Ejemplo n.º 1
def acovf_explicit(ar, ma, nobs):
    """add correlation of MA representation explicitely

    ir = arma_impulse_response(ar, ma)
    acovfexpl = [np.dot(ir[: nobs - t], ir[t:nobs]) for t in range(10)]
    return acovfexpl
Ejemplo n.º 2
def acovf_explicit(ar, ma, nobs):
    '''add correlation of MA representation explicitely

    ir = arma_impulse_response(ar, ma)
    acovfexpl = [np.dot(ir[:nobs - t], ir[t:nobs]) for t in range(10)]
    return acovfexpl
Ejemplo n.º 3
    >>> # verified for points [[5,10,20,25]] at 4 decimals with Bhardwaj, Swanson, Journal of Eonometrics 2006
    print lpol_fiar(0.4, n=20)
    print lpol_fima(-0.4, n=20)
    print np.sum((lpol_fima(-0.4, n=n)[1:] + riinv[1:])**2) #different signs
    print np.sum((lpol_fiar(0.4, n=n)[1:] - riinv[1:])**2) #corrected signs

    #test is now in statsmodels.tsa.tests.test_arima_process
    from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.tests.test_arima_process import test_fi

    ar_true = [1, -0.4]
    ma_true = [1, 0.5]

    ar_desired = arma_impulse_response(ma_true, ar_true)
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 2,1, n=100, mse='ar', start=[0.1])
    print ar_app, ma_app
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 2,2, n=100, mse='ar', start=[-0.1, 0.1])
    print ar_app, ma_app
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 2,3, n=100, mse='ar')#, start = [-0.1, 0.1])
    print ar_app, ma_app

    slow = 1
    if slow:
        ar_desired = lpol_fiar(0.4, n=100)
        ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 3, 1, n=100, mse='ar')#, start = [-0.1, 0.1])
        print ar_app, ma_app
        ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 10, 10, n=100, mse='ar')#, start = [-0.1, 0.1])
        print ar_app, ma_app
Ejemplo n.º 4
    >>> # verified for points [[5,10,20,25]] at 4 decimals with Bhardwaj, Swanson, Journal of Eonometrics 2006
    print lpol_fiar(0.4, n=20)
    print lpol_fima(-0.4, n=20)
    print np.sum((lpol_fima(-0.4, n=n)[1:] + riinv[1:])**2)  #different signs
    print np.sum((lpol_fiar(0.4, n=n)[1:] - riinv[1:])**2)  #corrected signs

    #test is now in statsmodels.tsa.tests.test_arima_process
    from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.tests.test_arima_process import test_fi

    ar_true = [1, -0.4]
    ma_true = [1, 0.5]

    ar_desired = arma_impulse_response(ma_true, ar_true)
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired,
    print ar_app, ma_app
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired,
                                  start=[-0.1, 0.1])
    print ar_app, ma_app
    ar_app, ma_app, res = ar2arma(ar_desired, 2, 3, n=100,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_arma_impulse_response():
    arrep = arma_impulse_response(armarep.ma, armarep.ar, nobs=21)[1:]
    marep = arma_impulse_response(armarep.ar, armarep.ma, nobs=21)[1:]
    assert_array_almost_equal(armarep.marep.ravel(), marep, 14)
    #difference in sign convention to matlab for AR term
    assert_array_almost_equal(-armarep.arrep.ravel(), arrep, 14)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_fi():
    #test identity of ma and ar representation of fi lag polynomial
    n = 100
    mafromar = arma_impulse_response(lpol_fiar(0.4, n=n), [1], n)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mafromar, lpol_fima(0.4, n=n), 13)
Ejemplo n.º 7
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample, arma_impulse_response
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_acovf, arma_acf, ARIMA

# from movstat import acf, acovf
# from scikits.statsmodels.sandbox.tsa import acf, acovf, pacf
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, acovf, pacf

ar = [1.0, -0.6]
# ar = [1., 0.]
ma = [1.0, 0.4]
# ma = [1., 0.4, 0.6]
# ma = [1., 0.]
mod = ""  #'ma2'
x = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, 5000)
x_acf = acf(x)[:10]
x_ir = arma_impulse_response(ar, ma)

# print x_acf[:10]
# print x_ir[:10]
# irc2 = np.correlate(x_ir,x_ir,'full')[len(x_ir)-1:]
# print irc2[:10]
# print irc2[:10]/irc2[0]
# print irc2[:10-1] / irc2[1:10]
# print x_acf[:10-1] / x_acf[1:10]

# detrend helper from matplotlib.mlab
def detrend(x, key=None):
    if key is None or key == "constant":
        return detrend_mean(x)
    elif key == "linear":
        return detrend_linear(x)
def test_arma_impulse_response():
    arrep = arma_impulse_response(armarep.ma, armarep.ar, nobs=21)[1:]
    marep = arma_impulse_response(armarep.ar, armarep.ma, nobs=21)[1:]
    assert_array_almost_equal(armarep.marep.ravel(), marep, 14)
    #difference in sign convention to matlab for AR term
    assert_array_almost_equal(-armarep.arrep.ravel(), arrep, 14)
def test_fi():
    #test identity of ma and ar representation of fi lag polynomial
    n = 100
    mafromar = arma_impulse_response(lpol_fiar(0.4, n=n), [1], n)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mafromar, lpol_fima(0.4, n=n), 13)
Ejemplo n.º 10
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample, arma_impulse_response
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_acovf, arma_acf, ARIMA
#from movstat import acf, acovf
#from scikits.statsmodels.sandbox.tsa import acf, acovf, pacf
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, acovf, pacf

ar = [1., -0.6]
#ar = [1., 0.]
ma = [1., 0.4]
#ma = [1., 0.4, 0.6]
#ma = [1., 0.]
mod = ''  #'ma2'
x = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, 5000)
x_acf = acf(x)[:10]
x_ir = arma_impulse_response(ar, ma)

#print x_acf[:10]
#print x_ir[:10]
#irc2 = np.correlate(x_ir,x_ir,'full')[len(x_ir)-1:]
#print irc2[:10]
#print irc2[:10]/irc2[0]
#print irc2[:10-1] / irc2[1:10]
#print x_acf[:10-1] / x_acf[1:10]

# detrend helper from matplotlib.mlab
def detrend(x, key=None):
    if key is None or key == 'constant':
        return detrend_mean(x)
    elif key == 'linear':