Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _solve(self, b, tol):
        import numpy as np
        from scipy.linalg.blas import dasum, daxpy, ddot

        A = self._A
        M = self._M
        tol *= dasum(b)
        # Initialize.
        x = np.zeros(b.shape)
        r = b.copy()
        z = M(r)
        rz = ddot(r, z)
        p = z.copy()
        # Iterate.
        while True:
            Ap = A(p)
            alpha = rz / ddot(p, Ap)
            x = daxpy(p, x, a=alpha)
            r = daxpy(Ap, r, a=-alpha)
            if dasum(r) < tol:
                return x
            z = M(r)
            beta = ddot(r, z)
            beta, rz = beta / rz, beta
            p = daxpy(p, z, a=beta)
 def _solve(self, b, tol):
     A = self._A
     M = self._M
     tol *= dasum(b)
     # Initialize.
     x = zeros(b.shape)
     r = b.copy()
     z = M(r)
     rz = ddot(r, z)
     p = z.copy()
     # Iterate.
     while True:
         Ap = A(p)
         alpha = rz / ddot(p, Ap)
         x = daxpy(p, x, a=alpha)
         r = daxpy(Ap, r, a=-alpha)
         if dasum(r) < tol:
             return x
         z = M(r)
         beta = ddot(r, z)
         beta, rz = beta / rz, beta
         p = daxpy(p, z, a=beta)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _solve(self, b, tol):
     A = self._A
     M = self._M
     tol *= dasum(b)
     # Initialize.
     x = zeros(b.shape)
     r = b.copy()
     z = M(r)
     rz = ddot(r, z)
     p = z.copy()
     # Iterate.
     while True:
         Ap = A(p)
         alpha = rz / ddot(p, Ap)
         x = daxpy(p, x, a=alpha)
         r = daxpy(Ap, r, a=-alpha)
         if dasum(r) < tol:
             return x
         z = M(r)
         beta = ddot(r, z)
         beta, rz = beta / rz, beta
         p = daxpy(p, z, a=beta)
def _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method):
    """Compute the Fiedler vector of L using the TraceMIN-Fiedler algorithm.

    The Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph is the eigenvector
    corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of
    of the graph. This function starts with the Laplacian L, not the Graph.

    L : Laplacian of a possibly weighted or normalized, but undirected graph

    X : Initial guess for a solution. Usually a matrix of random numbers.
        This function allows more than one column in X to identify more than
        one eigenvector if desired.

    normalized : bool
        Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.

    tol : float
        Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
        Warning: There is no limit on number of iterations.

    method : string
        Should be 'tracemin_pcg', 'tracemin_chol' or 'tracemin_lu'.
        Otherwise exception is raised.

    sigma, X : Two NumPy arrays of floats.
        The lowest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of L.
        The size of input X determines the size of these outputs.
        As this is for Fiedler vectors, the zero eigenvalue (and
        constant eigenvector) are avoided.
    n = X.shape[0]

    if normalized:
        # Form the normalized Laplacian matrix and determine the eigenvector of
        # its nullspace.
        e = sqrt(L.diagonal())
        D = spdiags(1.0 / e, [0], n, n, format="csr")
        L = D * L * D
        e *= 1.0 / norm(e, 2)

    if normalized:

        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= dot(X[:, j], e) * e


        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= X[:, j].sum() / n

    if method == "tracemin_pcg":
        D = L.diagonal().astype(float)
        solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: L * x, lambda x: D * x)
    elif method == "tracemin_chol" or method == "tracemin_lu":
        # Convert A to CSC to suppress SparseEfficiencyWarning.
        A = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float, copy=True)
        # Force A to be nonsingular. Since A is the Laplacian matrix of a
        # connected graph, its rank deficiency is one, and thus one diagonal
        # element needs to modified. Changing to infinity forces a zero in the
        # corresponding element in the solution.
        i = (A.indptr[1:] - A.indptr[:-1]).argmax()
        A[i, i] = float("inf")
        if method == "tracemin_chol":
            solver = _CholeskySolver(A)
            solver = _LUSolver(A)
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Unknown linear system solver: " + method)

    # Initialize.
    Lnorm = abs(L).sum(axis=1).flatten().max()
    W = asmatrix(ndarray(X.shape, order="F"))

    while True:
        # Orthonormalize X.
        X = qr(X)[0]
        # Compute iteration matrix H.
        W[:, :] = L * X
        H = X.T * W
        sigma, Y = eigh(H, overwrite_a=True)
        # Compute the Ritz vectors.
        X *= Y
        # Test for convergence exploiting the fact that L * X == W * Y.
        res = dasum(W * asmatrix(Y)[:, 0] - sigma[0] * X[:, 0]) / Lnorm
        if res < tol:
        # Compute X = L \ X / (X' * (L \ X)).
        # L \ X can have an arbitrary projection on the nullspace of L,
        # which will be eliminated.
        W[:, :] = solver.solve(X, tol)
        X = (inv(W.T * X) * W.T).T  # Preserves Fortran storage order.

    return sigma, asarray(X)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method):
    """Compute the Fiedler vector of L using the TraceMIN-Fiedler algorithm.
    n = X.shape[0]

    if normalized:
        # Form the normalized Laplacian matrix and determine the eigenvector of
        # its nullspace.
        e = sqrt(L.diagonal())
        D = spdiags(1. / e, [0], n, n, format='csr')
        L = D * L * D
        e *= 1. / norm(e, 2)

    if not normalized:
        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= X[:, j].sum() / n
        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= dot(X[:, j], e) * e

    if method is None:
        method = 'pcg'
    if method == 'pcg':
        # See comments below for the semantics of P and D.
        def P(x):
            x -= asarray(x * X * X.T)[0, :]
            if not normalized:
                x -= x.sum() / n
                x = daxpy(e, x, a=-ddot(x, e))
            return x
        solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: P(L * P(x)), lambda x: D * x)
    elif method == 'chol' or method == 'lu':
        # Convert A to CSC to suppress SparseEfficiencyWarning.
        A = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float, copy=True)
        # Force A to be nonsingular. Since A is the Laplacian matrix of a
        # connected graph, its rank deficiency is one, and thus one diagonal
        # element needs to modified. Changing to infinity forces a zero in the
        # corresponding element in the solution.
        i = (A.indptr[1:] - A.indptr[:-1]).argmax()
        A[i, i] = float('inf')
        solver = (_CholeskySolver if method == 'chol' else _LUSolver)(A)
        raise nx.NetworkXError('unknown linear system solver.')

    # Initialize.
    Lnorm = abs(L).sum(axis=1).flatten().max()
    W = asmatrix(ndarray(X.shape, order='F'))

    while True:
        # Orthonormalize X.
        X = qr(X)[0]
        # Compute interation matrix H.
        W[:, :] = L * X
        H = X.T * W
        sigma, Y = eigh(H, overwrite_a=True)
        # Compute the Ritz vectors.
        X *= Y
        # Test for convergence exploiting the fact that L * X == W * Y.
        res = dasum(W * asmatrix(Y)[:, 0] - sigma[0] * X[:, 0]) / Lnorm
        if res < tol:
        # Depending on the linear solver to be used, two mathematically
        # equivalent formulations are used.
        if method == 'pcg':
            # Compute X = X - (P * L * P) \ (P * L * X) where
            # P = I - [e X] * [e X]' is a projection onto the orthogonal
            # complement of [e X].
            W *= Y  # L * X == W * Y
            W -= (W.T * X * X.T).T
            # Compute the diagonal of P * L * P as a Jacobi preconditioner.
            D = L.diagonal().astype(float)
            D += 2. * (asarray(X) * asarray(W)).sum(axis=1)
            D += (asarray(X) * asarray(X * (W.T * X))).sum(axis=1)
            D[D < tol * Lnorm] = 1.
            D = 1. / D
            # Since TraceMIN is globally convergent, the relative residual can
            # be loose.
            X -= solver.solve(W, 0.1)
            # Compute X = L \ X / (X' * (L \ X)). L \ X can have an arbitrary
            # projection on the nullspace of L, which will be eliminated.
            W[:, :] = solver.solve(X)
            X = (inv(W.T * X) * W.T).T  # Preserves Fortran storage order.

    return sigma, asarray(X)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method):
    """Compute the Fiedler vector of L using the TraceMIN-Fiedler algorithm.
    n = X.shape[0]

    if normalized:
        # Form the normalized Laplacian matrix and determine the eigenvector of
        # its nullspace.
        e = sqrt(L.diagonal())
        D = spdiags(1. / e, [0], n, n, format='csr')
        L = D * L * D
        e *= 1. / norm(e, 2)

    if not normalized:

        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= X[:, j].sum() / n

        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= dot(X[:, j], e) * e

    if method is None:
        method = 'pcg'
    if method == 'pcg':
        # See comments below for the semantics of P and D.
        def P(x):
            x -= asarray(x * X * X.T)[0, :]
            if not normalized:
                x -= x.sum() / n
                x = daxpy(e, x, a=-ddot(x, e))
            return x

        solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: P(L * P(x)), lambda x: D * x)
    elif method == 'chol' or method == 'lu':
        # Convert A to CSC to suppress SparseEfficiencyWarning.
        A = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float, copy=True)
        # Force A to be nonsingular. Since A is the Laplacian matrix of a
        # connected graph, its rank deficiency is one, and thus one diagonal
        # element needs to modified. Changing to infinity forces a zero in the
        # corresponding element in the solution.
        i = (A.indptr[1:] - A.indptr[:-1]).argmax()
        A[i, i] = float('inf')
        solver = (_CholeskySolver if method == 'chol' else _LUSolver)(A)
        raise nx.NetworkXError('unknown linear system solver.')

    # Initialize.
    Lnorm = abs(L).sum(axis=1).flatten().max()
    W = asmatrix(ndarray(X.shape, order='F'))

    while True:
        # Orthonormalize X.
        X = qr(X)[0]
        # Compute interation matrix H.
        W[:, :] = L * X
        H = X.T * W
        sigma, Y = eigh(H, overwrite_a=True)
        # Compute the Ritz vectors.
        X *= Y
        # Test for convergence exploiting the fact that L * X == W * Y.
        res = dasum(W * asmatrix(Y)[:, 0] - sigma[0] * X[:, 0]) / Lnorm
        if res < tol:
        # Depending on the linear solver to be used, two mathematically
        # equivalent formulations are used.
        if method == 'pcg':
            # Compute X = X - (P * L * P) \ (P * L * X) where
            # P = I - [e X] * [e X]' is a projection onto the orthogonal
            # complement of [e X].
            W *= Y  # L * X == W * Y
            W -= (W.T * X * X.T).T
            # Compute the diagonal of P * L * P as a Jacobi preconditioner.
            D = L.diagonal().astype(float)
            D += 2. * (asarray(X) * asarray(W)).sum(axis=1)
            D += (asarray(X) * asarray(X * (W.T * X))).sum(axis=1)
            D[D < tol * Lnorm] = 1.
            D = 1. / D
            # Since TraceMIN is globally convergent, the relative residual can
            # be loose.
            X -= solver.solve(W, 0.1)
            # Compute X = L \ X / (X' * (L \ X)). L \ X can have an arbitrary
            # projection on the nullspace of L, which will be eliminated.
            W[:, :] = solver.solve(X)
            X = (inv(W.T * X) * W.T).T  # Preserves Fortran storage order.

    return sigma, asarray(X)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method):
    """Compute the Fiedler vector of L using the TraceMIN-Fiedler algorithm.

    The Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph is the eigenvector
    corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of
    of the graph. This function starts with the Laplacian L, not the Graph.

    L : Laplacian of a possibly weighted or normalized, but undirected graph

    X : Initial guess for a solution. Usually a matrix of random numbers.
        This function allows more than one column in X to identify more than
        one eigenvector if desired.

    normalized : bool
        Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.

    tol : float
        Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
        Warning: There is no limit on number of iterations.

    method : string
        Should be 'tracemin_pcg', 'tracemin_chol' or 'tracemin_lu'.
        Otherwise exception is raised.

    sigma, X : Two NumPy arrays of floats.
        The lowest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of L.
        The size of input X determines the size of these outputs.
        As this is for Fiedler vectors, the zero eigenvalue (and
        constant eigenvector) are avoided.
    n = X.shape[0]

    if normalized:
        # Form the normalized Laplacian matrix and determine the eigenvector of
        # its nullspace.
        e = sqrt(L.diagonal())
        D = spdiags(1. / e, [0], n, n, format='csr')
        L = D * L * D
        e *= 1. / norm(e, 2)

    if normalized:
        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= dot(X[:, j], e) * e
        def project(X):
            """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
            X = asarray(X)
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                X[:, j] -= X[:, j].sum() / n

    if method == 'tracemin_pcg':
        D = L.diagonal().astype(float)
        solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: L * x, lambda x: D * x)
    elif method == 'tracemin_chol' or method == 'tracemin_lu':
        # Convert A to CSC to suppress SparseEfficiencyWarning.
        A = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float, copy=True)
        # Force A to be nonsingular. Since A is the Laplacian matrix of a
        # connected graph, its rank deficiency is one, and thus one diagonal
        # element needs to modified. Changing to infinity forces a zero in the
        # corresponding element in the solution.
        i = (A.indptr[1:] - A.indptr[:-1]).argmax()
        A[i, i] = float('inf')
        if method == 'tracemin_chol':
            solver = _CholeskySolver(A)
            solver = _LUSolver(A)
        raise nx.NetworkXError('Unknown linear system solver: ' + method)

    # Initialize.
    Lnorm = abs(L).sum(axis=1).flatten().max()
    W = asmatrix(ndarray(X.shape, order='F'))

    while True:
        # Orthonormalize X.
        X = qr(X)[0]
        # Compute iteration matrix H.
        W[:, :] = L * X
        H = X.T * W
        sigma, Y = eigh(H, overwrite_a=True)
        # Compute the Ritz vectors.
        X *= Y
        # Test for convergence exploiting the fact that L * X == W * Y.
        res = dasum(W * asmatrix(Y)[:, 0] - sigma[0] * X[:, 0]) / Lnorm
        if res < tol:
        # Compute X = L \ X / (X' * (L \ X)).
        # L \ X can have an arbitrary projection on the nullspace of L,
        # which will be eliminated.
        W[:, :] = solver.solve(X, tol)
        X = (inv(W.T * X) * W.T).T  # Preserves Fortran storage order.

    return sigma, asarray(X)