Ejemplo n.º 1
def zeta_symmetric(s):
    Completed function `\xi(s)` that satisfies
    `\xi(s) = \xi(1-s)` and has zeros at the same points as the
    Riemann zeta function.


    -  ``s`` - real or complex number

    If s is a real number the computation is done using the MPFR
    library. When the input is not real, the computation is done using
    the PARI C library.

    More precisely,

    .. MATH::

                xi(s) = \gamma(s/2 + 1) * (s-1) * \pi^{-s/2} * \zeta(s).


        sage: zeta_symmetric(0.7)
        sage: zeta_symmetric(1-0.7)
        sage: RR = RealField(200)
        sage: zeta_symmetric(RR(0.7))
        sage: C.<i> = ComplexField()
        sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.0)
        0.000201294444235258 + 1.49077798716757e-19*I
        sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.1)
        0.0000489893483255687 + 4.40457132572236e-20*I
        sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.2)
        -0.0000868931282620101 + 7.11507675693612e-20*I


    - I copied the definition of xi from
    if not (is_ComplexNumber(s) or is_RealNumber(s)):
        s = ComplexField()(s)

    R = s.parent()
    if s == 1:  # deal with poles, hopefully
        return R(0.5)

    return (s / 2 + 1).gamma() * (s - 1) * (R.pi()**(-s / 2)) * s.zeta()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_bound_poly(F, prec=53, norm_type='norm', emb=None):
    The hyperbolic distance from `j` which must contain the smallest poly.

    This defines the maximum possible distance from `j` to the `z_0` covariant
    in the hyperbolic 3-space for which the associated `F` could have smaller


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``norm_type`` -- string, either norm or height

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a positive real number


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.binary_form_reduce import get_bound_poly
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: F = -2*x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + 127*y^3
        sage: get_bound_poly(F) # tol 1e-12
        sage: get_bound_poly(F, norm_type='height') # tol 1e-11
    if F.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        if emb is None:
            compF = F.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
            compF = F.change_ring(emb)
        compF = F
    n = F.degree()
    assert (n > 2), "degree 2 polynomial"

    z0F, thetaF = covariant_z0(compF, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    if norm_type == 'norm':
        # euclidean norm squared
        normF = (sum([abs(i)**2 for i in compF.coefficients()]))
        target = (2**(n - 1)) * normF / thetaF
    elif norm_type == 'height':
        hF = exp(max([c.global_height(prec=prec)
                      for c in F.coefficients()]))  # height
        target = (2**(n - 1)) * (n + 1) * (hF**2) / thetaF
        raise ValueError('type must be norm or height')
    return cosh(epsinv(F, target, prec=prec))
    def check_integrals_of_motion(self, affine_parameter, solution_key=None):
        Check the constancy of the four integrals of motion


        - ``affine_parameter`` -- value of the affine parameter `\lambda`
        - ``solution_key`` -- (default: ``None``) string denoting the numerical
          solution to use for evaluating the various integrals of motion;
          if ``None``, the latest solution computed by :meth:`integrate` is


        - a `SageMath table <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/misc/sage/misc/table.html>`_
          with the absolute and relative differences with respect to the
          initial values.

        CF = ComplexField(16)
        lambda_min = self.domain().lower_bound()
        res = [[
            "quantity", "value", "initial value", "diff.", "relative diff."
        mu2 = self.evaluate_mu2(affine_parameter, solution_key=solution_key)
        mu20 = self.evaluate_mu2(lambda_min, solution_key=solution_key)
        diff = mu2 - mu20
        rel_diff = CF(diff / mu20) if mu20 != 0 else "-"
        res.append([r"$\mu^2$", mu2, mu20, CF(diff), rel_diff])
        E = self.evaluate_E(affine_parameter, solution_key=solution_key)
        E0 = self.evaluate_E(lambda_min, solution_key=solution_key)
        diff = E - E0
        rel_diff = CF(diff / E0) if E0 != 0 else "-"
        res.append([r"$E$", E, E0, CF(diff), rel_diff])
        L = self.evaluate_L(affine_parameter, solution_key=solution_key)
        L0 = self.evaluate_L(lambda_min, solution_key=solution_key)
        diff = L - L0
        rel_diff = CF(diff / L0) if L0 != 0 else "-"
        res.append([r"$L$", L, L0, CF(diff), rel_diff])
        Q = self.evaluate_Q(affine_parameter, solution_key=solution_key)
        Q0 = self.evaluate_Q(lambda_min, solution_key=solution_key)
        diff = Q - Q0
        rel_diff = CF(diff / Q0) if Q0 != 0 else "-"
        res.append([r"$Q$", Q, Q0, CF(diff), rel_diff])
        return table(res, align="center")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def q_log(q, u):
    Determines, if possible, an integer n such that q^n = u.

    Requires that both q and u belong to either QQ or some rational function field over QQ.

    q must not be zero or a root of unity.

    A ValueError is thrown if no n exists. 
    if q in QQ and u in QQ:
        qq, uu = q, u
        q, u = canonical_coercion(q, u)
        ev = dict((y, hash(y)) for y in u.parent().gens_dict_recursive())
        qq, uu = q(**ev), u(**ev)

    n = ComplexField(53)(uu.n().log() / qq.n().log()).real_part().round()
    if q**n == u:
        return n
        raise ValueError
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_bound_dynamical(F, f, m=1, dynatomic=True, prec=53, emb=None):
    The hyperbolic distance from `j` which must contain the smallest map.

    This defines the maximum possible distance from `j` to the `z_0` covariant
    of the associated binary form `F` in the hyperbolic 3-space
    for which the map `f`` could have smaller coefficients.


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots associated
      to ``f``

    - ``f`` -- a dynamical system on `P^1`

    - ``m`` - positive integer. the period used to create ``F``

    - ``dynatomic`` -- boolean. whether ``F`` is the periodic points or the
      formal periodic points of period ``m`` for ``f``

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a positive real number


        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import get_bound_dynamical
        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem([50*x^2 + 795*x*y + 2120*y^2, 265*x^2 + 106*y^2])
        sage: get_bound_dynamical(f.dynatomic_polynomial(1), f)
    def coshdelta(z):
        #The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1) / (2 * z.imag())

    if F.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        if emb is None:
            compF = F.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
            compF = F.change_ring(emb)
        compF = F
    n = F.degree()

    z0F, thetaF = covariant_z0(compF, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    d = f.degree()
    hF = e**f.global_height(prec=prec)
    #get precomputed constants C,k
    if m == 1:
        C = 4 * d + 2
        k = 2
        Ck_values = {
            (False, 2, 2): (322, 6),
            (False, 2, 3): (385034, 14),
            (False, 2, 4): (4088003923454, 30),
            (False, 3, 2): (18044, 8),
            (False, 4, 2): (1761410, 10),
            (False, 5, 2): (269283820, 12),
            (True, 2, 2): (43, 4),
            (True, 2, 3): (106459, 12),
            (True, 2, 4): (39216735905, 24),
            (True, 3, 2): (1604, 6),
            (True, 4, 2): (114675, 8),
            (True, 5, 2): (14158456, 10)
            C, k = Ck_values[(dynatomic, d, m)]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("constants not computed for this (m,d) pair")
    if n == 2 and d == 2:
        #bound with epsilonF = 1
        bound = 2 * ((2 * C * (hF**k)) / (thetaF))
        bound = cosh(epsinv(F, (2**(n - 1)) * C * (hF**k) / thetaF, prec=prec))
    return bound
Ejemplo n.º 6
def elliptic_j(z, prec=53):
    Returns the elliptic modular `j`-function evaluated at `z`.


    - ``z`` (complex) -- a complex number with positive imaginary part.

    - ``prec`` (default: 53) -- precision in bits for the complex field.


    (complex) The value of `j(z)`.


    Calls the ``pari`` function ``ellj()``.


    John Cremona


        sage: elliptic_j(CC(i))
        sage: elliptic_j(sqrt(-2.0))
        sage: z = ComplexField(100)(1,sqrt(11))/2
        sage: elliptic_j(z)
        sage: elliptic_j(z).real().round()


        sage: tau = (1 + sqrt(-163))/2
        sage: (-elliptic_j(tau.n(100)).real().round())^(1/3)

    This example shows the need for higher precision than the default one of
    the `ComplexField`, see :trac:`28355`::

        sage: -elliptic_j(tau) # rel tol 1e-2
        2.62537412640767e17 - 732.558854258998*I
        sage: -elliptic_j(tau,75) # rel tol 1e-2
        2.625374126407680000000e17 - 0.0001309913593909879441262*I
        sage: -elliptic_j(tau,100) # rel tol 1e-2
        2.6253741264076799999999999999e17 - 1.3012822400356887122945119790e-12*I
        sage: (-elliptic_j(tau, 100).real().round())^(1/3)
    CC = z.parent()
    if not isinstance(CC, sage.rings.abc.ComplexField):
        from sage.rings.complex_mpfr import ComplexField
        CC = ComplexField(prec)
            z = CC(z)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("elliptic_j only defined for complex arguments.")
    from sage.libs.all import pari
    return CC(pari(z).ellj())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def covariant_z0(F, z0_cov=False, prec=53, emb=None, error_limit=0.000001):
    Return the covariant and Julia invariant from Cremona-Stoll [CS2003]_.

    In [CS2003]_ and [HS2018]_ the Julia invariant is denoted as `\Theta(F)`
    or `R(F, z(F))`. Note that you may get faster convergence if you first move
    `z_0(F)` to the fundamental domain before computing the true covariant


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots

    - ``z0_cov`` -- boolean, compute only the `z_0` invariant. Otherwise, solve
      the minimization problem

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    - ``error_limit`` -- sets the error tolerance (default:0.000001)

    OUTPUT: a complex number, a real number


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.binary_form_reduce import covariant_z0
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: F = 19*x^8 - 262*x^7*y + 1507*x^6*y^2 - 4784*x^5*y^3 + 9202*x^4*y^4\
        ....: - 10962*x^3*y^5 + 7844*x^2*y^6 - 3040*x*y^7 + 475*y^8
        sage: covariant_z0(F, prec=80, z0_cov=True)
        (1.3832330115323681438175 + 0.31233552177413614978744*I,
        sage: F = -x^8 + 6*x^7*y - 7*x^6*y^2 - 12*x^5*y^3 + 27*x^4*y^4\
        ....: - 4*x^3*y^5 - 19*x^2*y^6 + 10*x*y^7 - 5*y^8
        sage: covariant_z0(F, prec=80)
        (0.64189877107807122203366 + 1.1852516565091601348355*I,


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(x^3 + 2*x^2*y - 3*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.230769230769231 + 0.799408065031789*I
        sage: -1/covariant_z0(-y^3 + 2*y^2*x + 3*y*x^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.230769230769231 + 0.799408065031789*I


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(2*x^2*y - 3*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.750000000000000 + 1.29903810567666*I
        sage: -1/covariant_z0(-x^3 - x^2*y + 2*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0] + 1
        0.750000000000000 + 1.29903810567666*I


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(x^2*y - x*y^2, prec=100) # tol 1e-28
         (0.50000000000000000000000000003 + 0.86602540378443864676372317076*I,


        sage: R.<x,y>=QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(x^2 + 24*x*y + y^2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: must be at least degree 3
        sage: covariant_z0((x+y)^3, z0_cov=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot have multiple roots for z0 invariant
        sage: covariant_z0(x^3 + 3*x*y + y)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: must be a binary form
        sage: covariant_z0(-2*x^2*y^3 + 3*x*y^4 + 127*y^5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot have a root with multiplicity >= 5/2
        sage: covariant_z0((x^2+2*y^2)^2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: must have at least 3 distinct roots
    R = F.parent()
    d = ZZ(F.degree())
    if R.ngens() != 2 or any(sum(t) != d for t in F.exponents()):
        raise TypeError('must be a binary form')
    if d < 3:
        raise ValueError('must be at least degree 3')

    f = F.subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
    if f.degree() < d:
        # we have a root at infinity
        if f.constant_coefficient() != 0:
            # invert so we find all roots!
            mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [0, -1, 1, 0])
            t = 0
            while f(t) == 0:
                t += 1
            mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [t, -1, 1, 0])
        mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, 0, 0, 1])
    f = F(list(mat * vector(R.gens()))).subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
    # now we have a single variable polynomial with all the roots of F
    K = ComplexField(prec=prec)
    if f.base_ring() != K:
        if emb is None:
            f = f.change_ring(K)
            f = f.change_ring(emb)
    roots = f.roots()
    if max(ex for _, ex in roots) > 1 or f.degree() < d - 1:
        if z0_cov:
            raise ValueError('cannot have multiple roots for z0 invariant')
            # just need a starting point for Newton's method
            f = f.lc() * prod(p for p, ex in f.factor())  # removes multiple roots
            if f.degree() < 3:
                raise ValueError('must have at least 3 distinct roots')
            roots = f.roots()
    roots = [p for p, _ in roots]

    # finding quadratic Q_0, gives us our covariant, z_0
    dF = f.derivative()
    n = ZZ(f.degree())
    PR = PolynomialRing(K, 'x,y')
    x, y = PR.gens()
    # finds Stoll and Cremona's Q_0
    q = sum([(1/(dF(r).abs()**(2/(n-2)))) * ((x-(r*y)) * (x-(r.conjugate()*y)))
             for r in roots])
    # this is Q_0 , always positive def as long as F has distinct roots
    A = q.monomial_coefficient(x**2)
    B = q.monomial_coefficient(x * y)
    C = q.monomial_coefficient(y**2)
    # need positive root
        z = ((-B + ((B**2)-(4*A*C)).sqrt()) / (2 * A))
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("not enough precision")
    if z.imag() < 0:
        z = (-B - ((B**2)-(4*A*C)).sqrt()) / (2 * A)

    if z0_cov:
        FM = f  # for Julia's invariant
        # solve the minimization problem for 'true' covariant
        CF = ComplexIntervalField(prec=prec)  # keeps trac of our precision error
        z = CF(z)
        FM = F(list(mat * vector(R.gens()))).subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
        from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import complex_roots
        L1 = complex_roots(FM, min_prec=prec)
        L = []
        # making sure multiplicity isn't too large using convergence conditions in paper
        for p, e in L1:
            if e >= d / 2:
                raise ValueError('cannot have a root with multiplicity >= %s/2' % d)
            for _ in range(e):
        RCF = PolynomialRing(CF, 'u,t')
        a = RCF.zero()
        c = RCF.zero()
        u, t = RCF.gens()
        for l in L:
            denom = ((t - l) * (t - l.conjugate()) + u**2)
            a += u**2 / denom
            c += (t - l.real()) / denom
        # Newton's Method, to find solutions. Error bound is less than diameter of our z
        err = z.diameter()
        zz = z.diameter()
        g1 = a.numerator() - d / 2 * a.denominator()
        g2 = c.numerator()
        G = vector([g1, g2])
        J = jacobian(G, [u, t])
        v0 = vector([z.imag(), z.real()])  # z0 as starting point
        # finds our correct z
        while err <= zz:
            NJ = J.subs({u: v0[0], t: v0[1]})
            NJinv = NJ.inverse()
            # inverse for CIF matrix seems to return fractions not CIF elements, fix them
            if NJinv.base_ring() != CF:
                NJinv = matrix(CF, 2, 2, [CF(zw.numerator() / zw.denominator())
                                          for zw in NJinv.list()])
            w = z
            v0 = v0 - NJinv*G.subs({u: v0[0], t: v0[1]})
            z = v0[1].constant_coefficient() + v0[0].constant_coefficient()*CF.gen(0)
            err = z.diameter() # precision
            zz = (w - z).abs().lower() # difference in w and z
            # despite there is no break, this happens
            if err > error_limit or err.is_NaN():
                raise ValueError("accuracy of Newton's root not within tolerance(%s > %s), increase precision" % (err, error_limit))
        if z.imag().upper() <= z.diameter():
            raise ArithmeticError("Newton's method converged to z not in the upper half plane")
        z = z.center()

    # Julia's invariant
    if FM.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        FM = FM.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
    tF = z.real()
    uF = z.imag()
    th = FM.lc().abs()**2
    for r, ex in FM.roots():
        for _ in range(ex):
            th = th * ((((r-tF).abs())**2 + uF**2)/uF)

    # undo shift and invert (if needed)
    # since F \cdot m ~ m^(-1)\cdot z
    # we apply m to z to undo m acting on F
    l = mat * vector([z, 1])
    return l[0] / l[1], th
Ejemplo n.º 8
def epsinv(F, target, prec=53, target_tol=0.001, z=None, emb=None):
    Compute a bound on the hyperbolic distance.

    The true minimum will be within the computed bound.
    It is computed as the inverse of epsilon_F from [HS2018]_.


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots

    - ``target`` --  positive real number. The value we want to attain, i.e.,
      the value we are taking the inverse of

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``target_tol`` -- positive real number. The tolerance with which we
      attain the target value.

    - ``z`` -- complex number. ``z_0`` covariant for F.

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a real number delta satisfying  target + target_tol > eps_F(delta) > target.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.binary_form_reduce import epsinv
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: epsinv(-2*x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + 127*y^3, 31.5022020249597) # tol 1e-12
    def RQ(delta):
        # this is the quotient R(F_0,z)/R(F_0,z(F)) for a generic z
        # at distance delta from j. See Lemma 4.2 in [HS2018].
        cd = cosh(delta).n(prec=prec)
        sd = sinh(delta).n(prec=prec)
        return prod([cd + (cost * phi[0] + sint * phi[1]) * sd for phi in phis])

    def epsF(delta):
        pol = RQ(delta)  # get R quotient in terms of z
        S = PolynomialRing(C, 'v')
        g = S([(i - d) * pol[i - d] for i in range(2 * d + 1)])  # take derivative
        drts = [e for e in g.roots(ring=C, multiplicities=False)
                if (e.norm() - 1).abs() < 0.1]
        # find min
        return min([pol(r / r.abs()).real() for r in drts])

    C = ComplexField(prec=prec)
    R = F.parent()
    d = F.degree()
    if z is None:
        z, th = covariant_z0(F, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    else:  # need to do our own input checking
        if R.ngens() != 2 or any(sum(t) != d for t in F.exponents()):
            raise TypeError('must be a binary form')
        if d < 3:
            raise ValueError('must be at least degree 3')

    f = F.subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
    # now we have a single variable polynomial
    if (max(ex for p, ex in f.roots(ring=C)) >= QQ(d)/2 or
            f.degree() < QQ(d)/2):
        raise ValueError('cannot have root with multiplicity >= deg(F)/2')

    R = RealField(prec=prec)
    PR = PolynomialRing(R, 't')
    t = PR.gen(0)
    # compute phi_1, ..., phi_k
    # first find F_0 and its roots
    # this change of variables on f moves z(f) to j, i.e. produces F_0
    rts = f(z.imag()*t + z.real()).roots(ring=C)
    phis = []  # stereographic projection of roots
    for r, e in rts:
        phis.extend([[2*r.real()/(r.norm()+1), (r.norm()-1)/(r.norm()+1)]])
    if d != f.degree():  # include roots at infinity
        phis.extend([(d - f.degree()) * [0, 1]])

    # for writing RQ in terms of generic z to minimize
    LC = LaurentSeriesRing(C, 'u', default_prec=2 * d + 2)
    u = LC.gen(0)
    cost = (u + u**(-1)) / 2
    sint = (u - u**(-1)) / (2 * C.gen(0))

    # first find an interval containing the desired value
    # then use regula falsi on log eps_F
    # d -> delta value in interval [0,1]
    # v in value in interval [1,epsF(1)]
    dl = R(0.0)
    vl = R(1.0)
    du = R(1.0)
    vu = epsF(du)
    while vu < target:
        # compute the next value of epsF for delta = 2*delta
        dl = du
        vl = vu
        du *= 2
        vu = epsF(du)
    # now dl < delta <= du
    logt = target.log()
    l2 = (vu.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
    l1 = (vl.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
    dn = (dl*l2 - du*l1)/(l2 - l1)
    vn = epsF(dn)
    dl = du
    vl = vu
    du = dn
    vu = vn
    while (du - dl).abs() >= target_tol or max(vl, vu) < target:
        l2 = (vu.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
        l1 = (vl.log() - logt).n(prec=prec)
        dn = (dl * l2 - du * l1) / (l2 - l1)
        vn = epsF(dn)
        dl = du
        vl = vu
        du = dn
        vu = vn
    return max(dl, du)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def complex_roots(p, skip_squarefree=False, retval='interval', min_prec=0):
    Compute the complex roots of a given polynomial with exact
    coefficients (integer, rational, Gaussian rational, and algebraic
    coefficients are supported).  Returns a list of pairs of a root
    and its multiplicity.

    Roots are returned as a ComplexIntervalFieldElement; each interval
    includes exactly one root, and the intervals are disjoint.

    By default, the algorithm will do a squarefree decomposition
    to get squarefree polynomials.  The skip_squarefree parameter
    lets you skip this step.  (If this step is skipped, and the polynomial
    has a repeated root, then the algorithm will loop forever!)

    You can specify retval='interval' (the default) to get roots as
    complex intervals.  The other options are retval='algebraic' to
    get elements of QQbar, or retval='algebraic_real' to get only
    the real roots, and to get them as elements of AA.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import complex_roots
        sage: x = polygen(ZZ)
        sage: complex_roots(x^5 - x - 1)
        [(1.167303978261419?, 1), (-0.764884433600585? - 0.352471546031727?*I, 1), (-0.764884433600585? + 0.352471546031727?*I, 1), (0.181232444469876? - 1.083954101317711?*I, 1), (0.181232444469876? + 1.083954101317711?*I, 1)]
        sage: v=complex_roots(x^2 + 27*x + 181)

    Unfortunately due to numerical noise there can be a small imaginary part to each
    root depending on CPU, compiler, etc, and that affects the printing order. So we
    verify the real part of each root and check that the imaginary part is small in
    both cases::

        sage: v # random
        [(-14.61803398874990?..., 1), (-12.3819660112501...? + 0.?e-27*I, 1)]
        sage: sorted((v[0][0].real(),v[1][0].real()))
        [-14.61803398874989?, -12.3819660112501...?]
        sage: v[0][0].imag().upper() < 1e25
        sage: v[1][0].imag().upper() < 1e25

        sage: K.<im> = QuadraticField(-1)
        sage: eps = 1/2^100
        sage: x = polygen(K)
        sage: p = (x-1)*(x-1-eps)*(x-1+eps)*(x-1-eps*im)*(x-1+eps*im)

    This polynomial actually has all-real coefficients, and is very, very
    close to (x-1)^5::

        sage: [RR(QQ(a)) for a in list(p - (x-1)^5)]
        [3.87259191484932e-121, -3.87259191484932e-121]
        sage: rts = complex_roots(p)
        sage: [ComplexIntervalField(10)(rt[0] - 1) for rt in rts]
        [-7.8887?e-31, 0, 7.8887?e-31, -7.8887?e-31*I, 7.8887?e-31*I]

    We can get roots either as intervals, or as elements of QQbar or AA.


        sage: p = (x^2 + x - 1)
        sage: p = p * p(x*im)
        sage: p
        -x^4 + (im - 1)*x^3 + im*x^2 + (-im - 1)*x + 1

    Two of the roots have a zero real component; two have a zero
    imaginary component.  These zero components will be found slightly
    inaccurately, and the exact values returned are very sensitive to
    the (non-portable) results of NumPy.  So we post-process the roots
    for printing, to get predictable doctest results.


        sage: def tiny(x):
        ....:     return x.contains_zero() and x.absolute_diameter() <  1e-14
        sage: def smash(x):
        ....:     x = CIF(x[0]) # discard multiplicity
        ....:     if tiny(x.imag()): return x.real()
        ....:     if tiny(x.real()): return CIF(0, x.imag())
        sage: rts = complex_roots(p); type(rts[0][0]), sorted(map(smash, rts))
        (<class 'sage.rings.complex_interval.ComplexIntervalFieldElement'>, [-1.618033988749895?, -0.618033988749895?*I, 1.618033988749895?*I, 0.618033988749895?])
        sage: rts = complex_roots(p, retval='algebraic'); type(rts[0][0]), sorted(map(smash, rts))
        (<class 'sage.rings.qqbar.AlgebraicNumber'>, [-1.618033988749895?, -0.618033988749895?*I, 1.618033988749895?*I, 0.618033988749895?])
        sage: rts = complex_roots(p, retval='algebraic_real'); type(rts[0][0]), rts
        (<class 'sage.rings.qqbar.AlgebraicReal'>, [(-1.618033988749895?, 1), (0.618033988749895?, 1)])


    Verify that :trac:`12026` is fixed::

        sage: f = matrix(QQ, 8, lambda i, j: 1/(i + j + 1)).charpoly()
        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import complex_roots
        sage: len(complex_roots(f))

    if skip_squarefree:
        factors = [(p, 1)]
        factors = p.squarefree_decomposition()

    prec = 53
    while True:
        CC = ComplexField(prec)
        CCX = CC['x']

        all_rts = []
        ok = True

        for (factor, exp) in factors:
            cfac = CCX(factor)
            rts = cfac.roots(multiplicities=False)
            # Make sure the number of roots we found is the degree. If
            # we don't find that many roots, it's because the
            # precision isn't big enough and though the (possibly
            # exact) polynomial "factor" is squarefree, it is not
            # squarefree as an element of CCX.
            if len(rts) < factor.degree():
                ok = False
            irts = interval_roots(factor, rts, max(prec, min_prec))
            if irts is None:
                ok = False
            if retval != 'interval':
                factor = QQbar.common_polynomial(factor)
            for irt in irts:
                all_rts.append((irt, factor, exp))

        if ok and intervals_disjoint([rt for (rt, fac, mult) in all_rts]):
            all_rts = sort_complex_numbers_for_display(all_rts)
            if retval == 'interval':
                return [(rt, mult) for (rt, fac, mult) in all_rts]
            elif retval == 'algebraic':
                return [(QQbar.polynomial_root(fac, rt), mult)
                        for (rt, fac, mult) in all_rts]
            elif retval == 'algebraic_real':
                rts = []
                for (rt, fac, mult) in all_rts:
                    qqbar_rt = QQbar.polynomial_root(fac, rt)
                    if qqbar_rt.imag().is_zero():
                        rts.append((AA(qqbar_rt), mult))
                return rts

        prec = prec * 2
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def extract(cls, obj):
     Takes an object extracted by the json parser and decodes the
     special-formating dictionaries used to store special types.
     if isinstance(obj, dict) and "data" in obj:
         if len(obj) == 2 and "__ComplexList__" in obj:
             return [complex(*v) for v in obj["data"]]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__QQList__" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return [QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj["data"]]
         elif len(obj) == 3 and "__NFList__" in obj and "base" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             base = cls.extract(obj["base"])
             return [cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj["data"]]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__IntDict__" in obj:
             if SAGE_MODE:
                 return {Integer(k): cls.extract(v) for k, v in obj["data"]}
                 return {int(k): cls.extract(v) for k, v in obj["data"]}
         elif len(obj) == 3 and "__Vector__" in obj and "base" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             base = cls.extract(obj["base"])
             return vector([cls._extract(base, v) for v in obj["data"]])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__Rational__" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return Rational(*obj["data"])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and "__RealLiteral__" in obj and "prec" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return LmfdbRealLiteral(RealField(obj["prec"]), obj["data"])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__complex__" in obj:
             return complex(*obj["data"])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and "__Complex__" in obj and "prec" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return ComplexNumber(ComplexField(obj["prec"]), *obj["data"])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and "__NFElt__" in obj and "parent" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return cls._extract(cls.extract(obj["parent"]), obj["data"])
         elif (len(obj) == 3
               and ("__NFRelative__" in obj or "__NFAbsolute__" in obj)
               and "vname" in obj):
             assert SAGE_MODE
             poly = cls.extract(obj["data"])
             return NumberField(poly, name=obj["vname"])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__NFCyclotomic__" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return CyclotomicField(obj["data"])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__IntegerRing__" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return ZZ
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__RationalField__" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return QQ
         elif len(
                 obj) == 3 and "__RationalPoly__" in obj and "vname" in obj:
             assert SAGE_MODE
             return QQ[obj["vname"]]([QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj["data"]])
         elif (len(obj) == 4 and "__Poly__" in obj and "vname" in obj
               and "base" in obj):
             assert SAGE_MODE
             base = cls.extract(obj["base"])
             return base[obj["vname"]](
                 [cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj["data"]])
         elif (len(obj) == 5 and "__PowerSeries__" in obj and "vname" in obj
               and "base" in obj and "prec" in obj):
             assert SAGE_MODE
             base = cls.extract(obj["base"])
             prec = infinity if obj["prec"] == "inf" else int(obj["prec"])
             return base[[obj["vname"]
                          ]]([cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj["data"]],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__date__" in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["data"],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__time__" in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["data"],
         elif len(obj) == 2 and "__datetime__" in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["data"],
                                               "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
     return obj
Ejemplo n.º 11
def roots_interval(f, x0):
    Find disjoint intervals that isolate the roots of a polynomial for a fixed
    value of the first variable.


    - ``f`` -- a bivariate squarefree polynomial
    - ``x0`` -- a value where the first coordinate will be fixed

    The intervals are taken as big as possible to be able to detect when two
    approximate roots of `f(x_0, y)` correspond to the same exact root.

    The result is given as a dictionary, where the keys are approximations to the roots
    with rational real and imaginary parts, and the values are intervals containing them.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import roots_interval
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = y^3 - x^2
        sage: ri = roots_interval(f, 1)
        sage: ri
        {-138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? - 1.?*I,
         138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? + 1.?*I,
         1: 1.? + 0.?*I}
        sage: [r.endpoints() for r in ri.values()]
        [(0.566987298107781 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          0.566987298107781 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 - 0.433012701892219*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 - 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.933012701892219 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 1.29903810567666*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.933012701892219 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 0.433012701892219*I)]

    x, y = f.parent().gens()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    fx = QQbar[y](f.subs({x: QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())}))
    roots = fx.roots(QQbar, multiplicities=False)
    result = {}
    for i in range(len(roots)):
        r = roots[i]
        prec = 53
        IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
        CF = ComplexField(prec)
        divisor = 4
        diam = min((CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                   for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]) / divisor
        envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        while not newton(fx, r, r + envelop) in r + envelop:
            prec += 53
            IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
            CF = ComplexField(prec)
            divisor *= 2
            diam = min([(CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                        for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]]) / divisor
            envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        qapr = QQ(CF(r).real()) + QQbar.gen() * QQ(CF(r).imag())
        if qapr not in r + envelop:
            raise ValueError("Could not approximate roots with exact values")
        result[qapr] = r + envelop
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
def followstrand(f, factors, x0, x1, y0a, prec=53):
    Return a piecewise linear approximation of the homotopy continuation
    of the root ``y0a`` from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- an irreducible polynomial in two variables
    - ``factors`` -- a list of irreducible polynomials in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy starts
    - ``x1`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy ends
    - ``y0a`` -- an approximate solution of the polynomial `F(y) = f(x_0, y)`
    - ``prec`` -- the precision to use


    A list of values `(t, y_{tr}, y_{ti})` such that:

    - ``t`` is a real number between zero and one
    - `f(t \cdot x_1 + (1-t) \cdot x_0, y_{tr} + I \cdot y_{ti})`
      is zero (or a good enough approximation)
    - the piecewise linear path determined by the points has a tubular
      neighborhood  where the actual homotopy continuation path lies, and
      no other root of ``f``, nor any root of the polynomials in ``factors``,
      intersects it.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import followstrand # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1, 0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: followstrand(f, [], x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.7500000000000001, -1.015090921153253, -0.24752813818386948),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.32768940253604323)]
        sage: fup = f.subs({y:y-1/10})
        sage: fdown = f.subs({y:y+1/10})
        sage: followstrand(f, [fup, fdown], x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.5303300858899107, -1.0076747107983448, -0.17588022709184917),
         (0.7651655429449553, -1.015686131039112, -0.25243563967299404),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.3276894025360433)]

    if f.degree() == 1:
        CF = ComplexField(prec)
        g = f.change_ring(CF)
        (x, y) = g.parent().gens()
        y0 = CF[y](g.subs({x: x0})).roots()[0][0]
        y1 = CF[y](g.subs({x: x1})).roots()[0][0]
        res = [(0.0, y0.real(), y0.imag()), (1.0, y1.real(), y1.imag())]
        return res
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    G = f.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
    (x, y) = G.parent().gens()
    g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
    coefs = []
    deg = g.total_degree()
    for d in range(deg + 1):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
            cr = c.real()
            ci = c.imag()
            coefs += list(cr.endpoints())
            coefs += list(ci.endpoints())
    yr = CC(y0a).real()
    yi = CC(y0a).imag()
    coefsfactors = []
    degsfactors = []
    for fc in factors:
        degfc = fc.degree()
        G = fc.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
        g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
        for d in range(degfc + 1):
            for i in range(d + 1):
                c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
                cr = c.real()
                ci = c.imag()
                coefsfactors += list(cr.endpoints())
                coefsfactors += list(ci.endpoints())
    from sage.libs.sirocco import contpath, contpath_mp, contpath_comps, contpath_mp_comps
        if prec == 53:
            if factors:
                points = contpath_comps(deg, coefs, yr, yi, degsfactors,
                points = contpath(deg, coefs, yr, yi)
            if factors:
                points = contpath_mp_comps(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec,
                                           degsfactors, coefsfactors)
                points = contpath_mp(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec)
        return points
    except Exception:
        return followstrand(f, factors, x0, x1, y0a, 2 * prec)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def braid_in_segment(f, x0, x1):
    Return the braid formed by the `y` roots of ``f`` when `x` moves
    from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex number
    - ``x1`` -- a complex number


    A braid.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import braid_in_segment # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1,0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: braid_in_segment(f, x0, x1) # optional - sirocco


    Check that :trac:`26503` is fixed::

        sage: wp = QQ['t']([1, 1, 1]).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
        sage: Kw.<wp> = NumberField(wp.minpoly(), embedding=wp)
        sage: R.<x, y> = Kw[]
        sage: z = -wp - 1
        sage: f = y*(y + z)*x*(x - 1)*(x - y)*(x + z*y - 1)*(x + z*y + wp)
        sage: from sage.schemes.curves import zariski_vankampen as zvk
        sage: g = f.subs({x: x + 2*y})
        sage: p1 = QQbar(sqrt(-1/3))
        sage: p2 = QQbar(1/2+sqrt(-1/3)/2)
        sage: B = zvk.braid_in_segment(g,CC(p1),CC(p2)) # optional - sirocco
        sage: B.left_normal_form()  # optional - sirocco
        (1, s5)
    CC = ComplexField(64)
    (x, y) = f.variables()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    X0 = QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())
    X1 = QQ(x1.real()) + I * QQ(x1.imag())
    F0 = QQbar[y](f(X0, y))
    y0s = F0.roots(multiplicities=False)
    strands = [followstrand(f, x0, x1, CC(a)) for a in y0s]
    complexstrands = [[(a[0], CC(a[1], a[2])) for a in b] for b in strands]
    centralbraid = braid_from_piecewise(complexstrands)
    initialstrands = []
    y0aps = [c[0][1] for c in complexstrands]
    used = []
    for y0ap in y0aps:
        distances = [((y0ap - y0).norm(), y0) for y0 in y0s]
        y0 = sorted(distances)[0][1]
        if y0 in used:
            raise ValueError("different roots are too close")
        initialstrands.append([(0, y0), (1, y0ap)])
    initialbraid = braid_from_piecewise(initialstrands)
    F1 = QQbar[y](f(X1, y))
    y1s = F1.roots(multiplicities=False)
    finalstrands = []
    y1aps = [c[-1][1] for c in complexstrands]
    used = []
    for y1ap in y1aps:
        distances = [((y1ap - y1).norm(), y1) for y1 in y1s]
        y1 = sorted(distances)[0][1]
        if y1 in used:
            raise ValueError("different roots are too close")
        finalstrands.append([(0, y1ap), (1, y1)])
    finallbraid = braid_from_piecewise(finalstrands)
    return initialbraid * centralbraid * finallbraid
Ejemplo n.º 14
def followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, prec=53):
    Return a piecewise linear approximation of the homotopy continuation
    of the root ``y0a`` from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy starts
    - ``x1`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy ends
    - ``y0a`` -- an approximate solution of the polynomial `F(y) = f(x_0, y)`
    - ``prec`` -- the precision to use


    A list of values `(t, y_{tr}, y_{ti})` such that:

    - ``t`` is a real number between zero and one
    - `f(t \cdot x_1 + (1-t) \cdot x_0, y_{tr} + I \cdot y_{ti})`
      is zero (or a good enough approximation)
    - the piecewise linear path determined by the points has a tubular
      neighborhood  where the actual homotopy continuation path lies, and
      no other root intersects it.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import followstrand # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1, 0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: followstrand(f, x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.7500000000000001, -1.015090921153253, -0.24752813818386948),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.32768940253604323)]
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    G = f.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
    (x, y) = G.variables()
    g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
    coefs = []
    deg = g.total_degree()
    for d in range(deg + 1):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
            cr = c.real()
            ci = c.imag()
            coefs += list(cr.endpoints())
            coefs += list(ci.endpoints())
    yr = CC(y0a).real()
    yi = CC(y0a).imag()
    from sage.libs.sirocco import contpath, contpath_mp
        if prec == 53:
            points = contpath(deg, coefs, yr, yi)
            points = contpath_mp(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec)
        return points
    except Exception:
        return followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, 2 * prec)