Ejemplo n.º 1
    def clean_location(self):
        If the text-based location is a new address for the ModelForm's
        internal  place instance, turn it into a true Location. Otherwise,
        return the stored instance's location.
        address = self.cleaned_data['location'].strip()

        # if there's already a location stored in this form's instance, just return it assuming the field hasn't changed
        if self.instance.location:
            if self.instance.location.address.strip() == address:
                return self.instance.location

        # otherwise, we have to create a new location
        location = Location(address=address, postcode='15213',
            town='Pittsburgh', state='PA')

        # if the form is set to geocode new locations
        if self.geocode_location:
            # TODO: make this stuff happen after response is sent, maybe via a signal?
                resolved = resolve_location(location, retry=0)
                if resolved:
                    location = resolved
            except APIError:
                pass    # do nothing, just go with basic Location

        return location
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_location_resolving(self):
        # test basic address lookup -- ensure zip and geocoding info is filled in
        # https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=3411+Blvd+of+the+Allies&region=US&sensor=false
        resolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='3411 Blvd of the Allies'))
        self.assertEquals(resolved.address,'3411 Boulevard of the Allies')
        self.assertAlmostEquals(resolved.latitude,40.435938,3)   # assert equals up to 2 places

        # test zip codes properly bias searches -- if these fail, make sure the geocoding info
        # at the following links matches the expected values below:
        # https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=800+penn+ave%2C+15222&region=US&sensor=false
        # https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=800+penn+ave%2C+15221&region=US&sensor=false
        resolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='800 penn ave',postcode='15222'))
        self.assertAlmostEquals(resolved.latitude,40.443290,places=4)   # assert equals up to 2 places
        resolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='800 penn ave',postcode='15221'))
        self.assertAlmostEquals(resolved.latitude,40.442470,4)   # assert equals up to 2 places

        # tests that geocoding info properly biases searches
        # expected results are based on the following geocoding API calls:
        # http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?region=US&sensor=false&bounds=40.438000%2C-80.005000%7C40.448000%2C-79.995000&address=800+penn+ave
        # http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?region=US&sensor=false&bounds=40.437000%2C-79.905000%7C40.447000%2C-79.895000&address=800+penn+ave
        resolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='800 penn ave',latitude=40.443,longitude=-80))
        resolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='800 penn ave',latitude=40.442,longitude=-79.9))

        # bad address
        unresolved = pl_outsourcing.resolve_location(Location(address='fakey fake double false address'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def save(self, commit=False):
        location = super(SimplePlaceForm, self).save(commit=False)

        if self.geocode_location:
            # TODO: make this stuff happen after response is sent, maybe via a signal?
                resolved = resolve_location(location, retry=0)
                if resolved:
                    location = resolved
            except APIError:
                pass    # do nothing, just go with basic Location

        if commit:

        place = self.place_instance if self.place_instance else Place(location=location)
        place.name = self.cleaned_data.get('name', '')

        if commit:
        return place
Ejemplo n.º 4
def insert_row(row, idx):
    logging.info(u"Importing row %d (%s)" % (int(idx), row["name"]))

        lat = decimal.Decimal(row.get("lat"))
    except (TypeError, decimal.InvalidOperation):
        lat = None
        lng = decimal.Decimal(row.get("lng"))
    except (TypeError, decimal.InvalidOperation):
        lng = None
    address = row.get("street", "")

    location = Location(address=address, postcode="15213", latitude=lat, longitude=lng)
    # want to resolve location if we have an address worht normalizing and/or we don't have geocoded values
    if location.address or location.latitude is None or location.longitude is None:
        logging.info('Resolving location "%s"' % unicode(location))
        resolved = resolve_location(location)
        if resolved:
            # hack to get around Google Geocoding appending unviersity names onto many addresses
            if "university" in resolved.address.lower() and "university" not in row.get("street", "").lower():
                resolved.address = ",".join(resolved.address.split(",")[1:])
            resolved.address = resolved.address.strip()

                # if exact match exists, use it instead of the newly found one
                location = Location.objects.get(address=resolved.address, postcode=location.postcode)
            except Location.DoesNotExist:
                location = resolved
            logging.warning("Geocoding failed")

    has_corporate_fb = row.get("fb_id", "").startswith("corporate")
    place, created = Place.objects.get_or_create(
        url=row.get("url", "")[:200],
        phone=row.get("phone", "")[:200],
        fb_id=row.get("fb_id", "").split(":")[-1],
        description=row.get("description", ""),
        listed=bool(int(row.get("listed", "0"))),

    for t in row.get("tags", "").split(";"):
        tag, _ = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=slugify(t.lower()))

    image_path = row.get("image_url", "")
    if re.match("https?\:", image_path):
        if re.match("https?\:\/\/profile.ak.fbcdn.net", image_path):
            logging.info("Skipping Facebook cdn image")
            logging.info("Pulling live image from web")
                place.image = utils.imagefile_from_url(image_path)
            except IOError:
                logging.error("Failed pulling image")
    elif image_path != "":
        logging.info("Using local image file")
        f = open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "images", image_path))
        place.image = File(f)

    if place.image:

    if place.fb_id:
        logging.info("Supplementing info from Facebook...")
            places_fb_import.commit_place(place, corporate=has_corporate_fb)
        except places_fb_import.FacebookAPIError as e:
            logging.error("Facebook API error (fb id %s): %s" % (str(place.fb_id), unicode(e)))
        except IOError as e:

    logging.info("Finished import: %s" % unicode(place))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def resolve_place(new_place, candidate=None):
    Will attempt resolving a new place object with an existing one in the
    DB using various methods. Helper for add_fbevent.

    Returns None if no DB-linked place could be found
    print '  attempting place resolve for %s. candidate: %s' % (str(new_place), str(candidate))
    # 1: check if the place matches the candidate in name
    if candidate and candidate.name and candidate.name.lower() == new_place.name.lower():
        print '  using candidate! name match.'
        return candidate

    # all the rest of the attempts deal with the new place's location. if we don't have that, punt
    if not new_place.location:
        print '  resolve failed.'
        return None

    # resolve the location to normalize the address for the next steps
    resolved = resolve_location(new_place.location, retry=0)
    if resolved:
        new_place.location = resolved
    new_loc = new_place.location

    # 2: see if the new address matches the candidate address - use it if so.
    if candidate:
        if candidate.location and new_loc.address.lower() == candidate.location.address.lower():
            # do a sanity check on distances between candidate and new place
            if not new_loc.is_geocoded() or not candidate.location.is_geocoded() or \
                new_loc.distance_from(candidate.location) < .8:
                print '  using candidate! address match'
                return candidate
                print '  address matched, but geocoding failure'

    # 3: candidate is a bust, next go fishing for the place in the db at large with a location query
    # grab all locations in the area
    query = None
    qs = []
    if new_loc.is_geocoded():
        qs.append(Q(latitude__lt=(new_loc.latitude + 1e-3), latitude__gt=(new_loc.latitude - 1e-3),
                    longitude__lt=(new_loc.longitude + 1e-3), longitude__gt=(new_loc.longitude - 1e-3)))

    if new_loc.address:
        if new_loc.town and new_loc.state:
            qs.append(Q(address=new_loc.address, town=new_loc.town, state=new_loc.state))
        if new_loc.postcode:
            qs.append(Q(address=new_loc.address, postcode=new_loc.postcode))

    # construct composite q objects
    for q in qs:
        if query is None:
            query = q
            query |= q

    # if there are some potential locations, see if we can find a matching place
    candidate_locations = Location.objects.filter(query) if query else []
    if len(candidate_locations) > 0:
        candidates = Place.objects.filter(name=new_place.name, location__in=candidate_locations)
        if len(candidates) > 0:
            # TODO: rank based on distance
            print '  using db match!', candidates[0]
            return candidates[0]

    # all out of options: punt!
    print '  resolve failed.'
    return None