Ejemplo n.º 1
    def lookahead(self, point):
        lookahead_distance = 0.5
        cl = self.closest(point)

        if cl[4] == 1:
            dst = self.lane2orig[cl[3]][0]
            dst += lookahead_distance
            if dst > self.lane1orig[-1][0]:
                dst -= self.lane1orig[-1][0]

            arcLenghtArray1 = self.lane1[:, 0]
            xArray1 = self.lane1[:, 1]
            yArray1 = self.lane1[:, 2]
            xCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray1, xArray1)
            yCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray1, yArray1)
            x = xCs1(dst)
            y = yCs1(dst)

            dst = self.lane2orig[cl[3]][0]
            dst += lookahead_distance
            if dst > self.lane2orig[-1][0]:
                dst -= self.lane2orig[-1][0]

            arcLenghtArray2 = self.lane2[:, 0]
            xArray2 = self.lane2[:, 1]
            yArray2 = self.lane2[:, 2]
            xCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray2, xArray2)
            yCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray2, yArray2)
            x = xCs2(dst)
            y = yCs2(dst)

        lookahead_point = (x, y)
        return (lookahead_point)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def interp_val(self, s, fourier='b'):
     if fourier == 'b':
         if self.interpb_at == s:
         for i in range(self.nmnnyq):
             bspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.shalf, self.bmnc[:, i])
             self.interpb_at = s
             self.binterp[i] = bspl(s)
     elif fourier == 'r':
         if self.interpr_at == s:
         for i in range(self.nmn):
             bspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.s, self.rmnc[:, i])
             self.interpr_at = s
             self.rinterp[i] = bspl(s)
     elif fourier == 'z':
         if self.interpz_at == s:
         for i in range(self.nmn):
             bspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.s, self.zmns[:, i])
             self.interpz_at = s
             self.zinterp[i] = bspl(s)
     elif fourier == 'l':
         if self.interpl_at == s:
         for i in range(self.nmn):
             bspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.s, self.lmns[:, i])
             self.interpl_at = s
             self.linterp[i] = bspl(s)
         print('wrong value passed to interp_val')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def compute_abscissas(self):
        Computes the normalized curvilinear abscissas t corresponding to the coordinates of the airfoil.

        # first, approximate the curve by linear interpolation to get an approximation of the curvilinear abscissa.
        lengths = np.sqrt(np.diff(self.x)**2 + np.diff(self.y)**2)
        s = np.concatenate(([0], lengths)).cumsum()  # curvilinear abscissa
        t = s / s[-1]  # normalize

        # compute the new curvilinear abscissa and iterate until convergence
        tc1 = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n)
        err = 1.
        i = 0
        if self.verbose:
            print("Computing the curvilinear abscissa...")
        while err > self.tol:
            # get the high resolution points
            x1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, self.x)(tc1)
            y1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, self.y)(tc1)
            # approximate the curvilinear abscissa based on a linear interpolation between high resolution points
            lengths = np.sqrt(np.diff(x1)**2 + np.diff(y1)**2)
            s1 = np.concatenate(([0], lengths)).cumsum()
            t1 = s1 / s1[-1]
            # update the normalized curvilinear abscissa at coordinate points
            t_new = interpolate.CubicSpline(tc1, t1)(t)
            err = np.linalg.norm(t_new - t)
            t = t_new
            if self.verbose:
                print(f"iteration {i}, err = {err}")
                i = i + 1
        return (t, s1[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def spline(self):

        arcLengthArray1 = self.lane1[:, 0]
        xArray1 = self.lane1[:, 1]
        yArray1 = self.lane1[:, 2]
        arcLengthArray2 = self.lane2[:, 0]
        xArray2 = self.lane2[:, 1]
        yArray2 = self.lane2[:, 2]

        xCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLengthArray1, xArray1)
        yCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLengthArray1, yArray1)
        xCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLengthArray2, xArray2)
        yCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLengthArray2, yArray2)

        x1coord = xCs1(self.lane1Orig[:, 0])
        y1coord = yCs1(self.lane1Orig[:, 0])
        x2coord = xCs2(self.lane2Orig[:, 0])
        y2coord = yCs2(self.lane2Orig[:, 0])

        self.markerPoints1 = [Point(x, y, 0) for x, y in zip(x1coord, y1coord)]

        self.markerPoints2 = [Point(x, y, 0) for x, y in zip(x2coord, y2coord)]

        markerLane1 = self.makeMarkerLineStrip(self.markerPoints1, 0)
        markerLane2 = self.makeMarkerLineStrip(self.markerPoints2, 1)

        rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
        self.clickPointSub = rospy.Subscriber("/clicked_point", PointStamped,

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_pdf(lo, hi, params):
    """ """
    grid = 500
    x = np.linspace(0.9 * lo, 1.1 * hi, grid)
    s, b, total = model(x, **params)
    return (interpolate.CubicSpline(x, total), interpolate.CubicSpline(x, s),
            interpolate.CubicSpline(x, b), 1.01 * max(total))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def spline(self):
        arcLenghtArray1 = self.lane1[:, 0]
        xArray1 = self.lane1[:, 1]
        yArray1 = self.lane1[:, 2]
        arcLenghtArray2 = self.lane2[:, 0]
        xArray2 = self.lane2[:, 1]
        yArray2 = self.lane2[:, 2]

        xCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray1, xArray1)
        yCs1 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray1, yArray1)
        xCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray2, xArray2)
        yCs2 = interpolate.CubicSpline(arcLenghtArray2, yArray2)

        marker1 = create_marker(1)
        x1coord = xCs1(self.lane1orig[:, 0])
        y1coord = yCs1(self.lane1orig[:, 0])
        points1 = [Point(x, y, 0) for x, y in zip(x1coord, y1coord)]
        marker1.points = points1

        marker2 = create_marker(2)
        x2coord = xCs2(self.lane2orig[:, 0])
        y2coord = yCs2(self.lane2orig[:, 0])
        points2 = [Point(x, y, 0) for x, y in zip(x2coord, y2coord)]
        marker2.points = points2

        self.array1 = points1
        self.array2 = points2

        rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

Ejemplo n.º 7
def integrateprofile(m):    
    profile = np.loadtxt("density_{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(name, m, h), usecols=(0, 1, 3, 4), unpack=True)
    for i in params:
        if int(i[0]) == m:
            fb = i[2]
            dfb = i[3]
            radius = i[1]
#    for i in range(len(profile)):
#        if profile[i][0] > radius:
#            bord = i
#    profile = np.transpose(profile[:bord])
    x = profile[0]
    y = 2*np.pi*x*profile[1]
    ymin = 2*np.pi*x*profile[2]
    ymax = 2*np.pi*x*profile[3]
    yspl = interpolate.CubicSpline(x, y)
    yminspl = interpolate.CubicSpline(x, ymin)
    ymaxspl = interpolate.CubicSpline(x, ymax)
    bkg = np.pi*fb*radius**2
    sigmabkg = np.pi*dfb*radius**2
    n1 = yspl.integrate(0, radius)
#    print('n1=', n1-bkg)
    n2 = yminspl.integrate(0, radius)
#    print('n2=', n2-bkg+sigmabkg)
    n3 = ymaxspl.integrate(0, radius)
#    print('n3=', n3-bkg-sigmabkg)
    sigmaint = max(abs(n2-n1), abs(n3-n1))
    sigmanc = np.sqrt(sigmaint**2+sigmabkg**2)
    return (n1-bkg, sigmanc, sigmaint, sigmabkg)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def manglemin(params, SpectrumObject, data_table, verbose=False, clamped=False, *args, **kwargs):
    MangledSpectrumObject = copy.deepcopy(SpectrumObject)
    paramlist = np.array([params[key].value for key in params.keys()])

    # weights = np.append(np.append(1.0, paramlist), 1.0)
    mc_l, mc_u = functions.calc_linear_terms(data_table[data_table["mask"]], key="weights")
    data_table["weights"][0] = mc_l[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][0] + mc_l[1]
    data_table["weights"][-1] = mc_u[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][-1] + mc_u[1]
    weights = data_table["weights"].data
    #     print(weights)
    data_table["weights"][data_table["mask"]] = paramlist

    data_table["mangledspec_filterflux"][0] = data_table["spec_filterflux"][0] * data_table["weights"][0]
    data_table["mangledspec_filterflux"][-1] = data_table["spec_filterflux"][-1] * data_table["weights"][-1]

    if clamped:
        SplObj = interpolate.CubicSpline(data_table["lambda_eff"], weights, bc_type = "clamped")
        SplObj = interpolate.CubicSpline(data_table["lambda_eff"], weights)

    MangledSpectrumObject.flux = MangledSpectrumObject.flux * SplObj(MangledSpectrumObject.wavelength)

    specflux = np.array([calc_spectrum_filter_flux(filter_object=FilterObject, spectrum_object=MangledSpectrumObject, verbose=verbose) for
         FilterObject in data_table[data_table["mask"]]["filter_object"]])
    if verbose:
        print("params:", paramlist)
        print("weights:", weights)
        print("flux:", specflux)
        print("fitflux:", data_table[data_table["mask"]]["fitflux"].data)

    return data_table[data_table["mask"]]["fitflux"] - specflux ## minimising residual - better to do chisq? or minimise the sum?? TODO
Ejemplo n.º 9
def gpsSatPositionSP3(fsp3, dt, sv=None, rx_position=None, coords='xyz'):
    assert sv is not None
    # Read in data
    D = gr.load(fsp3).sel(sv=sv)
    if isinstance(dt, list):
        dt = np.asarray(dt)
    dt = dt.astype('datetime64[s]')
    navtimes = D.time.values.astype('datetime64[s]')
    CSx = interpolate.CubicSpline(navtimes.astype(int), D.position.values[:,
    CSy = interpolate.CubicSpline(navtimes.astype(int), D.position.values[:,
    CSz = interpolate.CubicSpline(navtimes.astype(int), D.position.values[:,
    ecefxi = CSx(dt.astype(int)) * 1e3
    ecefyi = CSy(dt.astype(int)) * 1e3
    ecefzi = CSz(dt.astype(int)) * 1e3

    if coords == 'xyz':
        return np.array([ecefxi, ecefyi, ecefzi])
        AER = ecef2aer(x=ecefxi,
        return np.array(AER)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def interp_3(motion_data):
    a = len(motion_data)*(1000/360)
    time = []
    for i in range(len(motion_data)):
        time.append((1/360)*1000*i) #Hz to Milliseconds
    resolution = np.arange(0, a, 1)
    x = []
    for i in motion_data:
    x_function = interpolate.CubicSpline(time, x)
    x_interp = x_function(resolution)   # use interpolation function returned by `interp1d`
    y = []
    for i in motion_data:
    y_function = interpolate.CubicSpline(time, y)
    y_interp = y_function(resolution)   # use interpolation function returned by `interp1d`
    z = []
    for i in motion_data:
    z_function  = interpolate.CubicSpline(time, z)
    z_interp = z_function(resolution)   # use interpolation function returned by `interp1
    final_motion_list = []
    for i in range(len(x_interp)):
    return final_motion_list
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def interpolate_orbit(orbit, hdr):
        Interpolate X, Y, Z values as sampling on the Rinex file. Thus, both measures have the same precision

        :param orbit: The python orbit object less precise than rinex
        :param hdr: Rinex header, to extract rinex precision, first and last acquisition
        :return: The python orbit object with the same precise than rinex, with interpolated values
        orbit_interpolated = {}
        rinex_last_obs_time = Utils.rinex_str_date_to_datetime(hdr)

        sat_date = orbit['date']
        date_array_interpolated = np.array([])

        aux_date = sat_date[0]
        date_array_interpolated = np.append(date_array_interpolated,
        while aux_date < rinex_last_obs_time:
            aux_date += timedelta(seconds=float(hdr['interval']))
            date_array_interpolated = np.append(date_array_interpolated,

        orbit_interpolated['date'] = date_array_interpolated

        for prn, data in orbit.items():
            if prn is 'date' or prn is 'path':

            x_aux = np.array([])
            y_aux = np.array([])
            z_aux = np.array([])

            for item in data:
                x_aux = np.append(x_aux, item['x'])
                y_aux = np.append(y_aux, item['y'])
                z_aux = np.append(z_aux, item['z'])

            x_interp = interp.CubicSpline(np.arange(x_aux.size), x_aux)
            x_interp = x_interp(
                np.linspace(0, x_aux.size - 1, date_array_interpolated.size))

            y_interp = interp.CubicSpline(np.arange(y_aux.size), y_aux)
            y_interp = y_interp(
                np.linspace(0, y_aux.size - 1, date_array_interpolated.size))

            z_interp = interp.CubicSpline(np.arange(z_aux.size), z_aux)
            z_interp = z_interp(
                np.linspace(0, z_aux.size - 1, date_array_interpolated.size))

            pos_aux = []
            for i in range(len(date_array_interpolated)):
                    'x': x_interp[i],
                    'y': y_interp[i],
                    'z': z_interp[i]

            orbit_interpolated[prn] = pos_aux

        return orbit_interpolated
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def fit(self):
        fit scan to an appropriate spline
        calculate a set of partition function values at different temperatures and fit a spline to the
        partition function values
        generate splines for the first and second derivatives of the partition function
        N = len(self.pivots)
        if N > 2:
            self.V = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(self.phis, self.Es)
            self.rootD = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(
                self.phis, self.rootDs)
        elif N == 2:
            self.V = interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(self.phis[:, 0],
                                                                 1], self.Es)
            self.rootD = interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(
                self.phis[:, 0], self.phis[:, 1], self.rootDs)
            self.V = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.phis, self.Es)
            self.rootD = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.phis, self.rootDs)

        Tlist = np.linspace(10.0, 3001.0, num=20, dtype=np.float64)

        Qs = []
        for T in Tlist:

        self.Q = interpolate.CubicSpline(Tlist, Qs)
        self.dQdT = self.Q.derivative()
        self.d2QdT2 = self.dQdT.derivative()
 def stopping_conditions(imf,t):
     mins = signal.argrelmin(imf)[0]
     mins_ = [float(data*60/8064) for data in mins]
     maxs = signal.argrelmax(imf)[0]
     maxs_ = [float(data*60/8064) for data in maxs]
     spl_min = interpolate.CubicSpline(mins_,imf[mins])#, bc_type = 'natural') #clamped
     spl_max = interpolate.CubicSpline(maxs_, imf[maxs])#, bc_type = 'natural')#clamped
     mean_amplitude = [np.abs(spl_max(i)+spl_min(i))/2 for i in range(0,len(t))]
     envelope_amplitude = [np.abs(spl_max(i)- spl_min(i))/2 for i in range(0,len(t))]
     bo = [(m/e > 0.05) for m,e in zip(mean_amplitude,envelope_amplitude)]
     #at each point, mean_amplitude < THRESHOLD2*envelope_amplitude
     condition = [not(m < 0.5*e) for m,e in zip(mean_amplitude,envelope_amplitude)]
     #mean of boolean array {(mean_amplitude)/(envelope_amplitude) > THRESHOLD} < TOLERANCE
     if((1 in condition) or (not(np.mean(bo)<0.05))):
         return False
     # |#zeros-#extrema|<=1
     zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.signbit(imf)))[0]
     diff_zeroCr_extremas = np.abs(len(maxs)+len(mins)-len(zero_crossings))
     if(diff_zeroCr_extremas <= 1):# and mean <0.1):
         return True
         return False
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        x, y = map(np.asarray, (x, y))
        s = np.append([0], (np.cumsum(np.diff(x)**2) +

        self.X = interpolate.CubicSpline(s, x)
        self.Y = interpolate.CubicSpline(s, y)
        self.length = s[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 15
def LoadNkData(wl, fname, delim=';', units=1000, omit=1):
    rawd = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=delim, skiprows=omit)
    wl0 = rawd[:, 0] * units
    nd = rawd[:, 1]
    kd = rawd[:, 2]
    ni = sinterp.CubicSpline(wl0, nd)
    ki = sinterp.CubicSpline(wl0, kd)
    return ni(wl) + 1j * ki(wl)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def currents_and_derivs(self, s):
     ipspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.s, self.Ip)
     ip = np.empty(2)
     ip[0] = ipspl(s)
     ip[1] = ipspl.derivatives(s)
     itspl = interp.CubicSpline(self.s, self.It)
     it = np.empty(2)
     it[0] = itspl(s)
     it[1] = itspl.derivatives(s)
     return ip, it
Ejemplo n.º 17
def writeTests2(config, format):

    data = np.random.randn(11)    
    data = Tools.normalize(data)
    config.writeInput(7, data)
    ref = np.sort(data)
    config.writeReference(7, ref)

    data = np.random.randn(16)
    data = Tools.normalize(data)
    config.writeInput(8, data)
    ref = np.sort(data)
    config.writeReference(8, ref)

    data = np.random.randn(32)
    data = Tools.normalize(data)
    config.writeInput(9, data)
    ref = np.sort(data)
    config.writeReference(9, ref)

    data = np.full((16), np.random.randn(1))
    data = Tools.normalize(data)
    config.writeInput(10, data)
    ref = np.sort(data)
    config.writeReference(10, ref)

    x = [0,3,10,20]
    y = [0,9,100,400]
    xnew = np.arange(0,20,1)
    ynew = interpolate.CubicSpline(x,y)
    config.writeReference(11, ynew(xnew))

    x = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi+np.pi/4, np.pi/4)
    y = np.sin(x)
    xnew = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi+np.pi/16, np.pi/16)
    ynew = interpolate.CubicSpline(x,y,bc_type="natural")
    config.writeReference(12, ynew(xnew))

    x = [0,3,10]
    y = x
    xnew = np.arange(-10,20,1)
    ynew = interpolate.CubicSpline(x,y)
    config.writeReference(13, ynew(xnew))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def normalize_curve(points, npoints):
    px = points[:, 0]
    py = points[:, 1]

    t = np.linspace(0, 1, len(points))
    fx = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, px)
    fy = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, py)

    nt = np.linspace(0, 1, npoints)
    npx = fx(nt)
    npy = fy(nt)

    return npx, npy
Ejemplo n.º 19
def siftStepCubSpl(xArray, sigArray):
    """ EMD sifting function  : 
            - Input     -> [ xArray, sigArray ] signal time-history
            - Output    -> [ candidate mode, inf envelope, sup envelope ]
        calculates a candidate Empirical Mode as a point-to-point average of
        sup and inf envelopes - using Cubic Splines.
    # signal length
    sigLen = len(sigArray)
    # point-to-point differential
    sigDiff = 0.0 * sigArray
    sigDiff[1:sigLen] = sigArray[1:sigLen] - sigArray[0:sigLen - 1]
    # gradient signature - positive and negative
    grdPls = sigDiff > 0.0
    grdMns = ~grdPls
    # calculate indexes to local sup and inf elements
    # negative and positive gradients
    negGrdId = 1 * grdMns
    posGrdId = 1 * grdPls
    # markers of sup and inf elements
    supMrkFlg = 0 * grdPls
    infMrkFlg = 0 * grdMns
    supMrkFlg[0:sigLen - 1] = posGrdId[0:sigLen - 1] + negGrdId[1:sigLen]
    infMrkFlg[0:sigLen - 1] = negGrdId[0:sigLen - 1] + posGrdId[1:sigLen]
    # inf and sup indexes
    supIdx = supMrkFlg == 2
    infIdx = infMrkFlg == 2
    # extend supIdx and infIdx to extremes
    supIdx[0] = True
    supIdx[sigLen - 1] = True
    infIdx[0] = True
    infIdx[sigLen - 1] = True
    # calculate sup and inf envelopes by cubic spline
    infIntpFcn = intp.CubicSpline(xArray[infIdx], sigArray[infIdx])
    supIntpFcn = intp.CubicSpline(xArray[supIdx], sigArray[supIdx])
    infEnv = infIntpFcn(xArray)
    supEnv = supIntpFcn(xArray)
    # calculate candidate mode
    cndMode = sigArray - 0.5 * (infEnv + supEnv)
    return [cndMode, infEnv, supEnv]
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, x, y, n=10000, tol=1e-13, verbose=False):
     self.n = n
     self.tol = tol
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     (self.t, self.length) = self.compute_abscissas()
     self.x_int = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.t, self.x)
     self.y_int = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.t, self.y)
     self.dx_int = self.x_int.derivative(1)
     self.dy_int = self.y_int.derivative(1)
     self.d2x_int = self.x_int.derivative(2)
     self.d2y_int = self.y_int.derivative(2)
     self.trigonometric_direction = self.is_trigonometric()
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def interp_1d_values_from_profiles(self):
        """Interpolate values in 1D (lateral + longitudinal) from profiles"""
        new_values = np.zeros((self.nb_var, self.nb_nodes_in_riverbed))
        for i_zone in np.unique(self.points['zone']):
            filter_points = self.points['zone'] == i_zone
            section_us = self.section_seq[i_zone]
            section_ds = self.section_seq[i_zone + 1]
            xt_us = section_us.coord.array['Xt']
            xt_ds = section_ds.coord.array['Xt']
            xt_us_target = self.points['Xt_upstream'][filter_points]
            xt_ds_target = self.points['Xt_downstream'][filter_points]

            for i, var in enumerate(self.var_names()):
                values_us = section_us.coord.values[var]
                values_ds = section_ds.coord.values[var]

                if self.interp_values == 'LINEAR':
                    new_values_us = np.interp(xt_us_target, xt_us, values_us)
                    new_values_ds = np.interp(xt_ds_target, xt_ds, values_ds)

                elif self.interp_values == 'B-SPLINE':
                    splrep_us = interpolate.splrep(xt_us, values_us)
                    splrep_ds = interpolate.splrep(xt_ds, values_ds)
                    new_values_us = interpolate.splev(xt_us_target, splrep_us)
                    new_values_ds = interpolate.splev(xt_ds_target, splrep_ds)

                elif self.interp_values == 'AKIMA':
                    new_values_us = interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(
                        xt_us, values_us)(xt_us_target)
                    new_values_ds = interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(
                        xt_ds, values_ds)(xt_ds_target)

                elif self.interp_values == 'PCHIP':
                    new_values_us = interpolate.pchip_interpolate(
                        xt_us, values_us, xt_us_target)
                    new_values_ds = interpolate.pchip_interpolate(
                        xt_ds, values_ds, xt_ds_target)

                elif self.interp_values == 'CUBIC_SPLINE':
                    new_values_us = interpolate.CubicSpline(
                        xt_us, values_us)(xt_us_target)
                    new_values_ds = interpolate.CubicSpline(
                        xt_ds, values_ds)(xt_ds_target)

                    raise NotImplementedError

                new_values[i, filter_points] = new_values_us * (1 - self.points['xl'][filter_points]) + \
                                               new_values_ds * self.points['xl'][filter_points]
        return new_values
Ejemplo n.º 22
def interpolate_curve(px1, py1, px2, py2, z):
    px3 = np.zeros(shape=(z.shape[0], px1.shape[0]))
    py3 = np.zeros(shape=(z.shape[0], py1.shape[0]))

    t = np.array((0.0, 1.0))

    for i in range(px1.shape[0]):
        fx = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, np.array((px1[i], px2[i])))
        fy = interpolate.CubicSpline(t, np.array((py1[i], py2[i])))

        px3[:, i] = fx(z)
        py3[:, i] = fy(z)

    return px3, py3
Ejemplo n.º 23
def emd(data, sd=0.1, bc="natural"):
    t = np.arange(data.shape[0])

    imfs = []
    last_imf = False
    residue = data.copy()
    for i in range(20):
        h_prev = residue

        _i = 0
        for _ in range(50):
            maxima_idx = signal.argrelmax(h_prev, order=1)[0]
            minima_idx = signal.argrelmin(h_prev, order=1)[0]
            maxima_idx = np.insert(maxima_idx, 0, 0)
            maxima_idx = np.append(maxima_idx, len(h_prev) - 1)
            minima_idx = np.insert(minima_idx, 0, 0)
            minima_idx = np.append(minima_idx, len(h_prev) - 1)

            if (len(maxima_idx) + len(minima_idx)) <= 6:
                last_imf = True

            maxima_vals = interpolate.CubicSpline(maxima_idx,
            minima_vals = interpolate.CubicSpline(minima_idx,

            mean = 0.5 * (maxima_vals + minima_vals)
            h = h_prev - mean
            _i += 1

            # sifting criterion
            sd_ = np.sum((h - h_prev)**2) / np.sum(h_prev**2)
            if sd_ < sd:

            h_prev = h.copy()

        if last_imf:

        residue -= h

    # Add residue
    imfs.append(data - sum(imfs))
    return imfs
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_stat_point_minimisation():
    # Test that the minimisation works for very shallow minima

    energies_list = [
        np.array([0.0, 3.8, -9.1, -1.6, 0.3]),
        np.array([0.0, 10, -20, 10, -5])

    for energies in energies_list:

        result = minimize(plotting.error_on_stationary_points,
                          args=(energies, ),

        assert result.success

        spline = interpolate.CubicSpline([0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
        fine_zi_s = np.linspace(-0.2, 5.2, num=500)
        stationary_points = plotting.get_stationary_points(
            xs=fine_zi_s, dydx=spline.derivative())
        assert len(stationary_points) == 5
Ejemplo n.º 25
def punto5(xi, yi, xk):
    nat = inter.CubicSpline(xi, yi, bc_type="natural")
    f = open("punto5.txt", "w")
    f.write("X_new \t{:^25s}\n".format("y_new(polinomial)"))
    for i in xk:
        f.write("{:}\t\t{:}\n".format(i, nat(i)))
def interpolate_axis(time, data):
    time = time.tolist()
    data = data.tolist()
    func = interpolate.CubicSpline(time, data)
    time_new = np.arange(0, time[-1], 0.04)
    data_new = func(time_new)
    return data_new
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def get_band(self, band_index, interpolate_missing=False):
        """Return picked band with index *band_index*.
        Set *interpolate_missing* to return interpolated frequencies
        instead of -1 at k-vectors where no frequency was picked.
        The interpolation will be done with a cubic spline through
        the picked frequencies.

            band = self.bands[band_index]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError('ModePicker.get_band: band_index %i exceeds '
                             'number of available bands.' % band_index)
        if not interpolate_missing:
            return band.values[:]

        # only use picked k-vecs for interpolation:
        X = np.nonzero(band.values != -1)[0]
        if len(X) <= 3:
            # too little points. Don't interpolate.
            return band.values[:]

        # interpolate data, using cubic spline
            f_interp = interpolate.CubicSpline(
                    ['not-a-knot', 'clamped'].__getitem__,
                    [self.first_point_zero_deriv, self.last_point_zero_deriv]))
            raise ValueError('could not interpolate', X, band.values[X])
        return f_interp(np.arange(len(band.values)))
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self,
              interpolator="cubic spline",
     if data.ndim != 2 or data.shape[1] != 2:
         raise ValueError("""
             data should have exactly two columns (x and y) but has shape {}
     elif interpolator == "pchip":
         interpolating_function = interpolate.PchipInterpolator(
             data[:, 0], data[:, 1], extrapolate=extrapolate)
     elif interpolator == "cubic spline":
         interpolating_function = interpolate.CubicSpline(
             data[:, 0], data[:, 1], extrapolate=extrapolate)
         raise ValueError(
             "interpolator '{}' not recognised".format(interpolator))
     # Set name
     if name is not None:
         name = "interpolating function ({})".format(name)
         name = "interpolating function"
     # Store information as attributes
     self.interpolator = interpolator
     self.extrapolate = extrapolate
Ejemplo n.º 29
def GeneratePeriodicSplineLookupTable(control_points):
    """Generate a lookup table based on a periodic spline in the FBL format.

  FBL splines are equally spaced around the FBL loop (going clockwise with zero
  at 12 o'clock).

    control_points: List of points defining the spline.
    A lookup table from 0 to 2 pi as a list.
    # The periodic cubic spline is built from the control points, reusing the
    # last point at the start to close out the period.
    # The control points are positioned in the center of equally divided segments
    # of the loop, leading to a half segment offset, to match FBL convention.
    spline_x = (np.linspace(0., 1., len(control_points) + 1, endpoint=True) -
                0.5 / len(control_points))
    spline_y = np.array([control_points[-1]] + control_points)
    spline_fit = interpolate.CubicSpline(spline_x,
    # The x coordinates in the crosswind controller domain from
    # _GenerateLookupTable are transformed from the controller to FBL domain
    # before sampling.
    return _GenerateLookupTable(lambda x: spline_fit((-x + 1.5 * np.pi) /
                                                     (2.0 * np.pi)))
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(
        self, time_list, value_list, crossing_value=0, neg_to_pos_is_start=True

        # Check whether time_list and value_list size are equal
        if len(time_list) != len(value_list):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Time list and value list are of different sizes. "
                f"({len(time_list)} vs. ({len(value_list)}))"

        self.search_interval = TimeInterval(time_list[0], time_list[-1])

        # Convert time to "days since epoch"
        t_float_list = (time_list - time_list[0]).jd

        # Init interpolators (for splines, root finding possible for 3rd degree
        # (cubics) only)
        self._interpolator = interpolate.CubicSpline(
            t_float_list, value_list - crossing_value

        self._deriv_interpolator = self._interpolator.derivative()

        # Find start / end intervals
        self.start_end_intervals = self._find_intervals(time_list, neg_to_pos_is_start)

        # Find max / min events
        self.max_min_table = self._find_extrema_events(time_list[0])

        # Return the table to absolute values
        self.max_min_table["value"] = self.max_min_table["value"] + crossing_value