actually, since ``X`` is the default chart of the open set in which
        ``p`` has been defined, it can be skipped in the arguments of

            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: show(g+gX)

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='$P$',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: show(g+gX)

        Use of the ``parameters`` option to set a numerical value of some
        symbolic variable::

            sage: a = var('a')
            sage: q = M.point((a,2*a), name='q')
            sage: gq = q.plot(parameters={a:-2})
            sage: show(g+gX+gq)

        The numerical value is used only for the plot::

            sage: q.coord()
            (a, 2*a)

        Drawing a point on a 3-dimensional manifold::

            sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M')
            sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((2,1,3), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot()
            sage: print g
            Graphics3d Object
            sage: gX = X.plot(nb_values=5) # coordinate mesh cube
            sage: show(g+gX) # display of the point atop the coordinate mesh

        Call with some options::

            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, size=40, color='green', label='P_1',
            ....:            label_color='blue', fontsize=20, label_offset=0.3)
            sage: show(g+gX)

        An example of plot via a differential mapping: plot of a point on a
        2-sphere viewed in the 3-dimensional space ``M``::

            sage: S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2')
            sage: U = S2.open_subset('U') # the open set covered by spherical coord.
            sage: XS.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
            sage: p = U.point((pi/4, pi/8), name='p')
            sage: F = S2.diff_mapping(M, {(XS, X): [sin(th)*cos(ph),
            ....:                         sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)]}, name='F')
            sage: F.display()
            F: S^2 --> M
            on U: (th, ph) |--> (x, y, z) = (cos(ph)*sin(th), sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))
            sage: g = p.plot(chart=X, mapping=F)
            sage: gS2 = XS.plot(chart=X, mapping=F, nb_values=9)
            sage: show(g+gS2)

        Use of the option ``ambient_coords`` for plots on a 4-dimensional

            sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M')
            sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
            sage: p = M.point((1,2,3,4), name='p')
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y))  # the coordinate z is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,x,y), nb_values=5)
            sage: show(g+gX) # 3D plot
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z))  # the coordinate x is skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(t,y,z), nb_values=5)
            sage: show(g+gX) # 3D plot
            sage: g = p.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))  # the coordinates t and x are skipped
            sage: gX = X.plot(X, ambient_coords=(y,z))
            sage: show(g+gX) # 2D plot

        from sage.plot.point import point2d
        from sage.plot.text import text
        from sage.plot.graphics import Graphics
        from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import point3d, text3d
        from sage.geometry.manifolds.chart import Chart
        # The ambient chart:
        if chart is None:
            chart = self.containing_set().default_chart()
        elif not isinstance(chart, Chart):
            raise TypeError("the argument 'chart' must be a coordinate chart")
        # The effective point to be plotted:
        if mapping is None:
            eff_point = self
            eff_point = mapping(self)
        # The coordinates of the ambient chart used for the plot:
        if ambient_coords is None:
            ambient_coords = chart._xx
        elif not isinstance(ambient_coords, tuple):
            ambient_coords = tuple(ambient_coords)
        nca = len(ambient_coords)
        if nca != 2 and nca !=3:
            raise TypeError("Bad number of ambient coordinates: " + str(nca))
        # The point coordinates:
        coords = eff_point.coord(chart)
        xx = chart[:]
        xp = [coords[xx.index(c)] for c in ambient_coords]
        if parameters is not None:
            xps = [coord.substitute(parameters) for coord in xp]
            xp = xps
        xlab = [coord + label_offset for coord in xp]
        if label_color is None:
            label_color = color
        resu = Graphics()
        if nca == 2:
            if label is None:
                label = r'$' + self._latex_name + r'$'
            resu += point2d(xp, color=color, size=size) + \
                    text(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
            if label is None:
                label = self._name
            resu += point3d(xp, color=color, size=size) + \
                    text3d(label, xlab, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color)
        return resu