Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_layout(n2lo, layout_model, layout_plugin, ub_sps, model):
    h_min, (x_shift, y_shift), (w, h) = get_layout_characteristics(n2lo)
    scale_factor = MARGIN * 1.0 / (h_min if h_min else 1)
    (w, h) = scale((w, h), scale_factor)
    (x_shift, y_shift) = shift(scale((x_shift, y_shift), scale_factor), MARGIN, MARGIN)

    layout = layout_plugin.createLayout()
    layout.setId(generate_unique_id(layout_model, "l_"))
    l_id = layout.getId()
    layout.setDimensions(create_dimensions(w + 2 * MARGIN, h + 2 * MARGIN))

    for comp in model.getListOfCompartments():
        c_id = comp.getId()
        c_name = comp.getName()
        if c_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = n2lo[c_id]
            (x, y), (w, h) = shift(scale((x, y), scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift), scale((w, h), scale_factor)
            comp_glyph = layout.createCompartmentGlyph()
            comp_glyph.setId("cg_%s_%s" % (l_id, c_id))
            comp_glyph.setBoundingBox(create_bounding_box(x, y, w, h))
            add_label(c_name, layout, comp_glyph, c_id, w, h, x, y)

    for species in model.getListOfSpecies():
        s_id = species.getId()
        s_name = species.getName()
        if s_id in n2lo:
            if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                elements = n2lo[s_id].items()
                elements = [('', n2lo[s_id])]
            for r_ids, [(x, y), (w, h)] in elements:
                if not r_ids or next((it for it in (model.getReaction(r_id) for r_id in r_ids) if it), False):
                    (x, y), (w, h) = shift(scale((x, y), scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift), scale((w, h), scale_factor)
                    s_glyph = layout.createSpeciesGlyph()
                    s_glyph_suffix = "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids)) if r_ids else s_id
                    s_glyph.setId("sg_%s_%s" % (l_id, s_glyph_suffix))
                    s_glyph.setBoundingBox(create_bounding_box(x, y, w, h))
                    add_label(s_name, layout, s_glyph, s_id, w, h, x, y)

    for reaction in model.getListOfReactions():
        r_id = reaction.getId()
        r_name = reaction.getName()
        if r_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = n2lo[r_id]
            (x, y), (w, h) = shift(scale((x, y), scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift), scale((w, h), scale_factor)
            r_glyph = layout.createReactionGlyph()
            r_glyph.setId("rg_%s_%s" % (l_id, r_id))
            r_glyph.setBoundingBox(create_bounding_box(x, y, w, h))
            add_label(r_name, layout, r_glyph, r_id, w, h, x, y)
            link_reaction_to_species(reaction.getListOfReactants(), r_glyph, l_id, r_id, n2lo,
                                     lambda s_id: libsbml.SPECIES_ROLE_SIDESUBSTRATE
                                     if s_id in ub_sps else libsbml.SPECIES_ROLE_SUBSTRATE)
            link_reaction_to_species(reaction.getListOfProducts(), r_glyph, l_id, r_id, n2lo,
                                     lambda s_id: libsbml.SPECIES_ROLE_SIDEPRODUCT
                                     if s_id in ub_sps else libsbml.SPECIES_ROLE_PRODUCT)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def save_as_sbgn(n2lo, e2lo, model, out_sbgn):
    Converts a model with the given node and edge layout to SBGN PD (see http://www.sbgn.org/).
    :param n2lo: node layout as a dictionary    {node_id: ((x, y), (w, h)) if node is not ubiquitous
                                                else node_id : {r_ids: ((x, y), (w, h)) for r_ids of
                                                reactions using each duplicated metabolite}}
    :param e2lo: edge layout as a dictionary    {edge_id: [(x_start, y_start), (x_bend_0, y_bend_0),..,(x_end, y_end)]},
                                                where edge_id = "-".join(sorted((metabolite_id, reaction_id))).
    :param model: SBML model
    :param out_sbgn: path where to save the resulting SBGN file.
    # let's scale the map so that a minimal node has a width == 16 (so that the labels fit)
    h_min, (x_shift, y_shift), (w, h) = get_layout_characteristics(n2lo)
    scale_factor = MARGIN * 1.0 / h_min if h_min else 1
    (w, h) = scale((w, h), scale_factor)
    (x_shift, y_shift) = shift(scale((x_shift, y_shift), scale_factor), MARGIN, MARGIN)

    # create empty sbgn
    sbgn = libsbgn.sbgn()

    # create map, set language and set in sbgn
    sbgn_map = libsbgn.map()

    # create a bounding box for the map
    box = libsbgn.bbox(0, 0, w + 2 * MARGIN, h + 2 * MARGIN)

    # glyphs with labels
    for comp in model.getListOfCompartments():
        c_id = comp.getId()
        c_name = comp.getName()
        if not c_name:
            c_name = c_id
        if c_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[c_id], x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
            g = libsbgn.glyph(class_=GlyphClass.COMPARTMENT, id=c_id)
            g.set_label(libsbgn.label(text=c_name, bbox=libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h)))
            g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))

    for species in model.getListOfSpecies():
        s_id = species.getId()
        s_name = species.getName()
        glyph_type = GlyphClass.UNSPECIFIED_ENTITY
        sbo_term = species.getSBOTermID()
        if sbo_term:
            sbo_term = sbo_term.upper().strip()
            if sbo_term in SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE:
                glyph_type = SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE[sbo_term]
        if not s_name:
            s_name = s_id
        if s_id in n2lo:
            if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                elements = n2lo[s_id].items()
                elements = [('', n2lo[s_id])]
            for r_ids, coords in elements:
                if not r_ids or next((it for it in (model.getReaction(r_id) for r_id in r_ids) if it), False):
                    (x, y), (w, h) = transform(coords, x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
                    g = libsbgn.glyph(class_=glyph_type, id="%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids)) if r_ids else s_id,
                                              bbox=libsbgn.bbox(x + w * 0.1, y + h * 0.1, w * 0.8, h * 0.8)))
                    g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))

    # glyph with ports (process)
    for reaction in model.getListOfReactions():
        r_id = reaction.getId()
        if r_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[r_id], x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
            g = libsbgn.glyph(class_=GlyphClass.PROCESS, id=r_id)
            g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))
            rev = reaction.getReversible()

            in_port = None
            for s_id in (species_ref.getSpecies() for species_ref in reaction.getListOfReactants()):
                edge_id = "-".join(sorted((s_id, r_id)))
                if edge_id in e2lo:
                    xy_list = e2lo[edge_id]
                    if not in_port:
                        port_x, port_y = shift(scale(xy_list[-2] if len(xy_list) > 2 else xy_list[-1], scale_factor),
                                               x_shift, y_shift)
                        in_port = libsbgn.port(x=port_x, y=port_y, id="%s__in" % r_id)
                    sref_id = s_id
                    if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                        for r_ids in n2lo[s_id].keys():
                            if r_id in r_ids:
                                sref_id = "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids))
                    a = libsbgn.arc(class_=ArcClass.PRODUCTION if rev else ArcClass.CONSUMPTION,
                                    target=sref_id if rev else in_port.get_id(),
                                    source=in_port.get_id() if rev else sref_id, id="a_%s_%s" % (s_id, r_id))
                    s_x, s_y = shift(scale(xy_list[0], scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift)
                    a.set_start(libsbgn.startType(x=in_port.get_x() if rev else s_x, y=in_port.get_y() if rev else s_y))
                    a.set_end(libsbgn.endType(x=s_x if rev else in_port.get_x(), y=s_y if rev else in_port.get_y()))
            out_port = None
            for s_id in (species_ref.getSpecies() for species_ref in reaction.getListOfProducts()):
                edge_id = "-".join(sorted((s_id, r_id)))
                if edge_id in e2lo:
                    xy_list = e2lo[edge_id]
                    if not out_port:
                        port_x, port_y = shift(scale(xy_list[1] if len(xy_list) > 2 else xy_list[0], scale_factor),
                                               x_shift, y_shift)
                        out_port = libsbgn.port(x=port_x, y=port_y, id="%s__out" % r_id)
                    sref_id = s_id
                    if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                        for r_ids in n2lo[s_id].keys():
                            if r_id in r_ids:
                                sref_id = "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids))
                    a = libsbgn.arc(class_=ArcClass.PRODUCTION, target=sref_id, source=out_port.get_id(),
                                    id="a_%s_%s" % (r_id, s_id))
                    s_x, s_y = shift(scale(xy_list[-1], scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift)
                    a.set_end(libsbgn.startType(x=s_x, y=s_y))
                    a.set_start(libsbgn.endType(x=out_port.get_x(), y=out_port.get_y()))

    # write everything to a file
Ejemplo n.º 3
def save_as_cytoscape_json(n2lo, model, out_json, ub_sp_ids):
    Converts a model with the given node and edge layout to a json file readable by Cytoscape.
    :param ub_sp_ids: collection of ubiquitous species ids
    :param n2lo: node layout as a dictionary    {node_id: ((x, y), (w, h)) if node is not ubiquitous
                                                else node_id : {r_ids: ((x, y), (w, h)) for r_ids of
                                                reactions using each duplicated metabolite}}
    :param model: SBML model
    :param out_json: path where to save the resulting json file.
    # let's scale the map so that a minimal node has a width == 16 (so that the labels fit)
    h_min, (x_shift, y_shift), _ = get_layout_characteristics(n2lo)
    scale_factor = MARGIN * 1.0 / h_min if h_min else 1
    (x_shift, y_shift) = shift(scale((x_shift, y_shift), scale_factor), MARGIN, MARGIN)

    nodes, edges = [], []

    for comp in model.getListOfCompartments():
        c_id = comp.getId()
        c_name = get_name(comp)
        if c_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[c_id], x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
            nodes.append(get_node(x=x + w / 2, y=y + h / 2, z=-1,
                                  **{NAME: c_name, ID: c_id, WEIGHT: w, HEIGHT: h, TYPE: TYPE_COMPARTMENT}))

    for species in model.getListOfSpecies():
        s_id = species.getId()
        s_name = get_name(species)
        glyph_type = UNSPECIFIED_ENTITY
        sbo_term = species.getSBOTermID()
        if sbo_term:
            sbo_term = sbo_term.upper().strip()
            if sbo_term in SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE:
                glyph_type = SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE[sbo_term]
        if s_id in n2lo:
            if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                elements = n2lo[s_id].items()
                elements = [('', n2lo[s_id])]
            for r_ids, coords in elements:
                if not r_ids or next((it for it in (model.getReaction(r_id) for r_id in r_ids) if it), False):
                    (x, y), (w, h) = transform(coords, x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
                        get_node(x=x + w / 2, y=y + h / 2, z=1,
                                 **{GLYPH_TYPE: glyph_type, ID: "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids)) if r_ids else s_id,
                                    COMPARTMENT: species.getCompartment(), NAME: s_name, WEIGHT: w, HEIGHT: h,
                                    TYPE: TYPE_SPECIES, UBIQUITOUS: s_id in ub_sp_ids,
                                    'ChEBI': get_chebi_id(species)}))

    def get_sref_id(s_id):
        if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
            for r_ids in n2lo[s_id].keys():
                if r_id in r_ids:
                    return "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids))
        return s_id

    for reaction in model.getListOfReactions():
        r_id = reaction.getId()
        r_name = get_name(reaction)
        ga = get_gene_association(reaction)
        if r_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[r_id], x_shift, y_shift, scale_factor)
            nodes.append(get_node(x=x + w / 2, y=y + h / 2, z=1,
                                  **{ID: r_id, NAME: ga, WEIGHT: w, HEIGHT: h, TYPE: TYPE_REACTION,
                                     REVERSIBLE: reaction.getReversible(),
                                         next((False for s_id in chain(get_reactants(reaction), get_products(reaction))
                                               if s_id not in ub_sp_ids), True),
                                     'genes': ga, 'r_name': r_name}))

            for s_id in get_reactants(reaction):
                edges.append(get_edge(**{ID: "%s_%s" % (r_id, s_id), SOURCE: r_id, TARGET: get_sref_id(s_id),
                                             NAME: '%s is a substrate of %s' % (get_name(model.getSpecies(s_id)), r_name),
                                             UBIQUITOUS: s_id in ub_sp_ids, INTERACTION: SUBSTRATE}))

            for s_id in get_products(reaction):
                edges.append(get_edge(**{ID: "%s_%s" % (r_id, s_id), SOURCE: r_id, TARGET: get_sref_id(s_id),
                                             NAME: '%s is a product of %s' % (get_name(model.getSpecies(s_id)), r_name),
                                             UBIQUITOUS: s_id in ub_sp_ids, INTERACTION: PRODUCT}))

    save_cyjson(nodes, edges, out_json)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def save_as_sbgn(n2lo, e2lo, model, out_sbgn):
    Converts a model with the given node and edge layout to SBGN PD (see http://www.sbgn.org/).
    :param n2lo: node layout as a dictionary    {node_id: ((x, y), (w, h)) if node is not ubiquitous
                                                else node_id : {r_ids: ((x, y), (w, h)) for r_ids of
                                                reactions using each duplicated metabolite}}
    :param e2lo: edge layout as a dictionary    {edge_id: [(x_start, y_start), (x_bend_0, y_bend_0),..,(x_end, y_end)]},
                                                where edge_id = "-".join(sorted((metabolite_id, reaction_id))).
    :param model: SBML model
    :param out_sbgn: path where to save the resulting SBGN file.
    # let's scale the map so that a minimal node has a width == 16 (so that the labels fit)
    h_min, (x_shift, y_shift), (w, h) = get_layout_characteristics(n2lo)
    scale_factor = MARGIN * 1.0 / h_min if h_min else 1
    (w, h) = scale((w, h), scale_factor)
    (x_shift, y_shift) = shift(scale((x_shift, y_shift), scale_factor), MARGIN,

    # create empty sbgn
    sbgn = libsbgn.sbgn()

    # create map, set language and set in sbgn
    sbgn_map = libsbgn.map()

    # create a bounding box for the map
    box = libsbgn.bbox(0, 0, w + 2 * MARGIN, h + 2 * MARGIN)

    # glyphs with labels
    for comp in model.getListOfCompartments():
        c_id = comp.getId()
        c_name = comp.getName()
        if not c_name:
            c_name = c_id
        if c_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[c_id], x_shift, y_shift,
            g = libsbgn.glyph(class_=GlyphClass.COMPARTMENT, id=c_id)
                libsbgn.label(text=c_name, bbox=libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h)))
            g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))

    for species in model.getListOfSpecies():
        s_id = species.getId()
        s_name = species.getName()
        glyph_type = GlyphClass.UNSPECIFIED_ENTITY
        sbo_term = species.getSBOTermID()
        if sbo_term:
            sbo_term = sbo_term.upper().strip()
            if sbo_term in SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE:
                glyph_type = SBO_2_GLYPH_TYPE[sbo_term]
        if not s_name:
            s_name = s_id
        if s_id in n2lo:
            if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                elements = n2lo[s_id].items()
                elements = [('', n2lo[s_id])]
            for r_ids, coords in elements:
                if not r_ids or next(
                    (it for it in (model.getReaction(r_id)
                                   for r_id in r_ids) if it), False):
                    (x, y), (w, h) = transform(coords, x_shift, y_shift,
                    g = libsbgn.glyph(
                        id="%s_%s" %
                        (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids)) if r_ids else s_id,
                                          x + w * 0.1, y + h * 0.1, w * 0.8,
                                          h * 0.8)))
                    g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))

    # glyph with ports (process)
    for reaction in model.getListOfReactions():
        r_id = reaction.getId()
        if r_id in n2lo:
            (x, y), (w, h) = transform(n2lo[r_id], x_shift, y_shift,
            g = libsbgn.glyph(class_=GlyphClass.PROCESS, id=r_id)
            g.set_bbox(libsbgn.bbox(x, y, w, h))
            rev = reaction.getReversible()

            in_port = None
            for s_id in (species_ref.getSpecies()
                         for species_ref in reaction.getListOfReactants()):
                edge_id = "-".join(sorted((s_id, r_id)))
                if edge_id in e2lo:
                    xy_list = e2lo[edge_id]
                    if not in_port:
                        port_x, port_y = shift(
                                xy_list[-2] if len(xy_list) > 2 else
                                xy_list[-1], scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift)
                        in_port = libsbgn.port(x=port_x,
                                               id="%s__in" % r_id)
                    sref_id = s_id
                    if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                        for r_ids in n2lo[s_id].keys():
                            if r_id in r_ids:
                                sref_id = "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids))
                    a = libsbgn.arc(
                        if rev else ArcClass.CONSUMPTION,
                        target=sref_id if rev else in_port.get_id(),
                        source=in_port.get_id() if rev else sref_id,
                        id="a_%s_%s" % (s_id, r_id))
                    s_x, s_y = shift(scale(xy_list[0], scale_factor), x_shift,
                        libsbgn.startType(x=in_port.get_x() if rev else s_x,
                                          y=in_port.get_y() if rev else s_y))
                        libsbgn.endType(x=s_x if rev else in_port.get_x(),
                                        y=s_y if rev else in_port.get_y()))
            out_port = None
            for s_id in (species_ref.getSpecies()
                         for species_ref in reaction.getListOfProducts()):
                edge_id = "-".join(sorted((s_id, r_id)))
                if edge_id in e2lo:
                    xy_list = e2lo[edge_id]
                    if not out_port:
                        port_x, port_y = shift(
                                xy_list[1] if len(xy_list) > 2 else xy_list[0],
                                scale_factor), x_shift, y_shift)
                        out_port = libsbgn.port(x=port_x,
                                                id="%s__out" % r_id)
                    sref_id = s_id
                    if isinstance(n2lo[s_id], dict):
                        for r_ids in n2lo[s_id].keys():
                            if r_id in r_ids:
                                sref_id = "%s_%s" % (s_id, '_'.join(r_ids))
                    a = libsbgn.arc(class_=ArcClass.PRODUCTION,
                                    id="a_%s_%s" % (r_id, s_id))
                    s_x, s_y = shift(scale(xy_list[-1], scale_factor), x_shift,
                    a.set_end(libsbgn.startType(x=s_x, y=s_y))

    # write everything to a file