Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_surface_sampling(self):
        nquadpoints = int(4e2)
        surface = SurfaceRZFourier(nfp=1, stellsym=True, mpol=1, ntor=0, quadpoints_phi=nquadpoints, quadpoints_theta=nquadpoints)
        dofs = surface.get_dofs()
        dofs[0] = 1
        dofs[1] = 0.8
        n = np.linalg.norm(surface.normal(), axis=2)
        print(np.min(n), np.max(n))

        start = int(0.2*nquadpoints)
        stop = int(0.5*nquadpoints)

        from scipy.integrate import simpson
        quadpoints_phi = surface.quadpoints_phi
        quadpoints_theta = surface.quadpoints_theta
        lineintegrals = [simpson(y=n[i, start:stop], x=quadpoints_theta[start:stop]) for i in range(start, stop)]
        area_of_subset = simpson(y=lineintegrals, x=quadpoints_phi[start:stop])
        total_area = surface.area()
        print("area_of_subset/total_area", area_of_subset/total_area)

        nsamples = int(1e6)
        xyz, idxs = draw_uniform_on_surface(surface, nsamples, safetyfactor=10)
        samples_in_range = np.sum((idxs[0] >= start) * (idxs[0] < stop)*(idxs[1] >= start) * (idxs[1] < stop))
        print("samples_in_range/nsamples", samples_in_range/nsamples)
        print("fraction of samples if uniform", (stop-start)**2/(nquadpoints**2))
        assert abs(samples_in_range/nsamples - area_of_subset/total_area) < 1e-2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bounded_area(x, y):
    y += np.abs(np.amin(y))

    up_y = []
    up_x = []
    low_y = []
    low_x = []

    upper = True

    for xx, yy in zip(x, y):
        if upper:

        if xx == np.amax(x):
            upper = False

    up = inter.simpson(up_y, up_x)
    low = inter.simpson(low_y, low_x)

    return up - np.abs(low)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_curve_sampling(self):
        nquadpoints = int(1e5)
        curve = CurveRZFourier(nquadpoints, 1, 1, True)
        dofs = curve.get_dofs()
        dofs[0] = 1
        dofs[1] = 0.9
        l = curve.incremental_arclength()
        print(np.min(l), np.max(l))

        start = int(0.1*nquadpoints)
        stop = int(0.5*nquadpoints)
        quadpoints = curve.quadpoints
        from scipy.integrate import simpson
        length_of_subset = simpson(y=l[start:stop], x=quadpoints[start:stop])
        total_length = simpson(y=l, x=quadpoints)
        print("length_of_subset/total_length", length_of_subset/total_length)

        nsamples = int(1e6)
        xyz, idxs = draw_uniform_on_curve(curve, nsamples, safetyfactor=10)
        samples_in_range = np.sum((idxs >= start) * (idxs < stop))
        print("samples_in_range/nsamples", samples_in_range/nsamples)
        print("fraction of samples if uniform", (stop-start)/(nquadpoints))
        assert abs(samples_in_range/nsamples - length_of_subset/total_length) < 1e-3
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_refpost_on_grid(d,

    # compute likelihoods for each dimension of d
    like_pdfs = list()
    for idx in tqdm(range(d.shape[0]), disable=not bar):
        ys_d = y_obs[idx]
        prediction = theta_grid[:, 0] + theta_grid[:, 1] * d[idx][0]
        diff = ys_d - prediction
        pdf = density(diff)
    like_pdfs = np.array(like_pdfs)

    # multiply likelihoods to get joint; assume independence across dims
    joint_like = np.prod(like_pdfs.T, axis=1)

    # manually normalize over grid and compute posterior
    prod = joint_like * pdf_prior
    Z = integrate.simpson(
        integrate.simpson(prod.reshape(len(tt), len(tt)), tt, axis=1), tt)
    pdf_post = prod / Z

    return pdf_post
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_J(fk, flam, fmu, k_grid, lambda_grid, mu_grid):

    Q = len(flam)

    glam_sparse = simpson(make_single_f_tilde(fk, flam, k_grid, lambda_grid),
    offset_lam = flam * np.log(
        np.abs((np.cos(lambda_grid) + 1) / (np.cos(lambda_grid) - 1)))
    glam_sparse = glam_sparse + offset_lam

    gmu_sparse = simpson(make_single_f_tilde(fk, fmu, k_grid, mu_grid),
    offset_mu = fmu * np.log(
        np.abs((np.cos(mu_grid) + 1) / (np.cos(mu_grid) - 1)))
    gmu_sparse = gmu_sparse + offset_mu

    J_sparse = np.kron(glam_sparse, np.ones((Q, 1)))
    J_sparse = J_sparse - np.kron(gmu_sparse, np.ones((Q, 1))).T
    J_sparse = J_sparse / (
        np.kron(np.cos(lambda_grid).reshape((Q, 1)), np.ones(
            (1, Q))) - np.kron(np.ones((Q, 1)),
                               np.cos(mu_grid).reshape((1, Q)))).T

    J_sparse = J_sparse * make_v_lam(flam, lambda_grid) * np.pi / Q

    return J_sparse
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def func(z0, a):
     z = emis_av / np.max(emis_av)
     z_lim = np.where(z >= z0, z, 0)
     vol = integrate.simpson(2 * np.pi * xau_ax * np.average(z_lim, axis=1),
     vol_tot = integrate.simpson(2 * np.pi * xau_ax * np.average(z, axis=1),
     # print(vol/vol_tot)
     return vol / vol_tot - a
Ejemplo n.º 7
def oscillator_integral(parameters, n, sw, offset=None):
    """Determines the (absolute) integral of the Fourier transform of
    an oscillator.

    parameters : numpy.ndarray
        Oscillator parameters of the following form:

        * **1-dimensional data:**

          .. code:: python

             parameters = numpy.array([a, φ, f, η])

        * **2-dimensional data:**

          .. code:: python

             parameters = numpy.array([a, φ, f1, f2, η1, η2])

    n : [int], [int, int]
        Number of points to construct signal from in each dimension.

    sw : [float], [float, float]
        Sweep width in each dimension, in Hz.

    offset : [float], [float, float], or None, default: None
        Transmitter offset frequency in each dimension, in Hz. If set to
        `None`, the offset frequency will be set to 0Hz in each dimension.

    integral :

    The integration is performed using the composite Simpsons rule, provided
    by `scipy.integrate.simpson <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/\

    Spacing of points along the frequency axes is set a `1` (i.e. `dx = 1`).

    fid, _ = make_fid(np.expand_dims(parameters, axis=0), n, sw, offset)
    spectrum = np.absolute(ft(fid))

    for axis in range(spectrum.ndim):
            integral = integrate.simpson(integral, axis=axis)
        except NameError:
            integral = integrate.simpson(spectrum, axis=axis)

    return integral
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calculate_f_xuv(spectrum):
    Calculates the total XUV flux given the spectrum at the planet (Equation
    14 of Vissapragada et al. 2022, where the minimum threshold is 13.6 eV. This
    function currently assumes the spectrum is truncated at 13.6 eV and does not
    include lower energies. 

    spectrum (``dict``):
        Spectrum of the host star arriving at the planet covering fluxes up to
        the wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize hydrogen (13.6 eV,
        or 911.65 Angstrom). Can be generated using ``tools.make_spectrum_dict``
        or ``tools.generate_muscles_spectrum``. Currently we assume that the
        spectrum does not include lower energies than 13.6 eV.
    f_xuv (``astropy.Quantity``):
        The integrated XUV flux.
    wav_grid = spectrum['wavelength'] * spectrum['wavelength_unit']
    flux_grid = spectrum['flux_lambda'] * spectrum['flux_unit']
    flux_grid = flux_grid.to(u.erg / u.s / u.cm / u.cm / u.Hz,
    wavs_hz = wav_grid.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())[::-1]
    flux_grid = flux_grid[::-1]
    f_xuv = simpson(flux_grid, x=wavs_hz) * u.erg / u.s / u.cm**2
    return f_xuv
    def _guessimate_to_tds_weight(self, t, w, r) -> List[float]:
        target_tds_weight = self.shot.bw * self.shot.tds / 100.0
        t_begin = t[0]
        t_end = t[-1]
        t_span = t_end - t_begin

        def puck_degradation(t: float) -> float:
            return 1.0 - 0.7 / t_span * (t - t_begin)

        integral_cumul = [0.0] + list(v for v in integration.cumtrapz(w, t))
        if not eq_within(self.shot.bw, integral_cumul[-1], self.shot.bw * 0.2):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Too much error between beverage weight: %.02fg, cumulative weight: %.02fg'
                % (self.shot.bw, integral_cumul[-1]))

        tds_weight_curve = list()
        for idx, (w0,
                  w1) in enumerate(zip(integral_cumul[:-1],
            dw = w1 - w0
            dt = t[idx + 1] - t[idx]
            ratio = dw / integral_cumul[
                -1]  # take ratio of tds in the current weight "shard"
            tds_weight_curve.append(ratio * target_tds_weight / dt *
                                    (r[idx]**0.5) * puck_degradation(t[idx]))
        tds_weight_curve = tds_weight_curve
        tds_weight_degraded = integration.simpson(tds_weight_curve, t[1:])
        weight_scale = tds_weight_degraded / target_tds_weight
        return Analysis._smoothing(
            [0.0] + [w / weight_scale for w in tds_weight_curve])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def solve_method_2(input_):
        t = 1e-6

        def Omega(_t: float, *args) -> float:
            if _t <= 0 or _t >= t:
                return 0
            # scaling = 1 / 100
            scaling = input_
            return np.sin(_t / t * np.pi) * scaling

        t_list = np.linspace(0, t, 500)
        Omegas = np.array([Omega(_t) for _t in t_list])

        area = simpson(Omegas, t_list)
        print(f"Area: {area}")

        time_independent_terms = Qobj(
            np.zeros((3, 3)) + Vdd * 1e9 * rcrt @ rcrt.T)
        Omega_coeff_terms = Qobj((rcrt @ rc1t.T + rc1t @ rcrt.T) / 2)

        solver = mesolve(
            [time_independent_terms, [Omega_coeff_terms, Omega]],
            options=Options(store_states=True, nsteps=20000),
        c_r1 = np.abs(solver.states[-1].data[1, 0])
        return c_r1
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_mjs(self, xe_func, n_simpson=1000):
        """Returns 1d numpy array of shape (npc,1) for pc amplitudes.
            xe_func: a function for the global ionization history xe(z),
                taking redshift z as input argument, valued on z = [6, 30].
            n_simpson (optional): an integer for the number of z intervals
                to use for the integration with Simpson rule (if an odd 
                number is given, we add one automatically to make it even). 

        npc = self.pc_data.npc

        if (n_simpson % 2 == 1):
            n_simpson = n_simpson + 1

        zarray = np.linspace(self.pc_data.zmin, self.pc_data.zmax,
                             n_simpson + 1)
        xe_fid_array = self.pc_data.xe_fid_func(zarray)

        xe_array = xe_func(zarray)

        mjs = np.zeros(npc)
        for j in range(npc):
            xe_mj_array = self.pc_data.xe_mjs_func[j](zarray)
            integrand = xe_mj_array * (xe_array - xe_fid_array)
            mjs[j] = integrate.simpson(integrand, zarray)
        mjs = mjs / (self.pc_data.zmax - self.pc_data.zmin)

        return mjs
Ejemplo n.º 12
def spec_av_cross(r_grid, spectrum, t_coef, species):
    Calculates the heating cross-section for photoionization using Equation (16)
    of Vissapragada et al. (2022).

    r_grid (``numpy.ndarray``):
        The radius grid for the calculation. An astropy unit (like u.Rjup) must
        be specified for each value on the grid.
    spectrum (``dict``):
        Spectrum of the host star arriving at the planet covering fluxes up to
        the wavelength corresponding to the energy to ionize hydrogen (13.6 eV,
        or 911.65 Angstrom). Can be generated using ``tools.make_spectrum_dict``
        or ``tools.generate_muscles_spectrum``. Currently we assume that the
        spectrum does not include lower energies than 13.6 eV.

    t_coef (``numpy.ndarray``):
        The transmission coefficient profile for the wind as a function of 
        frequency and altitude. In the optically-thin part of the outflow this
        should be very close to 1.
    species (``str``):
        The photoionzation target for which we are calculating the heating
        cross-section. Must be one of 'hydrogen', 'helium', or 'helium+'.
    cross (``astropy.Quantity``):
        Heating cross-section in cm**2 for the selected species.
    wav_grid = spectrum['wavelength'] * spectrum['wavelength_unit']
    flux_grid = spectrum['flux_lambda'] * spectrum['flux_unit']
    flux_grid = flux_grid.to(u.erg / u.s / u.cm / u.cm / u.Hz,
    wavs_hz = wav_grid.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())[::-1]
    flux_grid = flux_grid[::-1]
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(wavs_hz, r_grid)

    threshold = threshes[species]
    crosses = {
        'hydrogen': h_photo_cross,
        'helium': helium_photo_cross,
        'helium+': heplus_photo_cross
    cross = crosses[species]
    evgrid = xx.to(u.eV, equivalencies=u.spectral())
    eta_grid = 1 - threshold / evgrid
    spec_grid, __ = np.meshgrid(flux_grid, r_grid)
    crossgrid = cross(xx)
    crossgrid[xx.to(u.eV, equivalencies = u.spectral()) < \
        threshold] = 0.*u.cm**2

    numgrid = eta_grid * spec_grid * crossgrid * t_coef
    numgrid = numgrid.to(u.erg / u.s / u.Hz)
    num = simpson(numgrid, x=wavs_hz, axis=-1) * u.erg / u.s

    F_XUV = calculate_f_xuv(spectrum)
    cross = num / F_XUV
    return cross.to(u.cm**2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def TDI(_data):
    N = len(_data)
    if len(_data.shape) == 1:
        _data = _data.reshape((N, 1))
    _data = zmean(_data)
    _dataout = np.zeros_like(_data)
    _dataout[0, :] = _data[0, :] * dt / 2
    for ii in range(1, N):
        _dataout[ii, :] = intg.simpson(_data[0:ii, :], dx=dt, axis=0)
    return _dataout
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sigma_8_log_spaced(P, k=None):
    R = 8.0  # Mpc h^-1

    def W(k, r):
        return 3.0 * (np.sin(k * R) - k * R * np.cos(k * R)) / (k * R)**3

    dlogk = np.log(k[1] /
                   k[0])  # natural log here! (input Pk must be log-spaced!)
    input_sigma_8 = np.sqrt(
        simpson(P * k**3 * W(k, R)**2 / (2 * np.pi**2), dx=dlogk))
    return input_sigma_8
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def printAll(self):
     out = self.problem.output_folder + "/Energies.dat"
     with open(out, 'w') as fu:
         st = "Kin\tsum(eps)\tint(rho*v)\n"
         int_rhov = integrate.simpson(
             self.problem.tab_rho * self.potential * self.grid**2,
             self.grid) * 4. * np.pi
         st = "{t:.5f}\t{eps:.5f}\t{integ:.5f}\n".format(
     return self.problem.kinetic, self.sum_eigenvalues, int_rhov
Ejemplo n.º 16
def simpson_integral_df(waveforms, dx=1):
    waveforms: the waveforms collection DataFrame
    dx: the interval between the y-values

    Integrals = []

    for i in range(waveforms.shape[1]):
        event = waveforms[waveforms.columns[i]]
        integral = simpson(y=event, dx=dx)

    return (pd.DataFrame(Integrals, index=waveforms.columns))
def loop_simps_riemann(y):
    # data needed to be a column array
    # data needed to be column array, this needs fixing in labview
    # data needed to be column arrays here as well, this needs fixing in labview
    # create plots
    #acquire the number of columns in the dataframe for use later
    riemannarray = []
    simpsonarray = []
    for counter, row in enumerate(y):
        riemannval = riemann(0, len(y[counter]), y[counter], 1)
        simpsonval = simpson(y[counter], np.arange(len(y[counter])))
    return [simpsonarray, riemannarray]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def compute_pred_post(y,

    # compute reference posterior
    pdf_post = compute_refpost_on_grid(d,
                                       y.reshape(-1, 1),

    # compute posterior prediction
    no_noise = theta_grid[:, 0] + theta_grid[:, 1] * future_d[0][0]
    pred_post = list()
    for yt in tqdm(y_T_grid, disable=not bar):

        diff = yt - no_noise
        kde = density(diff)
        joint = kde * pdf_post
        pdf = integrate.simpson(
            integrate.simpson(joint.reshape(len(tt), len(tt)), tt, axis=1), tt)
    pred_post = np.array(pred_post)

    # normalize posterior prediction
    Z_post = integrate.simpson(pred_post, y_T_grid)
    pred_post = pred_post / Z_post

    return pred_post
Ejemplo n.º 19
def integrate(spectrum, name, xmin, xmax, spec_type=None):
    """Integrate a sub-range of a spectrum.

    By integrating a spectrum in luminosity units between [xmin, xmax], it
    is possible to calculate the total luminosity of a given wavelength band.
    For example, by using xmin, xmax = 3000, 8000 Angstroms, the total optical
    luminosity can be estimated.

    This function uses Simpson's rule to approximate the integral given the
    wavelength/frequency bins (used as the sample points) and the luminosity

    spectrum: pypython.Spectrum
        The spectrum class containing the spectrum to integrate.
    name: str
        The name of the spectrum to integrate, i.e. "60", "Emitted".
    xmin: float
        The lower integration bound, in Angstroms.
    xmax: float
        The upper integration bound, in Angstroms.
    spec_type: str [optional]
        The spectrum type to use. If this is None, then spectrum.current is

    The integral between of the spectrum between xmin and xmax.
    if spec_type:
        key = spec_type
        key = spectrum.current

    if spectrum[key].units == SpectrumUnits.l_lm or spectrum[
            key].units == SpectrumUnits.f_lm:
        sample_points = spectrum[key]["Lambda"]
        sample_points = spectrum[key]["Freq."]
        tmp = xmin
        xmin = angstrom_to_hz(xmax)
        xmax = angstrom_to_hz(tmp)

    sample_points, y = get_xy_subset(sample_points, spectrum[key][name], xmin,

    return simpson(y, sample_points)
def integrator(lb, rb, energy, pot_func):
    x, dx = np.linspace(lb, rb, 500, retstep=True)
    phi = np.zeros_like(x)
    phi[0] = 0
    phi[1] = 0.0001
    g = 2 * (energy - pot_func(x))
    f = 1 + ((dx**2) / 12) * g
    for i in range(len(phi))[1:-1]:
        phi[i +
            1] = ((12 - 10 * f[i]) * phi[i] - f[i - 1] * phi[i - 1]) / f[i + 1]
    # normalize with Simpsons
    norm_factor = simpson(abs(phi)**2, x)
    if abs(norm_factor) < 1e-8:
        print("Normalization factor is zero, setting to 1")
        norm_factor = 1
    return x, phi / np.sqrt(norm_factor)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def computeTangentsAndNormals(r,
                              ref=np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float64)):

    finaldelta = np.linalg.norm(X[-1] - X[0], ord=2)
    Xaug = np.concatenate([X, X[0].reshape(1, -1)], axis=0)
    raug = np.concatenate([r, np.asarray([r[-1] + finaldelta])], axis=0)
    raug = raug - raug[0]
    garbagespline: interp.BSpline = interp.make_interp_spline(
        raug, Xaug, k=k, bc_type="periodic")
    garbagesplineder: interp.BSpline = garbagespline.derivative()
    truedistances: np.ndarray = np.zeros_like(raug)
    for i in range(1, truedistances.shape[0]):
        rsumsamp: np.ndarray = np.linspace(raug[i - 1], raug[i], num=5)
        velsubsamp: np.ndarray = np.linalg.norm(garbagesplineder(rsumsamp),
        truedistances[i] = truedistances[i - 1] + integrate.simpson(velsubsamp,

    spline: interp.BSpline = interp.make_interp_spline(truedistances,
    tangentspline: interp.BSpline = spline.derivative(nu=1)
    rsamp = np.linspace(truedistances[0],
                        truedistances[-1] - ds,
                        num=int(round(truedistances[-1] / ds)))
    points = spline(rsamp)
    tangents = tangentspline(rsamp)
    speeds = np.linalg.norm(tangents, ord=2, axis=1)
    unit_tangents = tangents / speeds[:, np.newaxis]

    numpoints = points.shape[0]
    ref_ = np.stack([ref for asdf in range(numpoints)])
    v1 = np.cross(unit_tangents, ref_)
    v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1, axis=1, ord=2)[:, np.newaxis]
    v2 = np.cross(v1, unit_tangents)
    v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2, axis=1, ord=2)[:, np.newaxis]

    normals = np.cross(v2, unit_tangents)
    unit_normals = normals / np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1, ord=2)[:,

    return spline, points, speeds, unit_tangents, unit_normals, rsamp
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_simpson(self):
        y = np.arange(17)
        assert_equal(simpson(y), 128)
        assert_equal(simpson(y, dx=0.5), 64)
        assert_equal(simpson(y, x=np.linspace(0, 4, 17)), 32)

        y = np.arange(4)
        x = 2**y
        assert_equal(simpson(y, x=x, even='avg'), 13.875)
        assert_equal(simpson(y, x=x, even='first'), 13.75)
        assert_equal(simpson(y, x=x, even='last'), 14)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def dln_sigma_inv_dM(k, P, M=None, Omega_M=None):
    """compute d ln sigma^-1 / dM analytically."""

    mean_rho = (rho_crit * Omega_M)  # in comoving units

    def dW_dM(k, R):
        x = k * R
        # no Delta_vir
        return k * M**(-2./3.) * (3.0/(4.0*np.pi*mean_rho))**(1./3.) * \
           (np.sin(x)/x**2 + 3.0*np.cos(x)/x**3 - 3.0*np.sin(x)/x**4)

    R = ((3.0 * M) / (4.0 * np.pi * mean_rho))**(1. / 3.)  # no Delta_vir
    integrand = P * k**2 * (2.0 * W(k, R) * dW_dM(k, R)) / (2.0 * np.pi**2)

    this_dln_sigma_R_inv_dM = simpson(integrand, x=k)

    return this_dln_sigma_R_inv_dM
Ejemplo n.º 24
def ecdf(xs, dens, time=False):
    from scipy.integrate import simpson
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as spline

    mn, mx = min(xs), max(xs)
    if time:
        xs = (xs - mn) / (mx - mn)

    cdf = []
    if time:
        areaUnderCurve = spline(xs, dens).integral(0, 1)
        areaUnderCurve = spline(xs, dens).integral(mn, mx)
    for i in range(len(xs)):
        x, den = xs[:i], dens[:i]
        cdf.append(simpson(den, x) / areaUnderCurve)
    return cdf
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def update_plot(q0):
        # Clear axes
        for ax_ in (ax, ax_ovlp):

        HO_fin = HarmonicOscillator(offset=15, q0=q0)
        HOs = (HO_init, HO_fin)

        # Plot potentials
        for HO in HOs:
            ys = HO.pot(qs)
            # Truncate potentials
            ys[ys >= HO.offset + trunc_pot] = np.nan
            ax.plot(qs, ys)

        # Calculate and plot wavefunctions
        for v in vs:
            for HO in HOs:
                lvl = HO.level(v)
                ax.axhline(lvl, color="black", ls="--", lw=0.5)
                wf = HO.wf(qs, v)
                ax.plot(qs, wf + lvl)

        # Calculate overlaps between GS WF and ES wavefunctions
        overlaps = np.zeros_like(vs, dtype=float)
        for v in vs:
            wf = HO_fin.wf(qs, v)
            ovlp = simpson(wf_gs_init * wf, qs)**2
            overlaps[v] = ovlp
        # Label
        for v in vs:
            xy = (v, min(45, overlaps[v]))
            ax_ovlp.annotate(f"0-{v}", xy, ha="center")
        ax_ovlp.set_ylim(0, 1.0)
        ax_ovlp.set_title("Wavefunction overlaps")

        sqrt2 = 2**0.5
        ax.set_ylim(0, 30)
        ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta E$")
        ax.set_title("Franck-Condon Principle")
def loop_integration(d_cols, y):
    # data needed to be a column array
    # data needed to be column array, this needs fixing in labview
    # data needed to be column arrays here as well, this needs fixing in labview
    # create plots
    #acquire the number of columns in the dataframe for use later
    riemannarray = []
    simpsonarray = []
    profilecoordsarray = []
    for counter, row in enumerate(y):
        riemannval = riemann(0, len(y[counter]), y[counter], 1)
        simpsonval = simpson(y[counter], np.arange(len(y[counter])))
    for element in d_cols:
    return [profilecoordsarray, riemannarray, simpsonarray]
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_area(scan, area_method, lorentz):
    if area_method not in AREA_METHODS:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown area method: {area_method}.")

    if area_method == "fit_area":
        area_v = 0
        area_s = 0
        for name, param in scan["fit"].params.items():
            if "amplitude" in name:
                if param.stderr is None:
                    area_v = np.nan
                    area_s = np.nan
                    area_v += param.value
                    area_s += param.stderr

    else:  # area_method == "int_area"
        y_val = scan["counts"]
        x_val = scan[scan["scan_motor"]]
        y_bkg = scan["fit"].eval_components(x=x_val)["f0_"]
        area_v = simpson(y_val, x=x_val) - trapezoid(y_bkg, x=x_val)
        area_s = np.sqrt(area_v)

    if lorentz:
        # lorentz correction to area
        if scan["zebra_mode"] == "bi":
            twotheta = np.deg2rad(scan["twotheta"])
            corr_factor = np.sin(twotheta)
        else:  # zebra_mode == "nb":
            gamma = np.deg2rad(scan["gamma"])
            nu = np.deg2rad(scan["nu"])
            corr_factor = np.sin(gamma) * np.cos(nu)

        area_v = np.abs(area_v * corr_factor)
        area_s = np.abs(area_s * corr_factor)

    scan["area"] = (area_v, area_s)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_simps(self):
     # Basic coverage test for the alias
     y = np.arange(4)
     x = 2**y
     assert_equal(simpson(y, x=x, dx=0.5, even='first'),
                  simps(y, x=x, dx=0.5, even='first'))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def shgFROG(filename, initialGuess = 'gaussian', tau = None, method = 'copra', dt = None , maxIter = 100, symmetrizeGrid = False, wavelengthLimits = [0,np.inf], gridSize = None, marginalCorrection = None):
    delays, wavelengths, trace = library_frog.unpack_data(filename,wavelengthLimits)

    """ Recenter the trace to zero delay. Otherwise copra behaves weirdly"""
    marginal_t = simpson(trace,wavelengths,axis = 1)
    t_0 = delays[np.argmax(marginal_t)]
    delays -= t_0
    """ Removing negative values from trace. Seems to give slightly better results"""
    trace[trace<0] = 0
    """ PCGPA algorithm requires a symmetric grid """
    if method.lower() == 'pcgpa':
        symmetrizeGrid = True
    """ Adjust grid size if required """
    if symmetrizeGrid:
        if gridSize is None:
            gridSize = [len(wavelengths),len(wavelengths)]
            gridSize[1] = gridSize[0]
    if dt is None:
        dt = np.mean(np.diff(delays))
    if gridSize is not None:
        symTrace = np.zeros((gridSize[0],len(wavelengths)))
        delayLim = np.min([abs(delays[0]),abs(delays[-1])])
        # Symmetrize delay grid wrt frequency grid
        symDelays = np.linspace(-delayLim,delayLim,gridSize[0])
        for ii, wavelength in enumerate(wavelengths):
            interpTrace = interp(delays,trace[:,ii],'quadratic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)
            symTrace[:,ii] = interpTrace(symDelays)
            symTrace[:,ii] = 0.5*interpTrace(np.hstack((symDelays[symDelays<=0],symDelays[symDelays<0][-1::-1]))) + 0.5*interpTrace(np.hstack((symDelays[symDelays>=0][-1::-1],symDelays[symDelays>0])))
        trace = symTrace
        delays = symDelays
        dt = np.mean(np.diff(delays))
    """ Define time/frequency grids for input pulse """
    if gridSize is not None:
        ft = pypret.FourierTransform(gridSize[1], dt = dt)
        ft = pypret.FourierTransform(len(delays), dt = dt)
    """ Integrate over delay axis"""
    marginal_w = simpson(trace,delays,axis = 0)
    """ Carrier wavelength """
    lambda_0 = C/(simpson(C/wavelengths[-1::-1]*marginal_w[-1::-1],C/wavelengths[-1::-1],axis = 0)/simpson(marginal_w[-1::-1],C/wavelengths[-1::-1],axis = 0)) * 2
    """ Marginal correction: compare frequnecy marginal to spectrum autoconvolution.
        Relative differences between the two should correspond to experimental
        bandwidth limitation. Trace is adjusted accordingly to offset this effect. """
    if marginalCorrection is not None:
        data = np.load(marginalCorrection)
        corrWavelengths = data['wavelengths']*1e-9
        corrSpectrum = data['spectrum']
        corrSpectrumRaw = np.copy(corrSpectrum)
        corrW = np.linspace(-4*np.pi*C/corrWavelengths[0],4*np.pi*C/corrWavelengths[0],4*len(corrWavelengths)+1)
        corrSpectrum = interp( 2*np.pi*C/corrWavelengths[-1::-1], corrSpectrum[-1::-1] ,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)(corrW)
        x,y = fq.ezifft(corrW,corrSpectrum)
        absc_conv,autoConv = fq.ezfft(x,y**2,neg = True) 
        autoConv = np.real(autoConv)

        autoConv = interp(absc_conv, autoConv,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)(2*np.pi*C/wavelengths)
        marginal_w_corr = np.copy(marginal_w)
        marginal_w_corr[marginal_w_corr<=0] = marginal_w_corr[marginal_w_corr>0].min()
        marginal_w_corr = fq.ezsmooth(marginal_w_corr,15,'hanning')
        marginalCorr = ( autoConv/autoConv.max() ) / ( marginal_w_corr / marginal_w_corr.max() )

        for ii, delay in enumerate(delays):
        plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9,autoConv/autoConv.max(),label = 'From spectrum')
        plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9,marginal_w_corr / marginal_w_corr.max(), label = 'From FROG trace')
        plt.xlabel('Wavelengths [nm]')
        plt.ylabel('Frequency margianal')
        plt.xlabel('Wavelengths [nm]')
        plt.ylabel('Marginal correction factor')
    """ Instantiate a pulse object w/ appropriate carrier wavelength
        (other parameters don't matter here)"""
    pulseP = pypret.Pulse(ft, lambda_0)
    pypret.random_gaussian(pulseP, 1e-15, phase_max=0.0)
    """ Instantiate a PNPS object for SHG-FROG technique"""
    pnps = pypret.PNPS(pulseP, "frog", "shg")
    pnps.calculate(pulseP.spectrum, delays)
    """ Export SHG frequency grid """
    w_shg = pnps.process_w
    w_fund = pulseP.w+pulseP.w0
    """ Interpolate trace to shg frequency grid """
    trace_w = np.zeros((len(delays),len(w_shg)))
    for ii,delay in enumerate(delays):  
        interpTrace = interp(C/wavelengths[-1::-1],trace[ii,:][-1::-1],'quadratic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)
        trace_w[ii,:] = interpTrace(w_shg/2/np.pi)
    """ Plot interpolated trace (to check interpolation errors) """
    if marginalCorrection is None:
        plt.title('Input trace (interpolated)')
        plt.title('Input trace (corrected + interpolated)')
    plt.xlabel('Delay [fs]')
    plt.ylabel('Wavelengths [nm]')

    """ Reformat trace for retriever """
    traceInput = pypret.mesh_data.MeshData(trace_w,delays,w_shg,labels = ['Delay','Frequency',''])

    """ Initial guess for iterative algorithm. Three options:
        Gaussian (default): Fits a gaussian pulse to both the time & freq. marginals. Struggles w/ non-bell-shaped spectra.
        Spectrum: Takes the independantly measured spectrum as initial guess with flat phase.
        RANA: Uses "RANA" algorithm to deduce the spectrum from the trace. Uses flat phase. Struggles w/ noise."""
    if initialGuess.lower() == 'gaussian':
        if tau is None:
            autocorr =  simpson(trace,wavelengths,axis = 1)
            tau = library_frog.get_FWHM(delays,autocorr)/np.sqrt(2) /np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
            dw = library_frog.get_FWHM(2*np.pi*C/wavelengths[-1::-1],marginal_w[-1::-1])/np.sqrt(2) /np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
            tau_0 = 2 / (dw)
            if tau > tau_0:
                GDD = (tau**2*tau_0**2 - tau_0**4)**0.5/2
                GDD = 0
            dw = 2  / (tau/np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) 
        w_0 = 2*np.pi*C/lambda_0
        initialGuess = np.complex128(np.exp(- (w_fund-w_0)**2 / dw**2)) * np.exp(1j*GDD*(w_fund-w_0)**2)
    elif (initialGuess.lower()=='spectrum') & (marginalCorrection is not None):
       initialGuess = interp( 2*np.pi*C/corrWavelengths[-1::-1], corrSpectrumRaw[-1::-1] ,bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)(w_fund)
       initialGuess = np.complex128(initialGuess**0.5)
       initialGuess /= initialGuess.max()
        initialGuess = library_frog.RANA(delays,w_shg,trace_w,w_fund)
    """ Instantiate retriever """
    ret = pypret.Retriever(pnps,method =  method, verbose=True, maxiter=maxIter)

    """ Apply retrieval algorithm and print results """
    ret.retrieve(traceInput, initialGuess)
    results = ret.result()
    """ Export retrieved pulse & trace """
    pulseRetrieved = results.pulse_retrieved
    traceRetrieved = results.trace_retrieved
    pulseFrequencies = w_fund/(2*np.pi)
    traceFrequencies = w_shg/(2*np.pi)
    """ Make plots """
    axSpectrum = library_frog.plot_output(pulseRetrieved, initialGuess, pulseFrequencies, traceRetrieved, traceFrequencies,delays, wavelengths)
    if marginalCorrection is not None:
        axSpectrum.plot(corrWavelengths*1e9,corrSpectrumRaw/corrSpectrumRaw.max(),'g--',linewidth = 3,label = 'Measured')
    return pulseRetrieved, initialGuess, pulseFrequencies, traceRetrieved, traceFrequencies,delays, wavelengths
Ejemplo n.º 30
# create grid
tt = np.linspace(TMIN, TMAX, N_GRID)
T0, T1 = np.meshgrid(tt, tt)
theta_grid = np.vstack([T0.ravel(), T1.ravel()]).T

# get normalized prior densities on grid
pdf_prior = compute_prior_density(theta_grid)

# evaluate prior predictive
no_noise = theta_grid[:, 0] + theta_grid[:, 1] * future_d[0][0]
pred = list()
for yt in tqdm(y_T_grid):
    diff = yt - no_noise
    kde = density(diff)
    joint = kde * pdf_prior
    pdf = integrate.simpson(
        integrate.simpson(joint.reshape(len(tt), len(tt)), tt, axis=1), tt)
pred = np.array(pred)

# normalize
Z = integrate.simpson(pred, y_T_grid)
pred = pred / Z

# ----- POSTERIOR RUNS ----- #

# important numbers
TMIN, TMAX = -10, 10  # <------- TODO: TOO SMALL?!

# create grid
tt_post = np.linspace(TMIN, TMAX, N_GRID)
T0, T1 = np.meshgrid(tt_post, tt_post)