Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_bathymetry(bathymetry_file, bathymetry_file2, mesh2d):
    nc = NetCDFFile(bathymetry_file)
    lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]
    lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
    values = nc.variables['elevation'][:, :]
    #values = values.filled(9999.)
    interpolator = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lat, lon),

    nc2 = NetCDFFile(bathymetry_file2)
    lat2 = nc2.variables['lat'][:]
    lon2 = nc2.variables['lon'][:]
    values2 = nc2.variables['z'][:, :]
    #values = values.filled(9999.)
    interpolator2 = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lat2, lon2),

    P1_2d = FunctionSpace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1)
    bathymetry2d = Function(P1_2d, name="bathymetry")
    xvector = mesh2d.coordinates.dat.data
    bvector = bathymetry2d.dat.data
    assert xvector.shape[0] == bvector.shape[0]
    for i, xy in enumerate(xvector):
        lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(xy[0], xy[1], utm_zone, utm_band)

        if lat <= lat2.max() and lat >= lat2.min() and lon <= lon2.max(
        ) and lon >= lon2.min():
            bvector[i] = max(-interpolator2((lat, lon)), minimum_depth)
            bvector[i] = max(-interpolator((lat, lon)), minimum_depth)
    return bathymetry2d
def plot_surface():
    ncfile = NetCDFFile("data/dZ_grid.nc", "r")
    year = ncfile.variables['year'][:]
    z0 = ncfile.variables['z0'][:]
    dz = ncfile.variables['z'][:]
    x  = ncfile.variables['x'][:]
    y  = ncfile.variables['y'][:]
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    nt = len(year)
    nx = len(x)
    ny = len(y)

    z = np.zeros((ny, nx, nt), dtype = np.float64)

    for t in range(nt):
        z[:, :, t] = z0.T + dz[t,:,:].T

    zmin = np.nanmin(z)
    zmax = np.nanmax(z)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.axes(xlim = (np.min(x), np.max(x)),
                  ylim = (np.min(y), np.max(y)))

    def animate(i):
        ctf = plt.contourf(X, Y, z[:,:,i],
                            np.linspace(int(zmin)-1, int(zmax)+1, 50),
                            shading = 'faceted')
        return ctf

    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = nt)

    def init(self,agent,env,**kw):

        self.step_count = self.ep_count = 0

        if os.access(self.episode_filename,os.F_OK):

        self.episode_data = ed = NetCDFFile(self.episode_filename,'w')

        for name,(fn,type,size) in self.ep_vars.items():

        if self.step_vars:
            if os.access(self.step_filename,os.F_OK):

            self.step_data = sd = NetCDFFile(self.step_filename,'a')
            for name,(fn,type,size) in self.step_vars.items():

        self.last_ckpt_step = 0
        self.last_ckpt_episode = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pmomload2(datafile):
    #(Npmomarray,pmomarray,wnum_mesh,reff_mesh,w0_mesh,qext_mesh,wnum_list,reff_list) = pmomload(pmomfile)
    from scipy.io.netcdf import NetCDFFile as DS
    nc = DS(datafile, 'r')
    Npmomarray = nc.variables['Npmomarray'][:]
    Npmomarray = Npmomarray.astype('int32')
    pmomarray = nc.variables['pmomarray'][:]
    pmomarray = pmomarray.astype('float64')
    wnum_mesh = nc.variables['wnum_mesh'][:]
    wnum_mesh = wnum_mesh.astype('float64')
    reff_mesh = nc.variables['reff_mesh'][:]
    reff_mesh = reff_mesh.astype('float64')
    w0_mesh = nc.variables['w0_mesh'][:]
    w0_mesh = w0_mesh.astype('float64')
    qext_mesh = nc.variables['qext_mesh'][:]
    qext_mesh = qext_mesh.astype('float64')
    asym_mesh = nc.variables['asym_mesh'][:]
    asym_mesh = asym_mesh.astype('float64')
    wnum_list = nc.variables['wnum_list'][:]
    wnum_list = wnum_list.astype('float64')
    reff_list = nc.variables['reff_list'][:]
    reff_list = reff_list.astype('float64')
    maxdim_list = nc.variables['maxdim_list'][:]
    maxdim_list = maxdim_list.astype('float64')
    volume_list = nc.variables['volume_list'][:]
    volume_list = volume_list.astype('float64')
    parea_list = nc.variables['parea_list'][:]
    parea_list = parea_list.astype('float64')
    return  Npmomarray, pmomarray, \
                wnum_mesh, reff_mesh, w0_mesh, qext_mesh, asym_mesh, \
                wnum_list, reff_list, maxdim_list, volume_list, parea_list
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.filename = filename
     if not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
         raise OSError('{0}: no such file'.format(self.filename))
     self.fh = NetCDFFile(self.filename, 'r')
     self.df = self.read_db()
     self.jobid = self.get_jobid()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, filename):
        The EXOFile class is an interface to the Exodus II api. Its methods
        are named after the analogous method from the Exodus II C bindings,
        minus the prefix 'ex_'.

        self.fh = NetCDFFile(filename, mode='w')
        self.jobid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
        self.filename = filename
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def load_netcdf(self, year, day):
     print "loading %s%.4i/%.4i%.3i.nc" % (self.rpath, year, year, day)
     filein = NetCDFFile(self.rpath + "%.4i/%.4i%.3i.nc" %
                         (year, year, day),
     return filein
Ejemplo n.º 8
def save_2D(filenameout,var,lat,lon,miss_val):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file as NetCDFFile

    n = NetCDFFile(filenameout, 'w',) # open it for writing 
    n.title = 'saved netcdf variable'


    latitude = n.createVariable('lat','f',('lat',))
    latitude.longname = 'latitude'
    latitude.units = 'degrees_north'
    latitude[:] = lat.astype(np.float32)

    longitude = n.createVariable('lon','f',('lon',))
    longitude.longname = 'longitude'
    longitude.units = 'degrees_east'
    longitude[:] = lon[:].astype(np.float32)

    varnc = n.createVariable('varnc','f',('lat','lon',))
    varnc.missing_value = np.array(miss_val,np.float32)
    varnc.FillValue = np.array(miss_val,np.float32)


Ejemplo n.º 9
def getJulDatefromNc(ncfile):
    #from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile

    from astropy.time import Time
    from datetime import datetime
    nc = NetCDFFile(ncfile)

    retval = -1
        utdate = getattr(nc, 'date')
        uttime = getattr(nc, 'start_time')
        utdate = utdate.replace("\"", "")
        utString = "%s %s" % (utdate, uttime)
        t = Time(datetime.strptime(utString, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"),
        retval = t.jd
    except Exception:
        utdate = nc.variables['Header.TimePlace.UTDate'].getValue()
        t = Time(float(utdate), scale="utc", format="decimalyear")
        retval = t.jd
    #except Exception:

    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 10
def read_nc(fid):
    Read a NetCDF file (.nc) and return the underlying data. It is assumed these
    nc files are from srtm30p and that the internal variables are: x, y, z
    given in lon, lat, meters (positive z up)

    The file is given as a grid so we also want to convert it into a single
    3-column array so it's easier to work with

    :type fid: str
    :param fid: .nc file to read
    :rtype: np.array
    :return: Nx3 array with columns representing x, y, z
    with NetCDFFile(fid) as data:
            x = data.variables["x"][:]
            y = data.variables["y"][:]
            z = data.variables["z"][:]

            # convert x, y, and z to MxN arrays
            x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

            # convert x, y, z to Nx1 arrays
            x = x.flatten()
            y = y.flatten()
            z = z.flatten()

            # convert x, y, z to a single Nx3 array
            return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
        except KeyError:
            print("Unexpected internal structure of .nc file")
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self,filename):
     except IOError:
         raise NameError("Failed reading map {}".format(self.filename))
    def ckpt_restore_state(self,filename):
        from plastk import pkl
        ckpt = pkl.load(filename)

        self.verbose("Restoring checkpoint state")
        for a in self.ckpt_attribs:
            self.verbose(a,' = ', ckpt[a])

        self.env.sim = self.agent.sim = self
        self.episode_data = NetCDFFile(self.episode_filename,'a')
        if self.step_vars:
            self.step_data = NetCDFFile(self.step_filename,'a')
        return ckpt
Ejemplo n.º 13
def getObsNum(ncfile):

    nc = NetCDFFile(ncfile)
        onum = nc.variables['Header.Dcs.ObsNum'].getValue()
        raise Exception(
            "This does not seems to be a LMT file. Use ASTE functions instead")

    return onum
Ejemplo n.º 14
def save_3D_stack(filenameout, var, varname, lat, lon, miss_val, time_it):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file as NetCDFFile
    save a 3D (time,lat,lon) numpy array into netcdf
    filenameout: string 
    var: np.array
    varname: string
    lat: np.array 
    lon: np.array
    miss_val: real
    time_it: np.array (dtype=int)

    n = NetCDFFile(
    )  # open it for writing
    n.title = 'saved netcdf variable'

    n.createDimension('time', None)
    n.createDimension('lat', len(lat))
    n.createDimension('lon', len(lon))

    latitude = n.createVariable('lat', 'f', ('lat', ))
    latitude.longname = 'latitude'
    latitude.units = 'degrees_north'
    latitude[:] = lat[:].astype(np.float32)

    longitude = n.createVariable('lon', 'f', ('lon', ))
    longitude.longname = 'longitude'
    longitude.units = 'degrees_east'
    longitude[:] = lon[:].astype(np.float32)

    time = n.createVariable('time', 'i', ('time', ))
    time.units = 'days since 1979-1-1 00:00:0.0'
    time.delta_t = '0000-00-01 00:00:00'

    varnc = n.createVariable(varname, 'f', (
    varnc.missing_value = np.array(miss_val, np.float32)
    varnc._FillValue = np.array(miss_val, np.float32)

    for l in range(0, var.shape[0]):
        time[l] = time_it
        varnc[l, :, :] = var[l, :, :].astype(np.float32)

Ejemplo n.º 15
def isvalidObs(ncfile):

    nc = NetCDFFile(ncfile)
        valid = nc.variables['Header.ScanFile.Valid'].getValue()
        if valid > 0:
            return True
    except KeyError:
        print "Valid flag not found in nc file %s" % ncfile

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, filename):
        The EXOFile class is an interface to the Exodus II api. Its methods
        are named after the analogous method from the Exodus II C bindings,
        minus the prefix 'ex_'.

        self.fh = NetCDFFile(filename, mode='w')
        self.jobid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
        self.filename = filename
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getOffsetFromMap(ncfile):

    nc = NetCDFFile(ncfile)
        signalv = nc.variables['signal']
        azOffset = signalv.offset_x
        elOffset = signalv.offset_y
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception(
            "This does not seems to be a LMT file. Use ASTE functions instead")

    return azOffset, elOffset
Ejemplo n.º 18
def pmomload(datafile):
    #(Npmomarray,pmomarray,wnum_mesh,reff_mesh,w0_mesh,qext_mesh,wnum_list,reff_list) = pmomload(pmomfile)
    from scipy.io.netcdf import NetCDFFile as DS
    nc = DS(datafile, 'r')
    Npmomarray = nc.variables['Npmomarray'][:]
    Npmomarray = Npmomarray.astype('int32')
    pmomarray = nc.variables['pmomarray'][:]
    pmomarray = pmomarray.astype('float64')
    wnum_mesh = nc.variables['wnum_mesh'][:]
    wnum_mesh = wnum_mesh.astype('float64')
    reff_mesh = nc.variables['reff_mesh'][:]
    reff_mesh = reff_mesh.astype('float64')
    w0_mesh = nc.variables['w0_mesh'][:]
    w0_mesh = w0_mesh.astype('float64')
    qext_mesh = nc.variables['qext_mesh'][:]
    qext_mesh = qext_mesh.astype('float64')
    reff_list = nc.variables['reff_list'][:]
    reff_list = reff_list.astype('float64')
    wnum_list = nc.variables['wnum_list'][:]
    wnum_list = wnum_list.astype('float64')
    return Npmomarray, pmomarray, wnum_mesh, reff_mesh, w0_mesh, qext_mesh, wnum_list, reff_list
    def load_ncep_data(self, air_temp_file=None, spec_hum_file=None, trop_pres_file=None, geo_height_file=None, surface_pres_file=None):
        """Loads NCEP Reanalysis data into NetCdf objects. Returns a named tuple with objects."""
        filenames = (air_temp_file, spec_hum_file, trop_pres_file, geo_height_file, surface_pres_file)
        dflt_search_globs = ("air.*.nc", "shum.*.nc", "pres.tropp.*.nc", "hgt.*.nc", "pres.sfc.*.nc")

        data_list = []
        for data_filename, srch_glob, file_type_name in zip(filenames, dflt_search_globs, NCEPData._fields):
            if not data_filename:
                srch_res = glob(srch_glob)
                if len(srch_res) != 1:
                    raise Exception("For file type: %s expected to find 1 NCEP file, instead found: %s, using glob: %s" % (file_type_name, srch_res, srch_glob))
                data_filename = srch_res[0]
            logger.debug("Loading NCEP file for %s: %s" % (file_type_name, data_filename))
            # Add filename for use elsewhere
            ncep_obj = NetCDFFile(data_filename, "r")
            ncep_obj.__dict__["filename"] = data_filename

        return NCEPData(*data_list)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def read(filename):
    import numpy as np
    from numpy import ma
    # from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile
    from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file as NetCDFFile
    read a netcdf file and return a dictionnary with 
    key: name of the variables: value (array)
    array is masked is missing_values defined 
    in the netcdf 

    nc = NetCDFFile(filename, 'r')  # open it for writing

    #     number of dimensions
    #     ndim = nc.dimensions.__len__()
    #     dim_dict = nc.dimensions

    var_dict = {}

    for i in nc.variables.iterkeys():
        exec("cdf_var = nc.variables['" + i + "']")
        #exec(i + " = nc.variables['" + i + "'].getValue()")
        exec(i + " = nc.variables['" + i + "'][...]")
        exec(i + " = np.squeeze(" + i + ")")
        if '_FillValue' in dir(cdf_var):
            miss_val = np.float(cdf_var._FillValue)
            exec(i + " = ma.masked_values(" + i + ",miss_val)")
        if 'FillValue' in dir(cdf_var):
            miss_val = np.float(cdf_var.FillValue)
            exec(i + " = ma.masked_values(" + i + ",miss_val)")
        if '_missing_value' in dir(cdf_var):
            miss_val = np.float(cdf_var._missing_value)
            exec(i + " = ma.masked_values(" + i + ",miss_val)")
        if 'missing_value' in dir(cdf_var):
            miss_val = np.float(cdf_var.missing_value)
            exec(i + " = ma.masked_values(" + i + ",miss_val)")
        exec("var_dict['" + i + "'] = " + i + ".astype(np.float32)")
    return var_dict
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, ncFileName, source=None):
        if os.path.exists(ncFileName):
            self.filename = ncFileName
            self.filtered = False
            if not source is None:
                self.source = source
                ncFile = NetCDFFile(ncFileName)
            except RuntimeError:
                savFile = readsav(ncFileName)
                #except Exception:
                #raise  Exception ("AzTEC Map Error. Unknown format")

            raise Exception("AztecMap Error. No such file or directory")
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def writeToNc(self, ncFileName):
     ncFile = NetCDFFile(ncFileName, 'w')
     ncFile.createDimension("nrows", self.RaCoords.shape[0])
     ncFile.createDimension("ncols", self.DecCoords.shape[0])
     dims = ("nrows", "ncols")
     drow = ("nrows", )
     dcol = ("ncols", )
     ncFile.createVariable("signal", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("weight", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("kernel", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("rowCoordsPhys", "d", drow)
     ncFile.createVariable("colCoordsPhys", "d", dcol)
     ncFile.createVariable("xCoordsAbs", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("yCoordsAbs", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("filteredSignal", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("filteredWeight", "d", dims)
     ncFile.createVariable("filteredKernel", "d", dims)
     setattr(ncFile, "source", "%s" % self.source)
     setattr(ncFile, "MasterGrid[0]", self.SourceRa / 180.0 * (npy.pi))
     setattr(ncFile, "MasterGrid[1]", self.SourceDec / 180.0 * (npy.pi))
     ncFile.variables['signal'][:] = self.signal.value
     ncFile.variables['weight'][:] = self.weight.value
     ncFile.variables['rowCoordsPhys'][:] = self.RaCoords / 180.0 * (npy.pi)
     ncFile.variables['colCoordsPhys'][:] = self.DecCoords / 180.0 * (
     ncFile.variables['kernel'][:] = self.kernel
     ncFile.variables['xCoordsAbs'][:] = self.AbsRaCoords.to("rad").value
     ncFile.variables['yCoordsAbs'][:] = self.AbsDecCoords.to("rad").value
     if self.filtered:
         ncFile.variables['filteredSignal'][:] = self.fSignal.value
         ncFile.variables['filteredWeight'][:] = self.fWeight.value
         ncFile.variables['filteredKernel'][:] = self.fKernel
         ncFile.variables['filteredSignal'][:] = self.signal.value
         ncFile.variables['filteredWeight'][:] = self.weight.value
         ncFile.variables['filteredKernel'][:] = self.kernel
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def data(self):
        f = NetCDFFile(open(self.filename, 'rb'))
        t = f.variables['scan_acquisition_time'].data / 60.

        # this is half the speed of the following code
        # ions = list(set(f.variables['mass_values'].data))
        # cols = np.array([ions.index(i) for i in \
        #                  f.variables['mass_values'].data])

        # TODO: slow; there has to be a way to vectorize this more?
        ions = np.array(list(set(f.variables['mass_values'].data)))
        rcols = f.variables['mass_values'].data
        cols = np.empty(rcols.shape, dtype=int)
        for i, ion in enumerate(ions):
            cols[rcols == ion] = i

        vals = f.variables['intensity_values'].data
        rowst = np.add.accumulate(f.variables['point_count'].data)
        rowst = np.insert(rowst, 0, 0)

        data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, cols, rowst),
                                       shape=(len(t), len(ions)), dtype=float)
        return Chromatogram(data.todense(), t, ions)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def total_trace(self, twin=None):
     f = NetCDFFile(open(self.filename, 'rb'))
     tme = f.variables['scan_acquisition_time'].data / 60.
     tic = f.variables['total_intensity'].data
     return Trace(tic, tme, name='TIC')
Ejemplo n.º 25
class DatabaseFileWriter(DatabaseFile):
    mode = 'w'
    def __init__(self, filename):
        The EXOFile class is an interface to the Exodus II api. Its methods
        are named after the analogous method from the Exodus II C bindings,
        minus the prefix 'ex_'.

        self.fh = NetCDFFile(filename, mode='w')
        self.jobid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
        self.filename = filename

    def initialize(self, elem_var_names):
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------- standard ExodusII dimensioning --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.floating_point_word_size = 4
        self.fh.version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.file_size = 1
        self.fh.api_version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.title = 'Matmodlab material point simulation'

        self.fh.filename = basename(self.filename)
        self.fh.jobid = self.jobid

        self.fh.createDimension('len_string', 33)
        self.fh.createDimension('len_line', 81)
        self.fh.createDimension('four', 4)

        self.fh.createDimension('num_dim', 3)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_node', 8)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem', 1)

        # node and element number maps
        self.fh.createVariable('nodes', 'i', ('num_node',))
        self.fh.variables['nodes'][:] = range(1, 9)
        self.fh.createVariable('elements', 'i', ('num_elem',))
        self.fh.variables['elements'][:] = [1]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------------- QA records --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        day = now.strftime("%m/%d/%y")
        hour = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        self.fh.createDimension('num_qa_rec', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('qa_records', 'c',
                               ('num_qa_rec', 'four', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 0, :] = adjstr('Matmodlab')
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 1, :] = adjstr(self.jobid)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 2, :] = adjstr(day)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 3, :] = adjstr(hour)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- record arrays --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createDimension('time_step', None)
        self.fh.createVariable('time_whole', 'f', ('time_step',))
        self.fh.createVariable('step_num', 'i', ('time_step',))
        self.fh.createVariable('frame_num', 'i', ('time_step',))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # --------------------------------------- element block meta data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # block IDs - standard map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_blk', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('eb_prop1', 'i', ('num_el_blk',))
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32)+1
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'].name = 'ID'

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_status', 'i', ('num_el_blk',))
        self.fh.variables['eb_status'][:] = np.ones(1, dtype=int)

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_names', 'c', ('num_el_blk', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['eb_names'][0][:] = adjstr('ElementBlock1')

        # element map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_in_blk1', 1)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_per_el1', 8)
        self.fh.createVariable('elem_map1', 'i', ('num_el_in_blk1',))
        self.fh.variables['elem_map1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32)+1

        # set up the element block connectivity
        dim = ('num_el_in_blk1', 'num_nod_per_el1')
        self.fh.createVariable('connect1', 'i', dim)
        self.fh.variables['connect1'][:] = np.arange(8, dtype=np.int32)+1
        self.fh.variables['connect1'].elem_type = 'HEX'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------------------------- Element data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        num_elem_var = len(elem_var_names)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem_var', num_elem_var)
        dim = ('num_elem_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_elem_var', 'c', dim)
        for (i, name) in enumerate(elem_var_names):
            key = adjstr(name)
            self.fh.variables['name_elem_var'][i, :] = key
                                   'f', ('time_step', 'num_el_in_blk1'))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ----------------------------------------------------- Node data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        coordx = np.array([-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5])
        coordy = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        coordz = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        vertices = [coordx, coordy, coordz]
        self.fh.createVariable('coor_names', 'c', ('num_dim', 'len_string'))
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'COORD' + 'XYZ'[i]
            self.fh.variables['coor_names'][i][:] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable(key, 'f', ('num_nodes',))
            self.fh.variables[key][:] = vertices[i]

        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_var', 3)
        dim = ('num_nod_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_nod_var', 'c', dim)
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'DISPL' + 'XYZ'[i]
            self.fh.variables['name_nod_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable('vals_nod_var{0}'.format(i+1), 'f',
                                   ('time_step', 'num_nodes'))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------- Global variables --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createDimension('num_glo_var', 3)
        dim = ('num_glo_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_glo_var', 'c', dim)
        for i in range(3):
            key = ['DTime', 'Step', 'Frame'][i]
            self.fh.variables['name_glo_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
        self.fh.createVariable('vals_glo_var', 'f', ('time_step', 'num_glo_var'))

        self.step_count = 0
        self.initialized = True
Ejemplo n.º 26
def createBstatsFile(ncfile, outFile=None):

    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement

    if outFile is None:
        outFile = ncfile.replace(".nc", ".bstats")

    jdate = getJulDatefromNc(ncfile)
    season = getAztecSeason(jdate)

    if season.find("LMT") > -1:

        nc = NetCDFFile(ncfile)
        elSignal = npy.mean(nc.variables['Data.AztecBackend.TelElAct'][:])
        elSignal = elSignal.flatten()
        meanEl = npy.degrees(npy.median(elSignal))
        namePrefix = "Data.AztecBackend."
        meanEl = None
        namePrefix = ""

    calpath = os.path.join(os.getenv("AZTEC_MACANA_PATH"), "calibration/")
    bololistfile = os.path.join(calpath, "parameters_%s" % season,
    tausave = os.path.join(calpath, "parameters_%s" % season,
                           "fit_parameters_bolodc2tau_%s.sav" % season)
    ressave = os.path.join(
        calpath, "parameters_%s" % season,
        "fit_parameters_bolodc2responsivity_%s.sav" % season)

    bololist = npy.loadtxt(bololistfile,
                               'names': (
                               'formats': ('|S10', 'i4')

    nbolo = len(bololist)
    boloInfo = []
    jbolo = 1
    for ibolo in bololist:
            'boloName': namePrefix + ibolo[0],
            'valid': ibolo[1],
            'id': jbolo
        jbolo += 1

    tauInfo = readsav(tausave)
    resInfo = readsav(ressave)

    for ibolo, i in zip(boloInfo, range(nbolo)):

        if "offset" in tauInfo.keys():
            ibolo['tau_offset'] = tauInfo['offset'][i]
            ibolo['tau_offset_err'] = tauInfo['offset_err'][i]
            ibolo['tau_slope'] = tauInfo['slope'][i]
            ibolo['tau_slope_err'] = tauInfo['slope_err'][i]
            ibolo['tau_quad'] = 0.0
            ibolo['tau_quad_err'] = 0.0
        elif "p0" in tauInfo.keys():
            ibolo['tau_offset'] = tauInfo['p0'][i]
            ibolo['tau_offset_err'] = tauInfo['p0_err'][i]
            ibolo['tau_slope'] = tauInfo['p1'][i]
            ibolo['tau_slope_err'] = tauInfo['p1_err'][i]
            ibolo['tau_quad'] = tauInfo['p2'][i]
            ibolo['tau_quad_err'] = tauInfo['p2_err'][i]
            raise Exception("Cannot get Tau2dc information properly.")
        ibolo['res_offset'] = resInfo['offset'][i]
        ibolo['res_offset_err'] = resInfo['offset_err'][i]
        ibolo['res_slope'] = resInfo['slope'][i]
        ibolo['res_slope_err'] = resInfo['slope_err'][i]

#Now interpolate the gain values
    interpolateParams(jdate, boloInfo, meanEl=meanEl)
    boloInfo2Xml(outFile, boloInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def write_netcdf(filename, df, info=None):
    # FIXME: still a lot of issues here
    if info is None:
        info = {}

    f = NetCDFFile(filename, "w")

    f.createDimension("_2_byte_string", 2)
    f.createDimension("_4_byte_string", 4)
    f.createDimension("_8_byte_string", 8)
    f.createDimension("_16_byte_string", 16)
    f.createDimension("_32_byte_string", 32)
    f.createDimension("_64_byte_string", 64)
    f.createDimension("_128_byte_string", 128)
    f.createDimension("_255_byte_string", 255)
    f.createDimension("error_number", 1)

    f.dataset_completeness = "C1"  # TODO: save peaks too? ('C1+C2')
    f.netcdf_revision = "2.3.2"
    f.languages = "English"

    f.experiment_title = info.get("name", " ")
    f.operator_name = info.get("operator", " ")
    # TODO: wrong format for injection_date_time_stamp
    f.injection_date_time_stamp = info.get("date", " ")
    f.company_method_id = info.get("method", " ")
    f.sample_name = info.get("sample", " ")

    f.createDimension("scan_number", len(df.index))
    v = f.createVariable("scan_acquisition_time", ">d", ("scan_number",))
    v[:] = df.index.astype("d")
    v = f.createVariable("total_intensity", ">d", ("scan_number",))
    v[:] = df.values.sum(axis=1).astype("d")
    v = f.createVariable("point_count", ">i", ("scan_number",))
    v[:] = np.sum(df.values != 0, axis=1).astype("i")

    f.createDimension("point_number", np.sum(df.values != 0))
    stretch_t = np.resize(df.index, df.values.T.shape).T
    v = f.createVariable("mass_values", ">f", ("point_number",))
    v[:] = stretch_t[df.values != 0]
    v = f.createVariable("intensity_values", ">f", ("point_number",))
    v[:] = df.values[df.values != 0]

Ejemplo n.º 28
def pmomsave(datafile, Npmomarray, pmomarray, wnum_mesh, reff_mesh, w0_mesh,
             qext_mesh, wnum_list, reff_list):
    from scipy.io.netcdf import NetCDFFile as DS
    import numpy
    (Nreff, Niors, Nmoms) = pmomarray.shape
    (Nreff_list, dummy) = reff_list.shape
    (Niors_list, dummy) = reff_list.shape
    nc = DS(datafile, 'w')
    nc.createDimension('reff', Nreff)
    nc.createDimension('iors', Niors)
    nc.createDimension('moms', Nmoms)
    nc.createDimension('one', 1)
    data = nc.createVariable('Npmomarray',
                             numpy.dtype('int32').char, ('reff', 'iors'))
    data[:] = Npmomarray
    data = nc.createVariable('pmomarray',
                             ('reff', 'iors', 'moms'))
    data[:] = pmomarray
    data = nc.createVariable('wnum_mesh',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('reff', 'iors'))
    data[:] = wnum_mesh[0:Nreff, 0:Niors]
    data = nc.createVariable('reff_mesh',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('reff', 'iors'))
    data[:] = reff_mesh[0:Nreff, 0:Niors]
    data = nc.createVariable('w0_mesh',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('reff', 'iors'))
    data[:] = w0_mesh[0:Nreff, 0:Niors]
    data = nc.createVariable('qext_mesh',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('reff', 'iors'))
    data[:] = qext_mesh[0:Nreff, 0:Niors]
    data = nc.createVariable('reff_list',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('reff', 'one'))
    data[:] = reff_list[0:Nreff, :]
    data = nc.createVariable('wnum_list',
                             numpy.dtype('float64').char, ('iors', 'one'))
    data[:] = wnum_list[0:Niors, :]
Ejemplo n.º 29
class DatabaseFileWriter(_DatabaseFile):
    mode = 'w'
    def __init__(self, jobid, filename):
        The EXOFile class is an interface to the Exodus II api. Its methods
        are named after the analogous method from the Exodus II C bindings,
        minus the prefix 'ex_'.

        self.jobid = jobid
        self.filename = filename
        self.fh = NetCDFFile(filename, mode='w')

    def initialize(self, glo_var_names, elem_var_names):
        """Initialize the output database

        glo_var_names : list of string
        elem_var_names : list of string

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------- standard ExodusII dimensioning --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.floating_point_word_size = 4
        self.fh.version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.file_size = 1
        self.fh.api_version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.title = 'Matmodlab material point simulation'

        self.fh.filename = os.path.basename(self.filename)
        self.fh.jobid = self.jobid

        self.fh.createDimension('time_step', None)

        self.fh.createDimension('len_string', 33)
        self.fh.createDimension('len_line', 81)
        self.fh.createDimension('four', 4)

        self.fh.createDimension('num_dim', 3)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_nodes', 8)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem', 1)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------------- QA records --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        day = now.strftime("%m/%d/%y")
        hour = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        self.fh.createDimension('num_qa_rec', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('qa_records', 'c',
                               ('num_qa_rec', 'four', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 0, :] = adjstr('Matmodlab')
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 1, :] = adjstr(self.jobid)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 2, :] = adjstr(day)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 3, :] = adjstr(hour)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- record arrays --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createVariable('time_whole', 'f', ('time_step',))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # --------------------------------------- element block meta data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # block IDs - standard map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_blk', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('eb_prop1', 'i', ('num_el_blk',))
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32)+1
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'].name = 'ID'

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_status', 'i', ('num_el_blk',))
        self.fh.variables['eb_status'][:] = np.ones(1, dtype=int)

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_names', 'c', ('num_el_blk', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['eb_names'][0][:] = adjstr('ElementBlock1')

        # element map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_in_blk1', 1)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_per_el1', 8)
        self.fh.createVariable('elem_map1', 'i', ('num_elem',))
        self.fh.variables['elem_map1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32)+1

        # set up the element block connectivity
        dim = ('num_el_in_blk1', 'num_nod_per_el1')
        self.fh.createVariable('connect1', 'i', dim)
        self.fh.variables['connect1'][:] = np.arange(8, dtype=np.int32)+1
        self.fh.variables['connect1'].elem_type = 'HEX'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------------------------- Element data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        num_elem_var = len(elem_var_names)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem_var', num_elem_var)
        dim = ('num_elem_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_elem_var', 'c', dim)
        for (i, name) in enumerate(elem_var_names):
            key = adjstr(name)
            self.fh.variables['name_elem_var'][i, :] = key
                                   'f', ('time_step', 'num_el_in_blk1'))
        self.fh.createVariable('elem_var_tab', 'i', ('num_elem_var',))
        elem_var_tab = np.ones(num_elem_var, dtype=np.int32)
        self.fh.variables['elem_var_tab'][:] = elem_var_tab

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ----------------------------------------------------- Node data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        vertices = [self.coordx, self.coordy, self.coordz]
        self.fh.createVariable('coor_names', 'c', ('num_dim', 'len_string'))
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'coord' + 'xyz'[i]
            self.fh.variables['coor_names'][i][:] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable(key, 'f', ('num_nodes',))
            self.fh.variables[key][:] = vertices[i]

        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_var', 3)
        dim = ('num_nod_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_nod_var', 'c', dim)
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'displ' + 'xyz'[i]
            self.fh.variables['name_nod_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable('vals_nod_var{0}'.format(i+1), 'f',
                                   ('time_step', 'num_nodes'))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------- Global variables --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createDimension('num_glo_var', len(glo_var_names))
        dim = ('num_glo_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_glo_var', 'c', dim)
        for (i, key) in enumerate(glo_var_names):
            self.fh.variables['name_glo_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
        self.fh.createVariable('vals_glo_var', 'f', ('time_step', 'num_glo_var'))

        self.initialized = True

    def update_displ(self, elem_var_vals):
        """Update the node positions based on the deformation gradient"""
        elem_var_names = self.get_elem_var_names()
        names_and_cols = self.groupby_names(elem_var_names, disp=1)
        cols = names_and_cols['F']
        F = np.array(elem_var_vals[cols]).reshape((3,3))
        displ = []
        for i in range(8):
            X = np.array([self.coordx[i], self.coordy[i], self.coordz[i]])
            x = np.dot(F, X)
        displ = np.array(displ).T
        return displ

    def save(self, time, glo_var_vals, elem_var_vals):
        """Save the step information to the database file

        time : float
            Time at end of increment
        glo_var_vals : ndarray
            Global variable values, in same order put in to the database
        elem_var_vals : ndarray
            Element variable values, in same order put in to the database


        # write time value
        count = len(self.fh.variables['time_whole'].data)
        self.fh.variables['time_whole'][count] = time
        self.fh.variables['vals_glo_var'][count] = glo_var_vals

        # get node and element fields
        elem_var_names = self.get_elem_var_names()
        if len(elem_var_names) != len(elem_var_vals):
            l1, l2 = len(elem_var_names), len(elem_var_vals)
            message = 'Expected {0} sdv got {1}'.format(l1, l2)
            raise RuntimeError(message)

        for (i, elem_var_val) in enumerate(elem_var_vals):
            key = 'vals_elem_var{0}eb1'.format(i+1)
            self.fh.variables[key][count] = elem_var_val

        nod_var_vals = self.update_displ(elem_var_vals)
        assert nod_var_vals.shape == (3, 8)
        for (i, nod_var_val) in enumerate(nod_var_vals):
            key = 'vals_nod_var{0}'.format(i+1)
            self.fh.variables[key][count] = nod_var_val


    def close(self):
        """Close the database file"""
Ejemplo n.º 30
import numpy as np

from ase.test import NotAvailable

    from scipy.io.netcdf import NetCDFFile
except ImportError:
    raise NotAvailable('Scipy too old')

# Write array
a1 = np.random.rand(5, 5)
a2 = a1 * 2 - 5
nc = NetCDFFile('test.nc', 'w')
nc.createDimension('dimx', a1.shape[0])
nc.createDimension('dimy', a1.shape[1])
nc.createVariable('matrix1', 'd', ('dimx', 'dimy'))[:] = a1
nc.createVariable('matrix2', 'd', ('dimx', 'dimy'))[:] = a2

# Read array
nc = NetCDFFile('test.nc', 'r')
b1 = nc.variables['matrix1'][:]
b2 = nc.variables['matrix2'][:]

assert np.all(a1 == b1) and np.all(a2 == b2)
Ejemplo n.º 31
class DatabaseFileReader(_DatabaseFile):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        if not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
            raise OSError('{0}: no such file'.format(self.filename))
        self.fh = NetCDFFile(self.filename, 'r')
        self.df = self.read_db()
        self.jobid = self.get_jobid()

    def read_db(self, blk_num=1, elem_num=1):
        """Read the ExodusII database file filename.

        blk_num : int
            The element block number to read
        elem_num : int
            The element number to read

        df : pandas.DataFrame
            A DataFrame with names of variables as columns

        This is a single element reader

        from pandas import DataFrame
        fh = self.fh

        # global/element vars and mapping
        num_glo_var = fh.dimensions.get('num_glo_var', 0)
        if num_glo_var:
            name_glo_var = self.get_glo_var_names()
            gmap = dict(zip(name_glo_var, range(len(name_glo_var))))

        name_elem_var = self.get_elem_var_names()
        emap = dict(zip(name_elem_var, range(len(name_elem_var))))

        # retrieve the data from the database
        head = ['Time']
        if num_glo_var:
            head.extend([key for key in name_glo_var])
        head.extend([key for key in name_elem_var])

        data = []
        times = fh.variables['time_whole'].data.flatten()
        for (i, time) in enumerate(times):
            row = [time]
            if num_glo_var:
                vals_glo_var = fh.variables['vals_glo_var'].data[i]
                for var in name_glo_var:
                    var_num = gmap[var]
            for var in name_elem_var:
                var_num = emap[var]+1
                name = 'vals_elem_var{0}eb1'.format(var_num, blk_num)
                row.append(fh.variables[name].data[i, elem_num-1])

        data = np.asarray(data)
        if len(head) != data.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('inconsistent data')

        return DataFrame(data, columns=head)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def write_netcdf(filename, df, info=None):
    # FIXME: still a lot of issues here
    if info is None:
        info = {}

    f = NetCDFFile(filename, 'w', version=1)

    f.createDimension('_2_byte_string', 2)
    f.createDimension('_4_byte_string', 4)
    f.createDimension('_8_byte_string', 8)
    f.createDimension('_16_byte_string', 16)
    f.createDimension('_32_byte_string', 32)
    f.createDimension('_64_byte_string', 64)
    f.createDimension('_128_byte_string', 128)
    f.createDimension('_255_byte_string', 255)
    f.createDimension('error_number', 1)

    # TODO: check that these do anything
    f.createDimension('instrument_number', 1)
    f.createDimension('range', 2)

    f.dataset_completeness = 'C1'  # TODO: save peaks too? ('C1+C2')
    f.aia_template_revision = '1.0'
    f.ms_template_revision = '1.0.1'
    f.netcdf_revision = '2.3.2'
    f.languages = 'English'

    f.administrative_comments = 'none'
    f.dataset_origin = 'none'
    f.dataset_owner = ' '
    f.dataset_date_time_stamp = ' '

    f.company_method_name = ' '
    f.pre_experiment_program_name = ' '
    f.post_experiment_program_name = ' '
    f.source_file_reference = ' '

    f.experiment_title = info.get('name', ' ')
    f.operator_name = info.get('operator', ' ')
    # TODO: wrong format for injection_date_time_stamp
    # example: 20141027123030-0500
    f.injection_date_time_stamp = info.get('date', ' ')
    f.company_method_id = info.get('method', ' ')
    f.sample_name = info.get('sample', ' ')

    f.sample_id_comments = 'none'
    f.sample_id = 'none'
    f.sample_name = 'none'
    f.sample_type = 'none'
    f.sample_injection_volume = 'none'
    f.sample_amount = 'none'

    f.retention_unit = 'Seconds'

    # TODO: need to merge this back into access method
    if hasattr(df.values, 'todense'):
        scan_locs = (df.values != 0).todense()
        scan_locs = df.values != 0

    f.createVariable('error_log', 'c', ('error_number', '_64_byte_string'))

    f.createDimension('scan_number', len(df.index))
    v = f.createVariable('scan_acquisition_time', '>d', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = 60. * df.index.astype('d')
    v = f.createVariable('total_intensity', '>d', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = df.values.sum(axis=1).astype('d').flatten()
    v = f.createVariable('point_count', '>i', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = np.sum(scan_locs, axis=1).astype('i').flatten()

    f.createDimension('point_number', np.sum(scan_locs))
    stretch_t = np.resize(df.index, df.values.T.shape).T
    v = f.createVariable('mass_values', '>f', ('point_number',))
    v[:] = stretch_t[scan_locs]
    v = f.createVariable('intensity_values', '>f', ('point_number',))
    if hasattr(df.values, 'todense'):
        v[:] = df.values.todense()[scan_locs]
        v[:] = df.values[scan_locs]

    # TODO: check that these do anything
    # f.createVariable('time_values', 'd', ('point_number',))
    v = f.createVariable('resolution', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999
    f.createVariable('actual_scan_number', 'i', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999
    f.createVariable('scan_index', 'i', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = np.cumsum(np.sum(scan_locs, axis=1).astype('i'))
    f.createVariable('mass_range_min', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = np.min(stretch_t[scan_locs]) * np.ones(stretch_t.shape[0])
    v = f.createVariable('mass_range_max', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = np.max(stretch_t[scan_locs]) * np.ones(stretch_t.shape[0])
    v = f.createVariable('a_d_sampling_rate', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999
    v = f.createVariable('a_d_coaddition_factor', 'h', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999
    v = f.createVariable('flag_count', 'i', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = 0
    f.createVariable('inter_scan_time', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[0] = 0
    v[1:] = np.diff(df.index.astype('d'))
    f.createVariable('scan_duration', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = 1
    v = f.createVariable('time_range_min', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999
    v = f.createVariable('time_range_max', 'd', ('scan_number',))
    v[:] = -9999

    inst_tup = ('instrument_number', '_32_byte_string')
    f.createVariable('instrument_serial_no', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_fw_version', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_app_version', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_os_version', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_sw_version', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_comments', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_model', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_name', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_id', 'c', inst_tup)
    f.createVariable('instrument_mfr', 'c', inst_tup)

Ejemplo n.º 33
class DatabaseFileWriter(DatabaseFile):
    mode = 'w'

    def __init__(self, filename):
        The EXOFile class is an interface to the Exodus II api. Its methods
        are named after the analogous method from the Exodus II C bindings,
        minus the prefix 'ex_'.

        self.fh = NetCDFFile(filename, mode='w')
        self.jobid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
        self.filename = filename

    def initialize(self, elem_var_names):
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------- standard ExodusII dimensioning --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.floating_point_word_size = 4
        self.fh.version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.file_size = 1
        self.fh.api_version = 5.0300002
        self.fh.title = 'Matmodlab material point simulation'

        self.fh.filename = basename(self.filename)
        self.fh.jobid = self.jobid

        self.fh.createDimension('len_string', 33)
        self.fh.createDimension('len_line', 81)
        self.fh.createDimension('four', 4)

        self.fh.createDimension('num_dim', 3)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_node', 8)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem', 1)

        # node and element number maps
        self.fh.createVariable('nodes', 'i', ('num_node', ))
        self.fh.variables['nodes'][:] = range(1, 9)
        self.fh.createVariable('elements', 'i', ('num_elem', ))
        self.fh.variables['elements'][:] = [1]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------------- QA records --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        day = now.strftime("%m/%d/%y")
        hour = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        self.fh.createDimension('num_qa_rec', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('qa_records', 'c',
                               ('num_qa_rec', 'four', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 0, :] = adjstr('Matmodlab')
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 1, :] = adjstr(self.jobid)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 2, :] = adjstr(day)
        self.fh.variables['qa_records'][0, 3, :] = adjstr(hour)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- record arrays --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createDimension('time_step', None)
        self.fh.createVariable('time_whole', 'f', ('time_step', ))
        self.fh.createVariable('step_num', 'i', ('time_step', ))
        self.fh.createVariable('frame_num', 'i', ('time_step', ))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # --------------------------------------- element block meta data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # block IDs - standard map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_blk', 1)
        self.fh.createVariable('eb_prop1', 'i', ('num_el_blk', ))
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32) + 1
        self.fh.variables['eb_prop1'].name = 'ID'

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_status', 'i', ('num_el_blk', ))
        self.fh.variables['eb_status'][:] = np.ones(1, dtype=int)

        self.fh.createVariable('eb_names', 'c', ('num_el_blk', 'len_string'))
        self.fh.variables['eb_names'][0][:] = adjstr('ElementBlock1')

        # element map
        self.fh.createDimension('num_el_in_blk1', 1)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_per_el1', 8)
        self.fh.createVariable('elem_map1', 'i', ('num_el_in_blk1', ))
        self.fh.variables['elem_map1'][:] = np.arange(1, dtype=np.int32) + 1

        # set up the element block connectivity
        dim = ('num_el_in_blk1', 'num_nod_per_el1')
        self.fh.createVariable('connect1', 'i', dim)
        self.fh.variables['connect1'][:] = np.arange(8, dtype=np.int32) + 1
        self.fh.variables['connect1'].elem_type = 'HEX'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # -------------------------------------------------- Element data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        num_elem_var = len(elem_var_names)
        self.fh.createDimension('num_elem_var', num_elem_var)
        dim = ('num_elem_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_elem_var', 'c', dim)
        for (i, name) in enumerate(elem_var_names):
            key = adjstr(name)
            self.fh.variables['name_elem_var'][i, :] = key
            self.fh.createVariable('vals_elem_var{0}eb1'.format(i + 1), 'f',
                                   ('time_step', 'num_el_in_blk1'))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ----------------------------------------------------- Node data --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        coordx = np.array([-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5])
        coordy = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        coordz = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        vertices = [coordx, coordy, coordz]
        self.fh.createVariable('coor_names', 'c', ('num_dim', 'len_string'))
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'COORD' + 'XYZ'[i]
            self.fh.variables['coor_names'][i][:] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable(key, 'f', ('num_nodes', ))
            self.fh.variables[key][:] = vertices[i]

        self.fh.createDimension('num_nod_var', 3)
        dim = ('num_nod_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_nod_var', 'c', dim)
        for i in range(3):
            key = 'DISPL' + 'XYZ'[i]
            self.fh.variables['name_nod_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
            self.fh.createVariable('vals_nod_var{0}'.format(i + 1), 'f',
                                   ('time_step', 'num_nodes'))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ---------------------------------------------- Global variables --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        self.fh.createDimension('num_glo_var', 3)
        dim = ('num_glo_var', 'len_string')
        self.fh.createVariable('name_glo_var', 'c', dim)
        for i in range(3):
            key = ['DTime', 'Step', 'Frame'][i]
            self.fh.variables['name_glo_var'][i, :] = adjstr(key)
        self.fh.createVariable('vals_glo_var', 'f',
                               ('time_step', 'num_glo_var'))

        self.step_count = 0
        self.initialized = True
Ejemplo n.º 34
def Tohoku_domain(res=3, split=False):
    Set up a mesh, along with function spaces and functions, for the 2D ocean domain associated with the Tohoku tsunami 
    :param res: mesh resolution value, ranging from 'extra coarse' (1) to extra fine (5).
    :param split: choose whether to consider the velocity space as vector P2 or as a pair of scalar P2 spaces.
    :return: associated mesh, mixed function space forward and adjoint variables and bathymetry field. 

    # Define mesh and function spaces:
    if res == 1:
        mesh = Mesh('resources/meshes/TohokuXFine.msh'
                    )  # 226,967 vertices, ~45 seconds per timestep
            'WARNING: chosen mesh resolution can be extremely computationally intensive'
        if raw_input('Are you happy to proceed? (y/n)') == 'n':
    elif res == 2:
        mesh = Mesh('resources/meshes/TohokuFine.msh'
                    )  # 97,343 vertices, ~1 second per timestep
    elif res == 3:
        mesh = Mesh('resources/meshes/TohokuMedium.msh'
                    )  # 25,976 vertices, ~0.25 seconds per timestep
    elif res == 4:
        mesh = Mesh('resources/meshes/TohokuCoarse.msh'
                    )  # 7,194 vertices, ~0.07 seconds per timestep
    elif res == 5:
        mesh = Mesh('resources/meshes/TohokuXCoarse.msh'
                    )  # 3,126 vertices, ~0.03 seconds per timestep
        raise ValueError(
            'Please try again, choosing an integer in the range 1-5.')
    mesh_coords = mesh.coordinates.dat.data

    if split:
        # Define Taylor-Hood mixed function space:
        W = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2) * FunctionSpace(
            mesh, 'CG', 2) * FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

        # Construct functions to store forward and adjoint variables, along with bathymetry:
        q_ = Function(W)
        lam_ = Function(W)
        u_, v_, eta_ = q_.split()
        lu_, lv_, le_ = lam_.split()
        eta0 = Function(W.sub(2), name='Initial surface')
        b = Function(W.sub(2), name='Bathymetry')

        # Specify zero initial fluid velocity:
        # Define Taylor-Hood mixed function space:
        W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2) * FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

        # Construct functions to store forward and adjoint variables, along with bathymetry:
        q_ = Function(W)
        lam_ = Function(W)
        u_, eta_ = q_.split()
        lu_, le_ = lam_.split()
        eta0 = Function(W.sub(1), name='Initial surface')
        b = Function(W.sub(1), name='Bathymetry')

        # Specify zero initial fluid velocity:
        u_.interpolate(Expression([0, 0]))
        lu_.interpolate(Expression([0, 0]))

    # Read and interpolate initial surface data (courtesy of Saito):
    nc1 = NetCDFFile('resources/Saito_files/init_profile.nc', mmap=False)
    lon1 = nc1.variables['x'][:]
    lat1 = nc1.variables['y'][:]
    x1, y1 = conversion.vectorlonlat2utm(
        lat1, lon1,
        force_zone_number=54)  # Our mesh mainly resides in UTM zone 54
    elev1 = nc1.variables['z'][:, :]
    interpolator_surf = si.RectBivariateSpline(y1, x1, elev1)
    eta0vec = eta0.dat.data
    assert mesh_coords.shape[0] == eta0vec.shape[0]

    # Read and interpolate bathymetry data (courtesy of GEBCO):
    nc2 = NetCDFFile('resources/bathy_data/GEBCO_bathy.nc', mmap=False)
    lon2 = nc2.variables['lon'][:]
    lat2 = nc2.variables['lat'][:-1]
    x2, y2 = conversion.vectorlonlat2utm(lat2, lon2, force_zone_number=54)
    elev2 = nc2.variables['elevation'][:-1, :]
    interpolator_bath = si.RectBivariateSpline(y2, x2, elev2)
    b_vec = b.dat.data
    assert mesh_coords.shape[0] == b_vec.shape[0]

    # Interpolate data onto initial surface and bathymetry profiles:
    for i, p in enumerate(mesh_coords):
        eta0vec[i] = interpolator_surf(p[1], p[0])
        b_vec[i] = -interpolator_surf(p[1], p[0]) - interpolator_bath(
            p[1], p[0])

    # Assign initial surface and post-process the bathymetry to have a minimum depth of 30m:
    b.assign(conditional(lt(30, b), b, 30))

    # Plot initial surface and bathymetry profiles:

    if split:
        return mesh, W, q_, u_, v_, eta_, lam_, lu_, lv_, b
        return mesh, W, q_, u_, eta_, lam_, lu_, le_, b