def test_var_bounds(self): """ Test bounds on optimisation variables. """ msg = self.case_name _, xmin, xmax = self.solver._var_bounds() mpxmin = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "xmin_AC.mtx")) mpxmax = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "xmax_AC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(xmin, mpxmin.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(xmax, mpxmax.flatten()), msg)
def test_constraints(self): """ Test equality and inequality constraints. """ AA, ll, uu = self.solver._linear_constraints( mpA = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "A_DC.mtx")) mpl = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "l_DC.mtx")) mpu = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "u_DC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(AA, mpA.tocsr()), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(ll, mpl.flatten()), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(uu, mpu.flatten()), self.case_name)
def test_var_bounds(self): """ Test bounds on optimisation variables. """ _, xmin, xmax = self.solver._var_bounds() # mpx0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "x0_DC.mtx")) mpxmin = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "xmin_DC.mtx")) mpxmax = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "xmax_DC.mtx")) # self.assertTrue(alltrue(x0 == mpx0.flatten()), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(xmin, mpxmin.flatten()), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(xmax, mpxmax.flatten()), self.case_name)
def testYbus(self): """ Test bus and branch admittance matrices. """ Ybus, Yf, Yt = mpYbus = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "Ybus.mtx")).tocsr() mpYf = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "Yf.mtx")).tocsr() mpYt = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "Yt.mtx")).tocsr() self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Ybus, mpYbus, diff=1e-12), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Yf, mpYf, diff=1e-12), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Yt, mpYt, diff=1e-12), self.case_name)
def testAy(self): """ Test basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost variables. """ msg = self.case_name # ext2int _, _, gn = self.opf._remove_isolated( _, ycon = self.opf._pwl_gen_costs(gn, if ycon is not None: Ay = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Ay_DC.mtx")) by = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "by_DC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(ycon.A, Ay.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(ycon.u, by.flatten()), msg)
def test_dSbus_dV(self): """ Test partial derivative of power injection w.r.t. voltage. """ mpYbus = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "Ybus.mtx")).tocsr() mpV0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "V0.mtx")).flatten() dSbus_dVm, dSbus_dVa =, mpV0) mp_dSbus_dVm = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "dSbus_dVm0.mtx")) mp_dSbus_dVa = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "dSbus_dVa0.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(dSbus_dVm, mp_dSbus_dVm.tocsr(), 1e-12), self.case_name) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(dSbus_dVa, mp_dSbus_dVa.tocsr(), 1e-12), self.case_name)
def testVa(self): """ Test voltage angle variable. """ msg = self.case_name bs, _, _ = self.opf._remove_isolated( _, refs = self.opf._ref_check( Va = self.opf._get_voltage_angle_var(refs, bs) mpVa0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Va0.mtx")) mpVal = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Val.mtx")) mpVau = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Vau.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Va.v0, mpVa0.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Va.vl, mpVal.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(, mpVau.flatten()), msg)
def testPg(self): """ Test active power variable. """ msg = self.case_name # ext2int _, _, gn = self.opf._remove_isolated( Pg = self.opf._get_pgen_var(gn, mpPg0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Pg0.mtx")) mpPmin = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Pmin.mtx")) mpPmax = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Pmax.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pg.v0, mpPg0.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pg.vl, mpPmin.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(, mpPmax.flatten()), msg)
def testPfPt(self): """ Test branch flow limit constraints. """ msg = self.case_name _, ln, _ = self.opf._remove_isolated( _, Bf, _, Pfinj = Pf, Pt = self.opf._branch_flow_dc(ln, Bf, Pfinj, lpf = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "lpf.mtx")) upf = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "upf.mtx")) upt = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "upt.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pf.l, lpf.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pf.u, upf.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pt.l, lpf.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pt.u, upt.flatten()), msg)
def testPmis(self): """ Test active power mismatch constraints. """ msg = self.case_name case = case.sort_generators() # ext2int B, _, Pbusinj, _ = case.Bdc bs, _, gn = self.opf._remove_isolated(case) Pmis = self.opf._power_mismatch_dc(bs, gn, B, Pbusinj, case.base_mva) mpAmis = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Amis.mtx")) mpbmis = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "bmis.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Pmis.A, mpAmis.tocsr(), 1e-12), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pmis.l, mpbmis.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Pmis.u, mpbmis.flatten()), msg)
def testVLConstPF(self): """ Test dispatchable load, constant power factor constraints. """ msg = self.case_name _, _, gn = self.opf._remove_isolated( vl = self.opf._const_pf_constraints(gn, if vl.A.shape[0] != 0: Avl = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Avl.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(vl.A, Avl.tocsr()), msg) lvl = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "lang.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(vl.l, lvl.flatten()), msg) uvl = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "uang.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(vl.u, uvl.flatten()), msg)
def test_simple_complex(self): a = [[1, 2], [3, 4j]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (2, 2, 4, "array", "complex", "general")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def check_read(self, example, a, info): f = open(self.fn, 'w') f.write(example) f.close() assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), info) b = mmread(self.fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_simple_rectangular(self): a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,3,6,'array','integer','general')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_real(self): a = [[1,2],[3,4.0]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,2,4,'array','real','general')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_rectangular_real(self): a = [[1, 2], [3.5, 4], [5, 6]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (3, 2, 6, "array", "real", "general")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_simple_skew_symmetric_float(self): a = array([[1, 2], [-2.0, 4]], "f") fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (2, 2, 4, "array", "real", "skew-symmetric")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_simple_skew_symmetric(self): a = [[1, 2], [-2, 4]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (2, 2, 4, "array", "integer", "skew-symmetric")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_simple_skew_symmetric(self): a = [[1,2],[-2,4]] fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,2,4,'array','integer','skew-symmetric')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_complex(self): a = [[1,2],[3,4j]] fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,2,4,'array','complex','general')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_skew_symmetric_float(self): a = array([[1,2],[-2.0,4]],'f') fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,2,4,'array','real','skew-symmetric')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_hermitian(self): a = [[1, 2 + 3j], [2 - 3j, 4]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (2, 2, 4, "array", "complex", "hermitian")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_simple_hermitian(self): a = [[1,2+3j],[2-3j,4]] fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(2,2,4,'array','complex','hermitian')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_rectangular_real(self): a = [[1,2],[3.5,4],[5,6]] fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(3,2,6,'array','real','general')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_simple_rectangular(self): a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (2, 3, 6, "array", "integer", "general")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_random_rect_real(self): sz = (20, 15) a = rand(*sz) fn = self.fn mmwrite(fn, a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (20, 15, 300, "array", "real", "general")) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_random_rect_real(self): sz = (20,15) a = rand(*sz) fn = mktemp() mmwrite(fn,a) assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(20,15,300,'array','real','general')) b = mmread(fn) assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
def test_integrate_solution(self): """ Test integration of AC OPF solution. """ self.solver.solve() bus = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Bus_AC.mtx")) gen = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Gen_AC.mtx")) branch = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Branch_AC.mtx")) # FIXME: Improve accuracy. pl = 4 # bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin lam_P lam_Q mu_Vmax mu_Vmin for i, bs in enumerate( self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.v_magnitude, bus[i, 7], pl) # Vm self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.v_angle, bus[i, 8], pl) # Va self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.p_lmbda, bus[i, 13], pl) # lam_P self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.q_lmbda, bus[i, 14], pl) # lam_Q # FIXME: Improve accuracy self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.mu_vmax, bus[i, 15], pl) # mu_Vmax self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.mu_vmin, bus[i, 16], pl) # mu_Vmin # bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin Pc1 Pc2 Qc1min Qc1max # Qc2min Qc2max ramp_agc ramp_10 ramp_30 ramp_q apf mu_Pmax mu_Pmin # mu_Qmax mu_Qmin for i, gn in enumerate( # FIXME: Improve accuracy self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.p, gen[i, 1], pl) # Pg self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.q, gen[i, 2], pl) # Qg self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.v_magnitude, gen[i, 5], pl) # Vg self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.mu_pmax, gen[i, 21], pl) # mu_Pmax self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.mu_pmin, gen[i, 22], pl) # mu_Pmin self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.mu_qmax, gen[i, 23], pl) # mu_Qmax self.assertAlmostEqual(gn.mu_qmin, gen[i, 24], pl) # mu_Qmin # fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status angmin angmax # Pf Qf Pt Qt mu_Sf mu_St mu_angmin mu_angmax for i, ln in enumerate( self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.p_from, branch[i, 13], pl) # Pf self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.q_from, branch[i, 14], pl) # Qf self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.p_to, branch[i, 15], pl) # Pt self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.q_to, branch[i, 16], pl) # Qt self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.mu_s_from, branch[i, 17], pl) # mu_Sf self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.mu_s_to, branch[i, 18], pl) # mu_St self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.mu_angmin, branch[i, 19], pl) self.assertAlmostEqual(ln.mu_angmax, branch[i, 20], pl)
def testNewtonV(self): """ Test the voltage vector solution from Newton's method. """ solution = NewtonPF( mpV = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "V_Newton.mtx")).flatten() self.assertTrue(mfeq1(solution["V"], mpV), self.case_name)
def test_simple_pattern(self): a = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[0, 1.5], [3.0, 2.5]]) p = np.zeros_like(a.todense()) p[a.todense() > 0] = 1 info = (2, 2, 3, 'coordinate', 'pattern', 'general') mmwrite(self.fn, a, field='pattern') assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), info) b = mmread(self.fn) assert_array_almost_equal(p, b.todense())
def test_empty_write_read(self): # b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((10, 10)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), (10, 10, 0, 'coordinate', 'real', 'symmetric')) a = b.todense() b = mmread(self.fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_initial_point(self): """ Test selection of an initial interior point. """ b, l, g, _ = self.solver._unpack_model( _, LB, UB = self.solver._var_bounds() _, _, _, _, _, ny, _ = self.solver._dimension_data(b, l, g) x0 = self.solver._initial_interior_point(b, g, LB, UB, ny) mpx0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "x0_AC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(x0, mpx0.flatten()), self.case_name)
def check_read(self, example, a, info, dense, over32, over64): with open(self.fn, 'w') as f: f.write(example) assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), info) if (over32 and (np.intp(0).itemsize < 8)) or over64: assert_raises(OverflowError, mmread, self.fn) else: b = mmread(self.fn) if not dense: b = b.todense() assert_equal(a, b)
def test_poly_costs(self): """ Test quadratic costs. """ msg = self.case_name base_mva = b, l, g, _ = self.solver._unpack_model( ipol, _, _, _, _, _, nxyz = self.solver._dimension_data(b, l, g) Npol, Hpol, Cpol, fparm_pol, _, _ = \ self.solver._quadratic_costs(g, ipol, nxyz, base_mva) if Npol is not None: mpNpol = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Npol.mtx")) mpHpol = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Hpol.mtx")) mpCpol = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Cpol.mtx")) mpfparm = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf","fparm_pol.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Npol, mpNpol.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(Hpol, mpHpol.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(Cpol, mpCpol.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(fparm_pol, mpfparm), msg)
def test_read_geneal(self): """read a general matrix""" fn = mktemp() f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(_general_example) f.close() assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (5, 5, 8, 'coordinate', 'real', 'general')) a = [[1, 0, 0, 6, 0], [0, 10.5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, .015, 0, 0], [0, 250.5, 0, -280, 33.32], [0, 0, 0, 0, 12]] b = mmread(fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_read_symmetric(self): """read a symmetric matrix""" fn = mktemp() f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(_symmetric_example) f.close() assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (5, 5, 7, 'coordinate', 'real', 'symmetric')) a = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 10.5, 0, 250.5, 0], [0, 0, .015, 0, 0], [0, 250.5, 0, -280, 8], [0, 0, 0, 8, 12]] b = mmread(fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_read_symmetric_pattern(self): fn = mktemp() f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(_symmetric_pattern_example) f.close() assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (5, 5, 7, 'coordinate', 'pattern', 'symmetric')) a = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]] b = mmread(fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_empty_write_read(self): # (Trac #883) b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((10, 10)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), (10, 10, 0, 'coordinate', 'real', 'symmetric')) a = b.todense() b = mmread(self.fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_integrate_solution(self): """ Test integration of AC OPF solution. """ self.solver.solve() bus = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Bus_AC.mtx")) gen = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Gen_AC.mtx")) branch = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "Branch_AC.mtx")) # FIXME: Improve accuracy. pl = 4 # bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin lam_P lam_Q mu_Vmax mu_Vmin for i, bs in enumerate( self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.v_magnitude, bus[i, 7], pl) # Vm self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.v_angle, bus[i, 8], pl) # Va self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.p_lmbda, bus[i, 13], pl) # lam_P self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.q_lmbda, bus[i, 14], pl) # lam_Q # FIXME: Improve accuracy self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.mu_vmax, bus[i, 15], pl) # mu_Vmax self.assertAlmostEqual(bs.mu_vmin, bus[i, 16], pl) # mu_Vmin
def testV0(self): """ Test the initial voltage vector. """ solver = _ACPF( b, _, g, _, _, _, _ = solver._unpack_case( V0 = solver._initial_voltage(b, g) mpV0 = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "V0.mtx")).flatten() self.assertTrue(mfeq1(V0, mpV0), self.case_name)
def test_read_hermitian(self): fn = self.fn f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(_hermitian_example) f.close() assert_equal(mminfo(fn), (5, 5, 7, 'coordinate', 'complex', 'hermitian')) a = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 10.5, 0, 250.5 - 22.22j, 0], [0, 0, .015, 0, 0], [0, 250.5 + 22.22j, 0, -280, -33.32j], [0, 0, 0, 33.32j, 12]] b = mmread(fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_solution(self): """ Test AC OPF solution. """ msg = self.case_name solution = self.solver.solve() lmbda = solution["lmbda"] f = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "f_AC.mtx")) x = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "x_AC.mtx")) diff = 1e-4 # FIXME: Improve accuracy. self.assertAlmostEqual(solution["f"], f[0], places=3) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(solution["x"], x.flatten(), diff)) if len(lmbda["mu_l"]) > 0: mu_l = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "mu_l_AC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["mu_l"], mu_l.flatten(), diff), msg) if len(lmbda["mu_u"]) > 0: mu_u = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "mu_u_AC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["mu_u"], mu_u.flatten(), diff), msg) if len(lmbda["lower"]) > 0: muLB = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "muLB_AC.mtx")) # FIXME: Improve accuracy. self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["lower"], muLB.flatten(), diff), msg) if len(lmbda["upper"]) > 0: muUB = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "muUB_AC.mtx")) # FIXME: Improve accuracy. self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["upper"], muUB.flatten(), diff), msg)
def test_real_write_read(self): I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]) J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]) V = array([1.0, 6.0, 10.5, 0.015, 250.5, -280.0, 33.32, 12.0]) b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), (5, 5, 8, 'coordinate', 'real', 'general')) a = b.todense() b = mmread(self.fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_complex_write_read(self): I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]) J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]) V = array([1.0 + 3j, 6.0 + 2j, 10.50 + 0.9j, 0.015 + -4.4j, 250.5 + 0j, -280.0 + 5j, 33.32 + 6.4j, 12.00 + 0.8j]) b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) assert_equal(mminfo(self.fn), (5, 5, 8, 'coordinate', 'complex', 'general')) a = b.todense() b = mmread(self.fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)
def test_coefficient_transformation(self): """ Test transformation of quadratic coefficients for w into coefficients for X. """ msg = self.case_name base_mva = b, l, g, _ = self.solver._unpack_model( ipol, ipwl, _, _, nw, ny, nxyz = self.solver._dimension_data(b, l, g) Npwl, Hpwl, Cpwl, fparm_pwl, any_pwl = \ self.solver._pwl_costs(ny, nxyz, ipwl) Npol, Hpol, Cpol, fparm_pol, polycf, npol = \ self.solver._quadratic_costs(g, ipol, nxyz, base_mva) NN, HHw, CCw, ffparm = \ self.solver._combine_costs(Npwl, Hpwl, Cpwl, fparm_pwl, any_pwl, Npol, Hpol, Cpol, fparm_pol, npol, nw) HH, CC, _ = \ self.solver._transform_coefficients(NN, HHw, CCw, ffparm, polycf, any_pwl, npol, nw) mpHH = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "HH.mtx")) mpCC = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "CC.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(HH, mpHH.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(CC, mpCC.flatten()), msg)
def test_combine_costs(self): """ Test combination of pwl and poly costs. """ msg = self.case_name base_mva = b, l, g, _ = self.solver._unpack_model( ipol, ipwl, _, _, nw, ny, nxyz = self.solver._dimension_data(b, l, g) Npwl, Hpwl, Cpwl, fparm_pwl, any_pwl = self.solver._pwl_costs(ny, nxyz, ipwl) Npol, Hpol, Cpol, fparm_pol, _, npol = \ self.solver._quadratic_costs(g, ipol, nxyz, base_mva) NN, HHw, CCw, ffparm = \ self.solver._combine_costs(Npwl, Hpwl, Cpwl, fparm_pwl, any_pwl, Npol, Hpol, Cpol, fparm_pol, npol, nw) mpNN = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "NN.mtx")) mpHHw = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "HHw.mtx")) mpCCw = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "CCw.mtx")) mpffparm = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "ffparm.mtx")) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(NN, mpNN.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(HHw, mpHHw.tocsr()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(CCw, mpCCw.flatten()), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq2(ffparm, mpffparm), msg)
def _mmio_example(m=100, n=100, k=10): print '\nTesting mmio read and write ...\n' import as mmio W_org = random.rand(m, k) H_org = random.rand(n, k) X = X[random.rand(n, k) < 0.5] = 0 X_sparse = sps.csr_matrix(X) filename = '_temp_mmio.mtx' mmio.mmwrite(filename, X_sparse) A = mmio.mmread(filename) alg = NMF_ANLS_BLOCKPIVOT() rslt =, k, max_iter=50)
def createInput(input_file, a_file, x_file, q, N) : #print 'reading the matrix' a = mmread(input_file) #print 'done' afile = open(a_file, 'w+') xfile = open(x_file, 'w+') elements = zip(a.row, a.col, n = len(elements) p = max(a.row) #generate the vector x x = [] #n = int(sys.argv[2]) #elemRange = int(sys.argv[3]) for i in range(0, q) : x.append(random.uniform(-1, 1)) print >>afile, n, p, q, N #a for i,j,v in elements : print >> afile, v, print >> afile, '' #s s = random.sample(range(n), p) s.sort() print >>afile, 0, for i in range(1, p-1) : print >> afile, s[i], print >> afile, n #x for xx in x: print >>xfile, xx, print >> xfile, '' #k #k = random.sample(range(q), n) #k.sort() for i in range(0, n) : print >> afile, int(random.uniform(0, q)), print >> afile, ''
def createTrainingData(): finalAttributeList = [] inputDir = "./sparseMatrixdataSet/" for fileName in tqdm(os.listdir(inputDir)): fileNameWithPath = inputDir + fileName matData = mmread(fileNameWithPath) if ((sp.isspmatrix_coo(matData) == True) or ((sp.isspmatrix_coo(matData) == False) and (matData.shape[1] != 1))): attributeList = calAttributes(matData) finalAttributeList.append(attributeList) else: print(fileName + " is not a sparse matrix.\n") finalArr = numpy.asarray(finalAttributeList) numpy.savetxt("spmvData.csv", finalArr, fmt='%f', delimiter=",") print("Training data is stored in spmvData.csv\n")
def multiply(fname): mat = mmread(fname) rows, cols, nnzs = mminfo(fname)[0:3] vec = np.ones((rows, 1), matcoo = mat.tocoo() start1 = timeit.default_timer() stop1 = timeit.default_timer() t1 = (stop1 - start1) * math.pow(10, 6) matcsr = mat.tocsr() start2 = timeit.default_timer() stop2 = timeit.default_timer() t2 = (stop2 - start2) * math.pow(10, 6) matcsc = mat.tocsc() start3 = timeit.default_timer() stop3 = timeit.default_timer() t3 = (stop3 - start3) * math.pow(10, 6) matlil = mat.tolil() start4 = timeit.default_timer() stop4 = timeit.default_timer() t4 = (stop4 - start4) * math.pow(10, 6) matdia = mat.todia() start5 = timeit.default_timer() stop5 = timeit.default_timer() t5 = (stop5 - start5) * math.pow(10, 6) matdok = mat.todok() start6 = timeit.default_timer() stop6 = timeit.default_timer() t6 = (stop6 - start6) * math.pow(10, 6) return rows, cols, nnzs, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6
def test_sparse_formats(self): mats = [] I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]) J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]) V = array([1.0, 6.0, 10.5, 0.015, 250.5, -280.0, 33.32, 12.0]) mats.append(scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5))) V = array([1.0 + 3j, 6.0 + 2j, 10.50 + 0.9j, 0.015 + -4.4j, 250.5 + 0j, -280.0 + 5j, 33.32 + 6.4j, 12.00 + 0.8j]) mats.append(scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5))) for mat in mats: expected = mat.todense() for fmt in ['csr', 'csc', 'coo']: fn = mktemp(dir=self.tmpdir) # safe, we own tmpdir mmwrite(fn, mat.asformat(fmt)) result = mmread(fn).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected)
def get_data_from_10x(input_dir): matrix_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "matrix.mtx") barcodes_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "barcodes.tsv") peaks_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "peaks.bed") # use sparse matrix to save memory data = mmread(matrix_file).astype(dtype=np.int8) data = sp_sparse.csr_matrix(data) barcodes = list() peaks = list() with open(barcodes_file) as f: for line in f: ll = line.strip().split("\t") barcodes.append(ll[0]) with open(peaks_file) as f: for line in f: ll = line.strip().split("\t") peaks.append(ll[0] + ":" + ll[1] + "-" + ll[2]) return data, barcodes, peaks
def test_gzip_py3(self): # test if fix for #2152 works try: # gzip module can be missing from Python installation import gzip except: return I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]) J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]) V = array([1.0, 6.0, 10.5, 0.015, 250.5, -280.0, 33.32, 12.0]) b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) fn_gzip = "%s.gz" % self.fn with open(self.fn, 'rb') as f_in: f_out =, 'wb') f_out.write( f_out.close() a = mmread(fn_gzip).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b.todense())
def test_bzip2_py3(self): # test if fix for #2152 works try: # bz2 module isn't always built when building Python. import bz2 except: return I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]) J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]) V = array([1.0, 6.0, 10.5, 0.015, 250.5, -280.0, 33.32, 12.0]) b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(5, 5)) mmwrite(self.fn, b) fn_bzip2 = "%s.bz2" % self.fn with open(self.fn, 'rb') as f_in: f_out = bz2.BZ2File(fn_bzip2, 'wb') f_out.write( f_out.close() a = mmread(fn_bzip2).todense() assert_array_almost_equal(a, b.todense())
def read_matrix(self, filename): """ reads grapchi format in the numpy array. The order is wrong in grapchi, therefore, we play tricks. About the second (order of rows vs. columns), we have a problem that in distributed graphlab we output the matrix by rows, since each node is a row, and nodes are on different machines. So to be compatible I left GraphChi code to confirm to GraphLab. In case it helps, here is a matlab mmread.m function which switches the order to be sorted by rows I am not sure if it is easy to fix it in python or not. [...] You are definitely right the the standard describes column order and not row order. """ logger.debug("Loading matrix market matrix ") f = open(filename, "rb") r = mmread(f) m = np.array(r.ravel()) m = m.reshape(r.shape, order='F') # print "mmread", r.ravel(), r.shape # print "trans", m.ravel(), m.shape # if m.shape[0] > 1: # print m[1] f.close() return m
def generate_mm_and_plot(matrixname): matrixName=matrixname+ ".mtx" mm = open(matrixname +'.mm', 'w') outputName=matrixname + ".png" #outputName=matrixname + ".pdf" (n,n,nz,void,fld,symm) = mminfo(matrixName) A = mmread(matrixName).tocsr().tocoo() # creating a file in coo format #print n, n, A.size mm.write( str(n) + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(A.size) + '\n') for i in range(A.size): mm.write( str(A.row[i])+ ' ' + str(A.col[i])+ ' ' + str([i])+ '\n') #print A.row[i]+1, A.col[i]+1 ,[i] # end for #print repr(A) #print A.col #print A.size # end of creating a file in coo format #pylab.title("Matrix :" + matrixname, fontsize=22) pylab.title("Matrix: " + matrixname + ", n:" + str(n) + ", nz:" + str(A.size) + '\n' ,fontsize=10 ) pylab.spy(A,marker='.',markersize=1) pylab.savefig(outputName,format=None)
def test_solution(self): """ Test DC OPF solution. """ msg = self.case_name solution = self.solver.solve() lmbda = solution["lmbda"] mpf = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "f_DC.mtx")) mpx = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "x_DC.mtx")) mpmu_l = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "mu_l_DC.mtx")) mpmu_u = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "mu_u_DC.mtx")) mpmuLB = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "muLB_DC.mtx")) mpmuUB = mmread(join(DATA_DIR, self.case_name, "opf", "muUB_DC.mtx")) diff = 1e-09 self.assertAlmostEqual(solution["f"], mpf[0], places=6) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(solution["x"], mpx.flatten(), diff), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["mu_l"], mpmu_l.flatten(), diff), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["mu_u"], mpmu_u.flatten(), diff), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["lower"], mpmuLB.flatten(), diff), msg) self.assertTrue(mfeq1(lmbda["upper"], mpmuUB.flatten(), diff), msg)
def plot(self, matrix, RHSvector, log='auto'): import tempfile import os if "print" in os.environ['FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX'].lower().split(): print("-" * 75) print(self.title) print("-" * 75) print("L:") print(matrix) print("b:", RHSvector) (f, mtxName) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.mtx') matrix.exportMmf(mtxName) mtx = mmio.mmread(mtxName) os.remove(mtxName) pyplot.ion() c = mtx.tocoo() y = c.row x = c.col z = N = matrix._shape[0] b = RHSvector if numerix.shape(b) == (): b = numerix.zeros((N, ), 'l') if len(z) == 0: y = numerix.zeros((1, ), 'l') x = numerix.zeros((1, ), 'l') z = numerix.zeros((1, ), 'l') def signed_to_logs(v): return (numerix.where(v > 0, numerix.log10(v), numerix.nan), numerix.where(v < 0, numerix.log10(-v), numerix.nan)) def logs_to_signed(v, plus, minus): v = numerix.where(v > 0, plus, -minus) v = numerix.where(numerix.isnan(v), 0., v) return v zPlus, zMinus = signed_to_logs(z) bPlus, bMinus = signed_to_logs(b) logs = (zPlus, zMinus, bPlus, bMinus) log = ((log == True) or (log == 'auto' and (numerix.nanmax(numerix.concatenate(logs)) - numerix.nanmin(numerix.concatenate(logs)) > 2))) if log: zMin = numerix.nanmin(numerix.concatenate(logs)) zMax = numerix.nanmax(numerix.concatenate(logs)) zMin -= 0.5 numdec = numerix.floor(zMax) - numerix.ceil(zMin) if numdec < 0: zMax += 0.5 for v in logs: v -= zMin zRange = zMax - zMin if zRange == 0: zRange = numerix.nanmax(zPlus) + 1 z = logs_to_signed(z, zPlus, zMinus) b = logs_to_signed(b, bPlus, bMinus) fmt = SignedLogFormatter(threshold=zMin) loc = SignedLogLocator(threshold=zMin) else: zRange = max(abs(numerix.concatenate((z, b)))) if zRange == 0: zRange = 1 fmt = None loc = None pyplot.ioff() fig = pyplot.figure( fig.clf() usetex = rcParams['text.usetex'] rcParams['text.usetex'] = False cmap = cm.RdBu norm = Normalize(vmin=-zRange, vmax=zRange) x0 = self.margin L_ax = fig.add_axes([ x0 / self.aspect, self.margin, self.L_width / self.aspect, self.L_width ]) L_ax.text(0.5, -0.1, "L", transform=L_ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline') x0 += self.L_width + self.buffer c_ax = fig.add_axes([ x0 / self.aspect, self.margin, self.c_width / self.aspect, self.L_width ]) x0 += self.c_width + self.buffer b_ax = fig.add_axes([ x0 / self.aspect, self.margin, self.b_width / self.aspect, self.L_width ], sharey=L_ax) b_ax.text(0.5, -0.1, "b", transform=b_ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline') def scatterRectangles(x, y, z, norm=None, cmap=None): patches = [ Rectangle(numerix.array([X - 0.5, Y - 0.5]), 1., 1., edgecolor='none') for X, Y in zip(x, y) ] collection = PatchCollection(patches, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none') collection.set_array(z) return collection L_ax.add_collection( scatterRectangles(x=x, y=y, z=z, norm=norm, cmap=cmap)) b_ax.add_collection( scatterRectangles(x=numerix.zeros((N, ), 'l'), y=numerix.arange(N), z=b, norm=norm, cmap=cmap)) ColorbarBase(ax=c_ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical', format=fmt, ticks=loc) pyplot.setp((b_ax.get_xticklabels(), b_ax.get_yticklabels(), b_ax.get_xticklines(), b_ax.get_yticklines()), visible=False) L_ax.set_xlim(xmin=-0.5, xmax=N - 0.5) L_ax.set_ylim(ymax=-0.5, ymin=N - 0.5) b_ax.set_xlim(xmin=-0.5, xmax=0.5) b_ax.set_ylim(ymax=-0.5, ymin=N - 0.5) fig.suptitle(self.title, x=0.5, y=0.95, fontsize=14) pyplot.draw() rcParams['text.usetex'] = usetex
dest='gamma', type='float', default=0.0001, help='gradient ascent learning rate gamma (default: %default)') parser.add_option('--max_iters', dest='max_iters', type='int', default=25, help='max iterations (default: %default)') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if not opts.train or not opts.D or not opts.lbda or not opts.gamma: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit data = mmread(opts.train).tocsr( ) # this converts a 1-indexed file to a 0-indexed sparse array if opts.test: testdata = mmread(opts.test).tocsr() U = 0.01 * np.random.random_sample((data.shape[0], opts.D)) V = 0.01 * np.random.random_sample((data.shape[1], opts.D)) num_train_sample_users = min(data.shape[0], 1000) train_sample_users = random.sample(xrange(data.shape[0]), num_train_sample_users) print 'train mrr = {0:.4f}'.format( compute_mrr(data, U, V, train_sample_users)) if opts.test: num_test_sample_users = min(testdata.shape[0], 1000) test_sample_users = random.sample(xrange(testdata.shape[0]), num_test_sample_users)
import timeit import inspect import numpy as np import scipy from scipy import sparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import mmio import os print(os.getcwd()) # #os.chdir('/home/shilu') #print(os.getcwd()) #B162 = mmio.mmread("smdsurv162.mtx").tocsc() A40520 = mmio.mmread('smdsurv40520.mtx').tocsc() Atilde = mmio.mmread("modsurv40520.mtx").tocsc() maxIterations = 300 iterSpace = np.linspace(0,maxIterations,num=maxIterations) residualVector = np.array([]) sparseResidual= [] def sparseDirect (A): b=np.ones(A.shape[0]) return scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,b) def sparseError(A): b=np.ones(A.shape[0]) return np.linalg.norm(A*sparseDirect(A)-b)/np.linalg.norm(b)