Ejemplo n.º 1
class PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength06(Packet):
    """ Variable Descriptor: Port Ingress Rule Clause """
    name = "Variable Descriptor: Port Ingress Rule Clause"
    fields_desc = [
        XByteField("branch", 0xD7),
        XShortField("leaf", 0x0501),
        ByteField("length", 13),
        XByteField("clause", 2),
        XByteField("fieldcode", 0),
        XByteField("fieldinstance", 0),
        XByteField("msbmask", 0),
        XByteField("lsbmask", 0),
        XByteField("operator", 0),
        XByteField("matchlength", 6),
        XByteField("match0", 0x01),
        XByteField("match1", 0x80),
        XByteField("match2", 0xc2),
        XByteField("match3", 0x00),
        XByteField("match4", 0x00),
        XByteField("match5", 0x00),
Ejemplo n.º 2
class GMLAN_RMBAPR(Packet):
    name = 'ReadMemoryByAddressPositiveResponse'
    fields_desc = [
                         0), lambda pkt: GMLAN.determine_len(2)),
                          0), lambda pkt: GMLAN.determine_len(3)),
            (XIntField('memoryAddress', 0), lambda pkt: GMLAN.determine_len(4))
        ], XIntField('memoryAddress', 0)),
        StrField('dataRecord', None, fmt="B")

    def answers(self, other):
        return other.__class__ == GMLAN_RMBA and \
            other.memoryAddress == self.memoryAddress

    def get_log(pkt):
        return pkt.sprintf("%GMLAN.service%"), \
            (pkt.sprintf("%GMLAN_RMBAPR.memoryAddress%"), pkt.dataRecord)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class OFPPacketQueue(Packet):
    name = "OFP_PACKET_QUEUE"
    fields_desc = [
        IntField("queue_id", 0),
        ShortField("len", None),
        XShortField("pad", 0),
        PacketListField("properties", [],
                        length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 8)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return b"", s

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.properties == []:
            p += raw(OFPQTNone())
        if self.len is None:
            tmp_len = len(p) + len(pay)
            p = p[:4] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len) + p[6:]
        return p + pay
Ejemplo n.º 4
class EIGRPSeq(EIGRPGeneric):
    name = "EIGRP Sequence"
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField("type", 0x0003),
        ShortField("len", None),
        ByteField("addrlen", 4),
        ConditionalField(IPField("ipaddr", ""),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.addrlen == 4),
        ConditionalField(IP6Field("ip6addr", "2001::"),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.addrlen == 16)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay

        if self.len is None:
            tmp_len = len(p)
            tmp_p = p[:2] + chb((tmp_len >> 8) & 0xff)
            p = tmp_p + chb(tmp_len & 0xff) + p[4:]

        return p
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PPTPStartControlConnectionReply(PPTP):
    name = "PPTP Start Control Connection Reply"
    fields_desc = [LenField("len", 156),
                   ShortEnumField("type", 1, _PPTP_msg_type),
                   XIntField("magic_cookie", _PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE),
                   ShortEnumField("ctrl_msg_type", 2, _PPTP_ctrl_msg_type),
                   XShortField("reserved_0", 0x0000),
                   ShortField("protocol_version", 0x0100),
                   ByteEnumField("result_code", 1,
                   ByteEnumField("error_code", 0, _PPTP_general_error_code),
                   FlagsField("framing_capabilities", 0, 32,
                   FlagsField("bearer_capabilities", 0, 32,
                   ShortField("maximum_channels", 65535),
                   ShortField("firmware_revision", 256),
                   StrFixedLenField("host_name", "linux", 64),
                   StrFixedLenField("vendor_string", "", 64)]

    def answers(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, PPTPStartControlConnectionRequest)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class PPTP(Packet):
    name = "PPTP"
    fields_desc = [FieldLenField("len", None, fmt="H", length_of="data",
                                 adjust=lambda p, x: x + 12),
                   ShortEnumField("type", 1, _PPTP_msg_type),
                   XIntField("magic_cookie", _PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE),
                   ShortEnumField("ctrl_msg_type", 1, _PPTP_ctrl_msg_type),
                   XShortField("reserved_0", 0x0000),
                   StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda p: p.len - 12)]

    registered_options = {}

    def register_variant(cls):
        cls.registered_options[cls.ctrl_msg_type.default] = cls

    def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        if _pkt:
            o = orb(_pkt[9])
            return cls.registered_options.get(o, cls)
        return cls
Ejemplo n.º 7
class GMLAN_SA(Packet):
    subfunctions = {
        0: 'ReservedByDocument',
        1: 'SPSrequestSeed',
        2: 'SPSsendKey',
        3: 'DevCtrlrequestSeed',
        4: 'DevCtrlsendKey',
        255: 'ReservedByDocument'}
    for i in range(0x05, 0x0a + 1):
        subfunctions[i] = 'ReservedByDocument'
    for i in range(0x0b, 0xfa + 1):
        subfunctions[i] = 'Reserved for vehicle manufacturer specific needs'
    for i in range(0xfb, 0xfe + 1):
        subfunctions[i] = 'Reserved for ECU or ' \
                          'system supplier manufacturing needs'

    name = 'SecurityAccess'
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField('subfunction', 0, subfunctions),
        ConditionalField(XShortField('securityKey', B""),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.subfunction % 2 == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class PPPoED(PPPoE):
    name = "PPP over Ethernet Discovery"

    code_list = {
        0x00: "PPP Session Stage",
        0x09: "PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI)",
        0x07: "PPPoE Active Discovery Offer (PADO)",
        0x0a: "PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Grant (PADG)",
        0x0b: "PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Credit Response (PADC)",
        0x0c: "PPPoE Active Discovery Quality (PADQ)",
        0x19: "PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR)",
        0x65: "PPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmation (PADS)",
        0xa7: "PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate (PADT)"

    fields_desc = [
        BitField("version", 1, 4),
        BitField("type", 1, 4),
        ByteEnumField("code", 0x09, code_list),
        XShortField("sessionid", 0x0),
        ShortField("len", None)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class RSVP(Packet):
    name = "RSVP"
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("Version", 1, 4),
        BitField("Flags", 1, 4),
        ByteEnumField("Class", 0x01, rsvpmsgtypes),
        XShortField("chksum", None),
        ByteField("TTL", 1),
        XByteField("dataofs", 0),
        ShortField("Length", None)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        if self.Length is None:
            tmp_len = len(p)
            tmp_p = p[:6] + chb((tmp_len >> 8) & 0xff) + chb(tmp_len & 0xff)
            p = tmp_p + p[8:]
        if self.chksum is None:
            ck = checksum(p)
            p = p[:2] + chb(ck >> 8) + chb(ck & 0xff) + p[4:]
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 10
class AOE(Packet):
    name = "ATA over Ethernet"
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("version", 1, 4),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 4, ["Response", "Error", "r1", "r2"]),
            "error", 0, {
                1: "Unrecognized command code",
                2: "Bad argument parameter",
                3: "Device unavailable",
                4: "Config string present",
                5: "Unsupported exception",
                6: "Target is reserved"
        XShortField("major", 0xFFFF),
        XByteField("minor", 0xFF),
            "cmd", 1, {
                0: "Issue ATA Command",
                1: "Query Config Information",
                2: "Mac Mask List",
                3: "Reserve / Release"
        XIntField("tag", 0),
            PacketField("i_ata_cmd", IssueATACommand(), IssueATACommand),
            lambda x: x.cmd == 0),
            PacketField("q_conf_info", QueryConfigInformation(),
                        QueryConfigInformation), lambda x: x.cmd == 1),
        ConditionalField(PacketField("mac_m_list", MacMaskList(), MacMaskList),
                         lambda x: x.cmd == 2),
            PacketField("res_rel", ReserveRelease(), ReserveRelease),
            lambda x: x.cmd == 3)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return "", s
Ejemplo n.º 11
class ExpectedSubmodule(Packet):
    """Description of a submodule in an API of an expected submodule"""
    name = "Submodule"
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField("SubslotNumber", 0),
        XIntField("SubmoduleIdentNumber", 0),
        # Submodule Properties
        XByteField("SubmoduleProperties_reserved_2", 0),
        BitField("SubmoduleProperties_reserved_1", 0, 2),
        BitField("SubmoduleProperties_DiscardIOXS", 0, 1),
        BitField("SubmoduleProperties_ReduceOutputSubmoduleDataLength", 0, 1),
        BitField("SubmoduleProperties_ReduceInputSubmoduleDataLength", 0, 1),
        BitField("SubmoduleProperties_SharedInput", 0, 1),
        BitEnumField("SubmoduleProperties_Type", 0, 2,
                     ["NO_IO", "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "INPUT_OUTPUT"]),
            "DataDescription", [], ExpectedSubmoduleDataDescription,
            count_from=lambda p: 2 if p.SubmoduleProperties_Type == 3 else 1

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return None, s  # No extra payload
Ejemplo n.º 12
class OFPTFlowRemoved(_ofp_header):
    name = "OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 11, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
        LongField("cookie", 0),
        ShortField("priority", 0),
        ByteEnumField("reason", 0, {
            0: "OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT",
            1: "OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT",
            2: "OFPRR_DELETE"
        XByteField("pad1", 0),
        IntField("duration_sec", 0),
        IntField("duration_nsec", 0),
        ShortField("idle_timeout", 0),
        XShortField("pad2", 0),
        LongField("packet_count", 0),
        LongField("byte_count", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class PPTPOutgoingCallReply(PPTP):
    name = "PPTP Outgoing Call Reply"
    fields_desc = [
        LenField("len", 32),
        ShortEnumField("type", 1, _PPTP_msg_type),
        XIntField("magic_cookie", _PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE),
        ShortEnumField("ctrl_msg_type", 8, _PPTP_ctrl_msg_type),
        XShortField("reserved_0", 0x0000),
        ShortField("call_id", 1),
        ShortField("peer_call_id", 1),
        ByteEnumField("result_code", 1, _PPTP_result_code),
        ByteEnumField("error_code", 0, _PPTP_general_error_code),
        ShortField("cause_code", 0),
        IntField("connect_speed", 100000000),
        ShortField("pkt_window_size", 16),
        ShortField("pkt_proc_delay", 0),
        IntField("channel_id", 0)

    def answers(self, other):
        return isinstance(
            PPTPOutgoingCallRequest) and other.call_id == self.peer_call_id
Ejemplo n.º 14
class VRRPv3(Packet):
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("version", 3, 4),
        BitField("type", 1, 4),
        ByteField("vrid", 1),
        ByteField("priority", 100),
        FieldLenField("ipcount", None, count_of="addrlist", fmt="B"),
        BitField("res", 0, 4),
        BitField("adv", 100, 12),
        XShortField("chksum", None),
        # FIXME: addrlist should also allow IPv6 addresses :/
        FieldListField("addrlist", [],
                       IPField("", ""),
                       count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.ipcount)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.chksum is None:
            if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
                ck = in4_chksum(112, self.underlayer, p)
            elif isinstance(self.underlayer, IPv6):
                ck = in6_chksum(112, self.underlayer, p)
                    "No IP(v6) layer to compute checksum on VRRP. Leaving null"
                )  # noqa: E501
                ck = 0
            p = p[:6] + chb(ck >> 8) + chb(ck & 0xff) + p[8:]
        return p

    def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        if _pkt and len(_pkt) >= 16:
            ver_n_type = orb(_pkt[0])
            if ver_n_type < 48 or ver_n_type > 57:  # Version != 3
                return VRRP
        return VRRPv3
Ejemplo n.º 15
class APHECaps(IEEE1905_TLV):
    name = "AP VHT Capabilities TLV"
    fields_desc = [
        XByteField("type", 0x88),
        XShortField("len", None),
        MACField("radio_id", None),
        FieldLenField("he_mcs_len", None, fmt='B', count_of="he_mcs"),
                       XByteField("byte", None),
                       count_from=lambda p: p.he_mcs_len),
        BitField("max_tx_streams", 0, 3),
        BitField("max_rx_streams", 0, 3),
        BitField("he_80mhz_plus_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("he_160mhz_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("su_beamformer_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("mu_beamformer_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("ul_mu_mmio_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("ul_mu_mmio_ofdma_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("dl_mu_mmio_ofdma_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("ul_ofdma_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("dl_ofdma_cap_flag", 0, 1),
        BitField("reserved", 0, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
class YOARP(Packet):
    name = "YOARP"
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField("hwtype", 0x0001),
        XShortEnumField("ptype", 0x9999, ETHER_TYPES),
        ByteField("hwlen", 6),
        ByteField("plen", 2),
        ShortEnumField("op", 1,
                       {"who-has": 1, "is-at": 2, "RARP-req": 3,
                        "RARP-rep": 4, "Dyn-RARP-req": 5,
                        "Dyn-RAR-rep": 6, "Dyn-RARP-err": 7,
                        "InARP-req": 8, "InARP-rep": 9}),
        YOIPField("psrc", "0.0"),
        MACField("hwdst", ETHER_ANY),
        YOIPField("pdst", "0.0")
    who_has = 1
    is_at = 2

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return "", s

    def answers(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, YOARP):
            if ((self.op == self.is_at) and
                    (other.op == self.who_has) and
                    (self.psrc == other.pdst)):
                return 1
        return 0

    def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        if _pkt and len(_pkt) >= 4 and _pkt[2:4] == "\x08\x00":
            return ARP
        return cls
Ejemplo n.º 17
class OSPFv3_Hdr(Packet):
    name = "OSPFv3 Header"
    fields_desc = [ByteField("version", 3),
                   ByteEnumField("type", 1, _OSPF_types),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IPField("src", ""),
                   IPField("area", ""),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ByteField("instance", 0),
                   ByteField("reserved", 0)]

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        tmp_len = self.len

        if tmp_len is None:
            tmp_len = len(p)
            p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len) + p[4:]

        if self.chksum is None:
            chksum = in6_chksum(89, self.underlayer, p)
            p = p[:12] + struct.pack("!H", chksum) + p[14:]

        return p
Ejemplo n.º 18
class PIMv2Hdr(Packet):
    name = "Protocol Independent Multicast Version 2 Header"
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("version", 2, 4),
        BitEnumField("type", 0, 4, PIM_TYPE),
        ByteField("reserved", 0),
        XShortField("chksum", None)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        Called implicitly before a packet is sent to compute and
         place PIM checksum.

          self    The instantiation of an PIMv2Hdr class
          p       The PIMv2Hdr message in hex in network byte order
          pay     Additional payload for the PIMv2Hdr message
        p += pay
        if self.chksum is None:
            ck = checksum(p)
            p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", ck) + p[4:]
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 19
class CARP(Packet):
    name = "CARP"
    fields_desc = [BitField("version", 4, 4),
                   BitField("type", 4, 4),
                   ByteField("vhid", 1),
                   ByteField("advskew", 0),
                   ByteField("authlen", 0),
                   ByteField("demotion", 0),
                   ByteField("advbase", 0),
                   XShortField("chksum", 0),
                   XIntField("counter1", 0),
                   XIntField("counter2", 0),
                   XIntField("hmac1", 0),
                   XIntField("hmac2", 0),
                   XIntField("hmac3", 0),
                   XIntField("hmac4", 0),
                   XIntField("hmac5", 0)

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        if self.chksum == None:
            pkt = pkt[:6] + struct.pack("!H", checksum(pkt)) + pkt[8:]

        return pkt
Ejemplo n.º 20
class UDS_IOCBIPR(Packet):
    name = 'InputOutputControlByIdentifierPositiveResponse'
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField('dataIdentifier', 0),
        StrField('controlStatusRecord', 0, fmt="B")
Ejemplo n.º 21
class IrLMP(Packet):
    name = "IrDA Link Management Protocol"
    fields_desc = [XShortField("Service hints", 0),
                   XByteField("Character set", 0),
                   StrField("Device name", "")]
Ejemplo n.º 22
class UDS_RSDBI(Packet):
    name = 'ReadScalingDataByIdentifier'
    fields_desc = [XShortField('dataIdentifier', 0)]
Ejemplo n.º 23
class UDS_DDDIPR(Packet):
    name = 'DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifierPositiveResponse'
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField('definitionMode', 0),
        XShortField('dynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifier', 0)
Ejemplo n.º 24
class DoIP(Packet):
    payload_types = {
        0x0000: "Generic DoIP header NACK",
        0x0001: "Vehicle identification request",
        0x0002: "Vehicle identification request with EID",
        0x0003: "Vehicle identification request with VIN",
        "Vehicle announcement message/vehicle identification response message",  # noqa: E501
        0x0005: "Routing activation request",
        0x0006: "Routing activation response",
        0x0007: "Alive check request",
        0x0008: "Alive check response",
        0x4001: "DoIP entity status request",
        0x4002: "DoIP entity status response",
        0x4003: "Diagnostic power mode information request",
        0x4004: "Diagnostic power mode information response",
        0x8001: "Diagnostic message",
        0x8002: "Diagnostic message ACK",
        0x8003: "Diagnostic message NACK"
    name = 'DoIP'
    fields_desc = [
        XByteField("protocol_version", 0x02),
        XByteField("inverse_version", 0xFD),
        XShortEnumField("payload_type", 0, payload_types),
        IntField("payload_length", None),
                "nack", 0, {
                    0: "Incorrect pattern format",
                    1: "Unknown payload type",
                    2: "Message too large",
                    3: "Out of memory",
                    4: "Invalid payload length"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x0]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("vin", b"", 17),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [3, 4]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("eid", b"", 6),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [2, 4]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("gid", b"", 6),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
                "further_action", 0, {
                    "No further action required",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Routing activation required to initiate central security",
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
                "vin_gid_status", 0, {
                    0x00: "VIN and/or GID are synchronized",
                    0x01: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x02: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x03: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x04: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x05: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x06: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x07: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x08: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x09: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0a: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0b: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0c: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0d: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0e: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0f: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x10: "Incomplete: VIN and GID are NOT synchronized"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
            XShortField("source_address", 0), lambda p: p.payload_type in
            [5, 8, 0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003]),  # noqa: E501
            XByteEnumField("activation_type", 0, {
                0: "Default",
                1: "WWH-OBD",
                0xe0: "Central security"
            }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [5]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address_tester", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address_doip_entity", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
                    "Routing activation denied due to unknown source address.",
                    "Routing activation denied because all concurrently supported TCP_DATA sockets are registered and active.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied because an SA different from the table connection entry was received on the already activated TCP_DATA socket.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied because the SA is already registered and active on a different TCP_DATA socket.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied due to missing authentication.",
                    "Routing activation denied due to rejected confirmation.",
                    "Routing activation denied due to unsupported routing activation type.",  # noqa: E501
                    0x07: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x08: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x09: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0a: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0b: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0c: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0d: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0e: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0f: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x10: "Routing successfully activated.",
                    0x11: "Routing will be activated; confirmation required."
            lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
        ConditionalField(XIntField("reserved_iso", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [5, 6]),
        ConditionalField(XIntField("reserved_oem", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [5, 6]),
            XByteEnumField("diagnostic_power_mode", 0, {
                0: "not ready",
                1: "ready",
                2: "not supported"
            }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4004]),
            ByteEnumField("node_type", 0, {
                0: "DoIP gateway",
                1: "DoIP node"
            }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XByteField("max_open_sockets", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XByteField("cur_open_sockets", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(IntField("max_data_size", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("target_address", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003
                                                      ]),  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(XByteEnumField("ack_code", 0, {0: "ACK"}),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8002]),
                "nack_code", 0, {
                    0x00: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x01: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x02: "Invalid source address",
                    0x03: "Unknown target address",
                    0x04: "Diagnostic message too large",
                    0x05: "Out of memory",
                    0x06: "Target unreachable",
                    0x07: "Unknown network",
                    0x08: "Transport protocol error"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8003]),

    def answers(self, other):
        # type: (Packet) -> int
        """DEV: true if self is an answer from other"""
        if other.__class__ == self.__class__:
            if self.payload_type == 0:
                return 1

            matches = [(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7),
                       (0x4002, 0x4001), (0x4004, 0x4003), (0x8001, 0x8001),
                       (0x8003, 0x8001)]
            if (self.payload_type, other.payload_type) in matches:
                if self.payload_type == 0x8001:
                    return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
                return 1
        return 0

    def hashret(self):
        # type: () -> bytes
        if self.payload_type in [0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003]:
            return bytes(self)[:2] + struct.pack(
                "H", self.target_address ^ self.source_address)
        return bytes(self)[:2]

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        # type: (bytes, bytes) -> bytes
        This will set the Field 'payload_length' to the correct value.
        if self.payload_length is None:
            pkt = pkt[:4] + struct.pack("!I", len(pay) + len(pkt) - 8) + \
        return pkt + pay

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        # type: (bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, Optional[bytes]]
        if self.payload_type == 0x8001:
            return s[:self.payload_length - 4], None
            return b"", None
Ejemplo n.º 25
class LoWPAN_IPHC(Packet):
    """6LoWPAN IPv6 header compressed packets

    It follows the implementation of draft-ietf-6lowpan-hc-15.
    # the LOWPAN_IPHC encoding utilizes 13 bits, 5 dispatch type
    name = "LoWPAN IP Header Compression Packet"
    _address_modes = ["Unspecified", "1", "16-bits inline", "Compressed"]
    _state_mode = ["Stateless", "Stateful"]
    fields_desc = [
        # dispatch
        BitField("_reserved", 0x03, 3),
        BitField("tf", 0x0, 2),
        BitEnumField("nh", 0x0, 1, ["Inline", "Compressed"]),
        BitField("hlim", 0x0, 2),
        BitEnumField("cid", 0x0, 1, [False, True]),
        BitEnumField("sac", 0x0, 1, _state_mode),
        BitEnumField("sam", 0x0, 2, _address_modes),
        BitEnumField("m", 0x0, 1, [False, True]),
        BitEnumField("dac", 0x0, 1, _state_mode),
        BitEnumField("dam", 0x0, 2, _address_modes),
        ConditionalField(ByteField("_contextIdentifierExtension", 0x0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.cid == 0x1),
        # TODO: THIS IS WRONG!!!!!
                        calculate_length=lambda pkt: tf_last_attempt(pkt)[0]
                        ),  # noqa: E501
                        calculate_length=lambda pkt: tf_last_attempt(pkt)[1]
                        ),  # noqa: E501
                        calculate_length=lambda pkt: tf_last_attempt(pkt)[2]
                        ),  # noqa: E501
                        calculate_length=lambda pkt: tf_last_attempt(pkt)[3]
                        ),  # noqa: E501

        # NH
        ConditionalField(ByteField("_nhField", 0x0), lambda pkt: not pkt.nh),
        # HLIM: Hop Limit: if it's 0
        ConditionalField(ByteField("_hopLimit", 0x0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.hlim == 0x0),
        IP6FieldLenField("sourceAddr", "::", 0, length_of=source_addr_mode2),
            "destinyAddr", "::", 0,
            length_of=destiny_addr_mode),  # problem when it's 0  # noqa: E501

        # LoWPAN_UDP Header Compression ########################################  # noqa: E501
        # TODO: IMPROVE!!!!!
                "header_compression", 0, 8,
                ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "C", "PS", "PD"]),  # noqa: E501
            lambda pkt: pkt.nh),
                length_of=lambda pkt: nhc_port(pkt)[0]),  # noqa: E501
            # ShortField("udpSourcePort", 0x0),
            lambda pkt: pkt.nh and pkt.header_compression & 0x2 == 0x0),
                length_of=lambda pkt: nhc_port(pkt)[1]),  # noqa: E501
            lambda pkt: pkt.nh and pkt.header_compression & 0x1 == 0x0),
            XShortField("udpChecksum", 0x0),
            lambda pkt: pkt.nh and pkt.header_compression & 0x4 == 0x0),

    def post_dissect(self, data):
        """dissect the IPv6 package compressed into this IPHC packet.

        The packet payload needs to be decompressed and depending on the
        arguments, several conversions should be done.

        # uncompress payload
        packet = IPv6()
        packet.version = IPHC_DEFAULT_VERSION
        packet.tc, packet.fl = self._getTrafficClassAndFlowLabel()
        if not self.nh:
            packet.nh = self._nhField
        # HLIM: Hop Limit
        if self.hlim == 0:
            packet.hlim = self._hopLimit
        elif self.hlim == 0x1:
            packet.hlim = 1
        elif self.hlim == 0x2:
            packet.hlim = 64
            packet.hlim = 255
        # TODO: Payload length can be inferred from lower layers from either the  # noqa: E501
        # 6LoWPAN Fragmentation header or the IEEE802.15.4 header

        packet.src = self.decompressSourceAddr(packet)
        packet.dst = self.decompressDestinyAddr(packet)

        if self.nh == 1:
            # The Next Header field is compressed and the next header is
            # encoded using LOWPAN_NHC

            udp = UDP()
            if self.header_compression and \
               self.header_compression & 0x4 == 0x0:
                udp.chksum = self.udpChecksum

            s, d = nhc_port(self)
            if s == 16:
                udp.sport = self.udpSourcePort
            elif s == 8:
                udp.sport = 0xF000 + s
            elif s == 4:
                udp.sport = 0xF0B0 + s
            if d == 16:
                udp.dport = self.udpDestinyPort
            elif d == 8:
                udp.dport = 0xF000 + d
            elif d == 4:
                udp.dport = 0xF0B0 + d

            packet.payload = udp / data
            data = raw(packet)
        # else self.nh == 0 not necessary
        elif self._nhField & 0xE0 == 0xE0:  # IPv6 Extension Header Decompression  # noqa: E501
            warning('Unimplemented: IPv6 Extension Header decompression'
                    )  # noqa: E501
            packet.payload = conf.raw_layer(data)
            data = raw(packet)
            packet.payload = conf.raw_layer(data)
            data = raw(packet)

        return Packet.post_dissect(self, data)

    def decompressDestinyAddr(self, packet):
            tmp_ip = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.destinyAddr)
        except socket.error:
            tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 16

        if self.m == 0 and self.dac == 0:
            if self.dam == 0:
            elif self.dam == 1:
                tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + tmp_ip[-8:]
            elif self.dam == 2:
                tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[
                    0:8] + b"\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00" + tmp_ip[
                        -2:]  # noqa: E501
            """else: #self.dam == 3
                raise Exception('Unimplemented')"""

        elif self.m == 0 and self.dac == 1:
            if self.dam == 0:
                raise Exception('Reserved')
            elif self.dam == 0x3:
                underlayer = self.underlayer
                while underlayer is not None and not isinstance(
                        underlayer, Dot15d4Data):  # noqa: E501
                    underlayer = underlayer.underlayer
                if type(underlayer) == Dot15d4Data:
                    if underlayer.underlayer.fcf_destaddrmode == 3:
                        tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + struct.pack(
                            ">Q", underlayer.dest_addr)  # noqa: E501
                        # Turn off the bit 7.
                        tmp_ip = tmp_ip[0:8] + struct.pack(
                            "B", (orb(tmp_ip[8])
                                  ^ 0x2)) + tmp_ip[9:16]  # noqa: E501
                    elif underlayer.underlayer.fcf_destaddrmode == 2:
                        tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + \
                            b"\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00" + \
                            struct.pack(">Q", underlayer.dest_addr)[6:]
                    # Most of the times, it's necessary the IEEE 802.15.4 data to extract this address  # noqa: E501
                    raise Exception(
                        'Unimplemented: IP Header is contained into IEEE 802.15.4 frame, in this case it\'s not available.'
                    )  # noqa: E501
            elif self.dam not in [0x1, 0x2]:
                warning("Unknown destiny address compression mode !")
        elif self.m == 1 and self.dac == 0:
            if self.dam == 0:
                raise Exception("unimplemented")
            elif self.dam == 1:
                tmp = b"\xff" + chb(tmp_ip[16 - destiny_addr_mode(self)])
                tmp_ip = tmp + b"\x00" * 9 + tmp_ip[-5:]
            elif self.dam == 2:
                tmp = b"\xff" + chb(tmp_ip[16 - destiny_addr_mode(self)])
                tmp_ip = tmp + b"\x00" * 11 + tmp_ip[-3:]
            else:  # self.dam == 3:
                tmp_ip = b"\xff\x02" + b"\x00" * 13 + tmp_ip[-1:]
        elif self.m == 1 and self.dac == 1:
            if self.dam == 0x0:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unimplemented: I didn't understand the 6lowpan specification"
                )  # noqa: E501
            else:  # all the others values
                raise Exception("Reserved value by specification.")

        self.destinyAddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, tmp_ip)
        return self.destinyAddr

    def compressSourceAddr(self, ipv6):
        tmp_ip = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ipv6.src)

        if self.sac == 0:
            if self.sam == 0x0:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip
            elif self.sam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip[8:16]
            elif self.sam == 0x2:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip[14:16]
            else:  # self.sam == 0x3:
        else:  # self.sac == 1
            if self.sam == 0x0:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 16
            elif self.sam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip[8:16]
            elif self.sam == 0x2:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip[14:16]

        self.sourceAddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, b"\x00" *
                                    (16 - len(tmp_ip)) + tmp_ip)  # noqa: E501
        return self.sourceAddr

    def compressDestinyAddr(self, ipv6):
        tmp_ip = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ipv6.dst)

        if self.m == 0 and self.dac == 0:
            if self.dam == 0x0:
                tmp_ip = tmp_ip
            elif self.dam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 8 + tmp_ip[8:16]
            elif self.dam == 0x2:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 14 + tmp_ip[14:16]
        elif self.m == 0 and self.dac == 1:
            if self.dam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 8 + tmp_ip[8:16]
            elif self.dam == 0x2:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 14 + tmp_ip[14:16]
        elif self.m == 1 and self.dac == 0:
            if self.dam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 10 + tmp_ip[1:2] + tmp_ip[11:16]
            elif self.dam == 0x2:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 12 + tmp_ip[1:2] + tmp_ip[13:16]
            elif self.dam == 0x3:
                tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 15 + tmp_ip[15:16]
        elif self.m == 1 and self.dac == 1:
            raise Exception('Unimplemented')

        self.destinyAddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, tmp_ip)

    def decompressSourceAddr(self, packet):
            tmp_ip = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.sourceAddr)
        except socket.error:
            tmp_ip = b"\x00" * 16

        if self.sac == 0:
            if self.sam == 0x0:
            elif self.sam == 0x1:
                tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + tmp_ip[
                    16 - source_addr_mode2(self):16]  # noqa: E501
            elif self.sam == 0x2:
                tmp = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + b"\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00"
                tmp_ip = tmp + tmp_ip[16 - source_addr_mode2(self):16]
            elif self.sam == 0x3:  # EXTRACT ADDRESS FROM Dot15d4
                underlayer = self.underlayer
                if underlayer is not None:
                    while underlayer is not None and not isinstance(
                            underlayer, Dot15d4Data):  # noqa: E501
                        underlayer = underlayer.underlayer
                    assert type(underlayer) == Dot15d4Data
                    if underlayer.underlayer.fcf_srcaddrmode == 3:
                        tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + struct.pack(
                            ">Q", underlayer.src_addr)  # noqa: E501
                        # Turn off the bit 7.
                        tmp_ip = tmp_ip[0:8] + struct.pack(
                            "B", (orb(tmp_ip[8])
                                  ^ 0x2)) + tmp_ip[9:16]  # noqa: E501
                    elif underlayer.underlayer.fcf_srcaddrmode == 2:
                        tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + \
                            b"\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00" + \
                            struct.pack(">Q", underlayer.src_addr)[6:]
                    # Most of the times, it's necessary the IEEE 802.15.4 data to extract this address  # noqa: E501
                    raise Exception(
                        'Unimplemented: IP Header is contained into IEEE 802.15.4 frame, in this case it\'s not available.'
                    )  # noqa: E501
                warning("Unknown source address compression mode !")
        else:  # self.sac == 1:
            if self.sam == 0x0:
            elif self.sam == 0x2:
                # TODO: take context IID
                tmp = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[0:8] + b"\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00"
                tmp_ip = tmp + tmp_ip[16 - source_addr_mode2(self):16]
            elif self.sam == 0x3:
                tmp_ip = LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX[
                    0:8] + b"\x00" * 8  # TODO: CONTEXT ID  # noqa: E501
                raise Exception('Unimplemented')
        self.sourceAddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, tmp_ip)
        return self.sourceAddr

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.underlayer and isinstance(
             LoWPANFragmentationSubsequent)):  # noqa: E501
            return Raw
        return IPv6

    def do_build(self):
        if not isinstance(self.payload, IPv6):
            return Packet.do_build(self)
        ipv6 = self.payload

        self._reserved = 0x03

        # a ) Compression Techniques

        # 1. Set Traffic Class
        if self.tf == 0x0:
            self.tc_ecn = ipv6.tc >> 6
            self.tc_dscp = ipv6.tc & 0x3F
            self.flowlabel = ipv6.fl
        elif self.tf == 0x1:
            self.tc_ecn = ipv6.tc >> 6
            self.flowlabel = ipv6.fl
        elif self.tf == 0x2:
            self.tc_ecn = ipv6.tc >> 6
            self.tc_dscp = ipv6.tc & 0x3F
        else:  # self.tf == 0x3:
            pass  # no field is set

        # 2. Next Header
        if self.nh == 0x0:
            self.nh = 0  # ipv6.nh
        elif self.nh == 0x1:
            self.nh = 0  # disable compression
            # The Next Header field is compressed and the next header is encoded using LOWPAN_NHC, which is discussed in Section 4.1.  # noqa: E501
                'Next header compression is not implemented yet ! Will be ignored'
            )  # noqa: E501

        # 3. HLim
        if self.hlim == 0x0:
            self._hopLimit = ipv6.hlim
        else:  # if hlim is 1, 2 or 3, there are nothing to do!

        # 4. Context (which context to use...)
        if self.cid == 0x0:
            # TODO: Context Unimplemented yet in my class
            self._contextIdentifierExtension = 0

        # 5. Compress Source Addr

        return Packet.do_build(self)

    def do_build_payload(self):
        if self.header_compression and\
           self.header_compression & 240 == 240:  # TODO: UDP header IMPROVE
            return raw(self.payload)[40 + 16:]
            return raw(self.payload)[40:]

    def _getTrafficClassAndFlowLabel(self):
        """Page 6, draft feb 2011 """
        if self.tf == 0x0:
            return (self.tc_ecn << 6) + self.tc_dscp, self.flowlabel
        elif self.tf == 0x1:
            return (self.tc_ecn << 6), self.flowlabel
        elif self.tf == 0x2:
            return (self.tc_ecn << 6) + self.tc_dscp, 0
            return 0, 0
Ejemplo n.º 26
class LinkADRReq(Packet):
    name = "LinkADRReq"
    fields_desc = [DataRate_TXPower, XShortField("ChMask", 0), Redundancy]
Ejemplo n.º 27
class ARP(Packet):
    name = "ARP"
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField("hwtype", 0x0001),
        XShortEnumField("ptype", 0x0800, ETHER_TYPES),
        FieldLenField("hwlen", None, fmt="B", length_of="hwsrc"),
        FieldLenField("plen", None, fmt="B", length_of="psrc"),
        ShortEnumField("op", 1, {
            "who-has": 1,
            "is-at": 2,
            "RARP-req": 3,
            "RARP-rep": 4,
            "Dyn-RARP-req": 5,
            "Dyn-RAR-rep": 6,
            "Dyn-RARP-err": 7,
            "InARP-req": 8,
            "InARP-rep": 9
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.hwtype == 1 and pkt.hwlen == 6,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.hwtype == 1 and (
                      pkt.hwlen == 6 or (pkt.hwlen is None and
                                         (val is None or len(val) == 6 or
            StrFixedLenField("hwsrc", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.hwlen),
                (SourceIPField("psrc", "pdst"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and pkt.plen == 4,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and (
                      pkt.plen == 4 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                        (val is None or valid_net(val)))
                (SourceIP6Field("psrc", "pdst"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and pkt.plen == 16,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and (
                      pkt.plen == 16 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                         (val is None or valid_net6(val)))
            StrFixedLenField("psrc", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.plen),
                (MACField("hwdst", ETHER_ANY),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.hwtype == 1 and pkt.hwlen == 6,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.hwtype == 1 and (
                      pkt.hwlen == 6 or (pkt.hwlen is None and
                                         (val is None or len(val) == 6 or
            StrFixedLenField("hwdst", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.hwlen),
                (IPField("pdst", ""),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and pkt.plen == 4,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and (
                      pkt.plen == 4 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                        (val is None or valid_net(val)))
                (IP6Field("pdst", "::"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and pkt.plen == 16,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and (
                      pkt.plen == 16 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                         (val is None or valid_net6(val)))
            StrFixedLenField("pdst", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.plen),

    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack(">HHH", self.hwtype, self.ptype,
                           ((self.op + 1) // 2)) + self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ARP):
            return False
        if self.op != other.op + 1:
            return False
        # We use a loose comparison on psrc vs pdst to catch answers
        # with ARP leaks
        self_psrc = self.get_field('psrc').i2m(self, self.psrc)
        other_pdst = other.get_field('pdst').i2m(other, other.pdst)
        return self_psrc[:len(other_pdst)] == other_pdst[:len(self_psrc)]

    def route(self):
        fld, dst = self.getfield_and_val("pdst")
        fld, dst = fld._find_fld_pkt_val(self, dst)
        if isinstance(dst, Gen):
            dst = next(iter(dst))
        if isinstance(fld, IP6Field):
            return conf.route6.route(dst)
        elif isinstance(fld, IPField):
            return conf.route.route(dst)
            return None, None, None

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return "", s

    def mysummary(self):
        if self.op == 1:
            return self.sprintf("ARP who has %pdst% says %psrc%")
        if self.op == 2:
            return self.sprintf("ARP is at %hwsrc% says %psrc%")
        return self.sprintf("ARP %op% %psrc% > %pdst%")
Ejemplo n.º 28
class IGMPv3(IGMP):
    """IGMP Message Class for v3.

    This class is derived from class Packet.
    The fields defined below are a
    direct interpretation of the v3 Membership Query Message.
    Fields 'type'  through 'qqic' are directly assignable.
    For 'numsrc', do not assign a value.
    Instead add to the 'srcaddrs' list to auto-set 'numsrc'. To
    assign values to 'srcaddrs', use the following methods::

      c = IGMPv3()
      c.srcaddrs = ['', '']
      c.srcaddrs += ['']

    At this point, 'c.numsrc' is three (3)

    'chksum' is automagically calculated before the packet is sent.

    'mrcode' is also the Advertisement Interval field

    name = "IGMPv3"
    igmpv3types = {
        0x11: "Membership Query",
        0x22: "Version 3 Membership Report",
        0x30: "Multicast Router Advertisement",
        0x31: "Multicast Router Solicitation",
        0x32: "Multicast Router Termination"

    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("type", 0x11, igmpv3types),
        ByteField("mrcode", 20),
        XShortField("chksum", None)

    def encode_maxrespcode(self):
        """Encode and replace the mrcode value to its IGMPv3 encoded time value if needed,  # noqa: E501
        as specified in rfc3376#section-4.1.1.

        If value < 128, return the value specified. If >= 128, encode as a floating  # noqa: E501
        point value. Value can be 0 - 31744.
        value = self.mrcode
        if value < 128:
            code = value
        elif value > 31743:
            code = 255
            exp = 0
            value >>= 3
            while (value > 31):
                exp += 1
                value >>= 1
            exp <<= 4
            code = 0x80 | exp | (value & 0x0F)
        self.mrcode = code

    def mysummary(self):
        """Display a summary of the IGMPv3 object."""
        if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf(
                "IGMPv3: %IP.src% > %IP.dst% %IGMPv3.type%")  # noqa: E501
            return self.sprintf("IGMPv3 %IGMPv3.type%")

    def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        if _pkt and len(_pkt) >= 4:
            if orb(_pkt[0]) in [0x12, 0x16, 0x17]:
                return IGMP
            elif orb(_pkt[0]) == 0x11 and len(_pkt) < 12:
                return IGMP
        return IGMPv3
Ejemplo n.º 29
class CDPv2_HDR(_CDPChecksum, CDPMsgGeneric):
    name = "Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2"
    fields_desc = [ByteField("vers", 2),
                   ByteField("ttl", 180),
                   XShortField("cksum", None),
                   PacketListField("msg", [], _CDPGuessPayloadClass)]
Ejemplo n.º 30
class ISIS_ChecksumTlv(ISIS_GenericTlv):
    name = "ISIS Optional Checksum TLV"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 12, _isis_tlv_names),
                   ByteField("len", 2),
                   XShortField("checksum", None)]