Ejemplo n.º 1
class SageData:

    #### constructor initializes member values       
    def __init__(self, sageGate, autosave, displayName):
        self.noOfApps = 0
        self.hashCallback = {}       # functions to call in sageui.py for updating the UI
        self.hashApps = {}           # all the apps available for running??
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}  # apps currently running
        self.hashAppPerfInfo = {}
        self.hashFileInfo = {}
        self.displayInfo = SageDisplayInfo()
        self.sageGate = sageGate
        self.autosave = autosave
        self.timeStarted = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime())
        self.displayName = displayName.strip()
        self.__firstAutosave = True
        self._sageColor = (0,0,0)
        self.__bPerformanceLogging = True

        # (AKS 2005-02-15) The hash below is used for determining when to
        # calculate the total values for all active applications.  This
        # hash originally belonged in GraphManager of Graph.py.  However,
        # the implementation was not clean and lent itself to infinite
        # recursion.  So, having the total calculation at the source of
        # where the data is kept seemed to make the most sense.
        #self.__hashAppGraphUpdateFlag = {}

        # Constants used for keys in __hashAppPerfTotals (public scope)
        self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH = 10
        self.I_RENDER_AVG_FRAME_RATE = 20
        self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_NODES = 30
        self.I_DISPLAY_AVG_FRAME_RATE = 50
        self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_NODES = 60

        self.__hashAppPerfTotals = {}
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_NODES ] = 0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_NODES ] = 0
        # for knowing when to zero out the totals since
        # sage doesnt send perf data when it's 0
        self.__lastTotalsUpdate = time.time()  

        # (AKS 2005-05-07) Create two PerformanceGraphs (one for total render bandwidth
        # and one for total display bandwidth).  This is a hack...2 is specified in
        # the GraphManager class not for updating purposes but so that the x-axis values
        # are computed correctly.  The created numarray object takes the place of what
        # sageAppPerfInfo does (well, it's adjusted manually later)
        self.__iMaxArraySize = 30
        self.__iUpdateInterval = 2

        self.__pgTotalRenderBandwidth = Graph.PerformanceGraph( "Totals", "Render Bandwidth (Mbps)",
            self.__iMaxArraySize, self.__iUpdateInterval )

        self.__pgTotalDisplayBandwidth = Graph.PerformanceGraph( "Totals", "Display Bandwidth (Mbps)",
            self.__iMaxArraySize, self.__iUpdateInterval )
        self.__sapiPerfTotals = sageAppPerfInfo()

    #### Set the sage status
    def setSageStatus(self, appHash) :  
        self.noOfApps = len(appHash) 

        #for line in listTokens:
        for appName, configs in appHash.iteritems():
            hashSingleAppInfo = {}
            self.hashApps[appName] = SageAppInitial(appName, configs)
        # when done processing the incoming data, call a function in the UI to update the screen
        if ( 40000 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40000 ]()


    ### Set the possible execution configurations for each app
    def setSageAppExecConfig(self, data):
        tokens = string.split( data, '\n', 1 )
        appName = tokens[0]
        data = tokens[1] #the rest
        configList = string.split( data, "config ")

        del configList[0]  #remove the first item in the list

        for config in configList:
            if appName in self.hashApps.keys():
                (name, stringConfig) = string.split(config, ":", 1)
                self.hashApps[appName].AddConfig(name, stringConfig)

        if ( 40006 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40006 ](self.hashApps[appName])

    #### Set the SAGE display information
    def setDisplayInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data, '\n')

        for i in range(0, len(listTokens), 3):
            tileNumTokens = string.split(listTokens[i], ' ')
            desktopTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+1], ' ')
            tileConfTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+2], ' ')            
            # so that we can support the old sage as well
            displayId = 0
            if len(tileConfTokens) > 2:
                displayId = int(tileConfTokens[2])

            self.displayInfo.addDisplay(int(tileNumTokens[0]), int(tileNumTokens[1]), int(tileNumTokens[2]),
                                   int(desktopTokens[0]), int(desktopTokens[1]),
                                   int(tileConfTokens[0]), int(tileConfTokens[1]), displayId)

        # (AKS 2004-10-23) Provide the app-id to the callback
        if ( 40004 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40004 ]()


    # returns the SageDisplayInfo object
    def getDisplayInfo(self, displayId=0):
        return self.displayInfo


    def setDisplayConnections(self, data):
        for connection in data.split('\n'):
            tokens = connection.split()
            displayId = int(tokens[2])
            self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId).placement = int(tokens[1])

        if ( 40007 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40007 ]()    


    #### Get the new list of z values from SAGE
    #### and update local hashes, then call the function to update the UI visually
    def setSageZValue(self, message):
        tokens = string.split(message)
        numZChanges = int(tokens[0])  #the first item that comes in is the number of z changes
        # loop through all the tokens and update the z values of the apps
        for i in range(numZChanges):
            self.setZvalue( int(tokens[i*2+1]), int(tokens[i*2+2]) )

        # now call the appropriate function to update the UI visually
        if ( 40005 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40005 ]( )

    #### Set the SAGE app status
    #### prints Invalid app ID if does not exists
    def setSageAppInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data)
        listApps = self.hashApps.keys()

        # to support old sage as well
        displayId = 0
        orientation = 0
        appId = 0
        launcherId = "none"
        if len(listTokens) > 8:
            orientation = int(listTokens[8])
            displayId = int(listTokens[9])
            if len(listTokens) > 11:
                appId = int(listTokens[10])
                launcherId = listTokens[11]
        # now update the app properties... or create a new one
        windowId = int( listTokens[ 1 ] )
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:   # app exists
            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ].setAll( listTokens[0], int(listTokens[1]),
                   int(listTokens[2]), int(listTokens[3]), int(listTokens[4]), int(listTokens[5]),
                   int(listTokens[6]), int(listTokens[7]), orientation, displayId, appId, launcherId) 
            # when new app is started it is assigned a z=0 but since previous app on top had z=0,
            # we set this one even higher temporarily (z=-1) so that it gets drawn on top
            # the new z order message comes right after the app is started so this -1 is temporary
            zValue = int(listTokens[7])
            for app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.itervalues():
                if app.getZvalue() == zValue:
                    zValue = -1
            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ] = SageApp( listTokens[0], int(listTokens[1]),
                   int(listTokens[2]), int(listTokens[3]), int(listTokens[4]), int(listTokens[5]),
                   int(listTokens[6]), zValue, orientation, displayId, appId, launcherId) 

        # (AKS 2004-10-23) Provide the app-id to the callback
        if ( 40001 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40001 ]( self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId] )

        if self.autosave:
            if self.__firstAutosave:
                self.__firstAutosave = False
            self.saveState("_autosave_LATEST", "")


    ##### ShutDown the sage application
    ##### prints invalid app ID if doesn't exist
    def sageAppShutDown(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data)
        windowId = int(listTokens[0])
        listApps = self.hashApps.keys()

        # do this first and then remove the app from the hash!!
        if ( 40003 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40003 ]( self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId]  )
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo :
            del self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId]
        if windowId in self.hashAppPerfInfo :
            del self.hashAppPerfInfo[windowId]

        if windowId in self.hashFileInfo :
            fileObject = self.hashFileInfo.get(windowId)
            del self.hashFileInfo[windowId]


    def getLogFileHash(self):
        return self.hashFileInfo


    #### Set the SAGE app performance status
    #### prints Invalid app ID if does not exists
    def setSagePerfInfo(self, data):
        #print ">>> SET SAGE PERF INFO <<<"
        listTokens = string.split(data, '\n', 1)
        windowId = int(listTokens[0])
        data = listTokens[1]

        if not windowId in self.hashAppPerfInfo:
            self.hashAppPerfInfo[windowId] = sageAppPerfInfo()

        appPerfInfo = self.hashAppPerfInfo.get(windowId)
        if (appPerfInfo):
            lineTokens = string.split(data, '\n')

            displayItemTokens = string.split(lineTokens[0])
            appPerfInfo.setDisplayPerfInfo(float(displayItemTokens[1]), float(displayItemTokens[2]),\
                                           float(displayItemTokens[3]), int(displayItemTokens[4]))

            renderItemTokens = string.split(lineTokens[1])
            # FIX: this is just a hack for now.. there actually is no data coming in for the last
            # two entries in the array but we fill it with 0s so that we dont have to change everything
            # (it might be used later as well)
            # in Graph.py we jsut decide not to print the last two values
            #print "renderItemTokens = ", renderItemTokens
            appPerfInfo.setRenderPerfInfo(float(renderItemTokens[1]), float(renderItemTokens[2]),\
                                           float(renderItemTokens[3]), int(renderItemTokens[4]))

        # Now open a file and log the data on it
            try:   #in case the file and directory permissions are not right

                if not windowId in self.hashFileInfo:
                    sageApp = self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ]
                    stAppName = sageApp.getName()
                    stDateTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime())
                    stFilename = stAppName + '-' + str(windowId) + '-' + stDateTime
                    stPath = opj(DATA_DIR, stFilename + ".txt")
                    stFilename = os.path.normpath( stPath )
                    fileObject = open(stFilename, "w")

                    fileObject.write( stAppName + ":" + str(windowId) + " >> " + time.asctime() + "\n" )
                    fileObject.write( '-' * 120 + "\n\n" )
                    tempString = (' Disp BW    Disp FR    Packet Loss    Num Receivers        Rend BW    Rend FR    Packet Loss    Num Receivers\n')
                    fileObject.write( '-' * len(tempString) + "\n" )
                    self.hashFileInfo[windowId] = fileObject
                # end of initialization

                if ( self.__bPerformanceLogging == True ):

                    fileObject = self.hashFileInfo.get(windowId)
                    tempString = "%8.3f    %7.3f    %3.2f    %8d       " % (float(displayItemTokens[1]), float(displayItemTokens[2]),
                                                                            float(displayItemTokens[3]), int(displayItemTokens[4]))


                    tempString = "%8.3f    %7.3f    %3.2f    %8d\n" % (float(renderItemTokens[1]), float(renderItemTokens[2]),
                                                                       float(renderItemTokens[3]), int(renderItemTokens[4]))
            # >>> end file writing...else, nothing
                pass  #do nothing if something fails (such as permissions)

            # calculate totals
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_NODES ] = 0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
        self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_NODES ] = 0
        fSumRenderFrameRate = 0.0
        fSumDisplayFrameRate = 0.0
        #print "zeroing..."

        # (AKS 2005-04-05) This comment is de
        # For each application, I am taking each of its metrics and adding them to the
        # totals which are stored in the hash.  The hash is just a dictionary of totals
        # for metrics for *ALL* application instances.
        for iKey in self.hashAppPerfInfo:
            #print "hash perf: ", self.hashAppPerfInfo
            sapiAppStats = self.hashAppPerfInfo[ iKey ]
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
                self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] + sapiAppStats.getRenderInformation(
                'bandWidth', 1 )[0]
            fSumRenderFrameRate = fSumRenderFrameRate + sapiAppStats.getRenderInformation(
                'frameRate', 1 )[0]
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_NODES ] = self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
                self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_NODES ] + sapiAppStats.getRenderInformation(
                'nodes', 1 )[0]
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] = self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
                self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] + sapiAppStats.getDisplayInformation(
                'bandWidth', 1 )[0]
            fSumDisplayFrameRate = fSumRenderFrameRate + sapiAppStats.getDisplayInformation(
                'frameRate', 1 )[0]             
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_NODES ] = self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
                self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_NODES ] + sapiAppStats.getDisplayInformation(
                'nodes', 1 )[0]

            # Make sure to clear update flag since data has been processed
            #self.__hashAppGraphUpdateFlag[ iKey ] = False
        # end of loop

        iAppCount = len( self.hashAppStatusInfo )

        # Calculate averages for frame rates
        if ( iAppCount == 0 ):
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = 0.0
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_DISPLAY_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = fSumDisplayFrameRate / iAppCount
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[ self.I_RENDER_AVG_FRAME_RATE ] = fSumRenderFrameRate / iAppCount
        # (AKS 2005-01-24) Performance data information is not posted at this time
        #tempString = "%8.3f \t %4d \t %7.3f \n" % (float(dataItemTokens[1]), int(dataItemTokens[2]), float(dataItemTokens[3]))

        # (AKS 2005-05-07) Now that the total bandwidth metrics have been calculated,
        # update their respective PerformanceGraphs
        self.__sapiPerfTotals.setDisplayPerfInfo( float( self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
            self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] ), 0.0, 0.0, 0 )
        self.__sapiPerfTotals.setRenderPerfInfo( float( self.__hashAppPerfTotals[
            self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH ] ), 0.0, 0.0, 0 )

        self.__pgTotalRenderBandwidth.update( self.__sapiPerfTotals.getRenderInformation( 'bandWidth', 30 ) )
        self.__pgTotalDisplayBandwidth.update( self.__sapiPerfTotals.getDisplayInformation( 'bandWidth', 30 ) )

        self.__lastTotalsUpdate = time.time()
        # (AKS 2004-10-23): Changed to send ID back
        if ( 40002 in self.hashCallback ):
            self.hashCallback[ 40002 ]( windowId )


    # saves the performance data totals into a file from this SAGE site only
    def saveSiteTotals(self, siteName):
        totalsID = -10 # save the totals as appId = -10
            if not totalsID in self.hashFileInfo and self.__bPerformanceLogging:  
                stDateTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime())
                stFilename = "SITE_TOTAL-" + siteName + '-' + stDateTime
                #stPath = "./data/" + stFilename + ".txt"
                stPath = opj(DATA_DIR, stFilename + ".txt")
                stFilename = os.path.normpath( stPath )
                fileObject = open(stFilename, "w")

                fileObject.write( siteName + "\n" + time.asctime() + "\n" )
                fileObject.write( '-' * 65 + "\n" )
                tempString = (' Timestamp(s)    Disp BW(Gbps)    Rend BW(Gbps)\n')
                fileObject.write( '-' * len(tempString) + "\n" )
                self.hashFileInfo[totalsID] = fileObject
            # end of initialization
            if ( self.__bPerformanceLogging ):
                fileObject = self.hashFileInfo[totalsID]
                tempString = "%12d    %12.4f    %12.4f\n" % (getTimeStamp(),

            print "".join(tb.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))


    def getRenderBWTotal(self):
        # zero out the totals if it hasn't been update in a while
        if time.time() - self.__lastTotalsUpdate > 2.0: 
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH] = 0.0
        return float(self.__hashAppPerfTotals[self.I_RENDER_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH])/1000.0

    def getDisplayBWTotal(self):
        # zero out the totals if it hasn't been update in a while
        if time.time() - self.__lastTotalsUpdate > 2.0: 
            self.__hashAppPerfTotals[self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH] = 0.0
        return float(self.__hashAppPerfTotals[self.I_DISPLAY_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH])/1000.0

    #   Get the z value of the app
    #   @arg windowId App instance ID of the app
    #   @return Returns Z value if windowId exists else returns -1
    def getZvalue(self, windowId):
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId].getZvalue()
            print("getZvalue: Invalid app instance ID")


    #   Set the Z value of the app
    #   @arg windowId App instance ID of the app
    #   @arg value New Z value to be set
    def setZvalue(self, windowId, value):
        if (windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo):
            print ('setZvalue: Invalid app instance ID: %d'% (windowId))


    ### Get the sage app Info
    ### @arg windowId Instance id of the application
    ### @returns A list of format [<left>, <right>, <top>, <bottom>]
    def getAppInfo(self, windowId):
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId].getBounds()
            print("getAppInfo: Invalid app instance ID")
            return []


    # returns the SageApp associated with the given windowId
    def getApp(self, windowId):
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId]


    ### Get the sage app display information
    ### @arg windowId Instance id of the application
    ### @arg interval Total no of values required (max = 30)
    ### @returns A array   
    def getDisplayItem(self, stItemName, windowId, interval):
        if windowId in self.hashAppPerfInfo:
            appInfo = self.hashAppPerfInfo.get(windowId)
            return appInfo.getDisplayInformation( stItemName, interval )
            print("getDisplayItem: Invalid app instance ID")

    ### Get the sage app render information
    ### @arg windowId Instance id of the application
    ### @arg interval Total no of values required (max = 30)
    ### @returns A array
    def getRenderItem(self, stItemName, windowId, interval):
        if windowId in self.hashAppPerfInfo:
            appInfo = self.hashAppPerfInfo.get(windowId)
            return appInfo.getRenderInformation( stItemName, interval )
            print("Invalid app instance ID")


    ### Get the sage app data service bandwidth
    ### @arg windowId Instance id of the application
    ### @arg interval Total no of values required (max = 30)
    ### @returns A array
    def getDataBandWidth(self, windowId, interval):
        if windowId in self.hashAppPerfInfo:
            appInfo = self.hashAppPerfInfo.get(windowId)
            return appInfo.getDataBandWidth(interval)
            print("Invalid app instance ID")


    ### So that SageData knows what to call when a message arrives
    def registerCallbackFunction( self, iSageID, function ):
        self.hashCallback[ iSageID ] = function


    ### (RJ 2005-01-15)
    ### Returns a list of all the available apps
    def getAvailableApps( self ):
        return self.hashApps


    ### sage background color
    def setSAGEColor(self, (r,g,b)):
        self._sageColor = (r,g,b)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SageData:

    #### constructor initializes member values
    def __init__(self):
        self.hashApps = {}  # all the apps available for running??
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}  # apps currently running
        self.displayInfo = SageDisplayInfo()

        self.sageGate = getSageGate()
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40000, self.setSageStatus)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40001, self.setSageAppInfo)
        # self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40002, self.setSagePerfInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40003, self.sageAppShutDown)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40004, self.setDisplayInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40005, self.setSageZValue)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40006, self.setSageAppExecConfig)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40007, self.setDisplayConnections)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40018, self.setSageObjectInfo)

    ### clears the current state (to be done when reconnecting)
    def clear(self):
        self.hashApps = {}  # all the apps available for running??
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}

    #### Set the sage status
    def setSageStatus(self, appHash):
        for appName, configs in appHash.iteritems():
            self.hashApps[appName] = SageAppInitial(appName, configs)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ### Set the possible execution configurations for each app
    def setSageAppExecConfig(self, data):
        tokens = string.split(data, "\n", 1)
        appName = tokens[0]
        data = tokens[1]  # the rest
        configList = string.split(data, "config ")

        del configList[0]  # remove the first item in the list

        for config in configList:
            if appName in self.hashApps.keys():
                (name, stringConfig) = string.split(config, ":", 1)
                self.hashApps[appName].AddConfig(name, stringConfig)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #### Set the SAGE display information
    def setDisplayInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data, "\n")

        for i in range(0, len(listTokens), 3):
            tileNumTokens = string.split(listTokens[i], " ")
            desktopTokens = string.split(listTokens[i + 1], " ")
            tileConfTokens = string.split(listTokens[i + 2], " ")

            # so that we can support the old sage as well
            displayId = 0
            if len(tileConfTokens) > 2:
                displayId = int(tileConfTokens[2])


        # for one display and old SAGE there are no connection messages so just
        # pretend that one came in for drawing everything correctly
        if self.displayInfo.getNumDisplays() == 1:

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # returns the SageDisplayInfo object
    def getDisplayInfo(self, displayId=0):
        return self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def setDisplayConnections(self, data):
        if data:
            for connection in data.split("\n"):
                tokens = connection.split()
                displayId = int(tokens[2])
                self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId).placement = int(tokens[1])

        evt = events.DisplayInfoEvent(self.displayInfo)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #### Get the new list of z values from SAGE
    #### and update local hashes, then call the function to update the UI visually
    def setSageZValue(self, message):
        tokens = string.split(message)
        numZChanges = int(tokens[0])  # the first item that comes in is the number of z changes
        zHash = {}  # key=appId, value=new z value

        # loop through all the tokens and update the z values of the apps
        for i in range(numZChanges):
            self.setZvalue(int(tokens[i * 2 + 1]), int(tokens[i * 2 + 2]))
            zHash[int(tokens[i * 2 + 1])] = int(tokens[i * 2 + 2])

        evt = events.ZChangeEvent(zHash)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #### Set the SAGE app status
    #### prints Invalid app ID if does not exists
    def setSageAppInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data)

        # to support old sage as well
        displayId = 0
        orientation = 0
        if len(listTokens) > 8:
            orientation = int(listTokens[8])
            displayId = int(listTokens[9])

        appId = int(listTokens[1])
        if appId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            # update the app in the hash

            # make the event
            evt = events.AppInfoEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId])
            # when new app is started it is assigned a z=0 but since previous app on top had z=0,
            # we set this one even higher temporarily (z=-1) so that it gets drawn on top
            # the new z order message comes right after the app is started so this -1 is temporary
            zValue = int(listTokens[7])
            for app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.itervalues():
                if app.getZvalue() == zValue:
                    zValue = -1
            self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId] = SageApp(

            # make the event
            evt = events.NewAppEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId])

        # post the event about the state change

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ##### ShutDown the sage application
    ##### prints invalid app ID if doesn't exist
    def sageAppShutDown(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data)
        appId = int(listTokens[0])

        if appId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            # do this first and then remove the app from the hash!!
            # make and post the event
            evt = events.AppKilledEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId])

            # delete the app
            del self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def setSageObjectInfo(self, data):
        evt = events.ObjectInfoEvent(data)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   Get the z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstID App instance ID of the app
    #   @return Returns Z value if appID exists else returns -1
    def getZvalue(self, appId):
        if appId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[appId].getZvalue()
            print("getZvalue: Invalid app instance ID")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   Set the Z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstId App instance ID of the app
    #   @arg value New Z value to be set
    def setZvalue(self, appId, value):
        if appId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            print("setZvalue: Invalid app instance ID")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # returns the SageApp associated with the given appInstId
    def getApp(self, appInstId):
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo[appInstId]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ### (RJ 2005-01-15)
    ### Returns a list of all the available apps
    def getAvailableApps(self):
        return self.hashApps

    ### (AKS 2004-10-23)
    ### Get all app IDs
    ### currently running on sage
    ### @return list of app ids
    def getAllAppIDs(self):
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo.keys()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ### Returns a hash of all running apps
    def getRunningApps(self):
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # checks all the apps and reports whether any one of them was
    # hit with a click and which region was hit (corners or shape in general)
    # if more than one shape was hit it returns the one on the top
    def checkHits(self, x, y):
        zHash = {}  # key=z value, value=SageApp

            for appId, sageApp in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                zHash[sageApp.getZvalue()] = sageApp

            zKeys = zHash.keys()

            for z in zKeys:
                hitResult = zHash[z].hitTest(x, y)
                if hitResult >= 0:
                    return (zHash[z], hitResult)
        return (None, -1)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # returns (appId, zValue) or (-1,sys.maxint) if no apps
    def getTopApp(self):
        minZ = (-1, sys.maxint)
            for appId, app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                if app.getZvalue() < minZ[1]:
                    minZ = (appId, app.getZvalue())
        return minZ
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SageData2:

    #### constructor initializes member values       
    def __init__(self, sg) :
        self.hashApps = {}           # all the apps available for running
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}  # apps currently running
        self.displayInfo = SageDisplayInfo()

        # minimize bounds... loaded from a state and to be applied to the sageApp when created
        # key = appName+str(pos+size), value = minimizeBounds
        self.__minBoundsByApp = {}  
        self.sageGate = sg
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40000, self.setSageStatus)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40001, self.setSageAppInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40003, self.sageAppShutDown)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40004, self.setDisplayInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40005, self.setSageZValue)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40006, self.setSageAppExecConfig)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40007, self.setDisplayConnections)

    ### clears the current state (to be done when reconnecting)
    def clear(self):
        self.hashApps = {}           # all the apps available for running??
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}
    #### Set the sage status
    def setSageStatus(self, appHash) :  
        print("SageData2> setSageStatus")
        for appName, configs in appHash.iteritems():
            self.hashApps[appName] = SageAppInitial(appName, configs)


    ### Set the possible execution configurations for each app
    def setSageAppExecConfig(self, data):
        tokens = string.split( data, '\n', 1 )
        appName = tokens[0]
        data = tokens[1] #the rest
        configList = string.split( data, "config ")

        del configList[0]  #remove the first item in the list

        for config in configList:
            if appName in self.hashApps.keys():
                (name, stringConfig) = string.split(config, ":", 1)
                self.hashApps[appName].AddConfig(name, stringConfig)

    #### Set the SAGE display information
    def setDisplayInfo(self, data):
        print("SageData2> setDisplayInfo", data)
        listTokens = string.split(data, '\n')

        for i in range(0, len(listTokens), 3):
            tileNumTokens = string.split(listTokens[i], ' ')
            desktopTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+1], ' ')
            tileConfTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+2], ' ')            
            # so that we can support the old sage as well
            displayId = 0
            if len(tileConfTokens) > 2:
                displayId = int(tileConfTokens[2])

            self.displayInfo.addDisplay(int(tileNumTokens[0]), int(tileNumTokens[1]), int(tileNumTokens[2]),
                                   int(desktopTokens[0]), int(desktopTokens[1]),
                                   int(tileConfTokens[0]), int(tileConfTokens[1]), displayId)

        # for one display and old SAGE there are no connection messages so just
        # pretend that one came in for drawing everything correctly
        if self.displayInfo.getNumDisplays() == 1:

    # returns the SageDisplayInfo object
    def getDisplayInfo(self, displayId=0):
        return self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId)


    def setDisplayConnections(self, data):
        print("SageData2> setDisplayConnections")
        if data:
            for connection in data.split('\n'):
                tokens = connection.split()
                displayId = int(tokens[2])
                self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId).placement = int(tokens[1])

        # evt = events.DisplayInfoEvent(self.displayInfo)
        # getEvtMgr().postEvent(evt)


    #### Get the new list of z values from SAGE
    #### and update local hashes, then call the function to update the UI visually
    def setSageZValue(self, message):
        print("SageData2> setSageZValue")
        writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_Z_CHANGE, message)
        tokens = string.split(message)
        numZChanges = int(tokens[0])  #the first item that comes in is the number of z changes
        zHash = {}   # key=windowId, value=new z value
        # loop through all the tokens and update the z values of the apps
        for i in range(numZChanges):
            self.setZvalue( int(tokens[i*2+1]), int(tokens[i*2+2]) )
            zHash[int(tokens[i*2+1])] = int(tokens[i*2+2])
        # evt = events.ZChangeEvent(zHash)
        # getEvtMgr().postEvent(evt)


    #### Set the SAGE app status
    #### prints Invalid app ID if does not exists
    def setSageAppInfo(self, data):
        print("SageData2> setSageAppInfo")
        listTokens = string.split(data)

        # to support old sage as well
        displayId = 0
        orientation = 0
        appId = 0
        launcherId = "none"
        resX = -1
        resY = -1
        myMsg = False

        appName = listTokens[0]
        windowId = int( listTokens[ 1 ] )
        left = int( listTokens[ 2 ] )
        right = int( listTokens[ 3 ] )
        bottom = int( listTokens[ 4 ] )
        top = int( listTokens[ 5 ] )
        sailId = int( listTokens[ 6 ] )
        zValue = int( listTokens[ 7 ] )

        if len(listTokens) > 8:
            orientation = int(listTokens[8])
            displayId = int(listTokens[9])
            if len(listTokens) > 11:
                appId = int(listTokens[10])
                launcherId = listTokens[11]
                if len(listTokens) > 13:
                    resX = int(listTokens[12])
                    resY = int(listTokens[13])
                    if len(listTokens) > 14:
                        myMsg = bool(int(listTokens[14]))

        newApp = None
            # ------  EXISTING APP  --------#
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_CHANGE, data)
            # update the app in the hash 
            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ].setAll( appName, windowId, left, 
                                                       right, bottom, top, sailId, 
                                                       zValue, orientation, displayId, 
                                                       appId, launcherId)
            # make the event
            evt = events.AppInfoEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId], myMsg)

            # ------ NEW APP -------#
            extra = ""
            if appName.lower().startswith("vnc"):
                if launcherId != "none":
                    appLauncher = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://" + launcherId)
                        res = appLauncher.getAppConfigInfo( appId )
                        if res != -1:
                            extra = "ARGS "+res[1]
                        extra = ""

            writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_NEW, data, extra)
            # when new app is started it is assigned a z=0 but since previous app on top had z=0,
            # we set this one even higher temporarily (z=-1) so that it gets drawn on top
            # the new z order message comes right after the app is started so this -1 is temporary

            for app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.itervalues():
                if app.getZvalue() == zValue:
                    zValue = -1
            newApp = SageApp( appName, windowId, left, right, bottom, top, sailId, 
                              zValue, orientation, displayId, appId, launcherId, resX, resY)

            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ] = newApp

            # make the event
            evt = events.NewRemoteAppEvent(newApp)
        # post the event about the state change

        if newApp:
            # set its minimized bounds... if available and applicable...
            p = newApp.getPos()
            s = newApp.getSize()
            appname = newApp.getName()
            minBoundsKey = appName+str(p+s)
            if minBoundsKey in self.__minBoundsByApp:
                del self.__minBoundsByApp[minBoundsKey]
            print("SageData2> New remote app")

    ##### ShutDown the sage application
    ##### prints invalid app ID if doesn't exist
    def sageAppShutDown(self, data):
        print("SageData2> sageAppShutDown")
        writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_REMOVE, data)
        listTokens = string.split(data)
        windowId = int(listTokens[0])

        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo :
            # do this first and then remove the app from the hash!!
            # make and post the event
            evt = events.AppKilledEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId])

            # delete the app
            del self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId]

    #   Get the z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstID App instance ID of the app
    #   @return Returns Z value if appID exists else returns -1
    def getZvalue(self, windowId):
        print("SageData2> getZvalue")
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId].getZvalue()
            print("getZvalue: Invalid app instance ID")


    #   Set the Z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstId App instance ID of the app
    #   @arg value New Z value to be set
    def setZvalue(self, windowId, value):
        print("SageData2> setZvalue")
        if (windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo):
            print ('setZvalue: Invalid app instance ID')


    # returns the SageApp associated with the given appInstId
    def getApp(self, appInstId):
        print("SageData2> getApp")
        if appInstId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[appInstId]
            return None


    ### (RJ 2005-01-15)
    ### Returns a list of all the available apps
    def getAvailableApps( self ):
        print("SageData2> getAvailableApps")
        return self.hashApps

    ### (AKS 2004-10-23)
    ### Get all app IDs
    ### currently running on sage
    ### @return list of app ids
    def getAllAppIDs(self) :
        print("SageData2> getAllAppIDs")
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo.keys()


    ### Returns a hash of all running apps
    def getRunningApps( self ):
        print("SageData2> getRunningApps")
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo


    # checks all the apps and reports whether any one of them was
    # hit with a click and which region was hit (corners or shape in general)
    # if more than one shape was hit it returns the one on the top
    def checkHits(self, x, y):
        zHash = {}  #key=z value, value=SageApp

            for windowId, sageApp in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                zHash[sageApp.getZvalue()] = sageApp

            zKeys = zHash.keys()

            for z in zKeys:
                hitResult = zHash[z].hitTest(x,y)
                if hitResult >= 0:
                    return (zHash[z], hitResult)
        return (None, -1)


    # returns (windowId, zValue) or (-1,sys.maxint) if no apps
    def getTopApp(self):
        minZ = (-1, sys.maxint)
            for windowId, app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                if app.getZvalue() < minZ[1]:
                    minZ = (windowId, app.getZvalue())
        return minZ
Ejemplo n.º 4
class SageData:

    #### constructor initializes member values       
    def __init__(self, autosave, sg) :
        self.hashApps = {}           # all the apps available for running
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}  # apps currently running
        self.displayInfo = SageDisplayInfo()

        # minimize bounds... loaded from a state and to be applied to the sageApp when created
        # key = appName+str(pos+size), value = minimizeBounds
        self.__minBoundsByApp = {}  
        self.__firstAutosave = True
        self.autosave = autosave
        self.sageGate = sg
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40000, self.setSageStatus)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40001, self.setSageAppInfo)
        #self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40002, self.setSagePerfInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40003, self.sageAppShutDown)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40004, self.setDisplayInfo)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40005, self.setSageZValue)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40006, self.setSageAppExecConfig)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40007, self.setDisplayConnections)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40018, self.addOverlay)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40019, self.removeOverlay)
        self.sageGate.registerCallbackFunction(40020, self.onChangedOverlay)

    ### clears the current state (to be done when reconnecting)
    def clear(self):
        self.hashApps = {}           # all the apps available for running??
        self.hashAppStatusInfo = {}
    #### Set the sage status
    def setSageStatus(self, appHash) :  
        for appName, configs in appHash.iteritems():
            self.hashApps[appName] = SageAppInitial(appName, configs)


    ### Set the possible execution configurations for each app
    def setSageAppExecConfig(self, data):
        tokens = string.split( data, '\n', 1 )
        appName = tokens[0]
        data = tokens[1] #the rest
        configList = string.split( data, "config ")

        del configList[0]  #remove the first item in the list

        for config in configList:
            if appName in self.hashApps.keys():
                (name, stringConfig) = string.split(config, ":", 1)
                self.hashApps[appName].AddConfig(name, stringConfig)

    #### Set the SAGE display information
    def setDisplayInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data, '\n')

        for i in range(0, len(listTokens), 3):
            tileNumTokens = string.split(listTokens[i], ' ')
            desktopTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+1], ' ')
            tileConfTokens = string.split(listTokens[i+2], ' ')            
            # so that we can support the old sage as well
            displayId = 0
            if len(tileConfTokens) > 2:
                displayId = int(tileConfTokens[2])

            self.displayInfo.addDisplay(int(tileNumTokens[0]), int(tileNumTokens[1]), int(tileNumTokens[2]),
                                   int(desktopTokens[0]), int(desktopTokens[1]),
                                   int(tileConfTokens[0]), int(tileConfTokens[1]), displayId)

        # for one display and old SAGE there are no connection messages so just
        # pretend that one came in for drawing everything correctly
        if self.displayInfo.getNumDisplays() == 1:

    # returns the SageDisplayInfo object
    def getDisplayInfo(self, displayId=0):
        return self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId)


    def setDisplayConnections(self, data):
        if data:
            for connection in data.split('\n'):
                tokens = connection.split()
                displayId = int(tokens[2])
                self.displayInfo.getDisplay(displayId).placement = int(tokens[1])

        evt = events.DisplayInfoEvent(self.displayInfo)


    #### Get the new list of z values from SAGE
    #### and update local hashes, then call the function to update the UI visually
    def setSageZValue(self, message):
        writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_Z_CHANGE, message)
        tokens = string.split(message)
        numZChanges = int(tokens[0])  #the first item that comes in is the number of z changes
        zHash = {}   # key=windowId, value=new z value
        # loop through all the tokens and update the z values of the apps
        for i in range(numZChanges):
            self.setZvalue( int(tokens[i*2+1]), int(tokens[i*2+2]) )
            zHash[int(tokens[i*2+1])] = int(tokens[i*2+2])
        evt = events.ZChangeEvent(zHash)


    #### Set the SAGE app status
    #### prints Invalid app ID if does not exists
    def setSageAppInfo(self, data):
        listTokens = string.split(data)

        # to support old sage as well
        displayId = 0
        orientation = 0
        appId = 0
        launcherId = "none"
        resX = -1
        resY = -1
        myMsg = False

        appName = listTokens[0]
        windowId = int( listTokens[ 1 ] )
        left = int( listTokens[ 2 ] )
        right = int( listTokens[ 3 ] )
        bottom = int( listTokens[ 4 ] )
        top = int( listTokens[ 5 ] )
        sailId = int( listTokens[ 6 ] )
        zValue = int( listTokens[ 7 ] )

        if len(listTokens) > 8:
            orientation = int(listTokens[8])
            displayId = int(listTokens[9])
            if len(listTokens) > 11:
                appId = int(listTokens[10])
                launcherId = listTokens[11]
                if len(listTokens) > 13:
                    resX = int(listTokens[12])
                    resY = int(listTokens[13])
                    if len(listTokens) > 14:
                        myMsg = bool(int(listTokens[14]))

        newApp = None
            # ------  EXISTING APP  --------#
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_CHANGE, data)
            # update the app in the hash 
            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ].setAll( appName, windowId, left, 
                                                       right, bottom, top, sailId, 
                                                       zValue, orientation, displayId, 
                                                       appId, launcherId)
            # make the event
            evt = events.AppInfoEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId], myMsg)

            # ------ NEW APP -------#
            extra = ""
            if appName.lower().startswith("vnc"):
                if launcherId != "none":
                    appLauncher = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://" + launcherId)
                        res = appLauncher.getAppConfigInfo( appId )
                        if res != -1:
                            extra = "ARGS "+res[1]
                        extra = ""

            writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_NEW, data, extra)
            # when new app is started it is assigned a z=0 but since previous app on top had z=0,
            # we set this one even higher temporarily (z=-1) so that it gets drawn on top
            # the new z order message comes right after the app is started so this -1 is temporary

            for app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.itervalues():
                if app.getZvalue() == zValue:
                    zValue = -1
            newApp = SageApp( appName, windowId, left, right, bottom, top, sailId, 
                              zValue, orientation, displayId, appId, launcherId, resX, resY)

            self.hashAppStatusInfo[ windowId ] = newApp

            # make the event
            evt = events.NewAppEvent(newApp)

        # post the event about the state change

        if newApp:
            # set its minimized bounds... if available and applicable...
            p = newApp.getPos()
            s = newApp.getSize()
            appname = newApp.getName()
            minBoundsKey = appName+str(p+s)
            if minBoundsKey in self.__minBoundsByApp:
                del self.__minBoundsByApp[minBoundsKey]

        if self.autosave:
            if self.__firstAutosave:
                self.__firstAutosave = False
            self.saveState("_autosave_LATEST", "")

    ##### ShutDown the sage application
    ##### prints invalid app ID if doesn't exist
    def sageAppShutDown(self, data):
        writeLog(LOG_WINDOW_REMOVE, data)
        listTokens = string.split(data)
        windowId = int(listTokens[0])

        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo :
            # do this first and then remove the app from the hash!!
            # make and post the event
            evt = events.AppKilledEvent(self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId])

            # delete the app
            del self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId]

        if self.autosave:
            if self.__firstAutosave:
                self.__firstAutosave = False
            self.saveState("_autosave_LATEST", "")


    def addOverlay(self, data):
        evt = events.ObjectInfoEvent(data)


    def removeOverlay(self, data):
        evt = events.ObjectRemovedEvent(data)


    def onChangedOverlay(self, data):
        evt = events.ObjectChangedEvent(data)

    #   Get the z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstID App instance ID of the app
    #   @return Returns Z value if appID exists else returns -1
    def getZvalue(self, windowId):
        if windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[windowId].getZvalue()
            print("getZvalue: Invalid app instance ID")


    #   Set the Z value of the app
    #   @arg appInstId App instance ID of the app
    #   @arg value New Z value to be set
    def setZvalue(self, windowId, value):
        if (windowId in self.hashAppStatusInfo):
            print ('setZvalue: Invalid app instance ID')


    # returns the SageApp associated with the given appInstId
    def getApp(self, appInstId):
        if appInstId in self.hashAppStatusInfo:
            return self.hashAppStatusInfo[appInstId]
            return None


    ### (RJ 2005-01-15)
    ### Returns a list of all the available apps
    def getAvailableApps( self ):
        return self.hashApps

    ### (AKS 2004-10-23)
    ### Get all app IDs
    ### currently running on sage
    ### @return list of app ids
    def getAllAppIDs(self) :
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo.keys()


    ### Returns a hash of all running apps
    def getRunningApps( self ):
        return self.hashAppStatusInfo


    # checks all the apps and reports whether any one of them was
    # hit with a click and which region was hit (corners or shape in general)
    # if more than one shape was hit it returns the one on the top
    def checkHits(self, x, y):
        zHash = {}  #key=z value, value=SageApp

            for windowId, sageApp in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                zHash[sageApp.getZvalue()] = sageApp

            zKeys = zHash.keys()

            for z in zKeys:
                hitResult = zHash[z].hitTest(x,y)
                if hitResult >= 0:
                    return (zHash[z], hitResult)
        return (None, -1)


    # returns (windowId, zValue) or (-1,sys.maxint) if no apps
    def getTopApp(self):
        minZ = (-1, sys.maxint)
            for windowId, app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.items():
                if app.getZvalue() < minZ[1]:
                    minZ = (windowId, app.getZvalue())
        return minZ


    def saveState(self, stateName, description=""):
        #appLaunchers = self.sageGate.getLaunchers()
        appList = []

        # sort the apps by z first...
        appsByZ = {}  # key=z, value=SageApp obj
        for app in self.hashAppStatusInfo.values():
            appsByZ[app.getZvalue()] = app
        keys = appsByZ.keys()

        # gather all the data that needs to be saved for each app
        for zValue in keys: 
            app = appsByZ[zValue]

            # get the config info from the right appLauncher
            if app.getLauncherId() != "none":
                appLauncher = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://" + app.getLauncherId())
                    res = appLauncher.getAppConfigInfo( app.getAppId() )
                    print "\nUnable to connect to appLauncher on", app.getLauncherId(), \
                          "so not saving this app: ", app.getName() 
                if res == -1:
                    print "	failed to save", app.getLauncherId()
                    continue   # skip this app... something went wrong
                configName, optionalArgs = res
                # get the other app parameters from sageApp object
                pos = app.getPos()
                size = app.getSize()
                minBounds = app._getMinimizedBounds()

                # append the tuple of app's data to the list that will be saved
                appList.append( (app.getLauncherId(), app.getName(), configName,
                                 pos, size, optionalArgs, minBounds) )

        # now save the sections too
        sectionState = getLayoutSections().getState()
        # open the file and write to it
        try:   #in case the file and directory permissions are not right
            f = open(opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, stateName+".state"), "w")
            pickle.Pickler(f, 0).dump( (description, appList, sectionState) )
        except IOError:
            print "".join(tb.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))
            return False

        return True

    def __deleteOldAutosaves(self):
        # remove old autosave files...
            saves = os.listdir(SAVED_STATES_DIR)
            if "_autosave_PREV.state" in saves:
                os.remove(opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, "_autosave_PREV.state"))
            if "_autosave_LATEST.state" in saves:
                shutil.move(opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, "_autosave_LATEST.state"), opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, "_autosave_PREV.state"))
            print "ERROR while deleting old states:"
            print "".join(tb.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))

    def loadState(self, stateName):
        """ tries to reload the apps from the saved state """
        appList = []
        description = ""

        # load the state from a file
            f = open(opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, stateName+".state"), "r")
            savedStuff = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()
            if len(savedStuff) == 2:
                (description, appList) = savedStuff
                sectionState = None
                (description, appList, sectionState) = savedStuff
                print "Loading state: description ", description
                print "Loading state: appList ", appList
                print "Loading state: sectionState ", sectionState
            print "".join(tb.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))
            print "\nUnable to read saved state file: "+stateName+".state"
            return False

        # first, load all the sections

        # try re-running all the apps
        count = 0
        for appInfo in appList: 
            if len(appInfo) == 6:
                launcherId, appName, configName, pos, size, optionalArgs = appInfo
            elif len(appInfo) == 7:
                launcherId, appName, configName, pos, size, optionalArgs, minBounds = appInfo
                self.__minBoundsByApp[appName+str(pos+size)] = minBounds  # a hack to save the mininmize bounds and apply them to the appInfo when it comes back from sage

            self.sageGate.executeRemoteApp(launcherId, appName, configName, pos, size, optionalArgs)
        return True

    def deleteState(self, stateName):
        """ tries to delete an existing state """
            filePath = opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, stateName+".state")
            print "".join(tb.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))
            print "\nUnable to delete the saved state: ", filePath
            return False

        return True


    def getStateList(self):
        """ returns a hash of key=stateName, value=description """
        stateHash = {}
        appList = []
        description = ""
        # load all the states and read descriptions from them
        for fileName in os.listdir(SAVED_STATES_DIR):
            filePath = opj(SAVED_STATES_DIR, fileName)
            if os.path.isfile(filePath) and os.path.splitext(filePath)[1] == ".state":
                    stateName = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(filePath)[1] )[0]
                    f = open(filePath, "rb")

                    # allow loading of older style files that didn't have sections
                    savedStuff = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()
                    if len(savedStuff) == 2:
                        (description, appList) = savedStuff
                        sectionState = None
                        (description, appList, sectionState) = savedStuff

                    stateHash[stateName] = description
                    print "\nUnable to read saved state file: "+filePath

        return stateHash