Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_error_reporting():
    s = Schema(
            '<files>': [Use(open, error='<files> should be readable')],
            And(os.path.exists, error='<path> should exist'),
               And(Use(int), lambda n: 0 < n < 5),
               error='--count should be integer 0 < n < 5')
    await s.validate({'<files>': [], '<path>': './', '--count': 3})

        await s.validate({'<files>': [], '<path>': './', '--count': '10'})
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.code == 'Error:\n--count should be integer 0 < n < 5'
        await s.validate({'<files>': [], '<path>': './hai', '--count': '2'})
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.code == 'Error:\n<path> should exist'
        await s.validate({'<files>': ['hai'], '<path>': './', '--count': '2'})
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.code == 'Error:\n<files> should be readable'
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def test_schema():
    assert await Schema(1).validate(1) == 1
    with SE:
        await Schema(1).validate(9)

    assert await Schema(int).validate(1) == 1
    with SE:
        await Schema(int).validate('1')
    assert await Schema(Use(int)).validate('1') == 1
    with SE:
        await Schema(int).validate(int)

    assert await Schema(str).validate('hai') == 'hai'
    with SE:
        await Schema(str).validate(1)
    assert await Schema(Use(str)).validate(1) == '1'

    assert await Schema(list).validate(['a', 1]) == ['a', 1]
    assert await Schema(dict).validate({'a': 1}) == {'a': 1}
    with SE:
        await Schema(dict).validate(['a', 1])

    assert await Schema(lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate(3) == 3
    with SE:
        await Schema(lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate(-1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def test_and():
    assert await And(int, lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate(3) == 3
    with SE:
        await And(int, lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate(3.33)
    assert await And(Use(int), lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate(3.33) == 3
    with SE:
        await And(Use(int), lambda n: 0 < n < 5).validate('3.33')
    with raises(TypeError):
        await And(str, len, hello='a').validate('hello')
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def test_issue_9_prioritized_key_comparison_in_dicts():
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14588098/docopt-schema-validation
    s = Schema({
        'ID': Use(int, error='ID should be an int'),
        'FILE': Or(None, Use(open, error='FILE should be readable')),
        Optional(str): object
    data = {'ID': 10, 'FILE': None, 'other': 'other', 'other2': 'other2'}
    assert await s.validate(data) == data
    data = {'ID': 10, 'FILE': None}
    assert await s.validate(data) == data
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_validate_file():
    result = await Schema(Use(open)).validate('LICENSE-MIT')
    assert result.read().startswith('Copyright')
    with SE:
        await Schema(Use(open)).validate('NON-EXISTENT')
    assert await Schema(os.path.exists).validate('.') == '.'
    with SE:
        await Schema(os.path.exists).validate('./non-existent/')
    assert await Schema(os.path.isfile
                        ).validate('LICENSE-MIT') == 'LICENSE-MIT'
    with SE:
        await Schema(os.path.isfile).validate('NON-EXISTENT')
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_async():
    async def func(n):
        return 0 < n < 5

    assert await Schema(func).validate(3) == 3
    with SE:
        await Schema(func).validate(-1)

    async def change(data):
        return str(data)

    assert await Schema(Use(change)).validate(1) == '1'
    assert await Schema(Use(change)).is_valid(1) == True
    assert await Schema(Use(str)).validate(1) == '1'
    assert await Schema(str).is_valid(1) == False
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_nice_errors():
        await Schema(int, error='should be integer').validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.errors == ['should be integer']
        await Schema(Use(float), error='should be a number').validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.code == 'should be a number'
        await Schema({
            Optional('i'): Use(int, error='should be a number')
        }).validate({'i': 'x'})
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.code == 'should be a number'
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def test_optional_key_convert_failed_randomly_while_with_another_optional_object(
    In this test, created_at string "2015-10-10 00:00:00" is expected to be converted
    to a datetime instance.
        - it works when the schema is

            s = Schema({
                    'created_at': _datetime_validator,
                    Optional(basestring): object,

        - but when wrapping the key 'created_at' with Optional, it fails randomly
    import datetime
    fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    _datetime_validator = Or(None,
                             Use(lambda i: datetime.datetime.strptime(i, fmt)))
    # FIXME given tests enough
    for _ in range(1024):
        s = Schema({
            Optional('created_at'): _datetime_validator,
            Optional('updated_at'): _datetime_validator,
            Optional('birth'): _datetime_validator,
            Optional(basestring): object,
        data = {'created_at': '2015-10-10 00:00:00'}
        validated_data = await s.validate(data)
        # is expected to be converted to a datetime instance, but fails randomly
        # (most of the time)
        assert isinstance(validated_data['created_at'], datetime.datetime)
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def test_missing_keys_exception_with_non_str_dict_keys():
    s = Schema({And(str, Use(str.lower), 'name'): And(str, len)})
    with SE:
        await s.validate(dict())
    with SE:
            await Schema({1: 'x'}).validate(dict())
        except SchemaMissingKeyError as e:
            assert e.args[0] == "Missing keys: 1"
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def test_complex():
    s = Schema({
        '<file>': And([Use(open)], lambda l: len(l)),
        '<path>': os.path.exists,
        Optional('--count'): And(int, lambda n: 0 <= n <= 5)
    data = await s.validate({'<file>': ['./LICENSE-MIT'], '<path>': './'})
    assert len(data) == 2
    assert len(data['<file>']) == 1
    assert data['<file>'][0].read().startswith('Copyright')
    assert data['<path>'] == './'
Ejemplo n.º 11
async def test_dict_keys():
    assert await Schema({
        str: int
        'a': 1,
        'b': 2
    }) == {
        'a': 1,
        'b': 2
    with SE:
        await Schema({str: int}).validate({1: 1, 'b': 2})
    assert await Schema({
        Use(str): Use(int)
        1: 3.14,
        3.14: 1
    }) == {
        '1': 3,
        '3.14': 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
async def test_schema_error_handling():
        await Schema(Use(ve)).validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.autos == [None, "ve('x') raised ValueError()"]
        assert e.errors == [None, None]
        await Schema(Use(ve), error='should not raise').validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.autos == [None, "ve('x') raised ValueError()"]
        assert e.errors == ['should not raise', None]
        await Schema(Use(se)).validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.autos == [None, None, 'first auto']
        assert e.errors == [None, None, 'first error']
        await Schema(Use(se), error='second error').validate('x')
    except SchemaError as e:
        assert e.autos == [None, None, 'first auto']
        assert e.errors == ['second error', None, 'first error']
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def test_test():
    def unique_list(_list):
        return len(_list) == len(set(_list))

    def dict_keys(key, _list):
        return list(map(lambda d: d[key], _list))

    schema = (Schema(Const(And(Use(partial(dict_keys, "index")),
    data = [{"index": 1, "value": "foo"}, {"index": 2, "value": "bar"}]
    assert await schema.validate(data) == data

    bad_data = [{"index": 1, "value": "foo"}, {"index": 1, "value": "bar"}]
    with SE:
        await schema.validate(bad_data)
Ejemplo n.º 14
async def test_use_json():
    import json
    gist_schema = Schema(
            Use(json.loads),  # first convert from JSON
                Optional('description'): basestring,
                'public': bool,
                'files': {
                    basestring: {
                        'content': basestring
    gist = '''{"description": "the description for this gist",
               "public": true,
               "files": {
                   "file1.txt": {"content": "String file contents"},
                   "other.txt": {"content": "Another file contents"}}}'''
    assert await gist_schema.validate(gist)
Ejemplo n.º 15
async def test_dict_optional_defaults():
    # Optionals fill out their defaults:
    assert await Schema({
        Optional('a', default=1): 11,
        Optional('b', default=2): 22
    }).validate({'a': 11}) == {
        'a': 11,
        'b': 2

    # Optionals take precedence over types. Here, the "a" is served by the
    # Optional:
    assert await Schema({
        Optional('a', default=1): 11,
        basestring: 22
    }).validate({'b': 22}) == {
        'a': 1,
        'b': 22

    with raises(TypeError):
        Optional(And(str, Use(int)), default=7)
Ejemplo n.º 16
from schema_async import Schema, And, Use, Optional
import asyncio

schema = Schema([{
    And(str, len),
    And(Use(int), lambda n: 18 <= n <= 99),
    And(str, Use(str.lower), lambda s: s in ('squid', 'kid'))

data = [{
    'name': 'Sue',
    'age': '28',
    'gender': 'Squid'
}, {
    'name': 'Sam',
    'age': '42'
}, {
    'name': 'Sacha',
    'age': '20',
    'gender': 'KID'

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

validated = loop.run_until_complete(schema.validate(data))

assert validated == [{
Ejemplo n.º 17
async def test_schema_repr():  # what about repr with `error`s?
    schema = Schema([Or(None, And(str, Use(float)))])
    repr_ = "Schema([Or(None, And(<type 'str'>, Use(<type 'float'>)))])"
    # in Python 3 repr contains <class 'str'>, not <type 'str'>
    assert repr(schema).replace('class', 'type') == repr_