Ejemplo n.º 1
 def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes):
     Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
     if system_changes:
         if 'energy' in self.results:
             del self.results['energy']
         if 'forces' in self.results:
             del self.results['forces']
     if 'energy' not in self.results:
         if self.permutation is None:
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions(), (1, len(atoms), 3))
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions()
                              [self.permutation[0, :]], (1, len(atoms), 3))
         e, f = sander.energy_forces()
         self.results['energy'] = e.tot * units.kcal / units.mol
         if self.permutation is None:
             self.results['forces'] = (np.reshape(np.array(f),
                                                  (len(atoms), 3)) *
                                       units.kcal / units.mol)
             ff = np.reshape(np.array(f), (len(atoms), 3)) * \
                 units.kcal / units.mol
             self.results['forces'] = ff[self.permutation[1, :]]
     if 'forces' not in self.results:
         if self.permutation is None:
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions(), (1, len(atoms), 3))
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions()[self.permutation[0, :]],
                              (1, len(atoms), 3))
         e, f = sander.energy_forces()
         self.results['energy'] = e.tot * units.kcal / units.mol
         if self.permutation is None:
             self.results['forces'] = (np.reshape(np.array(f),
                                                  (len(atoms), 3)) *
                                       units.kcal / units.mol)
             ff = np.reshape(np.array(f), (len(atoms), 3)) * \
                 units.kcal / units.mol
             self.results['forces'] = ff[self.permutation[1, :]]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes):
     Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
     if system_changes:
         if 'energy' in self.results:
             del self.results['energy']
         if 'forces' in self.results:
             del self.results['forces']
     if 'energy' not in self.results:
         if self.permutation is None:
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions(), (1, len(atoms), 3))
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions()
                              [self.permutation[0, :]], (1, len(atoms), 3))
         e, f = sander.energy_forces()
         self.results['energy'] = e.tot * units.kcal / units.mol
         if self.permutation is None:
             self.results['forces'] = (np.reshape(np.array(f),
                                                  (len(atoms), 3)) *
                                       units.kcal / units.mol)
             ff = np.reshape(np.array(f), (len(atoms), 3)) * \
                 units.kcal / units.mol
             self.results['forces'] = ff[self.permutation[1, :]]
     if 'forces' not in self.results:
         if self.permutation is None:
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions(), (1, len(atoms), 3))
             crd = np.reshape(atoms.get_positions()[self.permutation[0, :]],
                              (1, len(atoms), 3))
         e, f = sander.energy_forces()
         self.results['energy'] = e.tot * units.kcal / units.mol
         if self.permutation is None:
             self.results['forces'] = (np.reshape(np.array(f),
                                                  (len(atoms), 3)) *
                                       units.kcal / units.mol)
             ff = np.reshape(np.array(f), (len(atoms), 3)) * \
                 units.kcal / units.mol
             self.results['forces'] = ff[self.permutation[1, :]]
    def test_update_dihedral_parm(self):
        traj = pt.iterload("./data/Tc5b.crd", fn('Tc5b.top'))
        p = pmd.load_file(traj.top.filename)
        inp = sander.gas_input(8)
        coords = traj[0].xyz

        with pt.utils.context.tempfolder():
            for k in range(20, 100):
                p.bonds[3].type.k = k
                with sander.setup(p, coords, None, inp):
                    ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_update_dihedral_parm(self):
        traj = pt.iterload("./data/Tc5b.crd", "./data/Tc5b.top")
        p = pmd.load_file(traj.top.filename)
        inp = sander.gas_input(8)
        coords = traj[0].xyz

        fname = "tmp.parm7"

        with pt.utils.context.tempfolder():
            for k in range(20, 100):
                p.bonds[3].type.k = k
                with sander.setup(p, coords, None, inp):
                    ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_total_energy(agls):
    # get the coor from pyrosetta
    # initialize the object topology with coordinates
    # set up the input options
    sander.setup (parm, parm.coordinates, None, inp)

    # compute the energy and force
    eney, frc=sander.energy_forces()
    # print('sander',eney.tot,eney.gb,eney.vdw, eney.elec, eney.dihedral,eney.angle, eney.bond)

    # clean and finish
    return eney.tot
Ejemplo n.º 6
   def sanderforce(self,parmstr,atmlst,boxflag=False,pmeflag=False):
      """Calculates energy and forces for a provided
         Amber parm string and set of coordinates using the Sander
         API. Also takes box dimensions and a flag for use of PME.
         Currently uses standard simulation options for gas phase or pme
         based on pmeflag.
         Only returns forces on first 2 atoms in atmlst
         Returns a sander energy object and a 3 x 2 x traj length array
         of forces with units"""

#      sander.APPLY_UNITS = True # More bugs/inconsistencies in pysander in amber15, may be fixed later
      indices = [a.idx for a in atmlst[:2]]
      if pmeflag is True:
#        These default options will be suitable in most cases
#        PME,cut=8.0,ntb=1,ntf=1,ntc=1
#        Should be adapted if shake is required (not important here for ele)
         inp = sander.pme_input()
         inp = sander.gas_input()
      for i in range(0,self.traj.frame):
         coord = self.traj.coordinates[i]
         if boxflag is True:
            box = self.traj.box[i]
#           print box
            box = None
         with sander.setup(parmstr,coord,box=box,mm_options=inp): #Pass a string, else a temp parmfile is created that fills up tmp directory!
            ene,frc = sander.energy_forces(as_numpy=False) # pysander __init__ bug/inconsistency, can't use as_numpy!
         frc = np.asarray(frc)
         frc = np.reshape(frc,((len(frc)/3.),3))
         frcslice = frc[indices]
         # Add units for forces: kcal mol-1 A-1
         frcslice = frcslice * u.kilocalorie / (u.mole * u.angstroms)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_eneregy_and_force():
    path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 
    prmtop = path + '/vAla3.prmtop'
    rst7 = path + '/vAla3.rst7'
    with mdgx.setup(prmtop, rst7) as context:
        mdgx_energies, mdgx_forces = context.energy_forces()
    pme_input = sander.pme_input()
    parm = pmd.load_file(prmtop, rst7)

    with sander.setup(prmtop, rst7, box=parm.box, mm_options=pme_input):
        ene, sander_forces = sander.energy_forces()
        sander_enegies = dict((att, getattr(ene, att)) for att in dir(ene) if not
    print("potential energy")
    print('sander_forces, first 5 atoms')
    print('mdgx_forces, first 5 atoms')

Ejemplo n.º 8
                   help='OpenMM platform to use. Default is %(default)s')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Get the Amber forces and energies
if args.pbc:
    inp = sander.pme_input()
    inp.cut = args.cutoff
    inp.ntc = inp.ntf = 1
    inp = sander.gas_input(args.igb)
    inp.cut = 1000
    inp.rgbmax = 1000

with sander.setup(args.prmtop, args.inpcrd, None, inp) as context:
    e, f = sander.energy_forces()
    f = np.array(f).reshape((context.natom, 3))

# Get the OpenMM forces and energies
parm = app.AmberPrmtopFile(args.prmtop)
inpcrd = app.AmberInpcrdFile(args.inpcrd)

gbmap = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
gbmap[1] = app.HCT
gbmap[2] = app.OBC1
gbmap[5] = app.OBC2
gbmap[7] = app.GBn
gbmap[8] = app.GBn2

if args.pbc:
    nonbondedMethod = app.PME
Ejemplo n.º 9
#! /usr/bin/env python

import sander
from chemistry.amber.readparm import AmberParm, Rst7
import numpy as np

pdb = '3stl'
parm = AmberParm('4amber_%s.prmtop' % pdb)  #topo
rst = Rst7.open('4amber_%s.rst7' % pdb)  #box
sander.setup(parm, rst.coordinates, rst.box, sander.pme_input())
ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
print ene.tot
print max(frc)

import code
code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def energy(parm, args, output=sys.stdout):
    Compute a single-point energy using sander and print the result to the
    desired output

    parm : Structure
    args : ArgumentList
    output : file handler, default sys.stdout
    global HAS_SANDER
    if not HAS_SANDER:
        raise SimulationError('Could not import sander')

    cutoff = args.get_key_float('cutoff', None)
    igb = args.get_key_int('igb', 5)
    saltcon = args.get_key_float('saltcon', 0.0)
    do_ewald = args.has_key('Ewald')
    vdw_longrange = not args.has_key('nodisper')
    has_1264 = 'LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF' in parm.parm_data

    # Get any unmarked arguments
    unmarked_cmds = args.unmarked()
    if len(unmarked_cmds) > 0:
        warnings.warn("Un-handled arguments: " + ' '.join(unmarked_cmds),

    if parm.ptr('ifbox') == 0:
        if not igb in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8):
            raise SimulationError('Bad igb value. Must be 0, 1, 2, 5, '
                                  '6, 7, or 8')
        # Force vacuum electrostatics down the GB code path
        if igb == 0:
            igb = 6
        inp = sander.gas_input(igb)
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = 1000.0
        if cutoff <= 0:
            raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0')
        inp.cut = cutoff
        if saltcon < 0:
            raise SimulationError('salt concentration must be >= 0')
        inp.saltcon = saltcon
    elif parm.ptr('ifbox') > 0:
        inp = sander.pme_input()
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = 8.0
        elif cutoff <= 0:
            raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0')
        inp.cut = cutoff
        inp.ew_type = int(do_ewald)
        inp.vdwmeth = int(vdw_longrange)
        inp.lj1264 = int(has_1264)

    if parm.coordinates is None:
        raise SimulationError('No coordinates are loaded')
    # Time to set up sander
    with sander.setup(parm, parm.coordinates, parm.box, inp):
        e, f = sander.energy_forces()

    if parm.chamber:
        output.write('Bond          = %20.7f     Angle         = %20.7f\n'
                     'Dihedral      = %20.7f     Urey-Bradley  = %20.7f\n'
                     'Improper      = %20.7f     ' %
                     (e.bond, e.angle, e.dihedral, e.angle_ub, e.imp))
        if parm.has_cmap:
            output.write('CMAP         = %20.7f\n' % e.cmap)
        output.write('1-4 vdW       = %20.7f     1-4 Elec.     = %20.7f\n'
                     'Lennard-Jones = %20.7f     Electrostatic = %20.7f\n'
                     'TOTAL         = %20.7f\n' %
                     (e.vdw_14, e.elec_14, e.vdw, e.elec, e.tot))
            'Bond     = %20.7f     Angle    = %20.7f\n'
            'Dihedral = %20.7f     1-4 vdW  = %20.7f\n'
            '1-4 Elec = %20.7f     vdWaals  = %20.7f\n'
            'Elec.    = %20.7f' %
            (e.bond, e.angle, e.dihedral, e.vdw_14, e.elec_14, e.vdw, e.elec))
        if igb != 0 and inp.ntb == 0:
            output.write('     Egb      = %20.7f' % e.gb)
        elif e.hbond != 0:
            output.write('     EHbond   = %20.7f' % e.hbond)
        output.write('\nTOTAL    = %20.7f\n' % e.tot)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def energy_function(xyz):
     e, f = sander.energy_forces()
     return e.tot, -np.array(f)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def energy(parm, args, output=sys.stdout):
    Compute a single-point energy using sander and print the result to the
    desired output
    global HAS_SANDER
    if not HAS_SANDER:
        raise SimulationError('Could not import sander')

    cutoff = args.get_key_float('cutoff', None)
    igb = args.get_key_int('igb', 5)
    saltcon = args.get_key_float('saltcon', 0.0)
    do_ewald = args.has_key('Ewald')
    vdw_longrange = not args.has_key('nodisper')
    has_1264 = 'LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF' in parm.parm_data

    # Get any unmarked arguments
    unmarked_cmds = args.unmarked()
    if len(unmarked_cmds) > 0:
        warnings.warn("Un-handled arguments: " + ' '.join(unmarked_cmds),

    if parm.ptr('ifbox') == 0:
        if not igb in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8):
            raise SimulationError('Bad igb value. Must be 0, 1, 2, 5, '
                                  '6, 7, or 8')
        # Force vacuum electrostatics down the GB code path
        if igb == 0:
            igb = 6
        inp = sander.gas_input(igb)
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = 1000.0
        if cutoff <= 0:
            raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0')
        inp.cut = cutoff
        if saltcon < 0:
            raise SimulationError('salt concentration must be >= 0')
        inp.saltcon = saltcon
    elif parm.ptr('ifbox') > 0:
        inp = sander.pme_input()
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = 8.0
        elif cutoff <= 0:
            raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0')
        inp.cut = cutoff
        inp.ew_type = int(do_ewald)
        inp.vdwmeth = int(vdw_longrange)
        inp.lj1264 = int(has_1264)

    if parm.coordinates is None:
        raise SimulationError('No coordinates are loaded')
    # Time to set up sander
    with sander.setup(parm, parm.coordinates, parm.box, inp):
        e, f = sander.energy_forces()

    if parm.chamber:
        output.write('Bond          = %20.7f     Angle         = %20.7f\n'
                     'Dihedral      = %20.7f     Urey-Bradley  = %20.7f\n'
                     'Improper      = %20.7f     ' % (e.bond, e.angle,
                     e.dihedral, e.angle_ub, e.imp))
        if parm.has_cmap:
            output.write('CMAP         = %20.7f\n' % e.cmap)
        output.write('1-4 vdW       = %20.7f     1-4 Elec.     = %20.7f\n'
                     'Lennard-Jones = %20.7f     Electrostatic = %20.7f\n'
                     'TOTAL         = %20.7f\n' % (e.vdw_14, e.elec_14,
                     e.vdw, e.elec, e.tot))
        output.write('Bond     = %20.7f     Angle    = %20.7f\n'
                     'Dihedral = %20.7f     1-4 vdW  = %20.7f\n'
                     '1-4 Elec = %20.7f     vdWaals  = %20.7f\n'
                     'Elec.    = %20.7f' % (e.bond, e.angle, e.dihedral,
                      e.vdw_14, e.elec_14, e.vdw, e.elec))
        if igb != 0 and inp.ntb == 0:
            output.write('     Egb      = %20.7f' % e.gb)
        elif e.hbond != 0:
            output.write('     EHbond   = %20.7f' % e.hbond)
        output.write('\nTOTAL    = %20.7f\n' % e.tot)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def energy_function(xyz):
     e, f = sander.energy_forces()
     return e.tot, -np.array(f)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from parmed.amber.readparm import AmberParm, Rst7
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import pickle

base = '1nie'
# parm = AmberParm('4amber_%s.prmtop' %base)  #topo
rst = Rst7.open('4amber_%s.rst7' %base)     #box
coords1 = rst.coordinates
coords2 = np.around( np.array(pickle.load(open('tmp2','rb') ) ), 3) #2nd coordinate set
print coords1, coords1.shape
print coords2, coords2.shape

sander.setup('4amber_%s.prmtop' %base, rst.coordinates, rst.box, sander.pme_input())
ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
print frc[0]

ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
print frc[0]

ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()
print frc[0]
print max(frc)
print ene.tot, ene.elec, ene.vdw
# import code; code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
import boost.python

Ejemplo n.º 15
def energy_decomposition(traj=None,
    """energy decomposition by calling `libsander`

    traj : Trajectory-like or iterables that produce Frame
        if `traj` does not hold Topology information, `top` must be provided
    prmtop : str or Structure from ParmEd, default=None, optional
        To avoid any unexpected error, you should always provide original topology
        filename. If prmtop is None, pytraj will load Topology from traj.top.filename.

        - why do you need to load additional topology filename? Because cpptraj and sander
          use different Topology object, can not convert from one to another.
    igb : GB model, default=8 (GB-Neck2)
        If specify `mm_options`, this `igb` input will be ignored
    mm_options : InputOptions from `sander`, default=None, optional
        if `mm_options` is None, use `gas_input` with given igb.
        If `mm_options` is not None, use this
    qm_options : InputOptions from `sander` for QMMM, optional
    mode : str, default=None, optional
        if mode='minimal', get only 'bond', 'angle', 'dihedral' and 'total' energies
    top : pytraj.Topology or str, default=None, optional
        only need to specify this ``top`` if ``traj`` does not hold Topology
    dtype : str, {'dict', 'dataset', 'ndarray', 'dataframe'}, default='dict'
        return data type
    frame_indices : None or 1D array-like, default None
        if not None, only perform calculation for given frames

    Dict of energies (to be used with DataFrame) or DatasetList

    Examples are adapted from $AMBERHOME/test/sanderapi

    >>> import pytraj as pt
    >>> # GB energy
    >>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_ala3()
    >>> traj.n_frames
    >>> data = pt.energy_decomposition(traj, igb=8)
    >>> data['gb']
    >>> data['bond']
    array([ 5.59350521])

    >>> # PME
    >>> import os
    >>> from pytraj.testing import amberhome
    >>> import sander
    >>> topfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/4096wat/prmtop")
    >>> rstfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/4096wat/eq1.x")
    >>> traj = pt.iterload(rstfile, topfile)
    >>> options = sander.pme_input()
    >>> options.cut = 8.0
    >>> edict = pt.energy_decomposition(traj=traj, mm_options=options)
    >>> edict['vdw']
    array([ 6028.95167558])

    >>> # GB + QMMM
    >>> topfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/qmmm2/lysine_PM3_qmgb2/prmtop")
    >>> rstfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/qmmm2/lysine_PM3_qmgb2/lysine.crd")
    >>> traj = pt.iterload(rstfile, topfile)

    >>> options = sander.gas_input(8)
    >>> options.cut = 99.0
    >>> options.ifqnt = 1
    >>> qm_options = sander.qm_input()
    >>> qm_options.iqmatoms[:3] = [8, 9, 10]
    >>> qm_options.qm_theory = "PM3"
    >>> qm_options.qmcharge = 0
    >>> qm_options.qmgb = 2
    >>> qm_options.adjust_q = 0

    >>> edict = pt.energy_decomposition(traj=traj, mm_options=options, qm_options=qm_options)
    >>> edict['bond']
    array([ 0.00160733])
    >>> edict['scf']

    This method does not work with `pytraj.pmap` when you specify mm_options and
    qm_options. Use `pytraj.pmap_mpi` with MPI instead.

    Work with ``pytraj.pmap``::

        pt.pmap(pt.energy_decomposition, traj, igb=8, dtype='dict')

    Will NOT work with ``pytraj.pmap``::

        import sander
        inp = sander.gas_input(8)
        pt.pmap(pt.energy_decomposition, traj, mm_options=inp, dtype='dict')

    Why? Because Python need to pickle each object to send to different cores and Python
    does not know how to pickle mm_options from sander.gas_input(8).

    This works with ``pytraj.pmap_mpi`` because pytraj explicitly create ``mm_options``
    in each core without pickling.
    from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
    from pytraj.misc import get_atts
    import numpy as np

        import sander
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("need both `pysander` installed. Check Ambertools15")

    ddict = defaultdict(_default_func)

    if mm_options is None:
        inp = sander.gas_input(igb)
    elif igb is not None:
        inp = mm_options

    if isinstance(inp, string_types):
        # dangerous
        local_dict = {'sander': sander}
        exec(inp.lstrip(), local_dict)
        inp = local_dict['mm_options']

    if isinstance(qm_options, string_types):
        # dangerous
        local_dict = {'sander': sander}
        exec(qm_options.lstrip(), local_dict)
        qm_options = local_dict['qm_options']

    if prmtop is None:
            # try to load from file by taking top.filename
            prmtop_ = top.filename
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError("prmtop must be AmberParm object in ParmEd")
        # Structure, string
        prmtop_ = prmtop

    if not hasattr(prmtop_, 'coordinates') or prmtop_.coordinates is None:
            # if `traj` is Trajectory-like (not frame_iter), try to take 1st
            # coords
            coords = traj[0].xyz
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            # create fake list
            coords = [0. for _ in range(top.n_atoms * 3)]
        # use default coords in `AmberParm`
        coords = prmtop_.coordinates

    if top.has_box():
        box = top.box.tolist()
        has_box = True
        box = None
        has_box = False

    with sander.setup(prmtop_, coords, box, inp, qm_options):
        for frame in iterframe_master(traj):
            if has_box:
            ene, frc = sander.energy_forces()

            # potentially slow
            ene_atts = get_atts(ene)
            for att in ene_atts:
                ddict[att].append(getattr(ene, att))

    new_dict = None
    if mode == 'minimal':
        new_dict = {}
        for key in ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral', 'tot']:
            new_dict[key] = ddict[key]
        new_dict = ddict

    for key in new_dict.keys():
        new_dict[key] = np.asarray(new_dict[key])

    if dtype == 'dict':
        return OrderedDict(new_dict)
        from pytraj.datasets.c_datasetlist import DatasetList

        dslist = DatasetList()
        size = new_dict['tot'].__len__()
        for key in new_dict.keys():
            dslist[-1].key = key
            dslist[-1].data[:] = new_dict[key]
        return get_data_from_dtype(dslist, dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 16
                   always infinite for non-periodic systems''')
group.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', default='Reference',
                   help='OpenMM platform to use. Default is %(default)s')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Get the Amber forces and energies
if args.pbc:
    inp = sander.pme_input()
    inp.cut = args.cutoff
    inp = sander.gas_input(args.igb)
    inp.cut = 1000

with sander.setup(args.prmtop, args.inpcrd, None, inp) as context:
    e, f = sander.energy_forces()
    f = np.array(f).reshape((context.natom, 3))

# Get the OpenMM forces and energies
parm = app.AmberPrmtopFile(args.prmtop)
inpcrd = app.AmberInpcrdFile(args.inpcrd)

gbmap = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
gbmap[1] = app.HCT
gbmap[2] = app.OBC1
gbmap[5] = app.OBC2
gbmap[7] = app.GBn
gbmap[8] = app.GBn2

if args.pbc:
    nonbondedMethod = app.PME