Ejemplo n.º 1
def index():
    # if not authorized show login/auth view
    if not auth.get_token():
        return render_template('index.html')

    # show application view
    return render_template('application.html', has_token=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def thermostat_hist(thermostat_id=None, cache_ok=True):
    token = auth.get_token()
    if token == "":
        print "missing token, return 400"
        return "", 400

    if not thermostat_id:
        return jsonify({"error": 'Missing parameters'})

    device = None
    if cache_ok:
        print 'thermostat_hist: try to get thermostat from cache (session) from previous poll request'
        device = data_store.get_device('thermostats', thermostat_id)

    if not cache_ok or not device:
        print 'thermostat_hist: get thermostat from new api request'
            device = api.get_device(token, 'thermostats', thermostat_id)
        except APIError as err:
            return process_api_err(err)

    if not device:
        return jsonify({"error": "The thermostat was not found"})

    contents = views.get_thermostat_hist(thermostat_id, device)
    return jsonify(contents)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def apicontent():
    """  Calls Nest API to get data.
    Checks for changes to current data to determine whether any cached user data should be deleted.
    Returns content to be presented in client.
    token = auth.get_token()
    if not token:
        print "missing token, return 400"
        return "", 400
        data = api.get_data(token)
    except APIError as err:
        return process_api_err(err)

    nestData = models.NestData(data)

    # compare data from last request, store device data for views, and delete data when required
    diff_list = data_store.process_data_changes(nestData)
    print "difference = ", diff_list

    # Verify the Nest account has at least one authorized structure in case it got deleted after authorizing it
    # (applies to new multi-structure authorization)
    if not nestData.has_structures():
        return jsonify(
            {"error": "No authorized structures found.  Please re-authorize."})

    apicontent = views.get_api_content(request, nestData, diff_list)
    return jsonify(apicontent)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_callback(self):
        # get authorization code to exchange for an access token
        authorization_code = dummy_authcode_val  # request.args.get("code")
        token = None
            token = auth.get_token()
        except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
            # expecting error message in JSON format, such as
            # {"error":"oauth2_error","error_description":"authorization code not found","instance_id":"65671693-1037-4d4e-bdab-f4852fe8aed0"}
            json_err = err.read()
            print "get_data error occurred: ", json_err

                          "Token not returned using dummy authorization code")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def apiupdate(update_path=None):
    token = auth.get_token()
    if token == "":
        print "missing token, return 400"
        return "", 400

    data = views.convert_form(request)
        result = api.update(token, update_path, data)
    except APIError as err:
        return process_api_err(err)

    if result == True:
        return jsonify({"info": "API data was successfully updated."})
        return jsonify({"error": "Unknown error. API data was not updated."})
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_event_stream():
        token = auth.get_token()
        if not token:
            print "missing token, return 400"
            yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({"error": "400 Missing token"})

        client = api.get_event_stream(token)
        print "got event stream client"
        for event in client.events():  # returns a generator
            event_type = event.event
            print "event: ", event_type
            if event_type == 'open':  # not always received here
                print "The event stream has been opened"
            elif event_type == 'put':
                print "The data has changed (or initial data sent)"
                print "data: ", event.data
            elif event_type == 'keep-alive':
                print "No data updates. Receiving an HTTP header to keep the connection open."
            elif event_type == 'auth_revoked' or event_type == 'cancel':
                print "revoked token: ", event
                err = api.apierr_from_msg(401, 'Auth revoked')
                yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps(err.result)
            elif event_type == 'error':
                print "error message: ", event.data  # check if contains error code
                yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({"error": event.data})
                print "Unknown event, no handler for it."

            if event_type == 'put':
                data = event.data
                dict_json = json.loads(event.data)
                nestData = models.NestData({"results": dict_json.get("data")})
                # compare data from last request, store device data for views, and delete data when required
                diff_list = data_store.process_data_changes(nestData)
                print "difference = ", diff_list
                # Verify the Nest account has at least one authorized structure in case it got deleted after authorizing it
                # (applies to new multi-structure authorization)
                if not nestData.has_structures():
                    yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({
                        "No authorized structures found.  Please re-authorize."
                apicontent = views.get_api_content(request, nestData,
                yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps(apicontent)