Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__ (self, collaggr=None, songs=None, view=None):
        QAbstractTableModel.__init__ (self, view)
        # TODO: different delegate for editing tags: one with completion
        self.view_= view
        self.playlist= view.playlist
        self.edited= False

        if songs is None:
            self.collaggr= collaggr
            self.collections= self.collaggr.collections

            self.signalMapper= QSignalMapper ()
            for collNo, collection in enumerate (self.collections):
                collection.newSongs.connect (self.signalMapper.map)
                self.signalMapper.setMapping (collection, collNo)

            self.signalMapper.mapped.connect (self.addRows)
            self.collaggr= CollectionAggregator (self, songs=songs)

        self.attrNames= ('artist', 'year', 'collection', 'diskno', 'album', 'trackno', 'title', 'length', 'filepath')

        self.headers= (u'Artist', u'Year', u'Collection', u'CD', u'Album', u'Track', u'Title', u'Length', u'Path')
        # FIXME: kinda hacky
        self.fontMetrics= QFontMetrics (KGlobalSettings.generalFont ())
        # FIXME: (even more) hackish
        self.columnWidths= ("M"*15, "M"*4, "M"*15, "M"*3, "M"*20, "M"*3, "M"*25, "M"*5, "M"*200)
        logger.debug ("QPLM: ", self)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class QPlayListModel (QAbstractTableModel):
    def __init__ (self, collaggr=None, songs=None, view=None):
        QAbstractTableModel.__init__ (self, view)
        # TODO: different delegate for editing tags: one with completion
        self.view_= view
        self.playlist= view.playlist
        self.edited= False

        if songs is None:
            self.collaggr= collaggr
            self.collections= self.collaggr.collections

            self.signalMapper= QSignalMapper ()
            for collNo, collection in enumerate (self.collections):
                collection.newSongs.connect (self.signalMapper.map)
                self.signalMapper.setMapping (collection, collNo)

            self.signalMapper.mapped.connect (self.addRows)
            self.collaggr= CollectionAggregator (self, songs=songs)

        self.attrNames= ('artist', 'year', 'collection', 'diskno', 'album', 'trackno', 'title', 'length', 'filepath')

        self.headers= (u'Artist', u'Year', u'Collection', u'CD', u'Album', u'Track', u'Title', u'Length', u'Path')
        # FIXME: kinda hacky
        self.fontMetrics= QFontMetrics (KGlobalSettings.generalFont ())
        # FIXME: (even more) hackish
        self.columnWidths= ("M"*15, "M"*4, "M"*15, "M"*3, "M"*20, "M"*3, "M"*25, "M"*5, "M"*200)
        logger.debug ("QPLM: ", self)

    def data (self, modelIndex, role):
        # TODO: allow to enter to edit mode in filepath but don't save any changes
        # so we can copy the path, that is...
        if modelIndex.isValid () and modelIndex.row ()<self.collaggr.count:
            song= self.collaggr.songForIndex (modelIndex.row ())

            if role==Qt.DisplayRole or role==Qt.EditRole:
                attr= self.attrNames [modelIndex.column ()]
                rawData= song[attr]
                if attr=='filepath':
                    # filenames as they are
                    rawData= QFile.decodeName (rawData)
                elif attr=='title' and role!=Qt.EditRole:
                    # don't (even try to) add the [#] to the title
                        queueIndex= self.playlist.indexQueue.index (modelIndex.row ())
                        # make it show as starting in 1, otherwise it's confusing
                        rawData= "[%d] %s" % (queueIndex+1, rawData)
                    except ValueError:
                data= QVariant (rawData)

            elif role==Qt.SizeHintRole:
                size= self.fontMetrics.size (Qt.TextSingleLine, self.columnWidths[modelIndex.column ()])
                data= QVariant (size)

            elif role==Qt.BackgroundRole and self.view_.modelIndex is not None:
                if modelIndex.row ()==self.view_.modelIndex.row ():
                    # highlight the current song
                    # must return a QBrush
                    data= QVariant (QApplication.palette ().dark ())
                        queueIndex= self.playlist.indexQueue.index (modelIndex.row ())
                        data= QVariant (QApplication.palette ().mid ())
                    except ValueError:
                        data= QVariant ()

            elif role==Qt.ForegroundRole and self.view_.modelIndex is not None:
                if modelIndex.row ()==self.view_.modelIndex.row ():
                    # highlight the current song
                    # must return a QBrush
                    data= QVariant (QApplication.palette ().brightText ())
                    data= QVariant ()

                data= QVariant ()
            data= QVariant ()

        return data

    def flags (self, modelIndex):
        ans= QAbstractTableModel.flags (self, modelIndex)
        if modelIndex.column ()<7: # length or filepath are not editable
            ans= ans|Qt.ItemIsEditable|Qt.ItemIsEditable

        return ans

    def match (self, start, role, value, hits=1, flags=None):
        # when you press a key on an uneditable cell, QTableView tries to search
        # calling this function for matching. we already have a way for searching
        # and it loads the metadata of all the songs anyways
        # so we disable it by constantly returning an empty list
        return []

    def setData (self, modelIndex, variant, role=Qt.EditRole):
        # not length or filepath and editing
        if modelIndex.column ()<7 and role==Qt.EditRole:
            logger.debug ("QPLM.setData()", modelIndex.row (), modelIndex.column(), role, ">%s<", unicode (variant.toString ()))
            song= self.collaggr.songForIndex (modelIndex.row ())
            attr= self.attrNames[modelIndex.column ()]
                song[attr]= unicode (variant.toString ())
                # TODO: make a list of dirty songs and commit them later
                song.saveMetadata ()
            except TagWriteError:
                # it failed
                ans= False
                self.edited= True
                self.dataChanged.emit (modelIndex, modelIndex)
                ans= True
            ans= QAbstractTableModel.setData (self, modelIndex, variant, role)

        logger.debug ("QPLM.setData():", modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.column (), role, ans)
        return ans

    def headerData (self, section, direction, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
        if direction==Qt.Horizontal and role==Qt.DisplayRole:
            data= QVariant (self.headers[section])
        elif direction==Qt.Vertical:
            if role==Qt.SizeHintRole:
                # TODO: support bold fonts
                # again, hacky. 5 for enough witdh for 5 digits
                size= self.fontMetrics.size (Qt.TextSingleLine, "M"*5)
                data= QVariant (size)
            elif role==Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
                data= QVariant (Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter)
                data= QAbstractTableModel.headerData (self, section, direction, role)
            data= QAbstractTableModel.headerData (self, section, direction, role)

        return data

    def addRows (self, collNo):
        collection= self.collections[collNo]

        for index, filepath in collection.newSongs_:
            self.beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), index, index)
            self.endInsertRows ()

            modelIndex= self.index (index, 0)
            self.dataChanged.emit (modelIndex, modelIndex)

    def dirtyRow (self, index):
        logger.debug ("QLMP.dirtyRow():", index)
        columns= self.columnCount ()
        start= self.index (index, 0)
        end=   self.index (index, columns)
        self.edited= False
        self.dataChanged.emit (start, end)

    def rowCount (self, parent=None):
        return self.collaggr.count

    def columnCount (self, parent=None):
        return len (self.attrNames)