Ejemplo n.º 1
  def move_slave(self, slave_name = None,
                 from_slave_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL,
                 from_slave_index = 0,
                 to_slave_type = SlaveType.PERIPHERAL,
                 to_slave_index = 0):
    """Move slave from one place to another, the slave can be moved from one
    bus to another and the index position can be moved."""
    if to_slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL and to_slave_index == 0:
    if slave_name is None:
      gm.SlaveError("a slave name must be specified")

    if from_slave_type == to_slave_type:
      # Simple move call.
      self.sgm.move_slave(from_slave_index, to_slave_index, from_slave_type)

    sname = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(from_slave_index, from_slave_type)

    node = self.sgm.get_node(sname)
    tags = self.sgm.get_parameters(sname)

    # moving to the other bus, need to sever connections.
    self.remove_slave(from_slave_type, from_slave_index)
    filename = saputils.find_module_filename(tags["module"])
    filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(filename)
    self.add_slave(slave_name, filename, to_slave_type, to_slave_index)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def move_slave(self,
        """Move slave from one place to another, the slave can be moved from one
    bus to another and the index position can be moved."""
        if to_slave_type == SlaveType.PERIPHERAL and to_slave_index == 0:
        if slave_name is None:
            gm.SlaveError("a slave name must be specified")

        if from_slave_type == to_slave_type:
            # Simple move call.
            self.sgm.move_slave(from_slave_index, to_slave_index,

        sname = self.sgm.get_slave_name_at(from_slave_index, from_slave_type)

        node = self.sgm.get_node(sname)
        tags = self.sgm.get_parameters(sname)

        # moving to the other bus, need to sever connections.
        self.remove_slave(from_slave_type, from_slave_index)
        filename = saputils.find_module_filename(tags["module"])
        filename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(filename)
        self.add_slave(slave_name, filename, to_slave_type, to_slave_index)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def resolve_dependencies(self, filename, debug=True):

    given a filename determine if there are any modules it depends on,
    recursively search for any files found in order to extrapolate all

      filename: The filename to resolve dependencies for



        result = True
        ldebug = debug
        if debug:
            print "in resolve dependencies"
        local_file_list = []
        if debug:
            print "working on filename: " + filename
        if (self.has_dependencies(filename, debug=ldebug)):
            if debug:
                print "found dependencies!"
            deps = self.get_list_of_dependencies(filename, debug=ldebug)
            for d in deps:
                    dep_filename = saputils.find_module_filename(d,
                except ModuleNotFound as ex:
                    print "Dependency Warning: %s" % (str(ex))
                    print "Module Name: %s" % (d)
                    print "This warning may be due to:"
                    print "\tIncluding a simulation only module"
                    print "\tIncluding a vendor specific module"
                    print "\tA module that was not found"

                if debug:
                    print "found the filename: " + dep_filename
                #check this file out for dependecies, then append that on to the local list
                self.resolve_dependencies(dep_filename, debug=ldebug)
                if debug:
                    print "found all sub dependencies for: " + dep_filename

        #go through the local file list and add anything found to the list of dependencies or verilog files
        for f in local_file_list:
            if (not self.verilog_dependency_list.__contains__(f)
                    and not self.verilog_file_list.__contains__(f)):

                if debug:
                    print "found dependency: " + f

Ejemplo n.º 4
  def set_host_interface(self, host_interface_name, debug = False):
    """Sets the host interface type.  If host_interface_name is not a valid
    module name (or cannot be found for whatever reason), throws a
    ModuleNotFound exception."""
    hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

    node_names = self.sgm.get_node_names()
    if hi_name not in node_names:
      self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

    # Check if the host interface is valid.
    file_name = saputils.find_module_filename(host_interface_name)
    file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

    # If the host interface is valid then get all the tags ...
    parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename = file_name,
                                          bus = self.get_bus_type())
    # ... and set them up.
    self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def set_host_interface(self, host_interface_name, debug=False):
        """Sets the host interface type.  If host_interface_name is not a valid
    module name (or cannot be found for whatever reason), throws a
    ModuleNotFound exception."""
        hi_name = self.get_unique_name("Host Interface",

        node_names = self.sgm.get_node_names()
        if hi_name not in node_names:
            self.sgm.add_node("Host Interface", NodeType.HOST_INTERFACE)

        # Check if the host interface is valid.
        file_name = saputils.find_module_filename(host_interface_name)
        file_name = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(file_name)

        # If the host interface is valid then get all the tags ...
        parameters = saputils.get_module_tags(filename=file_name,
        # ... and set them up.
        self.sgm.set_parameters(hi_name, parameters)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_find_module_filename(self):
     module_name = "uart"
     result = saputils.find_module_filename(module_name, debug=self.dbg)
     #    result = saputils.find_module_filename(module_name, debug = True)
     self.assertEqual(len(result) > 0, True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def process_file(self,

    read in a file, modify it (if necessary), then write it to the location
    specified by the directory variable

      filename: the name of the file to process
      file_dict: dictionary associated with this file
      directory: output directory


        if (len(filename) == 0):
            raise ModuleFactoryError("No filename specified")

        if (len(directory) == 0):
            raise ModuleFactoryError("No output directory specified")

        if (filename.endswith(".v")):

        if debug:
            print "in process file"
            print "\t%s" % filename
        #maybe load a tags??

        #using the location value in the file_dict find the file and
        #pull it into a buf

        self.buf = ""
        file_location = ""

        #There are two types of files
        #ones that are copied over from a location
        #ones that are generated by scripts

        #The file is specified by a location and basically needs to be copied over
        if file_dict.has_key("location"):
            file_location = os.getenv(
                "SAPLIB_BASE") + "/" + file_dict["location"]
            if (debug):
                print("getting file: " + filename + " from location: " +

            found_file = False
                filein = open(
                    saputils.resolve_linux_path(file_location + "/" +
                self.buf = filein.read()
                found_file = True
            except IOError as err:

            if not found_file:
                if debug:
                    print "searching for file...",
                    absfilename = saputils.find_rtl_file_location(filename)
                    filein = open(absfilename)
                    self.buf = filein.read()
                    if debug:
                        print "Failed to find file"
                    raise ModuleFactoryError("File %s not found searched %s and in the HDL dir \n \
                                    (%s)"                                                    %  (filename, \
                                                file_location, \
                                                os.getenv("SAPLIB_BASE") + "/hdl/rtl"))

            if debug:
                print "found file!"
                print "file content: " + self.buf

        #File is generated by a script
        elif (not file_dict.has_key("gen_script")):
            raise ModuleFactoryError(
                "File %s does not declare a location or a script! Check the template file"
                % filename)

        if (debug):
            print "Project name: " + self.tags["PROJECT_NAME"]

        #if the generation flag is set in the dictionary
        if (file_dict.has_key("gen_script")):
            if (debug):
                print "found the generation script"
                print "run generation script: " + file_dict["gen_script"]
            #open up the new gen module
            cl = __import__("gen")
            if debug:
                print "cl: " + str(cl)
            Gen = getattr(cl, "Gen")
            if debug:
                print "Gen: " + str(Gen)
            self.gen_module = __import__(file_dict["gen_script"])
            gen_success_flag = False

            #find the script and dynamically add it
            for name in dir(self.gen_module):
                obj = getattr(self.gen_module, name)
                #      print "object type: " + str(obj)
                #XXX: debug section start
                if debug:
                    print "name: " + name
                if isclass(obj):
                    if debug:
                        print "\tobject type: " + str(obj)
                        print "\tis class"
                    if issubclass(obj, cl.Gen):
                        if debug:
                            print "\t\tis subclass"

#XXX: debug section end
                if isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, Gen) and obj is not Gen:
                    self.gen = obj()
                    if debug:
                        print "obj = " + str(self.gen)
                    self.buf = self.gen.gen_script(tags=self.tags,
                    gen_success_flag = True

            if not gen_success_flag:
                raise ModuleFactoryError(
                    "Failed to execute the generation script %s" %
            #no script to execute, just tags

        if debug:
            print self.buf
        #write the file to the specified directory
        if (len(self.buf) > 0):
            result = self.write_file(directory, filename)

        if (self.has_dependencies(filename)):
            deps = self.get_list_of_dependencies(filename)
            for d in deps:
                    result = saputils.find_module_filename(d)
                    if (len(result) == 0):
                        print "Error: couldn't find dependency filename"
                    f = saputils.find_module_filename(d)
                    if (f not in self.verilog_dependency_list
                            and f not in self.verilog_file_list):
                        if debug:
                            print "found dependency: " + f
                except ModuleNotFound as err:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def apply_slave_tags_to_project(self, debug=False):
        """Apply the slave tags to the project tags."""
        # Get all the slaves.
        p_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
        m_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.MEMORY)
        #    bind_dict = self.get_master_bind_dict()

        for i in range(0, p_count):
            sc_slave = self.sgm.get_slave_at(i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
            uname = sc_slave.unique_name
            name = sc_slave.name
            #      print "name: " + str(name)
            if name == "DRT":
            if name not in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():
                self.project_tags["SLAVES"][name] = {}

            pt_slave = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][name]
            if "bind" not in pt_slave.keys():
                pt_slave["bind"] = {}

            # Overwrite the current arbitrator dictionary.
            if "BUS" in pt_slave.keys():
                pt_slave["BUS"] = {}

            if "arbitrator_masters" in sc_slave.parameters.keys():
                ams = sc_slave.parameters["arbitrator_masters"]
                if len(ams) > 0:
                    # Add the BUS keyword to the arbitrator master.
                    pt_slave["BUS"] = {}
                    # Add all the items from the sc version.
                    for a in ams:
                        if debug:
                            print "arbitrator name: %s" % a
                        arb_slave = self.get_connected_arbitrator_slave(
                            uname, a)

                        arb_name = self.sgm.get_node(arb_slave).name
                        if arb_slave is not None:
                            pt_slave["BUS"][a] = arb_name
#          pt_slave["BUS"]

# Clear the current bindings in the project tags.
            pt_slave["bind"] = {}

            bindings = self.sgm.get_node_bindings(uname)
            #      bind = sc_slave.bindings
            #      print "bind id: " + str(id(bindings))
            if debug:
                print "bind contents: " + str(bindings)
            for p in bindings.keys():
                pt_slave["bind"][p] = {}
                pt_slave["bind"][p]["port"] = bindings[p]["pin"]
                pt_slave["bind"][p]["direction"] = bindings[p]["direction"]

            # Add filenames.
            module = sc_slave.parameters["module"]
            filename = saputils.find_module_filename(module)
            pt_slave["filename"] = filename

        # Memory BUS
        for i in range(0, m_count):
            sc_slave = self.sgm.get_slave_at(i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
            uname = sc_slave.unique_name
            name = sc_slave.name
            #      print "name: " + str(name)
            if name not in self.project_tags["MEMORY"].keys():
                self.project_tags["MEMORY"][name] = {}

            pt_slave = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][name]
            if "bind" not in pt_slave.keys():
                pt_slave["bind"] = {}

            # Overwrite the current arbitrator dictionary.
            if "BUS" in pt_slave.keys():
                pt_slave["BUS"] = {}

            if "arbitrator_masters" in sc_slave.parameters.keys():
                ams = sc_slave.parameters["arbitrator_masters"]
                if len(ams) > 0:
                    # Add the BUS keyword to the arbitrator master.
                    pt_slave["BUS"] = {}
                    # Add all the items from the sc version.
                    for a in ams:
                        if debug:
                            print "arbitrator name: %s" % a
                        arb_slave = self.get_connected_arbitrator_slave(
                            uname, a)

                        arb_name = self.sgm.get_node(arb_slave).name
                        if arb_slave is not None:
                            pt_slave["BUS"][a] = arb_name
#          pt_slave["BUS"]

# Clear the current bindings in the project tags.
            pt_slave["bind"] = {}

            bindings = self.sgm.get_node_bindings(uname)
            #      print "bind id: " + str(id(bindings))
            if debug:
                print "bind contents: " + str(bindings)
            for p in bindings.keys():
                pt_slave["bind"][p] = {}
                pt_slave["bind"][p]["port"] = bindings[p]["pin"]
                pt_slave["bind"][p]["direction"] = bindings[p]["direction"]
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def apply_slave_tags_to_project(self, debug = False):
    """Apply the slave tags to the project tags."""
    # Get all the slaves.
    p_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
    m_count = self.get_number_of_slaves(SlaveType.MEMORY)
#    bind_dict = self.get_master_bind_dict()

    for i in range(0, p_count):
      sc_slave = self.sgm.get_slave_at(i, SlaveType.PERIPHERAL)
      uname = sc_slave.unique_name
      name = sc_slave.name
#      print "name: " + str(name)
      if name == "DRT":
      if name not in self.project_tags["SLAVES"].keys():
        self.project_tags["SLAVES"][name] = {}

      pt_slave = self.project_tags["SLAVES"][name]
      if "bind" not in pt_slave.keys():
        pt_slave["bind"] = {}

      # Overwrite the current arbitrator dictionary.
      if "BUS" in pt_slave.keys():
        pt_slave["BUS"] = {}

      if "arbitrator_masters" in sc_slave.parameters.keys():
        ams = sc_slave.parameters["arbitrator_masters"]
        if len(ams) > 0:
          # Add the BUS keyword to the arbitrator master.
          pt_slave["BUS"] = {}
          # Add all the items from the sc version.
          for a in ams:
            if debug:
              print "arbitrator name: %s" % a
            arb_slave = self.get_connected_arbitrator_slave(uname, a)

            arb_name = self.sgm.get_node(arb_slave).name
            if arb_slave is not None:
              pt_slave["BUS"][a] = arb_name
#          pt_slave["BUS"]

      # Clear the current bindings in the project tags.
      pt_slave["bind"] = {}

      bindings = self.sgm.get_node_bindings(uname)
#      bind = sc_slave.bindings
#      print "bind id: " + str(id(bindings))
      if debug:
        print "bind contents: " + str(bindings)
      for p in bindings.keys():
        pt_slave["bind"][p] = {}
        pt_slave["bind"][p]["port"] = bindings[p]["pin"]
        pt_slave["bind"][p]["direction"] = bindings[p]["direction"]

      # Add filenames.
      module = sc_slave.parameters["module"]
      filename = saputils.find_module_filename(module)
      pt_slave["filename"] = filename

    # Memory BUS
    for i in range(0, m_count):
      sc_slave = self.sgm.get_slave_at(i, SlaveType.MEMORY)
      uname = sc_slave.unique_name
      name = sc_slave.name
#      print "name: " + str(name)
      if name not in self.project_tags["MEMORY"].keys():
        self.project_tags["MEMORY"][name] = {}

      pt_slave = self.project_tags["MEMORY"][name]
      if "bind" not in pt_slave.keys():
        pt_slave["bind"] = {}

      # Overwrite the current arbitrator dictionary.
      if "BUS" in pt_slave.keys():
        pt_slave["BUS"] = {}

      if "arbitrator_masters" in sc_slave.parameters.keys():
        ams = sc_slave.parameters["arbitrator_masters"]
        if len(ams) > 0:
          # Add the BUS keyword to the arbitrator master.
          pt_slave["BUS"] = {}
          # Add all the items from the sc version.
          for a in ams:
            if debug:
              print "arbitrator name: %s" % a
            arb_slave = self.get_connected_arbitrator_slave(uname, a)

            arb_name = self.sgm.get_node(arb_slave).name
            if arb_slave is not None:
              pt_slave["BUS"][a] = arb_name
#          pt_slave["BUS"]

      # Clear the current bindings in the project tags.
      pt_slave["bind"] = {}

      bindings = self.sgm.get_node_bindings(uname)
#      print "bind id: " + str(id(bindings))
      if debug:
        print "bind contents: " + str(bindings)
      for p in bindings.keys():
        pt_slave["bind"][p] = {}
        pt_slave["bind"][p]["port"] = bindings[p]["pin"]
        pt_slave["bind"][p]["direction"] = bindings[p]["direction"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
  def test_find_module_filename(self):
    module_name = "uart"
    result = saputils.find_module_filename(module_name, debug = self.dbg)
#    result = saputils.find_module_filename(module_name, debug = True)
    self.assertEqual(len(result) > 0, True)