Ejemplo n.º 1
# initialize the scattering class
b = Brane(m,dx,wavelength=1.3e-3,nphi=(2**12,2**12),screen_res=6,r_inner=50)

# points along the uv axes where to record the visibility
u = np.linspace(0.,10e9,num=50)

# generate a bunch of scattering instances
tic = time.time()
u_vis = []
v_vis = []
num_sims = 100
avg = np.zeros_like(b.isrc)
for i in range(num_sims):
    # create a new instance of the random phases
    # calculate the scattered image
    # keep track of the average
    avg += b.iss
    # calculate the visibility function along the u and v axis.
    u_vis.append(np.array([utilities.FTElementFast(b.iss,b.dx,[u_,0]) for u_ in u]))
    v_vis.append(np.array([utilities.FTElementFast(b.iss,b.dx,[0,u_]) for u_ in u]))
avg /= num_sims
logger.info('took {0:g}s'.format(time.time()-tic))

# make figures
write_figs = False
fig_file = '../_static/ensemble_average/'
ensemble = utilities.ensembleSmooth(b.isrc,b.dx,b)