Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_utc():

    estdt = T[0].astimezone(timezone('EST'))
    utcdt = sd.forceutc(estdt)

    assert utcdt == estdt
    assert utcdt.tzname() == 'UTC'

    d = T[0].date()
    assert sd.forceutc(d) == d
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_utc():
    pytz = pytest.importorskip('pytz')

    estdt = T[0].astimezone(pytz.timezone('EST'))
    utcdt = sd.forceutc(estdt)

    assert utcdt == estdt
    assert utcdt.tzname() == 'UTC'

    d = T[0].date()
    assert sd.forceutc(d) == d
Ejemplo n.º 3
def optical(vidfn,calfn,treq,terror_cam):
    quick-n-dirty load of optical data to corroborate with other tle and ncdf data
    #data, rawFrameInd,finf = goRead(vidfn,xyPix=(512,512),xyBin=(1,1), ut1Req=T,kineticraw=1/fps,startUTC=tstart)
    treq -= timedelta(seconds=terror_cam)

    treq = forceutc(treq)
    treq = treq.timestamp()

    vidfn = Path(vidfn).expanduser()
    if not vidfn.suffix == '.h5':
        raise IOError('{} needs to be HST HDF5 file'.format(vidfn))

    with h5py.File(str(vidfn),'r',libver='latest') as f:
        tcam = f['ut1_unix']
        i = find_nearest(tcam,treq)[0]
        if i==0 or i==tcam.size-1:
            logging.critical('requested time {} at or past edge of camera time {}'.format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(treq),datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tcam[i])))

        tcam = f['ut1_unix'][i]
        img = f['rawimg'][i,...]
        llacam = f['sensorloc'].value
#%% map pixels to sky
    calfn = Path(calfn).expanduser()
    with h5py.File(str(calfn),'r',libver='latest') as f:
        az = f['/az'].value
        el = f['/el'].value

    return img, tcam, llacam, az,el
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_yearint():

    for t in T:
        yd, utsec = sd.datetime2yd(t)

        utsec2 = sd.dt2utsec(t)

        if isinstance(t, datetime.datetime):
            assert sd.yd2datetime(yd, utsec) == t
        elif isinstance(t, np.datetime64):
            assert sd.yd2datetime(yd, utsec) == sd.forceutc(
            assert sd.yd2datetime(yd, utsec).date() == t

        assert utsec == utsec2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def iridium_ncdf(fn,day,tlim,ellim, camlla):
    assert len(ellim) == 2,'must specify elevation limits'
    fn = Path(fn).expanduser()
    day = forceutc(day)
#%% get all sats psuedo SV number
    with Dataset(str(fn),'r') as f:
        #psv_border = nonzero(diff(f['pseudo_sv_num'])!=0)[0] #didn't work because of consequtively reused psv #unique doesn't work because psv's can be recycled
        psv_border = (diff(f['time'])<0).nonzero()[0] + 1 #note unequal number of samples per satellite, +1 for how diff() is defined
#%% iterate over psv, but remember different number of time samples for each sv.
# since we are only interested in one satellite at a time, why not just iterate one by one, throwing away uninteresting results
# qualified by crossing of FOV.

#%% consider only satellites above az,el limits for this location
#TODO assumes only one satellite meets elevation and time criteria
        lind = [0,0] #init
        for i in psv_border:
            lind = [lind[1],i]
            cind = arange(lind[0],lind[1]-1,dtype=int) # all times for this SV
            #now handle times for this SV
            t = array([day + timedelta(hours=h) for h in f['time'][cind].astype(float)])
            if tlim:
                mask = (tlim[0] <= t) & (t <= tlim[1])
                t = t[mask]
                cind = cind[mask]
            #now filter by az,el criteria
            az,el,r = eci2aer(f['pos_eci'][cind,:], camlla[0], camlla[1], camlla[2],t)
            if ellim and ((ellim[0] <= el) & (el <= ellim[1])).any():
               # print(t)
                #print('sat psv {}'.format(f['pseudo_sv_num'][i]))
                eci = f['pos_eci'][cind,:]
                lat,lon,alt = eci2geodetic(eci,t)
                x,y,z = eci2ecef(eci,t)
                #print('ecef {} {} {}'.format(x,y,z))

                ecef = DataFrame(index=t, columns=['x','y','z'], data=column_stack((x,y,z)))
                lla  = DataFrame(index=t, columns=['lat','lon','alt'], data=column_stack((lat,lon,alt)))
                aer  = DataFrame(index=t, columns=['az','el','srng'], data=column_stack((az,el,r)))
                return ecef,lla,aer,eci

    print('no FOV crossings for your time span were found.')
    return (None,None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def datetime2unix(T):
    converts datetime to UT1 unix epoch time
    T = atleast_1d(T)

    ut1_unix = empty(T.shape,dtype=float)
    for i,t in enumerate(T):
        if isinstance(t,(datetime,datetime64)):
        elif isinstance(t,str):
                ut1_unix[i] = float(t) #it was ut1_unix in a string
            except ValueError:
                t = parse(t) #datetime in a string
        elif isinstance(t,(float,int)): #assuming ALL are ut1_unix already
            return T
            raise TypeError('I only accept datetime or parseable date string')

        ut1_unix[i] = forceutc(t).timestamp() #ut1 seconds since unix epoch, need [] for error case

    return ut1_unix
Ejemplo n.º 7
def readwspr(fn, callsign: str, band: int, call2, tlim) -> DataFrame:
    fn = Path(fn).expanduser()
    callsign = callsign.upper()
    if isinstance(call2, (tuple, list)):
        call2 = [c.upper() for c in call2]

    if fn.suffix == '.csv':  # .gz not readable for some reason
        dat = read_csv(
            usecols=[1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14],
                'tut', 'rxcall', 'snr', 'txcall', 'power', 'distkm', 'az',
                'band', 'code'
                'tut': int,
                'rxcall': str,
                'snr': int,
                'txcall': str,
                'power': int,
                'distkm': int,
                'az': int,
                'band': int,
                'code': int
        dat['t'] = [forceutc(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(u)) for u in dat['tut']]
    elif fn.suffix == '.tsv':
        dat = read_csv(
            usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10],
                't', 'txcall', 'band', 'snr', 'txgrid', 'power', 'rxcall',
                'rxgrid', 'distkm'
                't': str,
                'txcall': str,
                'band': float,
                'snr': int,
                'txgrid': str,
                'power': int,
                'rxcall': str,
                'rxgrid': str,
                'distkm': int
        #%% sanitization
        dat['band'] = dat['band'].astype(int)
        dat['t'] = [
            forceutc(datetime.strptime(t.strip(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
            for t in dat['t']
        dat['rxcall'] = dat['rxcall'].str.strip()
        dat['txcall'] = dat['txcall'].str.strip()
    elif fn.suffix == '.h5':  #assume preprocessed data
        here we assume the hierarchy is by callsign
        dat = {}
        with h5py.File(str(fn), 'r', libver='latest') as f:
            for c in f['/']:  # iterate over callsign
                dat[c] = DataFrame(index=f[f'{c}/t'],
                                   columns=['snr', 'band'],
        raise ValueError(f'{fn} is not a known type to this program')

    print(f'done loading {fn}')
    #%% extract only data relevant to our callsign on selected bands
    i = in1d(dat['band'], band) & ((dat['rxcall'] == callsign) |
                                   (dat['txcall'] == callsign))

    if call2 is not None:
        i &= in1d(dat['rxcall'], call2)

    if tlim is not None:
        tlim = [forceutc(parse(t)) for t in tlim]
        i &= (dat.t >= tlim[0]) & (dat.t <= tlim[1])

    dat = dat.loc[i, :]
    #%% sanitize multiple reports in same minute
    print('cleaning data')
    dat = cleandistortion(dat, call2)
    #%% compensate SNR -> SNR/Hz/W
    dat['snr'] += round(10 * log10(refbw))  # snr/Hz

    dat['snr'] += refdbm - dat['power']  # snr/Hz/W

    return dat