Ejemplo n.º 1
def Bwdist(image, t=8):
    if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
        img = np.array(image)
        # print(img.max())
        img = image
    dist1 = bwdist(np.logical_not(img))
    dist2 = bwdist(img)
    dist1 = 255 - ((dist1 < t) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    dist2 = 255 - ((dist2 < t) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    b = Image.fromarray(dist1).convert('L')
    f = Image.fromarray(dist2).convert('L')
    return b, f
def createMask(filtered):
	from scipy.ndimage import label,binary_erosion
	from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt as bwdist
	from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
	val = threshold_otsu(filtered);
	mask = np.zeros(filtered.shape);
	for z in tqdm.tqdm(range(filtered.shape[2])):
		label_img = label(filtered[:,:,z]<=val)[0];
		mask[:,:,z] = binary_erosion(1-((label_img==label_img[0,0])*1));	
	dist_mask  = bwdist(mask[:,:,0]);
	radius = np.max(dist_mask);
	[x,y] = np.where(dist_mask==radius);
	z = int(filtered.shape[2]/2.0);
	radius = int(radius/2.0);
	# obs = filtered[:,:,100:500].copy();
	# mobs = mask[:,:,100:500].copy()
	# mobs = mobs==1;
	# obs = obs[mobs].flatten()
	masked = filtered*mask;
	obs = np.zeros([filtered.shape[0],filtered.shape[1],60])
	obs[:,:,:20] = masked[:,:,:20]
	obs[:,:,20:40] = masked[:,:,z-10:z+10]
	obs[:,:,40:60] = masked[:,:,filtered.shape[2]-20:filtered.shape[2]]
	obs = obs[obs>0]	
	return mask,obs;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def cal_wfm(self, pred: np.ndarray, gt: np.ndarray) -> float:
        # [Dst,IDXT] = bwdist(dGT);
        Dst, Idxt = bwdist(gt == 0, return_indices=True)

        # %Pixel dependency
        # E = abs(FG-dGT);
        E = np.abs(pred - gt)
        Et = np.copy(E)
        Et[gt == 0] = Et[Idxt[0][gt == 0], Idxt[1][gt == 0]]

        # K = fspecial('gaussian',7,5);
        # EA = imfilter(Et,K);
        K = self.matlab_style_gauss2D((7, 7), sigma=5)
        EA = convolve(Et, weights=K, mode="constant", cval=0)
        # MIN_E_EA = E;
        # MIN_E_EA(GT & EA<E) = EA(GT & EA<E);
        MIN_E_EA = np.where(gt & (EA < E), EA, E)

        # %Pixel importance
        B = np.where(gt == 0, 2 - np.exp(np.log(0.5) / 5 * Dst),
        Ew = MIN_E_EA * B

        TPw = np.sum(gt) - np.sum(Ew[gt == 1])
        FPw = np.sum(Ew[gt == 0])

        R = 1 - np.mean(Ew[gt == 1])
        P = TPw / (TPw + FPw + _EPS)

        # % Q = (1+Beta^2)*(R*P)./(eps+R+(Beta.*P));
        Q = (1 + self.beta) * R * P / (R + self.beta * P + _EPS)

        return Q
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Bwdist(image, t=8):
    shape = image.shape[2:]
    batch_size = image.shape[0]
    image = image.reshape((-1, shape[0], shape[1], 1))
    # image = image.squeeze()
    image2 = image.copy()
    dist1 = image.copy()
    dist2 = image.copy()
    for i in range(batch_size):
        image[i,:,:,:] = bwdist(np.logical_not(image[i,:,:,:]))
        image2[i,:,:,:] = bwdist((image2[i,:,:,:]))
        dist1[i,:,:,:] = 1.0 - ((image[i,:,:,:]<t)*1.0)
        dist2[i,:,:,:] = 1.0 - ((image2[i,:,:,:]<t)*1.0)
    dist1 = dist1.reshape((-1, 1, shape[0], shape[1]))
    dist2 = dist2.reshape((-1, 1, shape[0], shape[1]))
    return dist1, dist2
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def cal_wfm(self, pred: np.ndarray, gt: np.ndarray) -> float:
        Calculate the weighted F-measure.
        # [Dst,IDXT] = bwdist(dGT);
        Dst, Idxt = bwdist(gt == 0, return_indices=True)

        # %Pixel dependency
        # E = abs(FG-dGT);
        E = np.abs(pred - gt)
        # Et = E;
        # Et(~GT)=Et(IDXT(~GT)); %To deal correctly with the edges of the foreground region
        Et = np.copy(E)
        Et[gt == 0] = Et[Idxt[0][gt == 0], Idxt[1][gt == 0]]

        # K = fspecial('gaussian',7,5);
        # EA = imfilter(Et,K);
        K = self.matlab_style_gauss2D((7, 7), sigma=5)
        EA = convolve(Et, weights=K, mode="constant", cval=0)
        # MIN_E_EA = E;
        # MIN_E_EA(GT & EA<E) = EA(GT & EA<E);
        MIN_E_EA = np.where(gt & (EA < E), EA, E)

        # %Pixel importance
        # B = ones(size(GT));
        # B(~GT) = 2-1*exp(log(1-0.5)/5.*Dst(~GT));
        # Ew = MIN_E_EA.*B;
        B = np.where(gt == 0, 2 - np.exp(np.log(0.5) / 5 * Dst),
        Ew = MIN_E_EA * B

        # TPw = sum(dGT(:)) - sum(sum(Ew(GT)));
        # FPw = sum(sum(Ew(~GT)));
        TPw = np.sum(gt) - np.sum(Ew[gt == 1])
        FPw = np.sum(Ew[gt == 0])

        # R = 1- mean2(Ew(GT)); %Weighed Recall
        # P = TPw./(eps+TPw+FPw); %Weighted Precision
        # 注意这里使用mask索引矩阵的时候不可使用Ew[gt],这实际上仅在索引Ew的0维度
        R = 1 - np.mean(Ew[gt == 1])
        P = TPw / (TPw + FPw + _EPS)

        # % Q = (1+Beta^2)*(R*P)./(eps+R+(Beta.*P));
        Q = (1 + self.beta) * R * P / (R + self.beta * P + _EPS)

        return Q