def __init__(self, coordinate_patch = None):
        Construct the algebra of differential forms on a given coordinate patch.
        See ``DifferentialForms`` for details.


        - ``coordinate_patch`` -- Coordinate patch where the algebra lives.
        If no coordinate patch is given, a default coordinate patch with
        coordinates (x, y, z) is used.


            sage: p, q = var('p, q')
            sage: U = CoordinatePatch((p, q)); U
            Open subset of R^2 with coordinates p, q
            sage: F = DifferentialForms(U); F
            Algebra of differential forms in the variables p, q


        from sage.categories.graded_algebras_with_basis \
            import GradedAlgebrasWithBasis
        from sage.structure.parent_gens import ParentWithGens

        if not coordinate_patch:
            x, y, z = var('x, y, z')
            coordinate_patch = CoordinatePatch((x, y, z))

        if not isinstance(coordinate_patch, CoordinatePatch):
            raise TypeError("%s not a valid Coordinate Patch" % coordinate_patch)
        self._patch = coordinate_patch

        ParentWithGens.__init__(self, SR, \
                                category = GradedAlgebrasWithBasis(SR))
    def weight_integrand(self, simplify_factor=True):
        Weight integrand as a rational function.

        The Jacobian determinant of some coordinate transformation.
        def arg(x, y):
            return arctan(y / x)  # up to a constant, but it doesn't matter

        def phi(x, y, a, b):
            z = (a + I * b - x - I * y) * (a - I * b - x - I * y)
            w = z.real()
            q = z.imag()
            return arg(w, q).full_simplify()

        n = len(self.internal_vertices())
        coordinates = lambda v: SR.var(chr(97+2*(v-1)) + ',' + chr(97+2*(v-1)+1)) \
                                if v in self.internal_vertices() else \
                                [(0,0), (1,0)][self.ground_vertices().index(v)]
        internal_coordinates = sum(
            (list(coordinates(v)) for v in sorted(self.internal_vertices())),
        U = CoordinatePatch(internal_coordinates)
        F = DifferentialForms(U)
        psi = 0
        two_forms = []
        for v in self.internal_vertices():
            x, y = coordinates(v)
            outgoing_edges = self.outgoing_edges([v])
            left_target = filter(lambda (x, y, z): z == 'L',
            right_target = filter(lambda (x, y, z): z == 'R',
            one_forms = []
            for target in [left_target, right_target]:
                a, b = coordinates(target)
                one_form = DifferentialForm(F, 1)
                for v in internal_coordinates:
                    index = internal_coordinates.index(v)
                    one_form[index] = phi(x, y, a, b).diff(v)
                    if simplify_factor:
                        one_form[index] = SR(one_form[index]).full_simplify()
            two_form = one_forms[0] * one_forms[1]
        import operator
        two_n_form = reduce(operator.mul, two_forms, 1)
        return two_n_form[range(0, 2 * n)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, coordinate_patch=None):
        Construct the algebra of differential forms on a given coordinate patch.

        See ``DifferentialForms`` for details.


        - ``coordinate_patch`` -- Coordinate patch where the algebra lives.

        If no coordinate patch is given, a default coordinate patch with
        coordinates (x, y, z) is used.


            sage: p, q = var('p, q')
            sage: U = CoordinatePatch((p, q)); U
            doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: Use Manifold instead.
            See for details.
            Open subset of R^2 with coordinates p, q
            sage: F = DifferentialForms(U); F
            doctest:...:  DeprecationWarning: For the set of differential forms of
             degree p, use U.diff_form_module(p), where U is the base manifold
             (type U.diff_form_module? for details).
            See for details.
            Algebra of differential forms in the variables p, q
        from sage.categories.graded_algebras_with_basis \
            import GradedAlgebrasWithBasis
        from sage.structure.parent_gens import ParentWithGens
        from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation
            24444, 'For the set of differential forms of degree p, ' +
            'use U.diff_form_module(p), where U is the base ' +
            'manifold (type U.diff_form_module? for details).')

        if not coordinate_patch:
            x, y, z = var('x, y, z')
            coordinate_patch = CoordinatePatch((x, y, z))

        if not isinstance(coordinate_patch, CoordinatePatch):
            raise TypeError("%s not a valid Coordinate Patch" %
        self._patch = coordinate_patch

        ParentWithGens.__init__(self, SR, \
                                category = GradedAlgebrasWithBasis(SR))