Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_evidence(row, row_id, key_to_experiment, key_to_bioent, pubmed_to_reference_id):
    from model_new_schema.regulation import Regulationevidence
    #bioent1_gene_name = row[0]
    bioent1_format_name = row[1].upper().strip()
    bioent2_format_name = row[3].upper().strip()
    experiment_format_name = create_format_name(row[4].strip())
    experiment_eco_id = row[5].strip()
    conditions = row[6].strip()
    #unknown_field1 = row[7]
    #unknown_field2 = row[8]
    #unknown_field3 = row[9]
    pubmed_id = int(row[10].strip())
    source = row[11].strip()
    if (bioent1_format_name, 'LOCUS') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent1 = key_to_bioent[(bioent1_format_name, 'LOCUS')]
    elif (bioent1_format_name, 'BIOENTITY') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent1 = key_to_bioent[(bioent1_format_name, 'BIOENTITY')]
        print 'Bioent does not exist ' + str(bioent1_format_name)
        return None
    bioent1_id = bioent1.id
    if (bioent2_format_name, 'LOCUS') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent2 = key_to_bioent[(bioent2_format_name, 'LOCUS')]
    elif (bioent2_format_name, 'BIOENTITY') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent2 = key_to_bioent[(bioent2_format_name, 'BIOENTITY')]
        print 'Bioent does not exist ' + str(bioent2_format_name)
        return None
    bioent2_id = bioent2.id
    experiment_key = experiment_format_name
    if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
        experiment_key = create_format_name(experiment_eco_id)
        if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
            print 'Experiment does not exist ' + str(experiment_key)
            return None
    experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id
    if pubmed_id not in pubmed_to_reference_id:
        print 'Reference does not exist ' + str(pubmed_id)
        return None
    reference_id = pubmed_to_reference_id[pubmed_id]
    if conditions == '""':
        conditions = None
        conditions.replace('??', "\00b5")
    strain_id = None
    if pubmed_id in pubmed_to_strain:
        strain_id = pubmed_to_strain[pubmed_id]
    new_evidence = Regulationevidence(create_evidence_id(row_id), experiment_id, reference_id, strain_id, source, 
                                      bioent1_id, bioent2_id, conditions, 
                                      None, None)
    return [new_evidence]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_domain(row):
    from model_new_schema.protein import Domain
    source = row[13].strip()
    format_name = create_format_name(row[3].strip())
    display_name = row[3].strip()
    description = row[4].strip()
    interpro_id = row[5].strip()
    interpro_description = row[6].strip()
    #Need to check these links
    if source == 'JASPAR':
        link = 'http://jaspar.binf.ku.dk/cgi-bin/jaspar_db.pl?rm=present&collection=CORE&ID=' + display_name
    elif source == 'HMMSmart':
        source = 'SMART'
        link = "http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/smart/do_annotation.pl?DOMAIN=" + display_name
    elif source == 'HMMPfam':
        source = 'Pfam'
        link = "http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/family?type=Family&entry=" + display_name
    elif source == 'Gene3D':
        link = "http://www.cathdb.info/version/latest/superfamily/" + display_name[6:]
    elif source == 'superfamily':
        source = 'SUPERFAMILY'
        link = "http://supfam.org/SUPERFAMILY/cgi-bin/scop.cgi?ipid=" + display_name
    elif source == 'Seg':
        link = None
    elif source == 'Coil':
        link = None
    elif source == 'HMMPanther':
        source = 'PANTHER'
        link = "http://www.pantherdb.org/panther/family.do?clsAccession=" + display_name
    elif source == 'HMMTigr':
        source = 'TIGRFAMs'
        link = "http://cmr.tigr.org/tigr-scripts/CMR/HmmReport.cgi?hmm_acc=" + display_name
    elif source == 'FPrintScan':
        source = 'PRINTS'
        link = "http:////www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dbbrowser/sprint/searchprintss.cgi?display_opts=Prints&category=None&queryform=false&prints_accn=" + display_name
    elif source == 'BlastProDom':
        source = 'ProDom'
        link = "http://prodom.prabi.fr/prodom/current/cgi-bin/request.pl?question=DBEN&query=" + display_name
    elif source == 'HMMPIR':
        source = "PIR superfamily"
        link = "http://pir.georgetown.edu/cgi-bin/ipcSF?" + display_name
    elif source == 'ProfileScan':
        source = 'PROSITE'
        link = "http://prodom.prabi.fr/prodom/cgi-bin/prosite-search-ac?" + display_name
    elif source == 'PatternScan':
        source = 'PROSITE'
        link = "http://prodom.prabi.fr/prodom/cgi-bin/prosite-search-ac?" + display_name
        print 'No link for source = ' + source + ' ' + str(display_name)
        return None
    if description == 'no description':
        description = None
    if interpro_description == 'NULL':
        interpro_description = None
    domain = Domain(format_name, display_name, description, interpro_id, interpro_description, link, source)
    return [domain]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_experiment_from_binding_row(display_name, row_id):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experiment
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    link = experiment_link(format_name)

    new_experiment = Experiment(create_experiment_id_from_binding_row(row_id, format_name), display_name, format_name, link, None, None, None, None)
    return [new_experiment]
def create_author(old_author):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Author as NewAuthor
    display_name = old_author.name
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    link = author_link(format_name)
    new_author = NewAuthor(create_author_id(old_author.id), display_name, format_name, link, old_author.date_created, old_author.created_by)
    return [new_author]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_chemical(expt_property):
    from model_new_schema.chemical import Chemical as NewChemical

    display_name = expt_property.value
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    link = chemical_link(format_name)
    new_chemical = NewChemical(display_name, format_name, link, 'SGD', expt_property.date_created, expt_property.created_by)
    return [new_chemical]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_chemical(old_cv_term):
    from model_new_schema.chemical import Chemical as NewChemical
    display_name = old_cv_term.name
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    source = 'EBI'
    new_chemical = NewChemical(display_name, format_name, source, 
                               old_cv_term.date_created, old_cv_term.created_by)
    return new_chemical
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_chemrels(old_cv_term, key_to_chemical):
    from model_new_schema.chemical import ChemicalRelation as NewChemicalRelations
    child_chemical_key = create_format_name(old_cv_term.name)
    if child_chemical_key not in key_to_chemical:
        print 'Chemical does not exist.'
        return []
    child_id = key_to_chemical[child_chemical_key].id
    new_chemrels = []
    for parent_rel in old_cv_term.parent_rels:
        parent_chemical_key = create_format_name(parent_rel.parent.name)
        if parent_chemical_key not in key_to_chemical:
            print 'Chemical does not exist.'
            parent_id = key_to_chemical[parent_chemical_key].id
            new_chemrels.append(NewChemicalRelations(parent_rel.id, parent_id, child_id,
                                                 parent_rel.date_created, parent_rel.created_by))
    return new_chemrels
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_experiment(old_cv_term):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experiment as NewExperiment
    display_name = old_cv_term.name
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    description = old_cv_term.definition
    link = experiment_link(format_name)
    new_experiment = NewExperiment(create_experiment_id(old_cv_term.id), display_name, format_name, link, description, None,
                               old_cv_term.date_created, old_cv_term.created_by)
    return [new_experiment]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def create_experiment_relation(old_cv_term, key_to_experiment):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import ExperimentRelation as NewExperimentRelation
    child_key = create_format_name(old_cv_term.name)
    if child_key not in key_to_experiment:
        print 'Experiment does not exist.'
        return None
    child_id = key_to_experiment[child_key].id
    new_rels = []
    for parent_rel in old_cv_term.parent_rels:
        parent_key = create_format_name(parent_rel.parent.name)
        if parent_key not in key_to_experiment:
            print 'Experiment does not exist.'
            parent_id = key_to_experiment[parent_key].id
            new_rels.append(NewExperimentRelation(create_experiment_relation_id(parent_rel.id), parent_id, child_id,
                                                 parent_rel.date_created, parent_rel.created_by))
    return new_rels
Ejemplo n.º 10
def create_strain(old_cv_term):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Strain as NewStrain
    display_name = old_cv_term.name
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    description = old_cv_term.definition
    link = strain_link(format_name)
    new_strain = NewStrain(create_strain_id(old_cv_term.id), display_name, format_name, link, description,
                               old_cv_term.date_created, old_cv_term.created_by)
    return [new_strain]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def create_alias(old_cv_term, key_to_chemical):
    from model_new_schema.chemical import ChemicalAlias as NewChemicalAlias
    chemical_key = create_format_name(old_cv_term.name)
    if chemical_key not in key_to_chemical:
        print 'Chemical does not exist.'
        return []
    chemical_id = key_to_chemical[chemical_key].id
    new_aliases = [NewChemicalAlias(synonym.synonym, 'EBI', chemical_id,
                        synonym.date_created, synonym.created_by) for synonym in old_cv_term.cv_synonyms]
    return new_aliases
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create_experiment_alias(old_cv_term, key_to_experiment):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experimentalias as NewExperimentalias
    experiment_key = create_format_name(old_cv_term.name)
    if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
        print 'Experiment does not exist.'
        return None
    experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id
    new_altids = [NewExperimentalias(dbxref.dbxref_id, 'SGD', 'APOID', experiment_id, 
                                   dbxref.date_created, dbxref.created_by) 
                  for dbxref in old_cv_term.dbxrefs]
    return new_altids
Ejemplo n.º 13
def create_altids(old_cv_term, key_to_chemical):
    from model_new_schema.chemical import ChemicalAltid as NewChemicalAltid
    chemical_key = create_format_name(old_cv_term.name)
    if chemical_key not in key_to_chemical:
        print 'Chemical does not exist.'
        return []
    chemical_id = key_to_chemical[chemical_key].id
    new_altids = [NewChemicalAltid(dbxref.dbxref_id, 'EBI', 'CHEBI', chemical_id, 
                                   dbxref.date_created, dbxref.created_by) 
                  for dbxref in old_cv_term.dbxrefs]
    return new_altids
Ejemplo n.º 14
def create_domain_from_tf_file(row):
    from model_new_schema.protein import Domain
    source = 'JASPAR'
    display_name = row[0]
    format_name = create_format_name(row[0])
    description = 'Class: ' + row[4] + ', Family: ' + row[3]
    interpro_id = None
    interpro_description = None
    link = 'http://jaspar.binf.ku.dk/cgi-bin/jaspar_db.pl?rm=present&collection=CORE&ID=' + display_name
    domain = Domain(format_name, display_name, description, interpro_id, interpro_description, link, source)
    return [domain]
Ejemplo n.º 15
def create_phenotype(old_phenotype):
    from model_new_schema.phenotype import Phenotype as NewPhenotype
    observable = old_phenotype.observable
    qualifier = old_phenotype.qualifier
    mutant_type = old_phenotype.mutant_type
    display_name = create_phenotype_display_name(observable, qualifier, mutant_type)
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    link = biocon_link("Phenotype", format_name)
    new_phenotype = NewPhenotype(create_phenotype_id(old_phenotype.id), display_name, format_name, link,
                                 observable, qualifier, mutant_type, 
                                 old_phenotype.date_created, old_phenotype.created_by)
    return [new_phenotype]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_experiment_from_reg_row(display_name, eco_id, row_id):
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experiment
    if display_name is None:
        display_name = eco_id
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    if display_name.endswith('evidence'):
        display_name = display_name[:-9]
    link = experiment_link(format_name)

    new_experiment = Experiment(create_experiment_id_from_reg_row(row_id, format_name), display_name, format_name, link, None, eco_id, None, None)
    return [new_experiment]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def create_domain_evidence(row, row_id, key_to_bioentity, key_to_domain):
    from model_new_schema.protein import Domainevidence
    bioent_format_name = row[1].strip()
    source = row[13].strip()
    domain_format_name = create_format_name(row[3].strip())
    start = row[10].strip()
    end = row[11].strip()
    evalue = row[12].strip()
    status = None
    date_of_run = None
    bioent_key = (bioent_format_name + 'P', 'PROTEIN')
    if bioent_key not in key_to_bioentity:
        print 'Protein not found. ' + bioent_format_name + 'P'
        return None
    protein_id = key_to_bioentity[bioent_key].id
    if source == 'HMMSmart':
        source = 'SMART'
    if source == 'HMMPanther':
        source = 'PANTHER'
    if source == 'FPrintScan':
        source = 'PRINTS'
    if source == 'HMMPfam':
        source = 'Pfam'
    if source == 'PatternScan' or source == 'ProfileScan':
        source = 'PROSITE'
    if source == 'BlastProDom':
        source = 'ProDom'
    if source == 'HMMTigr':
        source = 'TIGRFAMs'
    if source == 'HMMPIR':
        source = 'PIR superfamily'
    if domain_format_name not in key_to_domain:
        print 'Domain not found. ' + domain_format_name
        return None
    domain_id = key_to_domain[domain_format_name].id
    strain_id = 1
    domain_evidence = Domainevidence(create_domain_evidence_id(row_id), None, strain_id, source, 
                                     int(start), int(end), evalue, status, date_of_run, protein_id, domain_id, None, None)
    return [domain_evidence]
def create_physical_interevidence(old_interaction, key_to_experiment,
                         reference_ids, bioent_ids):
    from model_new_schema.interaction import Physinteractionevidence as NewPhysinteractionevidence
    if old_interaction.interaction_type == 'physical interactions':    
        reference_ids = old_interaction.reference_ids
        if len(reference_ids) != 1:
            print 'Too many references'
            return None
        reference_id = reference_ids[0]
        note = old_interaction.interaction_references[0].note
        if reference_id not in reference_ids:
            print 'Reference does not exist.'
            return None
        bioent_ids = list(old_interaction.feature_ids)
        bioent1_id = bioent_ids[0]
        bioent2_id = bioent_ids[1]
        if bioent1_id > bioent2_id:
            print 'Out of order.'
            return None
        if bioent1_id not in bioent_ids:
            print 'Bioentity does not exist.'
            return None
        if bioent2_id not in bioent_ids:
            print 'Bioentity does not exist.'
            return None
        experiment_key = create_format_name(old_interaction.experiment_type)
        if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
            print 'Experiment does not exist. ' + str(experiment_key)
            return None
        experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id
        feat_interacts = sorted(old_interaction.feature_interactions, key=lambda x: x.feature_id)
        bait_hit = '-'.join([x.action for x in feat_interacts])
        new_physical_interevidence = NewPhysinteractionevidence(create_physical_evidence_id(old_interaction.id), experiment_id, reference_id, None, old_interaction.source,
                                                             bioent1_id, bioent2_id,
                                                             old_interaction.annotation_type,  old_interaction.modification, bait_hit, note,
                                                             old_interaction.date_created, old_interaction.created_by)
        return [new_physical_interevidence]
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
def create_evidence_chemical(old_evidence, key_to_chemical, id_to_phenoevidence):
    from model_new_schema.evidence import EvidenceChemical as NewEvidenceChemical
    evidence_chemicals = []
    new_phenoevidence_id = create_evidence_id(old_evidence.id)
    if new_phenoevidence_id not in id_to_phenoevidence:
        print 'Phenoevidence does not exist. ' + str(new_phenoevidence_id)
        return None
    if old_evidence.experiment is not None:
        chemical_infos = old_evidence.experiment.chemicals
        if chemical_infos is not None:   
            for chemical_info in chemical_infos:
                chemical_key = create_format_name(chemical_info[0])
                if chemical_key not in key_to_chemical:
                    print 'Chemical does not exist. ' + chemical_key
                    chemical_id = key_to_chemical[chemical_key].id
                    chemical_amount = chemical_info[1]
                    evidence_chemicals.append(NewEvidenceChemical(new_phenoevidence_id, chemical_id, chemical_amount, 'PHENOTYPE'))
    return evidence_chemicals
Ejemplo n.º 20
def create_evidence(row, row_id, key_to_experiment, key_to_bioent, pubmed_to_reference_id):
    from model_new_schema.sequence import Bindingevidence
    bioent_format_name = row[2][1:-1]
    motif_id = row[3][1:-1]
    total_score = row[6][1:-1]
    expert_confidence = row[8][1:-1]
    experiment_format_name = create_format_name(row[9][1:-1])
    pubmed_id = int(row[10][1:-1])
    source = 'YeTFaSCo'
    if expert_confidence != 'High':
        return None
    if (bioent_format_name, 'LOCUS') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent1 = key_to_bioent[(bioent_format_name, 'LOCUS')]
    elif (bioent_format_name, 'BIOENTITY') in key_to_bioent:
        bioent1 = key_to_bioent[(bioent_format_name, 'BIOENTITY')]
        print 'Bioent does not exist ' + str(bioent_format_name)
        return None
    bioent_id = bioent1.id
    experiment_key = experiment_format_name
    if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
        print 'Experiment does not exist ' + str(experiment_key)
        return None
    experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id
    reference_id = None
    if pubmed_id in pubmed_to_reference_id:
        reference_id = pubmed_to_reference_id[pubmed_id]
    img_url = "/static/img/yetfasco/" + bioent_format_name + "_" + motif_id + ".0.png"
    new_evidence = Bindingevidence(create_evidence_id(row_id), experiment_id, reference_id, None, source, 
                                   bioent_id, total_score, expert_confidence, img_url, motif_id, None, None)
    return [new_evidence]
def convert_author_reference(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Author as NewAuthor, Reference as NewReference, AuthorReference as NewAuthorReference
    from model_old_schema.reference import AuthorReference as OldAuthorReference, Author as OldAuthor
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference_in_depth.author_reference')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['author_type']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        reference_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewReference).all()])
        #Simplify author conversion
        old_id_to_key = dict([(x.id, create_format_name(x.name)) for x in old_session.query(OldAuthor).all()])
        new_key_to_id = dict([(x.unique_key(), x.id) for x in new_session.query(NewAuthor).all()])
        old_id_to_new_id_author = dict([(x, new_key_to_id[y]) for x, y in old_id_to_key.iteritems()])
        used_unique_keys = set()
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldAuthorReference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewAuthorReference).filter(NewAuthorReference.id >= min_id).filter(NewAuthorReference.id < min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldAuthorReference).filter(
                                            OldAuthorReference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            OldAuthorReference.id <  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_author_reference(old_obj, old_id_to_new_id_author, reference_ids)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                            if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                            if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def create_evidence(old_phenotype_feature, key_to_reflink, key_to_phenotype, 
                         reference_ids, bioent_ids, key_to_strain, key_to_experiment, key_to_allele):
    from model_new_schema.phenotype import Phenotypeevidence as NewPhenotypeevidence
    evidence_id = create_evidence_id(old_phenotype_feature.id)
    reference_id = key_to_reflink[('PHENO_ANNOTATION_NO', old_phenotype_feature.id)].reference_id
    if reference_id not in reference_ids:
        print 'Reference does not exist. ' + str(reference_id)
        return None
    bioent_id = old_phenotype_feature.feature_id
    if bioent_id not in bioent_ids:
        print 'Bioentity does not exist. ' + str(bioent_id)
        return None
    phenotype_key = create_phenotype_key(old_phenotype_feature.observable, old_phenotype_feature.qualifier, old_phenotype_feature.mutant_type)
    if phenotype_key not in key_to_phenotype:
        print 'Phenotype does not exist. ' + str(phenotype_key)
        return None
    biocon_id = key_to_phenotype[phenotype_key].id
    experiment_key = create_format_name(old_phenotype_feature.experiment_type)
    if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
        print 'Experiment does not exist. ' + str(experiment_key)
        return None
    experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id

    strain_id = None
    mutant_allele_id = None
    allele_info = None
    reporter = None 
    reporter_desc = None
    strain_details = None
    experiment_details = None
    conditions = None
    details = None
    if old_phenotype_feature.experiment is not None:
        experiment = old_phenotype_feature.experiment
        reporter = None if experiment.reporter == None else experiment.reporter[0]
        reporter_desc = None if experiment.reporter == None else experiment.reporter[1]
        strain_key = None if experiment.strain == None else experiment.strain[0]
        strain_details = None if experiment.strain == None else experiment.strain[1]

        strain_id = None
        if strain_key in key_to_strain:
            strain_id = key_to_strain[strain_key].id
        allele_info = experiment.allele
        if allele_info is not None:
            allele_name = allele_info[0]
            mutant_allele_id = key_to_allele[allele_name].id
            allele_info = allele_info[1]
        comment = experiment.experiment_comment
        if comment is not None:
            experiment_details = comment
        if len(experiment.condition) > 0:
            conditions = []
            for (a, b) in experiment.condition:
                if b is None:
                    conditions.append(a + '- ' + b)
            condition_info = ', '.join(conditions)
            conditions = condition_info
        if len(experiment.details) > 0:
            details = []
            for (a, b) in experiment.details:
                if b is None:
                    details.append(a + '- ' + b)
            detail_info = ', '.join(details)
            details = detail_info
    new_phenoevidence = NewPhenotypeevidence(evidence_id, experiment_id, reference_id, strain_id,
                                         bioent_id, biocon_id,
                                         mutant_allele_id, allele_info, 
                                         reporter, reporter_desc, strain_details, experiment_details, conditions, details,
                                         old_phenotype_feature.date_created, old_phenotype_feature.created_by)
    return [new_phenoevidence]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def create_phenotype_key(observable, qualifier, mutant_type):
    display_name = create_phenotype_display_name(observable, qualifier, mutant_type)
    format_name = create_format_name(display_name)
    return (format_name, 'PHENOTYPE')
def create_genetic_interevidence(old_interaction, key_to_experiment, key_to_phenotype, reference_ids, bioent_ids):
    from model_new_schema.interaction import Geninteractionevidence as NewGeninteractionevidence

    if old_interaction.interaction_type == "genetic interactions":
        reference_ids = old_interaction.reference_ids
        if len(reference_ids) != 1:
            print "Too many references"
            return None
        reference_id = reference_ids[0]
        if reference_id not in reference_ids:
            print "Reference does not exist."
            return None
        note = old_interaction.interaction_references[0].note

        bioent_ids = list(old_interaction.feature_ids)
        bioent1_id = bioent_ids[0]
        bioent2_id = bioent_ids[1]

        if bioent1_id > bioent2_id:
            print "Out of order."
            return None
        if bioent1_id not in bioent_ids:
            print "Bioentity does not exist."
            return None
        if bioent2_id not in bioent_ids:
            print "Bioentity does not exist."
            return None

        old_phenotypes = old_interaction.interaction_phenotypes
        phenotype_id = None
        if len(old_phenotypes) == 1:
            old_phenotype = old_phenotypes[0].phenotype
            phenotype_key = create_phenotype_key(
                old_phenotype.observable, old_phenotype.qualifier, old_phenotype.mutant_type

            if phenotype_key not in key_to_phenotype:
                print "Phenotype does not exist. " + str(phenotype_key)
                return None
            phenotype_id = key_to_phenotype[phenotype_key].id
        elif len(old_phenotypes) > 1:
            print "Too many phenotypes."
            return None

        experiment_key = create_format_name(old_interaction.experiment_type)
        if experiment_key not in key_to_experiment:
            print "Experiment does not exist. " + str(experiment_key)
            return None
        experiment_id = key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id

        feat_interacts = sorted(old_interaction.feature_interactions, key=lambda x: x.feature_id)
        bait_hit = "-".join([x.action for x in feat_interacts])

        new_genetic_interevidence = NewGeninteractionevidence(
        return [new_genetic_interevidence]
    return None