def check_clusters_vs_node_apps(testlogger, r): ''' Check that clusters match node-app sets ''' result = True m = schema.Monaco() m.refresh(r) for app_id in m.app_ids: app = schema.App(app_id=app_id) app.refresh(r) for node_id, _ in app.nodes.iteritems(): if not app_id in r.smembers(schema.NODE_APPS_TMPL % node_id): testlogger.error( "App %s has node %s in it's cluster, but the node doesn't have it in it's app-set", app_id, node_id) result = False for node_id in m.node_ids: node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(r) for app_id in node.apps: if not node_id in r.hkeys(schema.APP_CLUSTER_TMPL % app_id): testlogger.error( "Node %s has app %s in its app-set, but the corresponding app doesn't have the node in it's cluster", node_id, app_id) result = False return result
def __init__(self): monaco = schema.Monaco() self.r = redis.StrictRedis(port=config['mgmt_port']) # terniaries are always a bad idea. this is a mess of exceptions waiting to cascade so FIXME if['role'] == 'master': self.rmaster = redis.StrictRedis(port=config['mgmt_port']) else: self.rmaster = redis.StrictRedis(['master_host'], port=config['mgmt_port'], socket_connect_timeout=1, socket_timeout=1) monaco.refresh(self.r) node_id = monaco.node_ids_by_hostname[config['hostname']] self.node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) self.health_data = {} # dictionary of app_id -> DB health self.app_clients = {} # dictionary of app_id -> redis clients self.rps = redis.StrictRedis(port=config['mgmt_port']) self.pubsub = self.rps.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True) self.lock = threading.Lock() self._subscriptions = {} self.logger = logging.getLogger('monaco.slave') self.redmanager = RedisMgmt() self.nutmanager = NutMgmt() # for slave based health-checks self.sched = Scheduler(daemon=True) self.sched.start() self.sched.add_interval_job(self.node_health, seconds=5) # TODO: Tune self.health_check_pool = ThreadPool(10) atexit.register(lambda: self.sched.shutdown(wait=False))
def app_view(app_id): ''' Web UI for an App ''' r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) if not str(app_id) in monaco.app_ids: abort(404) dbapp = schema.App(app_id=app_id) dbapp.refresh(r) data = {} for node, role in dbapp.nodes.iteritems(): node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node) node.refresh(r) if role == 'master': data[role] = {'host': node.hostname, 'port': dbapp.port} elif role in data: data[role].append({'host': node.hostname, 'port': dbapp.port}) else: data[role] = [{'host': node.hostname, 'port': dbapp.port}] data['app_id'] = app_id data['name'] = # scale bytes to human readable mb/gb data['maxmemory'] = dbapp.maxmemory data['maxmemory_policy'] = dbapp.maxmemory_policy data['persist'] = dbapp.persist == 'True' data['replicas'] = dbapp.replicas data['slavelb'] = dbapp.slavelb == 'True' data['owner'] = dbapp.owner data['operator'] = dbapp.operator data['memory_target'] = '&target=monaco.%s.%s.%s.used_memory' % ( app.config['ENV'], app.config['LOCATION'], app_id, ) data[ 'rps_target'] = '&target=monaco.%s.%s.%s.instantaneous_ops_per_sec' % ( app.config['ENV'], app.config['LOCATION'], app_id, ) data['conn_target'] = '&target=monaco.%s.%s.%s.connected_clients' % ( app.config['ENV'], app.config['LOCATION'], app_id, ) data['cpu_target'] = '&target=monaco.%s.%s.%s.cpu_percent' % ( app.config['ENV'], app.config['LOCATION'], app_id, ) return render_template('db.html', **data)
def node_api(node_id): ''' This provides a RESTful endpoint for MonacoNode management GET- get MonacoNode info POST- with updated info DELETE- an existing node to remove from distribution ''' r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) if request.method == 'GET': if not str(node_id) in monaco.node_ids: abort(404) node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=str(node_id)) node.refresh(r) data = dict(node.__dict__.items() + node.app_info(r).items()) return jsonify(data) if request.method == 'POST': if not str(node_id) in monaco.node_ids: abort(404) node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(r) node.total_memory = request.form['total_memory'] node.rack = request.form['rack'] node.write(r) return 'OK' if request.method == 'DELETE': if str(node_id) in monaco.node_ids: abort(400) nodetokill = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) if len(nodetokill.apps) != 0 or nodetokill.status != 'MAINTENANCE': abort(400) monaco.delete_node(nodetokill, r) nodetokill.delete(r) return 'OK'
def twem_conf_struct(self, twem, retry=True): ''' Given a schema.MonacoTwem, returns the nutcracker config for that proxy in dict form ''' try: if type(twem) != schema.MonacoTwem: twem = schema.MonacoTwem(twem_id=twem) twem.refresh(self.r) conf = {} for key in schema.MonacoTwem.HASH_KEYS: if hasattr(twem, key) and key in self.CONF_KEYS: conf[key] = getattr(twem, key) conf['listen'] = twem.listen conf['auto_eject_hosts'] = twem.auto_eject_hosts conf['redis'] = True conf['servers'] = [] if len(twem.servers) == 1: # configure to proxy across the master and slaves of a single monaco db, using physical hostnames app = schema.App(app_id=twem.servers[0]) app.refresh(self.r) monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(self.r) for node_id in app.nodes: node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(self.r) conf['servers'].append('%s:%s:1' % (node.FQDN, app.port)) else: # configure to proxy across a set of monaco dbs, using the loadbalanced hostname for app_id in twem.servers: conf['servers'].append( '%s:%s:1' % (config['loadbalancer']['hostname'], app_id)) # Allow for external servers that are manually specified if twem.extservers: for server in twem.extservers: conf['servers'].append('%s:1' % server) return { conf} except redis.RedisError, err: self.r = redis.StrictRedis(port=config['mgmt_port']) if retry: return self.twem_conf_struct(twem, retry=False) else: self.logger.exception(err)
def list_nodes_api(): ''' This provides a RESTful endpoint for listing MonacoNodes HEAD: Returns {'node_ids': [node_id, node_id]}, which only queries master mgmt db GET: Returns HEAD + {'<node_id>': {NODE INFO DICT}}, which queries redis servers on each node ''' data = {} r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) data['node_ids'] = monaco.node_ids for node_id in data['node_ids']: data[node_id] = {} data[node_id]['hostname'] = monaco.hostnames_by_node_id[node_id] if request.method == 'HEAD': continue try: rtemp = StrictRedis(host=data[node_id]['hostname'], port=app.config['MGMT_PORT'], socket_connect_timeout=1, socket_timeout=0.5) info = data[node_id]['role'] = info['role'] if data[node_id]['role'] == 'slave': data[node_id]['role_details'] = {'master': info['master_host']} else: data[node_id]['role_details'] = {} data[node_id]['role_details']['connected_slaves'] = info[ 'connected_slaves'] for idx in xrange(int(info['connected_slaves'])): data[node_id]['role_details']['slave%d' % idx] = info['slave%d' % idx] node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(r) data[node_id]['mem_usage'] = '%sM' % node.app_info(r)['memory'] data[node_id]['up'] = True except Exception: data[node_id]['up'] = False data[node_id]['role'] = None data[node_id]['role_details'] = None data[node_id]['mem_usage'] = None data[node_id]['net_usage'] = None return jsonify(data)
def node_view(node_id): ''' Web view for MonacoNode ''' r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) node_id = str(node_id) if not node_id in monaco.node_ids: abort(404) node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(r) appinfo = node.app_info(r) data = { 'node_id': node_id, 'hostname': node.hostname, 'FQDN': node.FQDN, 'total_memory': node.total_memory, 'rack': node.rack, 'status': node.status, 'used_memory': appinfo['memory'], 'memory_percent': round(100.0 * appinfo['memory'] / (int(node.total_memory) / 2.0), 2), 'master_servers': len(appinfo['masters']), 'masters': map(str, sorted(map(int, appinfo['masters']))), 'slave_servers': len(appinfo['slaves']), 'slaves': map(str, sorted(map(int, appinfo['slaves']))), 'twemproxy_servers': len(node.twems), # General info 'nodes': map(str, sorted(map(int, monaco.node_ids))), } return render_template("node.html", **data)
def new_node_api(): ''' Create new nodes by POST'ing info to this endpoint. Get a listing of nodes ''' r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) if request.method == 'POST': if str(request.form['node_id']) in monaco.node_ids: abort(400) newnode = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=request.form['node_id']) newnode.apps = [] newnode.twems = [] newnode.hostname = request.form['hostname'] newnode.FQDN = request.form['FQDN'] newnode.total_memory = request.form['total_memory'] newnode.rack = request.form['rack'] newnode.write(r) monaco.new_node(newnode, r) return 'OK'
def list_app_api(): ''' lists apps''' r = rediscli() monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) if 'owner' in request.args: apps = list_apps_by_owner(request['owner']) elif 'operator' in request.args: apps = list_apps_by_operator(set(request['operator'])) else: apps = list_apps() app_data = {} for app_id in apps: try: dbapp = schema.App(app_id=app_id) dbapp.refresh(r) masternode = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=dbapp.master) masternode.refresh(r) mastercli = dbapp.get_master_connection(r) info = used = float(info['used_memory']) / (1024 * 1024) total = int(dbapp.maxmemory) // (1024 * 1024) percent = round((100 * used) / total, 2) used = round(used, 2) app_data[app_id] = { 'service':, 'exposure': 'tcp://%s:%s' % (masternode.FQDN, dbapp.port), 'memory_used': used, 'memory_total': total, 'memory_percent': percent, 'connected_clients': info['connected_clients'], 'rps': info['instantaneous_ops_per_sec'], } except Exception: app_data[app_id] = {'service': monaco.service_by_app_id[app_id]} return jsonify(app_data)
def main(): ''' This is a jazzier version of the node stats reporter. It will spin up N threads (where N = the number of app Masters on this node) Those threads will report stats on the config interval ''' r = redis.StrictRedis(port=config.config['mgmt_port']) monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) host = config.config['hostname'] node_id = monaco.node_ids_by_hostname[host] node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) monaco_handler = MonacoHandler(node_id) monaco_handler.start() app_threadmap = {} twem_threadmap = {} while True: try: node.refresh(r) # Set up this node's master DB handlers for app_id in app_threadmap.keys(): if app_id not in node.apps: # child thread should die a natural, painless death app_threadmap[app_id].stop() del app_threadmap[app_id] STATLOGGER.debug('deleted %s', app_id) for app_id in node.apps: app = schema.App(app_id=app_id) app.refresh(r) if app.nodes[node.node_id] != 'master': if app_id in app_threadmap: app_threadmap[app_id].stop() del app_threadmap[app_id] STATLOGGER.debug('deleted %s', app_id) continue if not app_id in app_threadmap: # perhaps a new thing app_threadmap[app_id] = AppHandler(app_id, node_id) app_threadmap[app_id].start() STATLOGGER.debug('started %s', app_id) elif not app_threadmap[app_id].is_alive(): del app_threadmap[app_id] app_threadmap[app_id] = AppHandler(app_id, node_id) app_threadmap[app_id].start()'restarted %s', app_id) # Set up this node's twem handlers for twem_id in twem_threadmap.keys(): if twem_id not in node.twems: # child thread should die a natural, painless death twem_threadmap[twem_id].stop() del twem_threadmap[twem_id] STATLOGGER.debug('deleted %s', twem_id) for twem_id in node.twems: twem = schema.MonacoTwem(twem_id=twem_id) twem.refresh(r) if not twem_id in twem_threadmap: # perhaps a new thing twem_threadmap[twem_id] = TwemHandler(twem_id, node_id, host) twem_threadmap[twem_id].start() STATLOGGER.debug('started %s', twem_id) elif not twem_threadmap[twem_id].is_alive(): del twem_threadmap[twem_id] twem_threadmap[twem_id] = TwemHandler(twem_id, node_id, host) twem_threadmap[twem_id].start()'restarted %s', twem_id) except redis.RedisError: r = redis.StrictRedis(port=config.config['mgmt_port']) except Exception, exc: STATLOGGER.exception(exc) time.sleep(5)
def setUp(self): self.monaconode = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=1)
def app_api(app_id): ''' App API: GET: 200 - gets info about app in json format 404 - app_id does not exist 403 - you aint allowed HEAD: 200 - app_id exists 404 - app_id does not exist POST: 200 - sent update command to master 400 - app_id does not exist 403 - you aint allowed DELETE: 200 - sent delete command to master 404 - app_id does not exist 403 - you aint allowed ''' r = rediscli() job_queue = schema.MonacoJobQueue(r) monaco = schema.Monaco() monaco.refresh(r) app_id = str(app_id) if request.method == 'HEAD': if not app_id in monaco.app_ids: abort(404) return 'OK' if request.method == 'GET': if not app_id in monaco.app_ids: abort(404) dbapp = schema.App(app_id=app_id) dbapp.refresh(r) app_info = { 'app_id': dbapp.app_id, 'port': dbapp.port, 'nodes': [], 'unused_nodes': [], } for k in dbapp.HASH_KEYS: if hasattr(dbapp, k): app_info[k] = getattr(dbapp, k) for node_id, role in dbapp.nodes.iteritems(): node = schema.MonacoNode(node_id=node_id) node.refresh(r) app_info['nodes'].append({ 'host': node.hostname, 'node_id': node_id, 'role': role }) app_info['unused_nodes'] = [ node_id for node_id in monaco.node_ids if not node_id in dbapp.nodes ] return jsonify(app_info) if request.method == 'POST': if app_id in monaco.app_ids: dbapp = schema.App(app_id=app_id) dbapp.refresh(r) if request.form['name'] != monaco.service_by_app_id[app_id]: monaco.rename_app(app_id, request.form['name'], r) job = { 'command': 'update', 'app_id': app_id, } for k in schema.App.HASH_KEYS: if k in request.form: job[k] = request.form[k] if 'persist' in job: job['persist'] = True else: job['persist'] = False if 'slavelb' in job: job['slavelb'] = True else: job['slavelb'] = False jid = job_queue.pushback_job(job) return jsonify(jid=jid) else: # can't create with an app_id pre-specified. abort(400) if request.method == 'DELETE': if not app_id in monaco.app_ids: abort(404) dbapp = schema.App(app_id=app_id) dbapp.refresh(r) job = { 'command': 'delete', 'app_id': app_id, } jid = job_queue.pushback_job(job) return jsonify(jid=jid)