Ejemplo n.º 1
def poly_constrained_dual(f, gts, eqs, p=0, q=1, ell=0, X=None, slacks=False):
    Construct the dual SAGE-(p, q, ell) relaxation for the polynomial optimization problem

        inf{ f(x) : g(x) >= 0 for g in gts,
                    g(x) == 0 for g in eqs,
                    and x in X }

    where :math:`X = R^{\\texttt{f.n}}` by default.
    lagrangian, ineq_lag_mults, eq_lag_mults, _ = make_poly_lagrangian(f, gts, eqs, p=p, q=q)
    metadata = {'lagrangian': lagrangian, 'f': f, 'gts': gts, 'eqs': eqs, 'X': X}
    if ell > 0:
        alpha_E_1 = hierarchy_e_k([f, f.upcast_to_polynomial(1)] + gts + eqs, k=1)
        modulator = Polynomial(2 * alpha_E_1, np.ones(alpha_E_1.shape[0])) ** ell
        lagrangian = lagrangian * modulator
        f = f * modulator
        modulator = f.upcast_to_polynomial(1)
    metadata['modulator'] = modulator
    # In primal form, the Lagrangian is constrained to be a SAGE polynomial.
    # Introduce a dual variable "v" for this constraint.
    v = cl.Variable(shape=(lagrangian.m, 1), name='v')
    metadata['v_poly'] = v
    constraints = relative_dual_sage_poly_cone(lagrangian, v, 'Lagrangian', log_AbK=X)
    for s_g, g in ineq_lag_mults:
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "s_g" are SAGE polynomials.
        # For each such multiplier, introduce an appropriate dual variable "v_g", along
        # with constraints over that dual variable.
        g_m = g * modulator
        c_g = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(s_g, g_m, lagrangian)
        name_base = 'v_' + str(g)
        if slacks:
            v_g = cl.Variable(name=name_base, shape=(s_g.m, 1))
            con = c_g @ v == v_g
            con.name += str(g) + ' >= 0'
            v_g = c_g @ v
        constraints += relative_dual_sage_poly_cone(s_g, v_g,
                                                    name_base=(name_base + ' domain'), log_AbK=X)
    for z_g, g in eq_lag_mults:
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "z_g" are arbitrary polynomials.
        # They dualize to homogeneous equality constraints.
        g_m = g * modulator
        c_g = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(z_g, g_m, lagrangian)
        con = c_g @ v == 0
        con.name += str(g) + ' == 0'
    # Equality constraint (for the Lagrangian to be bounded).
    a = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(modulator, lagrangian.alpha)
    constraints.append(a.T @ v == 1)
    # Define the dual objective function.
    obj_vec = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(f, lagrangian.alpha)
    obj = obj_vec.T @ v
    # Return the coniclifts Problem.
    prob = cl.Problem(cl.MIN, obj, constraints)
    prob.metadata = metadata
    return prob
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sig_constrained_dual(f, gts, eqs, p=0, q=1, ell=0, X=None, slacks=False):
    Construct the SAGE-(p, q, ell) dual problem for the signomial program

        min{ f(x) : g(x) >= 0 for g in gts,
                    g(x) == 0 for g in eqs,
                    and x in X }

    where X = :math:`R^{\\texttt{f.n}}` by default.
    lagrangian, ineq_lag_mults, eq_lag_mults, _ = make_sig_lagrangian(f, gts, eqs, p=p, q=q)
    metadata = {'lagrangian': lagrangian, 'f': f, 'gts': gts, 'eqs': eqs, 'level': (p, q, ell), 'X': X}
    if ell > 0:
        alpha_E_1 = hierarchy_e_k([f, f.upcast_to_signomial(1)] + list(gts) + list(eqs), k=1)
        modulator = Signomial(alpha_E_1, np.ones(alpha_E_1.shape[0])) ** ell
        lagrangian = lagrangian * modulator
        f = f * modulator
        modulator = f.upcast_to_signomial(1)
    metadata['modulator'] = modulator
    # In primal form, the Lagrangian is constrained to be a SAGE signomial.
    # Introduce a dual variable "v" for this constraint.
    v = cl.Variable(shape=(lagrangian.m, 1), name='v')
    con = relative_dual_sage_cone(lagrangian, v, name='Lagrangian SAGE dual constraint', X=X)
    constraints = [con]
    expcovers = None
    for i, (s_h, h) in enumerate(ineq_lag_mults):
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "s_h" are SAGE signomials.
        # For each such multiplier, introduce an appropriate dual variable "v_h", along
        # with constraints over that dual variable.
        h_m = h * modulator
        c_h = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(s_h, h_m, lagrangian)
        if slacks:
            v_h = cl.Variable(name='v_' + str(h), shape=(s_h.m, 1))
            constraints.append(c_h @ v == v_h)
            v_h = c_h @ v
        con_name = 'SAGE dual for signomial inequality # ' + str(i)
        con = relative_dual_sage_cone(s_h, v_h, name=con_name, X=X, expcovers=expcovers)
        expcovers = con.ech.expcovers  # only * really * needed in first iteration, but keeps code flat.
    for s_h, h in eq_lag_mults:
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "s_h" are arbitrary signomials.
        # They dualize to homogeneous equality constraints.
        h = h * modulator
        c_h = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(s_h, h, lagrangian)
        constraints.append(c_h @ v == 0)
    # Equality constraint (for the Lagrangian to be bounded).
    a = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(modulator, lagrangian.alpha)
    constraints.append(a.T @ v == 1)
    # Define the dual objective function.
    obj_vec = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(f, lagrangian.alpha)
    obj = obj_vec.T @ v
    # Return the coniclifts Problem.
    prob = cl.Problem(cl.MIN, obj, constraints)
    prob.metadata = metadata
    return prob
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sig_solrec(prob, ineq_tol=1e-8, eq_tol=1e-6, skip_ls=False):
    Recover a list of candidate solutions from a dual SAGE relaxation. Solutions are
    guaranteed to be feasible up to specified tolerances, but not necessarily optimal.

    prob : coniclifts.Problem
        A dual-form SAGE relaxation.
    ineq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate inequality constraints.
    eq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate equality constraints.
    skip_ls : bool
        Whether or not to skip constrained least-squares solution recovery.

    sols : list of ndarrays
        A list of feasible solutions, sorted in increasing order of objective function value.
        It is possible that this list is empty, in which case no feasible solutions were recovered.

    con = prob.constraints[0]
    if not con.name == 'Lagrangian SAGE dual constraint':  # pragma: no cover
        raise RuntimeError('Unexpected first constraint in dual SAGE relaxation.')
    metadata = prob.metadata
    f = metadata['f']
    # Recover any constraints present in "prob"
    lag_gts, lag_eqs = [], []
    if 'gts' in metadata:
        # only happens in "constrained_sage_dual".
        lag_gts = metadata['gts']
        lag_eqs = metadata['eqs']
    lagrangian = _make_dummy_lagrangian(f, lag_gts, lag_eqs)
    if con.X is None:
        X_gts, X_eqs = [], []
        X_gts, X_eqs = con.X.gts, con.X.eqs
    gts = lag_gts + X_gts
    eqs = lag_eqs + X_eqs
    # Search for solutions which meet the feasibility criteria
    v = con.v.value
    v[v < 0] = 0
    if np.any(np.isnan(v)):
        return None
    alpha = con.alpha
    dummy_modulated_lagrangian = Signomial(alpha, np.ones(shape=(alpha.shape[0],)))
    alpha_reduced = lagrangian.alpha
    modulator = metadata['modulator']
    M = moment_reduction_array(lagrangian, modulator, dummy_modulated_lagrangian)
    if skip_ls:
        sols0 = []
        sols0 = _least_squares_solution_recovery(alpha_reduced, con, v, M, gts, eqs, ineq_tol, eq_tol)
    sols1 = _dual_age_cone_solution_recovery(con, v, M, gts, eqs, ineq_tol, eq_tol)
    sols = sols0 + sols1
    sols.sort(key=lambda mu: f(mu))
    return sols
Ejemplo n.º 4
def poly_solrec(prob, ineq_tol=1e-8, eq_tol=1e-6, skip_ls=False, **kwargs):
    Recover a list of candidate solutions from a dual SAGE relaxation. Solutions are
    guaranteed to be feasible up to specified tolerances, but not necessarily optimal.

    prob : coniclifts.Problem
        A dual-form SAGE relaxation, from ``poly_constrained_relaxation``.

    ineq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate inequality constraints.

    eq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate equality constraints.

    skip_ls : bool
        Whether or not to skip least-squares solution recovery.

    sols : list of ndarrays
        A list of feasible solutions, sorted in increasing order of objective function value.
        It is possible that this list is empty, in which case no feasible solutions were recovered.

    This function accepts the following keyword arguments:

    zero_tol : float
        Used in magnitude recovery. If a component of the Lagrangian's moment vector is smaller
        than this (in absolute value), pretend it's zero in the least-squares step. Defaults to 1e-20.

    heuristic_signs : bool
        Used in sign recovery. If True, then attempts to infer variable signs from the Lagrangian's
        moment vector even when a completely consistent set of signs does not exist. Defaults to True.

    all_signs : bool
        Used in sign recovery. If True, then consider returning solutions which differ only by sign.
        Defaults to True.

    This function is implemented only for poly_constrained_relaxation (not poly_relaxation).
    zero_tol = kwargs['zero_tol'] if 'zero_tol' in kwargs else 1e-20
    heuristic = kwargs[
        'heuristic_signs'] if 'heuristic_signs' in kwargs else True
    all_signs = kwargs['all_signs'] if 'all_signs' in kwargs else True
    metadata = prob.metadata
    f = metadata['f']
    lag_gts = metadata['gts']
    lag_eqs = metadata['eqs']
    lagrangian = _make_dummy_lagrangian(f, lag_gts, lag_eqs)
    con = prob.constraints[0]
    alpha = con.alpha
    dummy_modulated_lagrangian = Polynomial(
        alpha, np.ones(shape=(alpha.shape[0], )))  # coefficients dont matter
    modulator = metadata['modulator']
    v = metadata['v_poly'].value  # possible that v_sig and v are the same
    if np.any(np.isnan(v)):
        return []
    M = moment_reduction_array(lagrangian, modulator,
    v_reduced = M @ v
    alpha_reduced = lagrangian.alpha
    mags = variable_magnitudes(con, alpha_reduced, v_reduced, zero_tol,
    signs = variable_sign_patterns(alpha_reduced, v_reduced, heuristic,
    # Now we need to build the candidate solutions, and check them for feasibility.
    if con.X is not None:
        gts = lag_gts + [g for g in con.X.gts]
        eqs = lag_eqs + [g for g in con.X.eqs]
        gts = lag_gts
        eqs = lag_eqs
    solutions = []
    for mag in mags:
        for sign in signs:
            x = mag * sign  # elementwise
            if is_feasible(x, gts, eqs, ineq_tol, eq_tol):
    solutions.sort(key=lambda xi: f(xi))
    return solutions