Ejemplo n.º 1
        def _read_metadata(repo, repo_info):
            if cache.updated(".", repo) is None:
                log.warning("Updating repo metadata")

            metadata[repo] = {
                "info": repo_info,
                "packages": cache.fetch(".", repo),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def _read_metadata(repo, repo_info):
            if cache.updated('.', repo) is None:
                log.warn('Updating repo metadata')

            metadata[repo] = {
                'info': repo_info,
                'packages': cache.fetch('.', repo),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_common_cache_tests(subtests, cache):
    bank = "fnord/kevin/stuart"
    # ^^^^ This bank can be just fnord, or fnord/foo, or any mildly reasonable
    # or possibly unreasonably nested names.
    # No. Seriously. Try import string; bank = '/'.join(string.ascii_letters)
    # - it works!
    # import string; bank = "/".join(string.ascii_letters)
    good_key = "roscivs"
    bad_key = "monkey"

    with subtests.test("non-existent bank should be empty on cache start"):
        assert not cache.contains(bank=bank)
        assert cache.list(bank=bank) == []

    with subtests.test("after storing key in bank it should be in cache list"):
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data=b"\x01\x04\x05fnordy data")
        assert cache.list(bank) == [good_key]

    with subtests.test("after storing value, it should be fetchable"):
        expected_data = "trombone pleasantry"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data=expected_data)
        assert cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key) == expected_data

    with subtests.test("bad key should still be absent from cache"):
        assert cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=bad_key) == {}

    with subtests.test("storing new value should update it"):
        # Double check that the data was still the old stuff
        old_data = expected_data
        assert cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key) == old_data
        new_data = "stromboli"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data=new_data)
        assert cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key) == new_data

    with subtests.test("storing complex object works"):
        new_thing = {
            "some": "data",
            42: "wheee",
            "some other": {"sub": {"objects": "here"}},

        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data=new_thing)
        actual_thing = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)
        if isinstance(cache, salt.cache.MemCache):
            # MemCache should actually store the object - everything else
            # should create a copy of it.
            assert actual_thing is new_thing
            assert actual_thing is not new_thing
        assert actual_thing == new_thing

    with subtests.test("contains returns true if key in bank"):
        assert cache.contains(bank=bank, key=good_key)

    with subtests.test("contains returns true if bank exists and key is None"):
        assert cache.contains(bank=bank, key=None)

    with subtests.test(
        "contains returns False when bank not in cache and/or key not in bank"
        assert not cache.contains(bank=bank, key=bad_key)
        assert not cache.contains(bank="nonexistent", key=good_key)
        assert not cache.contains(bank="nonexistent", key=bad_key)
        assert not cache.contains(bank="nonexistent", key=None)

    with subtests.test("flushing nonexistent key should not remove other keys"):
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=bad_key)
        assert cache.contains(bank=bank, key=good_key)

    with subtests.test(
        "flushing existing key should not remove bank if no more keys exist"
            "This is impossible with redis. Should we make localfs behave the same way?"
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=good_key)
        assert cache.contains(bank=bank)
        assert cache.list(bank=bank) == []

    with subtests.test(
        "after existing key is flushed updated should not return a timestamp for that key"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data="fnord")
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=good_key)
        timestamp = cache.updated(bank=bank, key=good_key)
        assert timestamp is None

    with subtests.test(
        "after flushing bank containing a good key, updated should not return a timestamp for that key"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data="fnord")
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=None)
        timestamp = cache.updated(bank=bank, key=good_key)
        assert timestamp is None

    with subtests.test("flushing bank with None as key should remove bank"):
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=None)
        assert not cache.contains(bank=bank)

    with subtests.test("Exception should happen when flushing None bank"):
        # This bit is maybe an accidental API, but currently there is no
        # protection at least with the localfs cache when bank is None. If
        # bank is None we try to `os.path.normpath` the bank, which explodes
        # and is at least the current behavior. If we want to change that
        # this test should change. Or be removed altogether.
        # TODO: this should actually not raise. Not sure if there's a test that we can do here... or just call the code which will fail if there's actually an exception. -W. Werner, 2021-09-28
            "Skipping for now - etcd, redis, and mysql do not raise. Should ensure all backends behave consistently"
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            cache.flush(bank=None, key=None)

    with subtests.test("Updated for non-existent key should return None"):
        timestamp = cache.updated(bank="nonexistent", key="whatever")
        assert timestamp is None

    with subtests.test("Updated for key should return a reasonable time"):
        before_storage = int(time.time())
        cache.store(bank="fnord", key="updated test part 2", data="fnord")
        after_storage = int(time.time())

        timestamp = cache.updated(bank="fnord", key="updated test part 2")

        assert before_storage <= timestamp <= after_storage

    with subtests.test(
        "If the module raises SaltCacheError then it should make it out of updated"
        with patch.dict(
            {"{}.updated".format(cache.driver): MagicMock(side_effect=SaltCacheError)},
        ), pytest.raises(SaltCacheError):
            cache.updated(bank="kaboom", key="oops")

    with subtests.test(
        "cache.cache right after a value is cached should not update the cache"
        expected_value = "some cool value yo"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data=expected_value)
        result = cache.cache(
            fun=lambda **kwargs: "bad bad value no good",
            value="some other value?",
            loop_fun=lambda x: "super very no good bad",
        fetch_result = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)

        assert result == fetch_result == expected_value

    with subtests.test(
        "cache.cache should update the value with the result of fun when value was updated longer than expiration",
    ), patch(
        return_value=42,  # Dec 31, 1969... time to update the cache!
        expected_value = "this is the return value woo woo woo"
        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data="not this value")
        cache_result = cache.cache(
            bank=bank, key=good_key, fun=lambda *args, **kwargs: expected_value
        fetch_result = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)

        assert cache_result == fetch_result == expected_value

    with subtests.test(
        "cache.cache should update the value with all of the outputs from loop_fun if loop_fun was provided",
    ), patch(
        expected_value = "SOME HUGE STRING OKAY?"

        cache.store(bank=bank, key=good_key, data="nope, not me")
        cache_result = cache.cache(
            fun=lambda **kwargs: "some huge string okay?",
        fetch_result = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)

        assert cache_result == fetch_result
        assert "".join(fetch_result) == expected_value

    with subtests.test(
        "cache.cache should update the value if the stored value is empty but present and expiry is way in the future"
    ), patch(
        return_value=time.time() * 2,
        # Unclear if this was intended behavior: currently any falsey data will
        # be updated by cache.cache. If this is incorrect, this test should
        # be updated or removed.
        expected_data = "some random string whatever"
        for empty in ("", (), [], {}, 0, 0.0, False, None):
            with subtests.test(empty=empty):
                    bank=bank, key=good_key, data=empty
                )  # empty chairs and empty data
                cache_result = cache.cache(
                    bank=bank, key=good_key, fun=lambda **kwargs: expected_data
                fetch_result = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)

                assert cache_result == fetch_result == expected_data

    with subtests.test("cache.cache should store a value if it does not exist"):
        expected_result = "some result plz"
        cache.flush(bank=bank, key=None)
        assert cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key) == {}
        cache_result = cache.cache(
            bank=bank, key=good_key, fun=lambda **kwargs: expected_result
        fetch_result = cache.fetch(bank=bank, key=good_key)

        assert cache_result == fetch_result
        assert fetch_result == expected_result
        assert cache_result == fetch_result == expected_result