Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_widgets_tree():
    Returns a L{gtk.glade.XML} object.

    Keep in mind that gtk.glade automatically caches XML trees. So don't try
    any complex tricks to reuse XML trees if you have to create the same UI
    multiple times. The correct thing to do is simply to instantiate the XML
    multiple times with the same parameters.
    # Set the Glade file
    glade_file = os.path.join(configure.GLADE_DIR, 'scenic.glade')
    if os.path.isfile(glade_file):
        glade_path = glade_file
        text = _(
            "Error : Could not find the Glade file %(filename)s. Exitting."
        ) % {
            "filename": glade_file

        def _exit_cb(unused_result):
            if reactor.running:

        # Recursive imports in Python are really badly managed.
        # I hope this will be fixed in Python 3.0
        from scenic import dialogs
        dialogs.ErrorDialog.create(text, parent=None).addCallback(_exit_cb)
        # FIXME: raise error or what? Exitting for now
    return gtk.glade.XML(glade_path, domain=configure.APPNAME)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def on_stopped(self):
     show_error_dialog = False
     details = ""
     if len(self.error_messages) != 0:
         show_error_dialog = True
         log.error("Error messages from the preview : %s" % (self.error_messages))
         details += _("Errors from local preview:") + "\n"
         for line in self.error_messages:
             details += " * " + line + "\n"
         if len(self.warnings) != 0:
             details += _("Warnings from local preview:") + "\n"
             for line in self.warnings:
                 details += " * " + line + "\n"
     if show_error_dialog:
         msg = _("Some errors occured while looking at the local preview.")
         self.app.gui.show_error_dialog(msg, details=details)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_widgets_tree():
    Returns a L{gtk.glade.XML} object.

    Keep in mind that gtk.glade automatically caches XML trees. So don't try
    any complex tricks to reuse XML trees if you have to create the same UI
    multiple times. The correct thing to do is simply to instantiate the XML
    multiple times with the same parameters.
    # Set the Glade file
    glade_file = os.path.join(configure.GLADE_DIR, 'scenic.glade')
    if os.path.isfile(glade_file):
        glade_path = glade_file
        text = _("Error : Could not find the Glade file %(filename)s. Exitting.") % {"filename": glade_file}
        def _exit_cb(unused_result):
            if reactor.running:
        # Recursive imports in Python are really badly managed.
        # I hope this will be fixed in Python 3.0
        from scenic import dialogs
        dialogs.ErrorDialog.create(text, parent=None).addCallback(_exit_cb)
        # FIXME: raise error or what? Exitting for now
    return gtk.glade.XML(glade_path, domain=configure.APPNAME)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def on_stopped(self):
        When the state changes to stopped,
         * check for errors and display them to the user.
        msg = ""
        details = ""
        show_error_dialog = False
        #TODO: internationalize
        log.info("All streamers are stopped.")
        if len(self.error_messages["send"]) != 0:
            show_error_dialog = True
            log.error("Error messages from the sender for this session: %s" %
            details += _("Errors from local sender:") + "\n"
            for line in self.error_messages["send"]:
                details += " * " + line + "\n"
            if len(self.warnings["send"]) != 0:
                details += _("Warnings from local sender:") + "\n"
                for line in self.warnings["send"]:
                    details += " * " + line + "\n"
        if len(self.error_messages["receive"]) != 0:
            show_error_dialog = True
            log.error("Error messages from the receiver for this session: %s" %
            details += _("Errors from local receiver:") + "\n"
            for line in self.error_messages["receive"]:
                details += " * " + line + "\n"
            if len(self.warnings["receive"]) != 0:
                details += _("Warnings from local receiver:") + "\n"
                for line in self.warnings["receive"]:
                    details += " * " + line + "\n"
        if show_error_dialog:
            msg = _(
                "Some errors occured during the audio/video streaming session."
            self.app.gui.show_error_dialog(msg, details=details)
        # TODO: should we set all our process managers to None

        # set all to None:
        self.sender = None
        self.receiver = None
        self.extra_sender = None
        self.extra_receiver = None
        self.midi_receiver = None
        self.midi_sender = None
        log.debug("Done stopping steaming")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def on_stopped(self):
        When the state changes to stopped,
         * check for errors and display them to the user.
        msg = ""
        details = ""
        show_error_dialog = False
        #TODO: internationalize
        log.info("All streamers are stopped.")
        if len(self.error_messages["send"]) != 0:
            show_error_dialog = True
            log.error("Error messages from the sender for this session: %s" % (self.error_messages["send"]))
            details += _("Errors from local sender:") + "\n"
            for line in self.error_messages["send"]:
                details += " * " + line + "\n"
            if len(self.warnings["send"]) != 0:
                details += _("Warnings from local sender:") + "\n"
                for line in self.warnings["send"]:
                    details += " * " + line + "\n"
        if len(self.error_messages["receive"]) != 0:
            show_error_dialog = True
            log.error("Error messages from the receiver for this session: %s" % (self.error_messages["receive"]))
            details += _("Errors from local receiver:") + "\n"
            for line in self.error_messages["receive"]:
                details += " * " + line + "\n"
            if len(self.warnings["receive"]) != 0:
                details += _("Warnings from local receiver:") + "\n"
                for line in self.warnings["receive"]:
                    details += " * " + line + "\n"
        if show_error_dialog:
            msg = _("Some errors occured during the audio/video streaming session.")
            self.app.gui.show_error_dialog(msg, details=details)
        # TODO: should we set all our process managers to None

        # set all to None:
        self.sender = None
        self.receiver = None
        self.extra_sender = None
        self.extra_receiver = None
        self.midi_receiver = None
        self.midi_sender = None
        log.debug("Done stopping steaming")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _create_command(self):
     Looks in the settings, and returns a bash command to run for the preview.
     The preview is only for video, no sound.
     @rtype: str
     width, height = self.app.config.video_capture_size.split("x")
     aspect_ratio = self.app.config.video_aspect_ratio
     numchannels = self.app.config.audio_channels
     vumeter_id = self.app.gui.audio_levels_input_socket_id
     audio_buffer = self.app.config.audio_input_buffer
     jack_autoconnect = self.app.config.audio_jack_enable_autoconnect
     window_title = _("Local preview")
     x_window_id = None
     if not self.app.config.preview_in_window:
         if self.app.gui.preview_socket.get_id() == 0L:
             log.error("XID of the preview drawing area is 0L!")
             x_window_id = self.app.gui.preview_socket.get_id()
     command = "milhouse --videosource %s --localvideo --window-title \"%s\" --width %s --height %s --aspect-ratio %s" % (self.app.config.video_source, window_title, width, height, aspect_ratio, )
     if self.app.devices["jackd_is_running"] and numchannels > 0:
         command += " --localaudio --audiosource %s --numchannels %s --vumeter-id %s --audio-buffer %s" % (self.app.config.audio_source, numchannels, vumeter_id, audio_buffer)
         if not jack_autoconnect:
             command += " --disable-jack-autoconnect"
     #    warning_message = "You should consider starting jackd."
     if x_window_id is not None:
         command += " --x-window-id %d" % (x_window_id)
         command += " --videodisplay %s" % (self.app.config.video_display) # xid does not work if DISPLAY is set to an other display.
     if self.app.config.video_source != "videotestsrc":
         dev = self.app.parse_v4l2_device_name(self.app.config.video_device)
         if dev is None:
             log.error("v4l2 device is not found ! %s" % (self.app.config.video_device))
             #FIXME: handle this
         video_device = dev["name"]
         command += " --videodevice %s" % (video_device)
     return command
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _gather_config_to_stream(self, addr):
        Gathers all settings in a big dict.

        Useful for feedback to the user.
        contact_name = addr
        contact = self.app._get_contact_by_addr(addr)
        if contact is not None:
            contact_name = contact["name"]

        remote_config = self.app.remote_config # FIXME: should the remote config be passed as a param to this method?
        send_width, send_height = self.app.config.video_capture_size.split("x")
        receive_width, receive_height = remote_config["video"]["capture_size"].split("x")

        # MIDI
        midi_send_enabled = self.app.config.midi_send_enabled and remote_config["midi"]["recv_enabled"]
        midi_recv_enabled = self.app.config.midi_recv_enabled and remote_config["midi"]["send_enabled"]
        midi_input_device = self.app.config.midi_input_device
        midi_output_device = self.app.config.midi_output_device

        audio_jitterbuffer = self.app.config.audio_jitterbuffer
        if self.app.config.audio_video_synchronized and self.app.config.video_recv_enabled:
            audio_jitterbuffer = self.app.config.video_jitterbuffer

        log.debug("remote_config: %s" % (remote_config))

        self.session_details = {
            "peer": {
                "address": addr,
                "name": contact_name,
            # ----------------- send ---------------
            "send": {
                "video": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    "enabled": self.app.config.video_send_enabled and remote_config["video"]["recv_enabled"],

                    # Decided locally:
                    "source": self.app.config.video_source,
                    "device": self.app.config.video_device,
                    "width": int(send_width), # int
                    "height": int(send_height), # int
                    "aspect-ratio": self.app.config.video_aspect_ratio,

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                    "port": remote_config["video"]["port"],
                    "bitrate": remote_config["video"]["bitrate"],
                    "codec": remote_config["video"]["codec"],

                "audio": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    "enabled": self.app.config.audio_send_enabled and remote_config["audio"]["recv_enabled"],

                    # Decided locally:
                    "source": self.app.config.audio_source,
                    "vumeter-id": self.app.gui.audio_levels_input_socket_id,
                    "buffer": self.app.config.audio_input_buffer,
                    "jack_autoconnect": self.app.config.audio_jack_enable_autoconnect,

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                    "numchannels": remote_config["audio"]["numchannels"],
                    "codec": remote_config["audio"]["codec"],
                    "port": remote_config["audio"]["port"],
                    "synchronized": remote_config["audio"]["synchronized"],
                "midi": {
                    "enabled": midi_send_enabled,
                    "input_device": midi_input_device,
                    "port": remote_config["midi"]["port"]
            # -------------------- recv ------------
            "receive": {
                "video": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    "enabled": self.app.config.video_recv_enabled and remote_config["video"]["send_enabled"],

                    # decided locally:
                    "sink": self.app.config.video_sink,
                    "port": str(self.app.recv_video_port), #decided by the app
                    "codec": self.app.config.video_codec,
                    "deinterlace": self.app.config.video_deinterlace, # bool
                    "window-title": "\"From %s\"" % (contact_name), #TODO: i18n
                    "jitterbuffer": self.app.config.video_jitterbuffer,
                    "fullscreen": self.app.config.video_fullscreen, # bool
                    "display": self.app.config.video_display,
                    "bitrate": self.app.config.video_bitrate, # float

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                    "aspect-ratio": remote_config["video"]["aspect_ratio"],
                    "width": int(receive_width), # int
                    "height": int(receive_height), # int
                "audio": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    "enabled": self.app.config.audio_recv_enabled and remote_config["audio"]["send_enabled"],

                    # decided locally:
                    "numchannels": self.app.config.audio_channels, # int
                    "vumeter-id": self.app.gui.audio_levels_output_socket_id,
                    "codec": self.app.config.audio_codec,
                    "port": self.app.recv_audio_port,
                    "sink": self.app.config.audio_sink,
                    "buffer": self.app.config.audio_output_buffer,
                    "synchronized": self.app.config.audio_video_synchronized,
                    "jitterbuffer": audio_jitterbuffer,
                    "jack_autoconnect": self.app.config.audio_jack_enable_autoconnect,
                "midi": {
                    "enabled": midi_recv_enabled,
                    "jitterbuffer": self.app.config.midi_jitterbuffer,
                    "output_device": midi_output_device,
                    "port": str(self.app.recv_midi_port),
        if self.session_details["send"]["video"]["source"] != "v4l2src":
            self.session_details["send"]["video"]["device"] = None
        if self.session_details["send"]["video"]["codec"] == "theora":
            self.session_details["send"]["video"]["bitrate"] = None

        # limit to max numchannels if in raw
        # ...according to remote's max
        if self.session_details["receive"]["audio"]["codec"] == "raw":
            if self.session_details["receive"]["audio"]["numchannels"] > remote_config["audio"]["max_channels_in_raw"]:
                num =  remote_config["audio"]["max_channels_in_raw"]
                self.session_details["receive"]["audio"]["numchannels"] = num
                msg = _("Limiting the number of audio channels being received to %(number)d since the remote peer only supports up to that many.\nDecrease it to get rid of this message.") % {"number": num}
        # ...according to local's max
        if self.session_details["send"]["audio"]["codec"] == "raw":
            if self.session_details["send"]["audio"]["numchannels"] > self.app.max_channels_in_raw:
                num = self.app.max_channels_in_raw
                self.session_details["send"]["audio"]["numchannels"] = num
                msg = _("Limiting the number of audio channels being sent to %(number)d since we only support up to that many.\nDecrease it to get rid of this message.") % {"number": num}
                details = _("Update your jackaudiosrc Gstreamer element.")
                self.app.gui.show_error_dialog(msg, details=details)

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _gather_config_to_stream(self, addr):
        Gathers all settings in a big dict.

        Useful for feedback to the user.
        contact_name = addr
        contact = self.app._get_contact_by_addr(addr)
        if contact is not None:
            contact_name = contact["name"]

        remote_config = self.app.remote_config  # FIXME: should the remote config be passed as a param to this method?
        send_width, send_height = self.app.config.video_capture_size.split("x")
        receive_width, receive_height = remote_config["video"][

        # MIDI
        midi_send_enabled = self.app.config.midi_send_enabled and remote_config[
        midi_recv_enabled = self.app.config.midi_recv_enabled and remote_config[
        midi_input_device = self.app.config.midi_input_device
        midi_output_device = self.app.config.midi_output_device

        audio_jitterbuffer = self.app.config.audio_jitterbuffer
        if self.app.config.audio_video_synchronized and self.app.config.video_recv_enabled:
            audio_jitterbuffer = self.app.config.video_jitterbuffer

        log.debug("remote_config: %s" % (remote_config))

        self.session_details = {
            "peer": {
                "address": addr,
                "name": contact_name,
            # ----------------- send ---------------
            "send": {
                "video": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    and remote_config["video"]["recv_enabled"],

                    # Decided locally:
                    int(send_width),  # int
                    int(send_height),  # int

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                "audio": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    and remote_config["audio"]["recv_enabled"],

                    # Decided locally:

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                "midi": {
                    "enabled": midi_send_enabled,
                    "input_device": midi_input_device,
                    "port": remote_config["midi"]["port"]
            # -------------------- recv ------------
            "receive": {
                "video": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    and remote_config["video"]["send_enabled"],

                    # decided locally:
                    str(self.app.recv_video_port),  #decided by the app
                    self.app.config.video_deinterlace,  # bool
                    "\"From %s\"" % (contact_name),  #TODO: i18n
                    self.app.config.video_fullscreen,  # bool
                    self.app.config.video_bitrate,  # float

                    # Decided by remote peer:
                    int(receive_width),  # int
                    int(receive_height),  # int
                "audio": {
                    # Decided by both:
                    and remote_config["audio"]["send_enabled"],

                    # decided locally:
                    self.app.config.audio_channels,  # int
                "midi": {
                    "enabled": midi_recv_enabled,
                    "jitterbuffer": self.app.config.midi_jitterbuffer,
                    "output_device": midi_output_device,
                    "port": str(self.app.recv_midi_port),
        if self.session_details["send"]["video"]["source"] != "v4l2src":
            self.session_details["send"]["video"]["device"] = None
        if self.session_details["send"]["video"]["codec"] == "theora":
            self.session_details["send"]["video"]["bitrate"] = None

        # limit to max numchannels if in raw
        # ...according to remote's max
        if self.session_details["receive"]["audio"]["codec"] == "raw":
            if self.session_details["receive"]["audio"][
                    "numchannels"] > remote_config["audio"][
                num = remote_config["audio"]["max_channels_in_raw"]
                self.session_details["receive"]["audio"]["numchannels"] = num
                msg = _(
                    "Limiting the number of audio channels being received to %(number)d since the remote peer only supports up to that many.\nDecrease it to get rid of this message."
                ) % {
                    "number": num
        # ...according to local's max
        if self.session_details["send"]["audio"]["codec"] == "raw":
            if self.session_details["send"]["audio"][
                    "numchannels"] > self.app.max_channels_in_raw:
                num = self.app.max_channels_in_raw
                self.session_details["send"]["audio"]["numchannels"] = num
                msg = _(
                    "Limiting the number of audio channels being sent to %(number)d since we only support up to that many.\nDecrease it to get rid of this message."
                ) % {
                    "number": num
                details = _("Update your jackaudiosrc Gstreamer element.")
                self.app.gui.show_error_dialog(msg, details=details)
