Ejemplo n.º 1
def _auth_future_to_callback(callback, future):
        result = future.result()
    except AuthError as e:
        result = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def log_stack(self, signal, frame):
        """Signal handler to log the stack trace of the current thread.

        For use with `set_blocking_signal_threshold`.
        gen_log.warning('IOLoop blocked for %f seconds in\n%s',
Ejemplo n.º 3
def start(io_loop=None, check_time=500):
    """Begins watching source files for changes.

    .. versionchanged:: 4.1
       The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated.
    io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.current()
    if io_loop in _io_loops:
    _io_loops[io_loop] = True
    if len(_io_loops) > 1:
        gen_log.warning("tornado.autoreload started more than once in the same process")
    modify_times = {}
    callback = functools.partial(_reload_on_update, modify_times)
    scheduler = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(callback, check_time, io_loop=io_loop)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_body_arguments(content_type, body, arguments, files, headers=None):
    """Parses a form request body.

    Supports ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` and
    ``multipart/form-data``.  The ``content_type`` parameter should be
    a string and ``body`` should be a byte string.  The ``arguments``
    and ``files`` parameters are dictionaries that will be updated
    with the parsed contents.
    if headers and "Content-Encoding" in headers:
        gen_log.warning("Unsupported Content-Encoding: %s", headers["Content-Encoding"])
    if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
            uri_arguments = parse_qs_bytes(native_str(body), keep_blank_values=True)
        except Exception as e:
            gen_log.warning("Invalid x-www-form-urlencoded body: %s", e)
            uri_arguments = {}
        for name, values in uri_arguments.items():
            if values:
                arguments.setdefault(name, []).extend(values)
    elif content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
            fields = content_type.split(";")
            for field in fields:
                k, sep, v = field.strip().partition("=")
                if k == "boundary" and v:
                    parse_multipart_form_data(utf8(v), body, arguments, files)
                raise ValueError("multipart boundary not found")
        except Exception as e:
            gen_log.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data: %s", e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_unicode_newlines(self):
     # Ensure that only \r\n is recognized as a header separator, and not
     # the other newline-like unicode characters.
     # Characters that are likely to be problematic can be found in
     # http://unicode.org/standard/reports/tr13/tr13-5.html
     # and cpython's unicodeobject.c (which defines the implementation
     # of unicode_type.splitlines(), and uses a different list than TR13).
     newlines = [
         u'\u001b',  # VERTICAL TAB
         u'\u001c',  # FILE SEPARATOR
         u'\u001d',  # GROUP SEPARATOR
         u'\u001e',  # RECORD SEPARATOR
         u'\u0085',  # NEXT LINE
         u'\u2028',  # LINE SEPARATOR
         u'\u2029',  # PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
     for newline in newlines:
         # Try the utf8 and latin1 representations of each newline
         for encoding in ['utf8', 'latin1']:
                     encoded = newline.encode(encoding)
                 except UnicodeEncodeError:
                     # Some chars cannot be represented in latin1
                 data = b'Cookie: foo=' + encoded + b'bar'
                 # parse() wants a native_str, so decode through latin1
                 # in the same way the real parser does.
                 headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(
                 expected = [
                      'foo=' + native_str(encoded.decode('latin1')) + 'bar')
                 self.assertEqual(expected, list(headers.get_all()))
             except Exception:
                 gen_log.warning("failed while trying %r in %s", newline,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parse_multipart_form_data(boundary, data, arguments, files):
    """Parses a ``multipart/form-data`` body.

    The ``boundary`` and ``data`` parameters are both byte strings.
    The dictionaries given in the arguments and files parameters
    will be updated with the contents of the body.
    # The standard allows for the boundary to be quoted in the header,
    # although it's rare (it happens at least for google app engine
    # xmpp).  I think we're also supposed to handle backslash-escapes
    # here but I'll save that until we see a client that uses them
    # in the wild.
    if boundary.startswith(b'"') and boundary.endswith(b'"'):
        boundary = boundary[1:-1]
    final_boundary_index = data.rfind(b"--" + boundary + b"--")
    if final_boundary_index == -1:
        gen_log.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data: no final boundary")
    parts = data[:final_boundary_index].split(b"--" + boundary + b"\r\n")
    for part in parts:
        if not part:
        eoh = part.find(b"\r\n\r\n")
        if eoh == -1:
            gen_log.warning("multipart/form-data missing headers")
        headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(part[:eoh].decode("utf-8"))
        disp_header = headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
        disposition, disp_params = _parse_header(disp_header)
        if disposition != "form-data" or not part.endswith(b"\r\n"):
            gen_log.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
        value = part[eoh + 4 : -2]
        if not disp_params.get("name"):
            gen_log.warning("multipart/form-data value missing name")
        name = disp_params["name"]
        if disp_params.get("filename"):
            ctype = headers.get("Content-Type", "application/unknown")
            files.setdefault(name, []).append(
                HTTPFile(  # type: ignore
                    filename=disp_params["filename"], body=value, content_type=ctype
            arguments.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fork_processes(num_processes, max_restarts=100):
    """Starts multiple worker processes.

    If ``num_processes`` is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores
    available on this machine and fork that number of child
    processes. If ``num_processes`` is given and > 0, we fork that
    specific number of sub-processes.

    Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory
    between any server code.

    Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload
    module (or the ``autoreload=True`` option to `tornado.web.Application`
    which defaults to True when ``debug=True``).
    When using multiple processes, no IOLoops can be created or
    referenced until after the call to ``fork_processes``.

    In each child process, ``fork_processes`` returns its *task id*, a
    number between 0 and ``num_processes``.  Processes that exit
    abnormally (due to a signal or non-zero exit status) are restarted
    with the same id (up to ``max_restarts`` times).  In the parent
    process, ``fork_processes`` returns None if all child processes
    have exited normally, but will otherwise only exit by throwing an
    global _task_id
    assert _task_id is None
    if num_processes is None or num_processes <= 0:
        num_processes = cpu_count()
    if ioloop.IOLoop.initialized():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Cannot run in multiple processes: IOLoop instance "
            "has already been initialized. You cannot call "
            "IOLoop.instance() before calling start_processes()")
    gen_log.info("Starting %d processes", num_processes)
    children = {}

    def start_child(i):
        pid = os.fork()
        if pid == 0:
            # child process
            global _task_id
            _task_id = i
            return i
            children[pid] = i
            return None

    for i in range(num_processes):
        id = start_child(i)
        if id is not None:
            return id
    num_restarts = 0
    while children:
            pid, status = os.wait()
        except OSError as e:
            if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR:
        if pid not in children:
        id = children.pop(pid)
        if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
                "child %d (pid %d) killed by signal %d, restarting", id, pid,
        elif os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
                "child %d (pid %d) exited with status %d, restarting", id, pid,
            gen_log.info("child %d (pid %d) exited normally", id, pid)
        num_restarts += 1
        if num_restarts > max_restarts:
            raise RuntimeError("Too many child restarts, giving up")
        new_id = start_child(id)
        if new_id is not None:
            return new_id
    # All child processes exited cleanly, so exit the master process
    # instead of just returning to right after the call to
    # fork_processes (which will probably just start up another IOLoop
    # unless the caller checks the return value).
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def pgettext(self, context, message, plural_message=None, count=None):
     if self.translations:
         gen_log.warning('pgettext is not supported by CSVLocale')
     return self.translate(message, plural_message, count)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    """Command-line wrapper to re-run a script whenever its source changes.

    Scripts may be specified by filename or module name::

        python -m tornado.autoreload -m tornado.test.runtests
        python -m tornado.autoreload tornado/test/runtests.py

    Running a script with this wrapper is similar to calling
    `tornado.autoreload.wait` at the end of the script, but this wrapper
    can catch import-time problems like syntax errors that would otherwise
    prevent the script from reaching its call to `wait`.
    original_argv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:]
    if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == "-m":
        mode = "module"
        module = sys.argv[2]
        del sys.argv[1:3]
    elif len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        mode = "script"
        script = sys.argv[1]
        sys.argv = sys.argv[1:]
        print(_USAGE, file=sys.stderr)

        if mode == "module":
            import runpy
            runpy.run_module(module, run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True)
        elif mode == "script":
            with open(script) as f:
                # Execute the script in our namespace instead of creating
                # a new one so that something that tries to import __main__
                # (e.g. the unittest module) will see names defined in the
                # script instead of just those defined in this module.
                global __file__
                __file__ = script
                # If __package__ is defined, imports may be incorrectly
                # interpreted as relative to this module.
                global __package__
                del __package__
                exec_in(f.read(), globals(), globals())
    except SystemExit as e:
        gen_log.info("Script exited with status %s", e.code)
    except Exception as e:
        gen_log.warning("Script exited with uncaught exception", exc_info=True)
        # If an exception occurred at import time, the file with the error
        # never made it into sys.modules and so we won't know to watch it.
        # Just to make sure we've covered everything, walk the stack trace
        # from the exception and watch every file.
        for (filename, lineno, name, line) in traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
        if isinstance(e, SyntaxError):
            # SyntaxErrors are special:  their innermost stack frame is fake
            # so extract_tb won't see it and we have to get the filename
            # from the exception object.
        gen_log.info("Script exited normally")
    # restore sys.argv so subsequent executions will include autoreload
    sys.argv = original_argv

    if mode == 'module':
        # runpy did a fake import of the module as __main__, but now it's
        # no longer in sys.modules.  Figure out where it is and watch it.
        loader = pkgutil.get_loader(module)
        if loader is not None:
