Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_ipv6_ext_frag_send_full_pktbuf(child, s, iface, ll_dst):
    length = pktbuf_size(child)
    # remove some slack for meta-data and header and 1 addition fragment header
    length -= (len(IPv6() / IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / UDP()) +
               (len(IPv6() / IPv6ExtHdrFragment())) + 96)
    port = s.getsockname()[1]
    # trigger neighbor discovery so it doesn't fill the packet buffer
    udp_send(child, ll_dst, port, 1)
    data, _ = s.recvfrom(1)
    last_nd = time.time()
    count = 0
    while True:
        if (time.time() - last_nd) > 5:
            # trigger neighbor discovery so it doesn't fill the packet buffer
            udp_send(child, ll_dst, port, 1)
            data, _ = s.recvfrom(1)
            last_nd = time.time()
        udp_send(child, ll_dst, port, length)
        count += 1
            data, _ = s.recvfrom(length)
        except socket.timeout:
            # 8 is the alignment unit of the packet buffer
            # and 20 the size of a packet snip, so take next multiple of 8 to
            # 28
            length -= 24
    assert (count > 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def assertFragmented(packet, pcap, count=1, size=None, reassemble_to=None):
    assertHasLayer(IPv6ExtHdrFragment, packet,
                   "expected packet to have a IPv6 Fragment Extension header")
    assertEqual(0x00, packet[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset,
                "expected packet to be the first fragment")

    fragments = pcap.filter(lambda p: p.haslayer(IPv6ExtHdrFragment) and p[
        IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id == packet[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id)

        count, len(fragments),
        "expected to receive at least %d fragments, got %d" %
        (count, len(fragments)))
        1, len(filter(lambda p: p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m == False, fragments)),
        "expected a single fragment to have the More Fragments flag set to False"

    if not size == None:
        for fragment in fragments:
                size, len(fragment),
                "expected all fragments to be no larger than %d octets, got one of %d"
                % (size, len(fragment)))
    if not reassemble_to == None:
        reassembled_size = len(packet) - len(IPv6ExtHdrFragment())
        for fragment in fragments:
            if fragment[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset != 0x00:
                reassembled_size += len(fragment[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].payload)

            reassemble_to, reassembled_size,
            "expected fragments to reassemble to %d, got %d" %
            (reassemble_to, reassembled_size))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_empty_mixed2_w_rt_hdr_registered(child, iface, hw_dst, ll_dst,
    # Register to routing header
    register_protnum(child, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrRouting])
    # Try sending a packet with a number of extension headers in not recommended
    # (but legal) order
    sendp(Ether(dst=hw_dst) / IPv6(dst=ll_dst, src=ll_src) /
          IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop() / IPv6ExtHdrRouting() / IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt() /
          IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / UDP() / "\x01\x02",
    # Routing header with payload
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  0 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len = int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt, len = 0x00, routing type = 0, segments left = 0
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  "
                 r"{:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # NH = 17 (UDP), reserved = 0x00, fragment offset = 0, res = 0, M = 0
    child.expect(r"00000010  11  00  00  00  00  00  00  00")
    # Hop-by-hop-option
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  1 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrRouting, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # IPv6 header
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  2 - size:\s+40 byte, type: NETTYPE_IPV6 \(\d+\)")
    child.expect_exact(r"length: {}  next header: {}".format(
        ipv6_payload_len, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop]))
    child.expect_exact(r"destination address: {}".format(ll_dst))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_reass_offset_too_large(child, iface, hw_dst, ll_dst, ll_src):
    size = pktbuf_size(child)
    sendp(Ether(dst=hw_dst) / IPv6(dst=ll_dst, src=ll_src) /
          IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset=((size * 2) // 8)) / "x" * 128,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_ipv6_ext_frag_fwd_too_big(child, s, iface, ll_dst):
    mock_id, mtu, dst_mac = _fwd_setup(child, ll_dst, "beef::1", "affe::1")
    assert(get_host_mtu(iface) > mtu)
    payload_fit = get_host_mtu(iface) - len(IPv6() / IPv6ExtHdrFragment() /
    pkt = srp1(Ether(dst=dst_mac) / IPv6(src="beef::1", dst="affe::1") /
               IPv6ExtHdrFragment(m=True, id=0x477384a9) /
               UDP(sport=1337, dport=1337) / ("x" * payload_fit),
               timeout=2, verbose=0, iface=iface)
    # packet should not be fragmented further but an ICMPv6 error should be
    # returned instead
    assert(pkt is not None)
    assert(ICMPv6PacketTooBig in pkt)
    assert(IPv6ExtHdrFragment in pkt)
    assert(pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id == 0x477384a9)
    _fwd_teardown(child, mock_id)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_empty_fragment_header_wo_register(child, iface, hw_dst, ll_dst,
    # Try sending an empty fragment header
    sendp(Ether(dst=hw_dst) / IPv6(dst=ll_dst, src=ll_src) /
          IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / UDP(),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def pad(packet, n, include_header=False, fragment=True):
    Adds n bytes of padding to packet. If include_header is set to True, n
    defines the total length of the resultant packet.
    if include_header:
        n -= len(packet)
    if fragment and packet.haslayer(IPv6ExtHdrFragment):
        n += len(IPv6ExtHdrFragment())

    return packet / Raw(load=n * 'A')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ipv6_ext_frag_fwd_success(child, s, iface, ll_dst):
    mtu, dst_mac = _fwd_setup(child, ll_dst, "beef::1", "affe::1")
    payload_fit = mtu - len(IPv6() / IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / UDP())
    pkt = Ether(dst=dst_mac) / IPv6(src="beef::1", dst="affe::1") / \
        IPv6ExtHdrFragment(m=True, id=0x477384a9) / \
        UDP(sport=1337, dport=1337) / ("x" * payload_fit)
    # fill missing fields
    pkt = Ether(raw(pkt))
    sendp(pkt, verbose=0, iface=iface)
    # check hexdump of mock device
    ipv6 = pkt[IPv6]
    ipv6.hlim -= 1  # the packet will have passed a hop
    # segment packet as GNRC does
    segments = [bytes(ipv6)[:40], bytes(ipv6.payload)]
    for seg in segments:
        addr = 0
        for i in range(0, len(seg), 16):
            bs = seg[i:i + 16]
            exp_str = ("{:08X}" + ("  {:02X}") * len(bs)).format(addr, *bs)
            addr += 16
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_ipv6_ext_frag_send_last_fragment_filled(child, s, iface, ll_dst):
    # every fragment has an IPv6 header and a fragmentation header so subtract
    # them
    mtu = get_host_mtu(iface) - len(IPv6() / IPv6ExtHdrFragment())
    # first fragment has UDP header (so subtract it) and is rounded down to
    # the nearest multiple of 8
    length = (mtu - len(UDP())) & 0xfff8
    # second fragment fills the whole available MTU
    length += mtu
    port = s.getsockname()[1]
    udp_send(child, ll_dst, port, length)
    data, _ = s.recvfrom(length)
    assert len(data) == length
Ejemplo n.º 10
        def craft(hdr, fl):
            snd = []
            rcv = {}

            for fl in range(fl, fl+nbrFlux):
                Utils.set_fl(hdr, fl)

                sip = 'fc00:2:0:1::1' # Adresses don't rlly matter
                dip = 'fc00:2:0:2::1'

                packets_snd = fragment6(IPv6(src=sip, dst=dip) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / ICMPv6EchoRequest(data='A'*300), 100)
                packets_snd = [pkt.__class__(str(hdr/pkt)) for pkt in packets_snd[:-1]] # remove last frag

                rcv = {}

            return (snd, rcv)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_empty_fragment_header_w_register(child, iface, hw_dst, ll_dst,
    # Register to fragment header
    register_protnum(child, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrFragment])
    # Try sending an empty fragment header
    sendp(Ether(dst=hw_dst) / IPv6(dst=ll_dst, src=ll_src) /
          IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / UDP() / "\x01\x02",
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  0 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len = int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = 17 (UDP), reserved = 0x00, fragment offset = 0, res = 0, M = 0
    child.expect(r"00000000  11  00  00  00  00  00  00  00")
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  1 - size:\s+40 byte, type: NETTYPE_IPV6 \(\d+\)")
    child.expect_exact(r"length: {}  next header: {}".format(
        ipv6_payload_len, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrFragment]))
    child.expect_exact(r"destination address: {}".format(ll_dst))
Ejemplo n.º 12
        def craft(hdr, fl):
            snd = []
            rcv = {}

            for fl in range(fl, fl+nbrFlux):
                Utils.set_fl(hdr, fl)

                sip = 'fc00:2:0:1::1' # Adresses don't rlly matter
                dip = 'fc00:2:0:2::1'

                packets_snd = fragment6(IPv6(src=sip, dst=dip) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / ICMPv6EchoRequest(data='A'*300), 100)
                packets_snd = [pkt.__class__(str(hdr/pkt)) for pkt in packets_snd]
                packet_excepted = pkt.__class__(str(hdr/IPv6(src=sip, dst=dip) / ICMPv6EchoRequest(data='A'*300)))

                random.shuffle(snd) # shuffle
                rcv[fl] = [packet_excepted]

            return (snd, rcv)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_empty_mixed1_w_dest_opt_registered(child, iface, hw_dst, ll_dst,
    # Register to destination-option header
    register_protnum(child, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt])
    # Try sending a packet with a number of extension headers in recommended
    # order: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8200#section-4.1
    sendp(Ether(dst=hw_dst) / IPv6(dst=ll_dst, src=ll_src) /
          IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop() / IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt() / IPv6ExtHdrRouting() /
          IPv6ExtHdrFragment() / IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt() / UDP() / "\x01\x02",

    # IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt is two times in the packet so pktdump will it print two
    # times
    # 1st print parsed up to the first IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt
    # Destination option 1 with payload
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  0 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len = int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrRouting, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment, len = 0x00, routing type = 0, segments left = 0
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00  "
                 r"{:02X}  00  00  00  00  00  00  00".format(
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt, reserved = 0x00, fragment offset = 0, res = 0, M = 0
    # NH = 17 (UDP), len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000010  {:02X}  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  "
                 r"11  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # Hop-by-hop option
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  1 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # IPv6 header
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  2 - size:\s+40 byte, type: NETTYPE_IPV6 \(\d+\)")
    child.expect_exact(r"length: {}  next header: {}".format(
        ipv6_payload_len, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop]))
    child.expect_exact(r"destination address: {}".format(ll_dst))

    # 2nd print parsed up to the second IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop
    # Destination option 2 with payload
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  0 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len = int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = 17 (UDP), len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  11  00  01  04  00  00  00  00")
    # Fragment header
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  1 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt, reserved = 0x00, fragment offset = 0, res = 0, M = 0
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  00  00  00  00  00  00".format(
    # Routing header
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  2 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment, len = 0x00, routing type = 0, segments left = 0
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  00  00  00  00  00  00".format(
    # Destination option 1
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  3 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrRouting, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # Hop-by-hop option
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  4 - size:\s+(\d+) byte, type: NETTYPE_\w+ \(\d+\)")
    ipv6_payload_len += int(child.match.group(1))
    # NH = IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt, len = 0x00, PadN option (0x01) of length 0x04
    child.expect(r"00000000  {:02X}  00  01  04  00  00  00  00".format(
    # IPv6 header
    child.expect(r"~~ SNIP  5 - size:\s+40 byte, type: NETTYPE_IPV6 \(\d+\)")
    child.expect_exact(r"length: {}  next header: {}".format(
        ipv6_payload_len, EXT_HDR_NH[IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop]))
    child.expect_exact(r"destination address: {}".format(ll_dst))