def fault_cl(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config(master_port='5010', worker_port='5011', path='/tmp/config_test') # Setup and ingest video with Client(master='localhost:5010', workers=[], config_path=cfg_path, no_workers_timeout=120, enable_watchdog=False, debug=True) as cl: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() cl.load_op( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'build/tests/')), os.path.abspath( os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'build/tests/'))) cl.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) yield cl # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def timeout_cl(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config(master_port='5155', worker_port='5160') # Setup and ingest video master = 'localhost:5155' workers = ['localhost:{:04d}'.format(5160 + d) for d in range(4)] with Client(config_path=cfg_path, no_workers_timeout=120, master=master, workers=workers, enable_watchdog=False) as cl: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() cl.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) yield cl for worker in workers: channel = grpc.insecure_channel(worker) worker_stub = protobufs.WorkerStub(channel) try: worker_stub.Shutdown(protobufs.Empty(), timeout=cl._grpc_timeout) except grpc.RpcError as e: pass # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def cl(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config() # Setup and ingest video with Client(config_path=cfg_path, debug=True) as cl: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() cl.load_op( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'build/tests/')), os.path.abspath( os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'build/tests/'))) cl.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) cl.ingest_videos([('test1_inplace', vid1_path), ('test2_inplace', vid2_path)], inplace=True) yield cl # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def no_workers_cl(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config(master_port='5020', worker_port='5021') # Setup and ingest video with Client(workers=[], config_path=cfg_path, enable_watchdog=False, debug=True) as cl: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() cl.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) yield cl # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def sc(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config() # Setup and ingest video with Client(config_path=cfg_path, debug=True) as sc: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() sc.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) sc.ingest_videos([('test1_inplace', vid1_path), ('test2_inplace', vid2_path)], inplace=True) yield sc # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def blacklist_cl(): # Create new config (cfg_path, cfg) = make_config(master_port='5055', worker_port='5060') # Setup and ingest video master = 'localhost:5055' workers = ['localhost:{:04d}'.format(5060 + d) for d in range(4)] with Client(config_path=cfg_path, no_workers_timeout=120, master=master, workers=workers, enable_watchdog=False) as cl: (vid1_path, vid2_path) = download_videos() cl.ingest_videos([('test1', vid1_path), ('test2', vid2_path)]) yield cl # Tear down run([ 'rm', '-rf', cfg['storage']['db_path'], cfg_path, vid1_path, vid2_path ])
def main(): print("Prepare videos and frames") # video = Video.objects.filter(path__contains='men_single_final_gold')[0] # movie_path = video.path # movie_name = video.item_name() sc = Client() stride = 1 input_stream = NamedVideoStream(sc, movie_name, path=movie_path) frame =[input_stream]) strided_frame = sc.streams.Stride(frame, [stride]) print('Running Scanner MaskRCNN op') maskrcnn_frame = sc.ops.MaskRCNNDetectObjects( frame=strided_frame, device=DeviceType.GPU, #if sc.has_gpu() else DeviceType.CPU, batch=8, confidence_threshold=0.5, min_image_size=800) maskrcnn_stream = NamedStream(sc, movie_name + '_maskrcnn') output_op =, [maskrcnn_stream]), scannerpy.common.PerfParams.estimate(), cache_mode=scannerpy.CacheMode.Ignore) print('Writing MaskRCNN metadata into frames') drawn_frame = sc.ops.DrawMaskRCNN(frame=strided_frame, [maskrcnn_stream]), min_score_thresh=0.5) drawn_stream = NamedVideoStream(sc, movie_name + '_maskrcnn_draw') output_op =, [drawn_stream]), scannerpy.common.PerfParams.estimate(), cache_mode=scannerpy.CacheMode.Overwrite) drawn_stream.save_mp4('/app/result/' + movie_name + '_maskrcnn')
def main(): print("Prepare videos and frames") video = Video.objects.filter(path__contains='wim')[0] video_path = video.path video_name = video.item_name() sc = Client() stride = 1 input_stream = NamedVideoStream(sc, video_name, path=video_path) frame =[input_stream]) # run on all frames # running_frame = sc.streams.Stride(frame, [stride]) hit_annotation = pickle.load( open('/app/data/pkl/hit_annotation_tennis.pkl', 'rb'))[video_name + '.mp4'] # run on selected frames # hit_dict = [] # for h in hit_annotation.values(): # hit_dict += h hit_dict = hit_annotation # frame_ids = [i for point in hit_dict for i in range(point[0]['fid']-25, point[-1]['fid']+25) ] frame_ids = [ i for point in hit_dict for i in range(point[0] - 25, point[-1] + 25) ] frame_ids.sort() running_frame = sc.streams.Gather(frame, [frame_ids]) print('Running Scanner DensePose op on %d frames' % (len(frame_ids))) densepose_frame = sc.ops.DensePoseDetectPerson(frame=running_frame, device=DeviceType.GPU, batch=1, confidence_threshold=0.5, nms_threshold=0.2) densepose_stream = NamedStream(sc, video_name + '_densepose') output_op =, [densepose_stream]), scannerpy.common.PerfParams.estimate(), cache_mode=scannerpy.CacheMode.Overwrite) exit() print('Writing DensePose metadata into frames') drawn_frame = sc.ops.DrawDensePose(frame=running_frame, [densepose_stream]), min_score_thresh=0.5, show_body=True) drawn_stream = NamedVideoStream(sc, video_name + '_densepose_draw_uvbody') output_op =, [drawn_stream]), scannerpy.common.PerfParams.estimate(), cache_mode=scannerpy.CacheMode.Overwrite) drawn_stream.save_mp4('/app/result/' + video_name + '_densepose_uvbody') drawn_frame = sc.ops.DrawDensePose(frame=running_frame, [densepose_stream]), min_score_thresh=0.5, show_body=False) drawn_stream = NamedVideoStream(sc, video_name + '_densepose_draw_full') output_op =, [drawn_stream]), scannerpy.common.PerfParams.estimate(), cache_mode=scannerpy.CacheMode.Overwrite) drawn_stream.save_mp4('/app/result/' + video_name + '_densepose_full')
from scannerpy import Client sc = Client(workers=[ '', '' ])