Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testNormaliseArray(self):
        numExamples = 10
        numFeatures = 3

        preprocessor = Standardiser()

        # Test an everyday matrix
        X = numpy.random.rand(numExamples, numFeatures)
        Xn = preprocessor.normaliseArray(X)
        normV = preprocessor.getNormVector()
        self.assertAlmostEquals(numpy.sum(Xn * Xn), numFeatures, places=3)

        norms = numpy.sum(Xn * Xn, 0)

        for i in range(0, norms.shape[0]):
            self.assertAlmostEquals(norms[i], 1, places=3)

        self.assertTrue((X / normV == Xn).all())

        # Zero one column
        preprocessor = Standardiser()
        X[:, 1] = 0
        Xn = preprocessor.normaliseArray(X)
        normV = preprocessor.getNormVector()
        self.assertAlmostEquals(numpy.sum(Xn * Xn), numFeatures - 1, places=3)
        self.assertTrue((X / normV == Xn).all())

        # Now take out 3 rows of X, normalise and compare to normalised X
        Xs = X[0:3, :]
        Xsn = preprocessor.normaliseArray(Xs)
        self.assertTrue((Xsn == Xn[0:3, :]).all())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def cluster(self, graph):
        Take a graph and cluster using the method in "On spectral clusering: analysis
        and algorithm" by Ng et al., 2001. 

        :param graph: the graph to cluster
        :type graph: :class:`apgl.graph.AbstractMatrixGraph`

        :returns:  An array of size graph.getNumVertices() of cluster membership 
        L = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym()

        omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(L)
        inds = numpy.argsort(omega)

        #First normalise rows, then columns
        standardiser = Standardiser()
        V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k]].T).T
        V = vq.whiten(V)
        #Using kmeans2 here seems to result in a high variance
        #in the quality of clustering. Therefore stick to kmeans
        centroids, clusters = vq.kmeans(V, self.k, iter=self.numIterKmeans)
        clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)

        return clusters
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def matrixSimilarity(self, V1, V2):
        Compute a vertex similarity matrix C, such that the ijth entry is the matching 
        score between V1_i and V2_j, where larger is a better match. 
        X = numpy.r_[V1, V2]
        standardiser = Standardiser()
        X = standardiser.normaliseArray(X)

        V1 = X[0 : V1.shape[0], :]
        V2 = X[V1.shape[0] :, :]

        # print(X)

        # Extend arrays with zeros to make them the same size
        # if V1.shape[0] < V2.shape[0]:
        #    V1 = Util.extendArray(V1, V2.shape, numpy.min(V1))
        # elif V2.shape[0] < V1.shape[0]:
        #    V2 = Util.extendArray(V2, V1.shape, numpy.min(V2))

        # Let's compute C as the distance between vertices
        # Distance is bounded by 1
        D = Util.distanceMatrix(V1, V2)
        maxD = numpy.max(D)
        minD = numpy.min(D)
        if (maxD - minD) != 0:
            C = (maxD - D) / (maxD - minD)
            C = numpy.ones((V1.shape[0], V2.shape[0]))

        return C
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def cluster(self, graph):
        Take a graph and cluster using the method in "On spectral clusering: analysis
        and algorithm" by Ng et al., 2001. 

        :param graph: the graph to cluster
        :type graph: :class:`apgl.graph.AbstractMatrixGraph`

        :returns:  An array of size graph.getNumVertices() of cluster membership 
        L = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym()

        omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(L)
        inds = numpy.argsort(omega)

        #First normalise rows, then columns
        standardiser = Standardiser()
        V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k]].T).T
        V = vq.whiten(V)
        #Using kmeans2 here seems to result in a high variance
        #in the quality of clustering. Therefore stick to kmeans
        centroids, clusters = vq.kmeans(V, self.k, iter=self.numIterKmeans)
        clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)

        return clusters
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def matrixSimilarity(self, V1, V2):
        Compute a vertex similarity matrix C, such that the ijth entry is the matching 
        score between V1_i and V2_j, where larger is a better match. 
        X = numpy.r_[V1, V2]
        standardiser = Standardiser()
        X = standardiser.normaliseArray(X)

        V1 = X[0:V1.shape[0], :]
        V2 = X[V1.shape[0]:, :]


        #Extend arrays with zeros to make them the same size
        #if V1.shape[0] < V2.shape[0]:
        #    V1 = Util.extendArray(V1, V2.shape, numpy.min(V1))
        #elif V2.shape[0] < V1.shape[0]:
        #    V2 = Util.extendArray(V2, V1.shape, numpy.min(V2))

        #Let's compute C as the distance between vertices
        #Distance is bounded by 1
        D = Util.distanceMatrix(V1, V2)
        maxD = numpy.max(D)
        minD = numpy.min(D)
        if (maxD - minD) != 0:
            C = (maxD - D) / (maxD - minD)
            C = numpy.ones((V1.shape[0], V2.shape[0]))

        return C
    def clusterFromIterator(self, graphListIterator, verbose=False):
        Find a set of clusters for the graphs given by the iterator. If verbose 
        is true the each iteration is timed and bounded the results are returned 
        as lists.
        The difference between a weight matrix and the previous one should be
        clustersList = []
        decompositionTimeList = []
        kMeansTimeList = []
        boundList = []
        sinThetaList = []
        i = 0

        for subW in graphListIterator:
            if __debug__:

            if self.logStep and i % self.logStep == 0:
                logging.debug("Graph index: " + str(i))
            logging.debug("Clustering graph of size " + str(subW.shape))
            if self.alg != "efficientNystrom":
                ABBA = GraphUtils.shiftLaplacian(subW)

            # --- Eigen value decomposition ---
            startTime = time.time()
            if self.alg == "IASC":
                if i % self.T != 0:
                    omega, Q = self.approxUpdateEig(subW, ABBA, omega, Q)

                    if self.computeBound:
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        Q = Q[:, inds]
                        omega = omega[inds]
                        bounds = self.pertBound(omega, Q, omegaKbot, AKbot,
                        #boundList.append([i, bounds[0], bounds[1]])

                        #Now use accurate values of norm of R and delta
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        gamma, U = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA,
                                                             rank - 1,
                        #logging.debug("gamma=" + str(gamma))
                        bounds2 = self.realBound(omega, Q, gamma, AKbot,
                            [bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds2[0], bounds2[1]])
                    logging.debug("Computing exact eigenvectors")
                    self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

                    if self.computeBound:
                        #omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2*2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA,
                                                             rank - 1,
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        omegaKbot = omega[inds[self.k2:]]
                        QKbot = Q[:, inds[self.k2:]]
                        AKbot = (QKbot * omegaKbot).dot(QKbot.T)

                        omegaSort = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(omega))
                        boundList.append([0] * 4)
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
                            min(self.k2, ABBA.shape[0] - 1),
                            ncv=min(10 * self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))

            elif self.alg == "nystrom":
                omega, Q = Nystrom.eigpsd(ABBA, self.k3)
            elif self.alg == "exact":
                omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
                    min(self.k1, ABBA.shape[0] - 1),
                    ncv=min(15 * self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "efficientNystrom":
                omega, Q = EfficientNystrom.eigWeight(subW, self.k2, self.k1)
            elif self.alg == "randomisedSvd":
                Q, omega, R = RandomisedSVD.svd(ABBA, self.k4)
                raise ValueError("Invalid Algorithm: " + str(self.alg))

            if self.computeSinTheta:
                omegaExact, QExact = scipy.linalg.eigh(ABBA.todense())
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omegaExact))
                QExactKbot = QExact[:, inds[self.k1:]]
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                QApproxK = Q[:, inds[:self.k1]]

            decompositionTimeList.append(time.time() - startTime)

            if self.alg == "IASC":
                self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

            # --- Kmeans ---
            startTime = time.time()
            inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))

            standardiser = Standardiser()
            #For some very strange reason we get an overflow when computing the
            #norm of the rows of Q even though its elements are bounded by 1.
            #We'll ignore it for now
                V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k1]].real.T).T
            except FloatingPointError as e:
                logging.warn("FloatingPointError: " + str(e))
            V = VqUtils.whiten(V)
            if i == 0:
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V,
                centroids = self.findCentroids(V, clusters[:subW.shape[0]])
                if centroids.shape[0] < self.k1:
                    nb_missing_centroids = self.k1 - centroids.shape[0]
                    random_centroids = V[numpy.random.randint(
                        0, V.shape[0], nb_missing_centroids), :]
                    centroids = numpy.vstack((centroids, random_centroids))
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(
                    V, centroids)  #iter can only be 1
            clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)
            kMeansTimeList.append(time.time() - startTime)


            #logging.debug("subW.shape: " + str(subW.shape))
            #logging.debug("len(clusters): " + str(len(clusters)))
            #from sandbox.util.ProfileUtils import ProfileUtils
            #logging.debug("Total memory usage: " + str(ProfileUtils.memory()/10**6) + "MB")
            if ProfileUtils.memory() > 10**9:

            i += 1

        if verbose:
            eigenQuality = {
                "boundList": boundList,
                "sinThetaList": sinThetaList
            return clustersList, numpy.array(
                (decompositionTimeList, kMeansTimeList)).T, eigenQuality
            return clustersList
    def clusterFromIterator(self, graphListIterator, verbose=False):
        Find a set of clusters for the graphs given by the iterator. If verbose 
        is true the each iteration is timed and bounded the results are returned 
        as lists.
        The difference between a weight matrix and the previous one should be
        clustersList = []
        decompositionTimeList = [] 
        kMeansTimeList = [] 
        boundList = []
        sinThetaList = []
        i = 0

        for subW in graphListIterator:
            if __debug__:

            if self.logStep and i % self.logStep == 0:
                logging.debug("Graph index: " + str(i))
            logging.debug("Clustering graph of size " + str(subW.shape))
            if self.alg!="efficientNystrom": 
                ABBA = GraphUtils.shiftLaplacian(subW)

            # --- Eigen value decomposition ---
            startTime = time.time()
            if self.alg=="IASC": 
                if i % self.T != 0:
                    omega, Q = self.approxUpdateEig(subW, ABBA, omega, Q)   
                    if self.computeBound:
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        Q = Q[:, inds]
                        omega = omega[inds]
                        bounds = self.pertBound(omega, Q, omegaKbot, AKbot, self.k2)
                        #boundList.append([i, bounds[0], bounds[1]])
                        #Now use accurate values of norm of R and delta   
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        gamma, U = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, rank-1, which="LM", ncv = ABBA.shape[0])
                        #logging.debug("gamma=" + str(gamma))
                        bounds2 = self.realBound(omega, Q, gamma, AKbot, self.k2)                  
                        boundList.append([bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds2[0], bounds2[1]])      
                    logging.debug("Computing exact eigenvectors")
                    self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

                    if self.computeBound: 
                        #omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2*2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, rank-1, which="LM", ncv = ABBA.shape[0])
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        omegaKbot = omega[inds[self.k2:]]  
                        QKbot = Q[:, inds[self.k2:]] 
                        AKbot = (QKbot*omegaKbot).dot(QKbot.T)
                        omegaSort = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(omega))
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "nystrom":
                omega, Q = Nystrom.eigpsd(ABBA, self.k3)
            elif self.alg == "exact": 
                omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(15*self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "efficientNystrom":
                omega, Q = EfficientNystrom.eigWeight(subW, self.k2, self.k1)
            elif self.alg == "randomisedSvd": 
                Q, omega, R = RandomisedSVD.svd(ABBA, self.k4)
                raise ValueError("Invalid Algorithm: " + str(self.alg))

            if self.computeSinTheta:
                omegaExact, QExact = scipy.linalg.eigh(ABBA.todense())
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omegaExact))
                QExactKbot = QExact[:, inds[self.k1:]]
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                QApproxK = Q[:,inds[:self.k1]]
            if self.alg=="IASC":
                self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)
            # --- Kmeans ---
            startTime = time.time()
            inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))

            standardiser = Standardiser()
            #For some very strange reason we get an overflow when computing the
            #norm of the rows of Q even though its elements are bounded by 1.
            #We'll ignore it for now
                V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k1]].real.T).T
            except FloatingPointError as e:
                logging.warn("FloatingPointError: " + str(e))
            V = VqUtils.whiten(V)
            if i == 0:
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V, self.k1, iter=self.nb_iter_kmeans)
                centroids = self.findCentroids(V, clusters[:subW.shape[0]])
                if centroids.shape[0] < self.k1:
                    nb_missing_centroids = self.k1 - centroids.shape[0]
                    random_centroids = V[numpy.random.randint(0, V.shape[0], nb_missing_centroids),:]
                    centroids = numpy.vstack((centroids, random_centroids))
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V, centroids) #iter can only be 1
            clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)


            #logging.debug("subW.shape: " + str(subW.shape))
            #logging.debug("len(clusters): " + str(len(clusters)))
            #from sandbox.util.ProfileUtils import ProfileUtils
            #logging.debug("Total memory usage: " + str(ProfileUtils.memory()/10**6) + "MB")
            if ProfileUtils.memory() > 10**9:

            i += 1

        if verbose:
            eigenQuality = {"boundList" : boundList, "sinThetaList" : sinThetaList}
            return clustersList, numpy.array((decompositionTimeList, kMeansTimeList)).T, eigenQuality
            return clustersList