Ejemplo n.º 1
    matplotlib_found = True
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter as cc
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
except ImportError:
    matplotlib_found = False

#have to run parser twice, first just to get filename for loadProfile
#then have to run it after deciding what the correct dmax should be
#so that the voxel size, box size, nsamples, etc are set correctly
initparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    " A tool for refining an electron density map from solution scattering data",
initargs = dopts.parse_arguments(initparser, gnomdmax=None)

q, I, sigq, dmax, isout = saxs.loadProfile(initargs.file, units=initargs.units)

if not initargs.force_run:
    if min(q) != 0.0:
        print("CAUTION: Minimum q value = %f " % min(q))
        print("is not 0.0. It is STRONGLY recommended to include")
        print("I(q=0) in your given scattering profile. You can use")
        print("denss.fit_data.py to calculate a scattering profile fit")
        print("which will include I(q=0), or you can also use the GNOM")
        print("program from ATSAS to create a .out file.")
        print("If you are positive you would like to continue, ")
        print("rerun with the --force_run option.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
import saxstats.denssopts as dopts
import numpy as np
import sys, argparse, os
import logging
import imp
    matplotlib_found = True
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from  matplotlib.colors import colorConverter as cc
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
except ImportError:
    matplotlib_found = False

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DENSS: DENsity from Solution Scattering.\n A tool for calculating an electron density map from solution scattering data", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
args = dopts.parse_arguments(parser)

if args.rho_start is None:
    print(" denss.refine.py requires a .mrc file to be given to the --rho_start option.")

basename, ext = os.path.splitext(args.rho_start)
args.output = basename + '_refine'

args.rho_start, rho_side = saxs.read_mrc(args.rho_start)

rho_nsamples = args.rho_start.shape[0]
rho_voxel = rho_side/rho_nsamples

args.side = args.dmax*args.oversampling
Ejemplo n.º 3
    matplotlib_found = True
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter as cc
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
except ImportError:
    matplotlib_found = False

### 引数の設定(python denss.py --option_a value_a --option_b value_bというように引数を渡す設定)
#have to run parser twice, first just to get filename for loadProfile
#then have to run it after deciding what the correct dmax should be
#so that the voxel size, box size, nsamples, etc are set correctly
initparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    " DENSS: DENsity from Solution Scattering.\n A tool for calculating an electron density map from solution scattering data",
initargs = dopts.parse_arguments(initparser, gnomdmax=None)  ### doptsは引数設定関数

q, I, sigq, dmax, isout = saxs.loadProfile(initargs.file, units=initargs.units)

if not initargs.force_run:
    if min(q) != 0.0:
        print "CAUTION: Minimum q value = %f " % min(q)
        print "is not 0.0. It is STRONGLY recommended to include"
        print "I(q=0) in your given scattering profile. You can use"
        print "denss.fit_data.py to calculate a scattering profile fit"
        print "which will include I(q=0), or you can also use the GNOM"
        print "program from ATSAS to create a .out file."
        print "If you are positive you would like to continue, "
        print "rerun with the --force_run option."