Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_scipy_filter_gaussian_laplace(self, width):
        Test MexicanHat kernels against SciPy ndimage gaussian laplace filters.
        mexican_kernel_1D = MexicanHat1DKernel(width)
        mexican_kernel_2D = MexicanHat2DKernel(width)

        astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=False)
        astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=False)

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
            astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=True)
        assert 'sum is close to zero' in exc.value.args[0]

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
            astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=True)
        assert 'sum is close to zero' in exc.value.args[0]

        # The Laplace of Gaussian filter is an inverted Mexican Hat
        # filter.
        scipy_1D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_1D, width)
        scipy_2D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_2D, width)

        # There is a slight deviation in the normalization. They differ by a
        # factor of ~1.0000284132604045. The reason is not known.
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_1D, scipy_1D, decimal=5)
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_2D, scipy_2D, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def loadImage(self, fname):
        self._imageFilename = fname
        self.templateBox((0, 0, 0, 0))
        self._boxes = []
        self._currentBox = None
        logging.info("Load image %s" % fname)

        self._image = array(Image.open(fname).convert('L'), dtype='f') / 255
        (h, w) = shape(self._image)
        self._imageSize = (w, h)
        im1 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 2)
        im2 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 3)
        im4 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 4)
        im8 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 5)

        features = []
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 2))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 3))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 4))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 5))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 0))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 0))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 1))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 1))
        self._features = dstack(features)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_scipy_filter_gaussian_laplace(self, width):
        Test MexicanHat kernels against SciPy ndimage gaussian laplace filters.
        mexican_kernel_1D = MexicanHat1DKernel(width)
        mexican_kernel_2D = MexicanHat2DKernel(width)

        astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=False)
        astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=False)

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
            astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=True)
        assert 'sum is close to zero' in exc.value.args[0]

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
            astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill', normalize_kernel=True)
        assert 'sum is close to zero' in exc.value.args[0]

        # The Laplace of Gaussian filter is an inverted Mexican Hat
        # filter.
        scipy_1D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_1D, width)
        scipy_2D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_2D, width)

        # There is a slight deviation in the normalization. They differ by a
        # factor of ~1.0000284132604045. The reason is not known.
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_1D, scipy_1D, decimal=5)
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_2D, scipy_2D, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_hfen(prediction, target):
    """Calculates high frequency error norm [1] between target and prediction
    Implementation follows [2], who define a normalized version of HFEN.
    [1]: Ravishankar and Bresler: MR Image Reconstruction From Highly
    Undersampled k-Space Data by Dictionary Learning, 2011
    [2]: Han et al: Image Reconstruction Using Analysis Model Prior, 2016
    prediction : torch.Tensor
      Predicted image
    target : torch.Tensor
      Target image
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
    # HFEN is defined to use a kernel of size 15x15. Kernel size is defined as
    # 2 * int(truncate * sigma + 0.5) + 1, so we have to use truncate=4.5
    pred_filtered = gaussian_laplace(prediction.data, truncate=4.5, sigma=1.5)
    target_filtered = gaussian_laplace(target.data, truncate=4.5, sigma=1.5)

    norm_diff = np.linalg.norm((pred_filtered - target_filtered).flatten())
    norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_filtered.flatten())

    return norm_diff / norm_target
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def loadImage(self, fname):
        self._imageFilename = fname
        self._boxes = []
        self._currentBox = None
        logging.info("Load image %s" % fname)

        self._image = array(Image.open(fname).convert('L'), dtype='f')/255
        (h,w) = shape(self._image)
        self._imageSize = (w,h)
        im1 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 2)
        im2 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 3)
        im4 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 4)
        im8 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 5)

        features = []
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 2))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 3))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 4))
        features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 5))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 0))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 0))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 1))
        features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 1))
        self._features = dstack(features)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def HFEN(x, y, sigma=1.5, truncate=4.5):
    """High Frequency Error Norm

    Works for any dimension, but needs to be float. Gaussian kernel size is defined by:

    2*int(truncate*sigma + 0.5) + 1. so if

    15x15 Gauss kernel with sigma 1.5: truncate=4.5, sigma=1.5
    13x13 Gauss kernel with sigma 1.5: truncate=4, sigma=1.5


    x: reference
    y: reconstruction


    hfen: scalar
    x_log = gaussian_laplace(abs(x), sigma)
    y_log = gaussian_laplace(abs(y), sigma)

    return np.linalg.norm(x_log.reshape(-1) -
                          y_log.reshape(-1)) / np.linalg.norm(x_log)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def harris(im):
    gauss1d_k = numpy.array(gen_gauss1d_k([-1, 0, 1], 1))
    res1 = numpy.zeros(im.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    for i in range(im.shape[0]):
        for j in range(im.shape[1]):
            if j >= (len(gauss1d_k)//2) and j <= (im.shape[1] - len(gauss1d_k)//2 - 1):#Skipping the border pixels
                res1[i][j] = int(sum(im[i][j-len(gauss1d_k)//2:j+1+len(gauss1d_k)//2]*gauss1d_k))
            else: # copying the border pixels of the original image as it is
                res1[i][j] = im[i][j]

    #Gim = gaussian_filter(im, 1.5)
    #print Gim
    #log = create_log(2, 7)
    derx = numpy.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1],
                        [-1, 0, 1]])  #derivative filter in X direction
    dery = derx.transpose()  # derivative filter on y component
    Ix = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, derx)  # Derivative of X component of Image
    Iy = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, dery)
    Ixy = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, dery)
    Lx = gaussian_laplace(Ix, 1.5)  #cv2.filter2D(Ix, -1, log)
    Ly = gaussian_laplace(Iy, 1.5)  #cv2.filter2D(Iy, -1, log)
    Lxy = gaussian_laplace(Ixy, 1.5)  #cv2.filter2D(Ixy, -1, log)
    alpha = 0.05
    R = numpy.empty(im.shape)
    res = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    for i in range(im.shape[0]):
        for j in range(im.shape[1]):
            h2 = numpy.matrix([[Lx[i, j] * Lx[i, j], Lxy[i, j]],
                               [Lxy[i, j], Ly[i, j] * Ly[i, j]]])
            R[i, j] = numpy.linalg.det(h2) - (alpha * numpy.trace(h2))

    th = (numpy.max(numpy.absolute(R))) * 0.99
    for i in range(im.shape[0]):
        for j in range(im.shape[1]):
            if fabs(R[i, j]) > th:
                res[i, j] = [0, 0, 255]

    cv2.imshow("im", im)
    cv2.imshow("Ix", Ix)
    cv2.imshow("Iy", Iy)
    cv2.imshow("Lx", Lx)
    cv2.imshow("Ly", Ly)
    cv2.imshow("Lxy", Lxy)
    cv2.imshow("res", res)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def edge_coordinates(image, alg='log', sigma=0.5):
    """Separates the edges of each area in the input image,
    returning the corresponding coordinates.

    image : array
        Grayscale input image.
    alg : string, optional (default : 'log')
        Algorithm used to extract edges. Accepts the values 'log', for
        Laplacian of Gaussian, and 'canny', for Canny. Default is 'log'.
    sigma : float, optional (default : 0.5)
        Sigma value used on the algorithm.

    regions : array
        Array containing the regions separated by labeled region.
    edges : list
        List containing the coordinates to the edge points, separated
        according to their region.

    img_label, num_regions = measure.label(image, return_num=True)

    alg2edge = {
        'log': gaussian_laplace(image, sigma),
        'canny': canny(image, sigma)
    edges = alg2edge.get(alg, gaussian_laplace(image, sigma))

    edges = [list() for _ in range(num_regions)]
    rows, cols = img_label.shape
    regions = np.empty((num_regions, rows, cols))

    # separating regions and their edges, according to measure.label()
    for num in range(1, num_regions+1):
        regions[num-1] = img_label == num
        contour = measure.find_contours(regions[num-1], level=0)
        edges[num-1] = contour[0].astype(int).tolist()

    # ordering edge pixels
    for edge in edges:
        # calculating centroid
        cntrd = (sum([pt[0] for pt in edge])/len(edge),
                 sum([pt[1] for pt in edge])/len(edge))
        # sorting by polar angle
        edge.sort(key=lambda pt: atan2(pt[1]-cntrd[1],

    return regions, edges
Ejemplo n.º 9
def laplace(data, sigmas):
    Smooth data by convolving 2nd derivative of Gaussian kernel
    assert len(data.shape) == len(sigmas)
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
    return gaussian_laplace(data.astype(float), sigmas)
def prepare_images():
    '''Preprocess the images and store them in `data` dictionary.'''
    data = {}
    data['original'] = []
    data['gaussian'] = []
    data['targets'] = []
    # for folder in FOLDERS:
    imgs = []
    targets = []
    gradient_images = []
    for folder in FOLDERS:
        directory = DIR + str(folder)
        for camera in CAMERAS:
            for number in range(10):
                path = join(directory,str(camera).join(K_FILENAME) + str(number) + '.bmp')
                image = imread(path, mode='L')

                for j in range(0,len(image[0])-1,C_PIXELS):
                    # Crop images to 28x28
                    img = image[7:35,j+3:j+31]
                    # Get image gradient with Laplacian of the Gaussian
                    laplacian = gaussian_laplace(img,sigma=2)
    # Add images to data dictionary.
    data['original'] = imgs
    data['gaussian'] = gradient_images
    data['targets'] = targets
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 11
def laplacian(data, sigmas):
    Apply Laplacian filter
    assert len(data.shape) == len(sigmas)
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
    return gaussian_laplace(data.astype(float), sigmas)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def clean_frame(frame, median_radius=6, log_sigma=4):
    Cleanup function to be run on SRAD output. Median filter for
      further denoising, followed by edge sharpening with a Laplacian 
      of Gaussian (LoG) mask.

    Inputs: ndarray image, filter kernel settings
      median_radius: median filter radius; should be odd integer
      log_sigma: LoG sigma; controls kernel size
    Output: cleaned; a processed ndarray

    # TODO provide default for median_radius that is
    #   sensitive to image dimensions


    # median filter
    cleaned = median_filter(frame, median_radius)

    # add LoG, protecting against overflow
    logmask = gaussian_laplace(cleaned, log_sigma)
    frame_ceil = np.finfo(frame.dtype).max
    logmask = frame_ceil - logmask
    np.putmask(cleaned, logmask < cleaned, logmask)
    cleaned += frame_ceil - logmask

    return cleaned
Ejemplo n.º 13
def blob_detector_downsample(image):
    threshold = 0.003
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = gray.astype(np.float32) / 255.

    h, w = gray.shape
    scale_space = np.zeros((h, w, level))
    for i in range(level):
        scale = k**i
        scale_gray = transform.resize(gray, (int(h / scale), int(w / scale)),
        square_lg = gaussian_laplace(scale_gray, sigma=initial)**2
        scale_space[:, :, i] = transform.resize(square_lg, (h, w),

    nms_3d = generic_filter(scale_space, nms, size=(3, 3, 3))
    # nms_3d = rank_nms(scale_space)
    # nms_3d = nms_3d/np.max(nms_3d)
    cx = []
    cy = []
    radius = []

    for i in range(level):
        sigma = initial * k**i
        cx.append(list(np.where(nms_3d[:, :, i] > threshold)[1]))
        cy.append(list(np.where(nms_3d[:, :, i] > threshold)[0]))
        radius.append([np.sqrt(2) * sigma] * len(cx[i]))

    cx = np.concatenate(cx)
    cy = np.concatenate(cy)
    radius = np.concatenate(radius)

    return gray, cx, cy, radius
Ejemplo n.º 14
def blob_detector_increase(image):
    threshold = 0.01
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = gray.astype(np.float32) / 255.

    h, w = gray.shape
    scale_space = np.zeros((h, w, level))
    # Laplacian Gaussian filter
    for i in range(level):
        sigma = initial * k**i
        scale_normalize = sigma**2 * gaussian_laplace(gray, sigma=sigma)
        scale_space[:, :, i] = scale_normalize**2

    # generic filter
    nms_3d = generic_filter(scale_space, nms, size=(3, 3, 3))
    # nms_3d = rank_nms(scale_space)
    # nms_3d = nms_3d/np.max(nms_3d)
    cx = []
    cy = []
    radius = []

    for i in range(level):
        sigma = initial * k**i
        cx.append(list(np.where(nms_3d[:, :, i] > threshold)[1]))
        cy.append(list(np.where(nms_3d[:, :, i] > threshold)[0]))
        radius.append([np.sqrt(2) * sigma] * len(cx[i]))

    cx = np.concatenate(cx)
    cy = np.concatenate(cy)
    radius = np.concatenate(radius)

    return gray, cx, cy, radius
Ejemplo n.º 15
def laplacian(data, sigmas):
    Apply Laplacian filter
    assert len(data.shape) == len(sigmas)
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
    return gaussian_laplace(data.astype(float), sigmas)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def do_si_kp_detection():
    gray = cv2.imread('./synthetic.png', 0)
    synthetic_img_copy = cv2.imread('./synthetic.png').copy()
    sigma_list = [3, 5, 9, 12, 25, 30, 35]
    img_result = []
    rows, columns = gray.shape
    result = np.zeros((rows, columns))

    for sigma in sigma_list:
        #gau_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 5)
        lap_img = gaussian_laplace(gray, sigma)
        nms_img = perform_non_maximal_suppression(lap_img, 50)
        lap_img[lap_img < 0.035] = 0
        lap_img[lap_img > 10] = 0

    # find maxima among 5 images that have gaussian lapacian applied
    for i in range(0, rows):
        for j in range(0, columns):
            max = 0
            for processed_img in img_result:
                temp = processed_img[i][j]
                if temp > max:
                    max = temp
            result[i][j] = max

    # add circle on origianl image to circle out the interest points
    for s in range(0, result.shape[0]):
        for t in range(0, result.shape[1]):
            if not (result[s][t] == 0):
                cv2.circle(synthetic_img_copy, (t, s), 10, (255, 0, 0))

    cv2.imwrite("./si_kp_detection.jpg", synthetic_img_copy)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def pick_coords(self, arr, i_list, j_list):
     HYPNUM = 5
     gl = gaussian_laplace(arr, 1)
     # Divide images into 25 blocks and calculate minimum
     BLK = 5
     hbl, wbl = np.linspace(0, gl.shape[0], BLK,
                            dtype=int), np.linspace(0,
     gl_min = []
     for (h1, h2) in zip(hbl[:-1], hbl[1:]):
         for (w1, w2) in zip(wbl[:-1], wbl[1:]):
             gl_min.append(gl[h1:h2, w1:w2].min())
     ji_list = []
     # plt.imshow(arr)
     # Pick top HYPNUM minimum from 25 blocks.
     j_all, i_all = [], []
     for ii in range(HYPNUM):
         a1, a2 = np.where(gl == gl_min[ii])
         # if len(a1) > 1:
         a1, a2 = a1[0], a2[0]
     return j_all, i_all
Ejemplo n.º 18
def count_maxima_laplace(par_obj, time_pt, fileno, reset_max=False):
    #count maxima won't work properly if have selected a random set of Z
    min_d = par_obj.min_distance
    imfile = par_obj.filehandlers[fileno]
    #if par_obj.min_distance[2] == 0 or par_obj.max_z == 0:
    #    count_maxima_2d(par_obj, time_pt, fileno)
    #    return
    predMtx = np.zeros((par_obj.height, par_obj.width, imfile.max_z + 1))
    for i in range(imfile.max_z + 1):
        predMtx[:, :, i] = par_obj.data_store['pred_arr'][fileno][time_pt][i]

    laplace = -filters.gaussian_laplace(predMtx, min_d, mode='constant')

    #if not already set, create. This is then used for the entire image and all subsequent training.
    #A little hacky, but otherwise the normalisation screws everything up
    if not par_obj.max_det:
        par_obj.max_det = np.max(laplace)
    elif reset_max:
        par_obj.max_det = np.max(laplace)

    laplace = laplace / par_obj.max_det
    par_obj.data_store['maxi_arr'][fileno][time_pt] = {}
    for i in range(imfile.max_z + 1):
        par_obj.data_store['maxi_arr'][fileno][time_pt][i] = laplace[:, :, i]

    pts = peak_local_max(laplace,

    pts2keep = []
    for pt2d in pts:
        #determinants of submatrices
        pts2keep.append([pt2d[0], pt2d[1], pt2d[2], 1])
    pts = pts2keep
    par_obj.show_pts = 1

    #Filter those which are not inside the region.
    if par_obj.data_store['roi_stkint_x'][fileno][time_pt].__len__() > 0:
        pts2keep = []

        for i in par_obj.data_store['roi_stkint_x'][fileno][time_pt]:
            for pt2d in pts:

                if pt2d[2] == i:
                    #Find the region of interest.
                    ppt_x = par_obj.data_store['roi_stkint_x'][fileno][
                    ppt_y = par_obj.data_store['roi_stkint_y'][fileno][
                    #Reformat to make the path object.
                    pot = []
                    for b in range(0, ppt_x.__len__()):
                        pot.append([ppt_x[b], ppt_y[b]])
                    p = Path(pot)
                    if p.contains_point([pt2d[1], pt2d[0]]) is True:
        pts = pts2keep

    par_obj.data_store['pts'][fileno][time_pt] = pts
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_scipy_filter_gaussian_laplace(self, width):
        Test MexicanHat kernels against SciPy ndimage gaussian laplace filters.
        mexican_kernel_1D = MexicanHat1DKernel(width)
        mexican_kernel_2D = MexicanHat2DKernel(width)

        astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill')
        astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill')

        scipy_1D = filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_1D, width)
        scipy_2D = filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_2D, width)

        # There is a slight deviation in the normalization. They differ by a
        # factor of ~1.0000284132604045. The reason is not known.
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_1D, scipy_1D, decimal=5)
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_2D, scipy_2D, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def pick_coords(self, arr, i_list, j_list):
        # cut 10% due to the instability of GL at edges
        cri, crj = int(arr.shape[0] * 0.1), int(arr.shape[1] * 0.1)
        arr = arr[cri:-cri, crj:-crj]
        i_list, j_list = i_list[cri:-cri], j_list[crj:-crj]

        self.gl = gaussian_laplace(arr, 1)
        a1, a2 = np.where(self.gl == self.gl.min())
        return j_list[a2[0]], i_list[a1[0]]
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_scipy_filter_gaussian_laplace(self, width):
        Test MexicanHat kernels against SciPy ndimage gaussian laplace filters.
        mexican_kernel_1D = MexicanHat1DKernel(width)
        mexican_kernel_2D = MexicanHat2DKernel(width)

        astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, mexican_kernel_1D, boundary='fill')
        astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, mexican_kernel_2D, boundary='fill')

        # The Laplace of Gaussian filter is an inverted Mexican Hat
        # filter.
        scipy_1D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_1D, width)
        scipy_2D = -filters.gaussian_laplace(delta_pulse_2D, width)

        # There is a slight deviation in the normalization. They differ by a
        # factor of ~1.0000284132604045. The reason is not known.
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_1D, scipy_1D, decimal=5)
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_2D, scipy_2D, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def apply_filter(similarity_matrix, filter_type='median', params=None):

        if filter_type == 'median':
            mask = np.ones(params[0])
            return median_filter(similarity_matrix, footprint=mask)

        if filter_type == 'gaussian_laplace':
            return gaussian_laplace(similarity_matrix, sigma=params[0])

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 23
def logSlice(image, sigma_list, threshold):

    gl_images = [-gaussian_laplace(image, s) * (s**2) for s in sigma_list]

    # get the mask
    seg = np.zeros_like(image)
    for zi in range(len(sigma_list)):
        seg = np.logical_or(seg, gl_images[zi] > threshold)

    return seg
Ejemplo n.º 24
def log_ndi(data, *args, **kwargs):
    """Apply laplacian of gaussian to each image in a stack of shape
    (..., I, J). 
    Extra arguments are passed to scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_laplace.
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
    h, w = data.shape[-2:]
    arr = []
    for frame in data.reshape((-1, h, w)):
        arr += [gaussian_laplace(frame, *args, **kwargs)]
    return np.array(arr).reshape(data.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def applyGaussionFilter():
    portrait = cv.imread("./portrait.jpg")
    portraitGray = cv.cvtColor(portrait, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # apply derivative of Gaussion filter
    result7_derivative = gaussian_filter(portraitGray, 3, order=[1, 1])
    cv.imwrite("./result7_derivative.jpg", result7_derivative)

    # apply Laplacian of Gaussian filter
    result7_lap = gaussian_laplace(portraitGray, sigma=3)
    cv.imwrite("./result7_lap.jpg", result7_lap)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def sphere_log(data, scales=range(5, 9, 1), anisotropy_factor=5.0):
    data = asarray(data)
    scales = asarray(scales)

    log = empty((len(scales), ) + data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
    for slog, scale in (tzip(log, scales)):
        slog[...] = scale**2 * gaussian_laplace(
            data, asarray([scale / anisotropy_factor, scale, scale]))
    peaks = local_minima(log)  # SZYX

    peaks_subset, peaks_list, threshold = get_peaks_subset(log, peaks, scales)
    return peaks_subset, peaks_list, log, peaks, threshold
def l_o_g(img, sigma):
    Laplacian of Gaussian filter (channel-wise)
    -> img: input image
    -> sigma: gaussian_laplace sigma
    <- filtered image
    while len(img.shape) < 3:
        img = img[..., np.newaxis]
    out = img.copy()
    for chan in range(img.shape[2]):
        out[..., chan] = filters.gaussian_laplace(img[..., chan], sigma)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 28
def enhancedFeatureExtractor(datum):
    Returns a feature vector of the image datum.

        datum: 2-dimensional numpy.array representing a single image.

        A 1-dimensional numpy.array of features designed by you. The features
            can have any length.


    features = basicFeatureExtractor(datum)
    symmetry = get_symmetry(datum).flatten()

    datum_2d = gaussian_filter(datum.reshape([28, 28]), 0.8)
    vert_convolve = signal.convolve2d(datum_2d, [[1,-1]])
    neighborhood = scipy.ndimage.morphology.generate_binary_structure(2,2)
    maximum_filter(vert_convolve, footprint=np.ones((3,3)))

#    vert_convolve = np.asarray(vert_convolve)[vert_convolve == maximum_filter(vert_convolve, footprint=np.ones((3,3)))]
    vert_convolve = max_pooling(vert_convolve, 2).flatten()

    hor_convolve = signal.convolve2d(datum_2d, [[1],[-1]])
#    hor_convolve = hor_convolve[hor_convolve == maximum_filter(hor_convolve, footprint=np.ones((3,3)))]
    hor_convolve = max_pooling(hor_convolve, 2).flatten()

    log_convolve = gaussian_laplace(datum.reshape([28, 28]), 1.8).flatten()
    chamfer = chamferDist(datum).flatten()

    pixel_feats = [features, symmetry, vert_convolve, hor_convolve, log_convolve, chamfer]
    features = np.concatenate(pixel_feats)
    num_empty_regions = num_empty(datum)
    num_empty_regions_arr = np.zeros((3,))
    if num_empty_regions < 3:
        num_empty_regions_arr[num_empty_regions] = 1

    num_full_regions = num_full(datum)
    num_full_regions_arr = np.zeros((3,))
    if num_full_regions < 3:
        num_full_regions_arr[num_full_regions] = 1

    features = np.append(features, np.array([num_empty_regions]))
    features = np.append(features, np.array([num_full_regions]))
    features = np.append(features, num_empty_regions_arr)
    features = np.append(features, num_full_regions_arr)

    return features
Ejemplo n.º 29
def generateDetector(image, edgeDetector, custom=0, only_x=1):
    if edgeDetector == 'prewitt':
        dx = filters.prewitt(image, 0)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = filters.prewitt(image, 1)  # vertical derivative
        mag = np.hypot(dx.astype('int32'), dy.astype('int32'))  # magnitude
        mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)
        return mag

    elif edgeDetector == "sobel":
        if custom == 1:
            return sobel_filter(image)
            dx = filters.sobel(image, 0)  # horizontal derivative
            dy = filters.sobel(image, 1)  # vertical derivative
            mag = np.hypot(dx.astype('int32'), dy.astype('int32'))  # magnitude
            mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)
            if only_x == 1:
                return dx
            return mag

    elif edgeDetector == "log":
        if custom == 0:
                "No in-built function available for log edge filter. Construct custom filter laplacian_of_gaussian and call generateDetector(image,'log',1)"
            return filters.gaussian_laplace(image,
            return laplcian_of_gaussian(image)

    elif edgeDetector == "roberts":
        if custom == 0:
            return roberts(image)
        if custom == 1:
            return roberts_filter(image)
    elif edgeDetector == "canny":

        # image = image.astype(np.uint8)
        from scipy import ndimage, misc
        misc.imsave('fileName.jpg', image)
        image = ndimage.imread('fileName.jpg', 0)

        return cv2.Canny(np.uint8(image), 250, 255, 3)  #,L2gradient=False)

        # return feature.canny(np.uint8(image), sigma = 100)
        # lower threshold- 25, upper threshold- 255
        return cv2.Canny(image, 25, 255)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_scale_space(image, init_sigma, levels, k, method='downsample'):
    h, w = image.shape[0], image.shape[1]

    sigma = np.zeros(levels)
    #     sigma = np.asarray([0]*levels)
    sigma[0] = init_sigma

    scale_space = np.zeros((h, w, levels))
    ord = 3
    # Method 2. (faster version)

    start = time.time()
    # Ensure odd filter size.
    n = np.ceil(sigma * 9)
    filter_size = int(n[0])

    if filter_size % 2 != 0:
        filter_size = int(filter_size)
        filter_size = filter_size + 1

    # Initialize filter matrix.

    gauss_filter = np.zeros((filter_size, filter_size))
    gauss_filter[((1 + filter_size) // 2 - 1) //
                 1][((1 + filter_size) // 2 - 1) // 1] = 1
    #     gauss_filter[center][center] = 1

    # Obtain filter (no normalization needed).
    LoG = gaussian_laplace(gauss_filter, init_sigma)

    # Scale the image.
    for i in range(0, levels, 1):
        # Down scale.
        scaled_h = (((1 // k)**i) * h) // 1
        scaled_w = (((1 // k)**i) * w) // 1
        #             scaled_im = transform.resize(image, (scaled_h, scaled_w), order=3)
        scaled_im = transform.rescale(image, (1 / k)**i, order=ord)

        # Apply convolution without normalization.
        im_tmp = convolve(scaled_im, LoG)**(ord - 1)

        # Upscale.
        scale_space[:, :, i] = transform.resize(im_tmp, (h, w), order=ord)

        # Update sigma.
        if (i + 1 < levels):
            sigma[i + 1] = sigma[i] * k

    return scale_space, sigma
def detectBlobs(im, param=None):
    # Input:
    #   IM - input image
    # Ouput:
    #   BLOBS - n x 5 array with blob in each row in (x, y, radius, angle, score)
    # Dummy - returns a blob at the center of the image

    im = rgb2gray(im)
    numLevels = 15
    k = 1.5
    sigma = 1.2
    threshold = 0.01
    blob = []
    scaleSigma = [(k**i) * sigma for i in range(15)]
    scaleSpace = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], numLevels))
    for key, val in enumerate(scaleSigma):
        #kernel = loG(3*val,sigma=val)
        #squaredResponse = convolve(im,kernel,mode='constant', cval=0.0)**2
        squaredResponse = (
            (val**2) *
            gaussian_laplace(im, sigma=val, mode='constant', cval=0.0))**2
        scaleSpace[:, :, key] = squaredResponse
    out = generic_filter(scaleSpace,
                         footprint=np.ones((3, 3, 3)),
    max_ind = np.where(out)
    #indexs = zip(max_ind[0], max_ind[1], max_ind[2])
    temp = scaleSpace[max_ind] > threshold
    for key, val in enumerate(temp):
        if val:
            x = max_ind[0][key]
            y = max_ind[1][key]
            n = max_ind[2][key]
            blob.append((y, x, np.sqrt(2) * scaleSigma[n], 0, scaleSpace[x, y,

    return np.asarray(blob)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def detect_blobs_log(input_path,
    # loading tiff stack
    stack_0 = sitk.ReadImage(input_path)
    stack_0 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(stack_0)
    image_0 = stack_0 * np.float32(255.0 / stack_0.max())

    sigma_list = np.linspace(min_sigma, max_sigma, num_sigma)

    image = np.copy(image_0)

    # computing gaussian laplace
    # s**2 provides scale invariance
    log_stack = []
    for sigma in sigma_list:
        if print_level:
            print("Sigma: {}".format(sigma))
        # TODO: Do we need a inhouse gaussian filter to control filter size?
        log = -gaussian_laplace(image, sigma) * sigma**2
    gl_scale_space = np.array(log_stack)

    # gl_images = [-gaussian_laplace(image, s) * s ** 2 for s in sigma_list]
    # gl_scale_space = np.array(gl_images)

    gl_thresh = threshold_otsu(gl_scale_space)

    local_maxima_2 = peak_local_max(gl_scale_space,
    lm2 = local_maxima_2.astype(np.float64)
    # Convert the first index to its corresponding scale value
    lm2[:, 0] = sigma_list[local_maxima_2[:, 0]]
    local_maxima_2 = lm2

    # move the scale column to be the right most column
    col_permutation = [1, 2, 3, 0]
    local_maxima_2 = local_maxima_2[:, col_permutation]

    output = _prune_blobs(local_maxima_2, overlap)

    write_csv(output[:, 0:3], output_path)
def get_laplacian(image_gray):
    scales = np.linspace(2.5, 6.5, num=10)
    laplacians = []

    for scale in scales:
        img_laplacian = -1.0 * filters.gaussian_laplace(image_gray, scale)
        r = scale * math.sqrt(2)
        #print img_laplacian.max()
        #img_laplacian = 1.0*img_laplacian/img_laplacian.max()
        #img_laplacian_max = maximum(img_laplacian, disk(r))

    laplacians = np.array(laplacians)

    return laplacians
Ejemplo n.º 34
def blobLOG(data, scales=range(1, 10, 1), threshold=-30):
    """Find blobs. Returns [[scale, x, y, ...], ...]"""
    from numpy import empty, asarray
    from itertools import repeat

    data = asarray(data)
    scales = asarray(scales)

    log = empty((len(scales),) + data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
    for slog, scale in zip(log, scales):
        slog[...] = scale ** 2 * gaussian_laplace(data, scale)

    peaks = localMinima(log, threshold=threshold)
    peaks[:, 0] = scales[peaks[:, 0]]
    return peaks
Ejemplo n.º 35
Archivo: blob.py Proyecto: yliu134/blob
def blobLOG(data, scales=range(1, 10, 1), threshold=-30):
    """Find blobs. Returns [[scale, x, y, ...], ...]"""
    from numpy import empty, asarray
    from itertools import repeat

    data = asarray(data)
    scales = asarray(scales)

    log = empty((len(scales), ) + data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
    for slog, scale in zip(log, scales):
        slog[...] = scale**2 * gaussian_laplace(data, scale)

    peaks = localMinima(log, threshold=threshold)
    peaks[:, 0] = scales[peaks[:, 0]]
    return peaks
def get_laplacian(img_hr_rgb,n_features):
	image_gray = rgb2gray(img_hr_rgb)
	scales = np.linspace(2.5,7.0,num=n_features)
	laplacians = []

	for scale in scales:
		img_laplacian = -1.0*filters.gaussian_laplace(image_gray,scale)
		img_laplacian = 1.0*img_laplacian/img_laplacian.max()
		#r = scale*math.sqrt(2)
		#print img_laplacian.max()
		#img_laplacian_max = maximum(img_laplacian, disk(r))
	laplacians = np.array(laplacians)
	return laplacians
Ejemplo n.º 37
def GaussianLaplaceFilter(data, sigma, verbose=False):

    # bx = image[:,1,1].size
    # by = image[1,:,1].size

    # pr_out=np.zeros((bx, by))

    result = np.zeros(data.shape)
    for layer in xrange(0, len(data)):
        image = data[layer]

        # pr_out = np.zeros(image.shape)
        prova = gaussian_laplace(image, sigma, result[layer], mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        result[layer] = (result[layer] + abs(result[layer].min()))*100
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 38
def blob_log(image, min_sigma=1, max_sigma=50, num_sigma=10, threshold=.2,
             overlap=.5, log_scale=False):
    """Finds blobs in the given grayscale image.

    Blobs are found using the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) method [1]_.
    For each blob found, the method returns its coordinates and the standard
    deviation of the Gaussian kernel that detected the blob.

    image : ndarray
        Input grayscale image, blobs are assumed to be light on dark
        background (white on black).
    min_sigma : float, optional
        The minimum standard deviation for Gaussian Kernel. Keep this low to
        detect smaller blobs.
    max_sigma : float, optional
        The maximum standard deviation for Gaussian Kernel. Keep this high to
        detect larger blobs.
    num_sigma : int, optional
        The number of intermediate values of standard deviations to consider
        between `min_sigma` and `max_sigma`.
    threshold : float, optional.
        The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller
        than thresh are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less
    overlap : float, optional
        A value between 0 and 1. If the area of two blobs overlaps by a
        fraction greater than `threshold`, the smaller blob is eliminated.
    log_scale : bool, optional
        If set intermediate values of standard deviations are interpolated
        using a logarithmic scale to the base `10`. If not, linear
        interpolation is used.

    A : (n, 3) ndarray
        A 2d array with each row representing 3 values, ``(y,x,sigma)``
        where ``(y,x)`` are coordinates of the blob and ``sigma`` is the
        standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel which detected the blob.

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blob_detection#The_Laplacian_of_Gaussian

    >>> from skimage import data, feature, exposure
    >>> img = data.coins()
    >>> img = exposure.equalize_hist(img)  # improves detection
    >>> feature.blob_log(img, threshold = .3)
    array([[113, 323,   1],
           [121, 272,  17],
           [124, 336,  11],
           [126,  46,  11],
           [126, 208,  11],
           [127, 102,  11],
           [128, 154,  11],
           [185, 344,  17],
           [194, 213,  17],
           [194, 276,  17],
           [197,  44,  11],
           [198, 103,  11],
           [198, 155,  11],
           [260, 174,  17],
           [263, 244,  17],
           [263, 302,  17],
           [266, 115,  11]])

    The radius of each blob is approximately :math:`\sqrt{2}sigma`.

    assert_nD(image, 2)

    image = img_as_float(image)

    if log_scale:
        start, stop = log(min_sigma, 10), log(max_sigma, 10)
        sigma_list = np.logspace(start, stop, num_sigma)
        sigma_list = np.linspace(min_sigma, max_sigma, num_sigma)

    # computing gaussian laplace
    # s**2 provides scale invariance
    gl_images = [-gaussian_laplace(image, s) * s ** 2 for s in sigma_list]
    image_cube = np.dstack(gl_images)

    local_maxima = peak_local_max(image_cube, threshold_abs=threshold,
                                  footprint=np.ones((3, 3, 3)),

    # Convert the last index to its corresponding scale value
    local_maxima[:, 2] = sigma_list[local_maxima[:, 2]]
    return _prune_blobs(local_maxima, overlap)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def gaussian_laplace_filter(grid,sigma=(1,1,1)):
    filtered = grid.copy()
    scifilt.gaussian_laplace(grid,sigma,filtered, mode='nearest')
    return filtered
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_laplace
from scipy.misc import imresize

def phaserand(stim, lower, upper):
    Y, X = np.ogrid[-256 : 256, -256 : 256]
    radius = (X ** 2 + Y ** 2) ** .5
    image_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(stim))
    amp = np.abs(image_fft)
    phase = np.angle(image_fft)
    phase_shuffled = phase.copy()
    idx = (radius > lower) & (radius <= upper)
    phase_shuffled[idx] = np.random.random(np.sum(idx)) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
    image_shuffled = amp * np.exp(1j * phase_shuffled)
    return np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(image_shuffled)))

stim_orig = plt.imread('../figures/che.png')
stim = -gaussian_laplace(stim_orig, 2)
stim -= stim.mean()
plt.imsave('../figures/che_coc.png', stim, vmin = -.2, vmax=.2, cmap='gray')

high_shuffled = phaserand(stim, 30, 512)
plt.imsave('../figures/che_high.png', high_shuffled, vmin = -.2, vmax=.2, cmap='gray')
low_shuffled = phaserand(stim, 0, 30)
plt.imsave('../figures/che_low.png', low_shuffled, vmin = -.2, vmax=.2, cmap='gray')
very_low_shuffled = phaserand(stim, 0, 6)
plt.imsave('../figures/che_verylow.png', very_low_shuffled, vmin = -.2, vmax=.2, cmap='gray')
Ejemplo n.º 41
def log_filtering(imdata, winSize,sigma, fg_thresh,option = 'proplog'):
    """Blob detection using LOG filter, image is cropped to local windows before filtering.

    imdata: numpy array (2D)
        The image data
    winSize: integer
        The size of local window.
    sigma: float
        Parameter for LOG
    fg_thresh: float(0~1)
        The foreground extraction percentage level.
    sample_rate = winSize
    nrow, ncol = imdata.shape
    rows = np.array(range(winSize,nrow,sample_rate))
    cols = np.array(range(winSize,ncol,sample_rate))

    rsu = np.maximum(rows - winSize,np.zeros(len(rows), dtype=np.int))
    rsd = np.minimum(rows + winSize,np.ones(len(rows), dtype=np.int)*(nrow-1))
    csl = np.maximum(cols - winSize,np.zeros(len(cols), dtype=np.int))
    csr = np.minimum(cols + winSize,np.ones(len(cols), dtype=np.int)*(ncol-1))

    log_response = np.zeros(imdata.shape, dtype=np.double)
    for rs in range(len(rows)):
        for cs in range(len(cols)):
            # extract data
            block = imdata[rsu[rs]:rsd[rs],csl[cs]:csr[cs]]

            # extract foreground
            estimated_bs = bs_Estimatimation(block, fg_thresh)
            fg = fg_thresholding(block,estimated_bs)

            # compute log response 
            temp_response = np.zeros(block.shape, np.double)
            filters.gaussian_laplace(fg, sigma, output=temp_response, mode='reflect')

            # composite response
            ub = rsu[rs] + winSize/2
            loc_ub = winSize/2
            db = rsd[rs] - winSize/2 
            loc_db = 3*winSize/2 
            lb = csl[cs] + winSize/2 
            loc_lb = winSize/2 
            rb = csr[cs] - winSize/2 
            loc_rb = 3*winSize/2
            # upper bound
            if rsu[rs] == 0:
                ub = 0
                loc_ub = 0
            # lower bound
            if rsd[rs] == nrow-1:
                db = nrow-1
                loc_db = temp_response.shape[0]
            # left bound
            if csl[cs] == 0:
                lb = 0
                loc_lb = 0
            # right bound
            if csr[cs] == ncol - 1:
                rb = ncol - 1
                loc_rb = temp_response.shape[1]
            log_response[ub:db,lb:rb] = temp_response[loc_ub:loc_db, loc_lb:loc_rb]

    if option == 'log':
        return -log_response
    if option == 'proplog':
        log_rep_prop = 1000*log_response / imdata
        return -log_rep_prop
Ejemplo n.º 42
from PIL import Image
from scipy.ndimage import filters
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Import images and tranfer them into 2D arrays
image1 = (Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/Img001_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
image2 = (Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/Img002_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
#image1 = array(Image.open("imagedata/Img001_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
# image2 = array(Image.open("imagedata/Img002_diffuse_smallgray.png"))

# Filter image with Gussian Filter
image_GF= filters.gaussian_laplace(image1, sigma=5)#Laplacian Gussian filter
image_GF2= filters.gaussian_laplace(image2, sigma=5)
neighbor = 4#the number of neighbor is 4

def detectinterest(image_GF):
  for x in range(1,image_GF.shape[0]-1):
    for y in range(1,image_GF.shape[1]-1):
         if image_GF[x,y]< image_GF[x,y+1] and image_GF[x,y]< image_GF[x,y-1] and image_GF[x,y]< image_GF[x-1,y] and  image_GF[x,y]< image_GF[x+1,y] and image_GF[x,y]<5:
         if image_GF[x,y]> image_GF[x,y+1] and image_GF[x,y]> image_GF[x,y-1] and image_GF[x,y]> image_GF[x-1,y] and  image_GF[x,y]> image_GF[x+1,y] and image_GF[x,y]>250:
Ejemplo n.º 43
myimage2 = array(Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/building.png"),dtype='float32')

image1 = array(Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/Img001_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype='float32')
image2 = array(Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/Img002_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype='float32')
image9 = array(Image.open("/Users/Maria/Documents/ITandcognition/bin/Images/Img009_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype='float32')

#image1 = array(Image.open("Images/Img001_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
#image2 = array(Image.open("Images/Img002_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
#image9 = array(Image.open("Images/Img009_diffuse_smallgray.png"))
#myimage1 = array(Image.open("Images/human.png"),dtype='float32')
#myimage2 = array(Image.open("Images/building.png"),dtype='float32')

# Filter image with Gussian Filter
image_GF= filters.gaussian_laplace(image1, sigma=1.4)#Laplacian Gussian filter
image_GF2= filters.gaussian_laplace(image2, sigma=1.4)
image_GF9= filters.gaussian_laplace(image9, sigma=1.4)

myimage1_GF= filters.gaussian_laplace(myimage1, sigma=1.4)#Laplacian Gussian filter
myimage2_GF= filters.gaussian_laplace(myimage2, sigma=1.4)

def detect(image, threshold):
  for x in range(1,image.shape[0]-1):
      for y in range(1,image.shape[1]-1):
          if image[x,y]< image[x,y+1] and image[x,y]< image[x,y-1] and image[x,y]< image[x-1,y] and image[x,y]< image[x+1,y] and image[x,y]< -threshold: #local minima
          if image[x,y]> image[x,y+1] and image[x,y]> image[x,y-1] and image[x,y]> image[x-1,y] and  image[x,y]> image[x+1,y] and image[x,y]>threshold: #local maxima
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def getBinaryImage(self):
        self.ploting = False
        HEDAB = rgb2hed(self.image)
        R = self.image[:, :, 0]
        G = self.image[:, :, 1]
        B = self.image[:, :, 2]
        H = HEDAB[:, :, 0]
        E = HEDAB[:, :, 1]
        DAB = HEDAB[:, :, 2]
        BR = B * 2 / ((1 + R + G) * (1 + B + R + G))  # Blue-ratio image
        V = self.getV()  # From HSV
        (L, L2) = self.getL()  # From CIELAB and CIELUV
        BRSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(BR, 1)
        LSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(L, 1)
        VSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(V, 1)
        HSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(H, 1)
        ESmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(E, 1)
        RSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(R, 1)
        DABSmoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(DAB, 1)
        imLLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(LSmoothed, 9), 85) == False
        imVLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(VSmoothed, 9), 85) == False
        imELog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(ESmoothed, 9), 84) == False
        imRLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(RSmoothed, 9), 84) == False
        imDABLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(DABSmoothed, 9), 50)
        imHLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(HSmoothed, 9), 8)
        imLog = self.filterImage(gaussian_laplace(BRSmoothed, 9), 9)
        imR = self.filterImage(R, 2.5)
        imB = self.filterImage(B, 10.5)
        imV = self.filterImage(V, 6.5)
        imL = self.filterImage(L, 2.5)
        imL2 = self.filterImage(L2, 2.5)
        imE = self.filterImage(E, 18)
        imH = self.filterImage(H, 95) == False
        imDAB = self.filterImage(DAB, 55) == False
        imBR = self.filterImage(BR, 63) == False
        binaryImg = (
            & imV
            & imB
            & imL
            & imL2
            & imE
            & imH
            & imDAB
            & imLog
            & imBR
            & imLLog
            & imVLog
            & imELog
            & imHLog
            & imRLog
            & imDABLog
        openImg = ndimage.binary_opening(binaryImg, iterations=2)
        closedImg = ndimage.binary_closing(openImg, iterations=8)
        if self.ploting:

        BRVL = np.zeros(self.image.shape)
        BRVL[:, :, 0] = BR
        BRVL[:, :, 1] = V
        BRVL[:, :, 2] = L / rangeL
        # ResizeHEDAB, from 0 to 1.
        HEDAB[:, :, 0] = (H - minH) / rangeH
        HEDAB[:, :, 1] = (E - minE) / rangeE
        HEDAB[:, :, 2] = (DAB - minDAB) / rangeDAB

        return (
            BinaryImageWorker(closedImg, self.rows, self.columns),
            RGBImageWorker(HEDAB, self.rows, self.columns),
            RGBImageWorker(BRVL, self.rows, self.columns),
            BinaryImageWorker(binaryImg, self.rows, self.columns),
Ejemplo n.º 45

print "Importing pictures and converting them to arrays"
# Import images and transfer them into 2D float arrays
im1 = array(Image.open("imagedata/Img001_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype="float32")
im2 = array(Image.open("imagedata/Img002_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype="float32")
im3 = array(Image.open("imagedata/Img009_diffuse_smallgray.png"),dtype="float32")

imsq = Image.open("imagedata/squirrel.png").convert('L')
imot = Image.open("imagedata/otter.png").convert('L')
imsq = array(imsq,dtype="float32")
imot = array(imot,dtype="float32")

im1_gl = filters.gaussian_laplace(im1,sigma=1.4)
im2_gl = filters.gaussian_laplace(im2,sigma=1.4) # I have no real argument for sigma 1.4 besides it yields good results
im3_gl = filters.gaussian_laplace(im3,sigma=1.4)
imsq_gl = filters.gaussian_laplace(imsq,sigma=1.4)
imot_gl = filters.gaussian_laplace(imot,sigma=1.4)

print "Done."

This function finds the local extrema in a picture.
It runs through every pixel 
def detect(image):
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def transform_LoG(self, sigma):
     for i_rot in np.arange(self.stack_height):
         self.score_stack[:,:,i_rot] = -gaussian_laplace(self.score_stack[:,:,i_rot], sigma)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def init_data():

    # Training Data
    imagesDic = scipy.io.loadmat(file_name="labeled_images.mat")
    tr_images = imagesDic["tr_images"].astype(float)
    tr_identity = imagesDic["tr_identity"].astype(float)
    tr_labels = imagesDic["tr_labels"]
    tr_images_O = tr_images
    tr_identity_O = tr_identity
    tr_labels_O = tr_labels

    # Test Data
    imagesDic = scipy.io.loadmat(file_name="public_test_images.mat")
    test_images = imagesDic["public_test_images"].astype(float)
    test_images_O = test_images
        trtr = transform_(tr_images, 0, 4)
        plt.imshow(trtr[:,:,0], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        plt.imshow(tr_images[:,:,0], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        tr_images_0_1 = transform_(tr_images, 0, 1)
        tr_images_0_m1 = transform_(tr_images, 0, -1)
        tr_images_1_0 = transform_(tr_images, 1, 0)
        tr_images_m1_0 = transform_(tr_images, -1, 0)

        things_to_join = (tr_images, tr_images_0_1, tr_images_0_m1,  tr_images_1_0, tr_images_m1_0)
        tr_images = np.concatenate(things_to_join, axis=2)

        things_to_join = (tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels)
        tr_labels = np.concatenate(things_to_join)

        things_to_join = (tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity)
        tr_identity = np.concatenate(things_to_join)

        tr_images_0_1 = transform_(tr_images, 0, 1)
        tr_images_0_m1 = transform_(tr_images, 0, -1)
        tr_images_1_0 = transform_(tr_images, 1, 0)
        tr_images_m1_0 = transform_(tr_images, -1, 0)
        tr_images_0_2 = transform_(tr_images, 0, 2)
        tr_images_0_m2 = transform_(tr_images, 0, -2)
        tr_images_2_0 = transform_(tr_images, 2, 0)
        tr_images_m2_0 = transform_(tr_images, -2, 0)

        things_to_join = (tr_images, tr_images_0_1, tr_images_0_m1,  tr_images_1_0, tr_images_m1_0, tr_images_0_2, tr_images_0_m2,  tr_images_2_0, tr_images_m2_0)
        tr_images = np.concatenate(things_to_join, axis=2)

        things_to_join = (tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels, tr_labels)
        tr_labels = np.concatenate(things_to_join)

        things_to_join = (tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity, tr_identity)
        tr_identity = np.concatenate(things_to_join)

    # More processing
    if False:
        SHOW_FILTER = False
        if SHOW_FILTER:
            plt.imshow(tr_images[:,:,0], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        #tr_images = np.array([exposure.equalize_hist(tr_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
        #test_images = np.array([exposure.equalize_hist(test_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])
        #tr_images = np.array([gaussian_filter(tr_images[:,:,i], sigma=0.5) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
        #test_images = np.array([gaussian_filter(test_images[:,:,i], sigma=0.5) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])
        tr_images = np.array([filters.gaussian_laplace(tr_images[:,:,i], sigma=0.4) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
        test_images = np.array([filters.gaussian_laplace(test_images[:,:,i], sigma=0.4) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])

        #tr_images = np.array([filter.edges.prewitt(tr_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
        #test_images = np.array([filter.edges.prewitt(test_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])
        #tr_images = np.array([filter.edges.sobel(tr_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
        #test_images = np.array([filter.edges.sobel(test_images[:,:,i]) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])
        tr_images = np.rollaxis(tr_images, 0, 3)
        test_images = np.rollaxis(test_images, 0, 3)
        if SHOW_FILTER:
            plt.imshow(tr_images[:,:,0], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    if False:
        ID = 1011
        tr_ID = tr_images[:,:,tr_identity.ravel()==ID]
        for i in range(tr_ID.shape[2]):
            plt.figure(i + 3)
            plt.imshow(tr_ID[:,:,i], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    # Preprocess the training set
    tr_images = np.array([tr_images[:,:,i].reshape(-1) for i in xrange(tr_images.shape[2])])
    tr_images = preprocessing.scale(tr_images,1)
    tr_images_O = np.array([tr_images_O[:,:,i].reshape(-1) for i in xrange(tr_images_O.shape[2])])
    tr_images_O = preprocessing.scale(tr_images_O,1)

    # Preprocess the test set
    test_images = np.array([test_images[:,:,i].reshape(-1) for i in xrange(test_images.shape[2])])
    test_images = preprocessing.scale(test_images,1)
    test_images_O = np.array([test_images_O[:,:,i].reshape(-1) for i in xrange(test_images_O.shape[2])])
    test_images_O = preprocessing.scale(test_images_O,1)

    # PCA reduction/projection
    if False:
        dim = 250
        pca = PCA(n_components=dim)
        tr_images = pca.fit_transform(tr_images)

        pca_ = PCA(n_components=dim)
        test_images = pca.fit_transform(test_images)
        print "PCA Total explained variance:", np.sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)

    return tr_images, tr_labels, tr_identity, test_images, tr_images_O, tr_labels_O, tr_identity_O, test_images_O