Ejemplo n.º 1
def testfile(filein,fileknown,sopt):
 with open(filein,"r") as f:
  lines = [l.rstrip('\r\n ') for l in f]
 with open(fileknown,"r") as f:
  correct = [l.rstrip('\r\n ') for l in f]
 sandhi = ScharfSandhi()
 err = sandhi.simple_sandhioptions(sopt)
 if err != 0: 
  print "ERROR",err," sopt must be E, E1, or C, not",sopt

 nok = 0
 for line in lines:
  out = sandhi.sandhi(line)
  known = correct[i]
  ok = "?"
  if out == known:
   ok = "OK"
   nok = nok+1
   ok = "PROBLEM"
   print "Problem at line",i
   print "   input:",line
   print " options:",sopt
   print "computed:",out
   print "standard:",known
   print "========================================"
  i = i + 1
 print "Test Results:"
 print "Input:",filein
 print "Standard:",fileknown
 print nok,"input lines were ok out of",len(lines),"total lines."
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testfile2(filein):
    with open(filein, "r") as f:
        cases = [Case(l.rstrip('\r\n ')) for l in f]
    sandhi = ScharfSandhi()

    i = 0
    nok = 0
    icase = 0
    for case in cases:
        icase = icase + 1
        (sopt, line, known) = (case.sopt, case.input, case.answer)
        err = sandhi.simple_sandhioptions(sopt)
        if err != 0:
            print "ERROR", err, " sopt must be E, E1, or C, not", sopt
            print "line", icase, "of file", filein
        out = sandhi.sandhi(line)
        ok = "?"
        if out == known:
            ok = "OK"
            nok = nok + 1
            ok = "PROBLEM"
            print "Problem at case", i
            print " options:", sopt
            print "   input:", line
            print "computed:", out
            print "standard:", known
            print "========================================"
        i = i + 1
    print "Test Results for file:", filein
    print nok, "input case were ok out of", len(cases), "total cases."
 ScharfSandhiArg.py  May 25, 2015
 Jul 26, 2015. 
 Jul 27, 2015
 9 May 2020 PMS added parenthesis for python 3 compatibility
from scharfsandhi import ScharfSandhi

if __name__ == '__main__':
 import sys
 sopt = sys.argv[1]
 s = sys.argv[2]
 sandhi = ScharfSandhi()
 sandhi.history=[] # init history.  It is modified by wrapper
 err = sandhi.simple_sandhioptions(sopt)
 if err != 0:
  print("ERROR: sopt must be E, E1, or C, not",sopt)
 ans = sandhi.sandhi(s)
 for h in sandhi.history:
 print('ScharfSandhiArg: ans="%s"' % ans)