Ejemplo n.º 1
class Zapian(object):

    def __init__(self, db_path):
        self.db_path = db_path
        self.schema = Schema(db_path)

    def parts(self):
        """ show parts of the database """
        for sub in os.listdir(self.db_path):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.db_path, sub)):
                yield sub

    def release_part(self, part_name):
        """ release xapian a database """
        _release_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)

    def remove_part(self, part_name):
        """ remove xapian a database """
        part_path = os.path.join(self.db_path, part_name)
        if os.path.isdir(part_path):
            part = _write_database_index.pop(part_path, None)
            if part is not None:
                _release_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)
            raise Exception('remove database: %s is not xapian database'%part_path)

    def get_interior_doc(self, doc, data=None, old_doc=None):
        """ convert python dict into xapian document object

            data: raw data for original object

            return: xapian document object
        def _add_term(doc, termgen, prefix, value):
            type_name = 'freetext'

            if type_name == 'exact':
                if len(value) > 0:
                    # We use the following check, rather than "isupper()" to ensure
                    # that we match the check performed by the queryparser, regardless
                    # of our locale.
                    if ord(value[0]) >= ord('A') and ord(value[0]) <= ord('Z'):
                        prefix = prefix + ':'

                # Note - xapian currently restricts term lengths to about 248
                # characters - except that zero bytes are encoded in two bytes, so
                # in practice a term of length 125 characters could be too long.
                # Xapian will give an error when commit() is called after such
                # documents have been added to the database.
                # As a simple workaround, we give an error here for terms over 220
                # characters, which will catch most occurrences of the error early.
                # In future, it might be good to change to a hashing scheme in this
                # situation (or for terms over, say, 64 characters), where the
                # characters after position 64 are hashed (we obviously need to do this
                # hashing at search time, too).
                if len(prefix + value) > 220:
                    raise Exception("Field is too long: maximum length "
                                               "220 - was %d (%r)" %
                                               (len(prefix + value),
                                                prefix + value))

                doc.add_term(prefix + value, 1) # wdfinc default set 1

            elif type_name == 'freetext':
                # no positions, weight default set 1
                termgen.index_text_without_positions(str(value), 1, prefix)

        def _add_value(doc, slotnum, value):

            if isinstance(value, float):
                value = xapian.sortable_serialise(float(value))
                doc.add_value(int(slotnum), value)
                doc.add_value(int(slotnum), str(value))

        document = xapian.Document()
        termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()

        terms = set()
        values = set()
        # build new xapian object
        for field, value in doc.iteritems():
            both = field.startswith('+') 
            if both:
                field = field[1:]
            is_value = isinstance(value, (int, float, datetime))
            is_term = not is_value
            # sortable
            if both or is_value:
                if field in values:
                slotnum = self.schema.get_slot(field)
                value = clean_value(value)
                _add_value(document, slotnum, value)
            # field
            if both or is_term:
                if field in terms:
                prefix = self.schema.get_prefix(field)
                value = clean_value(value)
                _add_term(document, termgen, prefix, value)

        # new value will be replace old value
        if old_doc is not None:
            for term in old_doc.termlist():
                prefix, value = self.schema.split_term(term.term)
                if prefix not in terms:
                    _add_term(document, termgen, prefix, value)

            for value in old_doc.values():
                if value.num not in values:
                    _add_value(document, value.num, value.value)

            if data is None: 
                data = dict()

            old_data = old_doc.get_data()
            if old_data:
                old_data = pickle.loads(old_data)
                for k, v in old_data.iteritems():
                    if k not in data:
                        data[k] = v
        # add data
        if data:

        return document

    def add_document(self, part_name, index, uid=None, data=None, flush=True):
        """ add a xapian document
        db = _get_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)
        doc = self.get_interior_doc(index, data=data)
        if not uid:
            identifier = u'Q' + part_name + str(db.get_lastdocid())
            identifier = u'Q' + str(uid)
        db.replace_document(identifier, doc)
        if flush: db.commit()

    def replace_document(self, part_name, uid, index, data=None, flush=True):
        """ replace existing xapian document """
        doc = self.get_interior_doc(index, data=data)
        db = _get_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)
        identifier = u'Q' + str(uid)
        db.replace_document(identifier, doc)
        if flush: db.commit()

    def delete_document(self, part_name, uids, flush=True):
        """ delete a xapian document """
        if not isinstance(uids, (list, tuple, set)):
            uids = (uids,)
        db = _get_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)
        for uid in uids:
            identifier = u'Q' + str(uid)
        if flush: db.commit()

    def update_document(self, part_name, uid, index, data=None, flush=True):
        """ update xapian document existing fields and attributes
        db = _get_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)

        identifier = u'Q' + str(uid)
        old_doc = self._get_document(str(uid), [part_name], db=db)

        new_doc = self.get_interior_doc(index, data=data, old_doc=old_doc)
        db.replace_document(identifier, new_doc)
        if flush: db.commit()

    def get_document(self, uid, part=None):
        """ Get the document """
        xap_doc = self._get_document(uid, part)
        return pickle.loads( xap_doc.get_data() )

    def _get_document(self, uid, part=None, db=None):
        """Get the xapian document object with the specified unique ID.

        Raises a KeyError if there is no such document.  Otherwise, it returns
        a ProcessedDocument.

        if db is None:
            if part is None:
                raise Exception('_get_document method need the part or the db')
                db = _get_read_db(self.db_path, part)

        while True:
                postlist = db.postlist('Q' + uid)
                    plitem = postlist.next()
                except StopIteration:
                    # Unique ID not found
                    raise KeyError('Unique ID %r not found' % uid)
                    raise Exception("Multiple documents " #pragma: no cover
                                               "found with same unique ID")
                except StopIteration:
                    # Only one instance of the unique ID found, as it should be.

                return db.get_document(plitem.docid)

            except xapian.DatabaseModifiedError:

    def commit(self, parts=None):
        """ commit xapian database """
        if parts is None:
            parts = ['default']

        for part_name in parts:
            db = _get_write_db(self.db_path, part_name)

    def search(self, parts=None, query=None, query_obj=None, orderby=None, start=None, stop=None):
        """ 搜索, 返回document id的集合 


        # 这个目录不一个正确的数据库,可能还没有保存至少一条数据
        #if CONFIG_FILE not in os.listdir(self.db_path):
        #    return []
        if parts is None:
            parts = ['default']

        if not parts:
            return []

        database = _get_read_db(self.db_path, parts=parts)

        if query_obj is not None:
            xapian_query = query_obj.build_query(database=database)
            query_obj = Query(self.schema)
            query_obj._filters = query
            xapian_query = query_obj.build_query(database=database)

        enquire = xapian.Enquire(database)
        # sort
        if orderby is not None:
            asc = True
            if orderby[0] == '-':
                asc = False
                orderby = orderby[1:]
            elif orderby[0] == '+':
                orderby = orderby[1:]

            slotnum = self.schema.get_slot(orderby, auto_add=False)
            # sort when available
            if slotnum is not None:
                # Note: we invert the "asc" parameter, because xapian treats
                # "ascending" as meaning "higher values are better"; in other
                # words, it considers "ascending" to mean return results in
                # descending order.
                enquire.set_sort_by_value_then_relevance(slotnum, not asc)


        # Repeat the search until we don't get a DatabaseModifiedError
        if start is None: start = 0
        if stop is None: stop = database.get_doccount()
        while True:
                matches = enquire.get_mset(start, stop)
            except xapian.DatabaseModifiedError:

        # 返回结果的ID集
        def _get_docid(match):
            tl = match.document.termlist()
                term = tl.skip_to('Q').term
                if len(term) == 0 or term[0] != 'Q':
                    return None
            except StopIteration:
                return None
            return term[1:]

        return map(_get_docid, matches)