Ejemplo n.º 1
 def padic_H_values(self, t):
     res = self.amortized_padic_H_values(t)
     is_tame = self.is_tame_prime(t)
     for p in prime_range(self._pbound + 1):
         if not is_tame(p):
             res[p] = GF(p)(self.padic_H_value(p=p, f=1, t=t))
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
def an_list(euler_factor_polynomial_fn,
    """ Takes a fn that gives for each prime the polynomial of the associated with the prime,
        given as a list, with independent coefficient first. This list is of length the degree+1.
    from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
    from sage.rings.all import PowerSeriesRing
    from math import ceil, log
    PP = PowerSeriesRing(base_field, 'x', 1 + ceil(log(upperbound) / log(2.)))

    x = PP('x')
    prime_l = prime_range(upperbound + 1)
    result = [1 for i in range(upperbound)]
    for p in prime_l:
        euler_factor = (1 / (PP(euler_factor_polynomial_fn(p)))).padded_list()
        if len(euler_factor) == 1:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // p):
                result[j * p - 1] = 0

        k = 1
        while True:
            if p**k > upperbound:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // (p**k)):
                if j % p == 0:
                result[j * p**k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]
            k += 1
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def an_list(euler_factor_polynomial_fn, upperbound=100000, base_field=sage.rings.all.RationalField()):
    """ Takes a fn that gives for each prime the polynomial of the associated with the prime,
        given as a list, with independent coefficient first. This list is of length the degree+1.
    from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
    from sage.rings.all import PowerSeriesRing
    from math import ceil, log
    PP = PowerSeriesRing(base_field, 'x', 1 + ceil(log(upperbound) / log(2.)))

    prime_l = prime_range(upperbound + 1)
    result = [1 for i in range(upperbound)]
    for p in prime_l:
        euler_factor = (1 / (PP(euler_factor_polynomial_fn(p)))).padded_list()
        if len(euler_factor) == 1:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // p):
                result[j * p - 1] = 0

        k = 1
        while True:
            if p ** k > upperbound:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // (p ** k)):
                if j % p == 0:
                result[j * p ** k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]
            k += 1
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def an_list(self, upperbound=100000):
        from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
        PP = sage.rings.all.PowerSeriesRing(sage.rings.all.RationalField(), 'x', 30)
        x = PP('x')
        prime_l = prime_range(upperbound)
        result = upperbound * [1]

        for p in prime_l:
            euler_factor = (1 / (PP(self.eulerFactor(p)))).padded_list()

            if len(euler_factor) == 1:
                for j in range(1 + upperbound // p):
                    result[j * p - 1] = 0

            k = 1
            while True:
                if p ** k > upperbound:
                for j in range(1 + upperbound // (p ** k)):
                    if j % p == 0:
                    result[j * p ** k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]

                k += 1

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def an_list(self, upperbound=100000):
        from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
        PP = sage.rings.all.PowerSeriesRing(sage.rings.all.RationalField(),
                                            'x', 30)
        # x = PP('x')
        prime_l = prime_range(upperbound)
        result = upperbound * [1]

        for p in prime_l:
            euler_factor = (1 / (PP(self.eulerFactor(p)))).padded_list()

            if len(euler_factor) == 1:
                for j in range(1 + upperbound // p):
                    result[j * p - 1] = 0

            k = 1
            while True:
                if p**k > upperbound:
                for j in range(1 + upperbound // (p**k)):
                    if j % p == 0:
                    result[j * p**k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]

                k += 1

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _primes(self):
        Primes up to `N` satisfying the filter


            sage: ARF = AccRemForest(20, {None: lambda x: x}, range, 1, lambda p: p > 3)
            sage: ARF._primes
            [5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
        return [p for p in prime_range(self.N) if self.prime_filter(p)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def tensor_get_an_no_deg1(L1, L2, d1, d2, BadPrimeInfo):
    Same as the above in the case no dimension is 1
    if d1==1 or d2==1:
        raise ValueError('min(d1,d2) should not be 1, use direct method then')
    s1 = len(L1)
    s2 = len(L2)
    if s1 < s2:
        S = s1
    if s2 <= s1:
        S = s2
    BadPrimes = []
    for bpi in BadPrimeInfo:
    P = prime_range(S+1)
    Z = S * [1]
    S = RealField()(S)
    for p in P:
        f = S.log(base=p).floor()
        q = 1
        E1 = []
        E2 = []
        if not p in BadPrimes:
            for i in range(f):
            e1 = list_to_euler_factor(E1,f+1)
            e2 = list_to_euler_factor(E2,f+1)
            ld1 = d1
            ld2 = d2
        else: # either convolve, or have one input be the answer and other 1-t
            i = BadPrimes.index(p)
            e1 = BadPrimeInfo[i][1]
            e2 = BadPrimeInfo[i][2]
            ld1 = e1.degree()
            ld2 = e2.degree()
            F = e1.list()[0].parent().fraction_field()
            R = PowerSeriesRing(F, "T", default_prec=f+1)
            e1 = R(e1)
            e2 = R(e2)
        E = tensor_local_factors(e1,e2,f)
        A = euler_factor_to_list(E,f)
        while len(A) < f:
        q = 1
        for i in range(f):
            q = q*p
    return Z
Ejemplo n.º 8
def tensor_get_an_no_deg1(L1, L2, d1, d2, BadPrimeInfo):
    Same as the above in the case no dimension is 1
    if d1 == 1 or d2 == 1:
        raise ValueError('min(d1,d2) should not be 1, use direct method then')
    s1 = len(L1)
    s2 = len(L2)
    if s1 < s2:
        S = s1
    if s2 <= s1:
        S = s2
    BadPrimes = []
    for bpi in BadPrimeInfo:
    P = prime_range(S + 1)
    Z = S * [1]
    S = RealField()(S)
    for p in P:
        f = S.log(base=p).floor()
        q = 1
        E1 = []
        E2 = []
        if not p in BadPrimes:
            for i in range(f):
                q = q * p
                E1.append(L1[q - 1])
                E2.append(L2[q - 1])
            e1 = list_to_euler_factor(E1, f + 1)
            e2 = list_to_euler_factor(E2, f + 1)
            ld1 = d1
            ld2 = d2
        else:  # either convolve, or have one input be the answer and other 1-t
            i = BadPrimes.index(p)
            e1 = BadPrimeInfo[i][1]
            e2 = BadPrimeInfo[i][2]
            ld1 = e1.degree()
            ld2 = e2.degree()
            F = e1.list()[0].parent().fraction_field()
            R = PowerSeriesRing(F, "T", default_prec=f + 1)
            e1 = R(e1)
            e2 = R(e2)
        E = tensor_local_factors(e1, e2, f)
        A = euler_factor_to_list(E, f)
        while len(A) < f:
        q = 1
        for i in range(f):
            q = q * p
            Z[q - 1] = A[i]
    return Z
Ejemplo n.º 9
def print_table_examples(Dbound):
    for D,h in [(D,h) for D,h in [(D,QuadraticField(D,'a').class_number()) for D in range(-1,-Dbound,-1)] if h % 2 == 1 and ZZ(-D).is_prime() and h > 2]:
            E = EllipticCurve(str(-D))
        except ValueError:
        if E.rank() != 1:
        print D,h, E.conductor()
        print '----'
        for p in prime_range(5,50):
            print p,E.change_ring(GF(p)).count_points().factor()
        print ''
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _prime_range(self, t):
     prime_ranges = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
     ds = set([elt.denominator() for elt in self.starts])
     #        is_tame = self.is_tame_prime(t)
     s = self.anomalous_primes()
     tame = self.tame_primes(t)
     s = s.union(tame)
     for p in prime_range(self._pbound + 1, self.N):
         if p not in s:
             #            if not is_tame(p) and not (p in s):
             for d in ds:
                 #assert p not in prime_ranges[d][p % d]
                 prime_ranges[d][p % d].append(p)
     return prime_ranges
Ejemplo n.º 11
def all_an_from_prime_powers(L):
    L is a list of an such that the terms
    are correct for all n which are prime powers
    and all others are equal to 1;
    this function changes the list in place to make
    the correct ans for all n
    S = ZZ(len(L))
    for p in prime_range(S+1):
        q = 1
        Sr = RealField()(len(L))
        f = Sr.log(base=p).floor()
        for k in range(f):
            q = q*p
            for m in range(2, 1+(S//q)):
                if (m%p) != 0:
                    L[m*q-1] = L[m*q-1] * L[q-1]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def all_an_from_prime_powers(L):
    L is a list of an such that the terms
    are correct for all n which are prime powers
    and all others are equal to 1;
    this function changes the list in place to make
    the correct ans for all n
    S = ZZ(len(L))
    for p in prime_range(S + 1):
        q = 1
        Sr = RealField()(len(L))
        f = Sr.log(base=p).floor()
        for k in range(f):
            q = q * p
            for m in range(2, 1 + (S // q)):
                if (m % p) != 0:
                    L[m * q - 1] = L[m * q - 1] * L[q - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def an_list(euler_factor_polynomial_fn,
    Takes a fn that gives for each prime the Euler polynomial of the associated
    with the prime, given as a list, with independent coefficient first. This
    list is of length the degree+1.
    Output the first `upperbound` coefficients built from the Euler polys.

    The `euler_factor_polynomial_fn` should in practice come from an L-function
    or data. For a simple example, we construct just the 2 and 3 factors of the
    Riemann zeta function, which have Euler factors (1 - 1*2^(-s))^(-1) and
    (1 - 1*3^(-s))^(-1).
    >>> euler = lambda p: [1, -1] if p <= 3 else [1, 0]
    >>> an_list(euler)[:20]
    [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
    from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
    from sage.rings.all import PowerSeriesRing
    from math import ceil, log
    PP = PowerSeriesRing(base_field, 'x', 1 + ceil(log(upperbound) / log(2.)))

    prime_l = prime_range(upperbound + 1)
    result = [1 for i in range(upperbound)]
    for p in prime_l:
        euler_factor = (1 / (PP(euler_factor_polynomial_fn(p)))).padded_list()
        if len(euler_factor) == 1:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // p):
                result[j * p - 1] = 0

        k = 1
        while True:
            if p**k > upperbound:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // (p**k)):
                if j % p == 0:
                result[j * p**k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]
            k += 1
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 14
def an_list(euler_factor_polynomial_fn,
            upperbound=100000, base_field=sage.rings.all.RationalField()):
    Takes a fn that gives for each prime the Euler polynomial of the associated
    with the prime, given as a list, with independent coefficient first. This
    list is of length the degree+1.
    Output the first `upperbound` coefficients built from the Euler polys.

    The `euler_factor_polynomial_fn` should in practice come from an L-function
    or data. For a simple example, we construct just the 2 and 3 factors of the
    Riemann zeta function, which have Euler factors (1 - 1*2^(-s))^(-1) and
    (1 - 1*3^(-s))^(-1).
    >>> euler = lambda p: [1, -1] if p <= 3 else [1, 0]
    >>> an_list(euler)[:20]
    [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
    from sage.rings.fast_arith import prime_range
    from sage.rings.all import PowerSeriesRing
    from math import ceil, log
    PP = PowerSeriesRing(base_field, 'x', 1 + ceil(log(upperbound) / log(2.)))

    prime_l = prime_range(upperbound + 1)
    result = [1 for i in range(upperbound)]
    for p in prime_l:
        euler_factor = (1 / (PP(euler_factor_polynomial_fn(p)))).padded_list()
        if len(euler_factor) == 1:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // p):
                result[j * p - 1] = 0

        k = 1
        while True:
            if p ** k > upperbound:
            for j in range(1, 1 + upperbound // (p ** k)):
                if j % p == 0:
                result[j * p ** k - 1] *= euler_factor[k]
            k += 1
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
def tensor_get_an_deg1(L, D, BadPrimeInfo):
    Same as above, except that the BadPrimeInfo
    is now a list of lists of the form
    [p,f] where f is a polynomial.
    s1 = len(L)
    s2 = len(D)
    if s1 < s2:
        S = s1
    if s2 <= s1:
        S = s2
    BadPrimes = []
    for bpi in BadPrimeInfo:
    P = prime_range(S + 1)
    Z = S * [1]
    S = RealField()(S)  # fix bug
    for p in P:
        f = S.log(base=p).floor()
        q = 1
        u = 1
        e = D[p - 1]
        if not p in BadPrimes:
            for i in range(f):
                q = q * p
                u = u * e
                Z[q - 1] = u * L[q - 1]
            i = BadPrimes.index(p)
            e = BadPrimeInfo[i][1]
            F = e.list()[0].parent().fraction_field()
            R = PowerSeriesRing(F, "T", default_prec=f + 1)
            e = R(e)
            A = euler_factor_to_list(e, f)
            for i in range(f):
                q = q * p
                Z[q - 1] = A[i]
    return Z
Ejemplo n.º 16
def tensor_get_an_deg1(L, D, BadPrimeInfo):
    Same as above, except that the BadPrimeInfo
    is now a list of lists of the form
    [p,f] where f is a polynomial.
    s1 = len(L)
    s2 = len(D)
    if s1 < s2:
        S = s1
    if s2 <= s1:
        S = s2
    BadPrimes = []
    for bpi in BadPrimeInfo:
    P = prime_range(S+1)
    Z = S * [1]
    S = RealField()(S) # fix bug
    for p in P:
        f = S.log(base=p).floor()
        q = 1
        u = 1
        e = D[p-1]
        if not p in BadPrimes:
            for i in range(f):
                q = q*p
                u = u*e
                Z[q-1] = u*L[q-1]
            i = BadPrimes.index(p)
            e = BadPrimeInfo[i][1]
            F = e.list()[0].parent().fraction_field()
            R = PowerSeriesRing(F, "T", default_prec=f+1)
            e = R(e)
            A = euler_factor_to_list(e,f)
            for i in range(f):
                q = q*p
                Z[q-1] = A[i]
    return Z
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def dirichlet_coefficients(self, ncoeffs=20):
     from sage.rings.power_series_ring import PowerSeriesRing
     from sage.misc.misc import srange
     #from sage.misc.mrange import mrange
     ncoeffs = ZZ(ncoeffs)
     ps = prime_range(ncoeffs + 1)
     num_ps = len(ps)
     exps = [ncoeffs.exact_log(p) + 1 for p in ps]
     M = ncoeffs.exact_log(2) + 1
     #print ps, exps, M
     PS = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 'x', M)
     euler_factors = dict([[ps[i], ~PS(self.euler_factor(ps[i]), exps[i] + 1)] for i in range(num_ps)])
     ans = []
     for n in srange(1, ncoeffs + 1):
         ans.append(prod([euler_factors[p][e] for p, e in n.factor()]))
     #ans = [0] * ncoeffs
     #is_zeroes = True
     #for e in mrange(exps):
     #    if is_zeroes:
     #        is_zeroes = False
     #        ans[0] = QQ.one()
     #        continue
     #    n = 1
     #    an = QQ.one()
     #    breaker = False
     #    for i in range(num_ps):
     #        if exps[i] == 0:
     #            continue
     #        n *= ps[i] ** e[i]
     #        if n > ncoeffs:
     #            breaker = True
     #            break
     #        an *= euler_factors[i][e[i]]
     #    #print n, an, e
     #    if breaker:
     #        continue
     #    ans[n-1] = an
     return ans
Ejemplo n.º 18
def Lpvalue(f,g,h,p,prec,N = None,modformsring = False, weightbound = False, eps = None, orthogonal_form = None, data_idx=None, magma_args = None,force_computation=False, algorithm='threestage', derivative_order=1, lauders_advice = False, use_magma = True, magma = None, num_coeffs_qexpansion = 20000, max_primes=5, outfile = None):
    if magma_args is None:
        magma_args = {}
    if algorithm not in ['twostage','threestage']:
        raise ValueError('Algorithm should be one of "twostage" (default) or "threestage"')

    if magma is None:
        from sage.interfaces.magma import Magma
        magma = Magma(**magma_args)
    if hasattr(g,'j_invariant'):
        elliptic_curve = g
        g = g.modular_form()
        elliptic_curve = None
    data = None
    if h is None:
        if hasattr(f, 'modulus'):
            # Assume we need to create f and h from Dirichlet character
            kronecker_character = f
            f, _, h = define_qexpansions_from_dirichlet_character(p, prec, kronecker_character, num_coeffs_qexpansion, magma)
            kronecker_character = None
            # Assume that f contains a list of lines of text to initialize both f and h
            data = f
            f, h = get_magma_qexpansions(data, data_idx, max(prec,200), Qp(p,prec), magma=magma)
            eps = f.character_full()

    ll,mm = g.weight(),h.weight()
    t = 0 # Assume t = 0 here
    kk = ll + mm - 2 * (1 + t) # Is this correct?
    p = ZZ(p)
    if N is None:
        N = lcm([ZZ(f.level()),ZZ(g.level()),ZZ(h.level())])
        nu = N.valuation(p)
        N = N.prime_to_m_part(p)
        N = ZZ(N)
        nu = N.valuation(p)
    if outfile is None:
        outfile = "output_iterated_integral_%s_%s_%s_%s.txt"%(p,g.level(), h.level(), prec)
    print("Writing output to file %s"%outfile)
    fwrite("######### STARTING COMPUTATION OF Lp ###########", outfile)

    if elliptic_curve is not None:
        fwrite("E = EllipticCurve(%s)"%list(elliptic_curve.ainvs()), outfile)
        fwrite("  cond(E) = %s"%elliptic_curve.conductor(), outfile)
    if kronecker_character is not None:
        fwrite("kronecker_character = %s"%kronecker_character, outfile)
        fwrite("  conductor = %s"%kronecker_character.conductor(), outfile)
    if data is not None:
        fwrite("Data for weight-1 forms:", outfile)
        for line in data:
            fwrite(line, outfile)
    fwrite("Tame level N = %s, prime p = %s, nu = %s"%(N,p,nu), outfile)
    fwrite("precision = %s"%prec, outfile)
    fwrite("------ parameters --------------------", outfile)
    fwrite("modformsring = %s"%modformsring, outfile)
    fwrite("weightbound = %s"%weightbound, outfile)
    fwrite("eps = %s"%eps, outfile)
    fwrite("orthogonal_form = %s"%orthogonal_form, outfile)
    fwrite("magma_args = %s"%magma_args, outfile)
    fwrite("force_computation = %s"%force_computation, outfile)
    fwrite("algorithm = %s"%algorithm, outfile)
    fwrite("derivative_order = %s"%derivative_order, outfile)
    fwrite("lauders_advice = %s"%lauders_advice, outfile)
    fwrite("use_magma = %s"%use_magma, outfile)
    fwrite("num_coeffs_qexpansion = %s"%num_coeffs_qexpansion, outfile)
    fwrite("##########################################", outfile)
    prec = ZZ(prec)

    fwrite("Step 1: Compute the Up matrix", outfile)
    if algorithm == "twostage":
        computation_name = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s'%(p,N,nu,kk,prec,'triv' if eps is None else 'char',algorithm)
        computation_name = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s'%(p,N,nu,kk,prec,'triv' if eps is None else 'char')
    if use_magma:
        tmp_filename = '/tmp/magma_mtx_%s.tmp'%computation_name
        import os.path
        from sage.misc.persist import db, db_save
            if force_computation:
                raise IOError
            V = db('Lpvalue_Apow_ordbasis_eimat_%s'%computation_name)
            ord_basis, eimat, zetapm, elldash, mdash = V[:5]
            Apow_data = V[5:]
        except IOError:
            if force_computation or not os.path.exists(tmp_filename):
                if eps is not None:
                    eps_magma = sage_character_to_magma(eps,N,magma=magma)
                    # Am, zetapm, eimatm, elldash, mdash = magma.UpOperatorData(p, eps_magma, kk, prec,WeightBound=weightbound,nvals=5)
                    Am, zetapm, eimatm, elldash, mdash = magma.HigherLevelUpGj(p, kk, prec, weightbound, eps_magma,'"B"',nvals=5)
                    # Am, zetapm, eimatm, elldash, mdash = magma.UpOperatorData(p, N, kk, prec,WeightBound=weightbound,nvals=5)
                    Am, zetapm, eimatm, elldash, mdash = magma.HigherLevelUpGj(p, kk, prec, weightbound, N,'"B"',nvals=5)
                fwrite(" ..Converting to Sage...", outfile)
                Amodulus = Am[1,1].Parent().Modulus().sage()
                Aprec = Amodulus.valuation(p)
                Arows = Am.NumberOfRows().sage()
                Acols = Am.NumberOfColumns().sage()
                Emodulus = eimatm[1,1].Parent().Modulus().sage()
                Eprec = Emodulus.valuation(p)
                Erows = eimatm.NumberOfRows().sage()
                Ecols = eimatm.NumberOfColumns().sage()
                magma.eval('F := Open("%s", "w");'%tmp_filename)
                magma.eval('fprintf F, "%s, %s, %s, %s \\n"'%(p,Aprec,Arows,Acols)) # parameters
                magma.eval('save_matrix(%s, F)'%(Am.name()))
                # for i in range(1,Arows+1):
                #     magma.eval('fprintf F, "%%o\\n", %s[%s]'%(Am.name(),i))
                magma.eval('fprintf F, "%s, %s, %s, %s \\n"'%(p,Eprec,Erows,Ecols)) # parameters
                magma.eval('save_matrix(%s, F)'%(eimatm.name()))
                # for i in range(1,Erows+1):
                #     magma.eval('fprintf F, "%%o\\n", %s[%s]'%(eimatm.name(),i))
                magma.eval('fprintf F, "%s\\n"'%zetapm)
                magma.eval('fprintf F, "%s\\n"'%elldash)
                magma.eval('fprintf F, "%s\\n"'%mdash)
                magma.eval('delete F;')

            # Read A and eimat from file
            from sage.structure.sage_object import load
            from sage.misc.sage_eval import sage_eval
            with open(tmp_filename,'r') as fmagma:
                A = read_matrix_from_file(fmagma)
                eimat = read_matrix_from_file(fmagma)
                zetapm= sage_eval(fmagma.readline())
                elldash = sage_eval(fmagma.readline())
                mdash = sage_eval(fmagma.readline())

            fwrite("Step 3b: Apply Up^(r-1) to H", outfile)
            if algorithm == 'twostage':
                V0  = list(find_Apow_and_ord_two_stage(A, eimat, p, prec))
                V0 = list(find_Apow_and_ord_three_stage(A,eimat,p,prec))
            ord_basis = V0[0]
            Apow_data = V0[1:]
            V = [ord_basis]
            V.extend([eimat, zetapm, elldash, mdash])
            from posix import remove

        A, eimat, elldash, mdash = UpOperator(p,N,kk,prec, modformsring = False, weightbound = 6)

    fwrite("Step 2: p-depletion, Coleman primitive, and multiply", outfile)
    fwrite(".. Need %s coefficients of the q-expansion..."%(p**(nu+1) * elldash), outfile)
    if data is not None:
        f, h = get_magma_qexpansions(data, data_idx, (p**(nu+1) * elldash) + 200, Qp(p,prec), magma=magma)

    H = depletion_coleman_multiply(g, h, p, p**(nu+1) * elldash, t=0)

    fwrite("Step 3a: Compute ordinary projection", outfile)

    if len(Apow_data) == 1:
        Hord = compute_ordinary_projection_two_stage(H, Apow_data, eimat, elldash,p)
        Hord = compute_ordinary_projection_three_stage(H, [ord_basis] + Apow_data, eimat, elldash,p,nu)
    fwrite('Changing Hord to ring %s'%g[1].parent(), outfile)
    Hord = Hord.change_ring(h[1].parent())
    print [Hord[i] for i in range(30)]
    fwrite("Step 4: Project onto f-component", outfile)
    while True:
            ell, piHord, epstwist = project_onto_eigenspace(f, ord_basis, Hord, kk, N * p, p = p, derivative_order=derivative_order, max_primes=max_primes)
        except RuntimeError:
            derivative_order += 1
            verbose("Increasing experimental derivative order to %s"%derivative_order)
        except ValueError:
            verbose("Experimental derivative order (%s) seems too high"%derivative_order)
            fwrite("Experimental derivative_order = %s"%derivative_order, outfile)
            fwrite("Seems too high...", outfile)
            fwrite("######################################", outfile)
            assert 0
    n = 1
    while f[n] == 0:
        n = next_prime(n)
    if lauders_advice == True or orthogonal_form is None:
        Lpa =  piHord[n] / (f[n] * epstwist(n))
        fwrite("Experimental derivative_order = %s"%derivative_order, outfile)
        fwrite("Checking Lauder's coincidence... (following should be a bunch of 'large' valuations)", outfile)
        fwrite(str([(i,(Lpa * f[i] * epstwist(i) - piHord[i]).valuation(p)) for i in prime_range(50)]), outfile)
        fwrite("Done", outfile)
        gplus, gminus = f, orthogonal_form
        l1 = 2
        while N*p*ell % l1 == 0 or gplus[l1] == 0:
            l1 = next_prime(l1)
        proj_mat = matrix([[gplus[l1],gplus[p]],[gminus[l1],gminus[p]]])
        Lpalist =  (matrix([piHord[l1],piHord[p]]) * proj_mat**-1).list()
        Lpa = Lpalist[0]
        if Lpa.valuation() > prec / 2: # this is quite arbitrary!
            Lpa = Lpalist[1]
        Lpa = Lpa / f[n]
    fwrite("ell = %s"%ell, outfile)
    fwrite("######### FINISHED COMPUTATION ###########", outfile)
    fwrite("Lp = %s"%Lpa, outfile)
    fwrite("##########################################", outfile)
    return Lpa, ell
def get_is_geom_field(f, C, bad_primes, B=200):
    Determine whether the geometric endomorphism algebra is a field.

    This is Algorithm 4.10 in [Lom2019]_. The computation done here
    may allow one to immediately conclude that the geometric endomorphism
    ring is trivial (i.e. the integer ring); this information is output
    in a second boolean to avoid unnecessary subsequent computation.

    An additional optimisation comes from Part (2) of Theorem 4.8 in
    [Lom2019]_, from which we can conclude that the endomorphism ring
    is geometrically trivial, and from Proposition 4.7 in loc. cit. from
    which we can rule out potential QM.


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial defining the hyperelliptic curve.

    - ``C`` -- the hyperelliptic curve.

    - ``bad_primes`` -- the list of odd primes of bad reduction.

    - ``B`` -- (default: 200) the bound which appears in the statement of
      the algorithm from [Lom2019]_


    Pair of booleans (bool1, bool2). `bool1` indicates if the
    geometric endomorphism algebra is a field; `bool2` indicates if the
    geometric endomorphism algebra is the field of rational numbers.


    There is a very small chance that this algorithm return ``False`` when in
    fact it is ``True``. In this case, as explained in the discussion
    immediately preceding Algorithm 4.15 of [Lom2019]_, this can be established
    by increasing the optional `B` parameter. Mathematically, this algorithm
    gives the correct answer only in the limit as `B \to \infty`, although in
    practice `B = 200` was sufficient to correctly verify every single entry
    in the LMFDB. However, strictly speaking, a ``False`` returned by this
    function is not provably ``False``.


    This is LMFDB curve 940693.a.960693.1::

        sage: from sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.jacobian_endomorphism_utils import get_is_geom_field
        sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
        sage: f = 4*x^6 - 12*x^5 + 20*x^3 - 8*x^2 - 4*x + 1
        sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
        sage: get_is_geom_field(f,C,[13,269])
        (False, False)

    This is LMFDB curve 3125.a.3125.1::

        sage: f = 4*x^5 + 1
        sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
        sage: get_is_geom_field(f,C,[5])
        (True, False)

    This is LMFDB curve 277.a.277.2::

        sage: f = 4*x^6 - 36*x^4 + 56*x^3 - 76*x^2 + 44*x - 23
        sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
        sage: get_is_geom_field(f,C,[277])
        (True, True)

    if C.has_odd_degree_model():
        C_odd = C.odd_degree_model()
        f_odd, h_odd = C_odd.hyperelliptic_polynomials()
        # if f was odd to begin with, then f_odd = f
        assert f_odd.degree() == 5

        if (4*f_odd + h_odd**2).degree() == 5:
            f_new = 4*f_odd + h_odd**2
            if f_new.is_irreducible():
                # i.e. the Jacobian is geometrically simple
                f_disc_odd_prime_exponents = [v for _,v in f_new.discriminant().prime_to_S_part([ZZ(2)]).factor()]
                if 1 in f_disc_odd_prime_exponents:
                    return (True, True)  # Theorem 4.8 (2)
                # At this point we are in the situation of Algorithm 4.10
                # Step 1, so either the geometric endomorphism algebra is a
                # field or it is a quaternion algebra. This latter case implies
                # that the Jacobian is the square of an elliptic curve modulo
                # a prime p where f is also irreducible (which exist by
                # Chebotarev density). This contradicts Prop 4.7, hence we can
                # conclude as follows.
                return (True, False)

    if f.is_irreducible():
        assert f.degree() == 6  # else we should already have exited by now
        G = f.galois_group()
        if G.order() in [360, 720]:
            return (True, True)  # Algorithm 4.10 Step 2

    R = PolynomialRing(ZZ,2,"xv")
    x,v = R.gens()
    T = PolynomialRing(QQ,'v')
    g = v - x**12

    for p in prime_range(3,B):
        if p not in bad_primes:
            fp = C.change_ring(FiniteField(p)).frobenius_polynomial()

            # This defines the polynomial f_v**[12] from the paper
            fp12 = T(R(fp).resultant(g))

            if fp12.is_irreducible():
                # i.e. the Jacobian is geometrically simple
                f_disc_odd_prime_exponents = [v for _,v in f.discriminant().prime_to_S_part([ZZ(2)]).factor()]
                if 1 in f_disc_odd_prime_exponents:
                    return (True, True)  # Theorem 4.8 (2)
                return (True, False) # Algorithm 4.10 Step 3 plus Prop 4.7 as above
    return (False, False)
def is_geom_trivial_when_field(C, bad_primes, B=200):
    Determine if the geometric endomorphism ring is trivial assuming the
    geometric endomorphism algebra is a field.

    This is Algorithm 4.15 in [Lom2019]_.


    - ``C`` -- the hyperelliptic curve.

    - ``bad_primes`` -- the list of odd primes of bad reduction.

    - ``B`` -- (default: 200) the bound which appears in the statement of
      the algorithm from [Lom2019]_


    Boolean indicating whether or not the geometric endomorphism
    algebra is the field of rational numbers.


    There is a very small chance that this algorithm returns ``False`` when in
    fact it is ``True``. In this case, as explained in the discussion
    immediately preceding Algorithm 4.15 of [Lom2019]_, this can be established
    by increasing the optional `B` parameter. Mathematically, this algorithm
    gives the correct answer only in the limit as `B \to \infty`, although in
    practice `B = 200` was sufficient to correctly verify every single entry
    in the LMFDB. However, strictly speaking, a ``False`` returned by this
    function is not provably ``False``.


    This is LMFDB curve 461.a.461.2::

        sage: from sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.jacobian_endomorphism_utils import is_geom_trivial_when_field
        sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
        sage: f = 4*x^5 - 4*x^4 - 156*x^3 + 40*x^2 + 1088*x - 1223
        sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
        sage: is_geom_trivial_when_field(C,[461])

    This is LMFDB curve 4489.a.4489.1::

        sage: f = x^6 + 4*x^5 + 2*x^4 + 2*x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 1
        sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
        sage: is_geom_trivial_when_field(C,[67])

    running_gcd = 0
    R = PolynomialRing(ZZ,2,"xv")
    x,v = R.gens()
    T = PolynomialRing(QQ,'v')
    g = v - x**4

    for p in prime_range(3,B):
        if p not in bad_primes:
            Cp = C.change_ring(FiniteField(p))
            fp = Cp.frobenius_polynomial()
            if satisfies_coefficient_condition(fp, p):
                # This defines the polynomial f_v**[4] from the paper
                fp4 = T(R(fp).resultant(g))
                if fp4.is_irreducible():
                    running_gcd = gcd(running_gcd, NumberField(fp,'a').discriminant())
                    if running_gcd <= 24:
                        return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 21
def find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=False):
    Given a Newform object `f`, and a space `A` of modular symbols of the same
    weight and level, find the subspace of `A` which corresponds to the Hecke
    eigenvalues of `f`.

    If ``base_extend = True``, this will return a 2-dimensional space generated
    by the plus and minus eigensymbols of `f`. If ``base_extend = False`` it
    will return a larger space spanned by the eigensymbols of `f` and its
    Galois conjugates.

    (NB: "Galois conjugates" needs to be interpreted carefully -- see the last
    example below.)

    `A` should be an ambient space (because non-ambient spaces don't implement


        sage: from sage.modular.local_comp.type_space import find_in_space

    Easy case (`f` has rational coefficients)::

        sage: f = Newform('99a'); f
        q - q^2 - q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: A = ModularSymbols(GammaH(99, [13]))
        sage: find_in_space(f, A)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 25 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(99) with H generated by [13] of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Rational Field

    Harder case::

        sage: f = Newforms(23, names='a')[0]
        sage: A = ModularSymbols(Gamma1(23))
        sage: find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=True)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 45 for Gamma_1(23) of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Number Field in a0 with defining polynomial x^2 + x - 1
        sage: find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=False)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 4 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 45 for Gamma_1(23) of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Rational Field

    An example with character, indicating the rather subtle behaviour of

        sage: chi = DirichletGroup(5).0
        sage: f = Newforms(chi, 7, names='c')[0]; f  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2012)
        q + c0*q^2 + (zeta4*c0 - 5*zeta4 + 5)*q^3 + ((-5*zeta4 - 5)*c0 + 24*zeta4)*q^4 + ((10*zeta4 - 5)*c0 - 40*zeta4 - 55)*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: find_in_space(f, ModularSymbols(Gamma1(5), 7), base_extend=True)  # long time
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 12 for Gamma_1(5) of weight 7 with sign 0 and over Number Field in c0 with defining polynomial x^2 + (5*zeta4 + 5)*x - 88*zeta4 over its base field
        sage: find_in_space(f, ModularSymbols(Gamma1(5), 7), base_extend=False)  # long time (27s on sage.math, 2012)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 4 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 12 for Gamma_1(5) of weight 7 with sign 0 and over Cyclotomic Field of order 4 and degree 2

    Note that the base ring in the second example is `\QQ(\zeta_4)` (the base
    ring of the character of `f`), *not* `\QQ`.
    if not A.weight() == f.weight():
        raise ValueError("Weight of space does not match weight of form")
    if not A.level() == f.level():
        raise ValueError("Level of space does not match level of form")

    if base_extend:
        D = A.base_extend(f.hecke_eigenvalue_field())
        M = f.modular_symbols(sign=1)
        D = A.base_extend(M.base_ring())

    expected_dimension = 2 if base_extend else 2 * M.dimension()

    for p in prime_range(1 + A.sturm_bound()):
        h = D.hecke_operator(p)
        if base_extend:
            hh = h - f[p]
            f = M.hecke_polynomial(p)
            hh = f(h)
        DD = hh.kernel()
        if DD.dimension() < D.dimension():
            D = DD

        if D.dimension() <= expected_dimension:

    if D.dimension() != expected_dimension:
        raise ArithmeticError("Error in find_in_space: " +
                              "got dimension %s (should be %s)" %
                              (D.dimension(), expected_dimension))

    return D
Ejemplo n.º 22
def find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=False):
    Given a Newform object `f`, and a space `A` of modular symbols of the same
    weight and level, find the subspace of `A` which corresponds to the Hecke
    eigenvalues of `f`. 

    If ``base_extend = True``, this will return a 2-dimensional space generated
    by the plus and minus eigensymbols of `f`. If ``base_extend = False`` it
    will return a larger space spanned by the eigensymbols of `f` and its
    Galois conjugates. 
    (NB: "Galois conjugates" needs to be interpreted carefully -- see the last
    example below.)

    `A` should be an ambient space (because non-ambient spaces don't implement


        sage: from sage.modular.local_comp.type_space import find_in_space

    Easy case (`f` has rational coefficients)::

        sage: f = Newform('99a'); f
        q - q^2 - q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: A = ModularSymbols(GammaH(99, [13]))
        sage: find_in_space(f, A)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 25 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(99) with H generated by [13] of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Rational Field

    Harder case::

        sage: f = Newforms(23, names='a')[0]
        sage: A = ModularSymbols(Gamma1(23))
        sage: find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=True)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 45 for Gamma_1(23) of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Number Field in a0 with defining polynomial x^2 + x - 1
        sage: find_in_space(f, A, base_extend=False)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 4 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 45 for Gamma_1(23) of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Rational Field

    An example with character, indicating the rather subtle behaviour of

        sage: chi = DirichletGroup(5).0
        sage: f = Newforms(chi, 7, names='c')[0]; f  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2012)
        q + c0*q^2 + (zeta4*c0 - 5*zeta4 + 5)*q^3 + ((-5*zeta4 - 5)*c0 + 24*zeta4)*q^4 + ((10*zeta4 - 5)*c0 - 40*zeta4 - 55)*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: find_in_space(f, ModularSymbols(Gamma1(5), 7), base_extend=True)  # long time
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 12 for Gamma_1(5) of weight 7 with sign 0 and over Number Field in c0 with defining polynomial x^2 + (5*zeta4 + 5)*x - 88*zeta4 over its base field
        sage: find_in_space(f, ModularSymbols(Gamma1(5), 7), base_extend=False)  # long time (27s on sage.math, 2012)
        Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 4 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 12 for Gamma_1(5) of weight 7 with sign 0 and over Cyclotomic Field of order 4 and degree 2

    Note that the base ring in the second example is `\QQ(\zeta_4)` (the base
    ring of the character of `f`), *not* `\QQ`.
    if not A.weight() == f.weight():
        raise ValueError( "Weight of space does not match weight of form" )
    if not A.level() == f.level():
        raise ValueError( "Level of space does not match level of form" )
    if base_extend:
        D = A.base_extend(f.hecke_eigenvalue_field())
        M = f.modular_symbols(sign=1)
        D = A.base_extend(M.base_ring())
    expected_dimension = 2 if base_extend else 2*M.dimension()

    for p in prime_range(1 + A.sturm_bound()):
        h = D.hecke_operator(p)
        if base_extend:
            hh = h - f[p]
            f = M.hecke_polynomial(p)
            hh = f(h)
        DD = hh.kernel()
        if DD.dimension() < D.dimension(): 
            D = DD
        if D.dimension() <= expected_dimension:

    if D.dimension() != expected_dimension:
        raise ArithmeticError( "Error in find_in_space: "
            + "got dimension %s (should be %s)" % (D.dimension(), expected_dimension) )
    return D