Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_jobs(args,UserSubmissionID):

  fs.DEBUG = getattr(args,fs.debug_long)
  # Grabs UserSubmission and gcards as described in respective files
  gcards = utils.db_grab("SELECT GcardID, gcard_text FROM Gcards WHERE UserSubmissionID = {0};".format(UserSubmissionID))
  username = utils.db_grab("SELECT User FROM UserSubmissions WHERE UserSubmissionID = {0};".format(UserSubmissionID))[0][0]
  scard = scard_helper.scard_class(utils.db_grab( "SELECT scard FROM UserSubmissions WHERE UserSubmissionID = {0};".format(UserSubmissionID))[0][0])

  #This block picks up the scard type from arguements and throws an error if it was not an int
    scard_type = int(args.scard_type)
  except Exception as err:
    print("There was an error in recognizing scard type: ")

  #Setting sub_type to the right directory based on the scard_type

  if scard_type in fs.valid_scard_types:
    sub_type = "type_{0}".format(scard_type)
    print("Using scard type {0} template".format(scard_type))
  elif scard_type == 0:
    sub_type = "type_{0}".format(type_manager.manage_type(args,scard))
    print("Poorly defined scard_type: {0}. Below is a list of valid scard types. Exiting".format(scard_type))
    for type in fs.valid_scard_types:
      print("Valid scard type: {0}".format(type))

  print("sub_type is {0}".format(sub_type))

  #This is creating an array of script generating functions.
  script_set = [fs.runscript_file_obj,fs.condor_file_obj,fs.run_job_obj]
  funcs_rs, funcs_condor,funcs_runjob = [], [], [] #initialize empty function arrays
  script_set_funcs = [funcs_rs,funcs_condor,funcs_runjob]
  #Please note, the ordering of this array must match the ordering of the above
  scripts = ["/runscript_generators/","/clas12condor_generators/","/run_job_generators/"]

  #Now we will loop through directories to import the script generation functions
  for index, script_dir in enumerate(scripts):
    top_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    script_path = os.path.abspath(top_dir + '/../submission_files/script_generators/' + sub_type + script_dir)
    for function in os.listdir(script_path):
      if "init" not in function:
        if ".pyc" not in function:
          module_name = function[:-3]
          module = import_module(sub_type+'.'+script_dir[1:-1]+'.'+module_name,module_name)
          func = getattr(module,module_name)

  if 'http' in scard.data.get('generator'):
    lund_dir = lund_helper.Lund_Entry(scard.data.get('generator'))
    scard.data['genExecutable'] = "Null"
    scard.data['genOutput'] = "Null"
    lund_dir = 0
    scard.data['genExecutable'] = fs.genExecutable.get(scard.data.get('generator'))
    scard.data['genOutput'] = fs.genOutput.get(scard.data.get('generator'))

  # Now we create job submissions for all jobs that were recognized
  for gcard in gcards:
    GcardID = gcard[0]

    if scard.data['gcards'] == fs.gcard_default:
      gcard_loc = scard.data['gcards']
    elif 'http' in  scard.data['gcards']:
      utils.printer('Writing gcard to local file')
      newfile = "gcard_{0}_UserSubmission_{1}.gcard".format(GcardID,UserSubmissionID)
      gfile= fs.sub_files_path+fs.gcards_dir+newfile
      if not os.path.exists(gfile):
        newdir = fs.sub_files_path+fs.gcards_dir
        print("newdir is {0}".format(newdir))
        Popen(['mkdir','-p',newdir], stdout=PIPE)
        Popen(['touch',gfile], stdout=PIPE)
      with open(gfile,"w") as file: file.write(gcard[1])
      gcard_loc = 'submission_files/gcards/'+newfile
      print('gcard not recognized as default option or online repository, please inspect scard')

    file_extension = "_gcard_{0}_UserSubmission_{1}".format(GcardID,UserSubmissionID)

    if fs.use_mysql:
      DB_path = fs.MySQL_DB_path
      DB_path = fs.SQLite_DB_path

    params = {'table':'Scards','UserSubmissionID':UserSubmissionID,'GcardID':GcardID,

    """ This is where we actually pass all arguements to write the scripts"""
    for index, script in enumerate(script_set):
      script_factory.script_factory(args, script, script_set_funcs[index], params)

    print("\tSuccessfully generated submission files for UserSubmission {0} with GcardID {1}".format(UserSubmissionID,GcardID))

    submission_string = 'Submission scripts generated'.format(scard.data['farm_name'])
    strn = "UPDATE FarmSubmissions SET {0} = '{1}' WHERE UserSubmissionID = {2};".format('run_status',submission_string,UserSubmissionID)

    if args.submit:
      print("\tSubmitting jobs to {0} \n".format(scard.data['farm_name']))
      submission_string = 'Submitted to {0}'.format(scard.data['farm_name'])
      strn = "UPDATE FarmSubmissions SET {0} = '{1}' WHERE UserSubmissionID = {2};".format('run_status',submission_string,UserSubmissionID)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def process_jobs(args, UserSubmissionID, db_conn, sql):
  """ Submit the job for UserSubmissionID.

  Detail described in the header of this file.
  I'll write a more useful comment here once the function
  has been refactored.

  args - command line arguments
  UserSubmissionID - (int) from UserSubmissions.UserSubmissionID
  that drives the submission.
  db_conn - Active database connection.
  sql - Cursor object for database.

  logger = logging.getLogger('SubMit')

  fs.DEBUG = getattr(args, fs.debug_long)

  # Grabs UserSubmission and gcards as described in respective files
  username = database.get_username_for_submission(UserSubmissionID, sql)
  user_id = database.get_user_id(username, sql)
  scard = scard_helper.scard_class(database.get_scard_text_for_submission(
    UserSubmissionID, sql))

  logging.debug('For UserSubmissionID = {}, user is {}'.format(
    UserSubmissionID, username))

  scard_type = type_manager.manage_type(args, scard)
  sub_type = 'type_{}'.format(scard_type)
  print("sub_type is {0}".format(sub_type))
  logger.debug('Type manager has determined type is: {}'.format(

  # Determine the number of jobs this submission
  # will produce in total.
  njobs = 1
  if scard_type == 1:
    njobs = int(scard.jobs)
  elif scard_type == 2:
    njobs = lund_helper.count_files(scard.generator)

  # Dynamically load the script generation functions
  # from the type{sub_type} folder.
  script_set, script_set_funcs = script_factory.load_script_generators(sub_type)

  # Setup for different scard types the proper generation options.
  # If external lund files are provided, we go get them.
  set_scard_generator_options(scard, scard_type)

  gcard_loc = scard.configuration

  file_extension = "_UserSubmission_{0}".format(UserSubmissionID)

  if fs.use_mysql:
    DB_path = fs.MySQL_DB_path
    DB_path = fs.SQLite_DB_path

  params = {'table': 'Scards','UserSubmissionID': UserSubmissionID,
            'username': username,'gcard_loc': gcard_loc,
            'file_extension': file_extension,'scard': scard}

  # This is where we actually pass all arguements to write the scripts
  for index, script in enumerate(script_set):
    script_factory.script_factory(args, script, script_set_funcs[index],
                                  params, db_conn, sql)

  # Update entries in database
  submission_string = 'Submission scripts generated'
  update_tables.update_run_status(submission_string, UserSubmissionID,
                                    db_conn, sql)

  print("Submitting jobs to {0} \n".format("OSG")) #Hardcoded for this moment as we removed farm_name from scard
  farm_submission_manager.farm_submission_manager(args, UserSubmissionID,
                                                  file_extension, scard, params,
                                                  db_conn, sql)
  submission_string = 'Submitted to {0}'.format("OSG")
  update_tables.update_run_status(submission_string, UserSubmissionID,
                                  db_conn, sql)
def submission_script_maker(args):
    file_struct.DEBUG = getattr(args, file_struct.debug_long)
    #Grabs batch and gcards as described in respective files
    BatchID = grab_batchID(args)
    gcards = grab_gcards(BatchID)
    username = grab_username(BatchID)

    funcs_rs = (startup, initialization, run_gemc, run_evio2hipo, run_cooking,
    fname_rs = ('startup', 'initialization', 'run_gemc', 'run_evio2hipo',
                'run_cooking', 'file_mover')

    funcs_condor = (condor_startup, condor_1, condor_2)
    fname_condor = ('condor_startup', 'condor_1', 'condor_2')

    funcs_runjob = (run_job1, )
    fname_runjob = ('run_job1', )

    strn = "SELECT scard FROM Batches WHERE BatchID = {0};".format(BatchID)
    scard_text = utils.sql3_grab(strn)[0][
        0]  #sql3_grab returns a list of tuples, we need the 0th element of the 0th element
    scard = scard_helper.scard_class(scard_text)

    scard.data['genExecutable'] = file_struct.genExecutable.get(
    scard.data['genOutput'] = file_struct.genOutput.get(

    for gcard in gcards:
        GcardID = gcard[0]
        strn = "INSERT INTO Submissions(BatchID,GcardID) VALUES ({0},{1});".format(
            BatchID, GcardID)
        strn = "UPDATE Submissions SET submission_pool = '{0}' WHERE GcardID = '{1}';".format(
            scard.data['farm_name'], GcardID)
        strn = "UPDATE Submissions SET run_status = 'not yet in pool' WHERE GcardID = '{0}';".format(

        if scard.data['gcards'] == file_struct.gcard_default:
            gcard_loc = scard.data['gcards']
        elif 'https://' in scard.data['gcards']:
            utils.printer('Writing gcard to local file')
            newfile = "gcard_{0}_batch_{1}.gcard".format(GcardID, BatchID)
            gfile = file_struct.sub_files_path + file_struct.gcards_dir + newfile
            with open(gfile, "w") as file:
            gcard_loc = 'submission_files/gcards/' + newfile
                'gcard not recognized as default option or online repository, please inspect scard'

        file_extension = "_gcard_{0}_batch_{1}".format(GcardID, BatchID)

        params = {
            'table': 'Scards',
            'BatchID': BatchID,
            'GcardID': GcardID,
            'gfile': 'gfile',
            'username': username[0][0],
            'gcard_loc': gcard_loc

        script_factory(file_struct.runscript_file_obj, funcs_rs, fname_rs,
                       scard, params, file_extension)
        script_factory(file_struct.condor_file_obj, funcs_condor, fname_condor,
                       scard, params, file_extension)
        script_factory(file_struct.run_job_obj, funcs_runjob, fname_runjob,
                       scard, params, file_extension)
            "\tSuccessfully generated submission files for Batch {0} with GcardID {1}\n"
            .format(BatchID, GcardID))
        if args.submit:
            print("\tSubmitting jobs to HTCondor \n")
            htcondor_submit.htcondor_submit(args, GcardID, file_extension)