Ejemplo n.º 1
def simulate_lu_decom(sim_locations,sample_locations,vmodel):
    c11 = fill_cova(sample_locations,None,vmodel)
    c21 = fill_cova(sim_locations,sample_locations,vmodel)
    c22 = fill_cova(sim_locations,None,vmodel)

    u11 = cholesky(c11)
    l11 = u11.T
    u11_inv = inv(u11)

    l21 = c21 @ u11_inv
    u12 = l21.T

    l22 = cholesky(c22-l21@u12,lower=True)

    return u11_inv.T,l21,l22

    l11,u11 = lu(c11,permute_l= True)

    l11_inv = inv(l11)
    a21t = l11_inv @ c21.T
    a21 = a21t.T
    b12 = a21t

    l22,u22 = lu(c22-l21@u12,permute_l= True)

    return a21,l11_inv,l22
Ejemplo n.º 2
def randomized_pca(A, n_components, n_oversamples=10, n_iter="auto",
                   flip_sign=True, random_state=0):
    """Compute the randomized PCA decomposition of a given matrix.

    This method differs from the scikit-learn implementation in that it supports
    and handles sparse matrices well.

    if n_iter == "auto":
        # Checks if the number of iterations is explicitly specified
        # Adjust n_iter. 7 was found a good compromise for PCA. See sklearn #5299
        n_iter = 7 if n_components < .1 * min(A.shape) else 4

    n_samples, n_features = A.shape

    c = np.atleast_2d(A.mean(axis=0))

    if n_samples >= n_features:
        Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_features, n_components + n_oversamples))
        Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)

        # Normalized power iterations
        for _ in range(n_iter):
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)

        Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")

        QA = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
        R, s, V = svd(QA.T, full_matrices=False)
        U = Q.dot(R)

    else:  # n_features > n_samples
        Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, n_components + n_oversamples))
        Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])

        # Normalized power iterations
        for _ in range(n_iter):
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)

        Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")

        QA = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
        U, s, R = svd(QA, full_matrices=False)
        V = R.dot(Q.T)

    if flip_sign:
        U, V = svd_flip(U, V)

    return U[:, :n_components], s[:n_components], V[:n_components, :]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def decompose( matrix ):
	# Returns the decomposition of a matrix A where
	# Q.A.Q = P.L.U
	# P.L.U is the factoring of Q.A.Q such that L is a lower triangular matrix with 1's
	# on the diagonal and U is an upper triangular matrix; P is the permutation (row-swapping
	# operations) required for this procedure. The permutation matrix Q is chosen such that 
	# the last element of U is its smallest diagnoal element. If A has a zero eigenvalue, 
	# then U's last element will be zero.
	dim = matrix.shape[ 0 ]

	# first decomposition
	( P, L, U ) = lu( matrix )
 	# detect the smallest element of U
	smallestIndex = findsmallestdiag( U )
	smallest = U[ smallestIndex, smallestIndex ]

	#show( matrix, "M" )
	#show( U, "U" )
	#print "Smallest element is %f at %d" % ( smallest, smallestIndex )

	# is the permutation Q not just the identity matrix?
	Q = identity( dim )
	if smallestIndex+1 != dim :
		# trick: exchange row 'smallestIndex' with row 'dim-1' of the identity matrix
		swaprow( Q, smallestIndex, dim-1 )

	return ( P, L, U, Q )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def part_b(run_count, a, b):
    Solve using LU decomposition
    _, l, u = lu(a)
    for run in xrange(run_count):
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __get_Qd(self):
        Sets the integration matrices QI and QE for the IMEX sweeper

            QI: St. Martin's trick, use LU decomposition
            QE: explicit Euler matrix, will also act on u0
        # QI = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
        QE = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
        for m in range(self.coll.num_nodes + 1):
            # QI[m, 1:m+1] = self.coll.delta_m[0:m]
            QE[m, 0:m] = self.coll.delta_m[0:m]

        # This is for using LU decomposition
        # strip Qmat by initial value u0
        QT = self.coll.Qmat[1:,1:].T
        # do LU decomposition of QT
        [P,L,U] = LA.lu(QT,overwrite_a=True)
        # enrich QT by initial value u0
        Qd = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
        Qd[1:,1:] = U.T
        QI = Qd

        return QI, QE
Ejemplo n.º 6
def lu(A, b):
    #sol = []
    # Edit here to implement your code
    return list(x)
    def _traverse_grid_(self):
        """ Solve using linear systems of equations """
        P, L, U = linalg.lu(self.M1)

        for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
            x1 = linalg.solve(L, np.dot(self.M2, self.grid[1:self.M, j+1]))
            x2 = linalg.solve(U, x1)
            self.grid[1:self.M, j] = x2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def find_basis(M):
    """Find the indices of the columns of M that form a basis or range(M)"""
    p,l,u = sla.lu(M)
    ind = [i for i in range(u.shape[0]) if u[i,i] != 0.0]
    if u[i,i] == 0:
        for j in range(i+1,u.shape[1]):
            if u[i,j] != 0.0: ind.append(j); break
    return ind
    def __init__(self, num_nodes, tleft, tright):
        super(CollGaussRadau_Right_LU_Trick, self).__init__(num_nodes, tleft, tright)

        Q = self.Qmat

        p, l, u = lu(Q[1:, 1:].transpose())
        # print np.diag(l)
        self.QDmat = u.transpose()
    def _traverse_grid_(self):
        """ Solve using linear systems of equations """
        P, L, U = linalg.lu(self.coeffs)
        aux = np.zeros(self.M-1)

        for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
            aux[0] = np.dot(-self.a[1], self.grid[0, j])
            x1 = linalg.solve(L, self.grid[1:self.M, j+1]+aux)
            x2 = linalg.solve(U, x1)
            self.grid[1:self.M, j] = x2
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _traverse_grid_(self):
     for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self,Z,Az,r,apply='LU'):
     if apply=='eig':
     elif apply =='LU':
Ejemplo n.º 13
def G2AH(G):
    n = len(G)
    A,B = npG2SVAR(G)
    P,L,U = linalg.lu(B)
    A = linalg.inv(L).tolist()
    B = B.tolist()
    A = listplace(A, 0.0, 0.0)
    for i in range(0,n): A[i][i] = 1
    B = listplace(B, 0.0, 'e')
    for i in range(0,n): B[i][i] = 'e'
    return A,B,P
Ejemplo n.º 14
def ldl_decomposition(matrix):
    p, L, U = scl.lu(matrix)
    size = matrix.shape[0]
    D = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.float64)
    divisor = np.ones(size, dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(size):
        D[i][i] = U[i][i]
        divisor = U[i][i]
        U[i] /= divisor

    return L, D, U
Ejemplo n.º 15
def lu(A, b):
    sol = []
    P, L, U = sci.lu(A)  
    #P is Permutation matrix 
    #L is Lower Triangular matrix
    #U is Upper Triangular matrix

    #A = PLU    
    #Ax = b  =>  PLUx = b
    sol = np.dot(sci.inv(U),np.dot(sci.inv(L),np.dot(sci.inv(P),b)))
    return list(sol)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def CompleteBase(V, B, eps=1e-4):
    tbase = append(V, B, axis=1)
    p, l, u = lu(tbase)
    echelon = zeros(u.shape[1], int)
    for row in u:
        tmp = nonzero(abs(row) > eps)[0]
        if tmp.size:
            echelon[tmp[0]] = 1
    return compress(echelon, tbase, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def Lu(A):
  """(L,U,P) = Lu(A)
  Compute pivoted LU decompostion of a matrix.


      where A = PLU
  (P,L,U) = lu(A)
  return ( L,U,P )
def forward(A,b):
	for z in range(0,newB.shape[0]):
		for j in range(0,z):
			mySum=mySum+ (l.item((z),j)*solutionList[j])
	return mat(asarray(solutionList)).T
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __refactorEtaFile(self):
        R = sps.identity(self.m)

        # multiply each eta-matrix
        for eta in self.etaFile:
            R = R * eta

        # decompose matrix
        R = R.todense()
        P, L, U = spl.lu(R)
        self.LU = [L, U]
        self.etaFile = []
def backwards(A,b):
	for z in range(0,newB.shape[0]):
		for j in range(0,z):
			mySum=mySum+ (u.item(z,z-j)*solutionList[z-1-j])
		xm=(newB.item(newB.shape[0]-1 -z)-mySum)/u.item(newB.shape[0]-1 -z,newB.shape[0]-1 -z)
	return mat(asarray(solutionList)).T
Ejemplo n.º 21
def lu_decomposition(a, b):
    Solve a linear equation by LU-decomposition

    Comes from LU decomposition of a matrix A s.t. A = LU


        LUx = b => Ux = y => Ly = b
    _, l, u = lu(a)
    y = solve(l, b)
    return solve(u, y)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def check_lin_independence(vectors):
    """Gram-Schmidt only applies if vectors are linearly independent.
    We expect this to be tha case given Stab States for a mutually unbiased 
    basis but it's worth checking anyway."""
    if len(vectors) == 1:
        return True
    M = np.zeros([len(vectors), len(vectors[0])], dtype=np.complex_)
    for i in range(len(vectors)):
        M[i] = vectors[i].T
    pl, u = lu(M, permute_l=True)
    if any([np.count_nonzero(M[i]) == 0 for i in range(len(vectors))]):
        return False #M must be full rank for linear independence
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_zgbtrf(self):
        """Compare zgbtrf  LU factorisation with the LU factorisation result
           of linalg.lu."""
        M,N = shape(self.comp_mat)
        lu_symm_band, ipiv, info = zgbtrf(self.bandmat_comp, self.KL, self.KU)

        # extract matrix u from lu_symm_band
        u = diag(lu_symm_band[2*self.KL,:])
        for i in xrange(self.KL + self.KU):
            u += diag(lu_symm_band[2*self.KL-1-i,i+1:N], i+1)

        p_lin, l_lin, u_lin =lu(self.comp_mat, permute_l=0)
        assert_array_almost_equal(u, u_lin)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def fringeremoval(img_list, ref_list, mask='all', method='svd'):

    nimgs = len(img_list)
    nimgsR = len(ref_list)
    xdim = img_list[0].shape[0]
    ydim = img_list[0].shape[1]
    if mask == 'all':
        bgmask = np.ones([ydim, xdim])
        # around 2% OD reduction with no mask
        bgmask = mask
    k = (bgmask == 1).flatten(1)
    # needs to be >float32 since float16 doesn't work with linalg
    R = np.dstack(ref_list).reshape((xdim*ydim, nimgsR)).astype(np.float32)
    A = np.dstack(img_list).reshape((xdim*ydim, nimgs)).astype(np.float32)
    # Timings: for 50 ref images lasso is twice as slow
    # lasso 1.00
    # svd 0.54
    # lu 0.54
    optref_list = []
    for j in range(A.shape[1]):
        if method == 'svd':
            b = R[k, :].T.dot(A[k, j])
            Binv = pinv(R[k, :].T.dot(R[k, :])) # svd through pinv
            c = Binv.dot(b)
            # can also try linalg.svd()
        elif method == 'lu':
            b = R[k, :].T.dot(A[k, j])
            p, L, U = lu(R[k, :].T.dot(R[k, :]))
            c = solve(U, solve(L, p.T.dot(b)))
        elif method == 'lasso':
            lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.01)
            lasso.fit(R, A)
            c = lasso.coef_
            raise Exception('Invalid method.')
        optref_list.append(np.reshape(R.dot(c), (xdim, ydim)))
    return optref_list
Ejemplo n.º 25
        def computeDecomposition( self, A ):
		# first decomposition
		( P, L, U ) = lu( A )
		smallestIndex = findsmallestdiag( U )
		smallest = U[ smallestIndex, smallestIndex ]

		Q = identity( self.dim, dtype=float64 )
		if smallestIndex+1 != self.dim :
			del P
			del L
			del U

			# exchange smallestIndex row with dim-1 row
			# multiplying A by this matrix on both sides (Q.A.Q) will ensure that the
			# smallest element of U will be in the lower right corner.
			swaprow( Q, smallestIndex, self.dim-1 )
			# recompute the decomposition
			Q = matrix( Q )
			A = matrix( A )
			( P, L, U ) = lu( Q*A*Q )
		return ( P, L, U, Q )
Ejemplo n.º 26
def init_traj_dist(state, action, dynamics, hyperparameters):

    T, du = action.shape
    dx = state.shape[1]
    K = np.zeros((T, du, dx))
    k = np.zeros((T, du))
    inv_covar = np.zeros((T, du, du))
    covar = np.zeros((T, du, du))

    dx_slice = slice(dx)
    du_slice = slice(dx, dx+du) # slice out actions

    vt = np.zeros(dx)
    vtt = np.zeros((dx, dx))

    eta = 1e-20

    ctt, ct = get_jacobian_hessian(eta, state, action, hyperparameters)

    Fm = dynamics.Fm
    fv = dynamics.fv

    # backward pass
    for t in range(T-1, -1, -1):

        qtt = ctt[t, :, :] + Fm[t,:,:].T.dot(vtt).dot(Fm[t,:,:])
        qt = ct[t, :] + Fm[t,:, :].T.dot(vt + vtt.dot(fv[t,:]))

        # LU decomposition
        P, L, U = splinalg.lu(qtt[du_slice, du_slice])

        inv_covar[t, :, :] = qtt[du_slice, du_slice]
        covar[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, splinalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(du), lower=True)

        K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, splinalg.solve_triangular(L, qtt[du_slice, dx_slice], lower=True)
        k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, splinalg.solve_triangular(L, qt[du_slice], lower=True)

        vtt = qtt[dx_slice, dx_slice] + qtt[dx_slice, du_slice].dot(K[t, :, :])
        vt = qt[dx_slice] + qtt[dx_slice, du_slice].dot(k[t,:])
        vtt = 0.5* (vtt + vtt.T)

    return LinearGaussianPolicy(K, k, covar, inv_covar)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __get_Qd(self):
        Compute LU decomposition of Q^T

            Qd: U^T of Q^T = L*U

        # strip Qmat by initial value u0
        QT = self.coll.Qmat[1:,1:].T
        # do LU decomposition of QT
        [P,L,U] = LA.lu(QT,overwrite_a=True)
        # enrich QT by initial value u0
        Qd = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
        Qd[1:,1:] = U.T
        return Qd
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def LU(self):
        Return the LU decomposition of matrix, that is matrices :math:`L` and
        :math:`U` such that :math:`LU = \\text{self}`. Uses the Crout
        decomposition method, described at

        The input matrix needs to be square and the decomposition is actually
        performed on the pivoted matrix :math:`P \\cdot self` where
        :math:`P = self.pivot()`. The pivoting matrix is included as the first
        element of the return tuple.

        :return: matrices **P, L, U**
        :rtype: *tuple(Matrix)*
        from scipy.linalg import lu
        P, L, U = map(Matrix, lu(self._value,permute_l=False))
        return (P, L, U)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_lu_D():
    ## Test the LU factorization of a real double precision matrix
    ns = 357

    gA = np.random.standard_normal((ns, ns)).astype(np.float64)
    gA = np.asfortranarray(gA)

    dA = core.DistributedMatrix.from_global_array(gA, rank=0)

    LU, ipiv = rt.lu(dA)
    gLU = LU.to_global_array(rank=0)

    # print 'Process %d has ipiv = %s' % (rank, ipiv)

    if rank == 0:
        P, L, U = la.lu(gA)
        # compare with scipy result
        assert allclose(gLU, L + U - np.eye(ns, dtype=np.float64))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def GaussEli(a, b):
    N = len(b)
    x = np.zeros(N)
    (pl, u) = lu(a, permute_l=True)
    pl = np.mat(pl)

    bvec = np.reshape(np.mat(b),(N,1))
    b = np.linalg.inv(pl)*bvec
    for i in range(N-1, -1, -1):
        ans = b[i]/u[i,i]

        for n in range(i, N-1):
            ans -= u[i,n+1]*x[n+1]/u[i,i]
        x[i] = ans
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _intersections(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    """X0,Y0 = intersections(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
    INTERSECTIONS Intersections of curves.
      Computes the (x,y) locations where two curves intersect.  The curves
      can be broken with NaNs or have vertical segments.
      [X0,Y0] = intersections(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
    where X1 and Y1 are equal-length vectors of at least two points and
    represent curve 1.  Similarly, X2 and Y2 represent curve 2.
    X0 and Y0 are column vectors containing the points at which the two
    curves intersect.

    The algorithm can return two additional vectors that indicate which
    segment pairs contain intersections and where they are:

      [X0,Y0,I,J] = intersections(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
    For each element of the vector I, I(k) = (segment number of (X1,Y1)) +
    (how far along this segment the intersection is).  For example, if I(k) =
    45.25 then the intersection lies a quarter of the way between the line
    segment connecting (X1(45),Y1(45)) and (X1(46),Y1(46)).  Similarly for
    the vector J and the segments in (X2,Y2).

    Version: 1.10, 25 February 2008
    Converted to Python October 2010 by Jeffrey Bush [email protected]
    Author:  Douglas M. Schwarz
    Email:   dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu
    Real_email = regexprep(Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'})

    Theory of operation:
      Given two line segments, L1 and L2,
      L1 endpoints:  (x1(1),y1(1)) and (x1(2),y1(2))
      L2 endpoints:  (x2(1),y2(1)) and (x2(2),y2(2))
    we can write four equations with four unknowns and then solve them.  The
    four unknowns are t1, t2, x0 and y0, where (x0,y0) is the intersection of
    L1 and L2, t1 is the distance from the starting point of L1 to the
    intersection relative to the length of L1 and t2 is the distance from the
    starting point of L2 to the intersection relative to the length of L2.
    So, the four equations are
       (x1(2) - x1(1))*t1 = x0 - x1(1)
       (x2(2) - x2(1))*t2 = x0 - x2(1)
       (y1(2) - y1(1))*t1 = y0 - y1(1)
       (y2(2) - y2(1))*t2 = y0 - y2(1)
    Rearranging and writing in matrix form,
      [x1(2)-x1(1)       0       -1   0;      [t1;      [-x1(1);
            0       x2(2)-x2(1)  -1   0;   *   t2;   =   -x2(1);
       y1(2)-y1(1)       0        0  -1;       x0;       -y1(1);
            0       y2(2)-y2(1)   0  -1]       y0]       -y2(1)]
    Let's call that A*T = B.  We can solve for T with T = A\B.
    Once we have our solution we just have to look at t1 and t2 to determine
    whether L1 and L2 intersect.  If 0 <= t1 < 1 and 0 <= t2 < 1 then the two
    line segments cross and we can include (x0,y0) in the output.
    In principle, we have to perform this computation on every pair of line
    segments in the input data.  This can be quite a large number of pairs so
    we will reduce it by doing a simple preliminary check to eliminate line
    segment pairs that could not possibly cross.  The check is to look at the
    smallest enclosing rectangles (with sides parallel to the axes) for each
    line segment pair and see if they overlap.  If they do then we have to
    compute t1 and t2 (via the A\B computation) to see if the line segments
    cross, but if they don't then the line segments cannot cross.  In a
    typical application, this technique will eliminate most of the potential
    line segment pairs.

    # x1 and y1 must be vectors with same number of points (at least 2).
    if sp.sum(sp.size(x1) > 1) != 1 or sp.sum(
            sp.size(y1) > 1) != 1 or len(x1) != len(y1):
        raise ValueError(
            'X1 and Y1 must be equal-length vectors of at least 2 points.')
    # x2 and y2 must be vectors with same number of points (at least 2).
    if sp.sum(sp.size(x2) > 1) != 1 or sp.sum(
            sp.size(y2) > 1) != 1 or len(x2) != len(y2):
        raise ValueError(
            'X2 and Y2 must be equal-length vectors of at least 2 points.')

    # Compute number of line segments in each curve and some differences we'll
    # need later.
    n1 = len(x1) - 1
    n2 = len(x2) - 1
    xy1 = sp.column_stack((x1, y1))
    xy2 = sp.column_stack((x2, y2))
    dxy1 = sp.diff(xy1, axis=0)
    dxy2 = sp.diff(xy2, axis=0)

    # Determine the combinations of i and j where the rectangle enclosing the
    # i'th line segment of curve 1 overlaps with the rectangle enclosing the
    # j'th line segment of curve 2.
    i, j = sp.nonzero(
                    sp.tile(sp.minimum(x1[0:-1], x1[1:]),
                            (n2, 1)).T <= sp.tile(sp.maximum(x2[0:-1], x2[1:]),
                                                  (n1, 1)),
                    sp.tile(sp.maximum(x1[0:-1], x1[1:]),
                            (n2, 1)).T >= sp.tile(sp.minimum(x2[0:-1], x2[1:]),
                                                  (n1, 1))),
                sp.tile(sp.minimum(y1[0:-1], y1[1:]),
                        (n2, 1)).T <= sp.tile(sp.maximum(y2[0:-1], y2[1:]),
                                              (n1, 1))),
            sp.tile(sp.maximum(y1[0:-1], y1[1:]),
                    (n2, 1)).T >= sp.tile(sp.minimum(y2[0:-1], y2[1:]),
                                          (n1, 1))))
    i = sp.copy(i)  # make the arrays writable
    j = sp.copy(j)

    # Find segments pairs which have at least one vertex = NaN and remove them.
    # This line is a fast way of finding such segment pairs.  We take
    # advantage of the fact that NaNs propagate through calculations, in
    # particular subtraction (in the calculation of dxy1 and dxy2, which we
    # need anyway) and addition.
    remove = sp.isnan(sp.sum(dxy1[i, :] + dxy2[j, :], axis=1))
    i[remove] = []
    j[remove] = []

    # Initialize matrices.  We'll put the T's and B's in matrices and use them
    # one column at a time.  AA is a 3-D extension of A where we'll use one
    # plane at a time.
    n = len(i)
    T = sp.zeros((4, n))
    AA = sp.zeros((4, 4, n))
    AA[[0, 1], 2, :] = -1
    AA[[2, 3], 3, :] = -1
    AA[[0, 2], 0, :] = dxy1[i, :].T
    AA[[1, 3], 1, :] = dxy2[j, :].T
    B = -sp.array([x1[i], x2[j], y1[i], y2[j]])

    # Loop through possibilities.  Trap singularity warning and then use
    # lastwarn to see if that plane of AA is near singular.  Process any such
    # segment pairs to determine if they are colinear (overlap) or merely
    # parallel.  That test consists of checking to see if one of the endpoints
    # of the curve 2 segment lies on the curve 1 segment.  This is done by
    # checking the cross product
    #   (x1(2),y1(2)) - (x1(1),y1(1)) x (x2(2),y2(2)) - (x1(1),y1(1)).
    # If this is close to zero then the segments overlap.
    for k in sp.arange(n):
        L, U = lin.lu(AA[:, :, k], True)
        T[:, k] = lin.solve(U, lin.solve(L, B[:, k]))

    # Find where t1 and t2 are between 0 and 1 and return the corresponding
    # x0 and y0 values.
    in_range = sp.logical_and(
        sp.logical_and(sp.logical_and(T[0, :] >= 0, T[1, :] >= 0),
                       T[0, :] < 1), T[1, :] < 1)
    x0 = T[2, in_range].T
    y0 = T[3, in_range].T

    return x0, y0
Ejemplo n.º 32
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == RIGHT:  # checks mouse right click
            mouseState = "clickRight"
            rightHold = True
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == RIGHT:  # checks mouse right up
            mouseState = "upRight"
            rightHold = False
            mouseState = "nothing"

        if mouseState == "clickRight":
            if mouse_x < (width + margin) * (wSize + 1) and mouse_y < (
                    width + margin) * (hSize + 1):
                if mouse_x > (width + margin) and mouse_y > (width + margin):
                    if grid[xPos][yPos] == 0:
                        grid[xPos][yPos] = 1
                    elif grid[xPos][yPos] == 1:
                        grid[xPos][yPos] = 0
                slv = lu(gauss, permute_l=True)

        if mouseState == "clickLeft":
            if mouse_x < (width + margin) * (wSize + 1) and mouse_y < (
                    width + margin) * (hSize + 1):
                if mouse_x > (width + margin) and mouse_y > (width + margin):
                    light_up(xPos, yPos)

    # pygame clock///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Ejemplo n.º 33
def haroldgcd(*args):
    Takes 1D numpy arrays and computes the numerical greatest common
    divisor polynomial. The polynomials are assumed to be in decreasing
    powers, e.g. :math:`s^2 + 5` should be given as ``numpy.array([1,0,5])``.

    Returns a numpy array holding the polynomial coefficients
    of GCD. The GCD does not cancel scalars but returns only monic roots.
    In other words, the GCD of polynomials :math:`2` and :math:`2s+4` is
    still computed as :math:`1`.

    args : iterable
        A collection of 1D array_likes.

    gcdpoly : ndarray
        Computed GCD of args.

    >>> a = haroldgcd(*map(haroldpoly,([-1,-1,-2,-1j,1j],
    >>> a
    array([ 1.,  2.])

    .. warning:: It uses the LU factorization of the Sylvester matrix.
                 Use responsibly. It does not check any certificate of
                 success by any means (maybe it will in the future).
                 I have played around with ERES method but probably due
                 to my implementation, couldn't get satisfactory results.
                 I am still interested in better methods.
    raw_arr_args = [np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(x)) for x in args]
    arr_args = [np.trim_zeros(x, 'f') for x in raw_arr_args if x.size > 0]
    dimension_list = [x.ndim for x in arr_args]

    # do we have 2d elements?
    if max(dimension_list) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Input arrays must be 1D arrays, rows, or columns')

    degree_list = np.array([x.size - 1 for x in arr_args])
    max_degree = np.max(degree_list)
    max_degree_index = np.argmax(degree_list)

        # There are polynomials of lesser degree
        second_max_degree = np.max(degree_list[degree_list < max_degree])
    except ValueError:
        # all degrees are the same
        second_max_degree = max_degree

    n, p, h = max_degree, second_max_degree, len(arr_args) - 1

    # If a single item is passed then return it back
    if h == 0:
        return arr_args[0]

    if n == 0:
        return np.array([1])

    if n > 0 and p == 0:
        return arr_args.pop(max_degree_index)

    # pop out the max degree polynomial and zero pad
    # such that we have n+m columns
    S = np.array([
        np.hstack((arr_args.pop(max_degree_index), np.zeros(
            (1, p - 1)).squeeze()))
    ] * p)

    # Shift rows to the left
    for rows in range(S.shape[0]):
        S[rows] = np.roll(S[rows], rows)

    # do the same to the remaining ones inside the regular_args
    for item in arr_args:
        _ = np.array([np.hstack(
            (item, [0] * (n + p - item.size)))] * (n + p - item.size + 1))
        for rows in range(_.shape[0]):
            _[rows] = np.roll(_[rows], rows)
        S = np.r_[S, _]

    rank_of_sylmat = np.linalg.matrix_rank(S)

    if rank_of_sylmat == min(S.shape):
        return np.array([1])
        p, l, u = lu(S)

    u[abs(u) < 1e-8] = 0
    for rows in range(u.shape[0] - 1, 0, -1):
        if not any(u[rows, :]):
            u = np.delete(u, rows, 0)

    gcdpoly = np.real(np.trim_zeros(u[-1, :], 'f'))
    # make it monic
    gcdpoly /= gcdpoly[0]

    return gcdpoly
Ejemplo n.º 34
def main():
    # 1--Integral 积分
    from scipy.integrate import quad, dblquad, nquad
    print(quad(lambda x: np.exp(-x), 0, np.inf))
    print(dblquad(lambda t, x: np.exp(-x*t)/t**3, 0, np.inf, lambda x: 1, lambda x: np.inf))

    def f(x, y):
        return x*y

    def bound_y():
        return [0, 0.5]

    def bound_x(y):
        return [0, 1-2*y]
    print(nquad(f, [bound_x, bound_y]))

    # 2 optimizer
    from scipy.optimize import minimize

    def rosen(x):
        return sum(100.0*(x[1:]-x[:-1]**2.0)**2.0 + (1-x[:-1])**2.0)
    x0 = np.array([1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2])
    res = minimize(rosen, x0, method="nelder-mead", options={"xtol": 1e-8, "disp": True})  # xtol 表示精度 disp 表示描述条件
    print("ROSE MINI:", res)                                                               # res.x 也可以打印属性

    def func(x):
        return -(2*x[0]*x[1]+2*x[0]-x[0]**2-2*x[1]**2)

    def func_deriv(x):
        dfdx0 = -(-2 * x[0] + 2 * x[1]+2)
        dfdx1 = -(2 * x[0] - 4 * x[1])
        return np.array([dfdx0, dfdx1])
    cons = ({"type": "eq", "fun": lambda x: np.array([x[0]**3-x[1]]),
             "jac": lambda x: np.array([3.0 * (x[0]**2.0), -1.0])},
            {"type": "ineq", 'fun': lambda x: np.array([x[1]-1]), 'jac': lambda x: np.array([0.0, 1.0])})
    res = minimize(func, [-1.0, 1.0], jac=func_deriv, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP', options={'disp': True})
    print("RESTRICT:", res)
    from scipy.optimize import root                     # 求根

    def fun(x):
        return x+2*np.cos(x)
    sol = root(fun, 0.1)
    print("ROOT:", sol.x, sol.fun)

    # 3--Interpolation
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    y = np.sin(2*np.pi*x)
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    li = interp1d(x, y, kind="cubic")
    x_new = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
    y_new = li(x_new)
    plot(x, y, "r")
    plot(x_new, y_new, "k")
    # show()

    # 4--Linear 线性函数
    from scipy import linalg as lg
    arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3,4]])
    print("Det:", lg.det(arr))
    print("Inv", lg.inv(arr))
    b = np.array([6, 14])
    print("Sol:", lg.solve(arr, b))
    print("Eig:", lg.eig(arr))
    print("LU:", lg.lu(arr))
    print("QR:", lg.qr(arr))
    print("SVD:", lg.svd(arr))
    print("Schur", lg.schur(arr))
Ejemplo n.º 35
from scipy import linalg as sl
import numpy as np

A = np.zeros((4,4))
for i in range(np.shape(A)[0]):
    for j in range(np.shape(A)[0]):
        if i == j:
            A[i][j] = 2
        if i == (j-1):
            A[i][j] = 1
        if j == (i-1):
            A[i][j] = 1

P = sl.lu(A)
U = P[2]
L = P[1]
P = P[0]

def CalcInv(A):
    U = np.copy(A)
    I = np.identity(np.shape(A)[0])
    invlist = []
    invlist2 = []
    h = 0
    for i in np.arange(0,np.shape(U)[0]):

        for k in np.arange(i+1,np.shape(U)[0]):
            d = 0
            if U[k][h] == 0:
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def run_GCLP(self, composition):
        """Function to compute the ground state phase equilibria for a
        certain composition.

        composition : CompositionEntry
            Composition to be considered.

        ground_state_energy : float
            Ground state energy.
        equilibrium : dict
            Dictionary containing the phase composition (CompositionEntry) as
            key and the fractions (float) as values.

            If composition is not CompositionEntry.

        if not isinstance(composition, CompositionEntry):
            raise TypeError("Composition should be of type CompositionEntry!")

        cur_elements = composition.get_element_ids()
        cur_fractions = composition.get_element_fractions()

        # List of composition entries.
        components = []

        # List of energies.
        energies = []

        # Get the current possible phases (i.e., those that contain
        # exclusively the elements in the current compound.
        for entry in self.phases:
            this_elements = entry.get_element_ids()
            # Check whether this entry is in the target phase diagram.
            if set(this_elements) <= set(cur_elements):

        # Set up constraints.
        # Type #1: Mass conservation.
        l_components = len(components)
        l_composition = len(cur_elements)
        a_eq = np.ones((l_composition + 1, l_components))
        b_eq = np.ones(l_composition + 1)
        for i in range(l_composition):
            b_eq[i] = cur_fractions[i]
            for j in range(l_components):
                a_eq[i][j] = components[j].get_element_fraction(

        # Type #2: Normalization.
        # Taken care of when we initialized a_eq and b_eq to ones.

        # Perform LU decomposition to check if there are any linearly
        # dependent rows in the matrix a_eq. For some reason, linprog can't
        # handle linearly dependent matrices.
        _, u = lu(a_eq, permute_l=True)

        mask = np.all(abs(u) < 1e-14, axis=1)
        indices = [i for i in range(len(mask)) if mask[i]]
        if indices:
            a_eq = np.delete(a_eq, indices, axis=0)
            b_eq = np.delete(b_eq, indices)

        c = np.array(energies)

        # Call LP solver and store result.
        res = linprog(c=c, A_eq=a_eq, b_eq=b_eq)
        equilibrium = {}
        equilibrium_fractions = res.x
        for i in range(l_components):
            if equilibrium_fractions[i] > 1e-6:
                equilibrium[components[i]] = equilibrium_fractions[i]

        # Add zero to avoid returning -0.0 values.
        ground_state_energy = res.fun + 0

        return ground_state_energy, equilibrium
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def run(self):
            while True:
                    request = self.client_socket.recv(1024)
                    calcul = json.loads(request)
                    if calcul['operateur'] == 'DISCONNECT':
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == '+':
                        a = float(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = float(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        self.client_socket.send(json.dumps({'result': a + b}))
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == '-':
                        a = float(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = float(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        self.client_socket.send(json.dumps({'result': a - b}))
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == '*':
                        a = float(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = float(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        self.client_socket.send(json.dumps({'result': a * b}))
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == '/':
                        a = float(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = float(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        self.client_socket.send(json.dumps({'result': a / b}))
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'INV':
                        res = numpy.linalg.inv(calcul['operandes'])
                        matrix = [[float(x) for x in v] for v in res]
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'TRANS':
                        res = numpy.transpose(calcul['operandes'])
                        matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'DET':
                        res = numpy.linalg.det(calcul['operandes'])
                        response = json.dumps({'result': res})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'TR':
                        res = numpy.trace(calcul['operandes'])
                        response = json.dumps({'result': res})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'PROD':
                        A = calcul['operandes'][0]
                        B = calcul['operandes'][1]
                        if len(A[0]) != len(B):
                            err = "Les dimensions des deux matrices ne sont pas valides pour faire la multiplication!"
                            response = json.dumps({'error': err})
                            res = numpy.dot(A, B)
                            matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                            response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                    #print 'Taille de la reponse %s '%len(response)
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'SOM':
                        a = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        if len(a) == len(b) and len(a[0]) == len(b[0]):
                            res = a + b
                            matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                            response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                            err = "Les deux matrices doivent avoir les memes dimensions!"
                            response = json.dumps({'error': err})
                    #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                    #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'DIFF':
                        a = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        b = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        if len(a) == len(b) and len(a[0]) == len(b[0]):
                            res = a - b
                            matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                            response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                            err = "Les deux matrices doivent avoir les memes dimensions!"
                            response = json.dumps({'error': err})
                    #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                    #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'SL':
                        a = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][0])
                        y = numpy.array(calcul['operandes'][1])
                        res = numpy.linalg.solve(a, y)
                        vector = [[float(v)] for v in res]
                        response = json.dumps({'result': vector})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'SPEC':
                        res = numpy.linalg.eig(calcul['operandes'])
                        vector = [[float(v) for v in res[0]]]
                        response = json.dumps({'result': vector})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'VP':
                        res = numpy.linalg.eig(calcul['operandes'])
                        w = res[1].transpose()
                        matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(w)
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'CHOLESKY':
                        res = numpy.linalg.cholesky(calcul['operandes'])
                        matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'CHOLESKY':
                        res = numpy.linalg.cholesky(calcul['operandes'])
                        matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(res)
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'LU':
                        L, U = linalg.lu(calcul['operandes'], permute_l=True)
                        matrix = convert_numpy_matrix(L)
                        matrix2 = convert_numpy_matrix(U)
                        response = json.dumps({
                            'result': matrix,
                            'result2': matrix2
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                    elif calcul['operateur'] == 'PUIS':
                        matrix = puissance(calcul['operandes'][0],
                        response = json.dumps({'result': matrix})
                        #print 'Taille de la reponse %s ' %len(response)
                        #print response
                                "Cet operateur n'est pas encore pris en charge!"

                except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
                    if err.message == 'Singular matrix':
                                "La matrice saisie n'est pas inversible!"
                    elif err.message == 'Matrix is not positive definite':
                                "La matrice saisie n'est pas definie positive!"
                            json.dumps({'error': err.message}))
                except (NameError, TypeError) as err:
                    mess = "Les valeurs saisies sont incompletes!: " + err.message
                    self.client_socket.send(json.dumps({'error': mess}))
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                            "Imposible de diviser un nombre par zero"
                except ValueError as err:
                            "L'une des valeurs saisie est invalide!: " +

        except socket.error as msg:
            print 'Erreur socket:%s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 38
def dot_primitive():
    return scl.lu(A)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def dot_standard():
    return scl.lu(B)
Ejemplo n.º 40
print "Matrice Ar ",Ar.shape,Ar.nnz
# resolution
print "solution min/max=",amin(Ur),amax(Ur)

# tracer
if (True):
    plt.title("A dim=%d non-zero=%d"%(size(A),count_nonzero(A)),fontsize=16)
    plt.title("LU dim=%d non-zero=%d"%(size(PLU),count_nonzero(PLU)),fontsize=16)
def randomized_range_finder(A,
    """Computes an orthonormal matrix whose range approximates the range of A.

    A : 2D array
        The input data matrix

    size : integer
        Size of the return array

    n_iter : integer
        Number of power iterations used to stabilize the result

    power_iteration_normalizer : 'auto' (default), 'QR', 'LU', 'none'
        Whether the power iterations are normalized with step-by-step
        QR factorization (the slowest but most accurate), 'none'
        (the fastest but numerically unstable when `n_iter` is large, e.g.
        typically 5 or larger), or 'LU' factorization (numerically stable
        but can lose slightly in accuracy). The 'auto' mode applies no
        normalization if `n_iter`<=2 and switches to LU otherwise.

        .. versionadded:: 0.18

    random_state : RandomState or an int seed (0 by default)
        A random number generator instance

    Q : 2D array
        A (size x size) projection matrix, the range of which
        approximates well the range of the input matrix A.


    Follows Algorithm 4.3 of
    Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing
    approximate matrix decompositions
    Halko, et al., 2009 (arXiv:909) http://arxiv.org/pdf/0909.4061

    An implementation of a randomized algorithm for principal component
    A. Szlam et al. 2014
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    # Generating normal random vectors with shape: (A.shape[1], size)
    Q = random_state.normal(size=(A.shape[1], size))

    # Deal with "auto" mode
    if power_iteration_normalizer == 'auto':
        if n_iter <= 2:
            power_iteration_normalizer = 'none'
            power_iteration_normalizer = 'LU'

    # Perform power iterations with Q to further 'imprint' the top
    # singular vectors of A in Q
    for i in range(n_iter):
        if power_iteration_normalizer == 'none':
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q)
        elif power_iteration_normalizer == 'LU':
            Q, _ = linalg.lu(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), permute_l=True)
            Q, _ = linalg.lu(safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q), permute_l=True)
        elif power_iteration_normalizer == 'QR':
            Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), mode='economic')
            Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q), mode='economic')

    # Sample the range of A using by linear projection of Q
    # Extract an orthonormal basis
    Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), mode='economic')
    return Q
Ejemplo n.º 42
def randomized_range_finder(A, *, size, n_iter,
    """Computes an orthonormal matrix whose range approximates the range of A.

    A : 2D array
        The input data matrix.

    size : int
        Size of the return array.

    n_iter : int
        Number of power iterations used to stabilize the result.

    power_iteration_normalizer : {'auto', 'QR', 'LU', 'none'}, default='auto'
        Whether the power iterations are normalized with step-by-step
        QR factorization (the slowest but most accurate), 'none'
        (the fastest but numerically unstable when `n_iter` is large, e.g.
        typically 5 or larger), or 'LU' factorization (numerically stable
        but can lose slightly in accuracy). The 'auto' mode applies no
        normalization if `n_iter` <= 2 and switches to LU otherwise.

        .. versionadded:: 0.18

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None
        The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling
        the data, i.e. getting the random vectors to initialize the algorithm.
        Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.
        See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`.

    Q : ndarray
        A (size x size) projection matrix, the range of which
        approximates well the range of the input matrix A.


    Follows Algorithm 4.3 of
    Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing
    approximate matrix decompositions
    Halko, et al., 2009 (arXiv:909) https://arxiv.org/pdf/0909.4061.pdf

    An implementation of a randomized algorithm for principal component
    A. Szlam et al. 2014
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    # Generating normal random vectors with shape: (A.shape[1], size)
    Q = random_state.normal(size=(A.shape[1], size))
    if A.dtype.kind == 'f':
        # Ensure f32 is preserved as f32
        Q = Q.astype(A.dtype, copy=False)

    # Deal with "auto" mode
    if power_iteration_normalizer == 'auto':
        if n_iter <= 2:
            power_iteration_normalizer = 'none'
            power_iteration_normalizer = 'LU'

    # Perform power iterations with Q to further 'imprint' the top
    # singular vectors of A in Q
    for i in range(n_iter):
        if power_iteration_normalizer == 'none':
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q)
        elif power_iteration_normalizer == 'LU':
            Q, _ = linalg.lu(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), permute_l=True)
            Q, _ = linalg.lu(safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q), permute_l=True)
        elif power_iteration_normalizer == 'QR':
            Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), mode='economic')
            Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q), mode='economic')

    # Sample the range of A using by linear projection of Q
    # Extract an orthonormal basis
    Q, _ = linalg.qr(safe_sparse_dot(A, Q), mode='economic')
    return Q
Ejemplo n.º 43
# matrixEx.py
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu

a= np.mat('1, 2: 3, 2: 2, 3')
a= np.mat('1, 2; 3, 2; 2, 3') # define matrix

aT= np.transpose(a)


c = b*a

l= lu(a)
def compute_and_plot_specrad():
    Compute and plot spectral radius of smoother iteration matrix for a whole range of eigenvalues
    # setup_list = [('LU', 'to0'), ('LU', 'toinf'), ('IE', 'to0'), ('IE', 'toinf')]
    # setup_list = [('LU', 'to0'), ('LU', 'toinf')]
    # setup_list = [('IE', 'to0'), ('IE', 'toinf')]
    # setup_list = [('LU', 'toinf'), ('IE', 'toinf')]
    setup_list = [('IE', 'full'), ('LU', 'full')]
    # setup_list = [('EX', 'to0'), ('PIC', 'to0')]

    # set up plotting parameters
    params = {
        'legend.fontsize': 24,
        'figure.figsize': (12, 8),
        'axes.labelsize': 24,
        'axes.titlesize': 24,
        'xtick.labelsize': 24,
        'ytick.labelsize': 24,
        'lines.linewidth': 3

    Nnodes = 3
    Nsteps = 4

    coll = CollGaussRadau_Right(Nnodes, 0, 1)
    Qmat = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:]

    Nmat = np.zeros((Nnodes, Nnodes))
    Nmat[:, -1] = 1

    Emat = np.zeros((Nsteps, Nsteps))
    np.fill_diagonal(Emat[1:, :], 1)

    for qd_type, conv_type in setup_list:

        if qd_type == 'LU':

            QT = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:].T
            [_, _, U] = LA.lu(QT, overwrite_a=True)
            QDmat = U.T

        elif qd_type == 'IE':

            QI = np.zeros(np.shape(coll.Qmat))
            for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1):
                QI[m, 1:m + 1] = coll.delta_m[0:m]
            QDmat = QI[1:, 1:]

        elif qd_type == 'EE':

            QE = np.zeros(np.shape(coll.Qmat))
            for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1):
                QE[m, 0:m] = coll.delta_m[0:m]
            QDmat = QE[1:, 1:]

        elif qd_type == 'PIC':

            QDmat = np.zeros(np.shape(coll.Qmat[1:, 1:]))

        elif qd_type == 'EX':

            QT = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:].T
            [_, _, U] = LA.lu(QT, overwrite_a=True)
            QDmat = np.tril(U.T, k=-1)

            raise NotImplementedError('qd_type %s is not implemented' %

        # lim_specrad = max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(np.eye(Nnodes) - np.linalg.inv(QDmat).dot(Qmat))))
        # print('qd_type: %s -- lim_specrad: %6.4e -- conv_type: %s' % (qd_type, lim_specrad, conv_type))

        if conv_type == 'to0':

            ilim_left = -4
            ilim_right = 2
            rlim_left = 2
            rlim_right = -4

        elif conv_type == 'toinf':

            ilim_left = 0
            ilim_right = 11
            rlim_left = 6
            rlim_right = 0

        elif conv_type == 'full':

            ilim_left = -10
            ilim_right = 11
            rlim_left = 10
            rlim_right = -11

            raise NotImplementedError('conv_type %s is not implemented' %

        ilam_list = 1j * np.logspace(ilim_left, ilim_right, 201)
        rlam_list = -1 * np.logspace(rlim_left, rlim_right, 201)

        assert (rlim_right - rlim_left + 1) % 5 == 0
        assert (ilim_right - ilim_left - 1) % 5 == 0
        assert (len(rlam_list) - 1) % 5 == 0
        assert (len(ilam_list) - 1) % 5 == 0

        Prho = np.zeros((len(rlam_list), len(ilam_list)))

        for idr, rlam in enumerate(rlam_list):
            for idi, ilam in enumerate(ilam_list):
                dxlam = rlam + ilam

                mat = np.linalg.inv(
                    np.eye(Nnodes * Nsteps) -
                    dxlam * np.kron(np.eye(Nsteps), QDmat)).dot(
                        dxlam * np.kron(np.eye(Nsteps), (Qmat - QDmat)) +
                        np.kron(Emat, Nmat))
                mat = np.linalg.matrix_power(mat, Nnodes)

                Prho[idr, idi] = max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(mat)))


        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))

            i + 0.5 for i in range(0, len(rlam_list), int(len(rlam_list) / 5))
            r'-$10^{%d}$' % i for i in range(
                rlim_left, rlim_right, int((rlim_right - rlim_left + 1) / 5))
            i + 0.5 for i in range(0, len(ilam_list), int(len(ilam_list) / 5))
            r'$10^{%d}i$' % i for i in range(
                ilim_left, ilim_right, int((ilim_right - ilim_left - 1) / 5))

        cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds')
        pcol = plt.pcolor(Prho.T,
                          norm=LogNorm(vmin=1E-09, vmax=1E-00))


        plt.xlabel(r'$Re(\Delta t\lambda)$')
        plt.ylabel(r'$Im(\Delta t\lambda)$')

        fname = 'data/heatmap_smoother_' + conv_type + '_Nsteps' + str(Nsteps) + '_M' + \
                str(Nnodes) + '_' + qd_type + '.png'
Ejemplo n.º 45
#### #### Matrix Elimination and LU Decomposition

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu

# Input a n*n array as the determinant you want to analysis.
D = np.array([[4, 1, 5, 4, 3], [3, 4, 6, 2, 5], [2, 7, 5, 1, 3],
              [1, 6, 4, 3, 6], [2, 1, 6, 5, 4]])

# LU Decomposition
pl, U = lu(D, permute_l=True)
# [[ 4.          1.          5.          4.          3.        ]
#  [ 0.          6.5         2.5        -1.          1.5       ]
#  [ 0.          0.          3.30769231  3.07692308  2.38461538]
#  [ 0.          0.          0.          2.38372093  3.53488372]
#  [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          3.4       ]]
Ejemplo n.º 46
def main():
    print(quad(lambda x: np.exp(-x), 0, np.inf))  #jifen  1~wuqiong
            lambda t, x: np.exp(-x * t) / t**3,
            np.inf,  #t de fan wei
            lambda x: 1,
            lambda x: np.inf))  #erweijifen   x de fanwei

    def f(x, y):
        return x * y

    def bound_y():
        return [0, 0.5]

    def bound_x(y):
        return [0, 1 - 2 * y]

    print(nquad(f, (bound_x, bound_y)))  #n weijifen

    # 2--Optimizer
    def rosen(x):
        return sum(100.0 * (x[1:] - x[:1]**2.0)**2.0 + (1 - x[:1])**2.0)

    x0 = np.array([1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2])
    res = minimize(rosen,
                       "xtol": 1e-8,
                       "disp": True
    print("ROSE MINI:", res.x)

    # def func(x):
    #     return (2*x[0]*x[1]+2*x[0]-x[0]**2-2*x[1]**2)
    # def func_deriv(x):
    #     dfdx0 = (-2*x[0]+2*x[1]+2)
    #     dfdx1 = (2*x[0]-4*x[1])
    #     return np.array([dfdx0,dfdx1])
    # cons=({"type":"eq","fun":lambda x:np.array([x[0]**3-x[1]]),"jac":lambda x:np.array([3.0*(x[0]**2.0,-1.0)])},
    #       {"type": "ineq", "fun": lambda x: np.array([x[1] - 1]), "jac": lambda x: np.array([0.0,1.0])})
    # res = minimize(func,np.array([-1.0,1.0]),jac=func_deriv,constraints=cons,method='SLSQP',options={'disp':True})
    # print("RESTRICT:",res)
    def fun(x):
        return x + 2 * np.cos(x)

    sol = root(fun, 0.1)
    print("ROOT:", sol.x, sol.fun)
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * x)
    li = interp1d(x, y, kind="cubic")
    x_new = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
    y_new = li(x_new)
    plot(x, y, "r")
    plot(x_new, y_new, "k")
    arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    print("Det:", lg.det(arr))
    print("Inv:", lg.inv(arr))
    b = np.array([6, 14])
    print("Sol:", lg.solve(arr, b))
    print("Eig:", lg.eig(arr))
    print("LU:", lg.lu(arr))
    print("QR:", lg.qr(arr))
    print("SVD:", lg.svd(arr))
    print("Schur:", lg.schur(arr))
Ejemplo n.º 47
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu

A = np.array([[6, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1], [0, 4, 9]])
P, L, U = lu(A)

nswaps = len(np.diag(P)) - np.sum(np.diag(P)) - 1

detP = (-1)**nswaps
detL = np.prod(np.diag(L))
detU = np.prod(np.diag(U))

print(detP * detL * detU)

print('job done')
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def optimal_y(self, a_hist, t=None):
        - if t is NOT given it takes a_hist (list or numpy.array) as a deterministic a_t
        - if t is given, it solves the combined control prediction problem (section 7)
          (by default, t == None -> deterministic)

        for a given sequence of a_t (either deterministic or a particular realization),
        it calculates the optimal y_t sequence using the method of the lecture

        scipy.linalg.lu normalizes L, U so that L has unit diagonal elements
        To make things consistent with the lecture, we need an auxiliary diagonal
        matrix D which renormalizes L and U

        N = np.asarray(a_hist).shape[0] - 1
        W, W_m = self.construct_W_and_Wm(N)

        L, U = la.lu(W, permute_l=True)
        D = np.diag(1 / np.diag(U))
        U = D @ U
        L = L @ np.diag(1 / np.diag(D))

        J = np.fliplr(np.eye(N + 1))

        if t is None:  # if the problem is deterministic

            a_hist = J @ np.asarray(a_hist).reshape(N + 1, 1)

            # Transform the 'a' sequence if β is given
            if self.β != 1:
                a_hist = a_hist * (self.β**(np.arange(N + 1) /
                                            2))[::-1].reshape(N + 1, 1)

            a_bar = a_hist - W_m @ self.y_m  # a_bar from the lecture
            Uy = np.linalg.solve(L, a_bar)  # U @ y_bar = L^{-1}
            y_bar = np.linalg.solve(U, Uy)  # y_bar = U^{-1}L^{-1}

            # Reverse the order of y_bar with the matrix J
            J = np.fliplr(np.eye(N + self.m + 1))
            y_hist = J @ np.vstack([y_bar, self.y_m
                                    ])  # y_hist : concatenated y_m and y_bar

            # Transform the optimal sequence back if β is given
            if self.β != 1:
                y_hist = y_hist * (self.β**(-np.arange(-self.m, N + 1) /
                                            2)).reshape(N + 1 + self.m, 1)

            return y_hist, L, U, y_bar

        else:  # if the problem is stochastic and we look at it

            Ea_hist = self.predict(a_hist, t).reshape(N + 1, 1)
            Ea_hist = J @ Ea_hist

            a_bar = Ea_hist - W_m @ self.y_m  # a_bar from the lecture
            Uy = np.linalg.solve(L, a_bar)  # U @ y_bar = L^{-1}
            y_bar = np.linalg.solve(U, Uy)  # y_bar = U^{-1}L^{-1}

            # Reverse the order of y_bar with the matrix J
            J = np.fliplr(np.eye(N + self.m + 1))
            y_hist = J @ np.vstack([y_bar, self.y_m
                                    ])  # y_hist : concatenated y_m and y_bar

            return y_hist, L, U, y_bar
Ejemplo n.º 49
def compute_and_plot_specrad(Nnodes, lam):
    Compute and plot the spectral radius of the smoother for different step-sizes

        Nnodes: number of collocation nodes
        lam: test parameter representing the spatial problem

    coll = CollGaussRadau_Right(Nnodes, 0, 1)
    Qmat = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:]

    # do LU decomposition of QT (St. Martin's trick)
    QT = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:].T
    [_, _, U] = LA.lu(QT, overwrite_a=True)
    QDmat = U.T

    Nmat = np.zeros((Nnodes, Nnodes))
    Nmat[:, -1] = 1

    Nsteps_list = [64, 256]
    color_list = ['red', 'blue']
    marker_list = ['s', 'o']

    setup_list = zip(Nsteps_list, color_list, marker_list)

    xlist = [0.1 ** i for i in range(11)]

    rc('font', **{"sans-serif": ["Arial"], "size": 24})
    rc('legend', fontsize='small')
    rc('xtick', labelsize='small')
    rc('ytick', labelsize='small')
    plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))

    for Nsteps, color, marker in setup_list:

        Emat = np.zeros((Nsteps, Nsteps))
        np.fill_diagonal(Emat[1:, :], 1)

        Prho_list = []
        predict_list = []
        for x in xlist:

            mat = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(Nnodes * Nsteps) - x * lam * np.kron(np.eye(Nsteps), QDmat)).dot(
                x * lam * np.kron(np.eye(Nsteps), (Qmat - QDmat)) + np.kron(Emat, Nmat))

            # predict_list.append((1 + x) ** (1.0 - 1.0 / (Nnodes * Nsteps)) * x ** (1.0 / (Nnodes * Nsteps)))
            predict_list.append(x ** (1.0 / (Nsteps)))

            if len(predict_list) > 1:
                print(x, predict_list[-1], Prho_list[-1], Prho_list[-2] / Prho_list[-1],
                      predict_list[-2] / predict_list[-1])

        plt.loglog(xlist, Prho_list, linestyle='-', linewidth=3, color=color, marker=marker, markersize=10,
                   label='spectral radius, L=' + str(Nsteps))
        plt.loglog(xlist, [item for item in predict_list], linestyle='--', linewidth=2, color=color, marker=marker,
                   markersize=10, label='estimate, L=' + str(Nsteps))

    ax = plt.gca()

    plt.xlabel('time-step size')
    plt.ylabel('spectral radius')
    plt.legend(loc=3, numpoints=1)
    plt.ylim([1E-02, 1E01])

    if type(lam) is complex:
        fname = 'data/smoother_specrad_to0_L64+256_M' + str(Nnodes) + 'LU_imag.png'
        fname = 'data/smoother_specrad_to0_L64+256_M' + str(Nnodes) + 'LU_real.png'
    plt.savefig(fname, rasterized=True, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 50
def main():
    from scipy.integrate import quad,dblquad,nquad
    print(quad(lambda x:np.exp(-x),0,np.inf))
    print(dblquad(lambda t, x:np.exp(-x*t)/t**3,0,np.inf,lambda x:1, lambda x:np.inf))
    def f(x,y):
        return x*y
    def bound_y():
        return [0,0.5]
    def bound_x(y):
        return [0,1-2*y]

    from scipy.optimize import minimize
    def rosen(x):
        return sum(100.0*(x[1:]-x[:-1]**2.0)**2.0+(1-x[:-1])**2.0)
    print("ROSE MINI:",res)     #求出函数全局的最小值,可看属性res.x
    def func(x):
        return (2*x[0]*x[1]+2*x[0]-x[0]**2-2*x[1]**2)
    def func_deriv(x):
        dfdx0 =(-2*x[0]+2*x[1]+2)
        dedx1 =(2*x[0]-4*x[1])
        return np.array([dedx0,dedx1])
#    cons = 
#    优化器,拉格朗日(条件极值),雅可比矩阵,求根(未知数值)
    from scipy.optimize import root
    def fun(x):
        return x+2*np.cos(x)
    def fun_simple(x):
        return x+3
#    You used interpld, i.e. INTERPLD.
#    You want interp1d, i.e. with the numeral 1, for one-dimensional.
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    plot(x,y,'r')   #红色
    plot(x_new,y_new,'k')   #黑色
    from scipy import linalg as lg
    arr = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
Ejemplo n.º 51

#------ b ------
A_inv = np.linalg.inv(A)
z = np.matmul(A_inv, y)
p = np.reshape(z, (28, 28))
plt.imshow(p, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Greys')
plt.title('Question 11(b)')

#------ c ------

y = np.matmul(A, x)

P, L, U = sp.lu(A, permute_l=False)

Py = np.matmul(y, P)

s = sp.solve_triangular(L, Py, lower=True)

z = sp.solve_triangular(U, s)

p = np.reshape(z, (28, 28))
plt.imshow(p, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Greys')
plt.title('Question 11(c)')

#------ d ------
Ejemplo n.º 52
print("2nd column of A = ")
print(A[:, 1])

print("flat list (column vector) of matrix elements of A:  ")

print("Horizontal concatenation of A with itself:  ")
print(np.concatenate((A, A), axis=1))

print("Vertical concatenation of A with itself:  ")
print(np.concatenate((A, A), axis=0))

print("diagonal matrix:  ")
a1 = np.arange(10, 0, -1)  # count backward, note endpoint excluded

print("LU decomposition of A (A=L*U):  ")
[P, L, U] = sla.lu(A)
print("L = ")
print("U = ")

print("Eigenvalues of A = ")
[lam, psi] = sla.eig(A)  #note output args swapped from matlab
print("Eigenvectors of A = ")
print(psi[:, 0])
print(psi[:, 1])
print(psi[:, 2])
Ejemplo n.º 53
target = 7.0
print "Searching array for " + str(
    target) + " using np.searchsorted() function "
idx = np.searchsorted(arr, target)
print "Return result = " + str(idx)
print ""

m = np.matrix([[2., 4., 3., 5.], [7., 2., 8., 9.], [1., 0., 3., 1.],
               [3., 6., 2., 4.]])
print "Matrix m is "
print m
print ""

print "Performing LU decomposition on m using scipy.linalg.lu() "
(perm, low, upp) = spla.lu(m)
print ""

print "Result lower decomposed matrix is "
print low
print ""

arr = np.array([2.2, 5.5, 1.1, 4.4, 3.3])
med = np.median(arr)
print "Median of " + str(arr) + " using np.median() is " + str(med)
print ""

print "Making 100 Normal values with mean = 5.0 and sd = 1.0 using normal() "
# set seed here if you want to get reproducible results
values = np.random.normal(5.0, 1.0, 100)
Ejemplo n.º 54
#Symbolic approach
A = sympy.Matrix([[3, 2], [1, -2]])
b = sympy.Matrix([3, 5])

L, U, _ = A.LUdecomposition()
print(L * U)

x = A.solve(b)

###Numerical approach

A = np.array([[3, 2], [1, -2]])
b = np.array([3, 5])

P, L, U = la.lu(A)
print(L * U)
print(la.solve(A, b))
Ejemplo n.º 55
# Rozwiązanie dla układu z macierzą trójprzekątniową z przekątną, która nie jest dominująca
elif test == 4:
    # macierz trójprzekątniowa z przekątną, która nie jest dominująca
    A = np.array([[1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 4.0, -2.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 8.0, 6.0]])

    eq_no = 4
    flaga = 0

    print "Macierz A\n", A

if (flaga == 0):

    #dekompozycja LU z wykorzystaniem funkcji, P - macierz jednostkowa, permutacji
    P, L, U = sp.lu(A)

    print "\nmacierz P:"
    print P

    print "\nmacierz L:"
    print L

    print "\nmacierz U:"
    print U

    #wymiary macierzy permutacji
    dlugosc = len(P)
    b = []
    for dl in range(0, dlugosc):
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def __call__(self):
     p, l, u = lu(self.C)
     return p, l, u
Ejemplo n.º 57

I = np.identity(A.shape[0])

topHalf = np.hstack((I,A))
O = np.zeros((A.shape[1],A.shape[1]))

bottomHalf = np.hstack((A.T,O))

AugM = np.vstack((topHalf,bottomHalf))

P,L,U = sp.lu(AugM, permute_l=False)

o = np.zeros(5)

bo = np.hstack((b,o))

Pb = np.matmul(P,bo)

s = sp.solve_triangular(L,Pb, lower = True)

rx = sp.solve_triangular(U,s)

Ejemplo n.º 58
def compute_ref_LUP_fast(u, threshold):
    Function for computing Row Echelon Form of u which is produced from LUP factorization.


    threshold: (Float)
    See documentation of the function "sort_rows_fast"


    u[order]: (2D float64 numpy array)
    Modified u array that is in Row Echelon Form.


    _, sorted_scores, order = sort_rows_fast(u,
    rows, cols = u.shape
    halt = False
    i, j = 0, 0
    in_ref = True
    not_ref_pos = [-1, -1]
    last_row = False

    while not halt:
        while (-threshold <= u[order[i], j] <= threshold) or last_row:
            in_ref = True
            if not_ref_pos[0] != -1:
                start, end = not_ref_pos
                _, u_prime = lu(u[order[start:end + 1], j:], permute_l=True)
                # u_prime = u_prime / np.abs(u_prime).max() #
                sorted_scores_t = np.ones(end - start + 1,
                                          dtype=np.uint64) * cols
                order_t = np.arange(end - start + 1, dtype=np.uint64)
                u_sorted_t, sorted_scores_t[:u_prime.shape[
                    0]], order_t[:u_prime.shape[0]] = sort_rows_fast(
                idxs_1, idxs_2 = order[start:start + u_prime.shape[0]], order[
                    start + u_prime.shape[0]:end + 1]
                u[idxs_1, j:] = u_sorted_t
                u[idxs_2, j:] = 0
                sorted_scores[start:], order[start:] = merge_sorted_arrays(
                    sorted_scores_t, sorted_scores[end + 1:],
                    np.append(idxs_1, idxs_2)[order_t], order[end + 1:])
                i = start
                not_ref_pos[0], not_ref_pos[1] = -1, -1
                last_row = False

            if j == cols - 1 or last_row:
                halt = True

            j += 1

        if not in_ref:
            if not_ref_pos[0] == -1:
                not_ref_pos[0] = i - 1
            not_ref_pos[1] = i

        i += 1
        in_ref = False

        if i == rows:
            last_row = True
            i -= 1

    return u[order]
Ejemplo n.º 59
for i in range(10):
    for j in range(10):
        if i == j:
            np.fill_diagonal(A, 2, wrap=True)
        elif i == j + 1:
            A[i, j] = -1
        elif i == j - 1:
            A[i, j] = -1

x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
f = 100 * np.exp(-10 * x) * h**2  #our given function

for i in range(1, n):
    f[i] = f[i] + (i - 1) * f[i - 1] / i

P, L, U = lu(A)  #calculating the LU decompsition

L_inv = np.linalg.inv(L)

y = L_inv @ f * h**2

U_inv = np.linalg.inv(U)

x = U_inv @ y

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

A = np.zeros((100, 100), int)
for i in range(10):
    for j in range(10):
Ejemplo n.º 60
A = np.array([[2, 1, 1], [1, 3, 2], [1, 0, 0]])
B = np.array([4, 5, 6])
print(np.linalg.solve(A, B))
"""LU decomposition with Scipy"""
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[2., 1., 1.], [1., 3., 2.], [1., 0., 0.]])
B = np.array([4., 5., 6.])

LU = linalg.lu_factor(A)
x = linalg.lu_solve(LU, B)

P, L, U = linalg.lu(A)
"""Cholesky decomposition with Numpy"""
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[10., -1., 2., 0.], [-1., 11., -1., 3.], [2., -1., 10., -1.],
              [0.0, 3., -1., 8.]])
B = np.array([6., 25., -11., 15.])
L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)

print(np.dot(L, L.T.conj()))
y = np.linalg.solve(L, B)
x = np.linalg.solve(L.T.conj(), y)