Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_sum_D(p, m, Fs, Ys, i):
    """Calculates each individual D sum.
        p (:obj:`Parameters`): parameters for the algorithm; for details on
            each parameter, see the :obj:`Parameters` class.
        m (:obj:`MJLS`): the corresponding Markov Jump Linear System.
        Fs: current approximation of the control gains.
        Ys: current approximation of the CARE solution.
        i: starting mode, i.e., the mode for the first time step in the
            current simulation.
    sum_D = np.zeros_like(Ys[0])
    Upsilon = np.eye(m.n)
    theta = i
    for k in range(0, p.K + 1):
        next_theta = get_next_theta(theta, m.P)
        incr = pow(p.lambda_, k) * get_D(m, Fs, Ys, Upsilon, theta, next_theta)
        sum_D += incr

        if abs(incr).max() < p.epsilon:
            return sum_D

        Upsilon = get_Upsilon(m, Fs, Upsilon, theta)
        theta = next_theta

    return sum_D
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_next_theta_works_for_one_dimension(self):
        P = np.array([[1.]])
        theta = 0
        changed = False
        for _ in range(1024):
            if sam_run_episode.get_next_theta(theta, P) != 0:
                changed = True

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_next_theta_works_for_eye_two(self):
        P = np.eye(2)
        for theta in range(2):
            changed = False
            for _ in range(1024):
                if sam_run_episode.get_next_theta(theta, P) != theta:
                    changed = True
            if changed:

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_next_theta_works_for_uniform_three(self):
        N = 3
        P = (1. / N) * np.ones((N, N))
        num_samples = 10240
        P_sample = np.zeros_like(P)
        for theta in range(N):
            for _ in range(num_samples):
                next_theta = sam_run_episode.get_next_theta(theta, P)
                P_sample[theta, next_theta] += 1
                theta = next_theta

        P_sample /= num_samples

        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(P, P_sample, decimal=2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_Y(p, m, Fs, Ys, Ys_hist):
    """Calculates Y.
        p (:obj:`Parameters`): parameters for the algorithm; for details on
            each parameter, see the :obj:`Parameters` class.
        m (:obj:`MJLS`): the corresponding Markov Jump Linear System.
        Fs: current approximation of the control gains.
        Ys: current approximation of the CARE solution.
        Ys_hist: the `Ys' history (i.e., a sequence with the `Ys' calculated
             so far.)
    gamma = 1.0  # TODO: do we really want it constant?
    lambda_ = 0.1  # TODO: do we really want it constant?

    for t in range(1, p.T + 1):
        Upsilon = np.eye(m.n)

        # TODO: parametrize
        theta = np.random.randint(0, m.N)

        e = np.zeros(m.N)

        for k in range(1, p.K):
            alpha = 0.1 / k

            next_theta = get_next_theta(theta, m.P)

            delta = get_delta(m, Fs, Ys, Upsilon, gamma, theta, next_theta)

            if e[theta] == 0:
                e[theta] = 1

            for i in range(m.N):
                Ys[i] += alpha * e[i] * delta
                e[i] *= gamma * lambda_

            Upsilon = get_Upsilon(m, Fs, Upsilon, theta)

            theta = next_theta


            Fs_new = get_F(m, Fs.copy(), Ys.copy())
        except Exception:
            Fs_new = Fs
        Fs = Fs_new

    return (Ys, Ys_hist)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    return riccati(**args)

for r in range(ap.R):
    print('r: {:4d}'.format(r))
    P_count = np.zeros((ac.N, ac.N))
    Fs_H, P_tilde_H = [], []
    for l in range(ap.L):
        print('l: {:4d}'.format(l))
        for t in range(ap.T):
            print('t: {:4d}'.format(t))
            theta = get_initial_state(ac.N)
            for _ in range(ap.K - 1):
                next_theta = get_next_theta(theta, ac.P)
                P_count[theta, next_theta] += 1
                theta = next_theta

        print('Normalizing (and flattening)...')
        P_tilde = normalize_flatten(P_count)

        print('Calculating F...')
        [Fs, _] = get_FX(P_tilde, ap.T * (ap.K - 1))

        print('Appending F and P to their histories...')

    saverep(Fs_H, 'Fs_mjlsmle_H', r)
    saverep(P_tilde_H, 'P_tilde_mjlsmle_H', r)