Ejemplo n.º 1
def bicg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None, callback=None):
    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b,xtype)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n*10

    matvec, rmatvec = A.matvec, A.rmatvec
    psolve, rpsolve = M.matvec, M.rmatvec
    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'bicgrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros(6*n,dtype=x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
        if (ijob == -1):
            if callback is not None:
        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*rmatvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 4):
            work[slice1] = rpsolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 5):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 6):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)
        ijob = 2

    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = iter_

    return postprocess(x), info
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def check(shape, dtype, order, align):
     err_msg = repr((shape, dtype, order, align))
     x = _aligned_zeros(shape, dtype, order, align=align)
     if align is None:
         align = np.dtype(dtype).alignment
     assert_equal(x.__array_interface__['data'][0] % align, 0)
     if hasattr(shape, '__len__'):
         assert_equal(x.shape, shape, err_msg)
         assert_equal(x.shape, (shape, ), err_msg)
     assert_equal(x.dtype, dtype)
     if order == "C":
         assert_(x.flags.c_contiguous, err_msg)
     elif order == "F":
         if x.size > 0:
             # Size-0 arrays get invalid flags on Numpy 1.5
             assert_(x.flags.f_contiguous, err_msg)
     elif order is None:
         assert_(x.flags.c_contiguous, err_msg)
         raise ValueError()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def check(shape, dtype, order, align):
     err_msg = repr((shape, dtype, order, align))
     x = _aligned_zeros(shape, dtype, order, align=align)
     if align is None:
         align = np.dtype(dtype).alignment
     assert_equal(x.__array_interface__['data'][0] % align, 0)
     if hasattr(shape, '__len__'):
         assert_equal(x.shape, shape, err_msg)
         assert_equal(x.shape, (shape,), err_msg)
     assert_equal(x.dtype, dtype)
     if order == "C":
         assert_(x.flags.c_contiguous, err_msg)
     elif order == "F":
         if x.size > 0:
             # Size-0 arrays get invalid flags on Numpy 1.5
             assert_(x.flags.f_contiguous, err_msg)
     elif order is None:
         assert_(x.flags.c_contiguous, err_msg)
         raise ValueError()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bicg(A,
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n * 10

    matvec, rmatvec = A.matvec, A.rmatvec
    psolve, rpsolve = M.matvec, M.rmatvec
    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'bicgrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros(6 * n, dtype=x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        slice1 = slice(ndx1 - 1, ndx1 - 1 + n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2 - 1, ndx2 - 1 + n)
        if (ijob == -1):
            if callback is not None:
        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * matvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * rmatvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 4):
            work[slice1] = rpsolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 5):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 6):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)
        ijob = 2

    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = iter_

    return postprocess(x), info
Ejemplo n.º 5
def qmr(A,
    """Use Quasi-Minimal Residual iteration to solve A x = b

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real-valued N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
        It is required that the linear operator can produce
        ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).

    x : {array, matrix}
        The converged solution.
    info : integer
        Provides convergence information:
            0  : successful exit
            >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    Other Parameters
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    maxiter : integer
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M1 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Left preconditioner for A.
    M2 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Right preconditioner for A. Used together with the left
        preconditioner M1.  The matrix M1*A*M2 should have better
        conditioned than A alone.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    xtype : {'f','d','F','D'}
        This parameter is DEPRECATED -- avoid using it.

        The type of the result.  If None, then it will be determined from
        A.dtype.char and b.  If A does not have a typecode method then it
        will compute A.matvec(x0) to get a typecode.   To save the extra
        computation when A does not have a typecode attribute use xtype=0
        for the same type as b or use xtype='f','d','F',or 'D'.
        This parameter has been superseded by LinearOperator.

    See Also

    A_ = A
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, None, x0, b, xtype)

    if M1 is None and M2 is None:
        if hasattr(A_, 'psolve'):

            def left_psolve(b):
                return A_.psolve(b, 'left')

            def right_psolve(b):
                return A_.psolve(b, 'right')

            def left_rpsolve(b):
                return A_.rpsolve(b, 'left')

            def right_rpsolve(b):
                return A_.rpsolve(b, 'right')

            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape,
            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape,

            def id(b):
                return b

            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)
            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n * 10

    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'qmrrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros(11 * n, x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        slice1 = slice(ndx1 - 1, ndx1 - 1 + n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2 - 1, ndx2 - 1 + n)
        if (ijob == -1):
            if callback is not None:
        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * A.matvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * A.rmatvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice1] = M1.matvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 4):
            work[slice1] = M2.matvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 5):
            work[slice1] = M1.rmatvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 6):
            work[slice1] = M2.rmatvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 7):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * A.matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 8):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)
        ijob = 2

    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = iter_

    return postprocess(x), info
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gmres(A,
    Use Generalized Minimal RESidual iteration to solve A x = b.

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).

    x : {array, matrix}
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:
          * 0  : successful exit
          * >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
          * <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    Other parameters
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution (a vector of zeros by default).
    tol : float
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    restart : int, optional
        Number of iterations between restarts. Larger values increase
        iteration cost, but may be necessary for convergence.
        Default is 20.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations (restart cycles).  Iteration will stop
        after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not been
    xtype : {'f','d','F','D'}
        This parameter is DEPRECATED --- avoid using it.

        The type of the result.  If None, then it will be determined from
        A.dtype.char and b.  If A does not have a typecode method then it
        will compute A.matvec(x0) to get a typecode.   To save the extra
        computation when A does not have a typecode attribute use xtype=0
        for the same type as b or use xtype='f','d','F',or 'D'.
        This parameter has been superseded by LinearOperator.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Inverse of the preconditioner of A.  M should approximate the
        inverse of A and be easy to solve for (see Notes).  Effective
        preconditioning dramatically improves the rate of convergence,
        which implies that fewer iterations are needed to reach a given
        error tolerance.  By default, no preconditioner is used.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(rk), where rk is the current residual vector.
    restrt : int, optional
        DEPRECATED - use `restart` instead.

    See Also

    A preconditioner, P, is chosen such that P is close to A but easy to solve
    for. The preconditioner parameter required by this routine is
    ``M = P^-1``. The inverse should preferably not be calculated
    explicitly.  Rather, use the following template to produce M::

      # Construct a linear operator that computes P^-1 * x.
      import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
      M_x = lambda x: spla.spsolve(P, x)
      M = spla.LinearOperator((n, n), M_x)


    # Change 'restrt' keyword to 'restart'
    if restrt is None:
        restrt = restart
    elif restart is not None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot specify both restart and restrt keywords. "
                         "Preferably use 'restart' only.")

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n * 10

    if restrt is None:
        restrt = 20
    restrt = min(restrt, n)

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec
    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'gmresrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros((6 + restrt) * n, dtype=x.dtype)
    work2 = _aligned_zeros((restrt + 1) * (2 * restrt + 2), dtype=x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    old_ijob = ijob
    first_pass = True
    resid_ready = False
    iter_num = 1
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, restrt, work, work2, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        # if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        #    callback(x)
        slice1 = slice(ndx1 - 1, ndx1 - 1 + n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2 - 1, ndx2 - 1 + n)
        if (ijob == -1):  # gmres success, update last residual
            if resid_ready and callback is not None:
                resid_ready = False

        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
            if not first_pass and old_ijob == 3:
                resid_ready = True

            first_pass = False
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1 * matvec(work[slice1])
            if resid_ready and callback is not None:
                resid_ready = False
                iter_num = iter_num + 1

        elif (ijob == 4):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)

        old_ijob = ijob
        ijob = 2

        if iter_num > maxiter:

    if info >= 0 and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = maxiter

    return postprocess(x), info
Ejemplo n.º 7
def qmr(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M1=None, M2=None, callback=None):
    """Use Quasi-Minimal Residual iteration to solve A x = b

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real-valued N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
        It is required that the linear operator can produce
        ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).

    x : {array, matrix}
        The converged solution.
    info : integer
        Provides convergence information:
            0  : successful exit
            >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    Other Parameters
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    maxiter : integer
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M1 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Left preconditioner for A.
    M2 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Right preconditioner for A. Used together with the left
        preconditioner M1.  The matrix M1*A*M2 should have better
        conditioned than A alone.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    xtype : {'f','d','F','D'}
        This parameter is DEPRECATED -- avoid using it.

        The type of the result.  If None, then it will be determined from
        A.dtype.char and b.  If A does not have a typecode method then it
        will compute A.matvec(x0) to get a typecode.   To save the extra
        computation when A does not have a typecode attribute use xtype=0
        for the same type as b or use xtype='f','d','F',or 'D'.
        This parameter has been superseded by LinearOperator.

    See Also

    A_ = A
    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,None,x0,b,xtype)

    if M1 is None and M2 is None:
        if hasattr(A_,'psolve'):
            def left_psolve(b):
                return A_.psolve(b,'left')

            def right_psolve(b):
                return A_.psolve(b,'right')

            def left_rpsolve(b):
                return A_.rpsolve(b,'left')

            def right_rpsolve(b):
                return A_.rpsolve(b,'right')
            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=left_psolve, rmatvec=left_rpsolve)
            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=right_psolve, rmatvec=right_rpsolve)
            def id(b):
                return b
            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)
            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n*10

    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'qmrrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros(11*n,x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
        if (ijob == -1):
            if callback is not None:
        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.matvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.rmatvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice1] = M1.matvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 4):
            work[slice1] = M2.matvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 5):
            work[slice1] = M1.rmatvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 6):
            work[slice1] = M2.rmatvec(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 7):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 8):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)
        ijob = 2

    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = iter_

    return postprocess(x), info
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restart=None, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None, callback=None, restrt=None):
    Use Generalized Minimal RESidual iteration to solve A x = b.

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).

    x : {array, matrix}
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:
          * 0  : successful exit
          * >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
          * <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    Other parameters
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution (a vector of zeros by default).
    tol : float
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    restart : int, optional
        Number of iterations between restarts. Larger values increase
        iteration cost, but may be necessary for convergence.
        Default is 20.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations (restart cycles).  Iteration will stop
        after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not been
    xtype : {'f','d','F','D'}
        This parameter is DEPRECATED --- avoid using it.

        The type of the result.  If None, then it will be determined from
        A.dtype.char and b.  If A does not have a typecode method then it
        will compute A.matvec(x0) to get a typecode.   To save the extra
        computation when A does not have a typecode attribute use xtype=0
        for the same type as b or use xtype='f','d','F',or 'D'.
        This parameter has been superseded by LinearOperator.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        Inverse of the preconditioner of A.  M should approximate the
        inverse of A and be easy to solve for (see Notes).  Effective
        preconditioning dramatically improves the rate of convergence,
        which implies that fewer iterations are needed to reach a given
        error tolerance.  By default, no preconditioner is used.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(rk), where rk is the current residual vector.
    restrt : int, optional
        DEPRECATED - use `restart` instead.

    See Also

    A preconditioner, P, is chosen such that P is close to A but easy to solve
    for. The preconditioner parameter required by this routine is
    ``M = P^-1``. The inverse should preferably not be calculated
    explicitly.  Rather, use the following template to produce M::

      # Construct a linear operator that computes P^-1 * x.
      import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
      M_x = lambda x: spla.spsolve(P, x)
      M = spla.LinearOperator((n, n), M_x)


    # Change 'restrt' keyword to 'restart'
    if restrt is None:
        restrt = restart
    elif restart is not None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot specify both restart and restrt keywords. "
                         "Preferably use 'restart' only.")

    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b,xtype)

    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n*10

    if restrt is None:
        restrt = 20
    restrt = min(restrt, n)

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec
    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'gmresrevcom')
    stoptest = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'stoptest2')

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
    work = _aligned_zeros((6+restrt)*n,dtype=x.dtype)
    work2 = _aligned_zeros((restrt+1)*(2*restrt+2),dtype=x.dtype)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    old_ijob = ijob
    first_pass = True
    resid_ready = False
    iter_num = 1
    while True:
        olditer = iter_
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, restrt, work, work2, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        # if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
        #    callback(x)
        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
        if (ijob == -1):  # gmres success, update last residual
            if resid_ready and callback is not None:
                resid_ready = False

        elif (ijob == 1):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 2):
            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
            if not first_pass and old_ijob == 3:
                resid_ready = True

            first_pass = False
        elif (ijob == 3):
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
            if resid_ready and callback is not None:
                resid_ready = False
                iter_num = iter_num+1

        elif (ijob == 4):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)

        old_ijob = ijob
        ijob = 2

        if iter_num > maxiter:

    if info >= 0 and resid > tol:
        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
        info = maxiter

    return postprocess(x), info