Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_zip_paging(paging):
    """Check that zip() works correctly with the list."""
    obj, items, _ = paging
    l = PagedList(obj)

    # length of list should equal total # of items
    assert len(l) == len(items)

    for target, actual in zip(items, l):
        assert RestObj(target).name == actual.name
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_getitem_paging(paging):
    """Check that list can be enumerated."""
    obj, items, _ = paging
    l = PagedList(obj)

    # length of list should equal total # of items
    assert len(l) == len(items)

    for i, item in enumerate(l):
        assert item.name == RestObj(items[i]).name
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_getitem_no_paging():
    items = [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}, {'name': 'c'}]
    obj = RestObj(items=items, count=len(items))

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        l = PagedList(obj)

        for i in range(len(l)):
            item = l[i]
            assert RestObj(items[i]) == item

    # No request should have been made to retrieve additional data.
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_len_no_paging():
    items = [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}, {'name': 'c'}]
    obj = RestObj(items=items, count=len(items))

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        l = PagedList(obj)
        assert len(l) == 3

        for i, o in enumerate(l):
            assert RestObj(items[i]) == o

    # No request should have been made to retrieve additional data.
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_copy(paging):
    """Check that [:] syntax works correctly with the list."""
    obj, items, _ = paging
    l = PagedList(obj)

    # length of list should equal total # of items
    assert len(l) == len(items)

    target = items[:]
    actual = l[:]

    assert len(actual) == len(l)

    for i, item in enumerate(actual):
        assert item.name == RestObj(target[i]).name
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_slice_paging(paging):
    """Check that [i:j] syntax works correctly with the list."""

    obj, items, _ = paging
    l = PagedList(obj)

    # length of list should equal total # of items
    assert len(l) == len(items)

    # Generate pairs of start:stop indexes that intentionally exceed
    # the size of the array, and include empty sequences.
    starts = range(len(l) + 1)
    stops = range(len(l), -1, -1)

    for start, stop in zip(starts, stops):
        target = items[start:stop]
        actual = l[start:stop]

        for i, item in enumerate(actual):
            assert item.name == RestObj(target[i]).name
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_str():
    """Check str formatting of list."""
    source_items = [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}, {'name': 'c'},
                    {'name': 'd'}, {'name': 'e'}, {'name': 'f'}]

    start = 2
    limit = 2

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as req:
        obj = RestObj(items=source_items[:2],
                      links=[{'rel': 'next',
                              'href': '/moaritems?start=%d&limit=%d' % (
                                  start, limit)}])

        def side_effect(_, link, **kwargs):
            if 'start=2' in link:
                result = source_items[1:1+limit]
            elif 'start=4' in link:
                result =  source_items[3:3+limit]
            return RestObj(items=result)

        req.side_effect = side_effect

        l = PagedList(obj)

        for i in range(len(source_items)):
            # Force access of each item to ensure it's downloaded
            _ = l[i]

            if i < len(source_items) - 1:
                # Ellipses should indicate unfetched results unless we're
                # at the end of the list
                assert str(l).endswith(', ... ]')
                assert not str(l).endswith(', ... ]')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_get_item_inflated_len():
    """Test behavior when server overestimates the number of items available."""
    import re

    start = 10
    limit = 10

    # Only defines 20 items to return
    pages = [
        [{'name': x} for x in list('abcdefghi')],
        [{'name': x} for x in list('klmnopqrs')],
        [{'name': x} for x in list('uv')],
    actual_num_items = sum(len(page) for page in pages)

    # services (like Files) may overestimate how many items are available.
    # Simulate that behavior
    num_items = 23

    obj = RestObj(items=pages[0],
                  links=[{'rel': 'next',
                          'href': '/moaritems?start=%d&limit=%d' % (start, limit)}])

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as req:
        def side_effect(_, link, **kwargs):
            assert 'limit=%d' % limit in link
            start = int(re.search(r'(?<=start=)[\d]+', link).group())
            if start == 10:
                return RestObj(items=pages[1])
            elif start == 20:
                return RestObj(items=pages[2])
                return RestObj(items=[])

        req.side_effect = side_effect
        pager = PagedList(obj, threads=1)

        # Initially, length is estimated based on how many items the server says it has available
        assert len(pager) == num_items

        # Retrieve all of the items
        items = [x for x in pager]

    # Should have retrieved all of the items
    assert len(items) == actual_num_items

    # List length should now be updated to indicate the correct number of items
    assert len(pager) == actual_num_items

    # Recreate the pager
    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as req:
        def side_effect(_, link, **kwargs):
            assert 'limit=%d' % limit in link
            start = int(re.search(r'(?<=start=)[\d]+', link).group())
            if start == 10:
                return RestObj(items=pages[1])
            elif start == 20:
                return RestObj(items=pages[2])
                return RestObj(items=[])

        req.side_effect = side_effect

        pager = PagedList(obj, threads=1)

        # Requesting the last item should work & cause loading of all items
        last_item = pager[-1]

    # Make sure the last item is correct (even though server inflated item count)
    assert last_item == pages[-1][-1]
    assert len(pager) == actual_num_items