Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Power_Law"

        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['m'] = 4.0
        self.params['scale'] = 1.0
        self.params['background'] = 0.0
        self.description = """ The Power_Law model.
        F(x) = scale* (x)^(-m) + bkd
        The model has three parameters: 
        m     =  power
        scale  =  scale factor
        bkd    =  incoherent background"""
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['m'] = ['', 0, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Debye"
        self.description = """ 
        F(x) = 2( exp(-x) + x - 1 )/x**2
        with x = (q*R_g)**2
        The model has three parameters: 
        Rg     =  radius of gyration
        scale  =  scale factor
        bkd    =  Constant background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['rg']          = 50.0
        self.params['scale']       = 1.0
        self.params['background']  = 0.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['rg']         = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale']      = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = [] 
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "GuinierPorod"
        self.description = """
         I(q) = scale/q^s* exp ( - R_g^2 q^2 / (3-s) ) for q<= ql
         = scale/q^m*exp((-ql^2*Rg^2)/(3-s))*ql^(m-s) for q>=ql
                        where ql = sqrt((m-s)(3-s)/2)/Rg.
                        List of parameters:
                        scale = Guinier Scale
                        s = Dimension Variable
                        Rg = Radius of Gyration [A] 
                        m = Porod Exponent
                        background  = Background [1/cm]"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale']  = 1.0
        self.params['dim']  = 1.0
        self.params['rg']     = 100.0
        self.params['m']     = 3.0
        self.params['background']     = 0.1
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['dim']  = ['', None, None]
        self.details['rg']    = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['m']     = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background']     = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []  
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "TwoPowerLaw"
        self.description = """I(q) = coef_A*pow(qval,-1.0*power1) for q<=qc
            =C*pow(qval,-1.0*power2) for q>qc
            where C=coef_A*pow(qc,-1.0*power1)/pow(qc,-1.0*power2).
             List of default parameters:
             coef_A = coefficient
             power1 = (-) Power @ low Q
             power2 = (-) Power @ high Q
             qc = crossover Q-value
             background = incoherent background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['coef_A'] = 1.0
        self.params['power1'] = 1.0
        self.params['power2'] = 4.0
        self.params['qc'] = 0.04
        self.params['background'] = 0.0
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['coef_A'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['power1'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['power2'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['qc'] = ['1/A', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Lorentz"
        self.description="""Lorentz (Ornstein-Zernicke) model.
        F(x) = scale/( 1 + (x*L)^2 ) + bkd 
        The model has three parameters:      
        L     =  screen Length\n\
        scale  =  scale factor\n\
        bkd    =  incoherent background"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['length']      = 50.0
        self.params['scale']       = 1.0
        self.params['background']  = 0.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['length']     = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale']      = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed= []      
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CEllipticalCylinderModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "EllipticalCylinderModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Model parameters: r_minor = the radius of minor axis of the cross section
		r_ratio = the ratio of (r_major /r_minor >= 1)
		length = the length of the cylinder
		sldCyl = SLD of the cylinder
		sldSolv = SLD of solvent -
		background = incoherent background
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['r_minor'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['r_ratio'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldCyl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_theta'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_phi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_psi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['cyl_phi.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = ['cyl_phi',

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Peak Gauss Model"
        self.description = """ F(q) = scale*exp( -1/2 *[(q-q0)/B]^2 )+ background
        The model has three parameters: 
        scale     =  scale
        q0        =  peak position
        B         =  standard deviation
        background=  incoherent background"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params["scale"] = 100.0
        self.params["q0"] = 0.05
        self.params["B"] = 0.005
        self.params["background"] = 1.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details["q0"] = ["[1/A]", None, None]
        self.details["scale"] = ["", 0, None]
        self.details["B"] = ["[1/A]", None, None]
        self.details["background"] = ["[1/cm]", None, None]
        # list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "TwoPowerLaw"
        self.description="""I(q) = coef_A*pow(qval,-1.0*power1) for q<=qc
            =C*pow(qval,-1.0*power2) for q>qc
            where C=coef_A*pow(qc,-1.0*power1)/pow(qc,-1.0*power2).
             List of default parameters:
             coef_A = coefficient
             power1 = (-) Power @ low Q
             power2 = (-) Power @ high Q
             qc = crossover Q-value
             background = incoherent background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['coef_A']  = 1.0
        self.params['power1']     = 1.0
        self.params['power2']  = 4.0
        self.params['qc']     = 0.04
        self.params['background']     = 0.0
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['coef_A'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['power1'] =  ['', None, None]
        self.details['power2']  =  ['', None, None]
        self.details['qc']  =   ['1/A', None, None]
        self.details['background']   =  ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed= []  
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "GaussLorentzGel"
        self.description = """I(q)=scale_g*exp(-q^2*Z^2/2)+scale_l/(1+q^2*z^2)
            + background
            List of default parameters:
             scale_g = Gauss scale factor
             stat_colength = Static correlation length
             scale_l = Lorentzian scale factor
             dyn_colength = Dynamic correlation length
             background = Incoherent background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale_g'] = 100.0
        self.params['stat_colength'] = 100.0
        self.params['scale_l'] = 50.0
        self.params['dyn_colength'] = 20.0
        self.params['background'] = 0.0
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale_g'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['stat_colength'] = ['A', None, None]
        self.details['scale_l'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['dyn_colength'] = ['A', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Peak Gauss Model"
        self.description=""" F(q) = scale*exp( -1/2 *[(q-q0)/B]^2 )+ background
        The model has three parameters: 
        scale     =  scale
        q0        =  peak position
        B         =  standard deviation
        background=  incoherent background"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale']              = 100.0
        self.params['q0']                 = 0.05
        self.params['B']              = 0.005
        self.params['background']         = 1.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['q0']            = ['[1/A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale']             = ['', 0, None]
        self.details['B']            = ['[1/A]', None, None]
        self.details['background']        = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed= []  
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Peak Lorentz Model"
        self.description = """ F(q) = scale/(1+[(q-q0)/B]^2 ) + background
        The model has three parameters: 
        scale     =  scale
        q0        =  peak position
        B         =  ( hwhm) half-width-halfmaximum
        background=  incoherent background"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale']              = 100.0
        self.params['q0']                 = 0.05
        self.params['B']              = 0.005
        self.params['background']         = 1.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['q0']            = ['[1/A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale']             = ['', 0, None]
        self.details['B']            = ['[1/A]', None, None]
        self.details['background']        = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []  
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, name="Plugin Model"):
     """ Initialization """
     self.name = name
     self.details = {}
     self.params = {}
     self.description = 'plugin model'
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "GaussLorentzGel"
        self.description = """I(q)=scale_g*exp(-q^2*Z^2/2)+scale_l/(1+q^2*z^2)
            + background
            List of default parameters:
             scale_g = Gauss scale factor
             stat_colength = Static correlation length
             scale_l = Lorentzian scale factor
             dyn_colength = Dynamic correlation length
             background = Incoherent background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale_g']  = 100.0
        self.params['stat_colength']     = 100.0
        self.params['scale_l']  = 50.0
        self.params['dyn_colength']     = 20.0
        self.params['background']     = 0.0
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale_g'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['stat_colength'] =  ['A', None, None]
        self.details['scale_l']  =  ['', None, None]
        self.details['dyn_colength']  =   ['A', None, None]
        self.details['background']   =  ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []  
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Lorentz"
        self.description = """Lorentz (Ornstein-Zernicke) model.
        F(x) = scale/( 1 + (x*L)^2 ) + bkd 
        The model has three parameters:      
        L     =  screen Length\n\
        scale  =  scale factor\n\
        bkd    =  incoherent background"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['length'] = 50.0
        self.params['scale'] = 1.0
        self.params['background'] = 0.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "GuinierPorod"
        self.description = """
         I(q) = scale/q^s* exp ( - R_g^2 q^2 / (3-s) ) for q<= ql
         = scale/q^m*exp((-ql^2*Rg^2)/(3-s))*ql^(m-s) for q>=ql
                        where ql = sqrt((m-s)(3-s)/2)/Rg.
                        List of parameters:
                        scale = Guinier Scale
                        s = Dimension Variable
                        Rg = Radius of Gyration [A] 
                        m = Porod Exponent
                        background  = Background [1/cm]"""
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['scale'] = 1.0
        self.params['dim'] = 1.0
        self.params['rg'] = 100.0
        self.params['m'] = 3.0
        self.params['background'] = 0.1
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['m'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self , name="Plugin Model" ):
     """ Initialization """
     self.name = name
     self.details = {}
     self.params  = {}
     self.description = 'plugin model'
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Power_Law"

        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['m']            = 4.0
        self.params['scale']        = 1.0
        self.params['background']   = 0.0
        self.description = """ The Power_Law model.
        F(x) = scale* (x)^(-m) + bkd
        The model has three parameters: 
        m     =  power
        scale  =  scale factor
        bkd    =  incoherent background"""
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['m']           = ['', 0,    None]
        self.details['scale']       = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background']  = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []    
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Debye"
        self.description = """ 
        F(x) = 2( exp(-x) + x - 1 )/x**2
        with x = (q*R_g)**2
        The model has three parameters: 
        Rg     =  radius of gyration
        scale  =  scale factor
        bkd    =  Constant background
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}
        self.params['rg'] = 50.0
        self.params['scale'] = 1.0
        self.params['background'] = 0.0

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        #list of parameter that cannot be fitted
        self.fixed = []
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CLinearPearlsModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "LinearPearlsModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        Calculate form factor for Pearl Necklace Model
		[Macromol. 1996, 29, 2974-2979]
		scale: scale factor
		sld_pearl: the SLD of the pearl spheres
		sld_solv: the SLD of the solvent
		num_pearls: number of the pearls
		radius: the radius of a pearl
		edge_separation: the length of string segment; surface to surface
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['edge_separation'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['num_pearls'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_pearl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['edge_separation'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['num_pearls'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_pearl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['radius.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CLinearPearlsModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "LinearPearlsModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        Calculate form factor for Pearl Necklace Model
		[Macromol. 1996, 29, 2974-2979]
		scale: scale factor
		sld_pearl: the SLD of the pearl spheres
		sld_solv: the SLD of the solvent
		num_pearls: number of the pearls
		radius: the radius of a pearl
		edge_separation: the length of string segment; surface to surface

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['edge_separation'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['num_pearls'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_pearl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['edge_separation'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['num_pearls'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_pearl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['radius.width', 'edge_separation.width']

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def setParam(self, name, value):
         Set a parameter value
         :param name: parameter name
     if name.lower() in self.params:
         BaseComponent.setParam(self, name, value)
         self.model.setParam(name, value)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "NoStructure"
        self.description = """ NoStructure factor
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialization """
     # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
     ## Name of the model
     self.name = "NoStructure"
     self.description=""" NoStructure factor
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialization """
     # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
     ## Name of the model
     self.name = "Error!"
     self.description="""Error  model
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Error!"
        self.description = """Error  model
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CTriaxialEllipsoidModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "TriaxialEllipsoidModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        Note: During fitting ensure that the inequality A<B<C is not
		violated. Otherwise the calculation will
		not be correct.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['semi_axisA'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['semi_axisB'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['semi_axisC'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldEll'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        self.details['axis_theta'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['axis_phi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['axis_psi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['axis_psi.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = ['axis_psi',

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CEllipticalCylinderModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "EllipticalCylinderModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Model parameters: r_minor = the radius of minor axis of the cross section
		r_ratio = the ratio of (r_major /r_minor >= 1)
		length = the length of the cylinder
		sldCyl = SLD of the cylinder
		sldSolv = SLD of solvent -
		background = incoherent background

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['r_minor'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['r_ratio'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldCyl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_theta'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_phi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['cyl_psi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = [
            'cyl_phi.width', 'cyl_theta.width', 'cyl_psi.width',
            'length.width', 'r_minor.width', 'r_ratio.width'

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = [
            'cyl_phi', 'cyl_theta', 'cyl_psi', 'cyl_phi.width',
            'cyl_theta.width', 'cyl_psi.width'

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CRaspBerryModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "RaspBerryModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
		volf_Lsph = volume fraction large spheres
		radius_Lsph = radius large sphere (A)
		sld_Lsph = sld large sphere (A-2)
		volf_Ssph = volume fraction small spheres
		radius_Ssph = radius small sphere (A)
		surfrac_Ssph = fraction of small spheres at surface
		sld_Ssph = sld small sphere
		delta_Ssph = small sphere penetration (A)
		sld_solv   = sld solvent
		background = background (cm-1)
		Ref: J. coll. inter. sci. (2010) vol. 343 (1) pp. 36-41.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['volf_Lsph'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius_Lsph'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_Lsph'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['volf_Ssph'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius_Ssph'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['surfrac_Ssph'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_Ssph'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['delta_Ssph'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['radius_Lsph.width']
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CHollowCylinderModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "HollowCylinderModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         P(q) = scale*<f*f>/Vol + bkg, where f is the scattering amplitude.
		core_radius = the radius of core
		radius = the radius of shell
		length = the total length of the cylinder
		sldCyl = SLD of the shell
		sldSolv = SLD of the solvent
		background = incoherent background

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['core_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldCyl'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]
        self.details['axis_theta'] = ['[deg]', None, None]
        self.details['axis_phi'] = ['[deg]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = [
            'axis_phi.width', 'axis_theta.width', 'length.width',
            'core_radius.width', 'radius'

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = [
            'axis_phi', 'axis_theta', 'axis_phi.width', 'axis_theta.width'

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CStickyHSStructure.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "StickyHSStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Structure Factor for interacting particles:                               .
		The interaction potential is
		U(r)= inf , r < 2R
		= -Uo  , 2R < r < 2R + w
		= 0   , r >= 2R +w
		R: effective radius of the hardsphere
		stickiness = [exp(Uo/kT)]/(12*perturb)
		perturb = w/(w+ 2R) , 0.01 =< w <= 0.1
		w: The width of the square well ,w > 0
		v: The volume fraction , v > 0
		Ref: Menon, S. V. G.,et.al., J. Chem.
		Phys., 1991, 95(12), 9186-9190.

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['perturb'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['stickiness'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CHayterMSAStructure.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "HayterMSAStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        To calculate the structure factor (the Fourier transform of the
		pair correlation function g(r)) for a system of
		charged, spheroidal objects in a dielectric
		When combined with an appropriate form
		factor, this allows for inclusion of
		the interparticle interference effects
		due to screened coulomb repulsion between
		charged particles.
		(Note: charge > 0 required.)
		Ref: JP Hansen and JB Hayter, Molecular
		Physics 46, 651-656 (1982).

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['charge'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['temperature'] = ['[K]', None, None]
        self.details['saltconc'] = ['[M]', None, None]
        self.details['dielectconst'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CHayterMSAStructure.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "HayterMSAStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        To calculate the structure factor (the Fourier transform of the
		pair correlation function g(r)) for a system of
		charged, spheroidal objects in a dielectric
		When combined with an appropriate form
		factor, this allows for inclusion of
		the interparticle interference effects
		due to screened coulomb repulsion between
		charged particles.
		(Note: charge > 0 required.)
		Ref: JP Hansen and JB Hayter, Molecular
		Physics 46, 651-656 (1982).
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['charge'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['temperature'] = ['[K]', None, None]
        self.details['saltconc'] = ['[M]', None, None]
        self.details['dielectconst'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CRectangularHollowPrismModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "RectangularHollowPrismModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Form factor for a hollow rectangular prism with uniform scattering length density.
		scale:Scale factor
		short_side: shortest side of the rectangular prism  [A]
		b2a_ratio: ratio b/a [adim]
		c2a_ratio: ratio c/a [adim]
		thickness: thickness of the walls [A]
		sldPipe: Pipe_sld
		sldSolv: solvent_sld
		background:Incoherent Background [1/cm]

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['short_side'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['b2a_ratio'] = ['[adim]', None, None]
        self.details['c2a_ratio'] = ['[adim]', None, None]
        self.details['thickness'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldPipe'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = [
            'short_side.width', 'b2a_ratio.width', 'c2a_ratio.width',

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        :param multfactor: number of cases in the model, assumes 0<= case# <=10.

        ## Setting  model name model description
        self.description = ""
        model = RPAModel()
        self.model = model
        self.name = "RPA10Model"
        self.description = model.description
        self.case_num = multfactor
        ## Define parameters
        self.params = {}

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}

        # non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = model.non_fittable

        # list of function in order of the function number
        self.fun_list = self._get_func_list()
        ## dispersion
        ## Define parameters

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]

        # list of parameter that can be fitted
        self.model.params["lcase_n"] = self.case_num

        ## functional multiplicity of the model
        self.multiplicity_info = [
            "Case No.:",
                "C/D Binary Mixture of Homopolymers",
                "C-D Diblock Copolymer",
                "B/C/D Ternary Mixture of Homopolymers",
                "B/C-D Mixture of Homopolymer B and Diblock Copolymer C-D",
                "B-C-D Triblock Copolymer",
                "A/B/C/D Quaternary Mixture of Homopolymers",
                "A/B/C-D Mixture of Homopolymer A/B and Diblock C-D",
                "A/B-C-D Mixture of Homopolymer A and triblock B-C-D",
                "A-B/C-D Mixture of Diblock Copolymer A-B and Diblock C-D",
                "A-B-C-D Four-block Copolymer",
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CStickyHSStructure.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "StickyHSStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Structure Factor for interacting particles:                               .
		The interaction potential is
		U(r)= inf , r < 2R
		= -Uo  , 2R < r < 2R + w
		= 0   , r >= 2R +w
		R: effective radius of the hardsphere
		stickiness = [exp(Uo/kT)]/(12*perturb)
		perturb = w/(w+ 2R) , 0.01 =< w <= 0.1
		w: The width of the square well ,w > 0
		v: The volume fraction , v > 0
		Ref: Menon, S. V. G.,et.al., J. Chem.
		Phys., 1991, 95(12), 9186-9190.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['perturb'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['stickiness'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CCore2ndMomentModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Core2ndMomentModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        Calculate CoreSecondMoment Model
		scale:calibration factor,
		density_poly: density of the layer
		sld_poly: the SLD of the layer
		volf_cores: volume fraction of cores
		ads_amount: adsorbed amount
		second_moment: second moment of the layer
		sld_solv: the SLD of the solvent

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['density_poly'] = ['[g/cm^(3)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_poly'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['radius_core'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['volf_cores'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['ads_amount'] = ['[mg/m^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['second_moment'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['radius_core.width']

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CSquareWellStructure.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "SquareWellStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Structure Factor for interacting particles:             .
		The interaction potential is
		U(r)= inf   , r < 2R
		= -d    , 2R <= r <=2Rw
		= 0     , r >= 2Rw
		R: effective radius (A)of the particle
		v: volume fraction
		d: well depth
		w: well width; multiples of the
		particle diameter
		Ref: Sharma, R. V.; Sharma,
		K. C., Physica, 1977, 89A, 213.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['welldepth'] = ['[kT]', None, None]
        self.details['wellwidth'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialization """
     # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
     ## Name of the model
     self.name = "Cos"
     self.description = 'F(x)=cos(x)'
     ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
     self.details = {}
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization """

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "Cos"
        self.description = 'F(x)=cos(x)'
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CSquareWellStructure.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "SquareWellStructure"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Structure Factor for interacting particles:             .
		The interaction potential is
		U(r)= inf   , r < 2R
		= -d    , 2R <= r <=2Rw
		= 0     , r >= 2Rw
		R: effective radius (A)of the particle
		v: volume fraction
		d: well depth
		w: well width; multiples of the
		particle diameter
		Ref: Sharma, R. V.; Sharma,
		K. C., Physica, 1977, 89A, 213.

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['effect_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['volfraction'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['welldepth'] = ['[kT]', None, None]
        self.details['wellwidth'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['effect_radius.width']

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CMassFractalModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "MassFractalModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = scale*P(x)*S(x) + background, where
		scale = scale_factor  * V * delta^(2)
		p(x)=  F(x*radius)^(2)
		F(x) = 3*[sin(x)-x cos(x)]/x**3
		S(x) = [(gamma(Dm-1)*colength^(Dm-1)*[1+(x^2*colength^2)]^((1-Dm)/2)
		* sin[(Dm-1)*arctan(x*colength)])/x]
		where delta = sldParticle -sldSolv.
		radius       =  Particle radius
		mass_dim  =  Mass fractal dimension
		co_length  =  Cut-off length
		background   =  background
		Ref.:Mildner, Hall,J Phys D Appl Phys(1986), 9, 1535-1545
		Note I: This model is valid for 1<mass_dim<6.
		Note II: This model is not in absolute scale.

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['mass_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['co_length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
         @param base: component to div
         @param other: component to div by
     # Component to divide
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to divide by
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'DivComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CLamellarPCrystalModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "LamellarPCrystalModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
        [Lamellar ParaCrystal Model] Parameter Definitions: scale = scale factor,
		background = incoherent background
		thickness = lamellar thickness,
		sld_layer = layer scattering length density ,
		sld_solvent = solvent scattering length density.
		Nlayers = no. of lamellar layers
		spacing = spacing between layers
		pd_spacing = polydispersity of spacing
		Note: This model can be used for large
		multilamellar vesicles.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['thickness'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['Nlayers'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['spacing'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['pd_spacing'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['sld_layer'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sld_solvent'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['thickness.width']
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
         @param base: component to subtract from
         @param other: component to subtract
     # Component to subtract from
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to subtract
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'SubComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
         @param base: component to subtract from
         @param other: component to subtract
     # Component to subtract from
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to subtract
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'SubComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
         @param base: component to div
         @param other: component to div by
     # Component to divide
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to divide by
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'DivComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CMassFractalModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "MassFractalModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = scale*P(x)*S(x) + background, where
		scale = scale_factor  * V * delta^(2)
		p(x)=  F(x*radius)^(2)
		F(x) = 3*[sin(x)-x cos(x)]/x**3
		S(x) = [(gamma(Dm-1)*colength^(Dm-1)*[1+(x^2*colength^2)]^((1-Dm)/2)
		* sin[(Dm-1)*arctan(x*colength)])/x]
		where delta = sldParticle -sldSolv.
		radius       =  Particle radius
		mass_dim  =  Mass fractal dimension
		co_length  =  Cut-off length
		background   =  background
		Ref.:Mildner, Hall,J Phys D Appl Phys(1986), 9, 1535-1545
		Note I: This model is valid for 1<mass_dim<6.
		Note II: This model is not in absolute scale.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['mass_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['co_length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CMassSurfaceFractal.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "MassSurfaceFractal"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = scale*P(x) + background,
		p(x)= {[1+(x^2*a)]^(Dm/2) * [1+(x^2*b)]^(6-Ds-Dm)/2}^(-1)
		a = Rg^2/(3*Dm/2)
		b = rg^2/(3*(6-Ds-Dm)/2)
		scale        =  scale factor * N*Volume^2*contrast^2
		mass_dim       =  Dm (mass fractal dimension)
		surface_dim  =  Ds
		cluster_rg  =  Rg
		primary_rg    =  rg
		background   =  background
		Ref: Schmidt, J Appl Cryst, eq(19), (1991), 24, 414-435
		: Hurd, Schaefer, Martin, Phys Rev A, eq(2),(1987),35, 2361-2364
		Note that 0 < Ds< 6 and 0 < Dm < 6.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['mass_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['surface_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['cluster_rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['primary_rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
         @param base: component to multiply
         @param other: component to multiply by
     # Component to multiply
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to multiply by
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'MulComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CMultiShellModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "MultiShellModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         MultiShell (Sphere) Model (or Multilamellar Vesicles): Model parameters;
		scale : scale factor
		core_radius : Core radius of the multishell
		s_thickness: shell thickness
		w_thickness: water thickness
		core_sld: core scattering length density
		shell_sld: shell scattering length density
		n_pairs:number of pairs of water/shell
		background: incoherent background
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['core_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['s_thickness'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['w_thickness'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['core_sld'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['shell_sld'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['n_pairs'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['core_radius.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CMassSurfaceFractal.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "MassSurfaceFractal"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = scale*P(x) + background,
		p(x)= {[1+(x^2*a)]^(Dm/2) * [1+(x^2*b)]^(6-Ds-Dm)/2}^(-1)
		a = Rg^2/(3*Dm/2)
		b = rg^2/(3*(6-Ds-Dm)/2)
		scale        =  scale factor * N*Volume^2*contrast^2
		mass_dim       =  Dm (mass fractal dimension)
		surface_dim  =  Ds
		cluster_rg  =  Rg
		primary_rg    =  rg
		background   =  background
		Ref: Schmidt, J Appl Cryst, eq(19), (1991), 24, 414-435
		: Hurd, Schaefer, Martin, Phys Rev A, eq(2),(1987),35, 2361-2364
		Note that 0 < Ds< 6 and 0 < Dm < 6.

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['mass_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['surface_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['cluster_rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['primary_rg'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}

        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CFractalModel.__init__, (self,))

        self.is_multifunc = False

        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "FractalModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = P(|x|)*S(|x|) + background, where
		p(x)= scale * V * delta^(2)* F(x*radius)^(2)
		F(x) = 3*[sin(x)-x cos(x)]/x**3
		where delta = sldBlock -sldSolv.
		scale        =  scale factor * Volume fraction
		radius       =  Block radius
		fractal_dim  =  Fractal dimension
		cor_length  =  Correlation Length
		sldBlock    =  SDL block
		sldSolv  =  SDL solvent
		background   =  background

        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['fractal_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['cor_length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldBlock'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []

        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []

        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CFractalModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "FractalModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         The scattering intensity  I(x) = P(|x|)*S(|x|) + background, where
		p(x)= scale * V * delta^(2)* F(x*radius)^(2)
		F(x) = 3*[sin(x)-x cos(x)]/x**3
		where delta = sldBlock -sldSolv.
		scale        =  scale factor * Volume fraction
		radius       =  Block radius
		fractal_dim  =  Fractal dimension
		cor_length  =  Correlation Length
		sldBlock    =  SDL block
		sldSolv  =  SDL solvent
		background   =  background
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['fractal_dim'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['cor_length'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldBlock'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = []
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def __init__(self, base=None, other=None):
     :param base: component to add to 
     :param other: component to add
     # Component to add to
     self.operateOn = base
     # Component to add
     self.other = other
     # name
     self.name = 'AddComponent'
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CBinaryHSModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "BinaryHSModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
         Model parameters: l_radius : large radius of binary hard sphere
		s_radius : small radius of binary hard sphere
		vol_frac_ls : volume fraction of large spheres
		vol_frac_ss : volume fraction of small spheres
		ls_sld: large sphere  scattering length density
		ss_sld: small sphere scattering length density
		solvent_sld: solvent scattering length density
		background: incoherent background
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['l_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['s_radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['vol_frac_ls'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['vol_frac_ss'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['ls_sld'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['ss_sld'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['solvent_sld'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['l_radius.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def __init__(self, multfactor=1):
        """ Initialization """
        self.__dict__ = {}
        # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere
        #apply(CFuzzySphereModel.__init__, (self,)) 

        self.is_multifunc = False
        ## Name of the model
        self.name = "FuzzySphereModel"
        ## Model description
        self.description = """
		scale: scale factor times volume fraction,
		or just volume fraction for absolute scale data
		radius: radius of the solid sphere
		fuzziness = the STD of the height of fuzzy interfacial
		thickness (ie., so-called interfacial roughness)
		sldSph: the SLD of the sphere
		sldSolv: the SLD of the solvent
		background: incoherent background
		Note: By definition, this function works only when fuzziness << radius.
        ## Parameter details [units, min, max]
        self.details = {}
        self.details['radius'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['scale'] = ['', None, None]
        self.details['fuzziness'] = ['[A]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSph'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['sldSolv'] = ['[1/A^(2)]', None, None]
        self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', None, None]

        ## fittable parameters
        self.fixed = ['radius.width',
        ## non-fittable parameters
        self.non_fittable = []
        ## parameters with orientation
        self.orientation_params = []

        ## parameters with magnetism
        self.magnetic_params = []

        self.category = None
        self.multiplicity_info = None