Ejemplo n.º 1
def checkDoubleStack(doc):
    r''' In double stack must be present Java SCS and at least
    one abap instance which central or SCS, one database but two schemas,
    optionally two message servers

    @types: IniDocument -> bool'''
    system = sap_discoverer.parse_system_in_pf(doc)
    instance = sap_discoverer.ProfileParser.parseInstance(doc)
    isAbapMsPresent = first(_parseUsedAbapMsDetails(doc)) is not None
    isJavaMsPresent = _parseUsedJavaMsDetails(doc) is not None
    isAbapCentral = None
    isAbapScs = sap_abap.isCentralServicesInstance(instance)

    return (system.type == sap.SystemType.DS
                     or (isAbapMsPresent and isJavaMsPresent)
                     or (isJavaMsPresent and (isAbapCentral or isAbapScs)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _discover_topology(self, shell, system, pf_path):
        '@types: Shell, System, str -> _Topology'
        sys_name = system.getName()

        pf_result = self._get_pf_doc(pf_path, sys_name, shell)
        default_pf_file, inst_pf_file, pf_doc = pf_result

        topology = _Topology(system, None, None, None, None)
        if not (default_pf_file or inst_pf_file):
            logger.warn("Failed to get instance profiles. "
                        "Information about system will be used from parsed "
                        "instance profile path")
                system = sap_discoverer.parse_system_in_pf(pf_doc)
            except ValueError, ve:
                logger.warn("Failed to discovery system %s. %s" % (system, ve))
                #we should get the instance information any way in order to have a possibility to properly work with instance ip
                inst = Sfn(sap_discoverer.parse_inst_in_pf)(pf_doc)
                topology = _Topology(system, inst, None, None, None)
    def _discover_topology(self, shell, system, pf_path):
        '@types: Shell, System, str -> _Topology'
        sys_name = system.getName()

        pf_result = self._get_pf_doc(pf_path, sys_name, shell)
        default_pf_file, inst_pf_file, pf_doc = pf_result

        topology = _Topology(system, None, None, None, None)
        if not (default_pf_file or inst_pf_file):
            logger.warn("Failed to get instance profiles. "
                        "Information about system will be used from parsed "
                        "instance profile path")
                system = sap_discoverer.parse_system_in_pf(pf_doc)
            except ValueError, ve:
                logger.warn("Failed to discovery system %s. %s" % (system, ve))
                #we should get the instance information any way in order to have a possibility to properly work with instance ip
                inst = Sfn(sap_discoverer.parse_inst_in_pf)(pf_doc)
                topology = _Topology(system, inst, None, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
            vector.addAll(_discoverAscsInPf(defaultPfDoc, system, systemOsh, oshPerInstance))
        except SapSystemInconsistentDataException, e:
            raise e
            logger.warn("Failed to discover ASCS in the profile")

    #Making database reporting optional depending on global configuration according to QCCR1H100374 Keep a possibility option to discover SAP related database via Host Applications job
    do_report_database = GeneralSettingsConfigFile.getInstance().getPropertyStringValue('reportSapAppServerDatabase', 'false')
    if do_report_database and do_report_database.lower() == 'true':
        systemType = sap.SystemType.ABAP
        system_ = None
        for name, (startPfIniDoc, instPfIniDoc) in pfSetByInstName.iteritems():
            doc = createPfsIniDoc(defaultPfDoc, startPfIniDoc, instPfIniDoc)
            system_ = system_ or sap_discoverer.parse_system_in_pf(doc)
                vector.addAll(_discoverDbsInPfs(doc, sapUtils, systemOsh))
            except Exception, e:
                logger.warn("Failed to discover DB based for %s. %s" % (name, e))
            isDs = checkDoubleStack(doc)
            systemType = isDs and sap.SystemType.DS or systemType
        if system_:
            system_ = sap.System(system.getName(), globalHost=system.globalHost,
                                type_=systemType, defaultPfPath=first(defaultPf),
            _updateSystemOsh(system_, systemOsh)
    return vector