Ejemplo n.º 1
    def from_weierstrass_map(self):
        Returns a morphism from the associated elliptic curve on
        Weierstrass form to this Edwards curve.

        P2 = ProjectiveSpace(2, self.__base_ring, names='xyz')
        x, y, z = P2.coordinate_ring().gens()

        a, d = self.ainvs()

        E = self.associated_ec()
        C = P2.subscheme(a * x**2 * z**2 + y**2 * z**2 - z**4 -
                         d * x**2 * y**2)
        f = WeierstrassTransformation(
                2 * x * (x + (a - d) * z),  # <-- x
                (x - (a - d) * z) * y,  # <-- y
                y * (x + (a - d) * z)  # <-- z

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def to_weierstrass_map(self):
        Returns a morphism from this Edwards curve to the associated
        elliptic curve on Weierstrass form.

        P2 = ProjectiveSpace(2, self.__base_ring, names='xyz')
        x, y, z = P2.coordinate_ring().gens()

        a, d = self.ainvs()

        E = self.associated_ec()
        C = P2.subscheme(a * x**2 * z**2 + y**2 * z**2 - z**4 -
                         d * x**2 * y**2)
        f = WeierstrassTransformation(
                (a - d) * (z + y) * x,  # <-- x
                (a - d) * 2 * (z**2 + y * z),  # <-- y
                z * x * (z - y)  # <-- z

        return f
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Jacobian_of_equation(polynomial, variables=None, curve=None):
    Construct the Jacobian of a genus-one curve given by a polynomial.


    - ``F`` -- a polynomial defining a plane curve of genus one. May
      be homogeneous or inhomogeneous.

    - ``variables`` -- list of two or three variables or ``None``
      (default). The inhomogeneous or homogeneous coordinates. By
      default, all variables in the polynomial are used.

    - ``curve`` -- the genus-one curve defined by ``polynomial`` or #
      ``None`` (default). If specified, suitable morphism from the
      jacobian elliptic curve to the curve is returned.


    An elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form isomorphic to the
    curve ``polynomial=0``. If the optional argument ``curve`` is
    specified, a rational multicover from the Jacobian elliptic curve
    to the genus-one curve is returned.


        sage: R.<a,b,c> = QQ[]
        sage: f = a^3+b^3+60*c^3
        sage: Jacobian(f)
        Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 24300 over Rational Field
        sage: Jacobian(f.subs(c=1))
        Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 24300 over Rational Field

    If we specify the domain curve the birational covering is returned::

        sage: h = Jacobian(f, curve=Curve(f));  h
        Scheme morphism:
          From: Projective Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by a^3 + b^3 + 60*c^3
          To:   Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 24300 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (a : b : c) to
                (-216000*a^4*b^4*c - 12960000*a^4*b*c^4 - 12960000*a*b^4*c^4 :
                108000*a^6*b^3 - 108000*a^3*b^6 - 6480000*a^6*c^3 + 6480000*b^6*c^3 + 388800000*a^3*c^6 - 388800000*b^3*c^6 :

        sage: h([1,-1,0])
        (0 : 1 : 0)

    Plugging in the polynomials defining `h` allows us to verify that
    it is indeed a rational morphism to the elliptic curve::

        sage: E = h.codomain()
        sage: E.defining_polynomial()(h.defining_polynomials()).factor()
        (2519424000000000) * c^3 * b^3 * a^3 * (a^3 + b^3 + 60*c^3) *
        (a^9*b^6 + a^6*b^9 - 120*a^9*b^3*c^3 + 900*a^6*b^6*c^3 - 120*a^3*b^9*c^3 +
        3600*a^9*c^6 + 54000*a^6*b^3*c^6 + 54000*a^3*b^6*c^6 + 3600*b^9*c^6 +
        216000*a^6*c^9 - 432000*a^3*b^3*c^9 + 216000*b^6*c^9)

    By specifying the variables, we can also construct an elliptic
    curve over a polynomial ring::

        sage: R.<u,v,t> = QQ[]
        sage: Jacobian(u^3+v^3+t, variables=[u,v])
        Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + (-27/4*t^2) over
        Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, t over Rational Field


        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.jacobian import Jacobian_of_equation
        sage: Jacobian_of_equation(f, variables=[a,b,c])
        Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 24300 over Rational Field
    from sage.schemes.toric.weierstrass import WeierstrassForm
    f, g = WeierstrassForm(polynomial, variables=variables)
        K = polynomial.base_ring()
        f = K(f)
        g = K(g)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
    E = EllipticCurve([f, g])
    if curve is None:
        return E
    X, Y, Z = WeierstrassForm(polynomial, variables=variables, transformation=True)
    from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.weierstrass_transform import WeierstrassTransformation
    return WeierstrassTransformation(curve, E, [X*Z, Y, Z**3], 1)